The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 22, 1879, Image 3

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    "4 JM" t'-"
A-r of
jjePjfj vjiiyp
gli.e gixilxj J5lwimx,
Monday Excepted).
A.sturwti JivUflhisj, Casr. Street.
Tortus of Subscription :
Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cont$
Sont by mail, four months . 5S W)
Sunt hy mail, tne year. - D 00
Free of Pociaco to Subscribers.
bob-Advrti-oments inserted bv the year at
the rare of $1 .T per nuarc per month.
Tr:inient advertising, by tho day
or wook.
fifty cent" iter square for each insertion.
The Daily a stow an will he xmt hy
mail at 7" cent a month, frccof potaac. Ttcaa
rra who mntctnnlatr absence (row the n can
have The Astokian follow them. Daily
or Weekly aUtwnx to any post-office with
xtul aiitlUional 'jrpciisc. Adarc&cs man he
enanuw: ax often as aeircd. Leave orders at
the cauntina room.
Funeral Notice.
The remains of Frank Melroy. one of
the unfortuate men who lost their lives
at the wreck on JSundav last, will be
buried from Mr. Franklins undertakers
rooms, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev.
.Mr. Wolfe will officiate. We under
stand that deceased was an unmarried
man, but whether he has relatives on
this coast or not we are unable to sav.
Ex.iraa;r:iii( Morlex.
TVc have listened to so many scanda
lous stories, started by persons who
were on board the ill-fated steamship
Great Republic and b v. some who were
not; that we have almost com? to the
conclusion that man's normal condition
is that of a nnst outrageous liar. For
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, re id the accounts of the
disaster which we
Anniversary Fotitnl.
Beaver Lodge Xo. :". I. O. O. F.. have de
cided to celebrate the fioth Anmversarv
of the introduction of Odd Fellowship iii
America by a M) Partv to be t;iven at
Parker's hall on Friday Evening, April 25.
187!). Odd Fellows in good standing, and
members of the Lodge, are generally in
vited and need not expect special infla
tions.. Special invitations will be issued to
friends of the order only by the committee.
jfeSTTickets of admission will be One Dollar.
Chairman of the Committee.
Astoria .Shippers Losses.
The Republic had on board about
three hundred tons of merchandise,, tin,
etc., for Astoria business men, but in
consequence of the condition of the
officers, who were worn out and needed
rest, and time to write letters to go be
low by the Ancon, we did not press the
inquiry as to whom or in what amounts
the list-extended. Nearly all the mer
chants of this city were interested in the
cargo. It was reported that Messrs.
Cohen & Cooper of the ixl had their
entire stock, for the opening of their
store, on board, but Mr. Cooper in
forms us that this was an error. They
will not probably lose mote than S1.000.
Most of their stock arrived by the An
con. As soon as we can do so we will
furnish the list complete.
Major Stewart has returned to Fort
Canby from his Couer d'Alene expedi1
The Shubrick resumes duty in the
buoy service on the lower bay and bar
The Belle of Oregon has beaten the
fleet of wooden ships in the race to
Europe from Astoria, arriving out in 125
Mr. Orcutt's engine for the Knapp
ton packet was on board of the Repub
lic. The boiler, etc, is on the Melanc
thon. Boat sponges, wholesale and retail
t Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand just received.
One can hear more yarns afloat
siboiu the disaster to the Republic than
would weave the web of a million yards
of whole cloth fabrications.
The pirates made such wanton des
truction by their vadalism on Sand
Island that nobody will be allowed on
the Island now without a pass. A party
of the most respectable of Astoria
uitzens were refused permission to land
Councilman Runey is confined to
nis room by a severe attack of rheuma
tism. Peter has, so it seems to us, suf
fered quite enough for his sins; with
sickness, hu -suits, etc He must have
been a very bud man, when a boy. To
suffei so much.
A farmer immigrant with nine child
ren who has lost alL his earthly posses
sions by the Republic, made 'his tem
porary home with Mr. Peter Wilhelm.
Two of his horses were "returned to him
yesterday, and it is said the scene was
affecting when the family and the dumb
brutes met on the streets of Astoria.
A private letter fromMr. II. II. Jack
son contains the following encouraging
tiara.maph: "I am up to my eyes in
business with a very encouraging pros
pect for the future. Money is very
scarce and rain plenty this spring. The
prospects for an enormous crop of fruit,
wheat, etc., was never better. You bet
ter come up and take that ranch."
Mr. and Mrs. Meiggs and daughter,
-of San Fmncisco, arc stopping with
Capt. Gilnian. They are of the ship
wrecked partv. Mr. Mastic, Mr. Coin
stock and MrGould are at the Occident.
We understand that Mr. Gould came up
to open a brancn house of Parrott & Co
at Astoria. Mr. Cunstoek is on a pleas
ure trip, Mr. Mastic was en route to
Pugctrsound. They vere all ship
wrecked, but stan$ i he f urj lik'j heroes.
On lite Wins.
Capt. Roes Williams passed Ojrden on
the 12th, on his fl visit to Europe.
He says his waking hours are devoted
to answerim: miouions innumerable
about Oregon. Thinks we do not fully
realize i ne maimom an
own beautiful and fertil
we come to see the
surroundiii" people in other regions
populatinir the barren lands of Califor- J
nia, Nevada, Utah, etc., as one travels j
Kcrovereil IIa::ga:;c.
W. Hawkins picked up a trunk on i
Ithe weather heaeh vesterdav. The
trunk was marked by a bras check "G.
?' '" lr'0'" .,ml,u'- lf, ,,K'n wi,l .oe
honest, and wish to restore pioperry.
send descriptions to us, for publication
tree of charge. If they wish to reach
the penitentiary eventually let them act
like thieves, and keep the goods they J
pick up. imagining (it will be but imagi- j
nation, mark that), that noixxiy on cairn
will know nn thing about it.
Hawkins is an honorable man.
Capt. Carroll's Statement.
There were nresent in the office of
('apt. Charles Thorn,on board the Cali-i
iornia, when t apt. Carroll made the
statement which we this morn
ing, four veteran commanders besides
himself. Capt Ceo. Flavel, who is the
oldest living steamship commander on
the J'aeihe coast; rant thorn, f the
.steamship California; Capt. Dcbney of
the Ancen: rani. Km tz of IhcShubiick:
Purser .John Peck of the Republic: also
Mr. Harry Comstock of S-in Francisco,
Mr. Gould, of Parrot t & Co., Mr. Mid-
dleton of the Oregonian. and the Editor
or 1 hkAstokiax. Capt.Carroll showed
evident signs of great fatigue, but he
returned to the scene of disaster yester
day, and is doing all that can be done to
save what it is possible to save.
Life Savin? Stations.
Where there is no water, no ships to
go down in the sea, there is certainly no
need for any life saving stations such as
we have at Fort Canby. and where
there is not a crew to man the station
it is perhaps as useless to have the
station, near the sea. e do not pro
pose to get off any growls at anybody,
out having read so miny high-so'unded
praises of the efficiency o"f the life sav
ing station in expensiwly printed re
ports of subordinates to the heads of de
partment at Washington .we had come
to the conclusion that a life .saving sta
tion was a big thing. It may be, to look
at; but the station at Fort Canby is use
less, and might as well be abolished at
once, uniesn it can be brought to a great
er state of perfection than it is now.
Being little better than a farce.
Providing for the Needy.
The loss of the steamship Great Re
public suddenly placed in Astoria a
very large number of people who were
unable to provide themselves with sleep
ing comforts, but the citizens of Astoria
never vet f.ii led to respond liberally m
cases of this kiiid,eonsequenly that whole
mass of shipwrecked men, 'women and
children were safely housed before one
o'clock in the morning. In company
with two citizens of the place we took a
walk through the city at three o'clock in
the morning, and besides those faithful
guardians of night, the police, not a
soul was to be seen on the streets: every 1
saloon in the city was closed, and order i
reigned supreme, to our great astonish-1
meiiL The same thing was noted Sun-!
day night. The Episcopal church, lodge, j
rooms. Chamber of Commerce rooms,
etc., were all thrown open for sleeping j
accommodations, besides which private
uimuies. iuok us many as possioie to ineir -mi, iveepiug opium uen ; couunu
homes. ed until to-dav at 2 o'clock a. m.
Another Steamer Ready.
We are informed in a manner deserv
ing of belief (by authority supporting
belief), in the statement, that Mr. Corn
wall has come to conclusion that the
Oregon trade is too valuable for him to !
up lus contest for a portion of it,
that he closed negotiation for the
lor the '
steamship Knickerbocker immediately
on receipt of news of the loss of the 1'U worm to eacn meniDer; ana
Great Republic, and that she ill leave the senate 11,000, or 220 to
in a few days for ban 1 rancisco. The . i i . - ,.
Knickerbocker is an iron ship. 280 feet . each member. An investigation
loin;, 39 feet beam, iw feet hold. l(42 tons ' has therefore been ordered to
register, and draws 17 feet loaded. She oSpirr.,;n l,mv tho mpmWs mm
was built five years atio. in Xew York, asc(-rtaln ,10w tne memoers man
has vertical direct acting engines of 144 aged to use up so much in the one
inch cylinder (the Republic had 10.1 inch - hundred days to which the session
cylinder), and 72 inches stroke ot pis- i: :f i
ton. .She is briir rigged, model M, and s ilmltG(1'
is provided with five bulkheads. Nego-!
tiations were pending for this purchase j A magnificent stock of jewelry
liiiwwo mi.- iin.-tvi, .ui. v,uuihui ill-(
t.i; , i. i,. iw, ..,. i
uiium iu jii.ii -.- uiri mi i uc iwiui' ir it
companion ship to the Great Republic.
The steamer Ordwa.v, Capt Fisher,
arrived yesterday, having taken the
Ilyers sisters combination to Portland,
and returned the Barlow, Wilson, Prim-
rose, and West's minstrels to Astoria, ,
aner a most successiut tour ot tne m
They performed at Metropolitan '
hall last evening, and this evening will
be their last appearance in Astoria. We
cannot saj an thing that will add to the
reputation of this popular company.
They are truly artists of national repu
tation. Secure scats early at Caufield's
drug store.
The steamship Idaho, due at Astona
on Thursday, brings a new attraction
for nlav-ffoers. Mine. Hent's Minstrels '
and the superh and
. . .- " 1 . ----
.Stanley's hurlesque company, said to he
j.v.-v t...v, ,
inm-lic Alfililn .
tne most brilliant, novel and attractive
entertainment in the world. T)w have
just completed a most successful en-
way of nnstrels which
ladies as principal periormers. was pre
sented at tins bouse
Saturday evening to '
a very lare audience.
tn;e audience. The first part of '
rtainment is by Kcntz's mins-.
er which Mabel Stanley's Lon-
tne enter
ireis. auer wnicn Jiaoei aiaiuey s Jon
don burlesque troupe gave a lively va
riety entertainment, concluding with the
hurlesque, "Paris." The minstrel troune
liiciuues several line
feral fine voices and a good variety store, 'on the roadway, oppo
ic ability. The variety acts . sl " n 9 "NT Pn '? whirf
lcli nn lftv.m0ec o,wl ; SUe "le U. b. iN. UO. S nan.
deal of comic
are full of dasli and cleverness, and in
every respect unobjectionable.
Books and stationery of
variety, the best, at Adler's. -
evei7 ,
Presence of 3Iind.
Nothins. in time of peril, serves so
; well as presence of mind: It often
averts panic, avoids danger, and save3
human life.
An incident occurred m
a couple of lady teachers enabled them
to clear the rooms of the school of
their crowds of youthful occupants,
during the prevalence of a fire, with
out a single accident. As conflagra
tion is liable to happen in the schools
of other cities while the classes are un
dergoing instruction, we copy so much
of the article, describing how the chil
dren were saved, as may prove instruc
tive to other teachers if they ever find
themsehes placed in like circum
stances. The Tribune says:
When the teacher discovered the
flames, she walked quietly out of the
room to the front desk, where Mrs. Mc
Clo.skev, the principal of the primary
deprtnient. was sitting, and informed
her of the fire. Smoke was beginning to
curl around the ij.ick ot. rne room
the principal and MissMaguire
icd. Without telling the children
of the danger, the order was given to
put awaj slates. ."Children, you will
now arise and follow me," said Mrs. Mc
Closkey. The children left their seats
and formed in an orderly procession to
leave the room. 'e haven t got our
bats, said one little nngnt-eyea hoy,
auoui six jreir oiu. wuu w .n. iij 10
understand the unusual orders. "Xever
mind jour hats," answered the princi
pal, in'a commanding tone; "follow inc.1
And the children were led safely out in
to the .street. The same orders were
given to the pupils in the adjoining
room, who were under the care of Miss
es Rothschild and Johnson. Within a
few minutes after the children left the
gallery, one of the rooms was a mass of
flames. The westerly side and the whole
flooring burned like tinder, and sent out
volumes of smoke that began to fill every
room in the building. In a short time
the ceiling of the gallery took fire, and
the flames began to spread rapidly.
The admirable conduct of these
ladies is entitled to all praise. There
were no less than 1.525 children in at
tendance at the building .which was
consumed. Fortunately, about 725 of
the number were enjoying a short re
cess outside when the flames broke
Baggage Found.
Oytkrviile, April 20. 1 found one
leather-bound trunk, on the weather
beach this afternoon, marked James A.
Miller, San Francisco, which please ad
vertise iu your paper.
I suppose it came from the steamer
Great Republic, as it has not been in the
water long. Trunk damaged some, but
all the papers and clothing are in good
order, for being in the water.
A. Wiiit.
Court Proceedings.
. if
Astoria, April 21.1879.
James Connmcay, drunk r fined $5.
Sent below for two days.
James Riley, drunk; finedS5. Sent
below for two days.
James JMcFacldcn. drunk: fined S2.
Sent below for one day.
Chauncy Smith, iound in opium den;
fined ;. jSent below for two days.
Charlotte Du Cheney, found in opium
den :deposite of 610 forfeited.
Lillic Uarmon. found in opium den;
deposite of 10 forfeited.
Mexico will reduce its army
next month so as to save $-,000,000
Last year the lower house of the
rennsylvania legislature consumed
i-vi iua .....u r- :.,,... nun(-
:,'; , V "uul
f A,llm.c
a "-U1C1 S.
Baby carriages from 7 00 up
wards at Adler's.
Baby carriages of the best styles,
and at low prices, at Loebs.
- I. C. Jfthnson may he found at the
Occident in Astoria every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday evening, ready
to attend to messenger duty in Portland
or to points along the river in a satisfac-
otry manner.
Wall-receivers, brackets, and a
splendid lot of picture-frames, at Ad
ler's, almost at your own price.
Keep your blood
pure anil your
"iini must be aott. tnc grear purn er
jjrear purnier
Purifier. All
it. Ir...l f Tl..rl
iiiiuii;i s lueuuilXHUiiu
, -i..-lUll.l UlllliLMSUs UilVf It 11VJU.
. . . , . ,- . ., -,
C. H. Bain & Co. will, from this
date, discount ten per cent, for cash,
f-nnur prices on sales or mould-
"'s5 sasn anu uoors.
'Your complexion is sallow, and
JjiVj. yell,)W
,-?",1 V',m y
bunder's Ure
yellow, your liver is auectett.
;our druggist a bottle of
icon J51ood Pucifier.
For good tobaccos, fine cigars, no
tions, candies, etc.. so to Foster's
Lotjotxg IIouse Persons requiring
flirnitliorl ry iin'fiirriichnfi rnnms ("in lr
accommodated at reasonable Tutes at
i Mrs.Munson?s Chenamtts sfc.'Astoria.
vanrajies Ol our one nmnuv w.-i.mi .. v . ,Cn uunn-int;
. i ii.K -.... , .i.. iinirrniuiir. rtr 11 n. j ni-r ....
e eountrv. until 1 York muiuuar school the other dav. 'areund:
great advantages j ...i- fi, .ltiP.y; and deliberation of I tlie "
The proprietor of the Chicago
house, whom everybod v knows as a popu
lar caterer, has fixed" his hotel up in
and furnished, and is one of the most
places on Mam street. Call
every luxury of the season at
ieago house.
Mr. J. btewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
niendatinn. Refore you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
The cheapest ever offered is Ham
burger's Embroidery.
Oysters served in even' stjie at
the Walla Walla Restaurant. "
Fresh oysters in even- stvle at
Schmcers'. See advertisement.
Fresh oysters in every stvle and
at all hours at tin- Pioneer restaurant.
lust received per Elder 2,000
pounds, 8-pound sheet lead, for sale at
lowest rates at Magnus CJCrosby's.
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runey is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispusc of to all at very lowest rates.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bai lev's.
Buy your domestic goods at Ham
burger's. You can do better than at any
other house.
.Sew invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from 5 cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth,
.SO inches wide, for one dollar at Ham
burger's. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
.shoes, etc
Parties in want of good Cdar
Shingles will do well to apply to H. C.
Comegys, Kalama, W. T.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Rook store.
Single copies of the Wekkly Astoria
neatly done up. with stamps to pre-pay
postage affixed, for sale at thi office.
Send a copy to your friends in other parts
of tho world. Price, 10 cents a copy.
To Whom it May Concern.
? by appoint F. M. Ilartliolow as my duly
authorized njrent for the transaction of mv
business in (
Oregon and Washington territory.
Astoria, April 17, 1S79.
Arndt & Ferchen.
Machine Shop
In the city.
All kinds of
Engine, Cannery and Steamboat
Work promptly attended to.
Water Street Roadway,
Near Hume's Cannery, Astoria, Orogon.
Horseshoeing ) y'll an a11 kmcl3
of Blacksmith jSVjf ing done to or
der. Satisfact Wtl in fc"aranteed
E. s- -
Blacksmiths and machinists.
Capt. KOGEItS' OLD STAND Near Express
All work in our line, heavy or lipht, dono with
neatness and dispatch.
Horseshoeing, Wag;
on and Farm
Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky.. an experienced
Furrier of 25 years in the business, and woll
knovn to Astoria borsomon. wenrc prepared to
do shoeing in u manner to cure lameness or pro
vent it in horses entrusted to our care.
TAH work warranted and at reasonable
Benton street, opposite Tost-office. Astoria.
New Goods for the Season
OF 1870.
Oil Sldns, Rubber Boots,
And everything: needed for the
TISlllXU Tit AD E.
A I.SO :
A Full and Complete Stock,
Consisting in part of
GLQTKiKG and boys.
Gents Furnishing Goods;
Large Stock of Family Groceries;
Canned Fruits, Etc.;
also :
Wr.tclies, Jciriry, Marine and Opera
; lasses, etc.:
Besides a choice lot ot
"Wholesale and Retail. Call and see.
Return ! Return !
Metropolitan Hall.
Two Nights Only.
Conimeii eing Monday,
Artists of a National .Reputation I
The lost Styllsli Display of Amer
icas Popular Amusement.
Superior to Anything- we Have Be
fore Presented in Astoria.
Admission -
50 cts and SI OO
No extra cliarce for reserved seats no
ready at Caufield's drug store.
Last Opportunity to See Thh
II. J. CTAPHAir. - - Business Manager.
The Great Event !
Tliirsflay, Iriflay ai Satnrflay,
APKIJ, 21th. 25th, 20h.
First appearance in Astoria of the justlv.
celebrated and great original
Mme. Rentz's Minstrels (
And the superb and peerless
Absolutely the most brilliant, novel and at
tractive entertainment in the World,
embracing the following gigantic
constellation of Stars :
Mablc Suvtlcy, Kate Rcynham,
Marie Pascoc, Florie Plimsoll,
Emily Hudspeth, ilfay Ten Broech,
From the principal London Theaters. Their'
first appearance In America.
Rosa Lee, Sa Hie A dams.
Uattic Forrest, McDcrmott Sisters
Lida Kenyan,
JLMlu Mortimore,
Juliette Pascal,
Blanch Meader,
J.E. Hcnshaw,
John Uiiocrt,
Jas, Collins, Hi. Henry, Alf. Anson-
Presenting a magniiicenc ieprtoire of Euro
pean and American sensations.
Entire Change of Programme oi
Friday and Saturday
jfc3"Notvithstanding the immense expense
prices will remain as usual.
5?Reserved seats secured 3 days m ad--vance
at Caufield's drug store.
A. S. LEAVITT, Gen'l Agent.
Hill's if Variety Thiatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre werw
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect ami
Ruilder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,.
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Mate and Female
Consisting of
j Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
5 To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
I taiument. New Acts. New Song's and com-'
j plcte change of Programme twice a week
;EO. IIIIT,. Proprietor.
1 Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Cbcna
I mus Street. Performance to commence
I at eight o'clock precipe.
City "FT-?rDXesjS
Two Trips Daily to TTpper Totvb.
:V1TU. F. SIIKKMAN takes pleasure in an
lTJL nnuncinir the fact that he has nerfected
, arrangements for making' two regular tripi
daily to Upper Astoria and back, regular
street car stjle. for passengers and small
i35-Vill leave J. "W. (learharts, the Parker
House, and the Occident, daily at 11 a. m.
: and :5 1. 3i. Returning will fcave Van I)u-
sen's upper town store. Fare for the round
trip 25 cents.
Stone and Marble Cutter,
All kinds of building work, and monumen
tal work attended to promptly and to order.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
JBwf$r v
mMM&kikMk' mfemh&&.J
i .
,Jj -V rSaJblhrT
,-i-X .: witiEni.-Ulv