(I tjWfOtt PS. Vol. viii. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday morning, April 16, 1879. No. 89. f- VKIi 11 at It) 4 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Eastern Stales. A distinct earthquake shock vas felt at Norfolk, Va., on Mon day. Capt. Boyton passed down the river from Memphis, on the 14th. A hail storm occurred at Pen sacola, Fla., on the 14th. Hail fell as large as eggs. Madame Bergir, convicted of causing the death of Cora Sammis in New York laot February has beesa -sentenced to twelve 3'ears in the -state prison. The co'pn?issione- of Indian affairs received a telegram saying that there is not the slightest foun dation for the report of a Cheyenne outbreak. Foreisrii Icw.s. Queen Victoria will probably risit the king and queen of Ita'y at Monza. It is possible that Cardinal Hohenlope wUl go to Berlin on a confidential nrssion. A dispatch from Alexandria savs axrreaL fire is ruling in Cairo, and has destroyed blocks of build ings hundreds of yards long. On the niht of the 17th of March, a very strong shock of er-fchqiK'kc was felt in Alaju aa, Costa Rica, but no serious damage was done. Gen. Gar'baldi was taken in a c; rage-to the Quiriual on Mon day, and the king conversed with 3um privately in the carriage for liair an hour. "WVlc tie Czar was taking l):s monrrg walk Monday morn ing near the palace at St. Peters burg, four shots were fired at him, but he was unhurt. The man who fired the shofs was arrested by the crowd which the firing attracted. Pac;ic Cos-st 3) 7s pa 1 " . Kearney got another beating Monday afternoon on Iris return from Martinez. Lawrence 0. Hall, who sudden ly le't San Franci&io on the ste m er for CImmi some time ago, leav ing l"s accounts at t.e London and Sin Frdrcisco bank in an un satisfactory state, returned from London on Salunday. He claims innocence of the tlielfc of $lo,000. Capt. Brown of the steam cor vette AVska is, -a so'ty, if we are permu d to judge from the ac counts published rcspecrg h's vst 'o Sitka. The citi e ex press great n dig nation at Capt. Brown's aci'on. He said that they would have no protection except the'r ow 1 orgaii'za ;cr , jjud t ea?s the'r receit alarm as ground "ess. He believes all he In dians profesbions. of friendship, but noth'-i'tr tlie whites te'l him of their violence. They are firmly convinced of the purpose of the Indians to attack them rs soon ; ; protection is removed. Their distress is most pitiab'e. Brown, in a public meeting, told Haley, an ex-sold:er, that if Ke oitizont- were afraid to stay they oroht to leave. Tiis caused L;reat :ndgiat0", cs the tivjty gua-anlecs proteoi lion to Pus3ian c't'zens and Jibe i.yf property and region. Many 1 ave invested largely in p:opert at Sitka, ti'ssi'dig n the3e jpomUes. "What Garden Have Yen. ? AmcrJca.i Agriculturist for April. The best-paying plot 011 every farm, aud the one yielding the most enjoy ment, too, is the veuetable garden "kitchen garden," as it is frequently called, and quite appropriately, espe cially when the kitchen folk have the chief or sole care of it. A good sup ply of garden products for the table costs "less than the standard bread, meat and potatoes, is more healthful and nourishing than all corn beef and pork and the small assortment usually found on the farmer's table. Need we add anything about palatableness, comfort, home enjoyment ? Contrast a table set nearly the year round with bread, salt pork, corned beef, pota toes, boiled cabbage, varied with hash, mush, buckwheats, and occasionally a few other items, with a table well supplied in succession and abundantly with asparagus, green peas, lima beans, string beans, sweet corn, radishes, carrots, beets, parsnips, celery, salsify, turnips, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, egg plants, tomatoes (all the year), rhubarb, okra, squashes, onions, cab bage, cucumbers and other things tilled in with currents, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, not to men tion grapes, pears, etc. We do not accept the standing excuse, "I am too poor, too hard driven, too much to do in my fields to bother with the gar den." We repeat, with emphasis, tihat every fanner can have most, if not all, the above pleasant and health ful variety with less labor and less ex pense than the table can he supplied with in any other way. Every day's work in the garden will produce -several dollars' worth of good things. One-quarter of an acre, more or less, according to the size of the family, will suffice. Select the best soil available, as near the house as possi ble, but at a distance if absolutely 11 ecessary. A good rich 1 oam where wa ter never stands is desirable. Heavy clay will not do well without a good deal of preparation. If not naturally dry, underdraining is desirable, but even an open ditch around the plot, and one or two through it if needed, may answer for the present. Plow and harrow tine, working -ra-a liberal supply of the best welt-rotted manure that can be obtained half a wagon load on every square rod will be all the better, but not much less can be got along with. A Card to the Fiskermcn. Gentlemen: In introducing theFish ennens Protective Union to your notice at our last meeting at Liberty hall. Wednesday evening, April iith. I stated you would hear more about it during the sea&on. 1 should like to have said more to you on the subject, but not hav ing time to give it due consideration I thought it best to postpone it to some "utufe time. Having heard a great many different versions' on Judge Shattuck's opinion on the license law, and some of the.u not very flattering. I take the liberty to piesentto your notice a different ver sion to that arrived at by our protest cmnnittee. I think the Hon. Ex .ludge has acted in a very impartial honorable manner. As lie says, the law is written as we find It; our represen tatives in the legislature made it: and the only way out of the difficulty is by an anpeal to" the legislature to undo its v.ork. Again he says: 1 could find rrgumentsantl reasons enough against 7iese laws proper for a legislature to con sider, but I mu.stsay franld that 1 can not find argument against these laws v'mcIi the courts wiil hear or act upon. Iov w liy the opinion of Judge JShattuck i as not accepted I must say I cannot eouipieheiuu Whereby taking our case knowing we would in all probability li.'vc to carry it to the supreme court of the United States, and whether we .titled or lost the case, he would be sure o net a round sum. knowing all this, : .id giving the opinion against Jus in loresls i 111 proses me that he is an "honor able man. Now the uuly way to grapple litis thing is .to organize. This thing of prying a dollar or more is to my think- ng shere nonsense, I -would say to you pay your license money under profot, but keep your protest dollars in your pocket, until such time as we-ean organize our Union with responsible men at the head of it, and then we will know we are standing on solid ground. Then and not till then should wj invest one dollar towards protesting this license 'aw. I have no doubt there are gentlemen in town we can elect as officers who will be willing to give us good security for our money as the union will be a bene fit to all concerned in the fishing busi ness as the cannerymen will know then who takes charge of their gear. I ihink Saturday May 10th would bean appropriate time to call a meeting, for 'he purpose of selecting officers, and a committee to make necessary arrange ments. 1 should think about seven, or half-past seven o'clock, at the Court house, so that it wilt not interfere with our respective duties. It would not be necessary to call a general meeting, but of those who are in the immediate I cinity. Koi:rt Makhiott. BILL HEAD PAPER; o F EVERY GIVADE AND COLOR, PRIX- tt-u or yluin, at lowest rates, at Tuc ArfToiaAX oCSco. BASKING AND INSURANCE. IS l BANKING AND INSURANCE. X STm C2j&jv BROKER, BANKER, AXD INSURANGlACENT. ASTORIA, OREGON. Exchange ltought and sold ortfSl parts -of tho United States andTEwope. i OFFICE HOURS-From Sffitlock a. m. until 4 o'dock i m. . jg? Home Mutual Iiisw-Cs., OF CALIFORNIA? i- J. F. Houghton'. J-.IRSI'Eresirtent OiAS. TU Stokv .'....-BSSecretary Hamilton Koti. 1 Aj'Pnffnr'nrpmi Geo. L. Stouv. j jj Office Northeast corner of s'tarajand First streets, Portland, Okegox., Xet Cash received for Fire Pre3 -J iums in 1877 ;Hg3.511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1878 .'. J3$578,065 85 LiabilttiCJi Losses v.iinnul S3.B38 37 Dividends " l.flT7 00 5,595 37 Surplus for Iroperty Holders...Kr.$572,470 47 Losses paid iu Oregon in six yearat$114,516 72 I. W. CASK.jent, Astoria! Oregon. 67,000,000 CARJTAL LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. " OLD CONNECTICUTaFHST FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 807,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Acent COnOIERCIAt UXION ASSURANCE COMPANY OF Ij.03"33C3Kr Capital Si 2,500,000, MATT IL SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. FIREMEN'S TUSH INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. ORGANIZED IN 1863. Tolnl r,oscK Pnhl Since Organization. $3,630,435 OS. E. C. HOLDEX, Agent. Astoria Oregon. C. H. BAIN & t)EL BEING NOW ntEPAKEl) WITH greatly increased facility to furnish the public una all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat Lite, Doors, Windows, BLINDS, TRANSOMSi And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates. Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will he sold low for CASH. Steam Mill Near Wston Hotel, Cor. (Jencvive and Astor streets. ECLIPSE MARKET. 1Vet-Eip:hth Street, near tlie O. S. X. Cos IVliarf. JOHN W. AYEIjCII .PHOPRIETOU A GENERAL ASSORTJIENT OF FAII 1. lv Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class MeaLs- and Fish, furnished In best of .style at the market, or delivered to any part of the city. Ordersgtven to the messcn grs..or left at the market, will "Be promptly filled. My endeavor will he, by prompt attention and fair dealing, to please n;y patrons. GSAH kinds of country produce taken in exchange for soods, and delivered to patrons free. 3?-Give me a call. Q. T. KEI1. CALEDONIA SALOON, Corner of Front and A streets. rOKTLAND - - - - JOREGON C2T2ite butcher ia the Central Market. v-eSMm. imt WHOLESALE TRADE. g. w. xxums Corner of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WHOLESALE DEALER IN fl-ROOEMES AND PKOVISIONS ETO ETC AGENT FOR THE Gieii City Chemical forts. B. T. FXTXE & SOX'S STEAM ENGINES, Eay's food f orlai Macltej KXJBBER BOOTS. Tlie National, Hajvard, and Pure Rubber. LIVERPOOL SALT. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SPECIALTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the Columbia, 150 Firo Test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varrnsh, Sail Cloth, . Made expressly 'for light sail boats. For sale at G. Y. HUME'S, ASTOR - - -. - OREGON fe h fe k k k MISCELLANEOUS. E. S. LARSEN Wholesale and Retail Grocer, AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, CLASS, AND PLATED WARE Flour and Feed! ESP"! am now prepared to furnish the choicest and hest goods in my line, at the lowest cash prices. Patronage Is respectfully solicited, References : My patrons. E. S.- LARSEN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Astorte. PURE CIIEU VINEGAR! 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in 25 Gallon Packages. For sale hy C2rThis is the hest quality of vinepar that is made ; it is wan-anted pure eider vinegar, put up hy an Oregon factor, and persons in want of a good article, wholesale or retail, are invited to call on E. S. LAESEX, Cor, Squemocqhe and Cass streets, Astoria. VCrHAT Is Aii TMs Bloiii AM ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WILL SELL MY GOODS AS o:q::ei-l:e AS ANT HOUSE IN THIS OIXY" And am not going to say anything ahout tt A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts ASTORIA, - OREGON. Washington "Market, Maiv Street, - - Astoria Oregon, BERGMAN & BBBHY TESPCTFULLY CALL THE ATTHN IX t:on ef tho public lo tho fnct that the above Market will always bo supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which Will ho Sold nf. Inwost-rnfoa nrKntncaLa and retail. Specml attention piven to suppi ng snips. D. K. Warrrk. C.A. McGuirb Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA, OREGON. "WARREN & McGTJIRE, Proprlotor (Sucoeaitors to IJobton fc Warrcr.. IVbolcsalo and Retail Dealers in all Rinds w Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. C3S" Butter. FrrffS. OJinftso. ntr punctnntbr unhand. 5" Ship? supplied at tho lowest rates. J. STRAUSS, Importer and "Wholesale Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS, CONSISTING OF AAA OLD VALLEY WHISKY, CUTTER WHISKY, OLD KFNTUCKY BOURBON, MARTEL BRANDY, IIENNESIE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM", ANGKLTCA, PORT, SHERRY AND. CLARET WINES, PORTER, ALF, AND ST. LOUIS BOTTLE BEER. These goods only be sold at wholesale, and at lowest figures. Come and sample! them before -purchasing elsew here. J. STRAUSS, AETOKIJl, - - - - CKECOJf;. StTt .3 A . r X-' '-.'" A V.