0) g 1 (74 A VsU y a I 6 -I Astoria, Oregon, Friday Mooring, April 18, 1879. "Vol. viil 'So. 91. -p :-t:. ;r- '"' i.i '-i-iTTrr "" I "I H'tf,l,L.'l't r.-1M TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. , Ka.scr states. Major IIallei-"s store on AVhid-! , -ii ij,,i q.. ,. toy ishiiid was robbed baturuay J J niirht of jroods valued at MOO. 1 , 'lizzie Marshall, sco to Port Biake- The bark from San Francisco lv. went ashore on the IGth at Duntroness. The captain tried! Tj,e government dis , , .- , A r ., , courages tlie travel of lis subiects hard to rt her oil, but failed. r r r..,. r;,, J to foreign countries, For fear ot 111- A loan of two millions was se- J"Or to their ,noral or political i i ti r , ., i.wi- views. In order to retain them at cured on the lGth.G per cent, bonds, , . . e . .., ' . . .. home, the price of the pass, with- of the Northern Pacific railroad, I mt which no I?llssjall s allowed to for extending the road 500 miles : Uavc his country, has been lately from Bismark to tlir Yellowstone. ; increased from five roubles to one - - i hundred roubles for each vcar of After something of a lull in I jfc, uj)ro:i(. the tide, colored emigration from ' - the south La. Ml in again ihi. HOTKLS ASP UESTAUUAyrS. week, and some three or four ; NRgox iios'kk. hundred people have arrived at St Lous since Sunday. Specials from north Texas re port a heavy hailstorm, doinggreatj damage to crops on the loth. At . pARKEIl HOUSE, Lisbon, near Dallas, several houses astokta, OREGON, i 4.4. i r,. ..fi- i-;ii,i ! II. I. rAHKEU. - - Proprietor. were shattered, live stock killed,! . ...-. m ni1rr nf nprenns spvorolv ' 1Pins HOTKL is tho biuret, most conifort and a numoei oi persons seirci JL aiu ami lu-st Kept lini.-l in the city. Is itiiuwwl supplied with the lxv.t of spring water, hot injuu u. HIHl c.((j(1 j,aji,s barbershop, and a first -class " .'.? i? i saloon wit Ii best of Hqnoir. ami oijnirs, and The republicans rolled up a n(. billiard table. Free eoaeh in and from , . . -.-.r- I the Ii(MLSi ; eh::r;es reasonable. .i(n) to 250 round majority in isconsin, , IH.r ,1-iy, according to room oeenpied. Jiidp-e Cole beina: re-elected asso-1 K-J - ' a oiate justice of the supreme court j in the la'.e election by 33,133 ma jority. The total vote was 108,- 000 in the state, Cole receiving over 100,000. ITorciarn Sews. A dispatch from Constantinople says England and Russia have up- proved the appointment o Alekn Pasha as Governor of eastern Rou jnelia. Another great storm occurred at Szcgeden on Saturday, which destroyed GG pile-driving stands and carried away and sunk rafts and lighters laden with materials and provisions. The rivers Theiss j and Maros are again rising. Ten ; corpses have been recovered. more "Paeilie C:tst Ii.si:itcltcs. Lawniiice O. Hall was before the police court on the 3Grh to answer to a tMianre oi srand lar- , , , . 1 ceny of funds belonging to the; t 1 to tt .. :.. iv..i- i London and ban b rancisco bank. I He waived examination and was held to answer in $S,000 bail. Dr. Chalfaut the dentist who shot and killed Josiah Bacon in S San Francisco last Sunday at the j 0-.11...C. i.t-.i ....,..,i,.,i i.:.t-.sxi.f uamwni nutui su'uuuu.Cu iiuuairiL at the central police station on the 10th. He is very haggard and worn, having been roaming about ver the hills in the suburbs, and . . . sometimes within the city itself, since Sundav, almost entirely , " ,T , , without lood or rest, lie lias made a statement of circumstances con nected with the death o.f Bacon. A number of English gen tlcmen."oW uuuuo ,U1 U5G Q" have annually been in the habit of j fuijune of presentino; to the poorer classes i".!v.-. 0kl . ' Vi' t j their neighborhood a variety of ,0ll SklllS, HllLber Boots, ilower sexi'ls and a few onjainentid And eveiythim; needed for the shade or fruit trees. The result is FISEIS3T TKAItS-:. ... i . . I AI.SOS that they have encouraged a tasu!A FuU and Gomplete Stock for the cultivation of flowers, and; cmn m ,,,r. of the appearance ot many villages j A full ftf flTUiyp I'OK MEN has been wonderfully improved. UNE OF ULU I ill Ml AND boys. At theKerrv Assizes, in Ire-' GdltS FuMllSlUllg &00(ls; , .r T .-" Tr. u lana, Air. .Justice riugeram -sum- T7,:i r- i t ji . , ,v,.;o Large Stock of Family Greceries: iied up directly a-ainst a prisoner) - Canned Fruits -Etc; who was charged with stealing o0. also : The iurv. however, acquitted theUrnichcs Jewiry, 3!nrlse and Oprni accused. The judge said the jui y- . men were not lit to be jurors, ana thought the legislature ought to interfere, and Intrust some other . tribunal with trials. A Marseilles newspaper having .'accused the tax receiver at bt. Etiennee zl"of zembment, was sr- P"sed at having suits brought '2?unst it bv the tax receivers of ,? ,., , Gi) different towns and coinuiuncs un.tr: un ..,,, r f TiV U - " '" ""'" " - " .w.w. ..., ! to ach of whom s hl . .W 10 I 'f ; rres' m aMltwn t0 fine of 200 francs. Slain street, near Hustler's "Wharf. ASTOKIA, - - - OKKGOX. Mia?. Mauv Camimiki.l, Proprietor. Hoard and lodging by day or week. j "RTORTOX KOr.SK. COirXF.lt O AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OUEGOX. 5. 'OISTO, - - - - Proprietor. (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) millS HOUSE IS A FIKE-PIIOOF BRICK. JL jnt finniied and newly furnished, with the best of spring beds. TicitM.s Per week From S3 toSG for board and lodging. IVr daySi OD. Single meals 25 cents. Ioding 23 to 50 cents. 2Frec eoaeh to and from the House. Private Boarding House. JlltS. QIHNN - ntOPKIETOK. -o- "Will accommodate day hoarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Ingnlls' building, -fetrerson street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's Express oftice. A. J. MKGLKIt. C. S. WltlGIir. OCCITIKT IIOTKff.. MEGLEll & ArUlHT. Proprietors. Anloria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been JSffi XSn&M lS novv t,,e bcsl f Spax Itoi D. L. TCRPIN - Rkopkietor MAIN STREET. Between Sqneinoeqlic and Jefferson, ASTOlllA, Oukgox. 1 Board and lodging per week $fi 00 Board per day IN) SlJle Meal 2T, Tne table will be snplied at all times with die best the market allouR M T5TAL.X.A VATiTA RESTAURANT, T11EO. BROEMSER, - - rnorjUETOit. Fresh oysters, ami other deli- f"lfMW fll 1 111 lllll 'IVI'I III Ti everv si vie. iatSi?4L? opposite tlie ivipjrrnpli offiec, Siiueinoiihc sireci. Asioria. vnejion. mstMEAI-S AT ALL nOURS-S5a. ""- '" " 11111 ! A. W' FERGi:s05:- Contractor 3Jld BuilfJBr, All kinds of Carpenters and .loiners Work J iirnmptlv and neatlv exeeuted. plaxs, SPECIFICATIONS, and HILLS 0F MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rates. Shop Next door east of Episcopal ehurrh, "just'receivedT Consistiii; in part of aiw: rc;.(1p5 a phoIpe M ( 01 TOBACCO AND C5CAR5, Wholesale and Retail. Call and sec. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BARKING AMD INSURANCE. X. w, gjsL&el nnnt,n n . 1If n : BROktB, BABKtR, ' i -AXD aii AGENT. ASTORIA, OREGON. Exchange bought and soldcmall parts of tho United States andJEurope. OFFICE IIOUnS-FromffcWclock a. m. until 4 o'clock i i. f Home ffittM Iiisrace Co., OF CALIFORmA, not ' T. F. JIour.HTON" ,iR!h...President Ciia.s. R. Stouv M..;?.s7.....hccretar' Hamilton P.ovd. j. a(s for Oregon nt. -Oivicic Northeast comer QfSiaVk and First streets, Poiitlaxd, Oaegox. Net Osush received for Fire Vjcm- iiuns in 1877 i.HSSf. $335,511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1S7S iw , 578,003 S5 LiabiltUc Losses vnnaid S.fis .17 Dividends 1.057 00 H 5.503 37 Surplus for Property Holders..Si.S572,470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six ycarL$l 14.51 G 72 I. IV. CASK Agent. Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AD LONDON AND GLOBE, s" NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON&ND EDIN BURGH: ?. OLD CONECTICITfTidpLHART FORD, AND COMifERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANIES. Representing a capital oF SG7.000,000. A. VAX DUSEX. Agent. cortmERCiAX. iranroar ASSURANCE COMPANY C32P Z-03KTX30I5Br. Capital S 1 2,500,009. MATT II. SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAT.IFOKaiA. ORGANIZED IX 1SG3. Total Losses I'aJil Since Organization. $3,680,435 3- N E. C. IIOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon. 0. H. BAIH & CO. BEING NOW PREPARED WITH greatly increased faeility to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A Ko. 1 Lumber, Eoat Li'isr, Doors, fiiom, BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and larjre lot of goods which will he sold low for CASH. Steam Mill Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Genevive and Astor streets. TO X.SAS, TE7 ACRES OF IiAXp, On Youngs Rav, cleared, will he suitahlc for dairv. or a eliieken ranch, or for garden ing imrposes. Miihin one mile of the As toria Post-oiKce by land. also : FIVE ACRF.S, Coverod with Hemlock timber, suitable for tannery purposes, l.erses will be made for a termor vors :u may be arranged. ksA miiy to J. n. d. a ray, Astoria, Oregon, T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIZktBALL. D raying & Trucking. SVt-pv cS 1-- C-srV?i ISURANGE ail ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squeuiucque M., between Cass and Main, Contracts fur j'ntyinf: made and satisfaction putrantped. Order? left at tho Occident rlo tol or receivvd by mail promptly filled JEWETT & KIMBALL. WHOLESALE TRADE. ! fe 1 g Comer of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. AYnOLESALE DEALER IN fl-ROOERIES -AND PROVISIONS 2TC:. ETC AGENT FOR TnE Golflen City Clieiiilcal f oris. B. IV. PAY3TE & SOFT'S STEASI ENGINES, Ms f ofli fflrMi MaGliisry KTJBBEIi BOOTS. Tlie National, Hayward, and Pure Rubber. LIVERPOOL SALT. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SPJCG1AI.TY. COTTON SEIKE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SANi ERANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the Columbia J 130 Fire Test IiLcroseac. Turpentine and Varnish, Sail Cloth, Made expressly jfor light sail boats. For sale at G. W. HUME'S, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON MISCELLANEOUS. ECLIPSE MARKET. !Vest-Eis:litli Street, near tlie O. S. X. l'os "Wharf. JOHN AV. WELCH PuopnrETon A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI ly Groceries, and the various kinds of lirst-elnss Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to any part of the eity. Orders given to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be. bv prompt attention ami uur ueainig, 10 piease my patrons. C2yUl kinds of eonntrv prod nee taken In exchange for goods, and delivered to patron free. jSfGive me a call. Is All Tills Blowing; AM ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WILL SELL MY GOODS AS CEEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about tt A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - OREGON. It is no Use of Talking;, J. K. WIRT'S is the cheapest place to buy FJtUITS OR VEGETAUUBS. As he has direet from San Franelsco by every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as Is in the market. Apples. Peas. Celery. Cnnlifotver, Asparagus, Parsnip. Ueeta, Car rots. Potatoes. Oranges, And from Clatsop every day EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE. AND HONEY. Also : keep the beat of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, AND LIQUORS. . . Call and examine before purchasing: else where. J. K. WIRT. JUST RECEIVED lr AT THK I. X L. STOKE! C .ruer rnin and Coneomly streets. lituOERIES. FLOrit. FEED. WOOlHsN VT ware. Coal OiN. Tobneeos. and Gents Fur nishing Cloods, which will be sold at lowebt nites. asliiiigton Market, Main Street, - Astoria Oregon, BERG MAX & BEUBT T RESPECTFULLY PALL THE ATTEV V t:n of tho miblic to tho fact, that the above Mnrkctwill always bo siippliod with a PULL VAJUETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AFJD C5URED W1EATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wlio!eFJt-le nnd retail. Special attention piven to auppij ne shus. D. K. Warkkk. C. A. McGuikb Astoria Market ! ornr oT ChermmusniidCnesstreieta. ASTORIA. OREGON. WABREN & McGTJIRE, Propriotor (Suecenrors to Ilobxun t H'orrm. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers- in all KIiioh u Fresh and Cured IVSeats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. t?r P.uttcr, Egi". Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. &' W Shiiis supi4?d at the lowest rates. J. STRAUSS, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In WINES AXD LIQU0ES, CONSISTTKO OP A A A OLD VALLEY WHISKY,, CUTTER WHISKY, OLD KFNTUCKY BOURBON MARTEL BRANDY, nEKNEWE BRANDY, " GRAPE BRANDY, nOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SHERRY AND CLARET WINES, PORTER, ALF, AND ST. LOUIS BOTTLE BEER. These uoods will only be sold at wholesale, and at loweKt figures. Come and EamplaJ them before purchasing elsewhere. J. STRAUSS, ASTORIA, ... - OBEGQ, t , if I MAIN ST.. - - - ASTORIA. OGN.