i -f mctpr-T !9-l&k Vj ' WBf (L"?l?il " " V CO Vol. VIII. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Momig, .April 17, 1879. No. 90. 'XLLL.SJXJS: .M u f"i. . MLm.u '.'ll' -"'"' TTT- (&fcg ra OVlttlLr I 'JL ' L 91 t3l ""TP TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Ktsstcrrt Elates. -During the progress of the eyeni Wm. H. Wheeler, editor heavy rain storm in Mcmph of the Tra,lscript was rotte.Cgg Monday night, lightning struck ed and othenvise lnaUrCiltcd bv a the rarge ice-house, in the southern parfc of the city, and it was com-;. ' J' pletely consumed. The New York board of alder T7ien on the 15 th had a long discus sion in regard to tendering a recep- , .. -c:i. T-.l... T. 4. i. lion LU riu wuxm x ui lui ul wiu city hall, 'congratulatory on his vin dication bv the military commit c tee from his conviction for d'sloy , J 4ilty in JSG; but finally referred the matter to a committee. The Northern Pacific railroad contractors have adopted Senator I 1 Windonrs colonization scheme. They have a contract with a Mis- . r r i i i soun firm for five hundred negroes .at $1 25 per day per head. North- ward the star of Ethiopia takes its j cavalry, Major E C. Mason, 21st m , . . ,. . rri. fantry, is J udge Advocate of the court. -way. l nis says tne Lriucago 1 1 mes, -will open up the south to the heathen. A convention of colored men - t -i.1 v i j i. i n m Little lock adopted a resolution j approving the resolutions of Senator Windoin, introduced in congress, I . . .and asserting that many in Arkansas - are not allowed constitutional : - rights. Two colored commissioners were appointed to consider the A A .question of migrating to some suitable state or territory, and rec comending a national loan or do nation to aid in settling tilie ter ritory. . A-"'resolufion""was 'introduced" into the Pennsylvania assembly on the loth providing for the ap pointment of a committee, to con sist of ten Senators and fif teen representatives, including the speakers of both houses, to pro ceed to San Francisco to receive ex-President Grant upon his re turn to the United States, was re ferred to committee on federal re lations. Foreign ftews. One thousand one hundred and forty revolutionists have been , . -p.. . ... ..11 , I N51H1IIU Willi IH'l H liqiuu. JI11U llgtll. ilIIU arrested m liussia, within the lastinue billiard table. Free coach to and from . . , the house; charges reasonable, Slot) to $2 50 fortnight. per day, according to room occupied. The name of the assailant of the czar of Russia is Solowjiff. The -would-be assassin is now un dergoing examination. It is sup posed the assailant took poison be- f i .. . i ' .i lore ins attempt, as ne vomueu ' . , alter irs arrest, roison was aico found under his finger nails. An tidotes were administered. It is thought that the man was in the employ of the ministry of finance and an agent of the internation ists. The Mexican congress opened on the 1st insl., when President Diaz delivered an important mes-sao-e. lie informs congress of the conclusisn of a contract by the secretary of public works for la3TIng a. submarine and land-line tele graph from some gulf port of the United States alone: the Mexican coast, touching at various Mexican ports, and passing by way of the I;thmus of Tehuancepec to the Pa cific coast, where it is to terminate. PaciJIc Coust Hispatclics. A disjiatch of the 15th from AVatsonville, conveys the following very satisfactory information con cerning a practical rebuke to per sonal journalism in -Califernia: vviXliis anorning Mr. Kusel, editor. of the Recorder, was whipped for I publishing' a poem reflecting on I a well known citizen, and this party of Toung men for personal at- , ,, , f ,. m m tacks in the columrs of the Iran script. Personal journalism has been very prevalent here lately,and public sympathy seems to be with ihe attacking parties in both C J. K.. ui lwu nwjvi-r vcusi-n. Court Mnrtinl. A cor.rt martial convened at "Van- couvcr on Tuesday, by order of Gen eral Sherman, for the trial of Captain Charles Bendir, 1st cavalry. Hie court consists of Col. Alfred Sully. ; Lieut. Col. Alex. Chambers, 21st in- try; Major JX P. Hancock Capt. 51. A. CochraiL, Oapt. J. S. Conrad 2nd infantry, Captains C. B. Thock- mortem and 11. C. Hashhrouck. 4th artillery: Captains Evan Miles, Patrick CollinsJand fc. M. DowneVf '2ist in- fantry; Captain S. G. Whipple, 1st The charges against Capt. Bendire are preferred by Lieut. Col. Elmer Otis, 7th cavalry, on account of the alleged use of some opprobrious ! epithets against him by the former, and the trial will be watched with m- terest by milIUiry men Lieufc Col Otis, Capt. Benteem and Lieutenants Gresham and Kussel, 7th cavalry sta- tioned in Dakota have been ordered to reporfc here as witnesses for the prosecution, and some twenty wit- nesses have been summoned by the defense. William Garrett, who was res cued from the Indians In- Custer, says that he was a Mountain Mead ow captive, his long life being spared on .account of his age, which "was only ten years. His younger- sister, taken atihe same time, afterward became the wife of Red Cloud, the Sioux chief, and now refuses to forsake him. HOTELS ASD RESTAURANTS. O KEG OX lEOrSE. Main street, near Hustler's "SVharf, ASTORIA, - OREGON. Mis. Maiiy Caipukli Proprietor. BoarA and lodging by day or week. pAUKER HOUSE, ASTOKIA, OREGON, II. B. FAISKEK. - - Proprietor. THIS TTOTEL is the largest, most comfort able and best kept hotel in the city. Is and cold baths. barbershop', amla first-class OltTOX JIOTK5K, CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. P. XOKTOX, - - - - Proprietor. "Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) THIS HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF BRICK, iiict fimcltrwl find iiimvIv fnrnili(l with : .f- J"' "-' .j " -., ...w. tne nest oi spnng neus. Tkrms Per week Fromi sr to sg for board and lodging. Per davi 00. Single meals li" cents. Lodging 2f to .1(1 cents. CdyFree coach to and from the House. Private Boarding House. MRS. QUINN - - PROPRIETOR. "Will accommodate day boarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Iniralls' building. Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Cos Express office. A. J. MKGLKIt. C. S. WIMKUT. OCCFDEIST IIT5:i.. MEGLEIt & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. I mSJKPIS HOUSE, D. L. TURPIN - Proprietor MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria, Okkcok. Board and lodging per week $fi oo Board per dav 1 00 Single Meal - 25 Tne table -will be supplied at all times Avlth the best the market aflords. KESTAUKANT, TIIEO. BROEMSER, - - Pr.orBiTnron. Fresh ovsters, and other deli cacies of "the season, served in every style. Opposite the Telegraph office, Squemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. JISS-MEALS AT ALL H0HRS-S. BANKING AND INSUR&5CE. BANKING AND INSUjjMCE. X. T8T. CSikS, BROKER, BANKER, -AXI)- JNSURANCEACENT. ASTORIA, KJREGON. Exchange fcought ami sold onfalirnarts of tho United States and Europe. OFFICE IIOUKS-From 6 olciock a. m. until 4 o'clock i m. J. F. IIouositon.. JJHSnircsirtent Chas. U. Stouv .SSRSecretary G ko. L. Stoiiy. j AgenTOr Oregon Office Northeast corner of Starkjnnd First streets, Poutland, Ohegox. Net C'i5h received for Fire Prem iums in 1877 .3f$33511 04 J Assets, Jan. 1, 1S7S .'2T$57S,G5 S3 Liabihttcs &L risses vnpnid $3.(WR 37 - WmJ Dividends " l.ft7 00 . flf 5.595 37 Surplus for Prone-tv Holders....i.-.$572,470 47 Losses paid in Oregon In six ye,ars$114,51G 72 I. IV. CASE: Agent, Astoria, Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONX)ON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MtiRCAN TILE OF LONDONAND EDIN Bjn&33i& OLD CONNECTICUT WSxKT FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 867,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. COItmi.RCIAI, UNIOIY ASSURANCE COMPANY of XjiC3Krxcisr. Capita! SI 2,500,000. MATT II. SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAXIFOIWXA. ORGANIZED IN 18 63. Total Losses Paid Since Organization. $3,630,435 OS. E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon. G. H. BAIN & BO. BEING NOW PREPARED YITH greatly increased facilitv to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, i BLINDS, TRANS0M& And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will Te sold low for CASH. Steam MM Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Gencvive and A stor streets. TEX ACRES OF TiAXI, On Youngs Bav, cleared, will be suitable for dairy, or a chicken ranch, or for garden ing purposes. Within one mile of ihe As toria Post-office by land. alse: FIVE ACRES, Covered with Hemlock timber, suitable for tannery purposes. Leases will be made for a term of veqrs as may be arranged. t&A pply to J. H. D. (J RAY, Astoria, Oregon, T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Tracking. ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY GO., Squemocriiie tt.. hetweon Cass wid Main, Contract? fur iniyinp made and Fatjsfaction inirtrjnr.eed. Ordor? leftjit the Occident do tel or received by mail promptly filled JJ2WETT i KI'M UALL. saw.. -JFMUf " !i && Horns Mutual Insifc- Go., OF CALIFORNJK WHOLESALE TRADE. I3 G ,V. KXJIVIE Corner of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WHOLESALE DEALEPv IN A2?D PROVISIONS ETC, ETC, AGENT FOK THE Golilen City Chemical foiis. H. TV. PAYING & SOK;S STEAM ENGINES, lay Vf oofrff Mm Mllmf EUBBER BOOTS. Tlie National, Hayward, and Pure Rubber LIVERPOOL SALT. Fishermen's tmd Cannery Supplies SPJEC1AX.TY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the OolumibiaJ 150 Firo Test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnish, Sail Cloth, Made expressly jfor light sail boats. For sale at vGL W- HUME'S, ASTOKIA, - aQREGOK k k-' h-. h: ;; fe MISCELLANEOUS. ECLIPSE MARKET. IVest-Eifrlith Street, near the O. S. X. Cos IVlmrf. JOHN AY. WELCIL PKOPRIETOB A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI ly Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats ami Fish, furnished in best of style at tin market, or delivered to any part of the city Orders given to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be, by prompt attention and fair dealing, to please my patrons. GSAH kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons free. E57""Givc me a call. Is All This Blowim About ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WILL SELL MY 430d)S AS AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about ft A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - OREGON. 3?. DBjeLXXjoDE33r It is no Use of Talking,- J. K. WIRT'S is the cheapest place to buy- FRU1TS OR VEGETABLES. As he has direct from San Francisco bv every steamer, all kinds of vegetable's, such as is in the market. Apples. Peas. Celery, Canlifowcr, AHparnjsus, Parsnips, Reets, Car rots, Potatoes, Oranges, And from Clatsop every day EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, AND HONEY.' Also : keep the best of CIGARS. T0BACC03 AND XTQTJOB3: " Call and examine before mireiiaslnjfelw-' where. 3. 1. WTKT.' JUST RECEIVED BY AT THE I. X. L. STORE! Cirner Main and Concomly streets. GttuOERIES, FLOUR. FEED. WOODEN, ware. Coal Oils. Tobaccos, and Gents Fur nishing Goods, which will be sold at lowest rates. Washington "Market; Maiv Street - - Astoria Oregon BEJiGMAN 0 BEIiliT TESPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTBK JLXtion of tho public to tho fact that tho above Market will always bo supplied with & FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, who!ejftV and retail. Special attention given to suppV- ' ne shin?. V. K. Warrex. C. A. McGuiaa Astoria Market !' Jorner of Chenamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. 'Wi-.'RIIEN & McGTJIRE, Proprlor ( Successors to Hcbxun d: Warren. Wbolewlo and Rotail Dealers in all klncu u Fresli and Cured Meats! A full line of Family tiroceriei-, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. xir Butter, Errs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. Si3 Ship? supplied at tho lowest rates. J. STRAUSS, Importer and "Wholesale 'Dealer in ' WINES AND LIQUOKSi, CONSISTING OF A A A OLD VALLEY WHISKY," CUTTER WIIISIvY, OLD KFKTDCKY BOURBON,. MARTEL BRANDY, PIENNFSIE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SLTERRY AjST " CLARET "WINES, PORTER, ALE, AND ST. LOUIS; BOTTLE BEER. These ceods will only be sold at wholesale, " and at lowest figures."' Conie and BampU? them before purchasing elsewhere. J. STRAUSS, . ASTORIA, - - - - ,0P.EQ02t: v -