0 J glx gmirj QsXzxhxu. ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Monday Excepted!. C. IREI.AM) : : PUBLISHER. A&tonaii B'tuiUlinq, Onus Stt'ccL . crms of Subscription : horved by Carrier, per wcok. ..2i Cents Ecnt by mail, tu.ir months -? 'W Soutdty mail, me year ...... .. J 0 Froc of I'o-smco to Mibcribors. nar Advertisements inserted by thyocr at the rato of SI "U pcr jnre per month. Transient advcrtiMnc. by the day or troek. fifty ccrn? per snunre for esveh insertion. THE CITY. l?Thc D UjY toi:i.o; icill 7C soft Uy mail at 7." ccnta a m'tniJt. ftrr of portage. 7?jmi en? who ronlcnwhifrahencfi from the oVjf rati Stave Tins A'jtojsian frWo them. Daily or W:KKt.Y fAi'mr tn n jx-oj&cc ri7Ji fnit tniiiitiovn.1 crcnc. Addresses nw he cnamjni as itftn: as esrM. Leave orders tt fjric cfftw v'im. BUIEF AXTTOUZtCEMEZrir. Schlnwel Sc Kant, at the White rriticA m11 riwiiii ii williin ! jmvf frn 1 avc'i liiw ii .r,v..h far tli rmr ml I summer tnde lint s-wiom wa equaled. arm never ex'Hled in this citv. Look out for 'he latest novelties in stvhs of dry goon's fancy jooos. boots and shoes, and eseriaM. the eompletest line of mens und hoys clothing. TJiey mean "business I ii; casun.and "Will offer goods fur the "very lowest figures. A new lot of crockery to be seen .at Buiiev's. The Elder freight on h.iarA has ,820 tons of --Collector Hare returned from Portland last evening. Mr. Lienemvcber is a passenger (homeward bound by the Elder. See late specimens, lightning pro cess of photographs, at 11. S. Shustcr's Art Gallery. - There are now but three vessels offering to charter in this port, and the rivers. Warren & McGuire liave the early rse potatoes for seed. Farmers, please remember this. The steaHhip Geo. W. Elder, Capt. Bolles, vill probably arrive at 'Astoria this forenoon. The steamships Oregon and Great Republic arrived yesterday from Port land, and proceeded to sea. -Adlcr got away by the Oregon. "Go to his store now and help yowv . selves, at bed rock prices. Through courtesy of the commit tee we expect to publish the opinion of Judjjre Shattuck on the fish law. Dr. Henry E. Jones and Mrs. IT. Savier, of .Portland, were married on the 7th of February at Berlin, Prussia. The Great .Republic started to sea yesterda' with 3500 tons, laden to 17k feet. The Oregon had a light .cargo, :md drew 15 feet. Water and Squemoqhe streets should be kept clean by city prisoners. What say yeu: Chief Barry, and gen tlemen of the council? Dr. J. Welch has arrived in As toria for the purpose of filling his engagements here, in the practice of dentistry. See card elsewhere m this paper. The steamship Great B,epublic returned to the dock last evening as the weather was too thick to proceed to sea. She will leave at an early hour to-da3r. Our worthy friend Frank Thomp son is having a splendid time at Oystcrville. We acknowledge favors from him. May your shadow never grow less, Frank. . To-day at 12 o'clock, at the Walla Walla restaurant, Theodore will serve his patrons with clam-chowder, 'gotten up" in the highest style of the art. Epicureans, and lovers of this famous dish should not forget it. Theodore is a caterer that can't be beat in Astoria. Several vessels heretofore pub lished in our list of vessels on the way, weed not be expected at Astoria. We rill publish a revised list as soon as the facts can be ascertained. Certain grain speculators who hope to in fluence prices by refusal of facts of this kind, will find themselves short a Jiez, by and by. PEN AND SCISSORS. The La Grande Gazette lias passed into other hands. Snodgrass and Miner are now the publishers and proprietors of that newsy journal. The new proprietors proclaim their intention of running a strictly neutral paper. Pionse X Thuo. Hon. II. P. Earhart, secretary of state, has decided to allow sheriffs conveying convicts to the penitentiary, I (and insane persons to tbc asylum, no iiiore mileage and notion but the necessar' traveling expenses both ways, 1 eating iiuiui to seek redress in the courtc. Depot buildings will be erected at the little town of Clackamas or Marsli tield a r.hipping point of considerable and growing importance on the Ore gon and California railway. The ac cumulated trade has become so great that the agent is unable to furnish necesavy store room, hence the move. The East Oregonian, Pendleton, expresses the thanks of Kev. W. L. McEwan to kind friends who took possession of his home duri.ig his ab- SC11CC awl llUlde SI clmil"C 111 its llltCI' nal arrange m nt; and also to all who assisted in raising funds for the pur chase of carpet, window curtains, etc. Bro. Turner intimates that Tiro. Mc Ewan is about to to, well, perhaps; get married. The Standard tells of a victim of quackery, a young man named Wolf, from Wasco county, who permitted a traveling chiropodist to cut his corns; and subsequently had to have his foot amputated, and finally died at St. Vincent's hospital on Saturday night, lie belonged to an aid society in San Francisco, by which means he w;is enabled to will to his brother and sister 500 squeee. Probably the Ancient Order of United Workmen. B. "F. Dowell lias won his suit against the city of Portland -to re cox cr the sum of SG G8, with interest from March 21, 1873, claiming that on that date he paid toihe city the above sum for improving a street abutting n a certain lot, and that he recently ascertained that he did not own the lot, and that he paid the same under mistake. The Jacksonville Times says that if southern Oregon had been blessed with an abundance of rain this season, incalculable benefits would have resul ted. The minors were prepared to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars, a considerable portion ot which would have found its way into ! circulation. The scarcity of water will prove a serious injury to the best interests of that -section. The Walla Walla Statesman speaks in high terms of the stage drivers in Uncle Jake Miller's employ, and say: "Billy Glover, Uarry Abbott, ! Butlor, Parker and Thomas all deserve high commendation for their attention to their duties." The Columbia'Chron iclc adds that they have done what few men could, and the people cannot give Iheni too much praise; but that Uncle Jake has also done everything that could be done to insure regularity. If you won hi have a law-abiding people, says the Salem Statesman, you must enforce the law b3T legal proceed ing, but when every principle of jus tice is violated through legal technicah tis, you may ieasonably expect an indignant populace to take the ad ministration of law into their own hands. The way to cultivate vigilant committees is to trifle with the forms of law. Sharp practices may bring immediate success, but the ends will be disastrous. A reputation for cun ning brings not honor, neither is it profitable in the end. A Weston correspondent sa3's: "Xext to the railroad excitement is that caused by Hayes' veto on the re striction bill. All our X)oliticians, ir respective of party, denounce him in unmeasured terms. This is the pecu liar prerogative of a free people; but should not be forgotten that the rea sons given for his course of conduct and which are unhesitatingly pro nounced as ilimsy and weak, are by some able .men considered as cogent and constitutional; and -that mistaken as he may 'be, the one who legally holds the highest honor in the gi of this govercment is entitled to respect ful language, from those at least who put him there. Vituperative abuse jjiCYer accomplishes any great reform. Important Sale.' To-morrow, at 10:30 a. ir. B. S. Worsley will sell, t his auction rooms, tl JOt 01 very ucauauic gwua. i refer purchasers to his advertisement, 5n anotiier -column. Dont forget it. Best Salem flour is sold in this city at $5 -50 per barrel by Warren & .McGuire. o During the aosence of Mr Carl Adler people are invited to call at his store and help themselves to whatever they choose, at bed-rock prices. His present stock will be reduced to make room for a large assortment in new lines of goods. We are pleased to learn, from the Intelligencer, that Yesler's hall, Se attle, was crowded to its utmost capac ity on the occasion of the rendition of t fi i venile operas by Mrs. A. M. Snyder's musical class. Everything passed off pleasantly, and the enter tainment was a perfect success. The little ones acquitted themselves ad mirably. . w-m- The Boseburg and Coos bay rail road company, a newly organized cor poration, has purchased the franchise of the Rosebui-g and Port Orford rail road company. The new compan3T lms a capital of $500,000, and is com posed of San Francisco, Bosoburg and Coos capitalists. The fresh interest manifested in the enterprise was sinuikened by the probable passage of a bill by congress appropriating 4,000 for the improvement of Coos bay har bor. As soon as the bill passes tvork will be commenced. Have we a Blalock in this county says the Columbia Chronicle, who will build a flume from the mountains to Dayton, for the purpose of floating wood, lumber, etc? Wood sells in Dayton at 5 per cord; hundreds of cords can be sold every winter at that price: it costs about $1 25 to 1 50 per cord to have it cut. It is worth ! to 5 per thousand to haul lumber from the mills above town. There is a large speculation in an enterprise of this kind, and it will continue to grow more valuable as wood and lumber is being consumed very fast at the near est point where it can be had. Two disbelievers in the doc trine of eternal punishment applied for admission to "the Conrea- 3 CD tional church in Henniker, N. H. They were exemplary perjono and desirable as members. The church voted almost unanimously to admit them, and to omit, on the occasion of their reception, the word "ever lasting" in readine: the confession of faith. The pastor warmly de fends the course taken, imt is cen sured by many leading New Eng land Conn-reirationclists. An eminent French coach maker says: "I never build two carriages exactly alike, not because I build each one as well as I know how, but in building that one I know how to make the next one better. When I placed these carriages of mine in the exposition building, I thought them perfect, but now that I have spent three months looking over the carriages di other builders, I see that they are not so." Here is an illustra tion of the value of these shows .to intelligent tradesmen. From a correspondence of the San Francisco Bulletin we learn that the state of many towns in Nevada is in a deplorable con dition. Many mining towns with a population, a few years ago of five or seven thousand, has been reduced to less than that number of hundreds. These towns were built during mining excitements. They built fine churches, public buildings and residences, which to day glare out in desertion before the traveler. To make elabor ate buildings, in a mining district, has long sinceproven a poor policy, and is sknply building "youriiouse upon the sand." Rapid growth of a town if it has a country to back it is not detrimental. But Nevada in her sanguine expectations has Uparned a bitter lesson.. AROUND THE CITY. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. I. C. Johnson may be found at the Occident in Astoria every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday eveninc ready to attend to messenger 'duty in Portlaiul or to points along the river in a satisfac-torj- manner. Oysters served in everv stvlc at the Walla Walla Restaurant. Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth, :M inches wide, for one dollar at Ham burger's. Five thousand yards Fmbroideries from 5 cents upwards, at Hamburger's. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all orderingwork of him. and will do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His worlc in the cemetery here should be sufficient reeom meiidation. Before vfiu let our con tracts for work of this kind it would be well to call upon !Mr. "Stewart. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Fresh oysters an everv stvle at Schuieers. See advertisement. Buy your domestic goods at Ham burger's. You can do better than at any oilier House. j?S-The best "poster" is that which is sent regularly into the family circle. Parties in want of uood Cdar Shingles will do well to apply to II. C. Comegys, Kalama. W. T. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books, specially for use in can neries, at the City Boo'k tore. New invoice ot those Medallion Hanges at Magnus C. Crosby's. Fetvr Buney Is still in the market with all kinds of 'building materials in his Hue. Has just received 100.000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. The cheapest ever offered is Ham burger's Embroidery. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has pist received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, .shoes, etc. Ton can get Pumernickel bread at Mrs. S. Binder's bakery in Astoria, where it is baked regularly and kept on hand for-sale, the same as other bread. W. II. Dodue will go round to South Bend. Pacific county, W. T., in the steamer General Canby'on the 2."ith insf.. with a lame number of the finest fruit trees and shrubs for-sale. Your complexion is sallow, and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain'from your druggist a bottle of Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Keep your blood pure and your health must be good, the great purifier is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All Astoria druggists have it now. Nick Squivalenee Oias concluded that there is no millions in shipping sailors, and he has given up that busi ness, and is attending closely to keeping a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and sec for yourself. Fashionable. Dre.ssOIaKIng. Miss M. J. Keiley liavinu made ar rangements with Miss E. C. Benedict to do cutting and fitting in her shop, and feeling fully competent to offer herserf as a first-class trimmer, would he pleas ed to have the ladies" of Astoria give her a call, as she will hold herself lesponsi ahle for all work done. Terms reason ahle. Next door to The Astokiax office. Miss E. C. Benedict wishes to inform the Ladies, that she will still continue iiistructiiur all those who wish to learn Mrs. C. K." Kinker's sstem of Dress-cuttimr. having taken rooms with Miss M. J. Kellev. The Fim Stoelc. "When w.e say the finest stock we cer tainly mean it": and not only the finest, hut the cheapest lot of pictures in the city, chromos, etc., already framed, at the City Hook Store of -Charles Stevens & Son," Main street. Which must and will he sold. A fine lot of Whiia&er hams to be found at Bailey's. Lodging House Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can he accommodated at reasonable rites at Mrs.Munson'sChenamus st.. Astoria. ArTANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC. N ORd.VN Full SALE At Mr. HoliUMrt auction rooms. In good order an almost new. Apply at once. di.w-iw LAUNDRY FOR SALE. Inqititc at the Astoria Steam Laundry. J.T. 1IORCIIHRS. Proprietor, Astoria. Oreiron. HOPSKTO LET. A nice residence, new, containing six rooms, will be ready lor a ttuaut any time on short notice. For particulars inquire at 5T,tf TIUS OFFICE. Fish Commiwioiieri Xotice. THR UNDKUSKINKl) FISH COMMIS sionerfor "Washington ten hory. hereby gives notice that he will -isit all theeanuer icsonthc Washington territory side of the liver, from the lirst to the twentieth of "March, and after that will be at Rrooklield 'for the i'66t of the season. ALISEKT F. STREAM. NOUTIItCOVE, W. T Feb. 17, 1S7D. Fisli Commissioners Xotacc. NOTICE IS HEREBY (IFVEN THAT 13l the undersigned, having been duly ap pointed deputy for 'Clatsop county, by C. Lienenweber. Fish Commissioner, under the laws of the State ol Oregon, will be in readi ness from and after this date, to issue li censes, at Ids office up stairs corner .of Cass and Sqemocqhe streets. Astoria. Oregon. Persons sending in applications for licenses will please send No. of boat and the name of the hshermau or captain of the boat. H. ;R. FERGUSON, Deputy Fish Commissioner rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. notice is nereoy given mat an persons jure forbid tresspassing upon, or in any way oocu.pving.sinv portion of the land or beacii part of the Henry Martin land claim in Clat- sop county. Suite of Oregon, without pernds - SIUH iiuiu liiu uiivictoiucu , um auu iivni setting out fires upon said claim, whereby the standing timber amy in anv way be injured. VAN DUSlvN & RRCWN. Per A. Ya'Dusej lj5toria,Oct3.l87T. 44 AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPENING OF Ill's M Yariety TMatre, Containing six NEW AND ELEGANT BOXES, SITTING BOOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the 2Cew Theatre wer executed by .Mr. F. Holt. NEW AND ELABORATE SCENERY. Tainted by Mr. Wm. "West. Architect and Builder Mr. Kemble. On and after this date will be given a First Class Entertainment, Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this eeast. Our Per- foimauce Commences with our First Part of Kale and Female C RAN D OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic feafst, Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Panto mi mists and Jugglers. HOUSE GROWDED K1CHTLY To see our Refined and "Unequalled enter tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com plete change of rrogramme twice a week. (JEO. HIIX, Proprietor. Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena 4UUS Street. Perfounancc to commence at eight o'clock preefec. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. C. W. K O W IES. AL. ZIEBER. Cff,ARl10:? nOTEt, PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. c35Frce coach to and from the houses pAHKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, II. 35. PARKER. - Proprietor. TUTS HOTEL is the larjrest. most comfort able and best kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of sprint; water, hot and cold baths, barbershop, and a first-elasa saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the house ; charges reasonable, Sl CD to $250 per day, accouliug to room occupied. Private Boar dine: House mi:s..q-tinn - PROPRIETOR. AVill accommodate day hoarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Priees reasonable. In lugalls' building, Jefferson street.-opposite Wells, Fargo &Co" Express office. rEXTJGXXIAi HOTEL., "Watea--street, near the 0. S.N. Co.'s TVfcar, ASTORIA. OREGON. HENRY OtOTIlE. . . . ,!. .PROrKIETOB. THIS IS A NEW nOTEL BUILDING, newly burnished, is conveniently situa ted to business, and will be conducted so as make iui .first class stopping gilace for thu public generally, and wilt be open from tuto lay. A. J. MKOLKH. C. S. 'WIUG1IX, OCCIDENT HOTIX. MEULER & WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. ffpiIK PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY 1t A announce that the above hotel has hee.n repainted and reiuinished, adding greatly to he comfort of its guests and is now the fet hotel north of San Francisco. muxuMx iiolse, D. L. TURPIN - Pkopriktor MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhc and Jefferson, ASTOKIA, OltEGON. P.oard and lodging per week .....Stt ci .... l oo 1V5 P.oard p-r day Single Meal Tne table will be supplied at all times "witb the best the market allouls. "yyAIAA IVAI-IiA PvESTAUEANT, THEO. RROEMSER, - - Pitorniirrou. Fresh ovstors. and other deli- ! eaeies of the season, served in. eycry style. frga Opposite tlK Telegraph office, Squenioqhi street, Astoria, Oregon. osrMKALS AT ALL IIOURS-Ki. MISCE1XAXEOUS. WILLIAM EDGAR. Corner Main and Cluraamus Street?, ASTORIA OREQOX, DKALKR IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHQW and other Encli?h Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Hftershaam Pipes, ete,. A line stock of Xl'atolK'R and Jewelry, 3fur.atlc and; Breceli IjoadiiigrIiot Gnns, .Revolvers, i'istols. Parlor Kllle,. and ABimmiitiori. JUST RECEIVED BY i -. , m -- , - $ 1V. FBEEB, ,4; """ j T V T QT'lT) T ; J. , Jj, O JL KyXvUi i Oomer Main and Concomly streets. "litUUtfRIES, FLOUR, FEED. WOODEKV J ware, Coal Oils, Tobaccos, and GentsFro niBhing Goods, jvliica Kill .bejwld .afctow i Utah.-