"twh J 01 Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning April 8, 1879. Vol. viii. Bo. 82. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Eastern States. The Cameron-Oliver suit has ended. Major Fitz John Porter has been restored to his position. A fire destroyed $220,000 worth of property in Philadelphia, Sunday morning. The army appropriation bill has passed the house; yeas 148, nays 122. The greenback vote was ten yeas and two nays. The passage was applauded on the democratic side. -Indians, who are believed be Sioux and Grosventres to from the north, are raiding the Yellowstone valley. They have run all the whites in the vicinity of Terry's landing,on the Yellowstone, into military posts, and have cap tured all the horses and cattle. The problem of Chinese im migration will not be solved until the American minister returns to China. The Chinese legation is not empowered to arrange any modilidation of the Burlingame treaty looking towards the restric tion of Chinese immigration. All that the legation can do is to rep resent to the Chinese government the wishes of the United States in the matter. General Miles, in response to a question concerning the chances of an Indian war in the summer, tays that in case Sitting Bull's tribe are able to draw out from the agencies a sufficient number of young warriors to participate in their sun-dance, which will take place in June, there will be trouble and damage done to settlements; -buttMij&thev -are unable- "to" incite hostile feelings among the agency Indians, everything will go along smoothly. The meeting will probably be held on Milk river, and no outbreak is likely to occur until after the Indians have had their dance. General Sher man sa-s he does not anticipate any trouble this summer, but if it comes the army will be able to take care of Sitting Bull and his tribe. Forefcrsi cns. Garibaldi arrived in Rome on the 5th. A slight shock of earthquake was felt in Cadiz on Saturday. The pope has sent an auto graph letter to Queen Victoria, welcoming her to Italy and ex pressing good wishes for her wel fare. Rinderpest increases in Bohe mia, and several hundred places :ire now affected. Agriculture in many parts is at a standstill, draught cattle being locked up wherever the disease occurs. Pacific Coast Dispatches. C. Baronoviteh, a pioneer fur dealer, died suddenly on the steamer Otter while on a voyage to Sitka. A Victoria dispatch says: The relations of this province with the Dominion are approaching a crisis in consequence of the new tariff and of the tardiness of the Cana dian government in announcing its railway policy, causing much un easiness even among the friends of the confederation. The town of Farmington West Virginia has been infested for some time past bT a class of people who have lived in open violation of law and decency, selling whiskey with out license, and living in open adul try. On the 1st a band of thirty men, supposed to belong to a vigilance com mittee recentty organized under the name of Red Men, visited a number of scandalous places, broke them up, inflicted the punishment of lashes and tar and feathers on the inmates, de stroyed the whiskey, and made a 'general purging of the filth sewer. A Candid Opinion. The Phihulelphifi Times is an inde pendent journal with strong demo cratic tendencies. It feels mortified over the attempts being made in congress to repeal the election laws, and offers that body some advice. Says the Times: Supervisors are needed at elections. They are needed to prevent such frauds as the republicans perpetrated in Louisiana and Florida in 1S76, and such as the democrats would perpe trate in 1SS0, if not restrained by wholesome laws. -r- The democratic majority of congress can not evade the issue. It dare not as sume ro offer shadows while denying the substance of judicious restaints upon election frauds. If it shall do so, it must be doubly condemned first for espousing the cause of fraud, and, second, for attempting to defraud the country as to its position on the issue. If it can have no better motive for integrity in meeting the question, it should do so, because to do aught else will be to commit political suicide. It has but one clear and thornless and safe path to pursue. It should cordi alljr accept the position of the presi dent, as it is declared by his friends, and meet him manfully and squarely on his platform. It has nothing to compromise with revolutionary repub licans or with Bourbon democrats, or with anybody else. It must do right for the sake of the right; or it must accept the inevitable retribution that an outraged people will hurl upon it. The WceKIy Astorian. One of the host papers published on the Pacific coasts is mailed to subscri bers every Friday, postage paid to any part of the United States, at the follow ing rates, in advance: One Year $.5 00 Four Months 1 00 Single Copy 10 3TA limited number of small adver tisements will be inserted at the usual rates. . Apply at the office, or address D. C. Ireland, Publisher. - Baby"carriagesof'thobest"tyles;" and at low prices, at Loeb s. MISCELLANEOUS DF'OJEt S ATiE row for cash. 1 Earsc Steam Itoiler; 44 by 10 feet. One Iiarge Retert: Two Portable Forges; 1.000 Fire Uriels; Eastern Oak Uoat Immber; JJ.OOO lbs. Xew Cotton Kepe: Two Die Presses. ASTORIA FLSHERY. ATTEXTIOJT. BIDS "WILL RE RECEIVED FOR THE construction of a. dwelling houc in As toria, for Mrs. EH.U Kinnev of Salem, until noon of Saturday, April 12th, 187!. Plans and .specifications may be seen ntllie olllcc of Dr. Aur. O. Kinney, Astoria, alter April 7th. The light is reserved to l eject any and all bids. millS AGREEMENT "WITNESSETH that JL all business relations includiuir the co partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the name of Levcridge fc Prindle, in which firm the said Hume was a silent partner, has this day. by the mutual consent of the undersigned, been dissolved. V. K. LEVEKIDUE, R. 1). HUME, C. V. rillXDLE. San Francisco, March 21, 1S79. NEW TAILORING SHOP. (In A. "W. Cone's Ihiildmg.) "Water Street Astoria, Oregon. TIIOSIAS CUKKY, (Late of Tacoma). BEGS lie t :gs leave to inform the rcn- that he is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing to order, or to renovate or repair clot lung. tt"Having had an experience of 2.1 years. I defy competion in the art of making old clothes look like new. Mysvstem is known only to myself, by which I can lengthen pantaloons without piecing, etc. For particulars see small cards. THOMAS CURRY. Tailor, steam-scourer and Repairer. A W. FERGISO.V, Contractor and Guilder, All kinds of Carpenters and Joiners "Work promptly and neatly executed. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, and BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rates. Shop Next door east of Episcopal church. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking. 5W?i ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CQ., Squemocqae st, between Cass and Main, Contracts fur .urHyinj;mnde and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at the Occident Ho tel or reeeiredby mail promptly filled JKWETT L KIMBALL. BANKING AND INSUi BANKING AND IHSURWttE. T. W. Gi&SJE9 BROKER, BANKER, -AX INSURANCE AOT. '. ASTORIA, UXMhV3V?X -vmyiy It? - Exchange bought and sold on alS tho United States and Euro OFFICE nOUKS-From 8 o'cl until 4 o'clock i m. Hon Mutual Iisnraiw., OF CALIFORNIA J. F. IIouc.nTON-.. .".TfresMent Ciias. II. Stokv Secwtary OFFicE-OTortheast corner of Stark andlEtr streets, Portland, OitEtipx Net Cash received for Fire Prem i iums In 1S77 4$33511 04 Assets, Jan. 1.187S. Liabilities Losses vnnaid 53.(538 37 Dividends " I.fl57 00 1&S 37 Surplus for Property Holders $32,470 47 Jesses paid in Oregon in six years?iH516 72 I. W. CASE. Apt, Astoria, Oregon. -fi $67,000,000 GAPWAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. AND GLOBE, f-l NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON.AND JSDINBUEQH. roiarcoNNEcncirr of 1&art- FORD, AND" COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 67,000,000. A. VAX DUSEN. Agent. coaoraitciAi. uiraoar ASSURANCE COMPANY Capita! $12,500,000. MATT II. SIESON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAT.lFORatlA. ORGANIZED IN 1863. Total Losses Paid Since Organization. $3,630,435 3- E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon. G. li. BAIN & CO. BEIXG NOW PREPARED "WITH greatly increased facility to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat Lnmber, Doors, inflows, BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds of hard -wood at very lowratcs, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will be sold low for CASH. Steam mil Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Gencvive and Astor streets. ECLIPSE MARKET. West-Eighth Street, near the O. S. 2S. Co's Wharf. .TOIIX V. "WELCH ....PnorimrroR A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMT ly Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished In best of style at th market, or delivered to any part of the citv. Orders given to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be, by prompt attention and fair dealing, to plejise my patrons. E&-A11 kinds of count rv produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons free. t3r-GIve e a call. rj T. HEED, CALEDONIA SAL00T, Corner of Front and A streets. TORTLAND ----- OREGON C5TLate butcher in the Central Mlrket. IN .ifflfe frts of Pw5 i oekfArx. t&jR I m WHOLESALE TRADE. H 3 w m s E3 &1 m g.w, immE Corner of Water and OIncy Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. TraOLESALE DEALER IN (ooerieS AND PROVISIONS ETC KTC, AGENT FOR THE Golflen City Heal fork B. W. PAYXE & SO'S STEAM ENGINES, layVfoif oriinff Macliiiery KUBBER BOOTS. Tlie National, Hayrvard, and Pure Rubber. LIYEBPOOL SALT. Fisliermeii s and Cannery Sirpplies, A SPJCC1AT.TY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the Columbia, 150 Fire Test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnish, Sail Cloth, Made expressly for light sail boats. For .sale at G. W. HUME'S, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON fa fa AnSCELLAjS'EOUS. E. S. LARSEN Wholesale and Retail Grocer. AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, CLASS, AND PLATED WARE Flour and Feed! E5S"I am now prepared to furnish the choicest and best goods in my line, at the lowest cash prices. Patronage is respectfully solicited, References : My patrons. E. S. LARSEN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Astoria. JPURJK CIDER 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in 25 Gallon Packages. For sale by . EsTThis is the best quality of vinegar that is made ; it is warranted pure cider vinegar, put up by an Oregon factor, and persons in want of a good article, wholesale or retail are invited to call on E. S. LAPSED, Cor, Squemocqhe and Cass streets, Astoria, w jhj:.A a? Is All This Blowinc Atont ! i naye just returned fro-m: the east axd wilt. sell my goods as AS ANT HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about it. A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of :fam and Squemoqhests., ASTORIA, - OREGON. T- BAILET Washington Market, Main Xtreet, Astoria Oregon , BEJtGMAN 0 DEJiJlJT "pESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN XVtion i of tho public to tho fact that the abovo Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold nt lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supplj ns shins. D. K. Warres. CA. McGuirk Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA, OllEGOX. WARREN & McGUIRE, Propriotor (Successors to Ilcbuon & Warrcr-. "Wbolesalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds o Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. Kir flutter, Epgs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. C2r Ships supplied at tho lovrest rates. J. STRAUSS, Importer and "Wholesale Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS, C02CSISTIXG OF A A A OLD VALLEY WHISKY, CUTTER "WHISKY, OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON, MARTEL BRANDY, nENNESIE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SHERRY AND CLARET WINES, PORTER, ALE, AND ST. LOUIS BOTTLE BEER. These goods will only he sold at wholesaJe, and at lowest figures. Come and saniple them hefore purchasing elsewhere. J. STRAUSS, ASTORIA, .... OREGON.