p. CO t-JtM-nLV-mmmm .. .i.-t .., 'itJ'j".HWi . w .; ;j' n . .-- li- mm ,WIHJL,'wriHt- 1 L'.'V ,.V.-.IWL. Aft . .T V"" r. TffTm -a xfefA JIMIwV 4'M' r? n Vol. vin. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 27, 1879. 2To. 99. iU.UTEJ2?3S 'r.r -Jti: 3XBE fid 1 51 ""' tw"l Im jrTl k? 31 11 bjp - -!ZlrJWA J-lfr Odd Fellowship. Following is the oration delivered i by Rev, .7. T. Wolfe, at Metropolitan j Stall in this city yesterday; llreikcr Odd FdUm, ViV and G'tUlemeH: j eidebrate the (nth uuiiivt t 1 V' I ft T.-i IJ1HI M lJI, IIIII IIIIIm -w sarv of the iji-' traduction (,f Odd Fellowship on this i...,.,.m.!m....M;,mnrknc..i.Wnri Odd Fellowship if we cannot Ik- of one ! "ginning, with hut few members has head and oxc mind, we can at least i gowned itslf with unfading laurels by vootiy examine its claims to public con- j p'"1 works gathered strength and niiil iidettec'ind Hor tiplied, nntil now. no adequate csii m ale The moiives c maocU'd with the occa-l "J" !): ,1Mal( ?f .'.ls ""'""fT on the -eo-sinnlliat has brought us here and thejJ' (l mstiiiilioiis of this great and tunaniinil v of the fiiemilv feeling which JJ'wi'His countrv i.rvtt.ii' ffitwinniiiiv i". Yfi.ri.nfcp mA R has no nrtrblc altar, no wreathed .f.u.i ...'..-.... f .!... ,- .....n.I. .... .-'Kiniw . ! irillll l"1 III lilt iim- . Hill -eanieslsto us of a patient hearin- and ' ;f Hffo(' l'l ,m,,,t "P it- shrine : H'ltndkl JMd'rient th.e widow and the uphan are Us iivinu ' nii P..nnu-!iMinii tiiiennni.iioi we iH'Htmneuls. and gratitude poura out nivillllA Kl 11(11 (Mil Baltimore April : it:u " in thai ear two worth v brothers of t,"1H-ial principle Odd I'dlowshipdc the oitler 'by chance met "in that oil v. ! ,VaMi,,s ' lr?-ln-t' ot lK-nevolence nnd Thev were foreigners b birlii, and had I i;llJ ! rder to impress t!u:e. left iheir native land to seek an asvlum tllUVs "!! the mind, and furnish m in tills eonntrv " I ceutives to action in those moments of ii. would appear that thev were nnti ?xatioii to wh"'li all " are subject, stmnaers to each other in tfe.-ir mother i l,ls sHl"ted solemn ceremonies, or counUv, or. If thev were, thev at once '""-d frequent ineetin, a.ml rormea a reco-n'i'.'d one another :is ha"in,' been Itttius5 of .sisrns -all desiirned to pro-co-workers in the -reat cause of i,. !": lbil of iK-nevolenc and by edu- iiniiiitv in liie land of their birth: and. I its they were often together their con versation was naturalh directed to the subject of the order. They had known and enjoyed its kindly principles at homeland it was with 'deep and bitter riirel tlrtt an institution so kindly in its principles, and so congenial to'the government and country they had adopted, had not fonnd its wTay across tli- ocean. Many were the schemes they devised t i.iinrl'l 5,i Mrli.it ii ilti ?w.r- i ft.lI liill i.r io i lhiji mil' .iMiiiui i v.i. vvti a i i..,r " i i". I IV- O.JU "M'IIU i t H 1 lion of the United estates, assembhid at i the call of their brethren, and made I ihtMimelves known Odd Fellowship " I a ifi.A.rh ti...ir ,vnrn cr.,nffarc f ,. oner-in hogttwlcem .f the term, yet sisOdd Pellowsahev were brothers, and regarded and es toemd each other as old and long-tried .friends, because they knew the most im plicit confidence could be reposed in one another, and that it mattered not what language they spoke, or what country or clime gave them birth; they met as friends, and were bound together in the rri.i- .if iVimwldi 1 1. wril" u.""i'. Ao motive but the present brotherly love li:wl enlled them iiir,.nier- iuithiiir ' imf ii... imi- o,ir;tfi.m,,.v,,i,.r... ..,i m : desire to advance and improve, the con- I litinn .if iii-iii ii.f iiitil 1 Iw.in tf lcciini- I bleon that occasien: noniotivesot gain, I lows, if any. could be found on the west- --s "' v?" -s "" . i. wim-ii tens ern continent. them that thev are the ciiihuik f one ' After manv vain and fruitier eflorts. t,011 Fatlier-hrethreu of one lamily r.hev aerideutlv hit uj.on the plan of, -f "'W travelers throu-li the same dark -ivln-public notice tliiou-h the news-' wor,l 1rs,,l alike needui-the sympa-paiH-rsofthcdav. carina 7i meetin- of . 3" support of their fellow'-men; iuihofthe.orde'ras should have come that the: are bound, as stewards oi lo.l, to this countrv from the Old World, and "-wisely the things which have been jfouifm.ifjiitriii.. liiHfuwi ..!,... -,f,lli.f.!Conniiitted tothem in irtisi, for the ad- The louse looked for dav and hour at! . ll' " '; '" meansoi inc society leimthKrriwil,aiici wiUit'remblini; ami;d? iHjtenableil to relieve aU the wants anxious heart- tkey assembled at the of men. buttheydo enable ittonuti plaee of meetinjx; and behold ! Virec he- 8 !! 1,u, f wriiiRS or many. iwio ii.t.lit'..u . f Hi.. i.,.ct ,.m.i.i.i.l i li' relief is, in the hrst place, iutly r-AJL-0 VI IV lll1 tV .1 ' k.j Wl JAj These five humble individuals ,PtJi" as ii possess iiieauiiiij. riotasslran-erstoeach other in a dis- T,1p i'u.niry coiitrilmtions of the taut land, but as brothers, whose hearts ! f'nliers, which consist in small wcek- u.i .wnio w.ir.1 t.?f.i ; ... ii.in.ic lysuins, constitute a fund for the excltt- no allurements to wealth or power, no i l lllo,lt ll! u,e un nnc high-sounding titles of (listinction, I From this very general view, we may brought them together; they were men j pass to a consideration of some of the without any particular influence; with .specific benefits of the institution se no pecuniary means, except such as was ' cured to each and every member by the necessary for theii comfort and tempo-' stipulations of convenant agreement : ral happiness of life. They, however,! It a member or the order is unable to .firmly resolved to surmount all obsta- attend to his ordinary advocation, from des. aud. if possible, to plant the seed sickness or providental disability, he is of Odd Fellowship in the soil of free-! paid every week, during the continu dom; firmly believing that if properly anee of such (Usability, such benefits as nourished and watered, it would speed f- may be fixed by law, from the funds of ly take deep root, and that its branches the Lodge, would extend far and wide, until the in- lie is visited by the officer.-, and mem habitants of the. whole western conti- ' hers of his Ldge, and proper attendants nent could repose under its shade, and . furnished to watch by Ids sick bed and receive nourisiinient from its fruits. i attend to his wants. They accordingly applied to Fngland J In case of death, he is decently buried and after much anxiety and delay pn - at the expense, of the Order: his remains cured a charter, and' this lodge, they j are followed to 4,the house appointed for called "Washington Lodge."' all living"aiid the dust is smoothed on They had no'so.mer obtained a char- his grave by the band oi sorrowing fer and organized the institution than . friendship. preiudice and superstition started up on j The duties of Odd Fellowship end not all sides, and proclaimed the most un- here. bhishinif slanders against secret soeie-l The chain of earthly fellowship mav tics, anil that this poor Lodge of Odd J Fellows was the very nucleus of all im-j iMoi-Mlitv and infidelity. And it no iloubt appeals marvelous that this .sin; all band of brothers had the courage and firmness of purpose to siwtiiiii tliiMii- ' selves under such trials and pcrsecu- night of desolate widowh-xnl it. watehes tlons. and with so great weight of public I with sympathie care, and comforts the ouinion pressing upon them. ! stricken hearted wither with assurance 'jBhtthese ierseitions were no doubl ' that her fuhe.rle.-s children will be pr intended for wise and ijood purposes; j IwU'd and educated. for no sooner had the slanders 01 uie day been circulated, than people were j led to inquire into the objects of the ; : orner, ami whoever learned its lriendly precept.s and benevolent iiurjmses, so- j lieited to become mem tiers in tne cause r humanity, and, if lound worthy, j when in health, easily spaiv twelve uul we.re n-ceived as brothers. These ier-ilars annually, and thus secure, such aid M'cutions. no doubt, liad a tendency land attention during sickness as could also to chasten their conduct, and to , In obtained bv no other pecuniary ex actuate! hem to walk uprightly before j pciisc. that, without the stricte-st moral conduct ; the world would draw tne linerence.aiUM with leason, that their purposes were I '..vii vsiIIum- than troed: and the cmse- (iuence was liiar "Washington LoiUe The merchant, the man of business soon had its scores of followers, and visiting San Kraucisco or ihe cities east ultimately become the centre from ol the Uockv mountains, may be laken which emanated the jnirest moral pri-uick, and who that has ever been sick, cents, cheerintf and dispensing their astraiuer in one of the large hotels, kimilV iniluences in every direction; knows not the neglect with whick per a'nd from this once feeble bund were soon I sons under such circumstances are established in the city of Baltimore a treated ? number of Lodges composed of a portion They ma have abundant means to of the most wealthy and most intelligent ! procure the attentimt of Uirclintfs, but inhabitants of that city. I hey can not purchase kindness and Nor did this glorious work of benevo- sympathy, le.nce and brotherly love confine itself to .The possession of an Odd Fellows jthvf "Alonumental citv," but boon its .card wuJl secure ai" this; for ite jnreseii- gracious infliwuce diffused to the. re nt )te-t limits of the continent, and to day there are llges established in every slate nd territory of oar republic, ami the adjacent Provinces. iiumlHriii? in the ag-iregate (LX7.S; with u membership of -J-ls.OR). During last year this vast army of J maiiinropisi.s c:jkmucu im uie icnei f !i .1 ; . .. . i ..1 i ii... lt-.r 1? "":"" 'mh.v luc m" "- J" I I t"I.ll F I 1. Thus. Odd Fellowship, weak in the it a free libation. Uniting ni'n under lh influence of M uieiimrai laemucs promote me I welllareof smdetv The princiides emblazoned upon the banners of ihe ord"r. and inserilk'd up-m is niters, are FrinuUhlp. Love and TruMi, it is the cmst tut and unvarying inc. ideation of the-e jirinciples that causes Odd Fellowship to be strictly practical. M is an as.-oci J.ion to pre serve, no striking and beau.iful tradi tions, to teach jio original truth to en uuc n'e no occilt invsteries. Its meni- In-rship receive with reverence the teach r i J IT I 11- 1 I l A ti l.llirijilitillir if ill. 1 i rftt t iktl I ir'irnl itiiui mi in oi mi- v in i ii L.v.i'11. ii . j i .11. . f.i... ?i .. iJ. is true uiai i tie means oi inesocieiv 1-.1 1 i a. . . .!.... 1 ' i - rT ' lKl l" H !lul ' lur. tn " ortlli aild thef fai,llJs5 but. U,J'-S? jlwimnds answered, relief is extended to others SiVl purpose oi reneviim tue sick, oury- Ins, the dead, cducaTiii' the orphans, aud wllS7? Society, differing from all others in the perfection of its organization, the uni versality of its extent, and the motives presented for action in hih and be nevolent teachings, wliicli lead from specific and enforced duties to the vol untary performance of the uoolcit deeds ofch;int. While, therefore, the Order in its organization and development, ls fii.,,i,.,i ...... ..t.i..i...i n,.;....;..!...- ;.,..!.. V""" ' 1"J"1,,1i-"f iii gives direction to the kit r.vn .and ad- iintleil truth, and enforce the duties it tejiches bv discipline. It h formed lor action , and he who wi,11 "t work is not permi itled to remain he broken, but some of its several liuks remain, in the person of the stricken t widow aud the helpless orphans. Odd rcllowship repair? to thee desolate home; refills the cruse of oil. ami re- 11 enisles 1.):e iMimtv liurrel. (Ivit 11i. rause lorone ni'isnent 10 examine mo stnmg arguineni furnished in favor of the Ord r by this view of its character, The 0.111 man in b-iness far lrom home, tnc man of family who earns his ore ui in ine sweat 01 111s mow, ran,; map an a:antajn m a iHcuniary point j oi view wuicn no mncr invesiriucut of the same yield. ainouni ot tunus could toi tatiou to the Lodge is an assurance of ! fraternal attention. ! These, we ina say, are the common duties of humanity, acknow ledged by J i ull ih.mi urn! iieedih" no SOeietV to en-' , ail men. ami iuiuiii y.aiui to in-, force them. e grunt tnnt uiey arc the iliUtcs ol common iiunmnuj, out, are j rejolcim; in the present, exclaim wilhador thcy performed V , hig gratitude: We nae no lciea vi uu amount, oi suffm.s en.li.ml by f to yirtaou ov-1 erty. w lieu the supplies procured by industry are cut off by sick- ness: when the strops man is in-ostndcd.and lies stik'kaii and heldfos. ! Kiiuwiusiliai lovcti ones 'arc in want; J whee. no lriendly fMitstep crosses the threshold 01 the obscure home to which he has lied to conceal from a heartless world tin, bitterness of his poverty. Oh: the agony of the "hot tears that blister his fevered check .as he nightly kisaes the parched lips aud looks upon the famine pinched iaces of his children, as theygosupiKMlcss to 11 nor bed of straw. Who can tell the anguish of his heart, when the wire ot his bosom bends over him witli her pale earnest face and as she wnes the icver-drops from his brow, with the sublime energy of women's endurance, whispers resignation, hope! Alas ! what has lie to hope for his loved ones, it Uod in his providence should call him away.' .Nothing! That wile will be a broKcn hearted widow, struggling siiiglehandcd against poverty, exposed to the 'instills, of a Heartless world; those children will be reared in ignorance in all probability possibly for a life of shame a death of disgrace. Lut how different would be the con dition of such a person, if in the davs of his health and st length, he had become 2. member of this noble Order! A competency would have smiled around his hearth stone; sympathising triends would have watched arouud his sick bed; and he would close his eyes in death with the sweet assurance that his family was left in care of brothers, whose constant duty it is to "protect the widow and edueatcthe orphan' The advantages of the Order are fur ther seen in the fact that it brings to gether men of the most discordant opinions, and unites them in the bonds ol brotherly love affording by its fre quent meetings social intercourse, tree troni the contaminating influence of vice. It promotes the morals of community, by restraining its members from all in temperance and other illegal practices, under penalty of expulsion anil the pub lication of their names in connection with the offense for which discipline is executed, throughout the limit of the Order. It is calculated to make men social and humane, by bringing them fre quently together to devise means and measures lei" the relief of their distressed fellow creatures; thus brealaug .down tItf,h:irrifr.,p.tif?rtflAhv2rr nii"lii!iiifv affd uniting men as citizens' oi"1uue country, Mihe world' members of one lamily, "the human race!" Such dear friends, is a brief view of Odd Fellowship as it is to-day. That there is opposition, is'known and expected; tor wliat that is lovely or of good report has ever escaped the .sneer and the scowl of the gloomy Pharisee, who while he tithes anise, mint, and cumin, neglects the weightier matter of the law, making it void through his traditions? Itutme principles of the order may be tried by tueir fruits ; and who can rise up aud sav ttiesc iruits are evil, or that (uaocuited act ion, by wiuc.il all tr.e achievements of tiie jige have been wrought is wrong? bike the "Mill small voice," when the wind, and tne lire, and the earthquake, had passed. Odd Fellowship, the noiseless spirit or benevo- leuceaud love. h:is tniiued his ehildieii to loliotv in the path of desolation aud ailliciiou, w luspcriog iKace, and binding in the golden bonus of Friendship, lve and Trum, the heaves leftstandiu ' in the fields over which Death aud bonow, Uie great rcapeis, hae. parsed. 1a)ok ovir the fields of its appropriate lab .r. for Uie evidence of these wors. hee you stricken widow, bowed down ami Se' yon orpnan, with no earthly parents ! to WiiU'h over him. no mother to caress and wipe away his burning teal's, no shelter for his defenceless head. l.ooiv ! an arm is cast arouud him. he is sheltered and cared for. his darkness isgone. m naiiu ami ins Heart are eunuaied. and dtie to uie hcartv attmituti to its ten co-oiieniuon of the ladies. lemple, tlirough the degree of Jtenccea 'l""'s degree, was instituted twenty-seven . ns.;KHpiuu 01 iiiuurjurNcuniuiuiice " ,"1 "m- .mu UV" ' l ikls pmved one of the beat and most desira ble uitprovi'iiienis. Thousands of ladies have aie.tly availed themselves of its privil e !ges, aud thousanus more aie ready iok- cMf litem. Their lovmg hearts and sympathetic natures the mo,t K:ent auxilary to tiw develop- nieutofihe principles to which the order is iIi'vulihI. ii ii i.r ih:n i I'liiiivviti. tin. dfVolcd. Ii ii tor tiit.:u to eulliv:iti the hiteih t, aud to sustain moral and religious iiiipr.-ssious upon the mind in the davs ofj lui.mry and emidhmid waic.Ji will endure UiriMignout life. It is a siters privilege to wahMi overayouiucrbrotiier, :iad grauually ivun nun hi uie jiiUHS 01 rei;u.iKie ;iiiu uui ; to enforce ujhjii the lender mind those very prill Mpli's Utught in the Louge by preeept eaiqm aiiuitlvyricmtAwii. tote umitrtuh None so competent as our sisters of tne Rebecca degree to exemplify the fan- da neiit.il precept ot the Order "love tny ncigubor ;s tuysli." In response to the iM'bests of uns noble impulse they cheerluily J leave ine ioers ol paissure to visit tue couch of the pained and suffering : to leave the company of tne jojous and g.-y to vi-.it. I!ipm1ki.Ii i1 luivorv ;iii.I U.i . 1 l!ivr t!i.. I ?wiai or domestk circle of ieae and com fort to watcn titrougli the weary night hou.-s : to wip- tlie wamy ticath sweat fr.m the brow, or prc vith balmy hand ihe iHHimlin: nnl. lo five thn hr.tiui.r i Cflfl'lktCt 111 llii i.s.m.s -r ll.m lln.il-t !l iiii.i...li...! ( nVii ii.,..:. ; .. XT J ..,...;,.,. V . V . . I mmlaie anv with hoatd 4tiul lodging. i-.s, X, T, .r CII:U,E;, ' , r imv. ?SC;1" V1? Prices rcxsauable. In In-alls' building, com, around her a hand or love has wiped i TPiTrsnu street onnosite Wells F-iri vdFs arm : tnat hand an u.!d Fellow's. i j-.i t 01111.1,. s i";' .r.rf "Vi .V r . . ","1,ovc " JL announce that the above hotel has been 1. esp.ntol Oad l-ellowsmp liav.bee.u there. J n-pamted aud refurnished, addim; great I v to It must be conceded tuat the present . tm. t.omforL f itsguesls and is now the best itmi.i-..ii, w 111 1101 kui v : l.fiif.l irtli r !. lriiiiMi-i inedieine, or spealc cahmiesa tn uie'Ilo00' dtdtriot-s thoiights ; to pour oil in Ihe Kicker- big lamp of life, to close the fading eye as ihe kim p.ayer bears on its wings in departing sjMrit inio tlie presence of ns GotL With such teachings written in uur temjile, leading to corresponding practices withou:, the order wall witusL-md all the shocks of op posiiion.and thecliarcs of pbiiaopluluu,and prow tinner and stronger in Its moral power, nntil "the wreck of matter ami the crash of worms change our theatre of action to one ulJf m,r ,r.!P reward.". ,'T" ei us. wan uivme niessi vlialhvsnu i strmttrti. tn tii.w m ssmg.give new blessed instill- m.-ntaliths. and while survevinsr the nastand M&S3iZ2riKy'ESrt Join to-d.iv in gl:ul thauks-iving To the Inliniie above. "Brothers of the fiolden Triad 0l, l ,'"J wui Tlnuik Him for his blessings showere I ouronieroi renown; hicDu our faithful efforts crown. Lo ! the sound of strifes dark minions. Fainter srows. aud S4mmi shall cease. Ami the Brotherhood's sweet choruses Heralds in the day of ieaee ! Then press on! (), brave defenders ol faith, goodness, truth ai A love, Till Odd i'cliov.ship shall baii'h sorro.v wrong, aud "Am? from earth ! Thus ujHm our glorious Order's Bright and joyful natal dav. Let our vows :dl be recorded. That we Ml ever hold our way Through the world of want mid weeping. Trusting t hat our motives pure Soon will win praise universal. And our tenets ere endure." On behalf of the committee we ten der thanks to the ladies, particularly to Miss Holden, Mrs. Schuiuer and Miss Daisy Case, for the part taken by them tn make the occasion a suc cess. The committee desire also to tender thanks to Urothers I. V. Case aud G. Reed fi .particular favors jduly appreciated by the fraternity present on this occasion. At Powbar, in Austria, the pe troleum "well lately discovered now yields 2,000 gallons daily. A public subscription is to be ooened in Paris for the nurnose of erecting a statue to Jioniuger. v iccor nugo is tue president ot the committee formetUbr the pur pose. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. DARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA. OREGON, II. B. FAltKER. - Proprietor. THIS HOTEL Is the lasgeKt. most comfort able and best Kejit hotel in the city. Is supplied -with the bt-st-of sprint' water, hot and cold baths, barbershop, and atirst-chiss saloon wLthoeat of liquors and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from t.AV. 1 . . j- - Z. . . - pne'noiiseTniatoCsrcasonaweri'WiO'&as per uay, aecorunig to room oecupiea. QK KECOS HOUSE. 2Hain street, near Hustler's Wharf. ASTORIA, - OBEGOX.' Mies. Mauy Camphkll, Proprietor. Board and lodiring lv dav or week. JYKT4 510LSK, "" CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. P. XOItTO, - - - - Proprietor.! (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) o j mills HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF BRICK. JL hist limshed an" newly f the best of .spring bcdF. Tickms Per week Frem: Pf lurmsiied, with to SO for board J and lodging. Per day si J3 cents. Uulgitrg 2." to ."0 iJSFree coach to and In On. Single imals cents. oni the House. . j Driuntp i fc lw "'' Boarding House. MRS.QUINN - - PROPRIETOR. o Will accommodate dav boarders or accoin- A., I Mtx:i.KK. o. s. wiciuiir. I oct"ifli:.vr iiotki,. MEGLER & W1UUUT. Proprietors. Axtoria, Orecjun. milE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO rinuRri' house, i Jt D. 1 TURPI N - Pkoii:ictor MAIN STREET. Between Srpiemocqhe and Jefferson, ASTOKIA. OKKUOX. Board ami lodging per week... 5 oo Jj,i,. i?,..,i r. l' mm v"7""""""""-.""-"" -'. rue t:be will be supplied at all tunes with ! the best the market anoids. 1 Board jht day. i GO - W'AI'"- IVASjIiA KESTAUEANT, BROEMSEIt. - - PitorniETOit. i xiIEO Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies of "the season, served m. j ev,'r3" style. ?LL'aieJti Opposite the Telegraph ofl'ee, hiiemoqlie stvle, street, Astoria. Oiegon. i-MBALS AT AM. TlOFRS-n. GEORtxK MACLEAN, BLACK KM I Til Water troct boauway. Near Hume's Pannnry. Astoria, Oropon. rz: and all kind; nib , . , . . . MacKsmitu i f5 hiB done tuor- dot. Satbfact ALL5IIIP AND ENGINE tt.ORK A -SPECIALTY.. MISCELLANEOUS. ECLIPSE MARKET. "IVcst-Eishth Street, near the O. . :V. Co's IVlinrf. JOHN W. ELCIf I'kopribtob A ttEXERAI, ASSORTMENT OF FAIUI jC3l ly Oroceries. and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style .at the market, or delivered to anv J part or the city. Orders given to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. i .My endeavor will be. bv prompt attention ;iuu iair iteming, to piensc my patrons. C"".11 kinds of country produce taken ia exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons free. sl("ive me a call. Is All Tills Blowii AM 1 I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM TIIE EAST AND WILL SELL MY GOODS AS OJdLJbJ.A.:F AS ANY HOUSE IN TIIE CITY And am not going to say anything about It A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqbe sts., ASTOltIA, - OREGON. It IS 110 Use Of TtllkiH2T, 7 J. K. WIirT'3 is the cheapest place to bay FRUITS 41 R VECIETAIJIiES. As he has direct from San Francisco by every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as is in the market. Apples. Pea. Celery. Canlifower. Asparagus, Parsnips, Beets, Car rots, Potatoes. Oranjrcs, And from Clatsop every day EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of CIGABS, TOBACCOS, AND UQUOJJE. Call and-cxam1e before purchasing els where. J K WIRT . ' I ' . - tf mfvrm a' cwiircA ualiiy OATS AMD POTATOES FOR SEED ! At J. II. D. GRAY'S, Astoria, Oregon. Washington Market, Malr Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN C BEIWY TESP2CTTOL-LY CALL THE ATTEN IX t:on ef the pulilic to tbo fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FUXL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I 'h will bo sold at. lotrcstiratas. whoIcnfl and retail. Spceml uttcntion p'iven to suppi ns sliii. D. K. Wakkkn. C. A. MrGuiuu Astori-a Market ! ornerof Clienamns and Cass streets. ASTORIA. OREGON. BARREN & McGUIRE, Propnoror (Successors to Ilobxon it M'arrcr Wbolc-alo and Retail Dealers in all Kti.Oi. v ' erol, Mi r..I R-li A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ICTC. ' I.iutor, bgs?. Cheese, etc. constantly ji hand. vt Slui ?uip'ied.at the lowest rates. J. STRAUSS, Importer and "Wholesale Dealer In Twrinn i-,Tn TinTT.-no W'LES AND L10U0ES. - -u xjau-jit CONSISTING OF A A A OLD VALLEY WHISKY, CUTTER WHISKY, OLD KFNTUCKY B0U:RIX)r, M ARTEL RRAXDY. II IvSNESIE BRANDY, .GRAPE BRANDY, TiOLLAND GIN AND RUM", ' AGKLICA, PORT, SHERRY AN -CLARET WINES, irORT'ER, ALE, AND ST. LOUIS ! BOTTLE BEET. Tlicse oois will only be sold at -wholesale, jmd at lowest figures. Come and sample them before purchasing 'elsewhere. J. STRAUSS, ASTOIUA, - - - - OhEGO Jj !