-rlr",,Ti,6"T2 ttj gs gaxls sicoefera. MISCELLANEOUS. STEAMSHIP LINES. 'BANB IARW ttVi'i lAhl PACIFIC COAST S.S.C0. For Tillamook. AT TIIE- ASTORIA - ....OREGON -3J: Z-?i-rr.lm i"S re- TIDE. TABLE- FOR -ASTORIA. From tables of United States Coast Survey. High Water. Low Water. Date. A.M. P.M. x. M. p. M. 13 .. 3 42 8 U?l. 11 4 40 G liil. IS o 45 .. 7 31)1. 161 .- C .",S 8 hl. 17 .. 8 07 10 OH IS 9 15 .0 ."1! 19 10 H U -10, I'0 1M3 1, 21. 0 12 0 031 2& 0 37 0 471 .11 0r 10 -J4 . U 05 11 21 1 IS . 0 47 2 2fi . 2 01 3 32 .3 18 .. 4 33 . 4 24 3 :B . 3 27 C 01 . G 21 G :7 . 7 in 7 07 PORT OF ASTORIA. CLEARANCES ASD DEPARTURES. oi.f.ai:ki. Centennial, ship, 1287 tous. Bcareo. Queonstoxrn. Ma'di 11. Allegiance. Br. sh- 11SO tons, James Liverpool. March 11. Prince Amadco Br sh 1KU tonf Lmskill. Queens town, March 7 SAILKIX Rescue, sch. Masters, northern cruise, fishins. Hwra. scb OStons Miliar. Uonolulu.March 12. City of York, Br sh, 11US tons, Auld. Liverpool. March -S. Annie M. SrnuH. sh 'Packer. Queenstown. Mcli 5 Galiforma. str. 67-J tone. Thorn. Sitka March 1 i Wdbfoot, bkt. Ztri tons. Lewis,& F. Feb 24 Orient, bric-312 tons, Williams. S. F. Feb 21 AJIRIVALS FROM SEA. Oregon, ss. 22WI tons. Oonnor. S F March 14 Great Republic s. 3800 tons. Carroll S F. March 14 Idaho, str, 1U77 tons. Alexander. S F. March 10 Beawfe!l. Br-bk, 489 tons-Evans. Victoria. Feb 2S. Isle of Fnn. J5r bk, !U2 tons, Ed wards, 65 dajS fm Dunnedm. Dec. . MaXoarship 130S tons Taj lor. llonckonp. Xov.12 Corrientes. Br.-bk- 5SW tons, Jones. Hongkong. Oct 24.. Valley Forge. lt -12S6 tons. Voodberry. Bombay. Oct3. Garibaldi sh 1431 tons Tlmtchr.Honckonff SepL27 Koa Waif Brig 273 tons Monson. Honolulu Sept Wildwond, sh 104G"tous,-Hrtmman, Hongkong. Juno 8 VESSELS OA THE WA V. Goo W. Elder 1T09 tons Boes. 8. F March 19 Molancthon. bkt. 42ii tons Manson S F March 1 Rival, bk 290 tons. Adams. S. F. March 4 Honora. sch. 75 tons. Tliornsen, Tillamook. Hcrmon, sh Xew York, via Baltimore. Dec G Eric the Bed. sh. 1538 tons. Small, Philadelphia. Empire, sh 113! tons. Lockic. Philadelphia. State of California. PUSS Philadelphia, Mth 10. Ta"bor, ship, Philadelphia Feb 27. ' KKOM KOUKKW I'OKTS. Abel. Gerbk 405 tons, .Newcastle, May Z2&f Via Sourubaya.. Ajrnefi, Br bk Port Augusta. May 2S Atamaria. Gr bk Victnc, Newcastle. II., Aug 9 via Aeheen. Aatonin Camoftlit Ital bk G37tons Newcastle Auu fivia Montevideo llity of Agra. Brsh, Young, Melbourne, Nov, 1 fJeneffer. Br. sh. Liverpool. Jan. 17, viailonolulu Gobroden Smith, Gr th, Xewca&tle, 3Iay 29, iu Batavia. Hertfordshire, Liverpool Nov. 13, via Victoria. IHawarra, Fr bkPoolc, Sjdney. Aug 13. Iron Qucenj.Br sh. Smith, Liverpool Dec 8. via Victoria. Maria Lucia, Frcneh. Newcastle Nov. 19. via Vu.1- parauo, Olira Branch Br bk 353 tons Wheatley Newcastle July 20 Penshaw, Br Bk. 755 tons, Airey. at Valparaiso. Oct 31. ....Mr. PcUt "WiiheJm has perma nently fitted up a shipmaster's reading room in connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latent shipping papers and homeward and outward bound snip ping lists are kept on file. Telegrapif office in the same building. SHIP CHANDLERY. mmmm & upsmr Successors to Capt. Geo. Flauel DfSAITCRS I3i '' l"sfivi- ?- PROVISIONS, HtOtt,. SESL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, 1ST Jk. X Xa.S , SlX3XTT!S5 OILS ww uiv tfc-vivt uvcrivv GEOKGE ELAVEL Chenamus Street, Aftoria. Oregon. S' IBSON, HA.MILTON & H1GGINS. Ship Chandlers. Provision and General -3Pfc Qommissioii Merchants, Oor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON ' C. H. BAIN & CO.. BEING NOW PREPARED WITH greaflv 'increased' facility to furmMi tho public wltti all Kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat Masr, Doors, 1 Mows, BUN DS3 TRANSOMS:: And all kinds othard wood at very low rates, Aeks an examination of their prices and . Large' lot of, goods whioh will be sold low for 'ASH. ?'StQam -Mill Hoar Weston Hotel 6or..Gencvivc and Astor.struota.. Ship- Cliailery, g milE Al SCHOONER ALPHA, E. STARK ;lASTEIt.;SsS Is now ready to receive cargo for the above port. Kates for Freight. From Portland - -. 58 00 Astoria K 0 For further particulars refer to Treiiehanl & rmhur, Agents, or to the Captain on board. Astoria, March 6-. 1570. Astoria to Forts Stevens Canby, II waco, Oysterville and'Olympia. Hvaco Steam Navigation G& Until further notice the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY. WIIITCOMB MASTER Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Tuoilnys, ami Saturclays,-At-A.M., Fridays at C 345 A. 31.. and ir.M. Fort Stevens .Fort Cnnby, ami Ilwuco Connecting wrtul. A. Loorais'ftaccsforOys tcrvillo and Olyamla,- on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens.. Wets " " Canbv and Ihvaco 1 00 rj-For Tickohr. Townpc or Chartorply either air tho office of tho Compnny.x Gray's wharf, foat-of llonton street or to theCaptain on board, i J. II. D.GRAY; Asent, For Towage or Charter. nrinE reliable steam-tug eip van wma,-E,,sifesb AL. HARRIS Master Is in first-class order and. until further no tice, is ready for business in the line of tow ing, carrying passengers, or jobbing, any where on the rivers, from Astoria to Portland, the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply on board. For Skipanon, JKtaskanine, Cowlitz River, ..etc. T HE FINE: SIDE-WHEEL Steamer.ONEATTA,. A. C. FISHER Master "V7.ni leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily at 8 o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.) On Saturdays will make regular trips to Klaskauinc and back. rtsrOccjiMonal trip.s will also- be made to Cowlitz river. For further particulars see Capt. on board. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine; Gctton. Seine Twine, Gork and Lead Litres. BARBOUR- BROTHERS-, 511 Market Street, San FranciHco. HENRY DOYLE &f-Co., Mnorcrs. (JHAKLES HbILBORN3 MANUFACTUPvEPv OF And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING. AIO IMrORTEi: OF CARPETS? OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, SHADES, jetc. CA11 kinds of repairing promptly at lejidedto. and furniture made to order. 3?A full line of picture mouldings and iiames. bracket, window coniicesf etc. ESFull .stock and lowest priced corner of Squcnioeijha and Main reet. Astoria. (Late of California). Offers her services to the peopln-of Astoria and vicinity as a teacher ot Instrumental and Vocal Music K2"Miss Allen maybe found at Mrs. M. Rogers boarding house, Cass street.. W. E. DEMENT, ff IRUGGIST. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON, Carrios a full Assortment of Drugs, Pateiit Medicines,. PAItfTSj. OI2L ANrD- GIlASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. n Jiannfecturor of Fishermen's Roliof. A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, ind cure for Fish Wound?. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. D raying & Trucking. Sc, ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO - Squeuivcqui; st, between Cass and Main, Contracts fur aniyinp mnde-nnd satisfaction CTaninteed. Orders leffat' tha OccidcntiHo tol or reseivcd by mail promptly filled JEWETT A- KIMBALL. Portland to. San Francisco. REDUCED RATES, Carrying the U. S. WnilH-niul ITclls, rnrco & Co's Express. TI4T! PACIFIC COAST S.K steamship Company will JvnS dispatch their fast and fa- E voritc low-pressure STEAJtSHIP IDAHO, IOI7 Toiis. E. ALEXANDER ....COMMANDER For the above port on Setday, aTarcii 16tb, ar5"A. AT. RATES : Cabin Passage - Stoerace Passage ... Freight per ton $10 on r 00 100 THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. For Passage and Freights, apply to J. McCRAKEX Ss CO.. Agents. Co, C2 and W North Front street. Oregon Steamship Company Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES! Carrying; 17. S. flails and Wells. i,arso-& Co's Expre8, i5 The Oregon Steamship Gom- nanv will dispatch their' new "Vj-2v"33r,-vr aiiu civ.itik j i nun STEAMSHIP OKEGON 2230 Tons. F. CONNOR- Commander For the above port on Thursday, March 50 3 at 5 A: M . JLV.TKS OF PASSAGE ITppcr Saloon JIain Saloon- - , Steerage Freight per ton , $8 00 5 no 200 HOO The company is now prepared to sell First, Second, and Third class tickets Iroin Tort land to all the principal cities in-the United States, Toronto and Montreal, Canada. For further particulars, for parage and freight apply at the Com pan v's ofilce, corner of V and Front streets, Portland. Oregon. Geo. W. WEIDLER. Agent. FN DEPENDENT LINE! BETWEEN Portland and San Francisco? HIHE SPLENDID LOW jjtf3&x& JL pressure side wheel GREAT REPUBLIC, 1,882 Tons. JAMES CARROL, - - - COMMANDER. Will leave Pacific wharf for San Francisco, Thursday, March 20, at 5 A. M. Rates of Passage asd Freights : Steerage . $ 2 W Cabin 7 00 Bridal Rooms . 10 00 Freight at Lowest Rates. The Steerage of this ship is superior to the Cabins on most of the other coast ships, and her Cabin accommodations are unequalled by any other ship on the raeifle Ocean. OVERLAND TICKETS from Snn Francis co to all points In United States and Canada. For Freight or Passage apply to the ofliee at racinc Dock, foot oi faimon street. X. IS. IN GALLS Agent, Qregom Steamship Company.) Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES' Carrying I'nitctl States .llnils and TVlls, Fargo Co's Express. a . The Oregon Steamship jfc-rn'feiCf Company will dispatcli y.wtZlfrrJA their new and elegant Al dJViggBgga' Iron r. Iron STEAMSEI3? GEO. W.. ELDER, 1709 Tons. ROLLES ,- Commander. For tho above port on Saturday, March. S, at 5 A. M. The Companv are now prepared to sell First, Second and Third class titkeLs from Portland to all tlte principal oities in the United States, Toronto and Montreal Canada. For further particulars for passage and freight apply at tlfc company's office, corner of r and Front streets. Portland. Oregon. GUO. W. WEIDLER. Agtmt. Kfcr Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan aimo,. Fort Wrangle and Sitka. earryitix U. S. 31ails. j-i- THE STEAMSHIP mm CALIFORNIA, CH AS. THORN Commander Will leave Flandcr's Wharf, foot of C street for tho abovo ports. Sunday, March 30, 1879. For Freight or Passago npnly to En. C. IIUGHES. Purser. OATHS, BATHS, J?-. Hot, Cold, Shower, feaATHi Steam and SULPHTJRs Baths Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. NlZDETlAUF.n A UHLENHAXT, Proprlktobs. C39Speciftl attention given to ladies' and children's hair cutting.' ' -Private Entrancie for Ladles.. z -OrZiZi -JVC-L-eJil-: -Jts w M?M li fMi UW 1 .( I' .HI u ! 1..4ML J m jyjfertML, 41k FOR ,fgE2 KESIT SIKXT 33j"Sr "We will sell Mens and Boys CLOTHING, and FUBNISHIKG GOGDS;. DRY GOODS, FABTC? GOODS, STAPLE G00DB, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS. CA3S. At greatly reduced rates in order to make room for our immense new spring stock-. car Improve your chance and Cor. Ghenamns and Main streets, ALL THE PISHERIEK, "SVOSKINGMiEN AND: TIIEIK PEIENDS . On the Columbia river and tributaries, to save money, keen themselves dry and comfortable, and patronize home industry by ordering "heir SHIRTS, JUMPERS,, AND OJL CLOTHING,. FROM THE ASTORIA SKiPJ AND 9IL CLOTHING MANUFACTORY,. CORNER OLNEY AND SQUEMOQHE STREETS. Whielns fully prepared to supply them. ALL with anything in the line of woikininnni apnarel. Nothing Vut first-class inaterial used and all work wairantcd ( ur ill eU?lnu' will be found at all the principal stores and canneries in Astoria, ai d almi" the riJS 1 ?, smi; ii fe-. ,i .iii " " v....... .. .......n otuouw. COLUMBIA! JOHN HAHN., - - - Manufacturer- of and5 Dealer ?fr Lagsr ami Bottle Beer. TThe C0H1111M& Brewerj- has every facility, and nsintr none but the bpjJ materials and employing experienced I)rewersr Tvill warrant satisfaction m filling .. , air orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ASTORIA W, MEYER AVTNG EVERY FACILITr FOR THE ucio, 1 am now prepared to furnish the OF LAGEE BEER, AT 30 CENTS PER GALIOX. CF2milios and keojvors of public housc3 M. MEYER, Iropri?tor. "WlLSOlsr & FlSHEB, DKAI.KRS IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL. PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus-and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. b, :b- fruBkWjekb.iw - UNDERTAKER AMD CABINET' MAKER. Squemocqha streeti next door t.Aitorian building', Astoria OreKGjr. BGTAll:work dune in a skillful manner on snort notice andat,rcacnabIo prices. Undortcker'3 furnishin- goods always on hand. SEAMING GLASSES, All sizes and shapes from Plate or 2G oz. DOORS, WINDOWS, AND WINDOW GLASS. Sash, Weights.. Etc. Address all orders CLIFFORD COQGINS, (Successor to Jason, Springer & Co.) PORTLAND, OREGON. THERE YILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON SATURDAY' EVENING, MARCH 15, 1S79,. w 'jl i3 J2J m secure bargains at once ! Tea SGHLUSSEL & KANT, Astoria, Oregon. r-r . AT utnuut ii i. uimouuieuiy tue osr. JSIELElfcTSriEJIO., - - - PROPRSETOR,, BREWERY. Proprietor. MANUFACTURE OF A FIHST CLASS AR- public with tho finest tpinlity. for cash. t OF BOTTLED BEEE, AT $1 50 PER BOXEIW promptly and regularly supplied. ASTORIA, OREGON Arndt & Ferchen, Th E BEST BLACKSMITH A'I Machine Shop In the city. y&33s!5F- All kinds 01 Engine, Cunnerj anil Stearnbonii Work promptly attended to. GEORGE MACLEAN,. BLAK8MITIT- Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oreson. Horseshoeing of Blacksmith der. Satijfact and all kindi ins done toor- ion feinranteed ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. Copt. ROGERS OLD STAND Near Express Office. ASTORIA. - OREfiON. All work in our line, heavv or lijrht, done with neatness and dispatch. Horseshoeing, Wag on and Farm WORK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECUREP THE SERVICES OK Air. S. A. Gaines of Ky an experienced Farriorof 25 years in tho business, and well knovrn to Astoria horsemen, wo arc prepared to-, do shoeing in a manner to cure lameness or pre-, vent it in horses entrusted to our enro. cAll work warranted and at reasonable rate3. : lek u-rr. Lr.r: homo por. DKALER IN CHINESE MERCHANDISE Chenamus St., - Astoria, Oregon. . vj37Giyc.us a-callSJ8iv fesa Arvlff m fwS?W?0&$ "& 3kr