The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 02, 1879, Image 3

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glis gwiitj stxaiteix.
Monday E-towKodl.
JLUvrian Building, Cumt fitrcci.
Terms of Subscription :
hatred by Carrier, ior vok -5 Coat.
fiont by mail, four months . "5. 09
Sunt by mail, cite yoar - 'J 0W
Free of Punase to Hubsecibers.
&rS Advcrtiomont? inserted by the your at
(fce-rate of 51 .7) ier fqmtre per month.
Trim? ion I advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cent nor square for ouch insertion.
Tlin DAU.Y AI'OUTAN wi'i itc mt by
mo il at 73 cent n month, free of parage, lieaa
rw wiia rovtcmvhilc alwcncc front the cHy can
hare Tmf. Astokhn follow Hum. Daii.v
or Wkkki.y euUiona to any jto-t-ojlicc wit h
rjut aadiiionai rciteune. Addrcci may he
cuattyed a often as uAtircd. Iauxvc orders a I
the cuuutiiw room.
Cnnnrv.vitti'11 Tatce XoJicc.
.). T. Iorcher, will guarantee lo put
up Salmon Spawn in a manner thai will
imy. ifanv eannervman on the Colum
bia r've will eneomaj'e the entenirise
Ly nivinir him a show. Call or address
Astoria Lmndry Ix'fort the souhon is
3o.sU This is an important item.
. For good tobaccos, fine cigars, no-
"lions. candies, etc.. go to Foster's varicl v
frion on the roadway, opposite the 0. J.
N. Go.'s w harf.
Rev. Mr. Belknap, "recently from
Nebraska, will pre:ch 1 his ("Wednesday)
evening yt 7::0 o'clock in t ic Congega
Tional chinch of this city.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house. w lorn even body knowsa.saopis
lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in
splendid style. It Is nil newly p-nnted
and furnished, and is one of U-e most
attractive plaees on Main street. Cill
..ueund: every InMfy of the season at
7.1ie Chicago house.
-Steamer da v.
Ancon goes to sea.
The weather is "rail jam" at As-
. itna.
Coueilnuui Runey lias returned to
the city.
. -.
The Sea Waif is loading at St.
Helens for Sau Francisco.
The steamship Oregon left 350
tuns of freight at Astoria,
Idaho will be due here on Satur
day. She leaves below to-morrow.
At the pilot commissioners' meet
ing'i&st evening, a full board was pres
ent. Messrs. Surprenant & Ferguson
jr. began work yesterday upon Mr.
J. S. Wright's new house.
Mr. Hamilton, owner of the ship
City-cf Dublin, is maturing plms to
successfully .float the ship.
The old mill timbers across the
the peninsula, are used for fire wood
.-it the Occident bath rooms.
E. F. Thompson is in the city
from Gysterville. Frank is fattening
up largely on Shoalwater buy diet.
There was certainly not less than
2,300 souls on board the steamers
which arrived at Astoria on Monday
It is said that the liepublic had
1,340 passengers in all, including chil
dren. About 300 left the steamer at
"If the Chinese must go," asks
the St. Louis Post, "can they take the
small boy who plies the bean-shooter
with them?"
Astoria is the most popular re
surt on the Pacific coast. At the
least calculation, 2,000 visitors were
in the city. Monday night.
If you 'wish to see the finest beef
in the world, call around at "Warren &
McGuire's aucL take a look at the
tide land critters slaughtered by that
Petition is circulating for a mail
route via Naselle river from Knappton
to Oysterville. It is said there would
be but seven miles of knd travel, and
that boats can come nearly to Knap
ton by this route.
No first-class reporter will ever
forget to add at the end of an unsuc
cessful burglary item that the fellows
overlooked a box containing $1000 in
cash. This always makes the burglars
-wad enough torshoct. themselves.
The Minneapolis millers are ex
perimenting with machinery for com
pressing bran for the purpose of ship
ment to Europe. It is believed that
it can he so compressed as to ,et as
much weight into a given package as
the same would hold of flour.
The steamer Alexander DundKn,
belonging to Mr. It. D. Hume, is now
undergoing alterations and rep-iir
which will lit her for the coast trade.
She will make regular trips between
Astoria and points on the coast north
and south of the Columbia -river.
We understand that when the
Shnbrick arrives at Astoria from her
supply cruise, she will remain here as
a tender to the construction of the
new light-house which will be placed
upon Tillamook rock. A new steamer,
for this district, is about finished in
Mr. John Wood, of South Bend,
who was in the city on business 3'esLer
day, informs us that he thinks the re
ported sailing of the last two vessels
from Sau Francisco for Shoal water
bay was. a mistake. The new schooner
Trustee has just arrived Jit Sjiii Fran
cisco from the South Bend mills. Air.
Wood will retrrn home to-day by
A Coos Bay paper Ba's : An old
and intelligent sea captain informed
us last week that no vessel was ever
lost by reason of a north or northwest
gale upon this coast. Upon further
inquiry we find this statement to be
true, jind it is quite an item to be
taken into consideration in the selec
tion of a site for the proposed 'harbor
of refuse.
The Columbia river and its tribu
taries are at a higher sUige than usual
at this season of the year. The water
covers the main floors of the Oregon
Steamship Navigation company's dock,
in Portland, and is still rising. The
Columbia and Wallamet are full of
floating drift, making navigation ex
tremely difficult if not dangerous.
The Cowlitz valley is inundated, and
doubtless the Chehalis is in a similar
For some uuaccoimtable reason,
says the Alta of the 27th, the bar oft
this harbor was very rough j'esterday
morning, and the sea inside and out
side of it was very heavy. The pilot-
boat Allen drifted in dangerous prox
imit3T to the Fort, and a tug was
necessary to extricate her from a peril
ous position. The ship Palmyra, out
ward bound, with a tug jihead, parted
her hawser, when just entering the
bar, and she remained broadside to
the sea for quite a while until a line
was got to her from the tug. She wjis
in a very uncomfortable position
The Standard says: At 8 oclock
Friday morning the steam cutter
Thomas Corwin came to a.i anchor
directly in front of the city. The city
dads ordained that no vessel would be
allowed to anchor in front of the city,
3et the Corwin remains. The next
move will be an ordinance for the
prevention and removal of the tides in
the Willamette river within the city
boundaries, and any tide coming in
after the publication of said ordinance
will be deemed guilt3T of misdemeanor.
The ordinance will be referred to the
committee on "Fire-water." What
wont a common council do? It was
reported at Astoria, on Sunday that
our council had passed an ordinance
providing that republicans shall in
future wear a collar, and not go at
large without a permit.
Our Washington correspondent
yesterday told us of the review of the
noble department of firemen at the
national capital. We will venture to
bet that there is not an engine in
Washington or New York that can
compare withTthat of Rescue engine
No. 2 of this cit3 other things consid
ered. The engineer here, Mr. John
Douglass, has by his own ingenuity
perfected a connection of the heater
and engine which is entirely new. He
hoists the stack, shuts off the water
la3T-cock, surface-cock, etc., opens the
damper, shuts the vent, etc., etc., by
one single motion, in less than a sec
ond after the engine starts from the
room. When she comes home he can
set it all in fifteen Leconds, and keep
40 pounds of steam if ho wishes to.
It is the most perfect piece of mechan
isoi'that we JiaYejever seen.
Astoria, Its Present Prospects.
Capt. Flavel has handed us a copy
of the Alta or the 2Ath ult, from
which we quote the follewing:
Editors Alta: In 3our excellent
editorial of the 3d instant, I was sorry
to see it stated that Astoria has "per
haps 1500 (inhabitants) now." 1 am
sure you dp not intentionally underrate
our httle burg, and will allow me to
make a correction in your columns.
Astoria polls now, with a full vote,
over 700 votes, and her permanent
population cannot be less than 3500.
In the Summer and Spring months
there is a large influx of fishermen
and sea-side visitors, so that during
more than half the 3rear there are
probably not less than 0000 or 7000
people living here.
This, it is true, is still small, but we
are still growing, and we claim at least
our share of business for so small a
place. Ye have in Astoria, fourteen
large salmon-canning establishments,
two saw-mills, two breweries, one large
hemlock tanning establishment, one
large box-factoiy, three well-organized
and well-drilled volunteer lire com
panies, and 125 shops, including stores
and saloons, etc.
We want capitalists to develop the
coal near here, on the Nehalem; we
also want gas-works, and other good
paying enterprises in the city here; and
tanners to work up oar hides and
hemlock-bark, which we have in abun
dance. We also want farmers, who
will t3ike up and clear for themselves
homes out of our government timber
lands in this vicinity. Astop.ia
Court lroccetliii";s.
Astokia, April 1.
Jom Grant, d-iink, paid $5 00 fine.
Joint II. Beers, drunk, paid 5 00
Tom O'Brien, drunk, forfeited de
posit of $5 00 for his appearance.
.'Initio JFrtfei, drunk, forfeited de
posit of 5 00.
Jo Aii'lcrson, resisting an officer,
paid $5 00 fine.
Mike Brellcll, same cause and result.
James McVa.'ry, drunk, sent up
for two da3s in default.
F. W. Foul, paid 10 fine on con
viction for profane and abusive lan
iniaire. .A new lot of crockery to be seen
at "Baile3''s.
See late specimens lightning pro
cess of photographs, at fl. S. Shuster's
Art Gallery.
Best Salem flour issold in this
cit3r at 5 50 per barrel By Warren &
MeG uire.
A fine lot of Whitaker hams to he
found at Bailey's.
Wawen & McGuire .have the
early rse-potatoes for seed. Farmers,
please remember this.
C. II Bain & Co. will, from this
date, discount ten per cent, for cash,
on former prices on sales of mould
ings, sash and doors.
Home again, is the remark at
Adler's. He wants another clerk now.
Having attended bankrupt sales in
'Frisco he proposes to sell goods lower
than aii3Tbod3' in Astoria.
Dr. J. Welch, dentist, now at As
toria for the purpose of filling en
gagements here, in the practice of his
piofession, cannot remain longer than
about ten das from this date. See
card olsewhere in this paper.
Nobod3r seems to want to put up
fish.ihis Tear, at least till the3' can
catch the fish. Boats out night before
last came in with from three to seven
fish to the boat 3'esturday morning,
and the consequence is that not a
single cannerr in the vicinity of As
toria began work.
The Best Family
Sewing machine is the New Ameri
can, sold in Antoria by Chas. Stevens &
Son at the Citv Book store. Jt h a light
running .self-threading machine, in fac,
it is the onlv .sewinu machine which has
a self-threading shuttle and self-setting
needle. It never breaks the thread:
never skips stitches; is the lightest run
ninir. and is in every respect the best
family .sewing machine. Chas. Stevens
& Son, agents. Astoria, Oregon.
Lodging House Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can be
accommodated at reasonable rates at
Mrs.Munsou's Chenaimis st., Astoria.
A Washington correspondent
of one of the eustern paperscor
rects an impression which lias gone
abroad to the effect that a hw
equalizing bounty to soldiers who
servea in the late war had been
passed iby the late congrecs. No
such law has been passed, no? has
any act granting additional bounty
been placed upon the statute book
since July 28, 1866Vand that law
will expire by HmikJiion on.the.3Qth
of June,1880,
Injunction of Secresy Removed.
The county treasurer called on me
the other day and called ni3' attention
to two letters he had received from
Henry and Lewis Olsen respectively,
stating that each had a tux receipt
given b3r me, and combing the im
pression that I had made a mistake
and neglected to give them credit for
the taxes the3T paid me, and acciden
tally dropped it into 1113 own purse; the
treasurer also told me that there had
been a good deal of talk about such
matters of late, that he had received
several letters from other parties on
the same subject, and that he had
kept it ver3T quiet until he had in
formed me. Now it so happens that
I don't want any secres3 about such
matters, and this is the onby mode I
know of to make it public. I am not
the responsible party in this matter,
but inasmuch a Mr. Crellin placed
an unlimited confidence in me with
out bond or other conditions, I hold
ni3self personal by responsible forcveiy
dollar and cent of taxes 1 collected,
together with the full penalt of the
law in such cases made and provided,
and in Mr. Crellins absence I take
his responsibility also, for I am cer
tain that neither he nor I made siiiy
such mistakes. I am not infallible,
but I don't allow myself to make aii3T
such mistakes, and it ought never to
be allowed to others. Evoiy dollar
and cent collected 03' me is on record
on 1113' stubs-ami tax list, and credited
to the person who paid it, and there
is no mistake about it. I like to see
the good work of investigation go on,
and if aiL3T persons have the slightest
suspicion tint the taxes the3T paid to
1110 has not found its way into the
count3 treasury, all the3' have to do is
to come and see the record, or drop a
line to the auditor or treasurer, state
the amounts paid, and I think either
of them will give the desired informa
tion. Whatever dilricult' there ma'
be about persons being asked to pa
double taxes, is perhaps the usual
blunder of some one else, and no fault
of mine. Axdhkw Olsen,
.Ek tawtllci-lor l'acific- Co., W. T
0y8ierv"'le March 2isth 1S7.
... Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmeers'. See advertisement.
The cheapest ever offered is Ham
burger's Embroidery.
Fresh oysters in ever style and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to II. C.
Comegj's, Kalama, W. T.
I. C. Johnson may be found at the
Occident in iVstoria every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday evenimr. ready
to attend to messenger 'duty in Porthiml
or to points along the river in a satisfac
tory manner.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Ovsters served in everj stvle at
the Walla Walla Bestaurant.
New invoice of those Medallion
Kanges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
.shoes, etc.
Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth.
:!0 inehef wide, for one dollar at Ham
burgers. A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for ue in can
neries, at the City Book store.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a better job for les money than
any outside workman. His work" in the
cemetery here should hesuflicientrecom
meiidation. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would he
well to call upon ilr. Stewart.
Get your baskets filled for a little,
money at!Bailejs.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from 5 cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Buy your domestic goods at Ilam
bunerV. You can'do better than at any
other house.
Fashionable UrcsKOIaKlH.
!Mi;s M. "J. havinu-made ar
rangements with Miss E. ( en diet to
do cuttimr and tilling in her .shop, and
feeling fully competent to offer herself
as a first-class trimmer, would be pleat
ed to have the ladies of Astoria give her
a call, as .she will hold herself responsi
able for all work done. Terms reason
able. Next door to The Astokia
Miss E. C. Bkxkdict wishes to
inform the Ladies, that she will still
continue instructing all those who wish
to learn Mrs. C. K. liiifker" s system of
Dress-cuttimr. having taken rooms with
Miss M. J. K-illey.
I. "W. CASE,
Corner Chenamus and Cass streets.
ASTOKIA - - - OUE430K.
Cornor Main and Chonamus Strcotp.
and other English Cutlory.
Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc,
A fine stock of
Watolies d Jewelry. Kazzle and
Breech. IiO&ding Shot Guns,
ScYelYer-, PJwtols, Parlor Sifles,
jb4 AaupiKmitiea,
Sill's lef Variety Tliiatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre wero
executed by Mr. F. IIolL
Painted by Mr. Win. "WW. Architect and
Builder Mr. Keinble.
On and -after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Kla!e and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Panto mi mists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and rnequalled enter
tainment. New Acts. New Song's ami com
plete change of Programme twice a week.
TIO. 2III,,. Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena
inns Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
bowppw agemi in n nil i aaaBa 0
H. B. PARKER. ----- Proprietor.
TUTS HOTEL is the largest, most comfort
able and best kept hotel in the citv. Is
supplied with the bcAt of spring water, hot
and cold baths, barber shop, and a first-ehis
saloon with "best of liquors and cigars, and
tine billiard table. Free coach to and from
the nouse , charges reasonable. SI (H) to $15Q
per day. according to room occupied.
P. XORTOX. - - - - Proprietor.
(Formerly of the Portland IIotclA
mins norsK is a fire-proof brick,
JL just finished ami newlv furnished, witU
the best of spring beds.
Tkiois Per week From ."" to r. for board
ami lodging. Per day Si -GO. Sing'e meals
25 cents. lodging 25 to r0 cents.
.rSFree coach to and from the House.
Boarding House
"Will accommodate day boarders or accom
modate any with board and lodging.
Prices reasonable. In Ingalls' building.
Jefferson stieet, opposite Wells, Fargo & Cute
Express office.
MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors,
Astoria, Oregon.
announce that the above hotel has beeji
repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to
the comfort of its guests and is now the best
hotel north of San Francisco.
rjii'Ri-ix iKorsss,
D. L. TURPIN - riioi-niBrrOR
Between Squemoeqhe and Jefferson,
Astokia, Oiikuo2.
Board and lodging per week..
Boaid per dav.
Single Meal . ...
Tne table will be siqvplied at all times with
the besrtltcmarket alloids.
TrrrAiiiiA. ttaIjTjA.
Presh oysters, and other dell- fi
cacics of the season, served nir-sjc.
every style. as
Opposite the Telegraph office, Squemoqlia
street. Astoria, Oregon.
Stoves, Tinware, and
House Furnishing Goods.
Hardware, Brass Goods,
Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings,
Engineers Supplies, Sheet '.Lead, ilron,
Copper. Brass, and Zinc.
goods, consisting of
Buckle -and Congress Gaiteis,
Women, Misses and Children's
t Which will he sold at the very lowest prices.
Patent for Sale.
The right to manufacture and sell
(No. 180,995, Aprll-21, R177),
Iinprorcincnt in ILI2Vf SfcAT
In the States of California and Oregon.
fff-For particulars and description, tthlcb.
cannot be given in a brief advertisement
call upon or address. T. BROEMSER,
JV'alla W.alla.Restank AatoriajvQcgn