C3J racnssas ASTOItIA OREC.OX ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Mondny Lxcoirtodi. Attnan Buudhuj, (Trans Srcc'. Terms of Subscription : Carved by Carrier, ier wook 25 Cont. Sontby mail. iMr months 53 08 Sunt lr mail, ca yenr . W Freo of 1'ostnee to Sitb?cr"foors. 3r Advertisements mswljed by thyoar at the rate of $1 ."'. ir square ier month. Transient advertisinc, by the day or wock, fifty cents ijr square for each in.orlion. THE CITY. The Da iky astokian' "" Itc veni ity vwil el 75 o-ntx a tiwnth. free tf inxtagc. Ueaa h vjIh nm'ftnt hite ahttcner fnwi the eiitf atn Uave Thk Aktokian fnibtw them. Dati,v r W'K'AKiA' nWitws tmmu iit-jjhcc witli mi (UuiHionai rpciti". sUUurt&ot Wfly he cc(Kfxf ox often w ue-arc?'. Leave oroova at the cntMtiwi rtnuu. Cant. Flavel retnrned t the city on Sunday by the steamship Oregon. Weils. Fargo & Co.'s reduced iarifl" Hist was ivceived at the Astoria office by 1ho Idaho. Seal arc. very destructive this spring. 4n the fish caught in the harbor and bay at Astoria. lr. X. Pee) toas t&'cen a poKiiioM as lfKk4ceeper in the new Astoria etmnerv oiMr. Wni.HuiMe. :.rr. J. AT. WelHi returned from Portland last even in g, whither he hied iilmseif recently on kusiness. The .Sea Wall has on ImmWI 200.000 feet of lumiHtr for JSan Francisco, and is d rawing 1'.. She sails to-day. The steamship Idaho arrived at 2 o'clock a. ai. on the iHh. She left one hundrtd tons of her cargo at Astoria. C:ipl.I. E. enn"s name, was enter ed upon the regisicratthe enstoin-hou&e vestordav, as msuter of the brig .Sea "Waif. Miss Helen Johnson and Miss Sie vens. of Oysterville, have been visiting friends in "the city. They return home lo-dav. Miss Carrie Wass. and her sister I lattie. arrived in the city on Saturday from Yaquina, on a visit to friends in tliis part of Oregon. The steam-tug Columbia performed the mail duty to the forts for the Can by yesterday, as the latter had not yet re turned from Shoal water bay- A quick trip was recorded yester day by the Great Republic, only five and 'one-fourth hours irom Portland, 110 miles. She proceeded immediately to sea. -o Barth & Meyers have just received a couple of puts, a pair of black hear, at their place of business, irom tneJieau ot the Walluska. They were captured by Indian George. The Bonita will take the place of the Ilawyard to-day, and to-morrow the Hay ward will take the place of the Dixie Thompson, in the Portland line. Tins will cause the Dixie to take a vacation. Pilot Staples who took the new Westport-built schooner Emily Stephens to sea. informs us that she is one of the finest sea boats that ever crossed the bar. The bar was rough and breaking when .she went out, but her deck was perfectly dry. Tn making the run to the buoy de pot, by the Magneton the (ith. Captain Thatcher's patent log was towed astern, indicating that the distance is three and one-half miles from the Farmer's wharf. The distance was run, against a strong tide, in exactly thirty-nine minutes. Ah JLut the Celestial arrested for stealing opium from the Portland boat, had his -examination last evening, and was held to appear. He is the same ras cal who was caught stealing a pair of pants from Van Dusen it Co.'s store last year. He will probably go to Salem, from Astoria, the next term of the Cir cuit court We are in receipt of the March number of The Physican and Surgeon, ajmonthly magazine, devoted to medical .and surgical science, published at the university of Michigan, by Keating & 'Bryant, publishers and proprietors, Ann Arbor, Michigan, at $2 00 per annum ; invariably in advance. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for terms and territory. About a dozen subjects for the peni- j scheme was frustrated by the appear tentiary were put ashore at Astoria ance of day-light, and the " celestial was from the steamship Republic yesterday, j taken down, inore dead tlnui alive, and as they were trying to 4,spar their way UanU was locked in one of the solitary below. They were apparantly first class 1 cells. JTanU is held as a prisoner for chicken-thieves, ete. Chief Barry re- assault and battery. Ah Six, is held for lerred them to a prominent surgeon, larcenv. .Repairs were made to the tloor Avho would give them each thirty dol- vesterdav. and the services of a physi lars apiece to subject to a medical dis- eian, secured for the celestial, makes it .section, but they refused,-rfor something double secure now that both will be here worse, perhaps; if they remain in Asto-J to stand trial it the next term of court. na. This is no place lor their kind; J they are already ''spotted" by the police, and may just as well move on. Mr. Peter Wilhelm, has decided upon placing suitable accommodations on Tongue-point for entertaining sum mer visitors. He chartered the steam Yacht Magnet on the (ith, and with a partv explored the point from base to summit, and located the site for the im provements which will be made im inediatelv. There is no finer spot on ;he coast for pic-nicsthan Tongue-point. The eastern slope is sunny, sheltered j from southerly winds; and the western slope is protected from east winds, while J--L ""fm 01 x,. l;i. u. mmp, on top the beauties of nature that lay of No. 13, and A. L. Stmson, of No. spread out before one is grand and 18, who have entered into tho work sublime, taking in many miles of su- with. a. determination to make this the -rounding country, and a lovely view up mosfc pleasant excursion ever inaugu thenver. and down .as far as eje can. ,: qi, ; .reach seawards. rated from Salem, ,yy....H JTP.'Wi.'li IWl Wi r-ilML'JM H I M.I1!H Shipping Xoies. The Chamber of Commerce is in re ceipt of despatches announcing that: The steamship Geo. W. Elder would sail to-day from :San Francisco for Asto ria and Portland. The steamship A neon will sail on the i:tth. next Sunday, from San Fnmckco for Astoria and Portland. The steamships Great Republic and Oregon will sail on the Kith from Snu Francisco for Astoria and Portland. Anoiher Organ for Astoria. fr .Max Wagner has pm-chased an an for the Great Eastern Saloon on ; organ Ctincomlv street. It will ie open on Thursday evening. The Portland Telegram saw, of this instrument: "One of the finest instruments that has ever lx-en brought to Oregon, has just been placed Wan gen heir in Columbia Hall. Messrs. mi v .Meyer nave ocen 10 about !?-2,oiw excuses in importing from S-hvarL.v.ald. Germany, one of the German Orchestrans for which that ila-e is so noted in the nianutaeturc. The iiistrum.'iit ir one of the barrel and pipe organ variety, and plays forty German. French, 'and American airs, including oMra. inarches. In nms. songs and most of the opular limbic of the day. The tone of tiie instrument, which stands ten feel high and is five feet in width, is ricJi and niellr w. and the mu sic is very delightful. The gentleman who keeps I h Columbia hall are !oth ery enterprising. and intend that their saloon shall be second to none in I'on land. 15siles other at tractions, they hae a telephone in operation in the hall, and 1 the f.-.tcru Fnioii telegraph iiHralor.s and others wh have ronneelion there with, can order zuie lagr and spret 7.en kaze" with very listle trouble. Their jlace has leen filled every even ing with delighted listeners since the orchestran arrived, and we hope it will long contiuiieto be a source of attrac tion. The above Organ will arrive in As toria this evening, and will discourse its music to the public at the Great Eastern Saloon Thursday. Of course Max.'s friends are glad of his success; he has pulled through all right. 4 -Fr.ni a private letter irom llev. T. Hyland. !earing date the 2-1 th ult., A. we quete: Iliad a talk with ex-hena lor Mitchell last week. He told me hp ... - - - .., , expected to complete arrangements wnli Aew ork capitalists on r nitay last io build a railroad from Salt Lake to the Columbia river I llMV lilt flilltllt- I he will succeed.' Air. Hyland's address is 2-1:; West Thirteenth street. Captain Fisher .decorated his fine steamer Ordway with Hags on Sunday,!1" ,Jlt'u "', " it was said in honor of a very interesting . productions of the firm. domestic event in his family on the ith. j With his aceustomed promptness on all important occasions. Mr. Peter Wilhelm resonded to the report, and sent on board some of the finest brands of cham pagne from the Gem, which was heartily sasar Mtisr ss 5' : i i... r....t.x.. i':i... .,...1 i.:,. I the rumor negatively decided, a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. 'Wilhelm, who had so promptly stepped to the front, attesting his friendship. A vnrr rnn,1 eiirrfrnetinn woe nffnro" I hv n iinnfipiii msiii sit'the meetnifr nf Hip i Astoria Chamber of Commerce last even-'the m-w ...m... ....... ..v ..v -...L.W n w. -. . ing, xi was mis: i. inai in neii 01 me re-enacted m the appropriation act ot Sf tTl$ J'y 31, 1870..it must be regarded as That win-n the nrh!-lioiise is built i.ii permanent legislation, and, until re- TilJamook rock, the fog-whistle now in pealed, all surveys made subsequent use at Port Adams be transferred to to the date of said act .must be paid that place. This is a most ecllciit'f0r y the claimants that all surveys suggestion, and should be laid befoie.. i -, , -vr -9-1 iqc ,i CoTonel GIHcsnip. Hv thus placing those i J la,uo0,beten .SI:trd 51j 18' 5 " signals, they would be so far removed July 31, 18 0 will not have to be paid from the bar sis to admit of their being .for. heard on board of vessels approaching! the entrance from the sea, which is now almost an impossibility. Julius Bichtcr and his wife .Emma are under arrest for participating in a stabbing affray on Main street, Satur day nignL Tliey are the keepers of the new saloon known as the Fishermen's Ketreat The man lan John Ditbur. who laolcao app'in'cmVrt was the victim till V .WHi l HO llHilUM. 1.VJ UPll til 111 UMllt 1 vesterday. His statement is to the effect . iilii'a liif- iink tmnhlo T Ofll UlilL I1U llflll"ll IIHU nil." -lll'll e.ll, WlirU !... 1... .......k.l .4 !.. 14... .4 ...1..... the woman liichlcr wanted him to treat j That he refuM-d. and she then pulled a iiiut.'i oji 111111, aim tunif uiiiiu viiuvn-t oring to lake the revolver awav f,i her, the man Itivhlcr stabbed him sever al tinier lhe the Police-cour i ease was postponed, in; rt, until to-day, at 2 o'clock i. M. Eor good tobaccos, fine cigars, no tions, candies, etc., go to Foster's variety store, on the roadway, oppo site the 0. S. N. Co.'s wharf. A half breed named JJnnli White turned executioner in the county jail night before last, and "strung up" his sole companion, Ah Sin. then burned a hole through the tloor of the jail, under the stove, expecting to make his escape. Fortunate! v for the claims of iustice his The Salem Statesman says: "The committee, appointed b3' the lodges in that city have made the necessary ar rangements with the Oregon and Cali fornia railroad company., for procuring a special train for an excursion to Port laud on Saturday the 20th, tho anni versary of Odd Fellowship in the United States. The excursion will leave at 7 o'clock, a. jr., and return ing leave Portland at 7 P. M. The j committee is composed of Messrs. J. -!r ii..il r -vr -1 . m r -r The Queen and the State. The Queen of England is reported to have said, when her attention was called to the omission to invite Mr. Gladstone to the Duke of Connaught's wedding, This is my sou's wedding ; I shall pay all the expenses." If the queen reall3T made this reply, it is one of those unfortunate expressionwhich monarchs generally live to regret hav ing made. When the queen replies to a protest against a slight to one of England's foremost men, in terms which seem to view herself apart from l.. oiutf. -. rlr -will bft nnfc to tnlci J vUw Jur apurt from the Thu n owes the cu-Cnm- stancc ot its being of the slightest im portance that any one was invited to her son's wedding, to the accident f being queen of England. As plain Victoria Guelph, neither her own wedding nor the wedding of her son would have any interest for the public at large. But as Queen of the Nation tthichhas held the first place in Eu rope, and to-day in many respects still maintains its old supremacy, her movements are telegraphed all over the world. The marriage of her son doubtless a very commonplace sort of a erson (as all the Guelphs are), is a Mlitical event of marked significance. The neglect to invite so great a per sonage as Gladstone, her former prime minister, could not be regarded as the eaprice of an uncertain-tempered woman, but as a premeditated mark of disfavor b' a sovereign. The re mark attributed to her intensifies the offense. The queen pays the expenses of her son's wedding with the nation's money, and she is responsible to the nation for the manner in which she treats its great men. Books and stationery of variety, the best, at Adler's. every The Oregon Transfer conrptfny at Portland ha e recently added to their lane stock of carriages one from Studebaker Bros., South Bend, Indi ana. They are proud of this elegant carriage, a demi-landau, which is a fine . t Piece ot workmanship. It will be re- served solely for calling and weddings, alui w;ii C L,rCallv soucht for. The cost of the vehicle was 1,500, which is an indication of its elegance. Mr. E. M. Bramiick, the traveling repre- unntnfivn rkf Sf nlbnlrnr "RrnQ is iitiiv r.n..wi .i:" :. ... f i, , , "" . Best Salem flour is sold in this city at "5 50 per barrel 'by Warren & McGuire. -The Secretary of the Interior has that section 2400 ot . . vised statutes ot the United States, re 'quiring owners of private land claims ms to pay for the survey of their claims before a patent can be issued," was re pealed by the act of congress approved PiUCU UV tllU UUU Ol culls' LIS tiOL March 3, 1875: that the provisions of section having been substantially fc See late specimens lightning pro cess of photograplus, at H. S. Shuster's Art Gallery. The profitless debate which has been anticipted over the appropriation bills commenced on Tuesdav. Ko one lean iredict where it will finish. If !th? knnte ?f b? Presidential, cam- . Z A , - " , "11 l):u"n 1S struck, it is a most miserable ,UIU lllllllltniUtll ICjr-AlUbU. JLV o "v, il iittiiir.iiinl l.mv 4-n Ir lc tfl1 too, of whidh. jV;0t,hhicr that ( the country is tired. can oe sata on eitner -t -, . . i . i :.. i. l..rt side, on the issues involved m the late war will change a vote. The topic affords latitude for an interminable debate, but there are no known rules of logic by which a conclusion may be shown as inevitable. As each party lays, down its premises, and reasons from them, there are no connecting lines to draw them together. Congress is simply embarked on a Eea of talk, witliout chart or compass. Baby carriages wards at Adler's. from $7 00 up- Warren & McGuire have the early r'se potatoes for seed. Fanners, please remember this. Boat sponges, wholesale and retail at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five thousand just received. C. H. Bain & Co. will, from this date, discount ten per cent, for cash, on former prices on sales of mould ings, sash and doors. -The Bee-hive is a busy place Airs. Steers has iust laid in a -very large stock, consisting 4f millinery goods, a large assortment of ready made suits for ladies and phildren, and an excellent line of underclothing, for the ladies and. children. Call at the Bee-hive Store and inspect thia new stock. The low price of every thing will astonish you. Single copies of the "yV-EEKLY Astoriai ncatly done up. with stamps to pre-pay postage affixed, for sale at thia office. Send a copy to your friends in other p&rU of the world. Price, 10 cents a copy. AROUND THE CITY. Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeers. See advertisement. The cheapest ever offered is Ham burger's Embroidery. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. Oysters served in everv stvle at the Walla Walla Bestaurant. .New invoice ot those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth. : inches wide, for one dollar at Ham burger's. Your complexion is sallow, and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from your druggist a lottle of Pfunder'iv Oregon Blood Purifier. Keep your blood pure and your health must be good, the great purifier is Pfuiuler's Oregon Blood Purifier. All Astoria druggists have it now. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books, socially for use in can neries, at the City Hook store. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering ork of him. and will do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should Itesuflicicnt recom meudation. Uefore vou let vour con- I tracts for work of this kind it would be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. Get vour baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Five thousand yards Embroideries from " cents upwards, at Hamburger's. Buy your domestic goods at Ham burger's. You can do better than at any other house. The proprietor of the Chicago house.whom everylwidy knows as a opu lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in splended style. It is all newly painted and furnished, and is one of the most attractiw places on Main street. Call around f every luxury of the season at the Chicago house. Parties in want of good C'dar Shingles will do well to apply to 11. C. Coniegys, Kalama, W. T. Fn.vIi'oualc DrosOlakiiur. Miss M. .1. Kkiyi.ky having made ar rangements with Miss E. C. Benedict to do cutting ami fitting in her shop, and feeling fully competent to offer herself as a first-class trimmer, would be pleas ed to have the ladies of Astoria give her a call, as she will hold herself responsi able for all work done. iTerins reason able. Next door to The Astqkiax office. Mips E. C. Benedict wishes to inform the Ladies, that she will still continue instructing all those who wish to learn Mrs. C. K Binker's system of Dress-cutting, having taken rooms with Miss M. J. Kelley. The Kcs! Family Sewing machine is the Kew Ameri can, sold in Astoria by Chas. Stevens & Son at the City Book store. It is a light running self-threading machine, in fact 1t Is the only -sewing machine which has a self-threading shuttle and self-setting needle. It never breaks the thread; never skips stitches; is the lightest run ning, and is in every respect the best family sewing machine. Chas. Stevens & Son, agents. Astoria, Oregon. IjODOIxg Ilersf: Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can be accommodated at reasonable rates at Mrs.Munson's Cheuamus St., Astoria. Mes. H. A. Derby. Received by last steamer a superb stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Embracing every novelty in the line. KID GLOVES, RUGHINGS, And other goods too numerous to mention. Dr, Varner's Health Corset Can only be purchased in Astoria at Mrs. Derbv's. Main street, between Sciucmoqhe and Jefferson. THE ASTORIA BREWERY RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olney and Water streets, ASTORIA. OREGON. Best quality of LA GKll JiKKR 5 cts. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. ise-Thc patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager or Bottled Beer in anv quantity promptly filled. f-Tlie best lunch the seafaou wiU afford furnished day and night FREE. Y"1E0RGE ROSS' 3-Billiard Room. The onlv Billiard Room In the city wheto 110 Honors are sold. N iJEW TABLE JI'ST ITT UP. C.KORUA has a cosv place and keeps on hand Jnc Lest brand of Cigars. Abo. soda, canuj. nuts. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. STi-tf GEO. ROSS. Proprietor. JCST JtECEIVED BY AT TI1K I. X. L. STORE!! Corner Main .and Concomly streets. GKUCERIES, FLOUR. FEED. WOODEN ware. Coal Oils, Tobaccos, and Gents Fur nishing Goods, which will be sold at lowest rates. OATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and SULPHUK Baths 1 Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. JMEDERAUEB & UHLEKHAKT, FROFBIKTORS. 53TSpeclal attention giren to ladies jmd children's hatr cutting. Private Entrance lor Ladles, """" & "i W'y y AMTJSEMEOTS. GEAKD OPENING- OF Hill's Hew Yariely TMatre, Containing six XEW AND ELEGANT BOXES, SITTING BOOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the Kew Theatre were executed by Mr. F. Holt. NEW AND ELABORATE SCENERY. Painted by Mr. m. AVet. Architect autl lhiihler Mr. Ivemble. On and after this date will he given a First Glass Entertainment, Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this coast. Our Per formance Coirnunccs with our First Part of Ffiaie and Female GRAKD O LIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats, Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Panto mi mists and Jugglers. HOUSE CROWDED NIGHTLY To see our Refined and rnen,unlled enter tainment. New Acts. New Soot's and com plete change of Programme twice a week. GKO. I5HLX. Proprietor. Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena mus Street. Performance to commence at endit o'clock precise. Illll.l. IH.-1T-1JM. H.IJ.UJJ JIIUL.llll ULI HOTELS AND KESTATJRAOTS. P' KKEIl HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON. II. R. PAIJKER. ----- Proprietor. THIS HOTEL is tlie larjr.'st. most comfort able anil lx'vt kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of sprint; water. lvot and cold baths, barbershop, ami a first-class talnnu with best of Honor; ami cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to ami from the house : chr.rjres reasonable. ?1 0i to $230 per day, according to room occupied. CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. I. XOKTOX. - - - - Proprietor. (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) THIS HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF PRICK, iust finished and newly furnished, with the best nf spring beds. Tkiims Per week From st to r for board ami lodging. Per day si 00. Single meali 25 cents. Lodging 2.i to r0 cents. JSFree coach to and from the House. Private Boarding House. MRS.Ql'INN - (- PROPRIETOR. "Will accommodate day boarders or aceom-. niodate any with board and lodging. Trices reasonable. In Tngalls tmiMlnsr, Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Forgo & Co' Express office. A. J. MEOLKR. C. S. WIUGHr. OCCIBEiST KOTEI. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. TIIE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted ami refurnished, adding greatly tw the comfort of its guests and is now the bet hotel north of San Fraur isco. mURPIX HOUSE, D. 1 TURPIN - PnorniKTOjs MAIN STREET. Retwcen Squeinocqhc and Jefferson, Astokia. Okkgox. Board and lodging K?r week $8 m Board ner dav 1 ( Single Meal...... 05 Tne table vill be supplied at all times with the best the market affords. VCrAUA TVAIiTjA RESTAURANT, THEO. BROEMSER, - - PKOrniETOtt. 4 f Fresh oysters, and other dell- v" c n n, D1.110W11, j t v 'rcri every style. I?5S Opposite the Telegraph office, Squemoqbt street. Astoria, Oregon. CS-MEALS AT ALL nOURS-JJ. J. STEWART. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. - - OREOOK. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DEALER IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods.. Hardware, Erass Goods, j Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. (I THE ASTOWAK 3JUIUINS) HAS JLTSTRECETVEP A LOT OF KEW goods, consisting of 4 MEN'S AND B0Y5 CAXr AND KLP EOOT&J Buckle and Congress Gaiters,. Women, Misses and Children's Which will he sold at the very lowestprieos. (?eo. iovett, rp TT.np CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. .Benton ttreet, opposite Poat-ofltee, .Astoricw 3M v.t -lAtf. 'YTTF