C2 J - & Wh gailxj slsximx. -ASTORIA. OREGON ft. Xy. YlftEI, AXI Ertitor. SATURDAY Makcii l.n 1879 Partisan Abuses. President naves naving con- having jvened congress in extra session to 'meet on the 18th, for the purpose of righting soiiig of the evils in flicted upon the people 'through -ultra partisanship of the Inst house, comment by the press is in order. Several of the most important ap propriation bills were delayed, and committees of 'conference failed to reach agreements, by the abuse of the legislative powers, in Joading those measures down with political amendments, in the interest of the partisans constituting a working majority of the house. So grossly abusive of the power were some of the measures proposed, that it was hoped the president would not call an extra session. We believe "in the sentiments expressed by the Oregonian, that if he were actuated by proper spirit the President would call no session. That he would simply permit any branch of the government, for support of which congress had seen fit to make no provision, to stop; and let the country see that whatever incon venience and loss might be the re sult was due solely to the delinquen cy of congress and the selfish and uncrupiilous v partisan spirit that dominates it. Jf there was no money to pay for carrying the mails let the postal service stop; and if Tio provision had been made for the ariny, let congress bear the re sponsibility. The only way to deal with this malignant spirit -of parti san obduracy and baseness is to pay it in kind. But there may be reasonable fear that Mr. Hayes has not the necessary firmness to do it. An Immigration MoYcmeiit. Without presuming- in the least to be funny there can be no ques tion but that we assert a fact, when we say that the steamships Oregon and Great Republic form the finest immigration movement that this state and the adjacent terri tories of "Washington and Idaho ever knew. Here they are again, trip number two this year, with a considerable number above 1000 persons on board; but of this 1000 persons how many bona fide set tlers will Clatsop county gain? 'That is the rub: and it is to that branch of the movement that we visli once more to attract attention from the public. We do so by presenting to our readers the fol lowing lette.r which speaks for itself, and carries the conviction with t that m order to ao some ting, something must be dene: Kxaiia, March 9th, 1S70. C. 5. Wright, Esq. Asteria: Dear Sir: Since my conversation with you on the subject of the formation of an emniigration society at Astoria, "having for its object the settlement of the vacant and unoccupied lands in Clatsop county, I have given the sub ject some further thought and atten tion. Every citizen of Astoria, every citi- r.en of Clatsop county, has a vital in terest in the success of such an enter prise; every acre of ground brought under cultivation acids to the material wealth of the county, and increases the value of every other acre. A-ak yourself these questions and figure on the solutions : Supposing one-half of the lands in Clatsop county were cleared, put in grass and under Cultivation, what would he the value of the trade of the occupants of these lands to the city of Astoria? How muchwould the material wealth of the county be increased thereby ? W mid not these settlers, engaged in cleving lands, making roads, building Iri I wis, houses, churches, school-houses, sh ps, .mills, etc., be indirectly engpge I in making a city of Astoria? It is tiue, that these men alone would not mate a great city, yet their industiy would -make an unvarying, helping, and per manent element of growth. Without enlarging an argument to prove a truth that all are ready to ad imit, let us consider the means, and course to betaken, tojbring about the oud desired. It has been, suggested by some that an organization be formed, hav ing its leading officers at Astoria, among whick shall bo a president, secretary, and such other agents as may be required. Among the duties of such officers shall be to make a plat or map of all sur veyed lands in the county, such map showing all lands vacant and unoc cupied, to procure list of all lands now entered which are for sale, and price of such lands, to ascertain the location of lands, character accessa bility, etc., and to pilot emigrants to them; to take steps to secure the sur vey of the remaining unsurveyed lands in the county; to have printed in handbill or pamphlet form a full state ment of the inducements offered for emigrants to settle in this county, and tokavesuch publications distribut ed on all steamers at San Francisco leaving that port for Oregon. This statement published for emi grants, should be prepared with care, and fully set forth the many advant ages of settlement on the timber lands of the lower Columbia, over settle ment on lands in the remote regions east of the mountains. Money will be needed for this enter prise, but there ought to be no diffi culty in raising it among tradesmen, speculators and real estate owners, by subscription. Very Respectfully, i. OUr Ol)t. SVt. A. 1 1. bTOXE. City Finances. People in Astoria would like to be served as woll as people in Alameda, California, are served by the city fathers, and yet they are not happy appurantly. The Encinal says: If an individual, for rory service per formed or for any articles furnished to Alameda, acquires a demand against the town, he must, under the char ter, wait three weeks tor Ins paj The modus operandi i3 as follews: First, the bill or claim is presented to the loard and referred to the auditing and finance committee. This commit tee report upon the same at the next meeting; wlien, if found correct, a motion is made to pay, which motion hangs suspended in mid air for another week, when it is taken up, or dewn: and ordered paid, provided there be a full quorum. One of the novelties in legislation that owes its birth to the nineteenth century; of the members present (four of the live) who are ready to vote aye upon the proposition. If there be less than four present, or if there be four present, and one of the four objects to the payment of the claim, it goes over again. Fortunately for claimants against the town, the full board is generally present, and gener ally unanimous in its action. But, for laying over, we will wager any valu able commodity that we possess against the most absurd thing we ever read, save the town charter itself, that the town law with which we are now burdened "lays over" any similar docu ment in the civilized world. Conservatives are reported to be acquiring voting qualifications in Midlothian, Scotland, in order to oppose Mr. Gladstone. Mary Clenmier says that in a certain circle of "Washington so ciety the cry is: "The White House is too stupid for me. Wait till the Grants come baek. Then we shall see elegance." Leo XII. is an excellent scholar, and lately produced some charming stanzas in Latin on the occasion or a well known photo grapher visiting Rome to take pictures of the Curia. The site of the awful calamity in Hungary. Szegedin, is upon the right bank of the Tiheiss, a tribu tary of the Danube, opposite the Confluence of the Maros. The city is located in a marsh, and was pro tected by embankments, which have broken away. The country surrounding Szegedin is low and subject to overflows. The city is one of the oldest in Hungary, and formerly was a place of much im portance. S. D. Field, superintendent of the Electric light company, of San Francisco, lias combined the prin ciples of electric machines so as to work an electric light and tele graph line at the same time. In the Western Union telegraph office at San Francisco on the 13th, one of his machines worked 1? lines of circuits varying from 100 to 4S0 miles, including a duplex oflLOS miles. This is the first time an ex periment lias succeeded in work- i ing telegragh circuits. One-third of Chicago's popu lation is German, and a nearly equal proportion of the public school teaching is done in the German language. The board of education proposes to exclude all l languages except English from the I 1 1 1 i 1.4- -irnlir 1C aciiuuis, unless mugnu aiuij-Mj " accomplishments, and the Ger mans are holding public meetings in opposition to the measure. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 X ORGAN FOR SALE At Mr. Holden's xJL auction rooms. In good order an almost new. Apply at once. d&w-lw Who is Elected? JVES WAGKER OF TIIK Great Eastern Saloon, C0NC03ILY ST., ASTORIA. THIS FAVOR ITR RESORT TIAS JUST been refitted and stocked with ATjJj the best BliAX&S OF Imported, anil Tomestic "Wines and Xiiquors, Cisriirs and Tobacco. S3T San Francisco Beer five cents a glass. ECLIPSE MARKET. -wE23sr: "WcAt-Eijrhtli Street, near tlic O. S. X. C'o'fj lVlisirf. JOHN W. "WELCH ruoritiKTOU 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FA MI lv Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in liest of style at the market, or delivered to any part "of the city. Orders given to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. Aly endeavor will be. by prompt attention and "fair dealing, to please my patrons. v3?-All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons free. E"(;ive me a call. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS -Proprietor Astoria. Oregon. No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thrarning your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. EsPNeat work at reasonable prices. ve us a call. II? YOU "Want a cook. Want a clerk, . - Want a partner, "Want a situation, Want to hire a man, "Want to hire a woman. "Want to dispone of a farm "Want to purchase a farm. "Want to buy or sell a house. "Want to borrow orloan money. "Want to buy or soil city property "Want to lease or let houses or lots, "Want to buy or sell goods of any kind, "U ant to charter a steambont or pluncor. Want to sail a craft of any kind anywhere. Want to rccovor any lost or stolon proporty, ADVERTISE" IX TI1E ASTOEIAN, Advertising secure .permanent 'customers, Advertising retains your o!d customers. Advertising makes a busines a success, Advertising: is ovidonce of -confidence. Advertising helps the town and city Advert ing directs people- aright, Advertising is the road to wealth. Advertising evidences energy. Advertising brings a reward. Aflvcrti-ing deserves much Advertising gains much, Advertising is a profit, Advertising is pluck. Advertising is biz, Advortiingpays, Advertise now, On trial for a Quarter or A year. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, by the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. NEW TAILORING SHOP. (In A. "W. Cone's Building.) Water Stkkkt astokia, Okkgox. THOMAS CUKUY, (Late of Tacoina). BEGS LKaVK TO INFOKM TIIK VUK 11c that he is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing to order, or to renovate or repair clothing. tO"IIaving had an experience of 21 vears. T defy couipetion in the art of making old clothes look like new. Mv system Is known only to myself, by which I can lengthen pantaloons without piecing, eta For particulars sec small cards. tiiomas cnniY, Tailor, steam-scourer and Hepairen. THE ASTORIA BREWERY RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, rRoruiETous. Corner of Olney and "Water streets, ASTORIA, OKEGOX. Best quality of LAGER BEERr, via. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. 3TThe patronage of the public is-respoct-fullv solicited. Orders for Lager or Battled IXht in any quantity promptly filled. GFThe best lunch the e:ison will afford furnished day and niuht FilKE. GTTjXS, IOCKS, AJiD yFAYlXG 3IACTIIXES REPAIREfJ). KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED, SAWS FILED, ETC.. BY F. W. TTASS. Main street, next door to Geo.. Ross'. Ladies Attention ! 1874 SPRING SEASON! 1879. HAS m mwxc ir'wmsw The best selected stock ever DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, GAPS. CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, CARPETS, MATTINGS, A FULL LINE IX EACH DEPARTMENT. Wc call especial atttention to onr extra large invoice of :e33&e:b:r.ci:d:e2:r.x:e2sss PRICES WAY DOWN. WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH, NO CREDIT. NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL 3IE. MAIN STREET. ---. ASTORIA, OREGON. Sole Assent for the Xew American Seivin? llachinc. BUSINESS CARDS. c. IV. FULTOX, ATTORNEY AT LA"V. Offick. Rases now building, Suuemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. TE. F. CRANG, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Office Room io. 7 over C. L. Tarker's store, Opposite Demeiit's drag store. R. J. TV. OLIVER, M03IEOPATIIIST, Office. In Slmster's Dnguerrean build ing. Entrance Second door above that of the Daily Astouiak. Cass street. Residence on Jefferson street, corner of Mjiim OCTOIt HATCH. Successfully treats all Chronic Diseases. AND DISEASES OF "WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured by a new and painless method. Office Chenamus street, comer of Mam street, Astoria. JDK... O'ESllIKX. CTRKS RILLJOUS AND INTERMITTENT FEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Also, Private diseases successfully treated. Okkick O'Brien's hotel. Astoria". Oregon. O. K. 1:KMj. A. 31EACHKX. 35EJEi ,& 3HBACH33X. Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Offick Comer of Suuemoenhe and Cass streets, up stairs, over E. S. "Larseii's store. U. F. DKNXISOX. F. J. TAYLOR DENNISON & TAYLOR, ATTOKXEYS AT TjAIV. ASTORIA, ORBC.OX. Office Up stairs in Tarker's building, comer Chenamus and Benton streets. 7U D. WmTOiST, . , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office m City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. OTTO DITFft'ER. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. II IS REMOVED TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTOliLA, - - - - OKEfiON J. STEWART. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. XI. BKCK, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly :in& promptly attended to MAIX ST., - ASTOIUA. OREfiOX. r T. JKKII. CALEDONIA SALOON. Comer of Front and A streets. PORTLAND - - - - OREGON KS-Lnte butcher in the Central Market. pEO. IiOVETT. TAILOR, CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite rost-office. Astoria. TTUGK STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. KS-IIou?e3 built to order, and satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop on Squemocqha street, next door to the Episcopal church. MKS. J. KELLY, Lately of Portland, has set up a Millinery and Fancy Goods STORE IN ASTORIA. All kinds of liace. Fringe. Velvets, and Dress Triinminjr. All kinds of EMBROIDERY TUCKINGS. A nice assortment of Woolen and Cotton Canvases and Zephyrs, Silks, Ruchings, - and Corsets. A large rarlety of i3!K5S 2JUTTOSS. Of the latest style. Also of NECKTIES AND BOWS. Come one and all, and examine my stock of oods. Next door to ,the Asioiua Office. t f y i OPENED AT before carried in this citv. AUCTION SALES. "P C. HOLDEK, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Real Elale Agent and ('nnvejaiircr. Agent for the FIUEMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Kent ami Accounts Collected, ami tv- turns promptly made. Regular sales day. SATURDAYS at tl P. X. N. R. Parties having real estate, lurnl ture or any other goods to dispose of either at auction or. private sale should notifv me soon as convenient befor' t?e dav of sale. No storage charged ou goods soli1 at Auc- "". r. r rirn.K ;v td AiutionecT MISCELLxNEOrS. I. "W. CASE, IMl'OllTEK AND WIWLrSA7,E AND RE TAIL DEALER IN &EMRAL ierchamse, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. ASTQRiA CANOV FACTORY AND OYSTER SALOOX. HAVING ENLARGED MY STORE have now on hand the largest and best assortment of plain and Fiemh candies m town, also, all kinds of CAKES, CRACKERS AND HISCUITS. All of which 1 offer for sale at the hmesi cash price, wholesale and retail at SCHWIEER'S CONFECTIONERY. Opposite the bell tower. Retail candy from 25 to 73 cents per pound. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bay oysters served in every style. "jMTAimX & 3IAYXES, CRYSTAL SALOON, On the .Roadway, - - Astoria1, Oregon, J5?"The very best quality of wines, iquons and cigars at wholesale or retal. Astoria Liquor Store, AUG. DAXIEIjSOX, Proprietor. Water st. Roadway, - Astokia. Ouegox, Importer and dealer in W3NES, UQUGRS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGaKS. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY. GERMAN1A EEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chenamus Street. Astoki.4. The nublic are invited to cm and leara their orders. Splendid. Lager 3 conts a glaw. Froe Lunch every uikIit. Wil. BOCK, i Co.. Proprietors. flEORGE ROSy i$ Billiard Room. The only Billiard Room in the city wheio no liquors are sold. NEW TABLE JUST PUT lTI CEOKli has a cosy place and keeps on hand tiio Lest hnmd of Cigars. A1m. soda. canuT. nuts. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. J)5-tf GEO. ROSS, 1'rupnett.r. O. J". SMITH, (IX THE ASTOKJAX r.UILIIG) HAS JVST RECEIVED A LOTi OF HHVT goods, consisting of MEN'S AND BOYS CALE AND KIP BOOTS Buckle and Gongress Gaiters, "Women, Misses and Children's BUTTON BOOTS, Which will he sold at the very lowestp rice IT IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That housekeepers can do better hv den lit p with J. K. WIRT, on Main stree't, as he keeps the best of futjits, candies, nuts. liqtjoes and CIOAES. SMOKED SALMON, BOLOGNE SAUSAGE. JERKED ELK MEAT. Ami also from Clatsop every other dav FKESH BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS. And everything that is needed in the eook-. inir line at the lowest living prices. tCall and examine before purchasing else where. J. J. J'lHT. 5Y f O J Spif