0) ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excoptcd). il. C. IBEI.AXD : : iURI.ISirER. Aziorian Jiuiidivj, Cans Street. Terms of Subscription : berved by Carrier, per wook 25 Cents "Sent by mail, four months S 00 Seat hy mail, one year t) OU Free of Post a go to Swbcribors. ftT Advertisements mortcd by U;u year at tho rate of SI ri) ior square ier month. Trancicnt ?uvertMnj:, by the day or wook, fifty cants per square for oneli incrrion. THE CITY. ZST'Thc I) ti-y Atouiax wfW Ik sent by moil at 7r r nts a nwntft. Irccof xxdijc. Head fav who cMian)tatctiUcncc frem the rij ran have Tine Astojman fttlhtw them. Daily trr WkKKia cd'dUm in mj ptml-ttfUcr wilh tud tuidiivmal expense. Addrce may be cuanged utter, ax desired. "Lcm'c orders "hi tfte couiitinu ivwtn. "BRIEF AXXO UXCEMEXT. House lo let, next to .lafkins & 211 awes, snitablo for ii!llimry. etc. "Good night my darling child-" UCw night at the concert. After lightering the steamslnp Oregon she was got off and taken to Portland. Curtain will rise nL 8:30 o'clock M night .sharp, at Metropolitan hail. So long as storage is cheaper than i,axes men cannot be expected to build wharves. There is no more diptheria in Astoria. The health officer informs us that no further trouble need be expected. A large number of seats have luen engaged for the grand concert to aiight. It will be seen by advertisement lo-day, that it is expected that the Hera will sail for Honolulu n Satur day. ... . . m O Mrs. Jl. Watson was a passenger by the Great Republic. Mrs. W. has been spending the -winter in .Califor nia. Adler has left a lift of delinquents -at this office to -"be published on the 1st of "March, in case that the accounts are not settled by that day. "Lucia d Lammamor1' anS. "the Ohapel on the Hill." At Metropol is ton hall to-nkrht. Carl Adler has secured the 2rvi ces of an expert watchmaker, and is 3iow prepared for business in that line. Mr. T. Bailey is again at his post duty in this city, after a hasty trip to the. east. He appears to be "very glad to get home again. Gum boots were necessary with which to "wade" to church in 'Sunday night, but yecterday was a calm beau tiful dar, and as clear as a bell. Don't forget to-ceenre your seat at Wilhelm'c, Mrs. Steers, or Dement's druj; store for the concert to-night. A man fell overboard from the boom at Hume's mill yesterday, but by lustly yelling saved himself; as he raised the lown, and the town raised him. Try egg jumbles, banana cakes, nic-nacs, Jenny Lmd extra soda and pic-nics, if you want anything in the cracker line. To be had at J. W. Gearhart's. Please be particular to note the Hale of furniture at auction by E. C. Holden on Thursday next. Any peraon wishing a splendid Hal let & Davis piano should particularly note this sale. v The steamship Oregon got aground at the entrance of the "Wallamette on her passage up the river to Portland. The Idaho tried but coiilH. not pull her off on Sunday. Dr. Jim showed what lying old rascal lie is, in the Police court yester day. He coulH. not sabbe when on the stand e -a witness; but after he jot oil he could talk the English lan- Mr. K. H. Bloomfield will re onove his office and residence to Van couver after this date. Persons hav ,ing bmsiness with the attorney of the M judicial 'district of Washington 'territory would do well tqanake a note of this. Tionccrs Meetinj The annual meeting of the Pioneer and Historical society adjourned Saturday evening. Tiie officers elec ted for the ensuing year -were T. P. Powers President; S. T. McKean Secretary: A. Van Dusen Treasurer; W. H. -Gray corresponding secretary, end a beard of delegates consisting of ladies and gentlemen. Iole Court. Tcbruary 21th, 11. B. Parker, Judge. City of Astoria v. II. F. Wickham, charged with retaining books and papers belonging to the city. Found guiltv and lined $25 00 and -costs. .Notice of appeal and bonds fixed at SL50. Olof Peterson, charged with fre quenting an opium den. Found guilty, fined $10 and costs.. Commit ted until aid. or live days. State of Oregon v. Loe Chung. Grand larceny. Ueld to appear in the sum of $500. Witnesses in the case, Mem Sun and Ah Nucy, held in the sum of $50 each. Sir. E. P. Thompson's friends are glad to see him back again to web foot, after a verf pleasant sojourn in California. He has resumed his position with Messrs. Badollet & Co. Canncrymen and business men in general Mill do well to examine Adler's new stock of 77iJWkh.vj and Stationery which he bought in the East and oflers at less than Portland prices. Mr. Wm. 15. Adair has returned from his winter sojourn in San Fran cisco. We are pleased to hear from him that we shall "have the pleasure of meeting the General (his father) in Astoria aimin the cominjr summer. News reached Portland on Satur day of the most horrible murder of an old lady, Mrs. John Hagar, at a farm house near Milwaukie on the day before. Her husband and daughter were absent at the 'time. It is sup posed that the murderer expected to find considerable money in the house but he nly got fifteen dollars. - -The ship Annie M. Smull, aud the ship Prince Amadeo arrived down from Portland yesterday partly laden for sea. The Annie M. Smull went to Portland nearly a year ago. She passed Astoria May 21st, 1878; the Prince Amadeo was more fortunate, having passed Astoria for Portland on the 25th of October, 1878, exactly four months auo. The Bee corrects with respect to the court appointing an attorney for an impecunious criminal. It says that Judge Bellinger sees no appro priation for such purposes and is cog nizant of no statute that allows him to grant the 15. In cnnseujiece of this fact few are willing to accept the responsibility, and the acceptance is left to the generosity of volunteers. . -. The steamship Great llepublic has been very materially improved since her last trip to Oregon. She is still in command of the same affable gentleman, Capt Carroll, and we find Mr. Peck and Mr. Cornwall at tending to the duties of nurser .inn clerk. The steamer brought a cargo of 2,800 tons on the present voyage, 320 tons of which was for Astoria; besides 450 passengers. v A subscriber asks: "where will yon find a coal mine to develop, near Astoria.? " referring to an article in The A8TQBIA2C last -Sunday. "We -.reply at 0ak point, Columbia cify, and in .the vicinity of Knappa, .and onfche Nehalem,5 miles f roralhere. Wo have not see either one of the mines, but Hon. Gao. Abernathy Dr. Copies, Capt. Geo. W. Woods ana others have. Referring to the now storm in south-eastern Oregon, the State Liae Herald, published at Lake View in Lafce foounty, -says that four feet of snow fell at Green springs. The fall of snow at Lake View was very light. The Chewaucan and Summer lake valleys were entirely without snow, land the fall has been so light on the desert thaf water for stock will be exceedingly scarce. Lodgjlko House Persons Tmiir! furnished or unfurnished fodmscan be acoojimiedatcd. at reasonable .rot f JMes.Mudsoils Chenamus .st., Astoria, Foreign Exports Since the last report of clearances fiom the Astoria custom house -was made for publication in Tiie Astoriax, the following vessels have cleared for European ports with cargoes and values as specified. Shipments from Portland are noted as they eccur: To Liverpool, per City of Tork,-Feb. 11th: Valu-s. Flour from Astoria 4,310 bbls... $2iLS$2 00 " Portland...l3,599 " ... 01.720 0J Totals 17,933 blils... SS2.55S 00 To Quocntown, jwr Cidzow Forest, Feb. 10th: Wheat from Astoria fi.fill ctls... $12,852 00 " Portlnnd2S,9R " 50,000 00 Total? -. 31,525 ctls SG2.9G2 03 To Liverpool, per Oban Bay, Feb. Sd. Flow from Astoria 1.778 bbl? $ S.621 00 "Vlieiil -. . T,7CJ ctls 13,590 00 Total Astoria Flour from Portland-. ,0$2 bbls... Wheat - (5.000 ctls ... ..S22.211 oo 11,080 00 10.500 09 Total Tfflue $77,041 00 T QHeeHt0iti, er Cat flock, Jan. SI. Whoat from Astoria... 9.W2ctls... $16,010 00 PorrlantL 2S.SIK) " ... 50,5 00 Totals 3S.551 ctls $17,471 00 T QHeenMmon,j)cr Hannah Landles, Jan.ZS. Yimt from Astoria... 44,213 ctls... $75,214 00 To Qnerwtmon,jer Luttcrtcorth, Jan. S7th: Whcift from Astoria 0 ctls $ I,fi0 00 Portland- 25,770 4G.G41 00 Totals 20,700 $48,531 00 To Liverpool, per Sabrina, Jan. 27th; Flour from Portland.. " " Astoria 9,421 bbls... $48,500 00 SIC 4,0$0 0) Total flour lO.iTT "Wheat from Portland- 703 Stf, (0 12,30" CO Total valuo $59,S$0 00 7V QveenttHKH, er Furepa: Wheat from Astoria... 10.011 ctls... S1S.717 00 Portland- 27.S5U .. 4S.IK4 00 Totals 35,472 $07,181 00 T Qtcwtoion, per A lice D. Coeper: Wheat from Astoria 39.K34 ctls... $00,358 SO T Qneem4(PH, per WaMicater: Wiiwitfmm Astoria... 2 012 ells. ' Portland.. 25.7&S " ... $ 5,100 no 41, '125 00 $46,725 00 Totals 2S.G0S Ta AoerjMel, per Robert Lee: Flour from Astoria... 5.231 lifsks " Portland- 14.7C9 " $12.Vv5 00 35.145 00 Total flour 20.000 Wheat from Astoria... !,WV ctls. Portland- 9.G57 . $400o 00 11.000 00 10.000 00 Total 1(5,592 S79,SC0 00 T QHeentKn, per Rrodeck Bay: Wheat from Portland- 25.34S ctls... $44,360 00 To Liverpool, per Shenier: Flour from Astoria-... 8.G10 hf sks " " Portland - 24.300 " $11,385 00 59,100 00 Totals flour 32,922 Wheat from Portland- 6,103 S7S.4P5 00 10,300 00 Total $S8,765 00 To Qneeiwtown, per Strathearn: WhofctTrom Astoria... 5.S07ctIs $10.2S1 P0 " " Portland- 30,852 " .. 51,010 00 Totals , 36.039 $84,294 00 $ 7.061 00 4S.73S 00 To Qneenttoxen, per Ifairnshire: What from Astoria.. 4:0$7 ctls... " ' Portland- -S,QSl V ... Totals. .. 32.118 $55,804 00 HOPE. It's hope thst keeps us' ud, It's hope that keeps our memories green. It's hope that makes our lves siibTime, It's soap that "keeps us clean. Stray Gems. Important to the Ladles of Astoria. Mrs. A. Ginder. in David lngalls build ing, corner of Cass and Jefferson streets, j takes pleasure in informing the ladies of Astoria and vicinity that she has just opened a well selected stock oi sanies underwear, and Children's and Infants goods, to which she invites the attention of purcliasers. Sljrbt Is Priceless. A. 3L Krine, manufacturing optician, from San Francisco has opened a branch store on Chenainus street, next door to Dement's drug store, for asliort time onlj. where he will suit all weak, near, far-sighted and cataract eyes with his improved Parabola Spectacles and Eye Glasses, mounted in steel, shell, and gold frames. All persons wishing to improve their sight should call at once and secure a pair of the celebrated Para bola glasses. CleslRg oHt Sale. Mr. Maurice II. Black, who TW.ently came toTortland fromUlic east for the purpose of establisliingmXaliies under wear manufactory, mis concluded to discontinue his business, and is now in the city, selling off the balance tlf his stock 'consisting of Ladies' underwear and embroideries at low prices, Ladies call and be convinced. Chenamus street, nextrfioor to Cement's drug storo. & correspondent of the Gazette wwfcing from Newport takes Mr. Wm. Rein's Portland board of trade up, and handles it without gloves, on account of neg!ect4o mention the Ya quina bay railroad project. It was in deed a very shabby trick of the Hon. (?) gentleman (?) but, brother Eialto, th is not the fist offense of that same individual. Do- you see anything about Astoria in that repoj? and yet Astoria last year shipped 2,25fe406 of salmon, flour, wheat, .etc., against $3,974,561 from Portland, or within $1,419,155 of the full amount sent from the great center around which revol ves all the brains, wealth, and we may say snobs of the state. S5? RpnH vour subscription for the AcTnmAVfltinthfirvexr. flelo usthat -niay continue to helj? you. , AROUND THE CITY. Dr. Oliver has located his office up stairs in same building with Sinister s daguerrean room. Dr.' Oliver claims a record of over twelve years successful practice in Washington City and South ern California, aud mav be justly con sidered as entitled to the confidence of those of our citizens favorable to the homeopathic practice of medicine. Keep your blood pure au& your health must be good, the great purifier is PfumUrs Orcsor. Blood Purifier. All Astoria druggists have it now. Your complexion is sallow, and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from vour-druggist a bottle of Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. -Miss. E. C. Benedict having com pleted the teaohing of Mrs. linker's system of cutting and fitting ladies drosses, and having test fits in' Astoria, takes pleasure in referring to Mrs. T, -. .Jpvctt,;Mrs. S. T. Mi'Keiin. Mrs. Eric Johnson, and Miss Annie Jentis. tliev each having learned the art. Mis Bene dict will remain in the citv for a -short time, and may be found at Mrs. S. T. McKoan's. vhere she -will continue to give instructions as set forth in previous card. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee sati faytion to all ordering work of him. and will do a belter job for Iosn money than any outside workman. 1 lis work in the cemetery here should be sufficient rceom uiciidntion. Before you let your con tracts for work of this kind it "would be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books, specially for use in can neries, at the City Book store. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. ... prisii oysters in every style at Schmeers'. See advertisement. "A small house to let in a desiralde locality for residence. Inquire at this oltice. Capt. .T.'O. Hustler wishes to give everybody timely lioiiei that if that school tax is not paid within a few days costs will certainly follow. Parties in want of good O'dar Shingles will do well to apply to 11. C. Comegys, Kalama. W. T. Xick Squi valence ha concluded that there is r.o millions hi shipping sailors, ami he has given up that busi ness, and is attending closely .to keeping a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and see for yourself. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish any article in theinilHnery line. Trimmed hats selling at cost. Peter Iluney Is still in tiie market with all kinds of 'building materials in his line. Has just received 100.000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. Tf you want anything in the line of Cigars. Tobacco. Notions. Fruits, etc., call at Posters, on the Boadway. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has ust received The latest and most fash ionable style -of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. New invoice of those Medallion Banges at Magnus C. Crosby's. Fish, Commissioners Xotiec. TIIE UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS sioner for Washington territory, hereby gives notice that lie will visit all the canner ies on the Washington territory side of the river, from the lirst to the twentieth of Maich. and after that will be at JJrookfield for the rest of the season. ALDERT F. STREAM. Noimi Covk, W. T., Feb. 17, 1879. Fish Commissioners Notice. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J- the undersigned, having been dulv ap pointed deputy for Clatsop county, by 'C. Liencnweber. Fish Commissioner, under the laws of the State of Oregon, will be in readi ness irom ami alter tins uaw. to iksue li censes, at his office up tairvconier of Cass ami Sqemoeqiie streets. Astoria, urcgon. Persons sending in applications for Iicenjes will incase send 2o. ot uoat and the name ot the fisherman or captain cf the boat. II. H. FERGUSON. Deputy Fish Commissioner. rpo WHOM IT 3IAY COlS'CEUX. Notice Is hereby given that all persons are forbid tressp:i:sing upon, or in any way ocenpving anv portion oi the land or beach surrounding ToKGUE POINT, or upon any part of the Henry Martin laud claim in Clat sop county. State of Oregon, without permis sion from the undersigned ; and also rrum settingtout fires npon said claim, whereby the ctanding timber may in anv wav be injured. VAN DUSFJN & BROW&. Per A. VaxDusen". Astoria. Oct. 5. 1877. tf AS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT "Wells, 3Pargo & Co,?s Hxpresfi Tor San Francisco Will hearenfter Close Every Saturday Evening, AT 7 O'CLOCK. d-tT A. VAN DUSEN, Agent piIAS. A. 3IAY, DKAT.F.U IX ForciR Rnd Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Y'ankee Notions, Toys. Finest brands of CIGARS MsD TOBACCO. Chenamus street, - Abtoeia. 0HJL&LES HsiLBORNj ff And ealcr in FU RN ITU RE rarrtlfrEIMWMfi. ALSO IMPORTER OF CAEPETS, OIL CLOTHS, TVAIiL PAPER, SHADES, etc. n t-All kinds of repairing promptly at tended to. and furniture made to order. gjp-A full line of picture mouldings aad flames, brackets, window cornices, etc. -Full stock and lowest prices, corner oX Sguemocoha .and ilam-street. irfdorla. WHOLESALE TRADE. . W, HTJXYIE Corner of Water and "Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. . WHOLESALE DEALER IN G-rooebieS -AND PROVISIONS E.T'.T ETC, AGENT FOR TIIE Golto Citf (Mai foife Fishermen's tind tannery Supplies, A SPECIAlTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT FRANCISCO PRICES. in in I I .m...i in ...ii ii in i. . in. .ii i I i SAN HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. a. j. 3ik(;lki:. c. s. wku:i:t. CCSDEmr HOTEL. MEGLER & WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. milE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO JL announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatlv to the comfort of itsgue.sts.aiid is now the frest hotel north of San Francisco. pALACE LODGING DOUSE. fAlisky & Hegele's new building) Corner of Morri.son and Third streets, PORTLAND. OREGON, CS'Turuished rooms in suits, or single, the day, week or mouth. Miss II. iMENEFEE, Lessee. pAKKER HOUSE, ASTOKIA., OrJiGON, H. J5. PAPJCER. PrfQurtaOE. THIS HOUEL is the largest, most comfort able and best kept hotel in the eity. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot and cold 'baths, barbershop, and a first-class saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the htuise ; charges reasonable. SI 00 to $2 50 per day. according to room occupied. WSSTESXIAJL HOTJEIi. Watr street, near the 0. S. N. Co.'s Wharf, ASTORIA, OREGON. 4- HENRY ROTHE PnorniETOC mniS IS A NEWTnOTF.L BUILDING, JL newly furnished, is conveniently situa ted to business, and will be conducted o :w make it a first class stopping place for the public general! v, and will be open from Una day. mot 11 X HOUSE, J). L. TURPIN - rnopiuETOSi MA IX STREET. Between Squcmocqhe and JeilerMm, ASTOKIA, OltKGOJ.. Board and lodging per wotik 36 oc , Board per day 1 oo Single Meal... 25 Tne table Will be supplird at all times with the best the market afloids. AAjJjA. lVAIiTiA t'ESTAURAT, THEO. BROEMSER, - PltOPItrETOE. Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies of the season, served in. every style. Opposite the Telegraph office, Squemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. 3-MEALS AT ALL HOURS. MISCELLANEOUS. SEAMING GLASSES, All sizes and shapes from Plate or 3 Zc D0RS, WINDOWS, WINDOW GLASS.. Sash, -Weights.. Etc., Address all orders CLIFFORD C0GG1HS; ISnccessor to Jason, Springer & Oo.) PORTLAND, OREGON. Asteria Steam Laundry. J. T. .BaitCJIEKS.... JPrqniietcxv JLateriH, Oregon. No mrJbmg'or sccubhing. aad no thrashing; your clothes too pieeea. Buttons sewed on' and clothes mended. E-Teat "work at.rsasonahle.pricea. Cijt. .usacalL " - -- ceE . 'jidL- & -"V V .- .