CO !&C SilD IfKSiBV&nVU AST( RIA. OREGON: . C. IRELA!F1 a Emtor. 1'UESDAY Arm i, -JH. is7!l John Sheridan Policed. If John Sheridan had been the possessor of i fiddle, a corn-cob pipe, or a sack of quartz specimens, he was, perhaps, among those who pre ferred saving his own collaterals to that of aiding helpless women or children, at the rescue of passen gers from the ill-fated steamship Great Republic on the 19 th. It is a waste of words to reply to his playful dis course in yesterday's Oregonian, one sentence of which reads as follews: "AS regards all other dispatches si ting forth the liberality of the citizens of Astoria in th rowing open hotels, resi dences, etc.. it is a wicked lie, made to suit the whims of its citizens, the ma jority of whom live upon fishing, ship wrecks and plunder, as as an occupa tion." For the benefit of the Oregonian Ave may say that Mr. "John Sheridan, steerage passenger," is a base ingrate, and his words a malicious slander of "a majority" of the citizen. of Astoria. "We will n'ot pretend to defend a mass of vandals here, who came to Oregon also, perhaps, in the steerage of a ship, flat broke. TYomcn Wauled Westward. Commenting upon a correspondence from Walla Walla, published in Tun Astorian recenty, the Boston Post says: " Emigration is not only a civilizing means, but a means of ex tending civilization. Fifteen thous and women from Massachusetts, or a hundred thousand from New England would do much for the elevation of so ciety and the security of good morals, in the states where the balance is largely with the men. If the Home Missionary society should send them west, where they could allget married, it would do more for christian culture than in any other way; and if the tract society would devote its funds to putting them in western homes it would do better than sending printed traces there. If we had a hundred daughters under our control' we would land them all west of the Mississippi within one year." The New York Sun says that "marriage statistics for Massachusetts for 18 7 reveal a state of society which is far from normal. There are too few marriages in proportion to popu lation, and the consequence is seen in the widespread immorality for which the home of the Puritans is getting so unenviable a reputation." This is the first we have heard that the reputa tion of Massachusetts was bad. Noth ing, however, is perfect, but we thought Massachusetts w;is as near that as possible; but our views appear to have been incorrect, and, now that women have ranged so far ahead of the men in numbers, we can conceive of no avowedly civilized means to overcome the disparity, unless it is by the basis proposed in the Post. The Walla Walla Union says: It is understood that Dr. D. S. Baker now only owns one-seventh of the stock of the Walla Walla and Columbia river railroad company, the rest be ing the property of Messrs. Ainsworth, Ladd, Tilton, and their associates, who at the tost meeting unanimously ten dered Dr. Baker the presidency of the company and the management of its operations and extensions. Tendered as the presidency was by gentlemen who have had great experience in the construction and operation of means of transportation, it may be justly considered a high tribute to one who has devoted more time and money to providing a way to market for the surplus produce of this valley than all the rest of us. The Walla Walla Statesman, re ferring to a melee in which an editor took part, expresses our sentiments exactly in the following verse: A soft answer turneth away wrath, and editors ought to be first to carry ont the principles inculcated in that proverb. If there is anything we dis like it is fighting, and would rather ' apologize any time than do such things when we are in the wrong. We be lieve all other editors have the same feeling. The only difficulty is to make them believe they ever arc wrong. RcceiPt to CureScab in Sheep. vrniTTKX rou thkamorus. One pound of mercury or quicksil ver, half ouuee verns turpentine, two ounces spirits turpentine: work well together for six hours. Take four and a half pounds hogs lard, heat to tem perature of new milk warm, add to tirat composition and stir till cold. If yu wish a greater quantity add in proportion. It may be applied at any time the scab is discovered. The best time is when the sheep are sheared. Apply with a rag and rub it on all parts where the scab appears. My experience for three years convinces me that it is buth a cure ajid preven tive. It kills the germ left on tho fence or log from the rubbing of the sheep, and saves tho trouble and ex pense of the sheep dip every year. w. H. G. Books and stationer' of every variety, the best, at Adler's. IfiOKX. In Astoria. April 2fitli, to the wife J. Fred. Feichen, a daughter. DIED. At Fort Canhy, W. T. April 20th, 1879 James Fitz James, aged r0 years. All old Nevadaians will learn of his demise with deep regret, as he was a gentleman of noble and generous prin ciples and a fast friend. May he rest in peace. Thus one by one the old forty niners pasavav Ur that undiscovered Land of the leaf where I hope we all may meet again. c. ir. n. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Having just received a new stock, consisting of a splendid assortment of Ilsif.s, Caps, Boots nud Shoes. Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. also : Watches, Jewelry ami Cutlery, Besides a choice lot of TOBACCO. CIGARS AXI PIPES Wines and Liquors, Stationery and Fancy Articles, Which wo are offerinsc at the lowest living prices. Verv respectfully. JAMES McftEE. At McGee's new building on the roadway. NOTICE. Mv wife Elizabeth having left my bed and board, without cause or provocation, all persons are hereby notified that 1 will not be responsible for any debts of her contracting after this date. J. W. FRY. April 28, 1S79. dlt-w3t-18 XIOR SALE CHEAP. To close consignments 20 Tons Salt, in lots to Suit. E. C. IIOLDEX. Auctioneer. JUST RECEIVED. New Goods for the Season OF 1H71). A FULL LINE OF Oil Skins, Eubber Boots, And everything needed for the FISmX TRADE. A 1.SO : A Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of A FULL PI nTUIUO J?OK MEN LINE OF ULU I nlnU AND BOYS. Gents Furnishing Goods; lso : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also -. TFatcIic, Jewelry, Marine and Opera ;, etc.; Besides a ehoiee lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, "Wholesale and Itetuil. Call and see. MAIN ST.. - - - ASTORIA, OGtf. GEORGE MACLExVN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing of Blacksmith dei. Satisfact and all kinds ing done toor- ion t.varantced ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. Tp S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and machinists. CapU ROGERS' OLP STAND Near Express Office, ASTORIA. - OREGON. All work in our line, heavv or lfeht, dono with neatness and dispatch. Horseshoeing, Wag on and Farm WORK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECURED THE SEU VICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky.. an experienced Farrier of 25 years in the business, and well knovn to Astoria horsemen, we are prepared to do shoeing m u manner to cure lameness or pre vent it in hor.os entrusted to our caro. rt5AH work warranted and at reasonable rates. Arndt & Ferchen. miiE BEST ssn. BLACKSMITH M AND Machine Shop In the city. All kinds of 7T 35 rfyfe Engine, Cannery and Stenmbat Work promptly attended to. ailSCELLANEOUS E. S. Larsen,:BLAiaB ASTORIA, OREGON, TILLAMOOK BAY. Jobber and Dealer in FIRST CLASS Groceries, Crockery, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY Key West Havana Bomestis Oigsrs, All the Leading Brands of TOBACCOS. California- and Oregon Fruits f : VegsisMes Foreign and Domestic Winm sfltf Liquors EJgKI make Veg etables one of my Specialties ! -Igisgj 53rCannery and Mess House men supplied and will profit by sending orders direct to me. Having the only complete and first-class stock of goods in As toria, and not surpassed by any north of San" Francisco. We also have pleasure in saying, that with our facilities of buying goods, we CATS' NOT nor AYILL NOT be undersold, taking the quality of goods into consideration. S3TA11 goods guaranteed as represented, and delivered free gratis, for nothing, to any pur chaser in the city that will come, order, and pa for the same. & Ji LAESEN, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON PURE CLDER 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in io, 25 and 45 Gallon Packages. For sale by E, 3, IE .k " S B: 2Su Another consignment jnst received. to be PURE CIDER VTYEGAR. E. S. LARSEX, Cor, Squcmocqhe and Cass streets, Astoriav Ladies Attention. ! 1874 SPRING- HAS The best selected stock ever before carried in tins citv. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AKD SHOES, HATS, GAPS. CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, CARPETS, MATTINGS, . A FULL LINE IN EACH DEPARTMENT. We call especial ntttcuticn to our extra large invoice of PRICES WAY DOWN. WE SELL ONLY FOR CAIlI, NO CREDIT. NO HMJSE SHALL UNDERSELL 3IE. IB- 33Z jQk. IMC 3S XT 3EL CS- IE2 jEL , MAIN STREET -. ASTORIA, OKEGOIf- Solc Agent Tor the Xow American sSewinjsr lladiine. GREAT SACRIFICE OF &OODS! -A. T THE C3r "3EL IE -3? p Cohen & cooper LARGE MM OF MNEN OBEBBMB Latest styles. Sold at prices lower than tlia- material can he bought for. ALSO 1 A LARGE I.IXJE OF CLOTH AXD BEAVEK (A. SPECIALTY.V Black Cloth Cloaks - $4 50 5 GO 6 00 l2uk FlmsB Lis&d Mbbybf Dolmans, SOMETHING NEW. $14 00. Special attention Full sisirts for $7 00 and iipwanTs. Thc public 'vvill do well to give ns a trial liefbre. gofupr elsewhere, for w DEFY GOSKlPEXSXXQlsr. COHEN & COOPER. BUSINESS CARDS. D K. I. M. SSYERN. PHYSICIAN AX SWlflEOS. LARSEN'S BUILDIKG, - ASTORIA, OREGON. OIBcc Honr. FromO to 12 A. ai., and from 3 to 8 r. s. B. 1. DEN"JSON. T. J. TAYLOR DENNISON & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ASTORIA. OKEOOX. Office Up stairs in Parker's building, corner Chenamns and .Benton streots. C. W. FULTON, ATTORNEY AT LA"V. Office. Papes new building, Sqnemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. D It. J. Vt. OLIVKK, IIOJLEOPATHIST. Office. In Slmster's Dagnerrean build ing. Entrance Second door above that of tho Daily Astoriax. Cass street. Kesidcnee on Jefferson street, corner of Main. D OCTOR HATCH. Successfully treats all Chronic Diseases. AND DISEASES OF "WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured by a new and painless method. Oflice Chenamus street, comer of Main street, Astoria. D K. J. O'BRIEN. CUKES BILLION'S AND INTERMITTENT FEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Also, l'rivate diseases successfully treated. Office O'Brien's hotel, Astoria. Oregon. OTTO IIFNEK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. 31 AS REMOVED TO Main street, Tarkcr's building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. Tpi. JBKCK, MariKfacturer of eg" Soots and Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly and promptly auenncu 10 MAIN ST., - ASTORIA. OREGON. TTVOX ItOSS, HOUSE AMD SIGN PAINTER. Shop on Cass street, Astoria. Oregon. csr Paper hanging and Kalsomiming a special tv. ww-Alt work, guaranteed to give satisfac tion. GUXS, IiOCKS, AXJT SEWIXC 3IACHIXES KEPAIBKU. KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED, SAWS FILED, ETC.. TY F. W. TASS. Main street, next door to Geo. Ross. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS - -Proprietor Astoria, Oregon. No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thnrning your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. 5g"Neat "vsork at reasonable prices. Give us a calL. ' SEASON! 1879, OPENED AT Black Stoth Cloaks - $7 50 9 00 TO 00 it is calSed to onr AUCTION SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon JCcal Estate Ageat aatl eYeyxxcer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY cf San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Rents atad Accaants Collected aad re turns prompily made. Regular sales day, SATURDAYS at g P. M. N. B. Fartics having real estare. lurnl tureornny other-goods to dispose of either at aucthm or private sale should notify me soon as convenient before the dav of sal?. Nostonvre charged on goods .sole at Auvs thm. t. C.IIOLbJ. td Anttioneer. JIlSCELLATCEOrS. WILLIAM EDGAR, Comer Main and Chenamus Street?, ASTOKIa 0KEGG5. DKALKX IX CIGARS AND T0BAC? AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LX and other English Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Gemine Meershanm Pipes, etc A fine stock of Watch c and .Jewelry. Ulnzxle xuti Breech Jiending: .Nhot Guns. KcvolTier. JPistolH. Parlor Kiflew and ABimimition. f T. JREII, CALEDONIA SALOON. Comer of Front and A streets. PORTLAND - - - OKEGOSX iy5"Jate bntchcr in he Central Marhct. Astoria Liquor Store. AUG. DANIELSON. Proprietor. Water st. Iload way, - Astoria. OiiKCort. Importer and dealer in WINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGAKS-. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY G EKMAN1A BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEEP, DEPOT Cuxxauus Strkkt. Astokia. Tho public aro invited to cnii and Iost- their orders. Splendid Lagox 5 conts a gha. Free Lunch every night. WJM. BOCK & Co.. Proprietors. D ATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and SULPHUR Bath Occident Hotel Shaving Saleoa. NlEDSRAUKR & UhLEXHAKT, Propriictors. Special attention given to ladies-' an children.'? hair cutting. " " t .Private Entrance for Ladles. VfeA-rHsr &- -i jijfllSo-,