The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 04, 1879, Image 3

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"H'lWt wn-rjcwn
glxx; ailT$ storaix,
(jilondny Excoptod?,
R. 1. CRELAXI) : : Ii:St!EKKER.
A.iforum JjiiiUliitq, Oas Street.
Terms of Subscription :
Jsorrod by Carrier, ier woek .35 Ccnte
Sunt by iuhiI. four months W
3onl by mnl. tne year $ OU
Tree of l(ute t .Sbscribtrs.
Advertisements inserted by Ike year at
tfto rate f SI ."u K?r square jer month.
Transient advertising, by the ly or week.
6flty cants er square for ouch inoriion.
'Thk Datkv atokiax wiil lte ,nl I
:m fl at r cent muittk. ; rcc of jHHttaye. lteaa-
&m PintcmiAaicahcwr, frum the ciiyn
m Wkjckly cdltiiR h wy intL-jkr!, trUh
rmt addifuntai crpmc. jWit hmijj c
citfcd x nftcn an itesired. Leave order al
the smudixa wtm.
j5nsler Sunday follow good Fri
tlay. Umbrellas are very cHe&u in As-
ifcarin now.
. --
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Goodwin.
0l dxisop were m the city yesterday.
Capt. Snow brought the Isle of
3Srin from Portland yesterday Ocklu
Jwtuu. towing.
25. C. Holden'e nkj to-morrow
will bo one of great interest to iris See advertisement.
Br. 3. Alexander, o Pciidiekm,
v,-5!l soou visit Albany in an J. o. o. y.
cawacky. Give us a c-Jl, Alek.
Mr. Leviitsou, an ascent of ihe
Oreguuiau, is in the city, lie wiiJ
take observations, and write of things
in this vicinity.
We desire to call sjnscial attention
to the sale of Mrs. Arngoni's furniture
wi the 20th. This is decidedly a nice j
Jot ot iurmcure, and it must be soul.
The steamer Katata, Capt. 13. F.
Stevens arrived Wednesday morning
at 8 o'clock, 10 hours from Portland,
all ready for business. Mr. Leincn
.wciber returned by her.
R. D. Hume will run the Bay
View cannery under the same super
vision this year. Sir. Thomes was in
the cii3r yesterday making arango
jvnonts to bejr'm the work.
The last heard of dohn Jack, An
snie Firmin, and General Grant, they
were swinging a round the circles
through Asia, India, etc., having a
glorious time, spreading it on thick,
mnd receiving great npjuause from the
"Burst my buttons," a popular
by-word in the eastern states, origin-
ated with the appearance of the Bar-1
low, Wilson, Primrose and West j
minstrels. That is to say: The audi-
once couldn't help it, they laughed so
An itinerant preacher latel' told
people about Table Rock, Jackson
count7 to take carbolic acid for colds
nnd bronchitiee. Tlic result of
doses of this poison is a number of jT,u,y hllVQ on hnT11 wagons, plows,
persons badly injured, and a young, reapers, mowers, and all descriptions
man named Fitzgerald paralyzed.
Capt James Williams wishes to
inquire what a man can do if he lias
.not got the money to pay for his fish
ing license. "What step would it be
necessary for a fisherman to pursue, if
lie has no means to secure his license.
He wishes the fish -commissioner to
respond to the question.
A new disease has made its ap
pearance among the cattle near Orym
jiia. The animal falls upon its knees,
aud slowty sinks to the ground, dying
in a few hours. Mr. Owen Bush has
lost ten head, and some of his neigh
bors have lost several head by this
disease. Mr. has lost a number
of sheep.
The Bee-hive is a busy place.
Airs. Steers has just laid in a very
large stock, consisting of milline-y
goods, a large assortment of ready
made suits for ladies and children,
and an excellent line of underclothing,
for the ladies and children. Call at
3-he Bee-hive Store and inspect this
aiew stock. The low price .of every
jthing will.astonish joil
The Clatsop Telegraph.
As soon as work begins on the new
light house at Tillamook rock, the
proposed telegraph from Astoria to
the coat will be greatly needed. As
it can le built from Astoria to Point
Adams for less than $2,000, it seems
a pit' that it is not done. The West
ern Union could not put 2,000 to bet
ter use than to build it themselves,
independent of any aid from thi peo
ple. Such a line would serve Tongue
point cannery, Fort Stevens, Point
Adams, tlie Sea-Side, Summer House,
and other resorts on Ulatsop, besides
performing a very important part in
the service of the IStk Light-lionsc
district during the progress of the
work at Tillamook rock, and after that
light-house is completed vessels can
sail all around the station, and receive
orders from consignees, agents, and
owners, thus materially increasing the
business of the line in tiuie. 3ly all
means let this telegraph be built.
The Virst Fish.
Again, as usual, Mr. Wm. Hume is
first in the m-trket with cased salmon
this year. We want an account of
the product of salmon on the Columbia
river for the Smithsorian institute.
The work was started on the Colum
bia river by llapgood, Hume & Co.
(Wm. JJume. George Hume and An
drew llapg(M), in the year 8o5.
They came Ti-om the Sacramento river
in 1S(4. In 1SG( they put their first
goods in the market. In J 86!) Cap .
John West started; 1 $70, Warren &
Co. started; 1S70, J. W. Cook S: Co.
started also; JS74, Joseph Hume
started; etc., etc. What we want is
the data of the rise and progress of
this business. Will you please drop
us a po&tal card and inform us what
you know about it ? The annual
ca:h for ten years has leen as fol- J
lows, but we want it by the cannery :
1V) 28.729 esses.
174 2l,Uil
175 214.2J;
1X7K- 4.7.T
1S7S !!7,637
Baby carriages from 7 00
wards at Adler's.
The eavly-rosc )otatoe has had its
day. It Jacks in a good mairy pai
ticulars m being the best we now have,
and like many of its predecessors once
famous, must stand aside for some
thing better. Among the new kinds,
throe or four have become prominent.
Books and stationery of every
variety, the best, at Adler's.
The family which does not boat
among its members at least one per
son with musical ability, and a capa
city to amuse the others by the exer-
cise of ihis heaven-sent gift, may be
regarded as among the curious things
f Astoria. Almost every -one who
has an appreciation of music attends
the conservatory.
Ladies ooral jewelry and hair
ornaments in great variety at Adlers.
W. S. Byers it Co., of the Pen
dleton Hour mill, have hcon appointed
ovei-l;0I,ts for awley, Dodd & Co.
oi agricultural implements. inose
needing anything in Umatilla county
in the way of machinery or farming
implements, will find it to their inter
est to call on Byers & Co.
Carl Adler wishes to employ a
coinpetent clerk. Apply at his store.
-JRiht, Bro. Abbott, right.: when
you resolved not 'to speak dispar
agingly of any town in Columbia
count', nor permit others to do so
through your columns. True, you are
not there for such purpose. Your
towns have more or less advantages.
Let them stand or fall on -their own
merits. Certainly., do not aid in team
ing down one to build up another.
That entire country is a great country.
In many essential particulars it excels
any other on the gbe. We hope we
shall be able to pay you another vis'.t
this year, and note tbe progress suice
last we " smoled a sm'le " on Dayton.
Give Capt. Gorman orr belt rec-pec's.
and Uncle Jake, and Fettis, ct at.
C. H. Bain & Co. will, from this
date, discount ten per cent, for cash,
on former prices on sales of mould
ings, tsash and doors.
The "Way to Serve TJtem.
Three burglars entered the house of
Mr. Richards, on East Eighty-sixth
street, 2ew York City, for the pur
pose of robbery. r- Richards shot
one of the number dead with, his re
volver, another ran away, - and the
third fell at his feet, imploring mere-.
The man who was killed proved to
be a state prison convict. On the ex
amination for the killing, Mr. Ricliaids
was discharged, on the ground that it
was justifiable. Of all criminals, next
to the murderer who lies in wait, a
burglar particularly a night-time
dar is most to be feared, and is de
serving of the least compassion.
The British bark KHlena, from
Astoria Nov. fth, 1878, reached
Queenstown in just 114 days. Good
passage Capt. Rilph expects to retire
from shipping now, and enjoy Ihe life
The Portland public was badly
sold by (he Evening Telegram on the
1st, by the finding of a "female" Char
ley Ross, who was a Frenchman. It
created a sensation though, you bel;
Said our informant. Yery likely.
The next time the Ocklahama
wants to go up the river, let her go
and if there is anybody in the city
wants to go with her, send a boy to
find that body, and then the town will
not be seared into a conniption-fit by
the horrid blowing of that whistle for
half an hour, as was the case at half
past seveK o'clock yesterday morning.
Steam whistles are sounded for fire
alarm in Astoria, sometimes. Perhaps
the man who did the tuning yesterday
was wot aware of the fact.
Br. 5. "Welch, dentist, will prob
ably leave Astoria on Monday .next.
The Call says: "Wild young
men and criminals, when unknown to
the ixdicc, have, whon arrested, on
several recent occasions, in this city
given the names of prominent citizens
as their own. 4t is an old dodge, and
while it does not help the offender it
is, of course, a little embarrassing to
the upright member of society who
takes up his newspaper and finds he
has been arraigned for stealing or some
other crime." We have observed this
thing in Astoria before now. As a
ruleJt would be a good thing for the
Judge to "double the dose" in such
See late specimens lightning pro
cess of photographs, atH. S.Shuster's
Art Gallery.
Some one has taken to himself
great credit for the discovery that
kerosene, when properly applied, will
make tin and even silver, shine like a
mirror. This is but a feeble attempt
at a right appreciation of that article.
We saw an account the other day of a
young woman who was toying with a
kerosene can which she held in one
hand, and with a lighted match which
she held in the other hand; soon after
which there was an explosion and a
biaze, and not only the"kitchen utensils
shone, but the whole neighborhood,
with n "brilliancy that could be seen
for miles around. The fact is that
kerosene is one of those obstinate
chemical products which produces its
greatest elfects when it is nnproperiy
Warren & McGuire ave the
early rse potatoes for seed. Farmers,
please remember this.
Things are great or small accord
ing to the end of. 'ifoe microscope
through which you look. Some peo
ple manage to look at their troubles
through the upper end, and so incon
tinently magnify rffheni, and at their
good fortune through the lower end,
and o minimize them. The story is
told of a man of science who looked at
a mite taken from an old-tashioned
Stilton, and who was in turn looked at:
lie turned the instrument up and down,
Till, getting a proper sight, he
Exclaimed, as lie gazed with a puzzled
'Good gracious r and "Ilighty-tigh-
The sight is enough to alarm the town
A might is a monster, mighty."
While the pliiloxpher was looking
down, ihe mite looked up, and his re
flections are also worth attending io,
together with the moral -Vlfidh fhe
poet deduces :
- One sees the truth through this tube so
Said the mite as he squinted through
"Man is not so wondrnusly big, after all,
If the mite-world only knew it"
Whether a thing is large or. small,
Depends on the wayjou Yiewit
Fresh oysters in every stylo at
Schmeers. See advertisement.
The cheapest ever offered is Hani
burger's Embroidery.
Fresh oysters in every style and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Bailey s.
Oysters served in ovorv style at
the Walla "Walla Kcstaurant. "
.New invoice ot those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C.Crosby's.
P. J. Goochnan. on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style f gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
. . . -Twelve yards Chinese. Grass Cloth.
U inches -wide, for one dollar at Ham
burger's. A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for umj in can
neries, at the City Boo'k store.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should lcsufnei(ntreeom
nu'iulatioiL Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it 'would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Dailey's.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from r cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Buy your domestic goods al Ham
burger's. You can do better than at any
other house.
The proprietor of the Chicago
houso.w honi eu'rylxnly know:- as a popi -lar
cat"rcr. ha. lixod his hotl up in
splended style- It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around : every luxury of the reason at
the Chicago house.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to 11. C.
Comegys. Kahuna, W.T.
I. C. Johnson may be found at the
Occident in AMoria "every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday evenimr. ready
to attend to messenger "duly in Portland
or to points along the river in a satistac
torv manner.
FashinuaMc Irf.v-3I:iIiing.
Miss M. J. Kkt.i.ey havina made ar
rangements with Miss E. ('. Benedict to
do euttimr and fitting in her s'liop. and
feeling'fully competent to offer herself
as a first-class trimmer, would be pleas
ed to have the ladies of Asona give her
a call, as she will hold herself responsi
able for all work done. Terms reason
able. Next door to The Astoi:ia.
Miss E. C. Benedict wishes to
inform the Ladies, that she will still
continue instructing all those who wish
to learn Mrs. C. K." Rinker's system of
Dress-cutting, having taken rooms with
Miss M. J. Kelley. "
C'amicryiiipu Take Not Ice.
J. T. Borchers will guaiantee to put
up Salmon Spawn in a manner that will
pay. if any cannery man on the Colum
bia river will encourage the enterp.-ise
by giving him a show.' Call or address
Astoria Laundry before the season is
lost. This is an important item.
The IJcst Family
Sewing machine is the New Ameri
can, sold in Astoria "by Chaa. Stevens .&
Son at the City Book store. It is a light
running self-threading machine, in fi.ct
it is the only sewing machine which has
a self-threading shuttle and self-setting
needle. It never breaks the thread:
never skips stitches: is the lightest run
ning, and is in every respect the hes
family sewing machine. Clias. Stevens
& Son, agents. Astoria. Oregon.
Lodotn'o Hersi: Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can be
accommodated at reasonable rites at
MrH.Munsons Clienamus st. Astoria.
Ladies can now ride their veloci
pedes in Astoria, if so desired. Adler
has them rigged with side saddles.
A magnificent stodk of jewelry
at Adler's.
Best Salem flour is sold in this
eity at S'5 50 per barrel by Warren o:.
"lW." CASE," '
Comer Clienamus and C:iss streets.
Corner Main and Chenamus StFoet?.
and other Enslih Cutlory.
Genuine Iuveershaum Pipes, etc.
A fine -stock of
IVat olios aud tf ewolrs. Mnazle and
ISreecli Jjomlns:4tliot Guns.
Revolvers. Pistols. Parlor -Rifles,
and Ammunition.
Corner of Olney and "Water streets
Best quality of LAGJZJt DKKJts cts. per glass
Choice Wines, -Liquors, and Cigars always
ou hand.
3-The patronace of the public is respect
fully solicited. Orders for Lnner or Rottltd
Beer in anv quantity promptly filled.
$2-The hest lunch the season will affocd
JumtsbedjlaY and nlsht FIlEJi.
Hill's Hew Variety Tletre,
Containing six
The Deeor.nions of the New Theatre -wcra
executed by Mr. F. TIolL
Tainted by Mr. "Win. "Wrst. Architect and
lUiihler Mr. Kumble.
On and rfter this date will he given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coum. Our Per
formance Oomnunus with our
First Part of FaSe and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches. Trapeze Perfouners,
Paniomimists and Juggleis.
To see our Kelinod and Tneqw'Ued enter
tainment. New .Act. N w SongN and com
plete change of Programme twice a week.
-K. 13 SIX. Proprietor.
Entrance to loxos and Circle on Cbena
in u Street. Pcrlornianee to commence
, at eight o'clock irreci.-e.
II. R. PARKER. ----- -proprietor.
I JTpIIIS TIOTEf. istho hrget. nc oonifoVt-
JL ;lle ami he-t kept hotel in the citv. Is
j supplied w irh the be.-it f spnnt; water, hot
jiiin nni imi.s. iKiroer snop. iut a iu"si-ciis
1'ihMMi with 1hs f liquoir. and cigars, ami.
line lilliiard table. Eire ccli to and froin
the house : eh::nres reasonable. -1 Oil toSu
jHT day. according to room occupied.
I. XORTOIV. - - - - 5roprietor.
(Formerly of the Portland Hotel.)
mms house is a fire-proof price.
1 fust tlnishcd and newlv lurnished. with
j the iM'St of spring beds.
1 i:i:jis- pr week- 1 mm sr. to sfi for board
and lodging. Per dav Si 00. Single meab
i") cents. Lodging -j to ."n rents.
rFiee coach to and iroin the House.
Boarding House
?dRS. Ql'lNN
Will accommodate day boarders or accom
modate any with board and lodging.
Prices reasonable. In Installs' building.
Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Eargo ft Co'-a.
Express office.
A. J. 3IKGLKK. C. S. W1MC11T.
MEGLER & WIUGHT. Proprietors.
Anlorictj Oregon.
mi IE proprietors are happy to
JL announce that the above hotel has been
repainted and refurnished, adding greatlv To
the comfort of its guests nnd is now the beat
hotel north of San Francisco.
rjprRPI SlOUSeS.
Retween Squemocqhe and Jefferson,
Astokia, rvjtp:c:o'.
! Roni-d and lodging per week S8VO
rani ner nay l i
Sinele Meal 25
Tne table will be supplied at all times .with
the best the market affords.
T11EO. BROEMSER, - - PllOruiETQjK.
Fresh ovsters. and other deli-
cacics of the season, served in.
every style.
Opposite the Telegraph office, Squentoqbe
street. Astoria, urejron.
Stoves, Tinware, and
House Furnishing Coods,
Hardware, Erass Goods,
Lead and Lron Pipe, Pipe Fittings.,
Engineers Supplies, 'Sheet Lead, Iron,
Copper 'Brass, and Zinc.
O- 3". SMITH, '
goods, consisting of
Buckle and Congress Gaitera,.
Women, blisses and Children's
Which will be sold at the very lowestpriewj.
aperient for Sale.
The right to -manufacture and sell
joior a. imoKiwsEirs patjest
(NTo. 1S9,9S5, April 24, 1877),
iinjprovcyinent in J$I,T3sX SIATj
In the States oi California nnd -Oregon.
BSrFor particulars and description, -whtofc.
cannot be given in a brief advertisement,
call upon or address. T. BROEMSEB. ;
Walla Walla Eeatajirant, A&uiria, Orea