v 0) anon. Vol. viii. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, April 5, 1879. No. 80. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BANKING AND INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. "WHOLESALE TRADE. mSCELLANEOITS. Ki -it ru Sisis. Corjro "'oia' news s ii'm porlant pfcejjt to mea who Jore pai-iy in preference to t!jerco al , and e.vpecc to fallen, off the spo of office. The ship Niobe. wlrch sailed for Aus' rala from New York on the 2d, took nine locomotives ninety-n'ne organs, four hundred and three packdcs of clocks and a large acortment of agricultural implements, for exhibition. The citizens of Davis c'ty, Iowa, on Monday banned together .ei . ed two dospcvdoc. Tucker s iI Tarter, hung Tucke, and woald have hcrg Ti'rtc, bu he was taken -'rom the mob and jaed. A bagnio was then entered ?nd its contents destroyed. Senator Teller has reintro duced his bill for Ire payment o Ben. Holladay's claim of about half a m'llion dollars, for the lossc sustained by Indian spoliations, and a compul oiy change of route and the Ube of his property by soldiers duiing his performance of the overland maUotrv'ce. The New York Times thinks that U may appear w'ldly and ab surd to jrlve wa-n'Tj of a demo cratic scheme fo the rmis'ion of Utah as a su e, "out the extant democrat c mioiv in corress is capable of almost any sot of mis chief. There is do occas'on to dread the in,erporu"on of (he-executive veto fo." a biH to adm'fc Uiab ten i Lory. Tack the bill on the naval appropriation bill, and the thinqr is done. !: :ic Coj -.t DJnjki teller. Troy Dye is a maniac and has to be tied with straps and con stantly watched. The Sk?--it river gold mines are creating g'eafc excrement. The ffold-bear-m: region extends fifty milos. A large parly left Se attle Mond:y. On the headwa ters the gold is co3've and heavy and in a favorable place for diggings- It is rumorod that the Pac'Sc Mail sLo-msbip company is ne goL:ating w'iU the Cenivl Vsi jc raii-oad company jor te Ae of the AustralVi J:tc of J:jt.ners. It is all-mod iKt the ;"c lo Aus tralia is not profitable, tlie e not be:ng trade enough to pay ex penses. Foreign Hews. Peru and Bol'via have con cluded an offe-ive and deVibHTe all'ance, and bolh coup cc de clare war airinst CIi"e. The 3 Vm gove'nipent re cently r.r .od an anoovmons let ter giv!) -sv. ni that; an au.em.il ould be made io a .. ?i.e Queen Victoria between the oi tier and Turin. Soire powpr" I cl,:es ha.ve le noancodthe'raHcVce'otltol r of Burmah. TIrs p ob'' rw''1 be presented as a r nlfc of E Till : -trigues, and mar prctj. te ihe criss. Burmese e els vc pn .cd on the river with te evident in tenfod or prevenii ij B "".? h re -dents from e'-capg bv -water. 3 Send your subscription for the Astoriax another year. Jlelp us, that ye may continue to help you. BANKING AND INSURANCE. X. W. CASS, BROKER, BANKER, AND INSURAHGE AGENT. - - - OREGON. ASTORIA, Exchange bought and sold on all parts of tho United States and Europe. OFFICE HOURS-From 8 o'e'ock A. r. until 4 o'clock v. m. Hone Mitral toraice Co, OF CALIFORNIA, .". F. Houghton.. ....President s. It. Stouv. Secretary II milton Boyd, i Aleuts for Orecon Geo. L. Stokv. j AfteiitS lor urcgon Office Northeast corner of Stark and First streets, Portland, Oregon. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1877 335,511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1878 .. 578,005 85 Liabilities I .ses npaid 3.G3R 37 1 .vidends " 1.057 00 5,5.15 37 rirhis for rronerty Holders ?572,470 47 3 asses paid in Oregon in six ycars$H4,51G 72 I. V. C SE, Apent, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7,OO0,OOO. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent ccttoimtcjLftX vniax ASSURANCE COMPANY of x03xrionsr. Capital Sf2,5O0,0OOa LVTT IL SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURAHGE COMPANY OF CAT.IFOKHIA. ORGANIZED IN 1S63. Total Losses Paid SInre Organization. $3,630,435 35. E. C. HOLDEX, Aj:ent. Astoria Oregon. G. H. BAIN & GO. BEING NOW rilEPAUED "WITH greatly ncreaseil facility to furnbli the public AitU all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds ofharcl wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their priecs and large lot of goods which u ill be Mld low for CASH. Steam Mill Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Genevive and Astor streets. ECLIPSE MARKET. filiis !SJ-rir2SrT WJH ;32Er-" 1Vet-EishtU Street, near tlic O. S. X. Co's. IVliarf. JOHN VT. AVELCII.. PitOPRiCTQR AREXEKAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI ly Gioeenes, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in hest of stjleat the market, or delivered to anv part of the eityf Orders inven to the messen gers, or left at the inarkot, will be prompUy filled. J My endeavor will he, hy prompt attention and fair dealing, to ple:ts mv patrons. S3"A)l kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons fre". Efir-Give me a call. T. HEIIt CALEDONIA SALOON, Corner of Front and A streets I OUTLAID --- . OREGON jpyLate butcher in the Contral Market. 1 im&iW , ff tfA.fl O NEW STICK! HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, -AND- Gents1 !DIUH& GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots anlShoes, Queensware, Jewelry, -Etc., Etc. V . We respectfully invite the paWteito call and inspect the same. j. We have also receved a large stock of fine CIGARS TOBACCO I "Wlilfli we are offering aty San 'Francisco wholesale prices. Very renectfully. A. VAN DUSEN SSo. Cor. Cass and Jefferson sts., Astqiiia, Ogn. VAN DUSEN lgO., HAVE A SPLENDID 0CE: OF Consisting of a great varietyjoi goods for both ladies ana geuup&en. a If You Want to SelecTK' Suit of CLOTECllira From the very best stock in tti-eclty call at A.VANDUSENOp.'s. VAN DUSEN &., Arc Agents in Astoria for IheJKNGER and the WHITE SEWING MAOimS. Large stock constantly oa'hancL o ' CITY BOOK T0RE, ilAIN ST., ASTORIA. CHAS. STEVEXS JsiSOS Invite, the attention-ot-puiiiSn4t5& stock, just laidrm , The Finest Selection! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth! RECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSH POCKETS: CUTLERY, JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.; LADIES' FANCY BOARD, ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PAINT PENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS: EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Z"AH goods sold at lowest cash prices. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. City Book Store to Main street, two doors from the Pioneer Restaurant, opposite the bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. W. E. DEMENT, g DRUGGIST, ff ASTORIA OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Nfght. ST Manufacturer of Fishermen's Belief. A sure preventative of Chapped llands, and euro for Fih W ounds. 2,000 LBS. New Cotton Net Lines For sale at 2t cents per pound for cash ; also, .Eastern Oalc Boirfc X.uiulcr9 ASTORIA FISHERY. Pih Commissioners Xotice. mHE UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS- sloner for W:Lhinirton territory, hereby gives notice that he will be at Erookfield lor the rest of the season. ALBERT T. STREAM. North Cove, W. T.f Feb. 17, 1879. Fislt Commissioners Xotice. "JVTOTE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J-l the undersigned will be In readiness from and after this date, to Issue Jicenses. at his office up .stairs, corner of Cass and Sqcmocqlie streets, Astoria. Oregon. H. B. FERGUSON, Deputy Fish Commissioner. rpo WHOM IT 3LAY CONCERN. Notice Is hereby given that all persons are forbid tressp:is?ing upon, or in any way occupying anv portion of the land or beach surrounding TONGUE POINT, or upon any part of the HenrvMarlin land claim in Clat sop counry, SUite of Oregon, without permis sion from the undersigned ; and also mm setting out fires upon said claim, whereby the standing timber mav in anv way be iniured. VANDUSEN & fcROWN. rer A. VaxDuses. Astoria, Oct. 5, 1S77. tf G.w.numE: Corner of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. "WHOLESALE DEALER IN -AND PROVISIONS 3XG.T ETC, AGENT FOR THE Gien City Chemical Woris. B. IV. :PA3cIVE fc SOUPS STEAM ENGINES, Wrfrfoffifiiiiff RUBBER BOOTS. The National, Hayrvard, and Pu'e Rubber. LIVERPOOL SALT. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SFJECLUTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the Columbia, 150 Fire Test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnish, SaH Cloth, Made expressly for light sail boats. For sale at G. W. HUME'S, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON k k k hi E. S. LARSEN Wholesale and Jtet&il Greer AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, CLASS, AND PLATED WARE Flour and Feed! C5I am now prepared to furnish th choieest and best goods In my line, at th lowest cash prices. Patronage ts respectfully', solicited, References : My patrons. E. S. LARSEN, "Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Astoria. PURE CLDER 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar in 25 Gallon Packages. For sale by EThis is the hest quality of vinegar that is made; it is warranted pure cider vinegar, put up by an Oregon factor, and persons in Aant of a good article, wholesale or retail,, are invited to call on E. S. LARSEN, Cor, Squemocqhe and Cass streets, Astoria Is All TMs Blow in Atat ! I HATE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EiST AND WILL SELL MY GOODS AS" fcOI3:-3E3-Ar-F5 AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about it. A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts.. ASTORIA, - OREGON. Washington .Market, Main Fftrceti Astoria Oregon, BEJIGMAN & BERRY pESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN-' XV t;on of tho public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowct rntes, wholesnle and retail. Special attention given to supply ne ships. D. K. Warren. c. A. McGuirk Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamusand Cassstreete ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN & McGTJIRE, Proprietor (Successors to IJobxun it Warren. Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds y Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. KSRuttor, Eggs, Choeso, etc. constantlr on hand. Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. J. STKAUSS, Importer and "Uliolesale Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS, consisting or A A A OLD VALLEY WHISKY,. CUTTER WHISKY, OLD KENTUCKY BOUBBON, MAETEL BRANDY, HENNESIE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SHERRY AND CLARET WINES, PORTER, ALE, AND ST. LOUIS BOTTLE BEER. These goods will only he sold at wholesale, and at lowest figures. Come and sample them before purchasing elsewhere. J. STKAUSS, ASTORIA, .... OREGON. -. -)vmmn L ' ncA. ww -1J 'i