-C?!??3p?!Ppp t. VJrwill' Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, March 13, 1879. No. 60. Vol. vin. sv- J 01 QWf h he TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. laoIii Coast Dispatches. In Sacramento the republicans made a clean sweep, beating the demo crats and worklngmen. In Oakland the workingmen carry the mayor, for two councilmen and one school director. The citizens make a clean sweep of all other officers. The firm of Koehler & Hitter, manufacturing jewlcrs, San Francisco, lias been attached. A receiver has been placed in charge. The attaching parties believe that the failure is brought about by natural causes. The failure will affect no small firms. A disastrous fire broke out at Ash land on the 11th, at 4 o'clock in the morning, originating in a blacksmith shop. The fire was so far under way when discovered as to baffle all atempts to check it until every building on the west side of Main street to the bridge on the north was swept away and the flames had reached the fire-proo: brick building of J. V. McCall on the south, where the fire was got under control, after destroying the false roof of that build ing. The loss is estimated at $26,000. The Tidings office was among the buildings totally destroyed. An Ottawa dispatch of the 11th savs in. tnc nou&e ui winm.w . world at large will never be permitted to know just what was said by the democratic eulogists during the Jef ferson Davis debate in the senate hist Friday night. The congress report of March 6th contains a foot note to the effect that the debate upon the amend ment exepting Jefferson Davis from the provisions of the pension bill, is WHOLESALE TRADE. y .-WIT. HTJME V OREGON. withheld, for the reason that a num ber of the senators failed to send the manuscript of their remarks to the printing office." A Washington democratic corres pondent has the following, and he is not alone in his opiniens: "The mo tives of the administration in calling an extra session as early as March 18th, are interesting enough to make it worth while that they should be plain ly understood. They concern an in genious combination, fathered by Gar- field, for giving the speakership either to Garfield himself or to Kelly, accord ing as the White-house may or may not succeed in commanding the con fidence of the greenback people in the new congress. The president has been induced by Garfield to believe that by calling congress together on March 18th the administration will be enabled to prevent the democrats from organizing their own house. Comer of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, WHOLESALE DEBlLER IN T -ASD BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. X. W. CSkSJSU BROKER, BANKER, MISCELLANEOUS. -ANJ ASTORIA, INSURANCE AGENT. - - - OREGON. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the United States and Europe. Foreign IVcirs. In the house of commons at Lon don on the 11th, a motion was adopted for the appointment of a select com mittee to inquire whether it is desira o.o,v.rt0 rimrpRfiTitiner British. Colum- w, ? n address which he had ble to authorize schemes for lighting prepared to the governor general, ask- by electricity or by other improved ; C nniiMtiHnm or t.hft l linsuiivwo. mg lOr COpieS Ul urciuwiauuu.- PROVISIONS EXC2., ETC, AGENT FOR THE Solflen City ClemM foris. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SPI2CL1XTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. OFFICE HOURS From 8 o'olock A. M. until 4 o'clock r. m. Home Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, E. S. LARSEN Wholesale mid Itetnil Grocer, AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, CLASS, AND PLATED WARE, Flour and Feed ! t3?l am now prepared to furnish the choicest and best goods in my line, at the lowest cash prices. Patronage Is respectfully solicited, References: My patrons. E. S. LARSEN, "Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Astoria- JPUKE CIDER VINEGAR! causes leading thereto and of the con vention between Great Britain and Russia, of 1828, in relation to the boundary between Alaska and British Columbia, with all reliable maps and i..tc, emoo mud f Alaska. He Puget-sound beats the world for fish, shell fish, oysters, etc. And some of the hotels there beat the world in their style of bringing the fish before guests at the table. The ",lincr-drTirr" nt dinner runs thus: n w J. F. nouanTON- ....President Chas. R. Stouv Secretary Hamilton- Boyd. i. Ajrents for Oregon UF.O. 1j. &TOKY. J Omen Northeast comer of Stark and First street, Portland, Oregon. Vnt r:i;ii rpppiveil for Fire Prem iums in 1877 335,511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1878 S378.0C5 &5 Liabilities Losses vivnaid S3.G38 37 Dividends " 1.9o7 no 5.505 37 Surplus for Tropr-rtv Holders ST.72,470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six yearsS114,niG 72 I. IV. CASE. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in 25 Gallon Packages. For sale by EL S3- XU & R. !S ES 2$Ta MISCELLANEOUS. C??This is the best quality of vinegar that is made; it is warranted pure eider vinegar, put up bv an Oregon factor, and persons in want of "a good article, wholesale or retail, are muted" to call on E. S. LARSEN, Cor, Squemocqhe and Cass streets, Astoria,. claimed that by the convention ot Beefstake mutton-chop, sausage, 1825 we had the right of navigation of all rivers in Alaska, but said that by some accident when the treaty of Washington was under consideration in 1871 only the Yukon, Porcupine and Stickeen rivers were included in mr rights in that way. mem t HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock coa6isUBgvQfA!JJliiiiiir)rtnient of ' jl v"i - s,lcrn JSews. Knit has been becim in the su ----- u - prcme court by Samuel Wilkerson, in 4,000 invested in music, and about New York, formerly of J. i5. i'ora tt GO pieces of J renew, Uerman, ana torn-cods, flounder and clam chowder." The waiters appear to hold the choicest till the last, and you are thus constantly meeting with pleasures and surprises. Sunlight and music is good for the people. The first comes from heavenward, and the latter, at As toria, from Barth & Meyer's new or rrnn. It is snlendid. Thev have Co.. against Beecher, for 10,000, money advanced Beecher and expended undercontract for the "Life of Christ. " Tuesday afternoon the office of the state treasurer at the capitol in Atlanta, Ga., was the scene of a bloody tragedy, the parties being Col. Robert A. Alston, a member of the legisla ture, and Captain Ed. Cox, of De Kalb county. Alston 13 dead, Cox not seriously hurt. The greenbackers are confident that they can controll the next house, and one of them stated that they have positive assurance that more than half a dozen democrats will refuse to r0 into the democratic caucus, but vote with them on organization. Bui tler directs their campaign. A fire swept over fifty square miles of forest in Dakota, near Yankton, Sunday, destroying stand ing timber, cordwood, houses, house hold furniture, clothing, and general property to the value of 25,000. A strono- wind prevailed, and the fire burned itself out. No human lives lost. . The New York Times Washington correspondent shows how the better class of democrats regard the engraft ing of political legislation upon ap propriation bills. Bayard says: ' 'This action is a grave mistake. I am opposed to such revolutionary pro ceedings. The country will not ap prove tliem. If this be a good pn- . cedent, the minority, hereafter, have no rights." A Tribune Washington special Msays: "It seems probable that the Italian operas, American waltzes, etc. Spend an hour a day listening to this music and 3Tou will be better for it. There is not music enough in the world. Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND- Gents' IUE1SIE GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. "We rcsncctfnllv invito the public to call and inspect the same. We have also rcceved a large stock of fine CIGARS a TOBACCO Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very repeetfully. A. VAN DUSEN &, Co., Cor Cass & Jefferson sts., - Astoria. Ogn $67,000,000 GAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AN D LONDON AND NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COIIuRCTAirOF'CAMFOBNlAii FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S67,0O0,00O. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. CODIERCLII X'IO; ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital SI 2,500,000. 3LA.TT II. SIBSOX, Agent, Astoria. Oregon. "W HAT Is All This Blewing: M ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WILL. SELL MY GOODS AS CECEAF AS ANY ROUSE IN THE CITY tAncUaguiot.going.to .say anything ahoutuiti A Square Deal Guaranteed-" At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - OREGON. T. 3SjaIXjEJ3T Chamber of Commerce of Astoria, Itegular meeting every 1st and 3d Monday ol cadi month, at 7 :00 r. m. J. Q. A. I50WL15Y. Trcsidcnt. Temple LiOdge, Ho. 7, A. F. A. M. Rejnilar Communications first and-, third Saturdays in each month, at 7 "0f o'clock, r. m., at the Hall in Astoria Members of the Ordor, in pood standing, aro invited to attond. By ordei of the W. M.S VAN DUSBKT & CO., RAYE A SPLENDID STUUK ur Consisting of a great variety of goods for both ladles and gentlemen. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAT-IFOItaiA. ORGANIZED lis 1SGS. Total Losses lnlil Since Organization. $3,630,433 35. E. C. IIOLDEN. Agent, Astoria uiegon. Notice to All Concerned. be Beaver J-iOdse No. 35, L O. O. P. Meet every Thurpday evening, .sgjttffe. at 7:30 o'clock, in the Odd Fel-&K low'? Hall, cor. of Cass and Che- 36 namu BtrocU', Aptoria. Members of the Order are invited to attond. By order, X. G, Astoria liOdEre No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Kcculnr Moctinfj ovory Tuesday Evening atT:30 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Che namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Storo Members of the Ordor, in coodstandt ng, aro invited to attond. Docreo meeting 1st Monday each month. By order V. C.T. If You Want to Select a Suit of OXaOTIHIXIKrCSr From the very best stock in the city call at A. VAN DUSEN & Co.'s, VANDUSEN&Co., Aro Agents in Astoria for the SINGER and the WHITE SEWDJG MACHETES. Large stock constantly on hand. Men and Bovs Must As -well as to have toys for Christmas. Christmas is Over I 1 LOEB BUT HAS "OT And now invites the attention of every body to liis Washington Market,. Main KireeU Astoria Oregon, BEKG3IA2ST C BEBRY TESPECTFULLT CALL THE ATTEN- JAtion oftho public to the fact thnt the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALHJf FRESH ANJTcURED MEATS ! "Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesnla and retail. Special attention given to supply ne shins. D. K. U'arrkk. C. A. McGuikk Astoria Market ! Cornor of Chenamus and Cassstreeta.. ASTORIA, OitEGON. WARBEN & McGUIRB, Proprlotor (Successors to JJobon J: Warren. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all fc!na u Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. JKB" Butter, Eggs, Choose, etc. constantly--onhand. Oar Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Common Council. Regular mootines first and third Tuesday evenings of each month, at 7:30 o'clock c" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting mut present the same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday oveninc prior to tho Tuesday on which tho Council holds its rogular meeting. R. II. CAllDV'ELL. Auditor and Clerk. CITY BOOK STORE, MAIN ST., ASTUK1A. cms. srcEVESS & se: Invite the attention of imrchers to thetr stock, just laid in The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices! The Greatest Worth! mrvT?TTrrrxr -pnrK"ETS: LAMES' DIAWBS A2SD PUBSES COMBINED: nrxnrJ?rrti. riYP. AND HKIjSH POCKETS: CUTLERY: JEWJfiLBY, CHARMS, Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. Recular monthly mooting will bo held at tho hall of tho Company, on tho secondTuesday of each month, at" :30 o'clock p.m. ttsrI ombors aro expected to attend prom ptly, if not tho usual fines will be imposed against them, unless legal excuse is offered. By order of tho Company, A. VAN DUSEN, President. F. A. Fisur.s, Secretary. Full and Gompleto Stock, Consisting in part of -of CLOTHINQ vWoys. Gents Furnishing Goods ; Aiso : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : VTatclic, Jpvielry, JJnrlnc and Opera Clatsi'S, cli; Besides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, "Wholesale and Retail. Call and bee. MAIN ST.. - - - ASTORIA. OGN. LADIFS' ' FASCy BOARD. ETC; I .Vii.1 XXJJi ERCHA v-r-- 9 SffT2. VXCV SIOR DIARIES, BLANK: BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. C2TA11 goods sold at lowest cash prices. CHAS.STEVESS&SOX. rifv P.ook Store to IMain street, two doors Clfrom UicPioneerRestaunuit. opiioblte the MAGNUS C- CROSBY- UKALKU IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. J. strauss;. Importer and Wholesale Dealer m WDJES AND LIQUOBS. CONSISTING OF A A A OLD VALLEY WEISKyV CUTTER WHISKY, OLD KENTUCKY BQURBON . MARTEL BRANDY, HENNESIE BRANDY, GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SnERRY ANI CLARET AYINES, PORTER, ALE, AND ST. LOUI BOTTLE BEER, These roods v.'ill only he sold at wholasalc and at lowest figures. Come and sample them hefore purchasing elsewhere. J. STRAUSS, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON, laKr fl 1 bakery of Mrs. u. un-