w vaaBas glxs- giii3j siraimx, ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED 3VERY MORNING, (Monday ilxcoplod). D. C. IP.EF.AND : : PL'SStiSSEffER.' A&iuricut, JJmldivg, Gass Stored. Terms of Subscription ; Served by Currier, per Trock.. .25 Contf ticnt by mmI. four months 5S OS' Sunt hy mail, .ne year. 9 00 Frco of l'ociao to Subecribors. t55T Advortieraonts inserted by the year at tho rate of SI 0 ior -nuru per month. Transient nHrcrtisinc, by the day or weok, fifty cenw per square for each insertion. THE CITY. Tjik Daily astohian will he -next hy nailfltlaCi.nl a month, frrcofpottafic. Read er who contemplate aimence from the cilu can itavc Tup Astokian follow thcrn. Daily or Wbbicly cAitionx to any pout-office irith hit additional erpentc. Addrawes may 1w unarmed as often a desired. Luai'c orders at the counUnv mom. BRIEF ANNOUNVE2TENT. .Sew invoice oi those Medallion Ranges at Melius C. Crosby s. Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth. "45 inches w Me, for one dollar at Ham burger's. A new lot o'f full bound blank, and receipt book-., jvcially for use in can--neries, at the City Roo'k store. Mr. .1. Stewart, stone and marble culler of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to aft ordering work of him, and will do a bettei job for less monej than siny outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should Insufficient recom inundation, before on let your con tracts for work of this kind it would be well to will upon Mr. Stewart. A new lot of crockery to be seen at Bailey's. - See late specimens lightning pro cess of photographs, at H. S. Snorter's Art Gallery. . The name of Mr. Frank Elberson does not appear in the list of passengers ly steamship Ancon. Warren & IVIcGuire have the early rse potatoes for seed. Fanners, jlease remember this. The Daily Statesman is consider ably improved of late in its "personal appearance" and press work. C. H. Bain & Co. will, from this late, discount ten per cent, for cash, on former prices on sales of mould tings, sash and doors. Since writing the notice which appears elsewhere, the Salem States man comes to us all bedraggled 'With ink in the deepest kind of ihrty .mourning. Dr. J. Welch has arrived in As toria for the .purpose of tilling his engagements "here, in the practice of dentistry. See card elsewhere 'in this paper. Mr. A. F. Gunn, with Messrs. Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch,station ers of San Francisco, is traveling on -Puget-sound, and will soon visit As toria in the interests of trade. A fine lot of Whitaker hams to be found at Bailey's Grand Master H. H. Gilfry has issued a general dispensation for lodg es of the jurisdiction to turn out in regalia if so desired, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of Odd Fellowship 5n America, on the 26th day of April. During the absence of Mr Carl AdJer people are invited to call at his tore and help themselves to whatever ther choose, at bed-rock prices. His present stock will be reduced to make room for a large assortment in new lines of goods. At the sale yesterday Mr. G. W. Hume became the owner of the Arri goni hotel property, paying therefor the sum of 5.150 cash. Mr. Hume thus adds to his intecest at Astoria. The sale was conducted by Mr. B. S. Worsley auctioneer, for Mr. Gilbert, -master in chancery. . - Dispatches of the4th, from San Francisco, informs us that "the body of a 3roung unknown man was found on a pile -of lumber at Hathaway 's wharf that morning, a pistol shot wound in the right temple, and the right hand clutching a Sharp's four shooter. From papers on his person, lie is supposed to have been a baker by occupation and to have recently arrived from Oregon." Some fears were entertained by friends of Mr. Frank Elberson that this was him. -but Mrs. Binder has letters announc ing that he may bevexpected home by Mio Ancon. Letters from the People. Astoria, March 26th. 1S79. Editor Astorian : Permit me a small space to answer "one of the city Dads." He says: I call your attention to the council proceedings of Tuesday ISth.at which lime the council adjourned, to meet Saturday 2Jd. .Sewnal ordinances and resolutions having been read and re ported upon at the meeting the 38th, were laid over until the adjourned meet ing, mainly because two councilmen were absent. When the council met on the ir2d, councilman Shhcly moved that matter laid over at the last meeting be Waken up, which motion was carried, and ordinances toirether with report laid over at the meeting of the 18th were taken up and acted upon, and no others. The following is from the records of the council on Tuesday March ISth, among other preceedings: An ordinance making an appropria tion for expenses of litigation. fcc. and read first and second times and on motion laid over until next meeting and refered to committee cni rules and regulations. Ordinance increasing salary of night watchman, &c, read first and sec ond limes and referred to committee. Ordinance for employment of speci al attorneys, iV:c, read for informa tion and referred back to committee. Ordinance regulating "bar-rooms, ra, was reported on and a subtutesti ! ottered by the committee, and reterretl oack for amendments. Ordinance for licensing certain places of amusement, laid over until next meeting. Resolution dismissing city attorney, laid over until next meeting. All these matters were reported on and taken up and acted upon at the adjourned meeting. The records do not show any ordi nance or reports laid over from the 18th until the adjourned meeting as alleged by the City Dad. In fact, as appears bj' the records there was noth ing laid over until an adjourned meet ing. What was -laid over, -was laid over until the next mee.tiug, and as the distinguished president of the council ruled the Saturday meeting being only a continuation of the Tuesday meeting, it certainly stands to common sense it could not have been the next meeting. Again, Mr. City Dad, I quote from record and not from mem ory. City Dad is wrong in one of his as sertions as is clearly shown, and if time and space allowed we could show him wrong in others. As for instance 1 am informed, that some of the coun cil, even City Dad himself, knew that ladies had left the sidewalk on account of the lamp-lighter's horse. Tiie fact is Mr. Editor; the council were determined to dodge the Main street lamp question, for the reason that the residents of ihafc locality had made their grievance public, and warned the amour proprc of City Dad and his associates, and there lies the gist of the whole matter. There are other puint&in City Dad's letter which ought to be noticed, but inasmuch as he admits the wrong and promises amendment, by lighting the lamps again, 1 leave the matter to rest where it is. Bjxlsidkk. Astoria. Oregon, Msrdh 26,1879. Editor Astorian : A communication in Tue Astorian to-day signed "Yin" reflects severely on a fling at the city council, by a correspondent of the 'regonian in the issue or March 21st, and further states, "this correspondent has, in sev eral former notestaken occasion to-elur and misrepresenfthe council." "Yin" also questions the competency of any person to act as a regular correspon dent of a paper having the circulation that the Daily Gregonian has, nmless he confines himself to the truth. In this I heartily coincide with him. I have been reliably informed that the present presiding officer of the council (is he "Yin?") is under the impression that I am the author of the "flings, slurs and misrepresentations" com plained of. By your 'permission I wish publicly to undeceive Mr. Gray and every one else interested, by as suring them that I am not the author of the "Astoria notes" which have lately appeared in the Oregonian. 1 have not written a line of news for the Oregonian since the stranding of the ship City of Dublin, in October last. When anything of importance occurs in this section of the state, cal- ciliated to interest all the readers of the Oregonian, I have been accustomed to write it up, and that paper has always been pleased to publish it, but I have never imposed upon them any "fling, slurs or misrepresentations" reflecting on any one, nor any con ceited puff or personalities referring to myself. I should not have troubled you with this, had I not known that lying misrepresentations have been made as to who is really the -writer of the "Astoria notes," alluded to by "Yin." Yours respectfully. E. C. Holden. The Walla Walla 'Watchman truth fully remarks that every now and then we hear of bilhord and pedestrian matches, how many runs made, how many miles walked, but we never linivl o m;fnli nmrmrr viil onIC4-4-nMn wood-choppers, plow-men, nor how mny raUs ,ne -could split cord wood pile up, or acres turn m a day; still.it may hempen yet Jomnfiilisfic Imposters. It appears that the Police of Astoria were not slow in "spotting" the fel low Geo. Legrand. referred to in the Itemizer extract quoted by us. It turns out that the man Geo. Daniels, who has been "starting a paper" The Fisuermax, at Astoria, for about a week past is the same person alluded to by the Itemizer as guilty of sw-nd-linw them out of several dollars col lected as subscriptions, and also the one who got the best of several firms in Portland, among others, L. Samuel of the West Shore, of whom he came out about 30 winner. Officer Oliver received word to arrest him here on Tuesday, but as he had. no warrant, deferred the duty until yesterday when the bird had flown. Now, one more word to the people of Astoria. The Astokian diice is always with you. We stay here 32 months in the year nine months of that time we do not make a dollar and fifty cents a month over expenses; but we stay, the printers stay; we pay taxes, and all help to keep the city together. If any of you want a little extra printing during the flush of business three months in the spring and summer, Tun Astorian is here to accommodate you. You need not put up for any set of seedy adventurers; by doing which you have lost so frequently before, and now probably lose again. The IaIIcs Portage. We "have had the pleasure of exam ining a map. showing the survey of the Columbia river between The Da'lles and Celilo, which was recently present ed to the Astoria Chamber of Com merce on request, by Major Gillespie. When we examine thi3 map, in con nection with the report of Mr. Haber sham who made the survey, it will be seen that the improvements which Mr. Habersham proposes, n order to make the river navigable between The Dalles and Celilo, are not very exten sive. We regret however that no estimate of the cost of these improve ments accompanies the report. In the river and harbor appropriation act of the last congress, the continuance of this survey was provided for, and it is probable that the estimates of costs will -soon be made. Ifcwill be well in the meantime, for our Chamber cf Commerce to petition that the work of improving the river so as to Tender it navigable from The Dalles to Celilo be .proceeded with, and be made a partof the work of improving the. upper Columbia. If this be done it will benefit a large body of farmers who live between The Dalles and Celilo, a distance of four teen miles, and will be another step towards opening up the lordly Colum bia from its month to its head. The schooner Trustee, -now load ing in San Francisco for Astoria, is the last vessel built by A. M. Simp son. She took the rigging of the lost schooner Oregonian. Mr. G. W. Hume informs us that the Trustee is a tine, staunch vessel. We met General Adair yesterday for the first time in a long while. "Wintering" in 'California has given the General renewed energy. We also met Mr. S. D. Adair, for tlio first time in about two years. Sam ie pull ing through his seige of sickness all Tumt, but lias had a liara time oi u. Oregon beats the world for fruit. A seedling, originated and propa gated by Barton of Portland, proves it. The new pomological beauty ripens in October and will keep till June. It is called the Centennial. It is of fine flavor, and solid fruit. Speci men copy left us by W. H. Dodge at tests the fact. --The board of trustees at Junc tion has passed an ordinance increas ing retail liquor license to zo) per annum. The saloon man must not only pay this sum, but get the consent of a majority of the legal voters and give a bond of $500 not to open house on Sunday, or sell Eqnor to minors under the age of 18year3. . a . -A relic of the .copper age, being no less than a part of a ships cable which was fished out of the sands at Tillamook, is on .exhibition at E. S. i Larson's store. The ship bearing this cab!o was mpst Uke,y the sll!p t,1!lt discovered America. Perhaps to the sorrow of her commander. The cop per age preceded the iron age. J.HUSESIEXTS. The oompany to arrive here by the Ancon and play tit Metropolitan hall on the 2Sth, and 29th, is highly en dorsed. It is said that Messrs. Barlow, Wilson, Primrose and West have few if any peers in their individual lines of business. The houses which have greeted the company elsewhere hare been hirge and appreciative. There is a newness in the songs and jokes of the entertainment which is seldom found nowadays in minstrels'. Among the few old things done by the com pany are Barlow's "Old Negro Special ties," which the public demand. "Old Black Joe" is one of his most artistic piccures of the venerable darkey, and never grows stale. George Wilson's songs and specialties are side-splitting and new, Nobody but the irresistible George can so convulse an audience. Primrose and West need no praise, they have no rivals as song and dance men in the United States. F. M. Rail is a good banjoist. Several papers in the Willamette valley, irrespective of any political bias, have found fault with Governor Thayer for practicing law before judges of his own appointing. Candidly we confess that the thing is not altogether to our own liking, says the Inland Empire, but what can "be done to remedy the evil Will any of those same papers advocate the formation of a new constitution to give a governor a salary befitting the chief magistrate of a great state like this? Our fears are to the contrary. Had the state been admitted under a constitution al lowing the state officials salaries King ing from $2,500 to $4,000 a year and compelling them to pay into the state treasury quarterly, under oath, all fees received by them in the discharge of their duties, she would have been thousandsof dollars rich erf or it to-day. Her offices would have been heretofore filled by upright men, instead of land jobbers and constructive salary-grabbers. Does any one suppose that such leading citizens as Henry Failing or William S. Ladd, could be induced to accept the office of governor at its pres ent salary? .Not for a moment. AROUND THE CITY. Fresh oysters in every style at Schmcers'. See advertisement. The cheapest ever offered is Ham burger's Embroidery. Nick Equivalence has concluded that there is no millions in shipping sailors, and he has given up that busi ness, and is attending closely to kenplng a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and see for yourself. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. Parties"-?!? want of good Cedar Shingles will do well to apply to H. C. CoinegySjKalama, W.T. You can get Tuniernickel bread at Mrs. S. Binder's bakery in Astoria, where "itis baked regularly and kept on hand for sale, the same as" other bread. I.C. Johnson may he found at the Occident In Astoria every Monday, Wcdnesdiry. and Friday evoning, ready to attend to messenger duty in Portland or to points along the river in a satisfac tory manner. Five thousand yards Embroideries from 5 cents upwards, at Hamburger's. Getvour baskets 'filled for a little money at Bailey's. Buy your domestic goods at Ham burger's. You can do better than at any other house. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. Ovsters served in every style at thinVafla Walla Kestnurant. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies hoots, shoes, etc. Peter Runey Is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just reeei veil 100,000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse toot of Benton street. Yashlouable 1)ress-3Ialiins. Miss M. J. Kkiley havfng made ar-raiigements-with Miss E. C. Benedict to do cuttina and fitting 1n her shop, and feeling fully competent to offer herself 'ft as a ursirciH5 iriiuuicr, w iiiuii ue inclin ed to have the ladies of AstoniR-give her a call, as she will hold herself Tesponsi able for all work done. Terms Teason- able. Next door to The Astouiax office. Miss E. C. Bkxkdict wishes to inform the. Ladies, that she will still continue instructing all those who wish to learn Mrs. C. K. Hi ulcer's system of Dress-cuttimr. having taken rooms with Miss M. J. Kelley. The Kcst Family Sewing machine is the New Ameri can, sold in Astoria hy Chas. Stevens & Son at the City I5ook store. It is a" Jlirlit running self-threading machine, in fact it is the only sewing machine which has ft-serr-tinvatting snuiue anu seii-seuing needle. It never breaks the thread; never skins stitches-; is the fmhtest run ninu. and is in every respuac me nest family sewing machine. Chas. Stevens & Son, agents, Astoria, Oregon. l . " ... i- A, 1 i The Finest Stock. When we savthe finest stock we cer tainly mean it; and not only the finest. 1 but the cheapest lot of pictures in the citytomos, h-ytameMJ & s011j jajn street. Which must and . will he sold. AMUSEMENTS. Metropolitan Hall TWO jsixcsextss AND SATURDAY MATIflFEE, Commencing Friday 28th 3First Appearance of BAItLOlV, IVIXiSOX. I'ltrMEOSIi. AXi WEST'S MINSTRELS! Universallv ac!novledcel to be the nios-; Brilliant and Artistic Combination now before the public Under the Management of Mr. Job. Magnire, Manager of New Mar ket Theatre, Portland. The company is precisely the same as dur ing the successful engagement just closed at Kalriw in's, ami after a brief tour of the State, we shall again return to that lleautiful Thea tre for another four weeks engagement. This is the only minstrel companv that has ever had the honor of appearing m Baldwin" Theatre, San Francisco. It is n Chaste, "Elcpmrtmd Kt? lined Performance. Every Act and Song is New. Admission - - 50c and SI CO jSo extra charge for resen ed seats. They are now ready at Cauiiekl's drug btoie. IL J. CLATCIAM, Business Manager. GRAND OPENING OF Hiirs Sew Yariety Tkatre, Containing six NEW AND ELEGANT BOXES, SdTTttNG BOOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the New Theatre werd. executed by Mr. F. Holt. NEW AND ELABOKATE SCENERY. Painted-by Mr. Win. "West. Architect and lluilder Mr. Kemble. On and after this date will he given a First Glass Entertainment, Which for "Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this coast. Our Per formance Commences with our First Part of Wale and Female GRAND OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats, Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Pantomimists and Jugglers. HOUSE CROWD NICHTLIf To see our IJefined and XTneqmlIed enter tainment. New Acts. New Sonu's and com plete change of Programme twice a week GEO. HITJT,. Proprietor. Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chenn miLs Street. Performance to comment at eight o'clock precise. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. "BARKER HOUSE, AfiTQIHA, OREGON. H. B. TAltlvRIt. - Proprietor. TTTTS TTOT.EL Isthe larjrest. most comfort able and "best Kept hotel in the city. Ik supplied with the best of spring water, hot and cold baths, barber shop, and a first-clas saloon with best of liquors and cigars, ami fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the house : charges reasonable, SI ) to $2 50 per day. according to room occupied. Private Boarding House MBS.QUINN - - PKOPKIETOR. Will accommodate dav boarders or accom- modate any with board and lodging. rnees reasonable, in lm:al!s' hiuloimA Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Fargo a Co 'a Express office. CMSXTEXSTA1 liOTEI Wer street, near the 0. S. N. Co.'s Wharf, ASTORIA, OREGON. HENRY ROTnE. . . ..!. PKOrRiErrCTJ. THIS IS A NKWHOTEL BUILDING, newly furnished, i cnnvenientlv situa ted to business, and will he conducted so : make it a first class stonnlne place for te .,: ,. , iVi". "" r . , pjB--eraii,anu wm im open irom iuu A. J. UEOLKU. C. S. WlUUUf. OCCIDENT 3IOTEI.. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietor. Astoria, Oregon. fWIE TllOPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO. JL announce that the above hotel has been repainted and rcfuimished. adding greatly ift the comfort of its gucst.s and is now the bess hotel north df ftui Francisco. mURPIN HOUSE, D. U TORPIN - Prowuktob MAIN -STREET. Between Squemocqlie ami Jefferson, Astouia. OKKOO. Roard and loddne ncr week, S wv j isoaru per uay wt Single Meal 25. Tne table will be Minnllcd nt nil dime wiih the best the market aUonis. WALU W A Iil A " "KKSTAUKANT, TRKO. imUKMSKK, - - PKorniCTon. VrosU oynlrrs. mid other deli cacies of the vc-ivum, served In evury wtyle. Opmwlte. Hie Tolcgrnjm onice, Squemoqte. reel, Antorla, Oregon. sire -2klKAU AT ALL HOXIRSSa affll' - . jMtte. - ,y . . . . Jl PPR