1C PJ Astoria, Oregon, Sirada' MoSgng, April 20, 1879. 2To. 93. Vol. Yin. t? .m ' s , i ' ' h, y 'fe ' hJKB M 1 ujV 1 1M 4 jw ir TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Eastern Slates. New Yomc, April 18. A cable dis- a jralaxy, um a gnlaxy f rnfthis is sol...l .. )anrtn -uifl :t llfir1i (if ruhhisll j is culled a heap, and a heap of oxen J is called a drove, and a drove of blaek- rnsivrlc is rail ml a lllob. and a Ittol) of patch reports a revolution in Panama, 'respectables is culled a congregation, fourteen hours' fighting in the streets aiKiacong,sration of engineer is allied occurred. Many were killed. Quiet Clirn .?lMi a corns of robbers is called id now restored- ., iliLllfi ,.! hand of loeustsin called , -. 1 )f people ., -.-. . i- 'a swarm, and a swariu. Smv iORK, Apm i.-a jync"-ICJllleclacPtlwci allacnWdof gentle ot uanKers wis maue a su usurp- .-,, . .. , , ,. , in;P(.i. r omn A(.i nr ,f lw. ,.fC folks is called the elite, aim a im.-cei- of $199,OOU,OJ0 of 4 per cents, , . .r f ,, . ,,. , IM11.WIU CMIIVU 'l Vll V .t.rwo iu W....W cate lion the largest singM made in the world BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSfcL 'fcCS x. vsr. cshe. BROKER, BANKER, subscription ever New Yokk, April 18. Tke leading the com m unity of the public etc., etc., and so forth, .and so on. topic of discussion in lhnuicial circles j llopofls from nearly every point to day has been tke enormous bid for Qr tie whoai-rovinirrcirion of the 4 ner cents. A buoyant feeling in the ! w. , .w.-f-l,. " cl.nw t.lio. ! JDl liv.l liwilll twu .j..... .- ,.. 1 . i v . l. ii ..!. ..r stouk ex.ciianro lias oeeii uiu nun ui . , , ii Ta.L,T., ,ulv,n,, Mied. winter wheat crop to be unusually It, .lllVV gWV ctOn" 31 IS" wflrv &TC& lINSURAKG&ENT. - - -JBSJIeGON. - Washington, April 18. --Henry It. "Kincaid of Oregon, employed for a number of years in Secretay Gor hani's oiliee, raw notified t-hty that Ills place will be hereafter filled by another Oregonian named Gilfrey. o-ood, its present line condition be nig attributed to the heavy snows of the past season, which afforded complete protection. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. O Washington, April 18. Chief .Moses and a party of lesser chiefs, who have been in this city for nearly two weeks, have had several inter views with Secretary Schnrz and the president, and the result is that a very large reservation has been set aside in Washington territory for Moses and his people, and such other Indians as may aililiate with them, and those the secretary of the interior may send. Chief Moses has agreed to this arrange- inent, and declares his full satisfac tion, and says that he is a friend of the whites. Moses and the chiefs with him had a final business interview with the secretary of the interior and the com iniccff.Tior (S Timian affairs to-dav. ..i.jui..- --- - i An agreement has been made with the Indians by which they surrender the i lands heretofore occupied by them in It KG ox iiorsK. Main street, near Hustler's "Wharf. ASTOKIA, - - - - OREGON. Mits. Maky Campiiell, Proprietor. Hoard ami lodging by day or week. ASTOKIA, Exchange bought and sold&Malifbarts of the United States atfdc5rope. A. 31. OFFICE IIOURS-From until 4 o'clock p.m. SjofflSbk WHOLESALE TRADE. CO CJ CS3 trxJ try KS3 m m & 3 b 5 t 5 0 G.W, HUME MISCELLANEOUS. ECLIPSE MARKET. Corner Water Streets, Home Mutual taMifl, OF CALIFORNIA pARICER IIOUSIC, ASTOKIA, OltHGON, II. R. PAKKKU. ----- lromietor. THIS HOTEL is liw Inrgtvt. most comfort able and best Kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the bst of spring water, hot and cold baths. barlKT shop, and a first-chiss salotm with best of liquors and t-igaw. and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the house : charges reasonable, ?1 W to 150 , per day, according to room occupied. J. F. JloucniTOX...... Oiias. II. Stokv JlAMJJ.TOX IiOVD. t (iKG. L. Stokv. j lllrVT smot resident Secretary ..AgenUKor. Oregon Oi-FiCR Northeast comer of'Starkiand First streets, Poutland, O&gcroy. ASTORIA, OREGON. TIOLESALE DEALER IN ffRQQERIER IVcst-Eiprlith Street, near the O. S. T. Co's IVIiurf. JOHN "NV. WELCH. PuorRiETOR AGEXEBAL ASSOll'OIENT OF FAin ly Groceries, and the various kinds ot lirst-elns Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to any part of the city. Orders given to the messen gers. -or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be. by prompt attention and fair dealing, to please my patrons. CeTAll kinds of country produce taken in exchange for iroods. and delivered to patron free. 5yGive me a call. AND PROVISIONS XetAaU received for Fire Pfcra lUlllS ill 1877 .3Sglt335.511 04 rOKTOX KOl'SE, CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, 1'OItTLANI). OREGON, XORTOTJ, - - - - Proprietor. . (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) Washington territory, and accept a I rI1IS house IS A FIRE-PROOF P.RICK, reservation set apart for them by the t JL lust fiuished and newly furnished, with .ezecutiv. order adjoining and est . 'SlTr'k-lVom. tM forboant the Corville resevation m the north- ! JUMl lodging. Per day $1 00. Single meals .eastern part of the territory, this reservation is a large one, larger than the ftikima reservation in the same "territory, which contains 800,009 acres. It runs northward to tie Brit ish possessions, westward to the 44th parallel, southward along the Me thaw river and eastward to (the Colville reservation. Assets, Jan. 1.1S78. Liabilities Losos vnpaid. nivuiends S3.fi38 37 . I 57 W "VV 1k $578,005 S 5K S7 Surplus for Property Holders JWK2y72,470 47 losses paid in Oregon in six y8irs-$114.5i6 1'J. W. CASE. Agent. Astoria, "Oregon. 'Jo cents. lodging i to 50 cents. Free coach to and from the House. Private Boarding House. M11S.QUINN - - PROPRIETOR. "Will accommodate day hoarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Ingalls' building, Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Fargo &Co's Express office. ELXC2., 3STC, AGENT FOR THE CAi City Clefflical furls. Is All TMs Blowing AW ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WrILL SELL MY GOODS AS c:b::e2j2l:e AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about It A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sta., ASTORIA, - OREGON. T lOjaJTIjDESie" New York, April 18. A prominent banker, a member of the syndicate, says that the enormous retail trade of the n:ist week shook the entire 10 40 liiw jmd bankers saw the eccessitv f Kecuring them at once. One of the happiest effects of this large subscrip 1i m will be to advance the price of 4 per cent bonds in the English market and make them much sought after. These enormous subscriptions only illustrate the great material develop ment of wealth in the United States during the last tliree years, which passes the understanding not only of Europe, but of our own financial men. The evideuce of it is in our ability to import and pay .for with our surplus exports principal ly all the loose United States securi ties held abroad, so that the amount held there, which five years ago was from eight hundred to one thousand millions, cannot now be over one-fifth, possibly one-sixth of that amount. The entire importation of bonds has Taken place without any material ex port of gold, and has been paid for altogether in our products. The current of feeling and expectation in London a month ago was that when we came to April settlement, there would be a crash, another suspension and a call upon England for help. The English will begin to realize the great ness of this country, and our bonds will be taken in preference to any other in the world. A. J. MKG1.K1I. C. S. WHIG Ii T. OCCIDENT HOTEL. 'AIEULEll & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. milE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO JL announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. muitpix house, D. L.TURPIN - PnopKiETon MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Asiokia, Oregon. ' Roard and lodging per week ...$5 no P.oard per day i w Single Meal - iu Tne table will be supplied at all times with the best the market allords. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, jjr NORTH BRITISH ANMMERCAN TILE OF LONDONA3STD EDINBURGH!! OLD CONNECTICUH&RTi' FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SG7.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. C030IERCIAI. UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY OF XiOIKTIDOIKr. Capital SI 2,50O,O00. MATT H. SIUSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. B. W. PAYNE & SON'S STEAM ENGINES, laylloDLIflEMng'JacliiDBEy, VrfALLA IVAZiIiA RESTAURANT THEO. BROEMSER. - - Piiornicron. f Fresh oysters, and other deli- cacics of'the season, served ingM every style. sffSa Opposite 1hc Telegraph office, Squemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregm. carMKALS AT ALL HOURS-ffn. cttce:uens 2tuni INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAX.IFOK3IA. ORGANIZED IN 1SG3. Total Lossck Paid Since Orgnni7.atlon. 33,630,435 3- E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon, KXJBBER BOOTS. The National, Hayward, and Pure RuMer. It is no Use of Talking, J. K. AVIllT'S is the cheapest place to buy FJtUITS Oil VEGETAIJI.ES, As he has direct from San Franclseo by -every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, sucU as is in the market. Apples. Peas. Celery. Cauliflower, Asjjiix'aRus, Parsnips, IScets, Car rots. Potatoes, Oranges. And from Clatsop e ery day EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE. AND HOXEY, Also : keep tlie best of J. 1C SVTRT. Call andexamiue heforephrchastn where. elw-r LIVERPOOL SALT. Foreign News. k W. FEKKUSOA. " Contractor and Builder, All kinds of Carjienters and Joiners "Work promptly and neatly executed. PLAN'S, SPECIFICATFOXS, and BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rates. Suor Next door east of Episcopal church. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SPECIALTY. Pestii, April 18. The rivers Maroa and Karoc have again broken their dams. Zenend is destroyed and Arad endangered. Tlio DiiFerence- JUST RECEIVED. New Goods for the Season OF INTO. A FULL LINE OF Oil Skins, Ruhber Boots, And everything needed for the FISIIINC; XKAIE. Al.O: A Full and Complete Stock, . Consisting in part of GLOTHiHG and boys. A FULL LINE OF A little girl was near the picture of a number of ships, when she exclaim ed: "See what a flock of ships!" We corrected her by saying that a flock of rhius was called a fleet, and a fleet of theep was called a flock. And here j (5eutS Fttl'llisllillg Goeds: v.e may add. tor the benefit of the . ' loreiuner, who is mastering the in tracacies of our language, in respect to nouns of multitude, that a flock of wolves is called a pack, and a pack of thieves is called a gang, and a gang of angels is called a host, and a host of porposles is called a shoal, and a shoal of buflaloes ic called a herd, and a herd of uartridjjes is called a C. H. BAIN & GO. BEING NOW PREPARED WITH greatly increased faeility to furnish the publie with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat Lute, Doors, Inflows, BLINDS, TRANSOMS; And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will he sold low for CASH. Steam Mill Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Geneviveand Astor streets. TEW ACRES OF TjAXI, On Youngs Bav, cleared, will he suitable for dairv, or a ch'ickcn ranch, or for gaulen ing purposes. Within one mile of the As toria Post-oflice by land. alse: FIVE ACRES, Covered with Hemlock timber, suitable for tannery purposes. Leases will be made for a term of years as may be arranged. d?-A pply to J. H. D. (i RAY . Astoria. Oregon, COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICEa Washington "Market, Main Street - - Astoria Oregon, BEIiGMAN & BEIiliY T) ESPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEND I t:on ef the nubile to the fact that tbo abovo Inrfcct will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholosnte and retail. Special attention given to suppij njr ships. D. K. Warrkn. C. A. McGuraa Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamusand Cass&treete, ASTORIA, OREGON. WABBEMT & McGUIRE, Propriopor (Successors to Ilcbmm it Warren. Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in all klnaj y Fresh and Cured WeatsI A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES; ET. itfrT Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. cunstanUr on hand. iSfi" Shii supplied at the lowest rates. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. -AISO Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; ' ALSO : Watches, Jrwelry, Marine and Opera Glasses, etc.; Besides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. Call and bee. E, LCEB, T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMKAIJ.. D raying & Trucking. Special Notice- Star of the Columbia, 150 Fire Test Kerosene, Turpentine and Varnishj Sail Cloth, Hade -exprcsaly'iror Ugh; sail toat. For sale ai PFtranoER, portlawd, . nas just received direct from the mannfae turers, the largest and best tisbortincut of Camier v Tli ermometers Ever imported to this State. Send in your wm.'tfunper & CO. Lock box 218. Portland. Oregon, ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squeiumqiie t.t between Cassjuid Main, Contract fur xruyinpmade and satisfaction PMrantecd. Order? loft at the Occident xlo 4cl or rtsceivcdiy mail proaaptly fdled JEWETT Jc KLMUALL. G. W. HUME'S, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON J. STRAUSS, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS.. CONSISTING OP AAA OLD VALLEY WHISKY,- CUTTER WHISKY, . OLD KFNTUCKY BOURBON' ' MARTEL BRANDY, nENNESIE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SHERRY AND? CLARET WINES, PORTER, ALE, AND ST. LOTJIfc BOTTLE BEER. These goods wilt -only toe sold at wliolcrak1, and at lowest figures. jOome and ajnpist them before purchasing elsewhere. X STRAUSS, ASTOP.IA, uvy, and ;i covy of beauties is .celled . JLUN ST.. OKEGQS. - ASTORIA, OGN, J 1