10 Cm JL Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 4, 1879. Vol. vm. No. 52. .-j i i ' i ' j (SBpl TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Pacific Coast Dispatches. Edward Ewald "school ques tions broker" of San Francisco, wis on Saturda' remanded to jail until such time as he sees fit to obtain his liberty by telling what he knows about the questions crookedness. Reno, California, was reduced to ashes on Sunday. Losses over $1,000,000. A gale was blowing from the west; and before water ;ould be got on the fire it was be yond control. The flames leaped froinlliouse to house and from block to block. Panic-stricken, half clothed people caught the most valuable articles and left all else to destruction. The firemen were helpless. The fierceness of the wind and the intensity of the heat rendered it impossible to get close enough to do airy good. In three hours all the business part of the town was in ashes, the only house escaping being the Masonic build ing. The fire only stopped when all was destroyed. Reno is now a suburb without a town, and great fears are entertained as to its ability to survive the shock. Ka.s(cra Stales. A Cincinnati paper says that a man named Dempsey left on the "21 for California to engage a cargo of Chinese, which he will work on his air-line railroad contract, just received. The creditors of Archbishop Prrcell began suit against him on Saturday. Theamountof deficit is now stated to be over $6,000,000, although at -first claimed to be only $500,000. j rive juceiiuiary iiius wciu started in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday night, by pre-concerted efforts on the part of thieves to burn the eastern section of- the city so as to plunder other sec tions. A letter carrier who stole a registered letter in St. Louis last December, was arrested last Satur day morning, confessed, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, all with in two hours. Nothing tardy about that style of dispatching business. It is not yet known whether the body of A. T. Stewart has been recovered. A long story is told of a box resembling a coffin having been lodged in the cathe dral crypt at Garden city, but the short of it is that the police au thorities and Judge Hilton are re ticent about the recovery of the body. The committee in charge of the bill have recommended the in sertion in the sundry civil appro priation bill of an item of $5,000 for the continuation of boring of an artesian well at Benicia, and $20,000 for the protection of gov ernment interests in Alaska, and $20,000 for the improvement of the military wagon road between Scottsburg and camp Stewart, Ore gfon. In the opinion of the best in formed of the appropriation com mittees of both houses an extra session is inevitable, and the pros pects are that not only one or two but probably all unfinished appro priation bills will go over together. JJfyis will, of course, necessitate the convening of the next congress at an early date, instead of in the fall, as has been contemplated in the events of the failure of only one. M. Sebreakof, a wealthy and patriotic Siberian merchant, is having a steamer fitted out with a view to delivering the Swedish ex pedition now locked by ice west of East Cape. Capt. Sengslacke of the second German Polar expedi tion, will command the expedition, and return to Europe by the route discovered by Professor Xor denskjoid. The expedition will start in May. Fox-oigJi ZScw.s. There was fifteen feet of snow in Schleswig, on Sunday. Yakoob Khan reports that his father, Shore Ali, is dead. The rebellion against the Chi nese goverment in Kashgar has been completely crushed, and remnants of the defeated force are returning to Russian territory. A memorial tablet on the house where John Keats, the poet, died, was unveiled in Rome on Saturday, in the presence of the principal English and American residents of the eitv. WANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC. GIRL WANTED. To act as nurse and perform light Iiouse work in a family at Fort Canny. Inquire at THIS OFFICE. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. Inquire at the Astoria Steam ljiundry. J.T. BORCHERS, Proprietor, Astoria, Oregon. TO IX) AN. $1,000 on approved real estate security. Apply to HELL & MEACHEN, il-tf Attorncys-at-Law, Astoria. HOUSE TO LET. A nice residence, new, containing six rooms, will be ready for a ti nant any lime on short notice. For particulars inquire at 55tf THIS OFFICE. "J&XOTICE. All persons are hereby notified JL not to pay R. F. Wickham any tax duo the citv, he having been dismissed from the ouiee of Superintendent of streets of the city of Astoria, and not authorized lo collect taxes. J. II. D.C.KAY. Acting Mayor. IFish Commissioners Xotiee. THE UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS Moner for Washington territory, hereby gives notice that he will visit all the canner ies on tiie Washington territory side of the river, from the first to the twentieth of March, and after that will be at Rrookfield for the rest of the season. ALBERT F. STREAM. North Cove, W. T., Feb. 17, 1879. Fssli Commissioners Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, having been duly ap pointed deputy for Clatsop county, by C. Lienenwebcr. Fish Commissioner, under the laws of the State of Oregon, will be in readi ness from and after this date, to issue li censes, at his office up stairs, corner of Cass ami Sqemoeqhe streets, Astoria. Oregon. Persons sending in applications for licenses will please send No. of boat and the name of the fisherman or captain uf the boat. II. B. FERGUSON, Deputy Fish Commissioner. rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCEliX. Notice is hereby given that all persons are forbid tresspassing upon, or in anv wxv occupying any portion of the land or beacli on, or in any wxv the land or'beadi surrounding TOMiuh l'OiM.or upon uiv part of the Henry Martin land claim in Clat son counrv. State of Oregon, without -jenni sion from the undersigned ; and also iroin setting out lires upon said claim, wiierebv the standing timber may in any wa be injured. VAN DUSEN A BKOWX. Per A. VanDuskx. Astoria. Oct. 5. 1877. tf JUST RECEIVED BY AT THE I. X. L. STORE! Corner Main and Concomly streets. GKUCERIES. VLOnt. FEED. WOODEN ware, Coal Oils. Tobaccos, and Gents Fur nishing Goods, which will be sold at lowest rates. IT IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That housekeepers can do better bv dealing with J. K. WIRT, on Main street, as he keeps the best of FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, SMOKED SALMON, BOLO'GNE SAUSAGE, J1ERKED ELK MEAT. And also from Clatsop every other day FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, CLAMS, DU:CKS, CHICKENS, And everything that is needed in the cook ingline at tne lowest living prices. Call and examm before purchasing else- where. J. K. WUtT. "WHOLESALE TRADE. W, HUME Corner of Water and Olncy Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. "WHOLESALE DEALER IN -AND PROVISIONS EYC?' E;TQ, AGENT l'OR THE Golflen City Chemical -fork 'Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SPECIALTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. MISCELLANEOUS. 3? $ TTAVING JUST RECEIVED" A-nfivrWcK" a -v: MMWIf consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND- ( MR Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. We respectfully invite the public to call and inspect the same. We. have also receved a large stock of fine CIGARS TOBACCO Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very repectfully. A. VAN DUSEN & Co., Cor Cass & Jefferson sts.. - Astoria. Ogn VAN DUSEN & CO., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a great variety of goods for both ladies and gentlemen. If You Want to Select a Suit of CZiOTBinNTGr 1 rom the very best stock in the city call at A.VANDUSEN&Co.'s. VAN DUSEN & Co., Are Agents in Astoria for the SINGER and the WIUTE SEWING MACHINES. Large stock constantly on hand. CITT BOOK STOKE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. CHAS. STJEVESS & SVX Invite the attention of purchasers to then stock, just laid in The Finest Selection 1 The Cheapest Prices 1 The Greatest Worth 1 RECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSH POCKETS: CUTLERY, JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.; LADIES' FANCY BOARD, ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PAINT PENCILS, G UTTA PERCHA GOODS; T . EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. S-A11 goods sold at lowest cash prices. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. Citv Book Store to Main street, two doors from the Tioneer Restaurant, opposite the bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BROKER, BANKER, AD- INSURANCE AGENT. - - - OEEGON. ASTORIA, Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the United States and Europe. OFFICE IIOURS-From S o'clock A. m. until 4 o'eiocK r. .m. il Insurance Co, OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. Houghton:.. ..President Chas. R. Story Secretary Gko. L. Stoky. j' Agents for Oregon Office Northeast comer of Stark and First streets, Portland, Orkgo. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1S77 $335,511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1878 578,005 S5 Liabilities Losses :npaid. . Iliriilniwlc . ..3.CS .17 Dividends .. 1,957 rx) 5,505 37 Surplus for Property Holders $572,470 47 Losses paid iu Oregon in six years$ll4,51G Tl I.-1V. CASE. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD -CONNECTICUT -OF HA'RT FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S67,GOO,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. coitrafiitciAi. rsfiosr ASSURANCE COMPANY OF Xji03I03Sr- Capita! S 1 2,500,000. 3LVTT IL SIDSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. FUtErtlEX'S FluKD INSURANCE COMPANY OF ClXIFOItrtYA. ORGANIZED IN. 1SG3. Total Losses Paid Since Organization. $3,630,435 95. E. C. IIOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon. Notice to All Concerned. Men and Boys Must be As well as to have toys for Christmas. Christmas is Over ! BUT 1 1MB a? SnrreieM! And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of A FULL pi nTUIUO F0R MEN" LINE OF U LU 1 II I ft U AND BOYS. Gents Furnishing Goods; ALSO : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : ITatchcs, Jewelry, Murine and Opera Glaxtcs, etc.; Besides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, "Wholesale and Retail. Call and see. MAD ST., - - - ASTORIA, OGN. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DKALEU IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc, MISCELLANEOUS. E. S. LAESEN Wholesale and!" Retail Grocer, AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, CLASS, AND PLATED WARE, Flour and Feed! C5?- I am now prepared to furnish the choicest and best goods in my line, at the lowest cash prices. Patronage is respectfully solicited, References : My patrons. E. S. LAESEN, "Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Astoria. PIKE CIIE21 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in 25 Gallon Packages. For sale by EETThis is the best quality of vinegar that is made ; it is warranted pure cider vinegar, put up by an Oregon factor, and persons in want of a good article, wholesale or retail, are invited to call on E. S. LAESEN, Cor, Squemocqhe and Cass streets, Astoria. WJdLAT Is All TMs Blow ii AW ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WILT SELL MY GOODS AS . ODOIDES-A.X kii"I" iiP-- - -- AS ANY IIOUSE IN THE OITZ ? And am not going to say anything about it.- A Square Deal Guaranteed At the comer of Mam and Squemoqhests.. ASTORIA, - OREGON. T. TR AIT. Egy Washington ,TSarket, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, BEKGZIAX 0 BEBItY EESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VAKLETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! "Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppi ng shins. D. K. Warren. C. A. McGuirk; Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets: ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietor (Successors to IIobun fc Warren. "Wholesalo and Rotail Doalers in all kinds Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. &SButtcr, Eggs, Cheese, etc. conatoiitly on band. &J Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. J. STRAUSS, Importer and Wholesale Dealer Im WINES AND LIQUORS, CONSISTING OF A A A OIJ) VALLEY WHISKY, CUTTER WHISKY, OLD KENTUCKY' BOURBONr MARTEL BRANDY, HENNESIE BRANDY", GRAPE BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN AND RUM, ANGELICA, PORT, SHERRY AIZ. CLARET WINES, PORTER, ALE, AND ST. LOUIS BOTTLE BEER. These goods will only he sold at wholesale, and at lowest figures. Come and sample them before purchasing elsewhere. J. STRAUSS, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON:." w- ' ''Sm ,.-;.r -L. w JL. amaXswu!tt?in m