00 glte sil slsxmn ASTORIA OREGON TIDE TABLE POR ASTORIA. From tables ol United States Coa-st Survey. Ilish Water. Low Watur. Date. A. M. P. M. K. M. H. .M. 20 21 in I .... 5 27 .. C 05 SI 0 12 0 03 C, 21 0 37 22.". 0 37 0 471 7 1 7 07 23 1 01 1 201 7 47 7 5& 21 1 Si 1 541 8 2S K 02 25 1 4S 2 VII 8 r - S 20 2S . 2 14 3 irl j) ) S S5 27 2 44 4 001 10 07 J) 20 23 3 17 4 511 10 47 J) Si 23. 3 tfJ .1 43 ..ll 32 10 40 PORT OF ASTORIA. C2EARAACES AM) DEPARTURES. CLKAUKI). Centennial, ship, 12 tons, Bearsc, Queonstown. March J 8. Alleciance. Br. th. 1160 tons, James, Liverpool. March 11. SAILKD. Great Republic ss. 3S0O tons. Carroll S F. March 1 Oregon, ss. 2i0 tons. Connor. S F March 20 Prince Amadeo Br sh 1(31 tons, Linskill. Quot-ns- town, March 18 Idaho, str, 1U77 tons. Alexander. S F March 16 IteEcac. fich. Masters, northern cruise, fishing, March 12 Mora, sen 339 tons Miller. II inolulu. March 12. Citx,of York. Br 6h, 1193 tons, Auld. Ltvorpool March 5. Annie M. Smull. sh Packor, Quconstown. Melt h ARRIVAL FROM SEA. California, atr. K7-S tona. Thorn. Sitka March 18 Jane A. Falkinhurg, bkt 3(U tons, Hubbard, tloito lnlu, March 15 Scawfcll. Br bk, 495) tons. Evans. Victoria. Feb 23. Isle of Erm, Br bk. HVl tons, Edwards, 05 days fia Dannedtn. Dec. 2-5. MoNearship 133 tonsTajlor. Hongkong. Xor 12 Corrientes. Br. bk. 5'Ji tons, Jonos, Hongkong. Oct 21. Valley Force, sh 1236 tons. Woodborry. Boiabajr. Oct 3. Garibaldi sh U31 tons Thatcher.Honskonc Sept.27 fioa Waif Brig 273 ton Monson. Honolulu Sept "Wildivood, sh. 104G Urns, llarriiuan, llunpkoHg. June 8 VESSELS OA TJU: H'A i Malanctboa. bkt. 2!JS tons Manson S F March ?q Orient, brig 212 tons. Williams, S- F. March 17 Geo W. Lldor 17a tons Boos. S. V March 19 Rival. bki!W tons. Adams. S. V. March 4 Honora. sch. 75 tons. Thomson, Tillamook. Hermon, th New York, via Baltimore, Dec fi Eric the Bed. sh. IMS tons. Small, Philadelphia. Empire, sh 1121 tons. Lockic. Philadelphia, State of California. P C S S Philadelphia, Men 10. Tabor, hhip, Philadelphia Feb 27. FKOM FOUKTOA I'OKTS. Abel. Gerbk 405 tons, -Kcwoastle, May 23d, Via Sourabaya. Agnes, Br bk Port Auitiita. May 2S Alcinaria. Gr bk Vicinc, ewoastl. E., Aug 9 via Acheen. Antonio Cam opl it Ital bk 637 tons Newcastle Auc 6 via Moots video Alden Besse, bk. 812 twns, Nojos. Hongkbs. Uoloma. bk. 8.VJ tons. H onekonjr. City of Agra. Brth. Youn;, Molboarne, Kovl Gleneffor. Br. bh. Liverpool. Jan. 17, via Honolulu Gebroden Smith. Gr bh, Newcastle. May 29, via Batavia. Hertfordshire, Liverpool Nov. 13, via Victoria. .Herbert Black, bk. 573 tons, Troat. Hongkong. Illawarra, Fr bk. Pools, Sydney. Auk 13. Jron Queen, Br sh. Smith, Livorpool Doc J1, via Victoria. Matchless. Br. sh. UGStons, HonRkoffc. Mattie Macleay. bk. 236 tons. Pope, lionolnla. Maria Lucia, Frcneh. Newcastle Nov. 19. via Val paraiso. Olive Branch Br bk 353 tons Wheatley Newcastle July 'Ai Peashaw, Br Ilk. 755 tons, Airey, at Valparaiso. Oct 31. Mr. Peter Wilhelm has perma nently fitted up a shipmaster's reading room in connection with liie (Jem saloon in Astoria, The. latest .shipping papers and homeward and outward bound ship ping lists are kept on file. Telegraph office in the same building. SHIP CHANDLERY. treMmd & rains Successors to Capt. Geo. Faucl 'A DFT.E5SS IX !M PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, 00AL, Builders5 and General Hard ware, 3?J Al XaS , lEjSLXIKnE1 OlXaS cfcso. c&o- Well Jcnotcn Stand -or- GEORaE FLAVEL Chenamus Street, Astorin. Oroson. s IRSON, HAMILTON & HIGGIS. Ship Chandlers. and General rr2x Provision and General i&9 Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON ,-DATHS, BATHS, 5T-C"-k ;fHvt4!-? Hot, Uola, bhower, VvJ'baths Steam and SULPHUR Batiis Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. jNlEDKUAUKR & UULKNILVBT, Propriktors. .JSSpecIal attention given to ladies' and children's hair cutting. . Private jEntrance for Ladies. &$&&- kJiSSk v-- B umwi fe-mij SS MISCELLANEOUS. For Tillamook. nniiE Al SCHOONER ALPHA, E. STAIllt MASTER Is now read v to receive cargo for the above poit. Rates for Freight. From Pnrtlmifl $S 00 Astoria .- C 00 For further particulars refer to Trenrhard & Upshur, Agents, or to the Captain on board. Astoria. March G. 1S70. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Elwaco Steam Navigation Go. -pf Until further notico tho Iiwnco b45sa Stoam Navigation-LVs steamer GENERAL CANBY. WII ITCOM IS - -..MASTER Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, At A.M., Fridays nt r, 1-4 A. .11., and I P. 51. I'ort Stevens Fort Canby. and Hivaco Conncciinc with L. A. Loomi.tacfor Oyc rorvillo anil Olympia. on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens . rocts Canbv and Ilwaco 1 00 S"For Ticket-'. Tornj;e or Charter apply either at tho office of tho Corapiiny, Gray's wharf, foot of Ucnton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent, For Towage or Charter. T1IIE RELIABLE STEAM-TUG HIV VAS AVIKLE,cfeJ AL. HARRIS Master Is in lirst-elass order and. until further no tice, is readv for business in the line of tow ing, carrvmg passengers, or jobbing, any where on" the rivers, from Astoria to Portland, the Foils, or points on the bay. Apply on board. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. THE FINE SIDE-WHEEL Steamer ONEATTA,gS A. C. FISH EH Master Will leave Fisher's v.'harf for Skipanon daily at S o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.) On Saturdays will make regular trips to Klaskanine and back. n-rrOccaskmal trips will also be made to Cowlitz liver. For further particulars see Capt. on board. arbour's RISH PLiX THREADS AD Balnion et Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 511 Zllarket Street, gan Francisco. HS?JRY DOYLE & Co., Mowers. (JXIARLES HeILBORN, MANUFACTURES OF And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING. ALSO 131 POUTER, OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, "WALL PAPER, SHADES, etc. r3FAH kinds of repairing promptly at leiuled to. and fiirnlturo made to order. S&A full line of picture mouldings and liantrs. lirarUrt. winnow coniice.-?, ete C2rl'll stock :rl lowest prices, corner of Siuemofilut and Iain itreet. Astoria. W. E. OZTAEtlT, g DRUGGIST, g AST02UA. --- - ORECOX, Carries r full Assortmont of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, GIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. tGT Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A :ro prcvontalivo of Chapped Hands, and cure for Hsh ounds. THE ASTORIA BREWERY DEPOT. RUDOLPH 3ARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olney and "Water streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LA GER DEER 5 cts. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. OB-Tiie patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Imager or Bottled lieerin any quantity promptly filled. tSTTlu nest lunch the season vrill afford furnished day and nicht FREE. GUX5, IOCKS, AXD SEWIXG 3tACHIXES REPAIRED. KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED, SAWS FILED, ETC.. BY I W. TASS, Main street, next door to Geo. Ross. 2p STEAMSHIP LIKES. Oregon Steamship Company Portland to San Eranciseo. REDUCED RATES! Carrying TJ. S. HIail and WcSls. Farsro & Co't Express, s. The Oreiron Steamship Gom- $Z?i-T& nam- will dispatch their new kj$iz&- and elegant Al Iron csfcr STEAMSHIP OREGON, Q'ioO Ton. F. COXX0R- - Commander For the above port o Thursday, March 20, at 5 A.M. i:ates of passage : I'pper Saloon ?$ 00 Main Saloon -r w Steerage 2 On Freight per ton l W) The companv Is-now prepared to sell First. Second, and Third class tickets from Port land to all the principal cities in thelmted States. Toronto and Montreal. Canada. For farther particulars, for passage and fremiit apply at the Company's oflice, corner of F and Front streets Portland. Oregon. Geo. W. WEIDL.ni:. Agent. INDEPENDENT LINE! rjnrrwKEX Portland and San Francisco. Jk? V FYUIE SPLEXDTD I.OAV frii1 X pressure side wheel $tfjjgggg Air.ericiin steantohip GREAT REPUBLIC, .j;SS2 Ton. JAMES CARROL. - - - COMMANDER. Will leave Pacific, wharf for SaxFkancisco, Thursday, March 20, jit 5 A. M. Kates of Pasasc and Freights : Steerage 2 00 Cabin 7 no Bridal Rooms 10 00 Freight at lowest Rates. The Stecrajre of this ship is superior to the Cabins on most of the other 0Ht ships, and her Cabin aceommodat'ons are unequalled by any other ship on the Faeifie Oeean. " OVERLAND TICKETS from San Franeis co to all points in "United States and Canada. For Freight or Fassajre apply to the office at Pacific Dock, foot of Salmon'street. N.R.IXGAIJ Agent. Oregon Steamship Company. Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES! Carrying United States .Hails and Wells, Targo t Cos Express. p f . i ne uregon bteamsnip JC, Company will dispatch tneir new ana eiegant ai Iron STEAMSHIP GEO. W. ELDER, 1709 Tons. BOLLES r. Commander. For the above port on Saturday, March 8, at 5 A. M. The Company arc now prepared to sell First, Second and Third class tickets from Portland to all the principal eitiivs in the United States, Toronto and Montreal Canada. For further particulars for parage and freight apply at the compan 's office, comer of F and J? rout streets. Portland. Oregon. GEO. r. WEIDLER. Agent. PAGIFIC COAST S.sTcO. Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES. Carrying the V. g. flails a:itl IVells, Xaryro 6z Co's Express. THE PACIFIC COAsT steamship Company will uispnicu iiicir i:isl anu la- ?2$ vonte Iow-prassure STEA3ISHIP IDAHO, 20IT Tons. E. ALEXATDI;II C03H?.fANDElt For the above port on Sunday, IMakcii 16th, at o A. M. KATES : Gibin Passage . Slfl 00 Steorage rass::e f 00 ! Freight per ton 1 00 THROUOn TICKETS sold to all the -principal cities in the United States and CanatfsL For Passage and Freights, apply to J. McCRAICF.N Jfc CO., Agents. 60, 62 and 61 Xortli Front street. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan aimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying 17. S. SlailM. j-i TUE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, CHAS.THORX: Commander Will IcavoFIander's Wharf, foot of C street for tho above norts. Sunday, March 30, 1879. For Freight or Passaco apply to Ki.lMirllES,Pnrear. NEW TAILORIWC SHOP. (In A. W. Cone's Building.) Wateii Street Astoria, Oregon. TH03IAS ClllRY, (lAte of Tacoma). TEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PCB- lie that lie Is now prepared to make all kind1; of clothing to order, or to renovate or rnnnir clotliimr. KSIIaing fiad an experience of 25 years. I defy competlon in the art of makinjr old clothes look like new. My system is known only to myself, by which I can lengthen pantaloons without pleoimr. etc. For partlcidars see small cards. THOMAS CURRY. Tailor,-steam-scourer and-Repalrcr, cy-fcSfcyi THIS PLACE IS RESERVED FOR THE NEW SPRING AD I OF rr2iE WHITE IIOI7SE. L SCHLTJSSEL & KANT, Cor. Cliennntus and Main streets, Astoria. OrGor. WAMTED ! ALL THE riSHEIUIEN, AYOKING3IEN AND THEIB FRIENDS On the Colimibia river and tributaries, to save nwnev. Irrep theirelves div and comfortable, and patronize home industry by oi deilng ilieir SHIRTS, JUMPERS, AKD 05L CLOTKBNC, FKOM niK ASTORIA SHIRT ASiD GIL CLQTHIR6 FjyFAGTORY, CORNER OLNEY AXV SQUEMOQIIE STREETS. Which Is fully prepared to supply them AT L with anythinc in tho line of workwomen's apparel. Nothing but irst-cJas material uj?ed and all vmk Manaiitrd. Orr oS efiitlSn will be found at all the principal s ores and canneries in AMorfa. ami alor- the ri?er Ba sure to get a suit for the coming fishing season, because it is undoubtedly the best COLUMBIA JOHE HAHN - - - Manufacturer 6f and Dealer in Lager and Bottled Beer. J-The Columbia Brewery has every facility, and using none hnt the bos materials and employing experienced brewers, will wan-ant satisfaction in filling all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ASTORIA Nt. MEYER AVIXG EVERY FUTL1TY; FOR THE ucio. i am now prepared to turnish tho OF LAGER BEES, AT 30 CEXTS PER AI"jI.OX. 5Fnmilies and keopers of public houses M. MEYKH, Propristo-. WiLsoa" & Fisher DEAT.EKS IX LUBPvICATIXG OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, .MILL FEED. GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exehansriul for couutry pi-o-duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. FEiASKiMsr UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squemocioa street, next door to Astorian building, Astoria, Oregon. K1TA llwork done in a skillful manner on short notice and at rcascnablo prices. Undertaker's furnishin" goods always on hand. SEABOHG GLASSES, All sizes and shapes from I'laie or 2C oz. DOORS, WTNBOWS, WINDOW GLASS. Sash, Weights. Etc. Address all orders CLIFFORD GOCGIHS, (Successor to Jason, Springer & Co.) PORTLAND, OREGON. THERE VILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON SATURDAY EVENING, HARGH 22, 1S79. IBEi3SS,T77"S3Et"Sr, - - - FROPRgETOf?, BREWERY. Proprietor MANUFACTPRE OF A FII'STCLAS AH, public with tho finest quality, forensh. OF BOTTLEB BEEE, AT Si 50 PEK BOSHESf. promptly and reguiatfy snpplkd. ASTORI . OREGON". Arndt & Ferclien, 71IIE BEST All kind'? of "Engine, 4'annory asid rftenuilioaj Work promirflv attended to. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Noar Hume's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. Horsesheeing: 10 a11 kiKds efBIaeksmita &Jf3 ins dona io or dcr. Satiafact N&Tjffiia ion fe: cranlced ALL SHIP AND ENGINE "WORK A SPECIALTY. j J? S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths andSIachinists. Cant. ROGERS' OLD STAND Near Kzprcn Office. ASTORIA, - OREGON. All work ia our line, hea w or lfcht, done with neatness and dispatch. Horseshoeing, Wag on and Farm WORK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky.. an oiporicncfd Farrier of 23 years in tho business, and wolf known to Astoria horsemen, wearcprcpared to doshoeltiK in a, manner to curelamcncss or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our caro. xwrAU work warranted and at reasonable rates. LKK LET. Jr: HONG ppi. J.EE TTOE CUUXG, DK.VLER IN CHINESE UTERCITAIfDISE. Chenamus St., - Astoria, Oregon. ,. . S'Gives a call.w. SgStSr BLACKSMITH Ji'- Machine ShopjJspf:& in the city. m$ "' ai ' ft