pufflpTOTWfit flhwwy g 'iwg1'1-"'' Ixje itil2j sStacfcro. STEAMSHIP LINES. AlISCELLANEOTJS. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WRITE HOUSE. i PACIFIC COAST S.S.C0. Mw We As? Seai i. ' -ttfwgprfV&r' 0) W ASTORIA OREGON TIDE TABLE TOE ASTORIA. From tables of United States Coast Survey. Hish Wafer. Low Wator. Date. A.M. p. x. M. : M. X i 27 10 5". 3 35 J 32 4 10 ::" -11 -I'll -1 J" fi 26 Ti 11 .W 1 5 ."0 - (5 VI 5 0 14 r'Jt 0 4') fi 48 7 (f 4(5 .. 1 2? 74' .. "5 21 K 1 21 2 lit S .' S 01 n l 57 .. :j ioi fl is s 42 10 2 . 4 07! 10 01 fl 2i Jl .' 24-. fi 071 10 .u 10 20 12 4 1 0 11 11 21 POUT OF ASTORIA. VLKARAXCKS A XI) DEPARTURES. SAILKI). a Waif-brU:, 273 tons, J. E. Danny, Master, S. F. April 8 Great Republic s. 3SO0 tons. Carroll S F. April 7 Oreson. s. 2iV) tons. Connor. S F April 6 .Emily StupliPii. sch. 70 tons. Hondorson, fiJiin cruise. April 5 ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Idaho, str. 1077 tons. Alexander, S F2a.m.. April fi Shubrick. U.S. Lipht-houe str-.Kortz. SF April A Rival. bkiW tons. Adams. S. K. March 31 Orient, bris 312 tons. Williams. S. F. March 30 Ilonora. ?ch. 75 tons. Tlironsen, Tillamook. Mch 21 Kut L Ilerron.sch Iletts. Tillamook. March 21. oawfell. Br bk, 4SS tons. Erans. Victoria. Feb 'IS. McNcarslnp 1DIH tons Taylor. HonekoiiK. Nov 12 Corrientcs. Br. bk. 513 tons, Jonos, Hongkong. Oct 21. V alloy Forge, sli 123G tons. Woodborry, Bombay. Oct 3. Garibaldi sh M31 tonsThatchcr.Honj?konR.SepL27 "ildwood, eh. 1046 tons, Harnman. Ilenffkoag. June 8 Mr. Peter Wilhehn lias nenna nciUly fitW uj) a shipmaster's ivh(Hii room in connection with the Gem 2nioo'n Jn Astoria. The latest shipping papers nncl homeward and outward bound ship ping lists are kept on file. Telegraph office in the same building. Qt IBSON, HAMILTON & H1GGINS. Ship Chandlers. & Provision and General -SJSf? Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON T-REMRD & UPSHUR Successors to Gapt. Geo. Flavcl 2I?AX.I22tS I3 PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, COAL Builders' and General Hard ware, At the Old Est:illishocl - Well Jmourn JSla?id fS' :-rw- -OF- GEORGE FLAVEL Chencmus Gtreet, Astoria, Oregon. riiiAS. a. jiay, UKALKR IN Forcijrn aci Domestic Frszits, Nuts, Candies Yankee Notions, Toys. Finest brands of CIGAKS AND TOBACCO. Chenannih stieet, - Astoria JUST RECEIVED. New Goods for the Season OF 170. A FULL LINE OF Oil Skins, Rubber Boots, And everything needed for the FISHIX- TRADE. A Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of ALINE'0F CLOTHING fYS. Gents Furnishing Goeds: ALSO : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; ALSO: Vatrces, .Jewelry, Marine and Opera Classes, etc.: Resides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Wholesale ami Retail. Call and sec. kv-" tt ' w k $u jwjc-o, MAIN ST., - - - ASTORIA. OGN. GUN! KEY: SA F. W. WASS. Main street, next door to Geo. Ross. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T, BOUCHERS -.Proprietor Aistcria. Oregon. No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thra' fling vour clothes too pieces. Buttons sewel on and clotheSine'naVd. tigr-Neat work at reasonable pnecs. Give us .i call. Sliip Cliailerj, igj S, ,OCIvS, A5I) SKlVlACr tbtkwtmhp ii'stimtit RFnUliK 'geiunies, iMoweranu nee bceils. nd for Sf A CIS OfES REPAIR!. r a V1"5? Via(' and Kccns on, lKimh lllc IOI! Howard strwL SanFnuicisco best bnuul of Cigars. Also, soda, caiiuj, l' -tl"'"""t'" h.wiimu. 5 FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED, . nut.s. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. AWS FILED ETC BY jr',f GEO. ROSS. l'ropneU.r. iriKii commissioners notice. ir- -xitr wicc T11? UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS- Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES. Carrying the V. S. Mails mid Wells. Faro As "os Express. Tin-: PACIFIC COAST f Ar s steamship Company will z ja avx disnut tf!frfX ",sUau"u their fast ami lu vonte STEAMSHIP IDAHO, 1077 Tons. E. ALEXANDER COMMANDER For the above port, on Thursday. April 10, at 5 A. M. RATES : Cahln Fassaue S10 on Steerage Passage ., .... r 00 Freight per Ion .. 1 00 THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. Tor Passage and Freights, apply ta J. McCRAKEN & CO.. Ag?nts. X, G2 and r4 North Front ?trect. For Port Tcwnsend, Victoria, Nan aimO, Fort WrangS and Sitka:, Carrying l &. flails. 3, THE STEAMSHIP $feg? CALIFORNIA, CIIAS. THORN Commander Will leave Flandcr's Wberf, foot of C street for tho abovo ports. For Freight or Passage apply to En. C. HUGHES, Fursor. SHIPPING NOTICES. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go. Sp Until further notice tho Ilwaco J2sUl&. Steam Navigation Co'sstoamor GENERAL CANBY. WIIITCOMIi MASTER Will leave Astoria on SEonilays, TncMlays, and Saturdays, At 9 A.M., Fridays at O 1-4 A. 31., aad 1 r. .11. Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llirnro Connecting with L. A. Loomis'stacos for Oys tervillo aud Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens. W)cts " Canby and Ilwaco 1 00 tSFor Tickot-s. Towage or Charter apply oithor at tho ofiicc of tno CompMny, (J ray's wharf, foot of IJenton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent, For Tillamook Direct. The fcist A 1 Schooner 2&v IIONORA, -JS- (72 tons register) -ilsisjiS- THRONSEN" Master. Will have quick dispatch :is above, leaving on or about Thursday, April 10, 3S79. rarFreight at lowest rates. Apply on board or to E. S. LA RSEN, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. March 1, 1S7D. For Charter to any Point on the I5ay or River. The Al fast Steam Yacht, MAXKT, (.IVi tons register.) FRED S. MUNSON - Master. Is now fitted in the very best style, and can be Chartered for Kxisiness or Pleasure At Reasonable rates. This is the only perfectly furnished steam Yacht on the bay. and complete satisfaction is guaranteed toicrsoiis employing her. Jjjr-For charter, or busnios of any kind, applv on IkkuhI or to A. .I.MEG LEU, Agent, OfcKlent Hotel, Astoria. For Towage or Charter. HE RELIABLE STEAM-TUG mnV.VWTVI-TT. 1&S; T IU1 1 VI XMVJJ,iar23je5iS&- AL. H A RRIS .Master Is in tirM-class order and. until further no tice, is ready for business in the line of tow int;. eirrvin'g p;us.sengers, or jobbing, any wfiere on'the rhers. from Astona to Portland, the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply on board. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. THE TINE SIDE-WHEEL Steamer ONEATTA,, -S"r- A. C. FISHER ...Master AVill leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon ! daily at s o clock a. yi. (bumiays exceptetl.i On Saturdays will make regular trips to Khiskanine and back. rtWOecasional trips will also be made to Cowlitx liver. For further particulars see Capt. on board. J 1 EORGE ROSS' i m.bb w-. u iiiiliarrtKnom. u t,,,, flIlU. nm,!iril lfnnm ln llin ,.u ... whfM no liquors are sold. OATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, OATHSJTj Stein and SULPHUR Baths Occident Hotel. Shaving Saloon. NlEDKKAUKK. &. UllLEXHAKT, Propriktoks. S''Sneeial attention xiven to ladies' and . children's hair cutting. i Private Entrance for Ladies. NSW 6TQQK1 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND fn' j nTTTiTTTnnnTn nnrvno JCillu Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. We respectfiillv invite the public to call and Inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of fine CIGARS TOBACCO "Wliieh we are ofTering at .m Franciseo wholesale prices. Very repeelfully. A. VAM DUSEN & Co., CorCass and Jefferson sts Astoria, 5gn. VAN DUSEN fe CO., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a great variety of goods for both ladies aird gentlemen. If You Want to Select a Suit of CLOTBCHXTG- From the very best stock In the city call at A.VADJUUSEUJ&Co.'s. VADJ DUSEN & Go,, Are Agents in Astoria for the SINCJER and the WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Iargc stock constantly on hand. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL 1MAMSE, Comer Chenanuis and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. 0ITT BOOK STORE, MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. CIIAS. ST32VJSSS & SOA Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, jiust laid in The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth! DECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PUKSES COMBINED: COMB AND imiTSn POCKETS: CUTLEKY, JEWEL11Y, CHAEMS, ETC., ETC.; LADIES' FANCY BOARD. ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PA1NTPENCILS, GUTTAPEPvCHA GOODS: EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. B3TAU goods sold at lowest cash prices. CIIAS. STL YENS & SON. City TJook Store to- Main street, two doors from the Pioneer Restaurant, opposite the bakervof Mrs. C. Hinder. New Furniture, V'ALL J?AJ?EBr f7 AMD OTHER GOOD! AT Chas. Hbilbor's, ASTORIA, OREGON. o Tlie finest and best in the market, all new. T HOUSEKEEPERS ARE IN VITED TO CALL AND INSPECT MY CARPETS. SThe public Is invited to call, examine my goods and prices. CIIAS. iIEILBORN. Astoria, Oregon. April 2. ls7!i. W. E. DEMENT, ff DKUGGIST. g ASTORIA OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. ttir Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A sure preventative of Channed Hands, and cure for Fish ounds. SEEDS! FRESH ANI TBCK TO KA3I1B. TTTE WILL SEND THE FOLLOWING IT seeds, post-paid. on receipt of price. Re mit by post-olllce order or postage stamps: V.cets. per oz 10c I Farsnips. per oz.l0e j Carrot, pero loe ( Jtadlsh. per oz luc 1 1 aouage, )eroz....e spmacii, jier oz...10e j JA-uuce. per oz uv Turnip, per oz 10( uon. per m 15e I Tomato. j)er oz 2oe ,.'rtiS"ln ,) cent Packets, all varieties of Ti sioncrfor Waslumrton territory, herebv gives notice that he will be at Brooklleltl lor the rest of the season. ALBERT T. STREAM. North Cove. W. T Feb. 17, 1ST9. 2?isli Comnnssioners Notice. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILAT JLi the undersigned will be in readiness from and after this date, to issue licenses, at Ids office up stairs, comer of Cass and Sqcmoccihe streets, Astoria. Oregon. II. B. FERGUSON. Deputy Fish Commissioner. To show to our customers and the public hi general a full and complete stock of 33E5j;Ea:c jxra, sixhbseh goods, Consisting of a perfect ami elegant assortment or DRESS GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY,. LADIES CLOAKS, LINEN SUITS, LADIES UNDERWEAR AND WHITE GOODS. MENS CLOTHING, YOUTHS CLOTHING, BOYS CLOTHING, GEMS FURNISHING GOODS, (HATS, HATS, CAPS, CAPS, ROOTS, SHOES. SLIPPERS. ETC. Uur prices are the lowest ever heard of in this citv, we must sell, Come one come all. ' SCHLUSBEL & KANT, Cor. Cheimnuis and Main streets, Astoria, Orpsron. &1 ALL THE FISHERMEN, AYORKINGMEN AND THEIR FRIENDS On the Columbia river and tributaries, to save monev. keep themselves drv and comfortable, and patroni7.e home industry by ordeiiug iheir SHIRTS, JUMPERS, AND C3L CLCTHSNG7 FROM THE ASTORIA SHIRT AND OIL GLOTHiKG MANUFACTORY, CORNER OLNEY AND SQUEMOQIIE STREETS. Which is fully prepared to suppty them ALL with anytlur.t; in the line of wnrkininnoifi apiiarel. Nothmbut first-elnss material u.sed and all iork wariauted. Our oil dothiui; will be found at all the principal stores and canneries in Annia ;nn a!oril-t iier lv sure to get a suit for the coming lushing season, because it is undoubtedly the bt COIjTJMBIA JOHft KAHn, ASTOHIA, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Lager and Bottled Beer. 3TThe Col unibia Brewery has eveiy facility, and using none hut the hest materials and employing experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in filling all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. W!EYER - Proprietor HAVING EVERY FACILITY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A FIRST CLAS AK tide, I am now prepared to furnasa the public with (ho finest quality, for cash. OF LAGES BEER, AT 30 CEXTS PER GAEdLOX. "7VrEEOXJEJjSjgLXiS3. S"Fmilics and keepers of public houses promptly an? regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Propristo-. Wilson & Fisheh DEALEKS IX 3T, A 3ELX W .'JEZJEl. LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OILr PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Wliieh; will be exchanged for country pro- I duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenninus and Hamilton Streets i ASTORIA, OREGON. r-KaisrKzuxr UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squemocoha street, next door to Artorian buildicg, Astoria, Oregon. B3TA1I work done in a skillful manner on short notice and nt reasonable prices. Undertaker's furnishin" goods always on hand. ho is Elected? WF ZX "T XXT flHTXlr SM&XJU W -fcJC-A. XUJZ. OF TIIK Great Eastern Saloon, CONCOArLY ST., ASTORIA. nnnis favorite resop.t has just been refitted and stocked with . . -k-tc JLJjIj J.J1j JSJOJL jjiJxMf3 1- . Imported and Domestic H Ines antf Iiiquors. Cisarj and Tobacco. C3r- San Francisco Beer five cents a glass THERE YILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL OK T.Tr,.T "WEDNESDAY EVEN IN & .-r-rTr a 10-0 APRIL U, lby. 3"CT3 IOX:LS3"V7rS23EL"P PROPRIETOR OS2.Xi3Q-C3Mrl l OF BOTTLED BEER, AT $1 30 PER 3DOZI2IV. ASTORIA. OREOON. Arndt & Ferchen, nniiE best 02, BLACKSMITH AND Mnnhinfi Rhanl! i Qrt In the city. All kinds of Engine, Cannery and Steamboat Work promptly attended to. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing ofElacksmith dor. Satisfact and all kinds ins done toor- ion t,: arantced1 ALL SHIP AND ENGINE "WORK A SPECIALTY. E. j. MERRILL & CO.r Blacksmiths and Machinists i Capt. ROGERS7-OLD STAND Near Express I Office. ASTORIA, - OREGON. ! ... . - ftnr j- heavv or lijrht. done with t TiMtnnsa nnd dionntcli- Horsesrhoeing, Wag- ffi?. nr. sfl Farm F5tfE?Sz TVORK A SPECIALTY. AVING SEUREIi THE SERVICES OF JLl Mr. S. . Gaines of Ky.. an experienced FarricrofS) years in tho business, and well" j known to Astoria norsemen. wenrepropared to 1 do shoeing ma. manner to cure lameness or pre- ' yent it in horses entrusted to our caro. i purAlI work warranted and at reasonable- j ratcs j Tpi yjjii, 1 CHINESE DOCTOR, I (I-ntc of San Francisco.) l Has opened an office on Chenamus street two doors from j. W. Gearhart's store, wherec he will treat the different clases of tliscasev after the most approved practice. r?! Xy$sfygragg6- ijfsmmmmJ?-. SiSsrsO-, tSlif &"J- & W&F" -uiT9 tS&&?: