The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, February 27, 1879, Image 3

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    JT v. v
g&s aiXxj &l8xiim,
(Monday Excepted),
Adorian JJnV 'wg, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
bcrvod by Carrier, per week .-..23 Conts
Bent by mail, four months S GO
Sent by mail, cno year....... J) OU
Froo of Psuii;q to Subscribers.
c Advertisements inserted by the yoar at
the rate of 51 'i ior square per month.
Transient adverting, by tho day or rreok,'
fifty cont? iMjr siare for each insertion.
3F"Thc Daily astoki will be sent by
raoiCJ 75 a month . free of -portage. Head
cry, wlwfntlfHii!aicah'cncc from the ciiy can
have Tin; Aptokian folhna Uicm. Datia"
.- Wrkki.y ctiUwns to anil po-4-ojfficc witU--itt
addii'mmtl expense. Addresses may he
xtmiujed as after, as desired. Leave orders at
4lic counliiiu room.
Ovsfrrs served in every style at
'the Walla Walla Restaurant
The Portland board of trade en
dorsed the action of congress on the
Chinese bill.
Can it be possible that there is
any more water left in the clouds?
"Where docs it all come from, anyhow?
The Isle of Erin having Eecirred a
charter was taken up the river yester
day in tow of the steamer Ocklahama,
yllot Snow on deok.
Gapt. Linskill expected to com
plete the loading of his ship
Prince Amadeo, at the Farmers
warehouse last evening.
Adler has left a lift of delinquents
at this oflice to be published on the
1st of March, in case that the accounts
are not settled by that day.
Oristie finding that his boat filled
with water faster than he could bail 'er
out, pulled the plug loose yesterday
and now she floats placidly "in the
Try egg jumbles, banana cakes,
'nic-nacs, Jenny Xiind extra soda and
pic-nics, if you want anything in the
cracker line. To be had at J. W.
.Carl A dler has secured the servi
ces of an expert watchmaker, and is
now prepared for business in that line.
All work warranted. Repairing of all
.kinds done neat and cheap.
The Coos bay and Roseburg rail
road has been agitated, says the Plain
dealer, but int an idea or suggestion
has as yet .been acted upon. It is
indecision like this that ruins a com
munity. The Pacific coast is alive to the
natter of urging President Hayes to
sign the Chinese bill. If hs fails to
do so, count upon Nevada, California
and Oregon as a unit for democracy
hereafter, politically.
--Mr. D. Leahy, superintendent of
this division of the Western Union
telegraph, will arrive in Astoria this
evening, for the purpose of looking
out a route for a telegraph line, from
Astoria to Point Adams light, via
Tanzy point fishery and Fort Stevens.
The residence of Mr. A. Kicolai,
in East Portland was burglarized Sun
day morning at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs.
3S icolai, at once gave an alarm, when
the burglar decamped with a trunk.
The burglar was tracked as far as
Shafer's wharf, where he escaped with
the plunder.
A few days ago "Walla "Walla was
partially submerged, in consequence
of the sudden rise of Mill creek. At
latest accounts the water -was still
rising and the city hall was in danger
of being flooded. The recent heavy
rains and the melting of snow caused
ihe ireshet.
Clinging dresses are going slowly,
but surely, out of fashion; tied back
dresses have entirely become things of
the past. Thby have recently earned
a bad name from the fact that investr
gution has proved that many of the
Twomen drowned at the wreck of the
Princess Alice owed their utter ina
bility to help themselves, or to sustain
themselves when help was given them,
.to the fact of their being encumbered
'.with tight-clinging skirts, which held
.them ,down.
Action of ilie Astoria Chamber of
At a called meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce last evening the fol
lowing dispatcli was ordered to be for
warded to Washingten:
To the President of the United States:
In view of the true commercial in
terests, the prosperity and peace of
the Pacific states, we earnestly pray
that the Chinese restriction bill be
come a law.
By order of the Chamber of Com
merce. J. W. Geauiiart,
Vice President.
1 Aug. C. KcrcfEY, Secretary.
The Season of Jicnt.
A carefully prepared circular from
the llev. Octavius Parker, rector
of Grace church parish, reminds
us that yesterday began the six
weeks spring fast of certaiu -branches
of the christian church. The rapid
growth and extension of the church
have made this fast of the year
an important occurrence where its
coming was formerly scarcely noticed.
The origin of tlris -observance is a mat
ter of dispute. The Roman catholic,
the orthodox Greek, and most of the
Anglican churchmen hold that the
fast was instituted by apostolic au
thority, while the great body of prot
estants, assert that it had its origin
later, and that there is no authority,
ecclesiastical, for its observance. In
like manner, the persons who keep
the fast differ among themselves with
respect to the manner of keeping it.
With men and women of intelligence,
the fast is observed rationally, and
with great attention to the spirit of
the law which imposes the observance.
Care for JMptheria,
Dr. Field of England, says an east
ern paper, has treated drptheria with
perfect success by this metliod, never
having lost a patient. All he took
with him in his professional visits was
powder of sulphur and a quill. He
put a teaspoonful of flour of brimstone
into a wine glass of water, and stired
it with his finger instead of a spoon,
as sulphur does not readily amalgamate
with water. When well mixed, he
gave it as a gargle. Instead of spit
ting out the gargle, he recommends
the swallowing of it. When called just
in the "nick of time," when the fungus
was too nearly closing to allow the
gargling, he blew the sulphur through
a quill into the throat, and after the
fungus had shrunk to allow of it, then
the gargling. In case it is impossible
for tiie patient to gargle, a live coal
may be placed on a shovel, and sprink
ling a teaspoonful or two of flour of
brimstone at a time upon it, the suf
ferer may hold the 3iead over it, in
haling it.
Indian -Camp Surprised.
The Lewiston Teller of the 14th
learns 'fihat about three weeks ago in
formation was received by the set
tlers on the Weiser that a band of
Indians who raided that valley last
summer drove off stock, and killed
people who pursued them, and made
their escape into the mountains be
tween the Payette and south forks
of Salmon river, were returning to the
Payette. A company was organized
for a short campaign to intercept
them. They proceeded across to the
Payette and soon found signs of the
Indians. They quietly reconnoitered
and made discovery iof their camp.
Waiting a favorable opportunity when
all were in camp and not in the least
expecting the near presence of white
men, .the' suddenly surprised and at
tacked them, and killed 30 of their
number, nearly annihilating their
whole camp. Onlv -two r thvn
are known to have escaped death.
The band was composed of south
fork of Salmon Indians, who are
Snakes, a few Payettes, some of the
Weisers and one or two renegade
Nez Perces and TTmatillas. Forthe
last eighteen months no man was safe
to go through the region where they
roam unless in company with several
others and well armed. Their anni
hilation is a god send to the miners
and settlers who do business in that
region. It is evident that the settlers
in iu lure mean business in connection
with all hostile and treacherous In
dians, and know who are masters of
the country. They are rHit.
Lodging House Persons reoiiirins
furnished or unfurnished rooms can bo
I? r rii 1Ui;i0"ine rates at
'Mrs.Munson's Chenainus st Astoria.
Letters From the People.-
Sejpan'ON, Feb. 24. Clatsop coun
ty is destined to be one of the fore
most counties in the state, and one of
its prominent features is a healthy lo
cality. 2fo other place that I ever
lived in is one-half as healthy as here.
One seldom ever -hears of sickness.
All malarious diseases are carried
here from other localities not
found in Clatsop county, and why
come here, simply because the ja
tient has tried all remedies, and fail
ing to get relief, finally comes to the
PaciGc coast and a few weeks sojourn
purifies and cleanses his whole system,
bathes a few times in the salt sea,
and he feels like another man.
True this county is not as prosper
ous as it might be, but the day is not
far distant when the surrounding
counties will acknowledge her advant
age as a sea-port. When a narrow
gauge railroad terminating at Astoria,
leading from the Wallamet valley,
draining it of its surplus products .
:hen the people of Clatsop will see
better times, and our sister city Port
land will not have it all her own way,
and the eastern part of the state will
cease shipping her rich product of
wheat via that point, and it will come
direct to Astoria as it should.
Spring seems very backward this
year. The cold, freezing weather we
had this winter nearly froze the grass
out by the roots on Clatsop plains,
asd the rains we have had since, were
so cold that in consequence stock has
to go hungry for grass and live on
what little the farmers have garnered
for times like this. The milk product
of the plains will be manufactured in
to cheese the coming season under the
supervision of Mr. More, superin
tendent of Butterlield's cheese factory,
of last season, a very reliable man as
regards manufacturing cheese. Also
Mr. Charles Butterfield anticipates
making cheese on the Gearhart farm.
Two cheese factories in this county
will keep butter in good demand, so
wake up Clatsop people, and "push
ahead in the right direction. M.
Ancient Order of United "Workmen.
Mr. H. G. Oliver, Deputy Supreme
Master workman for the State of Cali
fornia, has arrived in Astoria, and is
preparing to organize a lodge of the
Ancient Order of "United Workmen,
a fraternal and beneficial organization,
composed of men of all useful profes
sions and occupations.
Pretermitting eH reference to nation
ality, political opinions or denomina
tional distinctions or preferences, but
believing in the existence of a God, the
creator and preserver of the universe,
and recognizing as a fundaraetal prin
ciple that usefulness to ourselves and
others is a duty which should be the
constant aim and care of all, the follow
ing are submitted as the aims and
purposes of the order.
1. To embrace and give equal pro
tection to all classes and kinds of
labor, mental and physical; to strive
earnestly to improve the moral, in
tellectual and social condition of its
members; to endeavor, b3r wholesome
precepts, fraternal admonitions and
substantial aid, to inspire a duo -appreciation
of the stern realities and
responsibilities of life.
2. To create a fund for the benefit
of its members during sickness or
other disability, .and in case of a deatlj.
to pay a stipulated sum to such per
son or persons as may be designated
by each member, thus enabling him to
guarantee the family against want.
3. The adoption of such secret work
and means of recognition as will insue
the protection of Its members where
ever the order may exist.
4. To hold lectures, read essays,
discuss new inventions and improve
ments, encourage research in art,
science and literature, and, when
practicable, maintain a library for the
improvement of the meniber3.
The Reno Gazette thinks it is
likely that the legislature of Nevada
will pass a joint resolution instructing
their representative in congress to
give their best attention to securing
increase mail service between Reno
as:d Willow ranch. If favorable ac-
, tion is obtained from congress this
j line will be extended through -Goose
lL- -cftlW in Orecrou. thence to Link-
i ville and over the southern Oregon
wagon road to Ashland, connecting
with the Redding and Roseburg .route.
Such a change would enable the peo-
jple of southern Oregon to get Aheir
eastern mail several days in advance
i)f the present system,
Auction Sale To-Iay.
Among the articles on the list not
enumerated in the advertisement of
the sale of furniture, etc., at the late
residence of Mr. Geo. Duncan in this
city to-day, is u splendid letter-copying
press. Any person in need of the
article may do well to attend the sale.
See advertisement.
Fresh oysters in every stvle and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work" in the
cemetery here should besufneicntrecom
nit'iiuation. Before von let vour con
tracts for work of this kind it 'would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart
-A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Fresh oysters in every stvle at
Schmeers'. See advertisement.
-A small house to let in a desirable,
locality for residence. Inquire at this
Parties in want of good Cellar
Shingles will do well to applv to IT. C.
Comegys, Kalania, W. T.
Nick Squivalcnce has concluded
that there is no millions in shipping
sailors, and he has given up that busi
ness, and is attending closely to keeping
a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and
see for yourself.
Call at Mrs. Derby's when you
wish any article in the milliuerv line.
Trimmed hats selling at cost.
Peter Runey is still -in the market
with .all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Keep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
"Your complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is affected.
Obtain from your druggist a bottle of
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
If you want anything in the line
of Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc.,
call at Fosters, on the Roadway.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and -most fasli
lonable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
New invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Foreiirn Exports.
Since the last report of clearances
fiom the Astoria custom house was
made for publication in Tiie Astotcian,
the following -vessels have cleared for
European ports -with cargoes and values
as specified. Shipments from Portland
are -noted as they eccur:
To Queenslcnai, per Annie If. Small; Feb. 25.
WhoatfromPortlanL27.65-ictIs... $48,394 00
A new and elegant lot by G. W. Elder
for Chas. Stevens & Son, City Book
store, Astoria.
Peremptory Netice:
State and county taxes must be paid
on or before March 15th, 1870, on the
assessment of 187S, otherwise costs will
be made. W. II. Twilight.
Sheriff of Clatsop County..
Beware of Ped&ora.
Mr. Kline, the optician, does not
employ any peddlers to canvas this city.
Customers can have their eyes tested or
suited -wrthdiis celebrated'Speetacles. by
him personally, at his oflice ortly. Office
next doortoDement's Drugstore.
ImpoElant to the Ladle of Astoria.
Mrs. A.Ginder, in David lngalls build
ing, corner of .Cass and Jefferson streets,
takes pleasure in informing the ladies
of Astoria and vicinity that she has just
onencd a well selected stock of Ladles
underwear, and Children's and Infants
goods, to which she invites tne attention
of purchasers.
SIslU Is rriceles?.
A. M. Kline, manufacturing optician,
from San Francisco has opened a branch
store on -CheuamiLS street, next door to
Dement's drug store, for a short time
only, where he will suit all weak, near,
far-sighted and cataract eyes with his
improved Parabola Spectacles and Ey
Glasses, mounted in steel, shell, and
gold frames. All persons wishing to
improve their sight should call at once
and secure a pair of the celebrated Para
bola glasses.
Qoslnp; one Kale.
Mr. Maurice II. Black, who recently
came to Portland from the cast for the
purpose of establishing a Ladies' under
wear manufactory, has concluded to
discontinue his business, and is now in
the city, selling off the balance of his
stock consisting of Ladies' underwear
and embroideries at low prices, Ladies
call and be convinced. Chenamus street i
next door to Dements drug store.
We are requested by Rev. Father Orth,
to state that the anonymous and unen
viable member of A. O. II.. mentioned
in yesterdays issue of the Daily As
tokian, had better mind his own busi
ness, than make a laughing stock of
himself. Father Orth likes the A. O. H.
and is ready to prove this, .not only on
the approaching St Patrick's day, but
also on any other occasion offering. He
cannot, however, approve of an occur
rence that is, or a member that acts, in
contradiction with a vital principle of
said order. M. ?r.Tn Pastor.
Corner of Water and Ol-ney Streets
17(2.3 ETC,
Geiai City CMcal f orii
Fishermen's and
Cannery Supplies,
MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors.
Astoria, Oregon.
announce that the ahove hotel has been
re .minted and refurnished, adding greatly to
t le comfort of its quests and is now the Lest
hotel north of 6;ui Francisco.
H. R. PARKER. Proprietor.
THIS nOTEL is the largest, most comfort
abie and htyit Kept hotel in the city.t Is
supplied with the best of spring water, hot
and v& baths, barber shop, and a first-claM
saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and
line billiard table. Free coach to and from
the house ; charges reasonable, SI GO to 2.58
per day; according to room occupied.
"Water street, near the 0. S. N. Co.'s Wharf,
HENRY ROTHE rnoririirroE.
newly furnished, is conveniently situa
ted to business, and will be conducted so :ia
make it a first class stopping place for thu
public generally, and will be open from .thi
nay. .
muitpjpr house,
D. L. TURPIN - PnopitiCTOC .
Between Squcmocqhe and Jefferson,
ASTOltIA, Oreook.
Board and lodging per week ?fioo.
IiOrd per dav 1 ifi
Single Meal.J. IS
Tne table will be supplied at all times with
the best t he market aiiords.
Fresh oysters, and other dell-
caeies of the reason, served tapprjefSji
every style. EgSggg
Opposite the Telegraph office, Squenioq&a
street. Astoria, Oregon.
(Late of California).
Offers her services to the people of Asioria.
and vicinity as a teacher ot
Instrumental and Vocal Knsic,
55yMlss Allen maybe found at Mra! M.
Rogers ooarding house, Cass street. '
AH sizes and shapes from llnte or 20 ca
Sash, Weights. Etc.
Address all orders
CSucee.?5or to Jason, Springer &Co$.
Astoria Steam Laundry
J. T. BORCnERS Propria
AMtorin, Oregon.
No nibbing or scrubbing, aad no thra'niaj;
your clothes too pieces. Buttons sevtl xx
and clothes nien!f!. A
and clothes mended.
s?"Noat work at reasonable pracea
us a call.