The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, March 14, 1879, Image 3

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laaig storism.
Monday Excepted).
B.C. riWJE.AS) : : Jl'IXI,SSIEZSt.
j4.ftf'iaf Jiwhtitvt, iltt Sired.
Terms of Subscription :
tjcrvoa by Carrier, per week .35 Ceate
SentWy Mail, nwraioBtiK S3 90
Sunt by mull, tae year 0
fne of Puouuee to .wbicriber.
aw Adrerttfcment inserted Uy h yer at
tfee rate cf 1 - iter iar isr moot.
Transient L4vertiiBs;, by the uav r twek.
ftfi;r ojW- ier 'ttirc for each iu-HMtion.
;yTfcc 1 K 1 1 a A T"i: i a x trUi Ite atl lu
m-$ ntiift cti1rmuMr nhxrntv frutu the din r
iK Tpf. Asto-max frlhtv tiwm. Hum
r Wkkkia" cM f tf jwf-ij!fc nr7n
jsx.'tf CbdJiffxiti crptc. Adnrec- may he
tmmgeti !;: a ricdrcxL Jsuive order at
&te ctMMtina rain.
"A ww lot of full lwjnd blank, and
irBRliDi lmfcs. HfhtHy for use in ean
erirs, at the City !?rk store.
There will Ira bail given by the
OiiftfauK Turner sjK'ly at their iuw
itailL, in (":ithlMict VV. T.. Monday tvt
wliijr, SlarHi 17ili, 1H7V. All we cordi
ally invited to attend. Tickets of ad
fcaiiaisian, including supiier. Si m.
Sheriff Twilight is busy receiving
4 I wf to get a Uung wit
;g ifor it to &tw up.
-ILetKcmber thcrJeiitiouicA-sftie 'io
. See advcrliseiitetti.
Ladies and ehildixai wore uamer
eiis mi ihe streets of Astoria yesterday.
Peter Utiaey has completed work
ttt Tckn Hume a new Astoria caMnery-
Best Salem flour U sold in tins
ty si $5 50 per barrel by Warren. &
John W. 'Welch ha received a
full stock aaid is now ready for Uusi
7iass. Cant C. II. Parker will take
command f J. G. Megler & Co.'s
staamer Edith.
The Sen Waif will load at Asto
iria this month for Australia, in G. W.
Huuae's line.
Warren & McG-uire have the
early fse potatoes for seed. Partners,
please remember this.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hick mo tt, for-
uiherly of this city, haVe united with
the church in their California home
- -The Ilwaco Steam Navigation
compauys steamer Yaruua, will be let
ikse lor general busuiess next month.
Sow an act and you reap a habit;
.sow a habit and you reap a character;
.sow a character and you reap a des
tiny. A house on wheels passed up -the
struct yesterday from the lower jki
tJon of the city to a now location upon
Mr. Fruit's lot. on Water street.
Among the passengers to arrive
to-day by the Oregon we notica the
name f Miss Nellie Plavel of this city.
Mr. C. J. Trenchrd's name appears
in the list of the Groat Republic.
The Weston Leader says : Trying
to cluw caramels with false teeth ranks
with trying to untie a knotted shoe
string with mittens oa your hands, or
to do business without advertising.
The Rev. John R. Thompson of
Olympia, will preach on Sabbath inorn-
ingand evening in tlie Presbyterian
hull (over Van Dusen & Co.'s store.)
The Rev. in. S. Condit filling his
place the same day in Olympia. A
brotherly exchange.
Senator Pultons bill has become
n law in Indiana. The Mishawaka
Enterprise of late date says: "One of
the most important bills passed by
the present legislature is one author
izing married women owning property
in their own name, to make cou tracts
and do business on their own respon
sibility." The Astoria Fishery, the old Kin
ney cannery, have been for a long
time making extensive preparations
for the season of 1870. Air. Jenkins
and his force arc also at work prepar
ing for renewed operations by the As
toria Packing company, at the Trul
dinger mill.
..-ULvuur L'.vB.rViVgrnj
nW," -r OCT
The Excursion Steamery.
The elegant and commodious excur
sion steamships Oregon, of O. S. S.
line, and Great Republic of P. B.
Corn wall's line, will bo due at Astoria
to-day from San Francisco. The
Oregon ha about 500 passengers, and
the Great Republic about 750, if we
iay be penuittod to judge from the
lengtk of the lists pnbiishad in the
'Pontiaud papers.
The Chawiber of Commerce is in
receipt of dispatches anuowncing that:
The Oregon and Great Republic
sailed for Astria and Portland on the
afternoon tf (lie I2th.
When wrm vllit fiiHsl steck-w rer
tainlv iman U: and not only the finest,
but (Jit flieaiH'hX lot of pk-tnm; in llu
eitv. rhniuos, t-tc-., alrradr fir.inil, at
tlM'Ciiv B'nk Storof Charles .Stevens
& StMi,' Main sUwt Which mast and
will le sold.
Locomotive whistling is to be
superseded at Piughkeepsie, INew
York, by a bell worked by electricity
which will le set u; in the dei)ot.
When the trtiu arrives wifnin a mile
of the station, the bell will ring until
it gts to the deKt.. The danger sig
nal is thus given, and the waste of
steam is avotdda, to say ttothlng of
the racket.
We are indebted to Jlr. Robert
Ba.bersk&m, assistant United States
engineer, for a copy of his valuable
map of Oregon and Washington terri
tory. This is one of the finest maps
we have ever seen of this country
and it is correct. It has been nut up
in pocket style, and may Ihj purchased
in Astoria of Chas. Stevens & Son, at
the city book store, on iain street.
'Hie weather at Astoria yesterday
wa! inexpressibly grand. A person
could in the space of about 35 minutes, j
under its gentle influences, forget all
the past stormy daTs of winter, could
forget every lateral view of Its vicissi
tudes and the embarrassments of busi
ness, forget even that he was in
debt, basking in this beautiful sun
shine, but he could not escape pay
ment of his taxes.
The British bark Sera wf ell loads
flour at 47s Gd direct to U. EL This
rate is below asking price of vessels
now here. The charter of this ves
sel, leaves but one iron and four wood
en ships in port, aggregating 5,723
tons. The latest San h rancisco char
ter was the ship Ivy to Liverpool at
45s Gd, wooden. The latest iron
charter w as 42s 6d U. K., while on
the same day a wooden vessel get same
rate direct. The list of vessels known
to be beaded-this way is small and
none of them due.
-The Standard or yesterday 835:
"We may not have much sunshine in
Portland in Manch, but viiau we do
hare it, it bikes the shine out of the
weather in any other portion of the
world." Mount Hood iHnietl un its i
head like a pyramid ol ice cream; the
corner statuary basked and yawned;
shop keepers began dusting their last
spring's stock; saloon men washed
their g; een lattice-work screens and j
began looking for some plan u stow
A. ?. l , ,
away the pohcunian s comfort, the
stoves; and the soda fountains began
to sixxle the soug of temperance.
Honest Johu Whitaker is beiii"
hustled on to Washington at a rapid
rate. He was taken from the Eider in
a Whitehall boat, at S.ui Francisco
and was rowed ashore with no bagage
but a small valise, and hustled into
carnage and driven rapidly
iy to the
ferry k.di., whore a ferryW hnd
VJJ.U - .J - i'JJ.
been waiting five minutes beyond her j found wanting?' Show me from his
rejiular time. The boat arrived on torv. a nation that ha3 existed fnun
the other side of the bay and a siieeial tH- creation, and h:is been destroyed
. . r. .that was not cut off on account ot
train was in waiting, consisting , . 1 V ,i than T mv
tneir wickedness; ana tnen 1 may
sleeper Ao. 25 and engine 155, . admit that we may continue our pres
Frank Small engineer. The whole ent course without fear. Truth.
under command of conductor
Allen. The train at once
od to catch the overland
traiu which left Oakland at S o'clock yesfcer-
dav m,rning with instructions to over-
winu mm i.iim wcnct-u ohu i'rauctsco
and Omuha. Mr. thini-
..U. l...- 4-.1.. 1,L..... O TX
the special will catch the overland
near Ogden, although it has 25 honre
the start. The cost of the special
train will bo. about l,50D. That ie
certainly going to congress with a rush.
.KThe best poster
ir is that whicb
the lauiih circle.
is :ein. Teuiariy juio
A Iicsson to "be Drawn.
written ?ok tub astoriax.
"What a melancholy spectacle will
be presented to-da3 in the neighbor
ing city of Portland. Two men,
in the prime of physical life, at an
age when the powers of bod' and
mind should be in full exercise
for their own welfare tmd for the
benefit of their -fellow-or-eatures, in
stead of which, stand upon the gal
lows, with rnpes about their necks,
awaiting the execution of the penaltjT
aflixed fur the punishment of the .high
est rime known to, or punishable by
the laws of man. We would turn our
backs upon this scene, and wonder if
the Angels do not weep ovar the fall
en nature, and daring wickedness of
mankind. How God can bear longer
with the wickedness of man, is ex
olained only in I J is word, which as-
ciibcs atienee and long suffering to J
His glorious perfections. It might be
well to close our eyes against, ami
forget such scenes, but not the causes
which lead t it. When we trace back
the causes in these men, the lirst
commencement of a wicked life was,
the breaking of the tilth commandment
in the docalogue, which says: "Honor
thy father and thy mother, that thy
days maybe long upon the land which
the Lord thy God giveth thee." This
commandment violated, at an early
day, by their breaking away from the
restraints of home, the path of vice
and wickedness, was open and broad
lief ore them, and at each stqp in their
downward course, they iound abund
ant helps, until they now stand upon
the scaffold, to be ushered into the
presence of their tinl Judge, who
will render a just judgment, not only
upon ihem, but upon all who helped
them on their downward course of
sin. 2sow for
And for this, we must go beyond the
observation of the eye of man unaided
by revelation. God has told us, that
He will bring every work into judg
ment, whether it be good or whether
it Ihj evil; so, chat no evil doers can
escape, whether the' escape punish
ment inflicted by the laws of man, or
not. At that judgment bar, exact
and cuual justice will be doue. God
is his own witness, and "He needs
;" ? 'sluy ol n If.e K,,t,"s
VkJlTVb Id III JUiiii. j.iiuau Jiiuic j.ucjia
being admitted, can we avoid asking
the questien: do these, or any crim
inals, or the poor inebriate who fills a
drunkard's grave, or any votary of
vice, have to pay the ivhole .penalty of
the broken law Nay, verily I Hun
dreds are involved in his or her guilt,
by helping them on, or perhaps, first
mducirig them from the paths of vir
tue. We have only to walk the streets of
our cities, perhaps, upuntliej. Sabbath,
and behold the frosted windows which
hide from the gaze of the public, the
attraction to drunkenness and vice, for
sinail preinium.legalizedby law. Threre
111 three-fourths of the poverty drunk
enness and crime, has its origin; and,
because the business is logalized, it is
considered right and honorable. It
might as justly be said, that a man
iiuight be lijcnsed to keqp a.mad dog,
whose bite would be certain death,
and say to the people, they must keep
away from the dog if they would avoid
death. The licensing of places where
alcoholic liquors are sold, is far more
reprehensible than the licensing the
mad dg, for the mad boast would
have no attractions, but the dram
shop is made attractive, to draw men to
their ruin. When we see from the
i statistics of our sisier state, that there
are confined within her own prisoi
w11j n.. hundred :md twelitv boVSH
j between
-..,...,, W..V, ......V. . J - J-
the ages of fourteen and
twenty. we 111:17 well ask, now
long can we, as a nation, continue
on this down grade before we are
wrecked. After a man has been
ruined for time, we hang him, but
ve "ie w, 'V' '?"" ,u 1 t . 1
I fnl and attractive, that leads to such
-n emi o. what inconsistency When
1 . i.1. . - . ....- nlk f- Ttt.
we look within these schools of vioe.
which are crowded into every corner,
and made as conspicuous as decency
will allow; we see the element that
controls, and ihe motive power that
drives ourj governmental .machinery.
Wo may then conclude that unless
our course is changed that
And that sooner than we anticipate,
! the llu:ul writing will be seen on the
1 . ....!! ..C ...... .....n,v ff'nriiiiio Tjilllblir
SS", " ' '" , 'a " bllllin'c0 aB j
The YFccIcly Astorian.
fiir nf ihi imst dinners published on
the Pacific coast, is mailed to subso.ri-
1 bers every Fridav, postage paid to any
l)art of l,1V UlLitC(l iStateS' llt U,C fol,OW'
' a ' ..
One Year
! I'our Mouths. .
...$: 00
... 1 110
... 10
1 oingie vopy -
? .1 ..
73TA. limited jiuniber of sum 11 adver
tisemeuLs will be inserted at the usual
Apply at the office, or address
D. C. Ibelaxp, Publishor.
Konvoiir blood pure and your
1 lw.nifii miicf'im n-nnd- the crcat purifier
. is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Ail
' Astoria ikuggisls have it uoyy.
jwliih-iij .i.aiiwjFiii-'fc'.'.ti.j-i.'.t j-
Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth,
ZG inches a ide. for one dollar at Ham
burger's. I. C. Johnson may be found at the
Occident in Astoria "every Monday,
"Wednesday, and Friday evenimr. ready
to attend to messenger "duty hi Portland
or to points along the river in a satisfac
tory manner.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from r cents upwards, at Hamburgers.
Buy your domestic goods at Ham
burger's. You can do better than at any
other house.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering ork of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should bo sufficient rccom
meiidaUou. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it 'would be
wefl to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Oysters served in evcrv stvle at
the Walla "Walla ltostaunutt. "
Pr-h oysters in every stylo and
at all horn's at" tin Pioneer restaurant.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Xick Squivaloneo has concluded
that there is jio millions in shipping
sailors, and he has riven un that busi
ness, and is attending closely to keeping
a hotel. CaTl at the Chicago" House and
see for yourself.
... x'resh oysters .in evcrv stvle at ! I
Sch moors. See advertisement.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to II. C.
Comeg s. Kalama. W. T.
TheeheajM'st oyer -offered is Ham
burger's Embroidery.
New Mivoiee of flmse Medallion
Ilanges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Peter Huney is still in fbo market
with all kinds of "building materials in
his line. Has just reeeived 100,000 lath,
2.000 bushels of sand, and a huge stock
f lirst tuality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Your complexion is sallow, and
kin yellow, your liver is afftvted.
Obtain "from voiir druggist a bottle of
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
P. :T. Goodman, on Main street. has
just received the latest and mst fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoos, etc.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
ioreigxi jozrjiorts.
Since the last reiort of clearances
fiom the Astori'i custom house was
made for publication in The Astortan.
the following vessels have cleared for
European jorts wifh cargoe and value
as specified. Shipments from Portland
are noted as they eccur:
To QtteenatoieH, per Centennial, 2Iarch J J.
WhfRt from A.tnrw .JWl ctl Sir,.(i50 (0
" Portland- C7.2KS ... -JSiM 0y
Totnls Xi.W-13 " StK?,w2 00
I To Liverpool, r Allegiance, Mureh It.
Flour from Portland 20,132 bul- SC3.0C2 00
1 case elk -horns......... o0 f u
Total SU0.U2 00
To Honolulu, per Hera, March 11.
Lumber, otc, from Astoria- $4,324 00
Peremptory Notice.
State ami county taxes must be paid-
on or before March 1Mb, 1S70, on the
assessment of 1S7S, otherwise costs will
be made. W. 11. Twii.ioht.
Sherifl of Clatsop County.
Lodging Ilersi: Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can Ik
accommodated at reasonable r:tes at
Mrs.Munsotfs Chenamus st.. Astoria.
GIRb WANTED. To act as nurse and
perform lijrht ho.isc .work injtx family at
I'ort Canbv. Intpiirc at Til IS OFFICE.
AUNDRY FOR SALIC Xnqtthe at the
Abtoria tfteaui I-uindrv.
J.T. P.ORCIiEi:S. Proprietor.
A.-rtoria. Oregon.
OCSETO blT. A nice residence, new,
containing six rooms. ill be ready lor
a tenant any time on short notice.
For particulars inquire at
7?aJOTICE All jKrhii; indebted to the un
jlN dcrsfgiicrt will please call and settle
their a,ccinnt-; bv the tfr$t of Apr 1. as I in
tend jroinit to 'San Fnan'ieo soon to lav in a j
larce .slock of millinery flood, and desire to
settle all accounts before Je:uriujj.
"VTOTiCE. Notiee Ls hereby ulven to all
Lh iktsous hohlmi? receipts for lots pur
chased in the Citv Cemetery to have the
same tiled with the Auditor and Ob-rk with
in ten das from this date, and piocitre their
deeds. Tins Ls for the purpos-e of enabling
litem f have their deeds recorded and to
save confusion of titles in the future.
By order of the Common t 'ouneil.
Auditor and Clerk.
Astoria. Mareb fi, ISTJ). 57-di0t
"Pish Ccsmiiissxoncrs TCofieo.
SI sinner for Wiinimigton territory, hereby
gives notice that he will visit all the canner
ies on the Washington territory side of the
river, from the fut to the twentieth of
March and after that will be at .Rrooklield
for the rest of the season.
'Nohtii COVK, W. T., Feb. 17, ISTy.
Notice is hei eby iven tlmt all poisons-
are forbid tresspassing iithiii. or in a
occupying anv portion 01 tin land o
surrounding ToNC.t'E POINT, or it
my w:vy
or ueacii
upon any
nart of the Henrv Marlin land claim iU'C'lat-
soo eoniuy. Slate of Oregon, without permis
sion from" the nndeiNitmed ; and amm
settiiufont tires upon said claim, whereby the
standing timber mav in any way be injiwod.
VAN ll
M1..N vV ,KIM..
Per A. VanDui.
AstJiria.-Oct. 5. 1377.
"isli AouisiKionera Xoliec.
Jt the undersigned, havinir been duly ap
i.iinted deputy for Chitsop county, by C.
Jeno:iwober.l'hih'Conuni.ssioiier. undir the
laws of the State of Oregon, will lc in readi
ness from and after this dale, to Issue li
censes, at his office up stairs, corner of Cuts
and Sqeniocqhe strotis. ArUorin. Oregon.
I'ci-sons sending in applications for licenses
will please send No. of boat and the name of
the fisherman or captain id the boat.
Deputy Fish Coiamissioivar.
r-,',"if-i.. )W-gl
Hiirs flew Yaristy Tli
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre wens
executed by ?.Ir. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. Wm. Wt. Architect and
Builder ilr. Ivemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty ernnot
In; equalled on this eor.t. Oifr Per
formance Conmu nces with onr
First Part of felafe and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feeds,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Panto mi mists and Juggfeis.
To see onr Refined ami T'neqmlled enter
tainment. New Act. New ionjr's and com
plete ehange of Programme tuieea week.
ajEO. IHITfX. Proprietor.
Entrance to Poves and Circle on Chena
i"ns Street. lVrfouennce to coinineucd
at eicht o'clock precise.
UlU.U'-!-JTMTI-IHiiHJIlMIUII.P J.- ... .. lfl .HCT .11
II. R. PARKER. ----- Proprietor.
rTUITS HOTEL is the largest, most comfort
JL able and best Kept hoi el in the city. Is
applied with the best of sprint: water, hot
:ml cold ttnths. barber sliop.'and a ttrst-ehiss
saloon with 1km of liquors. aiui cgars. :ml
line billiard table. Free coach to anil from
the house ; charges reasonable. 00 to $2 50
per day. according to room occupied.
Private Board ins House.
Will accommodate day boarders or accom
modate any with board ami lodging. ,
Prices reasonable. In Imralls' building.
J'tTeron street, opposite 'Welis, Fargo &. Co's
Express oltlee.
A. J. MKGIjKK. C. S. SVIilGlW.
MEGLER & WRiniiT. Proprietor.
Astoria, Oregon.
JL announce that the alwvo hotel has been
repainted and refurnished, adding: greatly to
the comfort of itsjmestsjand is now the best
hotel north of San Francisco.
Water street, near the 0. S.N. Co.'s Wharf,.
nENRY ROTHE. . . . .7..... .Pr.orniETOB.
newly 'furnished, i.s conveniently situti
ted to business, and .will be conducted so as
make it a first class stopping place for the
public generally, and -will be open from thia
Between Squemncqhe and JelfersHin,
astoiua, onr.cox.
Roard and lodging per week St eo
P.oard per d::v 1 CJ
Single Meal
Tne table v. ill be supplied at all times "vitk
the best rbe-niarket aflords.
Fresh oysters, and other deli
cacies of the season, served m.
evcrv stvle. .7?W
Opposite the Telegraph oClce, SipionwtjlK
street, Astoria, Oiegon.
rMAS. A. 3SATk.
IForoapsi ::tl Ioinest ITjririfis.
Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys.
Finest brands of
CIGARS AND TOBACCO. stvrct, - Astoria
Corner and Chonumos Street?.
and other Englirh Cutlery.
GsEHine leershanni Kpes, etc.
A line stock' of
Watflies and ."Jcnvefr-. Muzzle aaiU
ISreecIi JiOadinfc hltot GmiK,
Revolvers, pistols, parlor ltillc?
and Ammunition.
0 finer Main and Concomly streets.
VT ware, Coal OILs. Tobaccos, and Gents Fur
nishing Goods, winch will be sold at Itttrst.
' nuw. "" "