"yff1 "-"" "-4 jftCr ;ij;glrV inf-9"""- Vfyrer-y-f""WHCT-yP On Xv gailvj slwimx STEAMSHIP LINES. MISCELLANEOUS. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, PACIFIC COAST S.S.C0. ASTORIA.. OREGON NEW 8T T " "" TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA, From tables of United States Const Survey. Ilish Water. Low Water. Date. A.M. p. SI. k. :. IT.... 18.... 19.... ... !l 4i. .. .-10 4"..... ..11 :s.... ..10 311. ...11 22 1. .-11 511. ... 0 27 1. ... 1 l)"i. ... 1 957.. 2 151. .- 25SI. ... :: lil. ... 4 ::. . 4 U . 5 t . (i 5" . c sn . 7 21 . S 03 . 8 40 . .) i; . !) 55 .10 31 4 3i 5 IS 5 52 H 2:$ 0 55 7 22 7 53 8 27 l5 J 4 20 21 0 15.... 22 0 41.... 33 1 12.... 2i 1 43 ... 2Ti 2 18 ... 20 2 "4... PORT OF ASTORIA. CLEARANCES AXD DEPARTURES. SATLKI). Rival, bk 290 tons. Admns. S. F. April 17. Scawfoll. Br bk, 489 tons. Evans. Livorpool. Apr 17 Corrientps. Br. bk. 5a3 tons, Jones, Liverpool. April 14. Geo W. Elder 17l9 tons Boles. S. V April h AlDha. sch. 23 tons, Starr, Tillamook. April 12 Orient, bri? 312 tons. Williams. S. F. April 11 8ea Waif, brig, 273 tons. J. 12. Denny. Maxtor. S. F. April 11 Idaho, str. 1077 tons. Aloxander. S F April 10. Kmily Stephens, sch. 70 tons. Hcndor&on, fishing cruise. April f ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Ancon, str. lfiJOtons. Debney. S. F April lf. California, str. KT-Stona. Thorn. Sitka Ajiril ICt Shubrick. U.S. Light-house str-Kortr. SF April 5 llonora. sch. 75 tons. Thronson, Tillamook. Mcli 21 Kite L Ilerron. sch Botts. Tillamook. .March 21. McXearship 1308 tons Taylor. Hongkong. Nov 12 Valley Forge, sh 126G tons. Woodberry, Bombay. Oct 3. Garibaldi sh 1431 tons That olicr. Hongkong Sept.27 Wild wood, sh. 1U46 tons, liarriman. Hongkong. June 8 VESSELS OA THE if A V. Great Republic ss. 3S00 tons. Carroll S F. April 15 Oregon, ss. 2250 tons. Connor. S F April 1G Melanctlion. Lkt 29S tons Manson F Apiil 17 Elerinon, sli New Yoik. via Kaitimore. Dec fi Kric the Red. sh. l.V8 tons. Small. Philadelphia. Kmpirc sh 1131 tons. Lockic. Philadelphia. Stato of California, P. C. S. 8.. Lachlan. Philadel phia, March 10. Tabor, ship. 1339 tons, Minofc. Philadelphia Feb 27. Trustee, new schooner, S, F. April U. Eliza McNeil, ship. 1522 tons, Morton, Philadel phia. April 10. FltOM HOUKION" POUTS. Alden Bcsse. bk. 812 tens, Nojos, Hongkong. Citv of Vienna. Br sh 1040 Ions Capt. D. Steven. London. March -d via Adelaide. Coloma. bk. 53 tons. Hall. Hongkong. J)ovinby. Br bk. Ponny, Glasgow, March 3. via Honolulu. Master Hall. Br bk. t-GO tons. Bombay. Forward, Br. bk. 715 tons, Vaadervoost, Hong kong. OlenelTer. Br. sh. 00 tons, Cummings, Liverpool. Jan. 17, via Honolulu. Hertfordshire. S55 tons, Thompson Liverpool Nov 13, via Victoria. ILerbert Black, bk, 573 tons, Treat. Hongkong. Iron Queen. Br sh. 7 tons, Smith, Liverpool, Dec 3, via Victoria. Loch Fergus. Brbk, 8JG tons, Cann. Bombay. Mattie Mack-ay. bk. 23B tons. Pope, Honolulu. Mormon McLeod, Br bk, 831 tons. Piorropont Bombay. Ravcnscrag. Br sh. 12.T3 tons, Brigham, Livorpool, March 23 via Honolulu. 8. B. Allen, ship, 1120 tons. Taylor. Hongkong. Ban Luis. Br bk. 591 tons, Linn, Livorpool, April 9. via Victoria. .....!Mr. Peter Wilhe.lm has perma nently fitted up a shipmaster's reading room in connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and homeward and outward bound snip ping lists are kept on fijo. Telegraph office in the same, building. S IBSON, HAMILTON & I1IGGINS. Ship Chandlers. && Provision and General jEggfj Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON TRBfiMURD & UPSffUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flcvcl PROVISIONS, IR0iST, STEEL, COAL. Builders' and General Hard ware, C53-0- c&o. At tltc Old EstalliiStcL -1 Well known St unci -isszsy? -OK- OEORGE FLAVEL Chenamus Street Astorsn. Urccon. O HAS. A. 3EAV. DlwM.KU IX Nuts, Candies Yankee Notions, Toys. Finest brands of CIGARS AND TOKACCO. Chenamus street, - Astokia THE ASTORIA BREWERY DEPOT, RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PKOl'KIETOKS. Corner of Olney and Water streets, ASTOKIA. OIIEC.ON. Rrjst. quality of LAGER REERt, ets. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. ferrThe patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Ordis for Liger or Bottled Itce'r in any quantity promptly filled. -i35Tlie best luheli the season will afford fuiixlilKid dayaud nhxlit FREE. iF-rv-..r9 8Mb Clailery, gg Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES. Carrying the U. S. Mails nncl Wells. I'arro A Cos Express. w THE PACIFIC COAST S N steamship Company will MASk dispatch their fast and fa ufc r.ygjsj. vorite side-wheel STEAMSHIP AS COX. DEUX EY .. Commanilcr. For the above port on HATES : Cabin Paasape $10 00 Steerage Paxsago Ji 00 Freight per ton 1 00 THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities m the United States ami Canada. For P:issu?c and Freights, apply to J. MeCRAKEX &: CO.. Agents. 00. C2 and fit North Front street. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan aimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying1 U. S. flails. THE STEAMSHIP f-ATJTTVRXTA. v.-s?i; - -- v- ..--.., CII AS. THORN Commander Will leave Flandcr'a Wharf, foot of C strcot for the above ports. Tuesday, April 29, 1S79. For Freight or Passaso apply to En.C. Iil'GIlES.Pnrsor. SHIPPING NOTICES. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. liwaco Steam Navigation Co. x-rp?t Pntil farthor notico tho Ilwnco s4J3e Steam Navigation LVs stoanicr GENERAL CANBY. WHITCOMR - MASTER Will leave Astoria on Momlays, Tuesday., and Saturdays, At i A.M., Friday at C 1-1 A. 32.. ami I r. 31. Fort Stevens Fort Can by. anil Hwnro Connecting with L. A. Loomi?' stages for Oyp tervillo and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens. BOcts Canby and Ihvneo $1 00 nr5"I'or Tickets. Towaco or Charter apply either at tho oflico of tho Coinpnny, (iray'a wliarf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. 1 1. D.GRAY, Agent, i For Charter to any Ioint on the Ifay or Itivcr. Tlic Al fast Steam Yacht, h EAGXET. (3Vt tons register.) FKEI) S. MUXSOX Mastku. Is now fitted in tlie very best style, and can be Chartered for Cashless or Pleasure At Reasonable rates. Tins Is the only perfectly furnished steam yacht on the bay, and complete satisfaction is guaranteed to iersnns employing her. Jj"For charter, or business" of any kind, apply on board or to A.. I. MEK LEU. Assent. Occident Hotel. Astoria. For Towage or Charter. Tni! RELIABLE STEAM-TUG RIP VAN WINKLE, mM AL. II A RRLS Master Is in first -el ass order and. until further no tice, is ready lor business in the line of tow imr. earrvimr ii:Lsseii!riis. or iobbincr. anv-i where on'the rivers, fn.in Astorialo Portland, the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply ou uoaru. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. mill! FINE SIDE-AY1IEEL A. C. FISHER Master AVill leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily at S o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.) On Saturdays will make regular trips to Klaskaume and back. a-rv-Oeeasional trips will also be made to Cowlitz river. For further particulars see Capt. on board. Mrs. H. A. Derby. Received by last steamer a sujerb stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Embracing every novelty in the line. KID GLOVES, PtUGHiGS, And other goods too numerous to mention. Or, Warner's Health Corset Can onlv be purchased in Astori-i at Mrs. Derby's. Main street, between Squemoidic .ind .Icficrsmi. MEW TAILORING SHOP. (In A. "V. Cone's ruildini:.1 AVatku SniKirr Astoria. Okkgox. tljiteof TaeoinaX BC.S LEAVE TO INFORr THE PCR lic that he is now prepared to make all kin Is of e'.oMiing to order, or to renovate or repair clot mm;. iuvijuviii nan an experience oi -' yean.. I defy competion in the art of making old clothes look liko now. Mvsvstem Is known only to mvself, by which t c:in lengthen pantaloons without piecing, etc. For particulars sec small cards. THOMAS CURRY, Tailor, steam-scourer and Repairer S' HLjLEJv HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, Gents' 1BMSMG GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. We respectfully invite the public to call and inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of fine 'CIGARS" TOBACCO Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very repectfully. A. VAN DUSEN &. Co., Cor. Cass and Jefferson sts., Astoria. Oox. VANDUSEST&GG., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a preat variety of goods for both ladies and gentlemen. If You Want to Select a Suit of From the very best stock in the city call at A. VAST DUSEN fcCo.'s. VAN DUSEN & Co., Are AgentSvin Astoria for the SINGER and the WHITE SETOG MACHETES. Jarge stock constantly on hand. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WIIOLFSALE AND RE TAIL DEA1 ER IN GEMAL MERCHAMSE, Corner Chenamus and C:iss streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. CITY B00KST0EE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. cixas. stjevess & sorv Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, just laid in The Finest Selection I The Cheapest Prices 1 The Greatest Worth! RECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSn POCKETS: CUTLERY,' JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.; LADIES' FANCY "BOARD. ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PA1NTPENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS: EXCELSIOR DIARIES. ULANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. C5TA11 goods sold at lowest cash prices. CIIAS. STLYENS & SON. City Book Store to Main street, two doors from the Pioneer Restaurant, opposite the bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. New Furniture, $859 WAIjTj fafeh, ft PICTURE FRAMES, Etc. AT Chas. Heilbors's, ASTORIA. OREGON. Tlie finest and best in I he market, all new. flST HOUSEKEEPERS ARK IN- P u j VITED TO CALL AND INSPECT 31 Y CARPETS. irarTlm public Is invited to call, examine ' my eoous aim prices. CHAS. IIEILBORN'. Astoria, Orepon, April 2. tt7t. VV- E- DErelEWT, f DEUGGIST. ASTORIA. ... - OBr.GX, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Sledicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. RS3 Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. I A ?uro preventative or Luappcu Hands, and care for Fish Wound8. EXTRA QUAUTY OATS AM) POTATOES FOR SEED ! At .T.ILD. C, RAY'S. Astoria. Oregon. FIXE FAfiMUXG I.AXI for .SAIjE AT GOVivltXMEXT ntlCHS. PERFECT TITLE. The homestead claim of Havlen Ooarliart on Iwis and Clark's river, eontainim; CO Acres of which is creek bottom in one bndv balance good up land. Inquire of It. It. SPEDDEX. GEORGE F.OSS' C- Billiard Room. , -pniiMrfi 7?nnni in tbe ritv wIim.- c 0,'' Bn"K fil J" 0"rP "0JiC C,l wliei' "q"?l,T ;V ,lt, , TVTEW TABLE JUST TUT UP. GEOKujk. 1 has a cosy place and keeps on hand tu ' 1 est brand of Cigars. Also, soda, canuy, nuts. etc. Opposite ARonaCliop House. 95-1 GEO. ROSS, Propimtur. To show to our customers and the public in general a full and complete stock of ss?R3:rc5 &igiOk SlIxwh&se goods. Consisting of a perfect and elegant assortment or DRESS GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, FANCY GOODS HOSIERY, LADIES CLOAKS, LINEN SUITS LADIES UNDERWEAR AND WHITE GOODS. MENS CLOTHING, YOUTHS CLOTHING, BOYS CLOTHING GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, HATS, CAPS, CAPS, ROOTS; SHOES. SLIPPERS, ETC. uur prices are the lowest ever heard of in this citv, we must sell, Cor.re rue come all SCHLXJSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria. Orison. ALL THE FISHERMEN, WORXINGMEN AND THEIR FRIENDS On the Columbia river and tributaries, to save monev. keep then-eles rrv and comfortable, and patronize home industry by oideimg their SHSRTS, JUMPERS, AKD OIL CLOTHIftC, FROM TJIE ASTORIA SKIRT ABD GIL CLOTHING MANUFACTORY, CORNER OLXF.Y AND SQUEMOQ1IE STREETS. Which Is fully prepared to supply them ALL with anytl Injr in the line of worMnemcn'i apparel. Nothing bm lirst-class material used and nil work warranted. Pur oil ciothiru will be found at all the principal stores and eminent s in AMoiia. ami alen tlie river Ba sure to get a suit for tlie coming fishing season, because it is undoubtedly the best JOHN KAE-5M, astoria, Manufacturer o! and Dealer in Lager and Bottled Beer. 3TThe Columbia Brewery has every facility, and using none but the hest materials ami employing experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in filling all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ASTORIA ffl. fWEYER - AVTNG EVERY FldLITV FOR THE iicio, i am now prepared to turnisn the oi- LAGER BEEE, AT 30 CEXTS PER CSAIiTiOX. "7TS3:C3XjiS33lXES. CSFnmilies and keepers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYF.K. 'Propristo-. ASTORIA. OREGON. Wilson" & Fisher DEALERS IX LUBIIICATIXG OILS, COAL OIL. PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED. GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. I Which will be exchanged for country pro- I dace or sold at lowest prices. j Corner Cheuaiiius and Hamilton Streets i ASTOKIA. OREGON. 25, iO., F3EAKI5X.I3gr UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squomoc :ha street, next door to Artorian building, Astoria. Oregon. ST"A1I work done in a skillful manner on short notice and at reasi nablo prices. Undcrtaker'3 furnishin" poods alwnj's on hand. Who is Elected?. twfl' rx. iv tst z n. a r ,-r -- n-- 1-2 WW .-Jfc ---l j ..- '. .s OF T1IK Great Eastern Saloon, CONCOMLY ST., ASTORIA. THIS FAVORITE RESORT HAS .JUST been refitted and stocked with . ALTj TJTJS XEST JBJiAJXJDS or Imported ami "SPomestsc Vines and Ijiqiiors. Cigars and Toliaeco. ISf San Fnmcihco Reer five cents a glass THERE WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL OK SATURDAY EVENING, APEIL 19, 1S70. PROPRIETOR, a:o.:E2C3-o:Kr. BREWERY. Proprietor. MAXUFACTPRE OF A FII'STCLAS AIU public with tho finest qunlity. for cash. I OF BOTTLED BEES, AT 6i so iPiziz i)zr. Arndt & Ferchen, milE BEST BLACKSMITH AXD Machine Shop In the city. AH kinds of Engine. Cannery ami Steiimlio Work promptly attendi d to. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. and all kinds ing done toor- iiorse.-noumff of Blacksmith , . vH dcr. Satisfact Arcvfi ion j.: arantecd ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. I CapLROCERS' OLD STAND Near Express wince. wii, - wuwum. All work in our lino, heavy orlfcrht, donowilh neatness and dispatch. Horseshoeing, Wag- sfa P& on ana a arm & WORK A SPECIALTY. j -r-r-YTXG SEHIREP THE PEK VICES OP J Jfr. S. A. Gaines of Kv..nn experienced I Farrier or2." years in tho business, and wetl I kmvvn to Astoria hnrscmon. wearcprcpared to doshoetnpinainannertocarelamenefcsorpte vent ii in horses entrusted to our care. xtrt'All work warranted and at reasonable rates. jyn. yuk, CHINESE DOCTOR, (Intc of San Fmnc.iscoJ) Has opened an oflice on Chenamus street two doors from .1. W. Gearhart's store, whrro lie will treat the different el:sses ot disc-:-o J after the most approved practice. -nia?r-rfv . Wkf-