--' w pte ll&xXs stariiro. -&SMRIA.'0KEGOK: fC.Wfc&Sft Ertitor. TUESDAY-.-.-.-. ,MAHCftH8. 1879 JftilErfeiiffnl Day.. March USfli 1879 will ever be Jield in irtfCollection as the day whGn,'a1it&rttwenty-onc years tlie democracy of America come "again into control of the congress of the "United States, at a special session called by the President. The senate stands as follews: New Senators. 'State. Retiring Scnat6rs. Alabama. Goo. S. Houston, D. Geo. E, Spencor, R. Arkansas. J. D. Wdlkor, D, Stoph. W. Dorscy, It. California. J as. T. Farley, D. A . A.Sargont, R. Colorado. N. P. Hill. R. J- B. Chaffee, "R. Connecticut, O. n. Piatt, R. S. B. Conovcr.ll. Florda. Wilkinson Call, D. S. B. Conovor, R. Georeia. "John B. Gordon, D. John B. Gordon, D. Illinois. John A. Loiran, R. It. J. Oglcsby, R. Indkinu J). W. Voorbccs. D. I). W. Voorheos, D- Iowa. Wm. B. Allison, R, Wm. B. Allison, R. Kanca. John J. Ingalls, R. John J. Incalls, R. Kentucky. John S. "Williams, D. Thos. C. McCrcary, D. Louisiana. M. F. Jonc3, D. J . B. Eustis, D. Maryland. Jamos B. Groomo, D. Geo. R. Dennis, D. Michigan. Zach Chandlor, R. 1. P Christiancy, R. Missouri. Goo. D. Vest, D. James Shiolds, D. Nevada. Joh n P. Jones, R. J ohn P. Jones, R. 2ew Hamp.-hiro. B. Wadliegh, It U. Wndliosb, It. Now York. Uoscoo Conkling, It. Hocoo Conkling, R. N. Carolina. 3. B. Vance, D. A. S. Mosrimon, D. Ohio, a. n. Pendleton, D. Stanley Mathews. R. Oregon. Ja3. II. Slater, J). John II. Mitchell, It. Pennsylvania. J. T. Cameron, It. J. 1). Camoron, R. S. Carolina. Wado JIampton, D. J. J. Patterson, R. Vermont. J. S. Merrill, It. J. S. Merrill. R, "Wisconsin. M. II. Carpenter, R. T. O. Howe. 11. -Representative John "Whiteaker will represent the democracy of the entire Pacific coast in the house. As California does not olect representatives until fall she is now without a delegation n that body, and Nevada's representative is a vrepublican. There is consid erable excitement in "Washington occasioned by the contest for speakership. So far as we are able to form an opinion it seems that Randall is in the lead, and it is claimed will have a majority of the caucus. Blackburn of Ken tucky, is liis strongest opponent, and has a fair backing. It Js probable that the western demo crats will principally vote for Blackburn,' and with a solid vote from the south he would be sure of the caucus. There is no certain ty however, that southern .mem bers will act in court. Randall is said to be a Tilden man, and should he receive the nomination 'tt may be considered. a large sized straw to indicate the course the presidential wind is blowing. "The democrats have a majority of five votes over republicans and green backers combined, and there is no doubt of an election of the demo crat nominee. Leading papers on both sides are eagerly canvassing 'tlie prospective action of the now victorious party, and while the organs of the new majority outline a certain policy, republican papers boldly assert that the cohesive .ipower of the democratic panty is not sufficient to prevent a disas trous wreck when they come to grappel with grave national ques tions. It is true that such men "as Blaine and Conkling are watch ing with lynx-like eyes every movement of their ancient enemy, and the dominant party have abun dant neeil for extraordinary cau 'won, yet in Thurman, Hill and Bayard the democrats have states men whom the- feel assured will ponder woll over every step they vtake, and before making a move be sure they are right. In the house greenbackers, under the .Readership of De La Mater of' V ,. ... J umaua, aic ..clinging- .ciose ZQ-. gether, determined to make a stand when the proper time for action arrives, but the democracy having a clear majority of six ren ders any coalition between the re publicans and greenbackers futile. T-he financial question seems to be the overshadowing theme that will be presented, and the hardandsoft money fight will probably be again re-enacted. Senator Mitchell North Eatt (MiL) Record. Among the senators who retire from that body on the 4th of March, there is no one whose absence will he felt more sensibly than that of Hon. J. H. Mitchell, of Oregon. Shi Pennsylva nia, his native state, in Oregon, whose growing interests he h:is so ably and faithfnfiy represented, as well as in all portions of the country, his course has been marked with peculiar inter est. Just in the prime of life, with ail the vigor, and compass of rare nat ural endowments, trained hy culture and experience, he has devoted him self to his high position with the energy J fidelity and power that marked the statesmen of the olden time. He has made for himself a record in the sen ate alike honorable to himself and the nation. It cannot he fliat a discrim inating people will permit one so use ful to retire permanently. The nation cannot afford to dispenso with the services of a representative like him. His ability, his eloquence, his indus try, his fidelity and his patriotism be long not only to Oregon, but to the people of the whole country, and these qualities in these latter days are much neeScd in the councils of the nation. Whatever his individual preference may be, wo hope ere long to see him return to public life. A carp-o of cotton uoods re recently shipped In England to Shanghai, on arrival was found to be so -damaged as to be entirely worthless, and suit was brought by the shippers to recover damages from the manufaturer. An analysis of the cotton gave the following result: Per cent of weight Cotton fibre 41T.72 Natural moisture 8.00 Moisture in excess 2.19 Starchy matters 18.1H Chloride of magnesium 2.29 Chloride of zino 2.09 China clay .... . 205 100.00 If this is a fair specimen of En glish cotton fabrics manufactured for die Chinese market, it will not be difficult for Americans to com pete wiCk the British for thc'Oriental trade, cven with the Chinese prob lem agitating this country. ft quartet of fellows who have been the source of great anncance to some people in upper Astoria last year have met with a somewhat check er life. One was convicted of attempted rape in British 'Columbia, and senten ced to a term of live years in prison at hard labor; another was sentenced to theOregon penitentiary from As- ! toria at the last term of the circuit court, for two years; the third one i3 under'bonds to keep the jieace, and the fourth one lately attempted to commit suicide. "A maiden lady" complains in the New New York Graphic about the in decent exposure of women's under wear in shop windows. Wo would like to sliake hands with this mod est old maid. There sa a bond of sympathy between us, n sort of moral affinity, as it were, says the San Jose Herald. Nothing affects us so much, as to pass one of these windows full of fearful combinations of linen and tat ting and embroidery and wire and all that sort of thing. These mysteries that enter into the construction of the modem woman should noibe divulged in this reckless manner, 'to bring em barrassment and confusion upon us. We have often been placed in awakard predicament by innocently inquiring the names and uses of some of these things, and-with the maiden lady we demand that our innocence be pro-; tected. BIEI. In upper Astoria March lath, Charle II. WiJson, native of JS'orway, aged 3 IslKUiUS 3 year.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Auction Sale. I will sell at public auction at my auction rooms on Wednesday, Harch 19, 1879. At 10 :30 A. 3i., the HOUSEHOLD FUKXITUBE OF MRS. J. L. PANGBURN, Consisting of Bed-Room, Parlor, Dininsr-Boom, and Kitchen Furniture. These goods are almost new and in good order, and are sold an account of departure. Sale positive : terms cash. Hd B. S. "VYOKSLKY, Auctioneer. Notice -Fishermen Attention I THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF ALL Fishermen opposed to the license law at Metropolitan hall, on Thursday Eveninjr, larch 20. At 7 :30 o'clock. To hear the opinion of Judge E. D. Shattuck on the validity of the licensrt law, as passed by the last legislature, and to discuss other matters of importance. Bring a salmon or 50 cents alongwith you to help the cause. By order of J. G. Robeson, Pres. w. J. "Wkber, Secretary. JPatent for Sale. The right to manufacture and sell JOUX G. BROEItXSEK'S PATENT (No. 189,935, April 21, IS77), Improvement in BT.I3fI StAT AIMrSTJGKS. In the States of California and Oregon. csrFor particulars and description, which cannot be given in a brief advertisement. ill upon or address. T. RROhMSER, AValla Walla Restaurant, Astoria. Oregon. Speical Notice. Star "of the Columbia, A HIGH TEST OIL. Turpentine and Varnishj Sail Cloth, Made expressly for light sail boats. For sale at G. W. HUME'S, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. C. VT. KNOAVLES. AL. ZIEBER. CtAREXDOItf HOTEL, PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. j(SS"Free coach to and from the house"S . "VT0TICE. Notice is hereby given to all JLl persons holding receipts for lots pur chased in the City Cemetery to have 'the same filed with the Auditor and Clerk with in ten das from tbis date, and procure their deeds. This is for the purpose of enabling them tn have their deeds recorded and to save confusion of titles in the future. By order ol the Common Council. It. II. CARD WELL. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria. March S, 1S79. 57-dlOt ECLIPSE MARKET. "VTcst-Eijjlitli Street, near tlie O. S. X. Co8 AVlinrf. JOHN ."Vy. WELCH Proprietor A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI ly Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to anv part of the city. Ordersgiven to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be. by prompt attention and fair dealing, to please my patrons. 35"-All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons free. Es-Give me a call. rj T. ItEID, CALEDONIA SALOON, Corner of Front and A streets. PORTLAND - - - - OREGON rLate butcher in the Central Market. li0 is Elected? OF THK Great Eastern Saloon, 'GONCOMLY ST., ASTORIA. THIS FAVORITE RESORT HAS JUST been refitted and stocked with ALL THE BEST JSJiAyjS OK Imported. andIomestic IVincs and .Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. C2? San Francisco Reer five cents a glass. NEW TAILORING SHOP. (In A. "SV. Cone's Building.) Water Stiicet astokia. Oregon. Thomas cuitmr, (Late of Tacoma). T3EGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PCJ15- lie that he is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing to order, or to renovate or repair clothing. iB-HnvInff had an experience of 25 vears. I defy conipetian ln the art of making old clothes look like new. My system is known nnlv to mvself. by tfhich I can leimtbnn l -EVu. r.iHftiVvrl !PI STUMM nnrl -TIIOMASCirRRY. 1 .Tailocsteara-scoureranUTlcpaircn, PfMrgl 1874 SPRING HAS The best selected stock ever DRY GOODS, CLOTHfflG, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, CARPETS, MATTINGS, A FULL LINE IN EACH DEPARTMENT. We call especial atttention to our extra largo invoice of PRICES WAY DOWN. WE SELL ONLY 1'OR CAf II, NO CREDIT. NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL ME MAIN STREET, . ASTORIA, OREGON. Solc Agent for the Xew American Sewing Machine. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS T.. J,. AIXEIY, (Late of California). Offers her services to the people of Astoria and vicinity as a teacher ot Instrumental and Vocal Music J2?Miss Allen may be found at Mrs. M. Rogers Hoarding house, Cass street. p W. FUIiTOX, ATTORNEY AT LA"VV. Office. Throu new building, Squemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. D E. F. CHANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. O flico Room no. 7 over C. L. Parker's store. Opiositc Dement's drug store. Jl. J. Y OLIVER, I03IE01'ATIIIST, Office. In Sinister s ftaguervean build ing. Entrance Second door above that of the Daily Astoktax. Cassstieer. Residence on Jefferson street, coFner of Main. TTOCTOR HATCH, Successfully treats all Chronic Diseases. AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured by a new and painless method. Office Chenamus street, comer of Main street, Astoria. D U. J. -O'JBHIKX. CURES BTLLIOUS AID INTERMITTENT FEVERS "HVith from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Also, Private diseases successfully treated. Office O'Rrien's hotel, Astoria. Oregon. O. F. BELU A. MEACIIE BEfcXi & MEACHEX, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and "Washington Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Office Corner of Snuemocqhe and Cass streets, up stairs, over E. S. Larseu's store. B. F. DEXXISOJf. F. J. TAYLOR DENNISON & TAYLOlt, ATTOKXEYS AT IAW. Astoria, Oregon. Office Up stairs in Parker's building, comer Chenamus and Ronton streets. F. D. WJNTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in City Hall Ruilding. ASTORIA. OREGON. STEWART. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. ORHGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to-promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. OTTO JDrlTFKKR, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. HAS REMOVED TO Main street, Parker's building:, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. Q:0. XOVETT, TAILOH. CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Post-office. Astoria. Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. All kinds of rpnnirmr riontlv mid nromntlv attended to M. MAIN ST., - ASTORIA, OREGON. H UGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTOltlA, OREGON. K8Hou-es built to order, and satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop on Squemocqha street, next door to the Episcopal church. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS Proprietor Astoria. Orejjon. No rubbing or scrubbing, and no thnvning your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. fSNeat work at reasonable prices. ye us a -call. J. H. D. GRAY, "Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, by the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on fieason aqle terms. ljC? T SEASON! 1879. OPENED AT before carried in this citv AUCTION SALES. I? C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Real Estate Ascnt niul nnvi3 .-nicer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Rents and Artonnts orctrl. and rc turns promptly jiiade. Regular sales day. SATURDAYS Rt 2 P. 31. N. R. Parties liavmg real estate. iumJ ture or any other good's to dispose of either at auction or private sale should notify me soon as convenient befor the dav of sale. o storage cfharged on goods sob' at Auc-tI0"- I. C. IIOLT JN. t(i Auctioneer. MISCELLA NEOUS. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHO Lr SALE AND RE- mm licHAMSE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON- ASTORIA CANDY FACTORY AND OYSTKK SALOON. HAVING ENLARGED MY STORE have now on hand the largest and be: assortiuent-of plain and French candies in town, also, all kinds or CAKES, CRACKERS AND BISCUITS. All of whioh I -offer for sale at the 1ot esi cash price, wholesale and retail at SCHMEER'S CONFECTIONERY- Opposite the bell tower. Retail candy from 25 to 75 cents per pound. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bay oysters served in every style. "jl"AKTiy & 2IAT3TES, CRYSTAL SALOON, On the Roadway, - - Astojua, Oregon. 52?The very bestquality oTwine3, iqiio and cigars at wholpsale or retal. Astoria Liquor Store, AUG. DANIELSON, Proprietor. "Water st. Roadway, - Astoria. Oreo oir. Importer and dealer m WINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGaRS. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND J30TTLE BEER DEPOT XJnEXAiius Stkket. Astoria. The public aro invited to cili and leaa their orders. Splendid Lngor 5 cents a glo.s&. Free Lunch evjny nipht. W.M. BOCK & Co..Proprietora. GEORGE ROSS' ?ff$ r BilliardlRoom Tlie only Rillinrd Room in the city wht-itJ no liquors are sold. NEW TABLE JI'ST plTT UP. GEORUJS has a tk?y .plaee and keeps on hand tfc Lest bnmd of Cigai. Also, soda, canuj, nuts. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. 03-tf OEO. ROSS. Proprietor. o. r is3m:it:o:, (IN THE ASTORIAN BUILL1KG) AS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF NETS' oods, consisting of MEN'S AND ROYS CALF AND KIP BOOTS 'Buckle and Gongress Gaiters, "Women, Misses and Children's xjxxosar boots, Which will be sold at the very lowestp rices "iTisTpositive TRUTH That housekeepers can do better by denllcs with J. K. WIRT, on Main street, as he keeps the best of iFRTJXHTS, CANDIES, NUTS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, SAtOKED SALION, BOLOGNE SAUSAGE, JERKED ELK MEAT. And also from Clatsop every other dav FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESI, CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, And everything that is needed in the coofc.- . in-line at the lowest living prices. I .Call and examine before purchasing ela i .where. J. X. WIJUL SlJ Vt3'.f Ky T t10UJeA:Ma-.mi'Mi-,U -ilijl'j M .