m Htffl t S&& Sails JstoEfcro. ASTORIA. OREGON: I. C. IRELAND Ertitor. SATURDAY. Apkii, .".1879 Surprising Sentences. In the San Francisco Chronicle of March 20th we find a special letter from Portland, from which we quete: In the -whole of Western Oregon there is not one cheese factory, though here and there cheeses are made. 'Butter is almost as "much neglected, many large land and stock-owners dispense entirely with the use of but ter and even milk upon their tables. If they desire the former they send to the nearest store and buy a little, often of a very poor quality, because "farmers' wives have usually no conve niences to take proper cure of the milk used in its production. Tt is a trifle stir-priging that a journal of the standing of the 'Chronicle prints such matter as that. It is all false. In the "Wallamett vallev there are no less than ten lanre clairv farms where cheese is produced by the hundred tons annually notably, that of Mr. Henry Ankeny, in -Marion county, who has 75,000 invested in the business. Besides, Clatsop and Tillamook counties have seven large cheese factories, and produce a better quality of butter than California. The next paragraph to which at tention is directed conveys the wrong impression in stating that Portland is larffclv interested in the salmon canneries of the Co lumbia. Perhaps Portland may have ten cents invested where San Francisco and Astoria have a hun dred thousand dollars. This cor respondent says : Perhaps it may be objected that salmon should not be mentioned as -a product of the Wallamet valley, since the principal fisheries are all upon 'the lower portion of the Columbia. The critisism is not without an appearance of iustice. Still it is true that there is no difficulty in taking salmon above the mouth of the Yvallamet,or even in that river at the falls at Oregon City. But the fish are esteemed better that are caught very soon after leaving salt vater, hence the tendency of the fish cries to keep down toward the sea. J5ut they range ail along from within fifty to one hundred miles of Port land, and have invested in them a good deal of Portland capital. George Peabody, the Ameri can philanthropist, though now no more lias left an enduring fame in the hearts of the English poor people. His original gift for the building of tenement houses in London amounted to $2,500,000. "Nearly 750,000 still remain un expended, but will be appro priated to the erection of more model houses as soon .as certain leases expire, iand the land comes into fiie market. Thus far, 2,34S separate dwellings, occupied br P,SG0 persons, have been provided. Not only have the nn mates thus been furnished with comforts not elsewhere attainable, but the death rate among the occupants during the last three years has been over one and three-quarters per cent. :.Iess than the average of all the rest of London, palaces And hovels alike included. Since New York is just now excited on the subject of"building tenement houses her architects might get a hint by looking at some of the English njodels. r The past winter has been . most disastrous to the .American Jishing interests on .the eastern shores. The Cane Ann Advertiser of Gloucester, Mass., publishes a two-column article in regard to the missing fishing vessels. Thirteen ..vessels are supposed to have gone down in the February storms, . carrying with them 143 men, aud causing 53 widow's and 137 orphans. The total capacity of the vessels Aost is about S;35S.tons, and their alue $50,000. Postal Law Cliansfes. Reduced Rales for Publishers New Fashioned Pof::I Curds aud Em elopes. It is not generally known that just before congress adjourned important amendments to the post office bills were agreed to, and that it became a law. Of the several under consideration, the bill adopted was that which orig inated in the senate, with the ex ception that the registration fea tures were stricken out. The new law divides all mailable matter into four classes: First, written matter; second, peri odical publications; third, miscellane ous printed matter, and fourth, mer chandise. Mail matter of the second class embraces all newspapers and pe riodicals published issued as often as four times annually. All publications of this class, with certain exceptions, when sent from the oflice of publica tion, including sample copies, or when sent from a news agency to actual subscribers thereto or to other news agents, shall be entitled to trnsmission at two cents a pound, prepaid. Heretofore newspaper publishers have been required to pay tran- sient rates on specimen copies; such copies will not be transmitted at the lower rate of second-class matter. t is provided further that publishers of newspapers, without subjecting themselves to extra postage, may fold within their regular issue a supplement, provided it is germane to the pulriication which it supplements, and omitted onlv from the renlair issue for want of space, time or creator conveniences. Publishers may also inclose in their publica tions, bills and receipts and orders for subscriptions. Another clause of the bill pro vides for ibe double postal card and for letler-sheet envelope, which is to be stamped as envelopes are now stamped, and a double- better envelope. The double postal is in size smaller to the one-cent card. It bears at both upper cbfhersTa onent stamp, and lines are drawn from the centre, slop ing downwards to each lower corner, to be written upon. The writer of the card uses the right hand side and the receiver uses the left-hand side for his reply.. The double-letter envelope is stamped twice, and the sender uses the right and the receiver the left-hand side in "writing the address. At. the back of this envelope 'is a double-gummed flap, divided by a perforated lino. The lower one is used for sealing by the sender, and the receiver -uses his knife along the perforated line and has a nenv guntmed flap ready for use. The letter-sheet envelope is designed to do away wiih outer envelopes. Its patentee claims groat merit for it, for the reason that it often oc curs that the elate at winch a writ- .inir has been mailed cannot -be as certained because the envelope has been lost. Here letter and en velope are one. The new law does not direct the postmaster general to issue Hicsc patented conveniences. It only allows l'm the discretion to do so. - -The ILi:uian government js eminently satisfied with thcicsults of the second year of the recipro city treaty with the Un'ted States. Exports have increased over those of the previous year to the amount of S72.;2GS, sugar being the chief :iiicle, "while imports from the Ur'ted Sitei have increased $00, 000. 'Custom duties have also in creased to the extent of 33,927. An examination of the statistics given indicate that with the ex ception of sugar, coffee and beef, rhnost every product for table con sumption used n the Hawaiian Islands is imported from California. The total value of exports for 1S78 amounted to $3,54.8,471, and of all imports to 3,046,5309. This showing- is ,Tery "Satisfactory to .J J California. The Truckee Republican and Reno (Nevada) Gazette have re peatedly drawn attention to the number of grasshopper eggs incu bating in Sierra valle'. A spade ful of soil received at Truckee from that valley is represented as containing hundreds of thousands of eggs, deposited in clusters. The farmers in that valler, in Sierra county, have not turned a furrow this spring, knowing that with these pests in the soil all the'r trouble would be fruitless ot re sult. Grain crops, they state, will only foster the scofirge, while to let the ground remain idle may starve "the rapacious insects into einmralinff. Ratberasimnilar circumstance in horse history, is the fact that there are only two entire sons of im ported Glencoe'alive, and both of these are owned in California. Mr. Johnson has one of them, and the other is Rifleman, the sire of the renowned Colonel Lewis, located in Tehama county. 2sTEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Regular Auction Sale. At Holden's Auction Room, SATURDAY, APRIL 5t!i3 At 10 :30 A. M. One very neat IoIihel ISIackTVaL nut Parlor Set: i KvA IjOiuiscm 2 lilaclc If air Sefa: One Jlfirblc mid CVnier Top Table: One Itou Table; One Tiarjye Freneli XI:ite mirrer: One Coeking: J love anil Fiim it lire. Iarg;e 7. good as new: One Xarge meat Safe: alse: Bedsteads, Spring" Beds, Crockery, Clocks, Watches, Revolvers, and Other Second-hand Articles. also : New Goods, Wall Brackets, Looking Glasses, 'Rustic Picture Frames, Pocket Knives, Hat Racks, etc., All of which will be sold to the highest bidtlei , for Cash. E. C. HOLD EN, Auctioneer. Easter Eggs! Easter Eggs! Somcfliing Entirely jScw. Received direct from the East per steamer Oregon, a beautiful and varied lot, some containing nicely COLORED PANORAMIC VIEWS, others ornamented witn 0UPI3)S VARIOUS DEVICES ; Also : BRIDES AND GROOMS; OODDESS OF LIBERTY.; CUPID WREATHS. And other large, liandMime and newest style cifke ornaments. Also nice Jresh can dies, cakes, and all kinds of confectionery at SCHMEER'S CONFECTIONERY. Opposite the bell tower. Mrs. H. A. Derby. Received by last steamer a superb stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Embracing every novelty in the line. KID GLOVES, RUCKINGS, And other goods too numerous to mention. Or, Warner's Health Corset Can onlv he purchased in Astoria at Trs. Derby's. Alain street, between Squcmoqhe and Jefferson. 4 "AY. FJSCGUSOX. Contractor and Builder, All kinds oi Carpenters and .loine.r. Work promptly and neatly executed. PLJXS, SPECTFTCATIOXS, and BILLS OF MAT EG I A Is Furnlshed on short notice ; t i educed ivtca. Shop Next door est of Kplscoo.il chinch. J illon's Talent Steam TTa,li THE FINEST THING IN THE UMTEP Suites. County risli'i in On .on. foi .ale on application to J. T. BORCHEUS. Astoria Laund-v. SEEDS! FI?SII AX1 TRUK TO 3TA3EE. "TTTE AYILL SEND THE FOLLOWING t Y heeds, post-paid, on receipt of price. Re mit by post-oflice order or postage stumps: Beets, per oz 10c Parsnips, per 07 ,10c Carrot, pcro loe J Radih. per 0 toe Cabbage, per oz....2"e Spinach, per O7...loe Lettuce, per 07. 15c Turnip, per 07. 10c Onion, per oz 15e I Tomato, per oz......ic A1m; in 10 cent packets, all varieties of Vegetables, Flower anil Tree Seeds. Send for price list. THOMAS A. CO?: & CO., 1017 Howard street, San Francisco. TEX ACRES OF r,A3TI. On "Youngs Bay, cleared, will be suitable for dairv, or a chicken ranch, or for garden ing purposes. Within one mile of the As toria Post-office by Iand. also : FIVE ACRES. Covered with Hemlock timber, suitable for tannprv nnrnoses. Lease Will be made for a term of years as may be ananged. I fcfrtAp.pJy to ' J. H.D.GRAY. 1 ' Astoriu.-Grcgon. XxtLXe:& AtteiMTtfl'r T 1874 SPRING HAS The best selected stock ever before carried in this eitj. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, GAPS. CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, CARPETS, RSATTiKGS, , A FULL LINE IN EACH DEPARTMENT. We call especial atttention to our extra large invoice of EIMER.OI3DEniS3S5 PRICES WAY DOWN. AVE SELL ONLY FOR CASH, NO CREDIT. NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL 31E. IS- BIAMBUB.Q.EH., MAIN STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. Sole Ascent for the Xew American SctvIiij: .lEaeTiino. 'ipas&i AT THE 01(1 Stand. Near tlie Walla Walla Restaurant. -THE- s&slxsl Irrascas fcs IS NOW OPEN AND READY TO SUPPLY riSUERMEN. AND MECII IXIC3 GENERALLY WITH THE BEST QUALITY OF CXUOTHSOTQv BOOTS AIB SK;0E;.55 Gent's Fuvnisliing Goods, Ete. rf "Phis is the only place in the city of Astoria whore a oh can buy the Genuine Carlers tape Ann Oil Mans, ana all kinds ofliubbcr IJooK E-Gomls will be sold at the very lowest market rates, but for CASH OXLY. BUSINESS CARDS. DENTIST. Sqi'kmoqhk St.. - - . & ASTOUIA, Okkoon, narRonms up st:u-s ne::t door to the law office of Mr. C "W. Fulton. O. F. r.KLL. A. 3IKACIIE BEEjIj & hieacukx. Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Astoria. Oregon. OrnrK Corner of Squemocqho and Cuss streets, up .stalls, over E. S. .nrscu's .store. V.. F. IlKNN ISON. F. J. TAYLOlt tyi-nt-v-to rrv p. m vr ri t ATTOKXEYS AT X. A IV. ASTOKIA. OllKGOX. Office Up stairs in Parker's building, corner Chonnmus and Benton stree'rs. C IV. Fl'LTOX. ATTORNEY AT LATV. Offick. rages new building, Squcmoqhe street, Astoria. Oregon. TTVU. J. "VT. OLIVER. IIOZHEOPATHIST, Office. In Shuster's Daisuerrean build ing. Juitrancc hecond door above tbat of the daily Astoriav, Cass street. Itesidence on Jeiferson street, corner of Main. TOCTOK HATCH. Successfully treats all Chronic Diseases. AXD DISEASES OF "WOMEN AKD 'CHILDREN. Cancer cured bya new and painless method. Onice Chenamus street, comer of Main street, Astoria. O'lSltlKX. CURES EILLIOUS AXD INTERMITTENT TEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm less, medicine. Also. Private diseases successfully treated. Office O'Brien's hotel, Astoria". Oregon. J. STEWART, Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. OTTO D17FXER. WATCHMAKER AND JETWTEIER. II VS KKMOVTTD TO Main street, -Parker's building, ASTORIA. - - - - 'OTTEGON. TCT3I. RECK, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly and promptly attended to MAIN" ST., - ASTORIA, OREGON. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OrSTJSKS, by the SACK., Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. TOX ROSS. HOUSE AND SCCN PAINTER. Shop on Cass street. Astorfo. Oregon. KB-Paper hanging and Kalsomiming a spceialtv. KTri-Ah work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. QEO. T.OVETT. TAIXiOH., CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Tost -office. Astoria. ttugh ssfoar, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. COr-IIouses built to order, and satisfaction Euarantocd. Shop on Squemocqha. street neiJfUoor to the Episcopahchurch. r TjJ SEASON! 1879. OPENED AT J ktz: sB? I7S. AUCTION SALES. "P C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Ileal Usiale Agent nntl f'omejaurcr. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Kent and Arconnts CIIeelcl. anil re turns promptly made. Regular sales day. SATURDAYS at I lit. N. B. Parties havnur real c.stnre. tnral- I tureo.--T'other goods to dispone of either ' at auction oi -private sale should notify me wmmi as convnieiu neior rue iav ot sale. No storage charged on toodt sob' at Auc tion. If. C.IIOLb.CN. td Auctioneer. Grand Auction Sale! I am instructed tt) sell on Thursday, April 10, 1879, The entire Costly and JSIeffnnt Furniture. Of Mrs. E. Arrigoni, of the Arrigoni Hotel. This fnrniture was made bv the celebrated Oregon Furniture Manufartu.iug Company of Portland, and Is of the besL material anil new. The furnitures ill be on exhibition at the premises five daysbcfoie the sale. For particulars see larse luvuers. B.S. WOKS LEY, Auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. New Furniture. WALL TATETx, AND OTHER Al GOODS Chas. HeILBORjSTS, ASTORIA, OREGON. o The finest and be-c in the market all new. STMY STOCK OF WALL PA PER CAN'T BE BEAT, CALL ANI SEE FOR YOURSELF. xrerThe public is invited to call, examine, my goods and prices. CHAS. HS1LBORN. Astoria, Oregon, Apnl 2. Ibl'J. Astoria Liquor Store, AUG. DANIEI.SON, Proprietor. Water st. Poad way, - Astoria, Okegvw. Importer and dealer in WINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY. GERMAKIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chkxajius Strkkt. Astokia. The public jto invited to en II and lcavo their ordors. Splendid Lager 5 cents a glass. Free Lunch every night, W.M. ROCK & Co.. Proprietor!. TEO'fiGE ROSS' .f Billiard Room The only Billiard Room in the city whei no liquors are sold. NEW TABLE .TCST PUT UP. KEOKUK has a cosy place and keeps on hand ino lest brand of Cigars. Also, soda, canuj, nuts. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. 33-tf GEO. ROSS, Proprietor. T. S. JITWETT. B. S. -KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking, ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY GO., Squeiuucqiit; st between Cass and Main, 1 Contract for .untying made and satisfaction guaranteed. Order left at the Occident ilo tcl or recuiVttdby .mail promptly filled J EWETT Jc KIM JJALTL y-J?LZt3ft