The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, February 23, 1879, Image 3

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yglxz gailg Q&lsxx'&u,
(Monday Excepted),
Aitonan BiiiUlivtj, Cass Street.
I crms of Subscription :
isorvcd by Carrier, per tvoofc .25 Ccnt.
Sont by mail, four months S3 (Ml
tstint by mail, cr.e year. S Ott
Free of I'ostnso to Subscribers.
K2T Advertisements inserted by tho yoar at)
"&jo rate of SI 'M por square per montb.
TransJont advertim;, by tho day or week,
GfLy cents per square for each insortion.
t"Thc Daily Astoktax wiUltc feniby
mail at T." cenf.s a month, free of portage. Rcait
tirx whi ctxitcntphUs absence j wm Uic cily can
hare Thk Atoj:iax follow Uicm. Daily
or W'KKKLY editions to azwpoxl-offict, roith
viil atMifumal wpenxc. Addresses may Itc
rriianoed as often as tlmslrcd. Leave orders ai
'tilt cmiHUrnf room.
At the request of M. Orlh, paster.
On Ash Wednesday, Tel), 3Kfli, divine
service in the Catholic church will com
nerce alio o'clock a. m.
The pulpit of the Congregational
church In this city "will he occupied
this morning and evening, by the
pastor. Rev. .1. T. Wolfe. Morning sub
ject, 'Thc Satisfaction f 'Christ' 'Even
ing subject. "The Folly of Trusting in
jthe Heart.
The services at Presbyterian hall
this in)rni'iir, at 11 o'clock, will
be conducted by layman of the congre
gation, in consequence of the absence of
(he pastor at his regular appuinlincnt on
xilatsop plains. A cordial invitation is
extended loall to foin in the worship of
iJorl. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock. Nu
-.unices in the evening.
High water may bo looked for in
ihe Columbia-'river, whether it conies
or ndt.
Seats can "be secured at Mrs. Steers,
Peter "Wilhelni's and W. E. Dement's
drug store.
Among letters uncalled for at
""Wells, Fargo & Co. 's office, Portland,
is one for M. H. Black, of Astoria.
"Parties engaging seats before 6 p. m.,
j the 2Gth, can rest assured that the
aame will be secured for them.
Her Majesty's war steamer Osprey
iwobably .arrived at Sitka on the 21st
Capt. Gardiner, formerly of the Gus-
jie Telfair went as pilot on her.
Cannerymen and business men
'in general will do well to examine
Adler's new stock of BlanJ-books and
Stationery which lie bought m the
East and offers at less than Portland
The ice gorge at Hell gate has
been dislodged and carried below by
the current. The Oregon Stcam
Navigation company intend to Bend a
boat from Celilo to Wallula next Tues
day. The public will find Metropolitan
hall comfortable, warm, and clean on
Tuesday evening next.
Dispatches received every few
seconds from Capt. Lowe at Point
Adams, last evening, telling of a fog
off the bar, accounts for the non-arrival
of the Great Republic yesterday
One of the landmarks of early
times in this part of Oregon, the old
mill on Youngs bay, across the penin
sula opposite Astoria has finally suc
cumed to the wear and tear of ages,
and went down with the winds of
night before last.
Secure your seats in time, for the
jrand musical concert at Metropolitan
hall, on the 25th.
Mr. George Barrowdaile a pioneer
f Douglass county, but at present a
resident of San Francisco, is in the
oity. Mr. B. represents one of the
leading commercial houses in trade on
this coast, but still claims to be of the
web-foot nation, on the principle
that once a web-foot, a man will al
ways claim to e a web-foot. Wehave
njoyed Mr. B'a acquaintance very
Another gang of villiana have
tjme to grief. They were Chicago
parties who, by the practice of coun
terfeiting the Setter-heads used by
newspaper pubEBhers, have been ac
customed to procure passes from rail
roads and sell them to the ticket-
c&lpers. This double imposition
against two such great ad worthy in
stitutions as railroads and newspapers,
mils for the severest jpunishment
Jtaawn to lax.
Cliambcrs' Cyclopedia of English. Lit
erature. Volume one of the new and beauti
ful edition of this excellent work, just
issued by the American Book Ex
change, 55 Beekman street New York,
embraces the history of our literature
from the earliest period to the times
of Queen Elizabeth, with lives of all
noted authors, and choice specimens
from the writings of each. All who
are interested in the higher class of
literature will welcome tins new edi
tion, with its clear type and handy
Torm, and all who have been longing
for the era f cheap books, win ul
more than satisfied with its wonder
fully low price.
The entire work, in eight volumes,
numbering oyer 3,200 pages, is of
fered, delivered froc of expense, to
those who subscribed direct at one--,
in paper binding, for 2 50; cloth
$3 50; or half morocco, gilt top. $5 00.
Specimen iwues, showing sice, style.
type and paper of the entire woi'it, J
t II -i. 1u C I r 1 1 tr 1
ana giving inn particulars, iw',
inducements to clubs, will be sent
free on request. To those who would
like to examine it, volume one, which
is complete in itself, containing 410
pages, will be sent, postpaid, fwrr.wni
nal prices: in paper, 20 cent-, cloth,
35 cents; half morocco, gilt top, 50
Purchasers have the option of get
ting the other seven by pay
ing at any time the remainder of the
regular subscription price. The pub
lishers sell only to subscribers direct,
instead of giving Ut dealers and agents
the usual 50 or 60 per cent, discount
to sell for them, which accounts for
the remarkable low prices. A speci
men 'volume, in cloth binding, can be
seen at the office of this paper, and those
who desire bo order can add their
names to a -club, which will soon be
A Xcw Literary Masazlue.
The first number of the Library
Magazine of current foreign literature
announced by the American Book
Exchange, 53 Beekman street, New
York, to appear January 15th, is on
our table. It is similar in character
to the well known Litteli's Living Age
and Eclectic Magazine, containing, in
a years number, about one-third as
much matter as the former, and four
fifths as much as the latter. Monthly,
123 pages, 1 00 a year. Specimen
number 10 cents.
A rich treat is in store for the
people of Astoria, on next Tuesday
evening, at Metropolitan hull.
Miss L. L. Allen, Sate of Califor
nia, a very proficient teacher of music
and singing, has .lately arrived in As
toria and is stopping at Mrs. Rogers
boarding house, on Cass street, and
offers her services to the people of
Astoria and vicinitv as a teacher. See
card elsewhere in this paper.
Mr. John D. Brx,ibrothortcMrs.
W. H. Gray of this county, has taken
his -son Geo. W. Dix into partnership
with him, 17 Cedar street New York.
The firm was -formerly Dix: & Morris,
it will be known in the future as Dix
& Co. The 'business is that of import
ing, exporting, etc., in the line of
drugs, dyes, etc. Oregonians visiting
New York city will find The As-
torian at the office of Dix & Co.
"The Chinese must go." We re
ceived a copy of that interesting and
eminently Christian journal, the
National Police Gazette. The num
ber contains a vivid illustration of
Chinese domestic servants and the
consequences sometimes following
their employment in places of female
help. The incident related eocured
in San Francisco. Adler has the
paper for sale overy week.
The Oregonian yesterday says:
"The annual report of tho president
of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce
of which we have received a pamp'hlet
copy, is a valuable document. It
as a review di the rnmmoro f
that important and -growing .place
for the year 1878, .-and abounds
with tiseful suggeaiiifitts as to im
provement of our rivers and other
methods of promoting commercial in
tercourse with the interior, as well as
with practical observations on the de
velopment of many new sources of
vwealth. The report is creditable to
"its cuthor, Judge owlby, and the in
terest evinced mats preparation i3 an
indication of -good results to accrue in
future from an "intelligent attention to
these important matters.
Prof. Tratiner and his troupe will
be assisted by Prof. H. C. Kay.
Iraportaai te the Ladle ef Astaria.
Mrs. A. Ginder, in David lngalls build
ing, corner of Cass and Jefferson streets
takes pleasure in informing the ladies
of Astoria and vicinity that she has just
opened a well selected stock of Ladles
-underwear, and Children's and Infants
PftdflK. in wh!rT ah Invito ,.. -.j.-i.t-
oXiur'chsri "mia
Orlinance Ufo. SI?.
AN ORDINANCE Concerning Offeascs and
disorderly conduct.
The city of Astoria does ordain as jiillexcs:
Section 1. That any person or per
sons who shall be guilty of any violent,
riotous or disorderly conduct, or who
shall use any profane, abusive or ob
scene language in any street, house or
place, whereby the peace or quiet of the
city is or may be disturbed, or who shall
be guilty of any indecent or immoral act
or practice. hall, upon conviction there
of before the Police judge be subject to
a fine not less than five nor more than
one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment
in the city jail not less than five nor more
than twenty days, or both at the discre
tion of the-couit.
Sec. 2. That any person or persons who
skall firesKiy pisUd.gunorriueoranyoth
er kind of lire-arms within the corporate
limits of the city, shall on conviction
thereof before the Police court, be
lined not less than five nor more than
fifty dollars ; pro vied, that all circum
stances of necessity mav be pleaded as a
defense to the offence, described in this
section, and .provided further, that the
committee on Ileal th and Police, upon
the national holidays and other days of
public celebration, may permit iny ap
propriate display or use of fire-anis
named in this section.
Sec. o. That any person or persons
who shall be guilty of disturbing the
peace and quiet of the- city of Astoria
by lighting quarreling or by being enga
ged in any riot or riotous assemblage,
-.hall on conviction thereof .before the
police judge be. fined not less' than live,
nor more than one hundred dollars, or
by imprisonment in the city jail not
exceeding twenty days, or both, at the
discretion of the court
Sec. -1. That any person or persons
who t-hall resist any peace officer, or
who shall refuse- to assist him in the
discharge of his duty, or who .shall by
any means whatever aid or assist any
person in custody upon charge of a. vio
lation of a city ordinance in his endevor
to escape from such custody whether
such escape be effected or not shall on
conviction thereof before the police
court be fined not less than five nor more
than one hundred dollars, or by impris
onment in the city jail not less than two
nor more than twenty days, or both at
the discretion of the court.
Sec. o. Any person or persons who
shall throw or deposit in any street, side
walk or foot-path of the city any broken
whatever, whereby the feet of anv
person, or the feet of cattle, horses, or
any other beasts of burthen may be
injured, shall on conviction thereof be
fore ike police judge be Jiued not less
than five nor more than twenty dollars.
Sec G. Any person or persons who
shall be found drunk in any public
place within the corporate limits of the
city, or any person or persons who shall
disturb the peace or quiet of any of the
inhabitants of the city by yelling, whoop
ing, or singing in a boisterous or rude
manner shall upon conviction thereof
before the police judge be fined not less
than two nor more than twenty-five
dollars. ,
Sec. 7. Any person or persons who
shall draw any kind of fire arms, or any
dirk, dagger, knife or other deadly
weapon upon the person of another, or
who shall strike at the person of another
with slung-shot, knuckles or any other
dangerous weapon, witliin the -corporate
limits of the city, shall on ccuviction
thereof before the police judge be .fined
not less than five nor mure .than one
hundred dollars or by imprisonment for
not more than twenty days, or both.
Sec. 8. Any person or pessons who
shall suffer or permit to go, or who shall
lead, drive or ride any norse, mule, or
other beast of burthen upon any side
walk within the corporate limits of the
city to the danger of any person, shall
on'conviction thereof before the police
judge be fiued not less than two nor
more than twenty dollars.
Sec. D. That any person or persons
who shall carry any fire arms, knife,
dirk, knuckles, slung-shot or any other
dangerous weapon in a concealed man
ner about their or his person, within the
corporate limits of the city, without a
permit, which permit shall be issued by
the auditor and clerk of the city upon
the recommendation, in writing, of the
chief of police, and upon the presenta
tion nf Hh f.rn!iRiiniJ! TPe.pinL that the.
applicant therefore, lias paid into the
city treasurer the sum of live dollars for
a yearly permit, or the sum of one dol
lar for a permit extending over the
period of one month, shall upon convic
tion thereof before the police court, be
fined not less than two nor more than
twenty-Jive dollars, or by a toxin of im
prisonment not exceeding twenty days,
provided that this section shall not ap
ply to the officers of the law.
Sec. 10. That any person-or persons
who shall set up, open or keep, or who
shall cause to be set up, opened or kept
any house, room or place as a resort for
the purpose of smoking opium, or who
shall sell opium for the purpose of being
smoked on the premises, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon .conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fined in a sum not exceeding one hun
dred dollars, or imprisonmentdn the city
jail not exceeding twenty days.
Sec. 31. That any person or persons
who shall bargain for or buy any opium,
in any house, room, or place, in the
city of Astoria, to be smoked on the
premises, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor, and uponconvictionithereof be
fore the Police judge, shall he fined not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, or im
prisonment in the city jail not exceeding
ten days.
Sc. 12. That any person or persons,
occupying any room, house, store or
place, in the city of Astoria, where opi
um is smoked bv the occupants thereof,
who shall suffer, or permit any minor to
loiter or remain in or about such room,
house, store or place, shall be guilty of a
mi.crlnmnannr. and UDOll conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fined not less than five, nor more than
twenty dollars; provided, that the pro
visions of this section -shall not apply to
Chinese minors.
Sec. 13. Thatr&ny person or persons
who shall smoke 'opium in, or shall
be found in .sny -house or place kept
as a resort for the purpose of smil
ing opium, without .any lawful busi
ness, said house or phce not beimj
occupied bv them iw residence, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof before the
Police court shall be punished by a flue
iot exceeding twenty dollars, or impris
onment not exceeding ten days.
Sec. 14. That any pewoa wbo shall assume to- be a chief ot lice.
;jptalii ot police, polices or ker
officer of the city, and shall take upon
Himself to act as such, or who shall wear
the adopted uniform of the police force,
unless he is a duly commissioned officer,
such person upon conviction thereof be
fore the Police court shall be subject to
a penalty of not less than five nor more
than one hundred dollars for each of
fen?e. kSEdo. That any person or persons
who shall sell, give, or deliver, or who
shall cause to be sold, given or delivered
to any person committed for anv cause
whatever to the jail of the citv, any spir
ituous, vinous or malt liquors, or who
shall have in his possession in the pre
cincts of said jail anv spirituous, vinous
or malt liquors, with the intent to convey
or deliver the same to anv person con
fined in said jaiL shall "be guiltv of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fined not less than ten nor more than one
hundred dollars.
Sec. 1(5. No member of the police
force of the city of Astoria shall, under
any pretense whatever, uive, sell or de
liver, or suffer, or permit to be given,
sold or delivered to any person commit
ted to, or confined in the city juil, anv
spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, un
less a plnsieian shall eertifv in writing,
that the health of such person requires
it, in which case any member of said
force on dutymav be allowed to -give the
prescribed quantity and no more; and if
any member of said force shall qive,sell,
or deliver, or who shall kuowinglvsuf
fer or permit to be given, sold or de
livered, any vinous, malt or spirituous
liquors contrary to the provisions of this
ordinance, he shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fined not less than ten nor more than
one hundred dollars.
Sec. 17. Ordinances No. 103, 2-19, 2S
and :S, and all other orinances and.
parts of ordinances in conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Sec. IS. This ordinance shall take
effect from and after its approval by
the Mayor.
Passed the council. Feb. IS. 1S79.
Auditor and Clerk.
Approved, Feb. 20. !S7i.
J. II D.GKAY. ActinsMavor.
Dr. Oliver has located his office up
stairs in same building with Shuster's
daguerrean room. Dr. Oliver claims a
record of over twelve years successful
practice, in Washington City and South
ern California, and mav be justly con
sidered as entitled to the confidence of
those of our citizens favorable to the
homeopathic practice of medicine.
Miss. E. C. Benedict having com
pleted the teaching of Mrs. Itinker's
system of cutting and fitting ladies
dresses, -and having test fits in Astoria,
takes pleasure in referring to Mrs. T.
S. Jewett, Mrs. S. T. McKcan, Mrs. Eric
Johnson, and Miss Annie Jentis, they
each having learned the art liss Bene
dict will remain in the city lor si short
time, and may be found at Mrs. S. T.
MeKean's, where she will continue to
give instructions as set forth in previous
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for in can
neries, at thetJity Book store.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at jBafiey.
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmeers'. Seeavertisoment.
A small house to let in a desirable
locality for residence. Inquire at this
Capt. J. G. Hustler wishes to give
everybody timely notice that if that
school tax is not paid within a few days
costs will certainly follow.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to II. C.
Comegys, Kalama, W. T.
Nick Squivalence has concluded
that there is no millions in shipping
sailors, and he has given up that busi
ness, and is attending closely to keeping
a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and
see for yourself.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee SKtis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will fio abetter job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
me.nSation. Before vou lflt your e.on
traets for work of this "kind it would be.
well to eall upon iLr. Stewart.
Call at Mrs. Derby's when you
wish anv article "in the millinery line.
Triinraedliate selling at cost.
Peter Runey Is still in the market
with all kinds of "building materials In
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Fresh oysters vn every tyle and
at all hours at the Pioneer .restaurant.
If you want anything in the line
of Cigars,Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc.,
call at Fosters, on the Roadway.
P. JUGoodrttan, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
.shoes, .etc.
iFresh fruits and vegetables at
w invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
.-Slgfet 1a Priceless.
A. M. Kline, manufacturing optician,
from San (Francisco has opened-a branch
store on 'Chenamus street, next door to
Dement's :drug store, for a short time
only, where he will suit all weak, near,
far-sighted and cataract eyes with his
improved Parabola Spectacles and Eye
Glasses, mounted in steel, shell, asd
gold frames. All persons wishing to
improve their sight should call at once
ana secure a pair of the celebrated Para
bola glasses.
CImIbs t Sale.
Mr, Maurice II. Black, who Tecemfly
came to Portland from the east for the
purpose of establishing a Ladles' untler-
wwr sA'UiiifriptarV- -has COBOlllded to
discontinue his business, and is now in
the city, selling off te balance oi nis
stock consisting of Ladies' underwear
and embroideries at low prices, Ladies
call and bo convinced. Chenamus street,
next door to Dement's drug store.
l,ODorNG House Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can fcy
Accommodated at reasonable rates at
Mr. Munson'j Cheaaisua jg AsiorjA. .
Corner of Water and Olney Streets,
(roMen City Chemical Ws.
JFisIiermeirs and
Cannery Supplies,
MEGLER & W1UOUT. Proprietors.
Astoria, Or eg on.
announce that t-he above hotel has been
repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to
the comfort of its guests and is now the beat
hotel north of San Francisco.
f Allaky & Hegele's new building)
Comer of Morrison and Third streets,
57Furnished rooms in suits, or single, b
the day, week or month.
Miss H. MENEFEE, "Lessee.
Water street, near the 0. S. N. Co.?s Wliart
HENRY EOTHE Propbietor.
newly furnished, is conveniently situa
ted to business, and will be conducted ho a
make It a first class stopping place for the
public generally, and will be open from this
H. R. FAltKER. Proprietor..
THIS HOTEL is the largeat.imost comfort
able and best Kept hotel in the city. I
supplied muUi the best.ef spang water, bot
and cold baths, barbershop, and a nrat-cl:iw
saloon with cbestiof 'liquors and ieigars, aad
fte billiard table. Free coach 1o aud lrom
the house ; eharges reasonable, $1 00 to $2 50
per day,jiccording to ron occupied.
muitpix HOUSE,
Between 8quemocqhe and Jenezsoc,
Astoria, Oregon.
Board nd lodging per week t
Boaed per day .. i w
Single Meal ,. 25
Tne table will be supplied at all times witfe
the best the market affords.
Fresh -oysters, and other 'deli
cacies tf the season, served in
every style.
Opneelte the Telegraph office, SqBeiaoQiw
street, Astoda, 'Oregon.
3-MEA&8 AT AIJ, HOURa-5.
All sizes and shapes from Ftefce or AS z
Sas3i, Weights. Etc..
Address all orders
accessor io Jaeon, Springer & Goo)
Astoria Steam Laumfrs.
J. T. BORCHERS . s Proprietor.
Astsrla, Ore,
No nibbing or scrubbing, aid no titraa&nc
your.ckxhes too piece. Bottmt sewed -?
and clothe mended. (
a ..