The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, February 22, 1879, Image 3

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z jgctilg &&toxxmx.
Monday Excepted),
Jt&turiax, InVdvnxj, Ckw Stoect.
Terms of Subscription :
-fcorv(I by Carrar, pr week ..... -.25 Cent?
fiont'by mail, four months .. S-'t 00
Seat by mail, cno year. 'J 00
free of PostRce to Subscribers.
ar Advertisements inserted by the year at
lforatoif SI 30 per-sqnuro per month.
Trunsicnt advorewmc, by the day or week,
fifty cents iter square for oach insertion.
T"Ihc Daily Astoiuan will he fail by
Railat75 cenfx a month, free of poxlanc. Read
cm who contemplate absence from the city can
fwri't The Astoria follow Uictn. Daita--or
Wekicia editions to any post-office icith-
out additional expense, jlddrcsftes may be
caanyrd ax often ax desired. Leave wdcrs at
Uc counting room.
We slop the press to announce that
the annual meeting of the Pioneer and
Historical Soeioty of Oregon will be
"held in this city "to-day at 10 o'clock a.m
-iLfhe. rooms of the Society, over Messrs.
VanDusen & Co. s store, for fhe-election
of officers, etc.
The pulpit of the Congregational
church in this city will be occupied to
morrow, morning and evening, by the
pastor. Rev. .1. T. "Wolfe. Morning sub
ject, -"The Satisfaction of Christ." Even
ing subject. "The Folly of Trusting in
the Heart5
The services at Presbyterian hall
m Sabbath morning, at 11 o'clock, will
be conducted by layman of Che congre
gati6n. in consequence of 1hc abscfcce. of
Uie pastor at his regular appomt.mrat on
Clatsop plains. A corcRa'l invitatimi is
extended to all to join in the worship of
jod. feaboatn scnooi at 12 o ciock. iNo
services in the evening. .
One of the loveliest days ever en
joyed by highly favored people, was
that of yesterday a& Astoria.
The proposed concert at Metro
politan hall, postponed inconsequence
of the illness of one of the Pro
fessors, will surely come off on, Tues
day evening sicxt.
"Brilliaast and impulsive people,"
said a lecturer on pysiognotny, "have
black eyes; or, if they don't have ""em,
they're apt to get 'em, if they're too
"brilliant and too impulsive."
A. C. Edmunds, of Labor World
fame, is lying dangerously ill in Port
land from the effects of stroke of paral
ysis, which was visited upon him as
he was addressing a public meeting in
Woodland, California.
It will be seenbynotioeim anoth-
. -r column to-day, that ike .firm of
Levendge & Prindle has been dissolv
d, on account of serious misconduct
of Leveridge, by order of Judge Thorn --on,
San Francisco.
McCrary has at last a steady sit.
He landed in the penitentiary on the
19th. Quick work. Judge Bellinger
and Hon. J- 5". Caples deserve the
thanks of the public for so speedily
iurnishing such fellows with constant
The "Standard says: In a few
tiays the Columbia river will 'be open
t navigation with renewed vigor.
The Wide West will take the Cascades
coute followed by the S. G. -Reed on
the same route. The Hay ward will
probably take the down river route.
The passenger lists by the Oregon
nd Great Republic are about as long
us the moral law. Too lengthy for
publication. Among the names we
recognize that of Col. James Tayler
and wife, Mr. T. Bailey, Mies Min
nie Clarke, by the Oregon, and by the 1
RepnBlic Alfred an,d Mrs. Duncan.
Judging from the number of As
tjrrians embarking for Knappa yester-
-daytafternooir, the party gin last
evening at Mr. A. JSlnapp's residence
juust Iiavo been a pleasant reunion
between the two places, besides feeing
: jry .agreeably observance of the
incoming of. Washington's birth-day
Baker crby -is reported inundated
from, melting -enows. The Standard
says: J ''Powder -river overflowed its
lannlf'aiid-tlio streets of Baker city
were included in the brenith of the
ssrearn. At t:30 in the evening the
lower floors of a number of the lead
ing business houses had from six inch
es to ihree feet of water in them. The
-water then began to recede, and no
wther danger was apprehended."
Commercial Reports.
The Chamber of Commerce is in re
ceipt of dispatches announcing that:
The steamship Elder arrived at San
Francisco on Thursday. Her sailing
on the return voyage lias been post
poned until Thursday, the 27th.
The British ship Viola, from this
port Sept. 9th, 1878, for Liverpool,
recently reported ashore near Dunkirk,
France, is afloat again, and at the
The steamship Oregon sailed from
San Francisco, for Astoria and Port
land, at noon on Thursday. The
Great Repulic sailed later on the same
day with the same destination.
Another Sinrula.r Ifecision.
Old-time citizens of Astoria will
recollect the intricacies of a case grow
ing out of the joint ownership -of a
horse between Capt. Wass and W. H.
Twilight. A somewhat similar point
of interest was recently decided in
India. It seems that four men, part
ners in business, bought several bales
of India rugs, and also -some cotton
bales. That the rats might not destroy
the cotton ihey purchased a cat. They
agreed that each of the four should
own a particular leg of the cat; and
each adorned with beads and other
ornaments the leg thus apportioned to
him- The cat, by accident, injured
onef its legs. The owner of that
member wound around it a rag soaked
in coal oil. The cat, going too near the
hearth, set this rag on fire, and
being in great pain, rushed in among
the cotton bales where she was ac
customed to hunt rats. The cotton
and rugs thereby took fire and they
were burned up a total loss. The
three other parties brought suit to re
cover the value of the goods destroyed,
against the fourth partner who owned
this particular leg of the cat. The
judge examined the case, and decided
The leg that had the oiled rag on it
was hurt; the cat could not use that
leg; in fact, held uj ithat leg, and ran
with the other three legs. The three
unhurt legs, therefore, carried the fire
to the cotton, and are alone culpable.
The injured leg is not to be blamed.
The three partners who owned the
three legs with which tlie cat ran to
the cotton T7ill pay the whole value of
the bales to the partner who was the
proprietor of the injured leg.
Postmaster Chance is m receipt
of the following circular from the
United "States treasurer: Standard
silver dollars will be furnished, free
of expense, by the treasurer of the
United States for checks in his favor
on New York, when collected; for
certificates of deposit issued by any
United States sub-treasurer or deposi
tory national bank, for United States
notes or national bank notes. The
above should be in sums of 1,000, or
its multiples, and returns will ne made
over any established express line.
The people of aker city and
Union, Oregon, evidently beleive that
diptheria is -a contagious diseace. The
authorities of each place have adopted
stringent ordinances with a view of
stopping tke spread of the dread dis
ease. A heavy fine is imposed in the
former place, upon all doctors and
parents who fail to Teport the
appearance of a caseof tilie disease to
the authorities and by the display of a
red flag. All children under 18 years
of age are forbidden .to attend school
or church, and the -taking of every
precaution against the spread of the
disease is made obligatory upon every
-Some few weeks ago, Capt. John
Gunn, of Oakland. Califnrm-i wii;iA
I ' ' -...., ...uiu
I engaged in dismantling an old vessel
lying in San Antonio creek, near the
Webster street bride, fell into the
hold and lost his life thereby. It is
not generally known says an exchange,
that this now repulsive-looking old
hulk was once -the gallant barque that
brought to our shores the patriot sol
dier and firmecfc foreign friend of
the American colonists, General Gil
bert Mottier Lafayette, in the year
1774 Yet such is said to bo the fact.
Here is a chance for some enterprising
Yankee to make a "uile" on "T,frJ
tte" walking sticks.
i0rtaBt to lie Ladles of Astoria.
Mrs; A. Ginder, next door to The As
tokiak office, takes pleasure in inform
ing the ladies of Astoria and vicinitv
that she has just opened a well selected
stock of Ladies underwear, and Chil
dren s and Infants goods, to which she
invites the attention of purchase
OrlinaacG Ufo. 317.
AX ORDINANCE Concerning Offenses and
disorderly conduct.
The city of Astoria docs ordain at foUeics:
Section 1. That any person or per
sons who shall be guilty of any violent,
riotous or disorderly conduct, or whs
shall use any profane, abusive or ob
scene language in any street, house or
place, whereby the peace or quiet of the
city is or may be disturbed, or who shall
be 'guilty of any inijecentor immoral act
or practice, shall upon conviction there
of uefore the Police judge be subject to
a fine not less than live nor more than
one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment
in the city jail not less than five nor more
than twenty days, or both at the discre
tion of the court.
Sua 2. That any person or persons who
shall fire any pistol, gun or rine or any oth
erkiiul of fire-Arms within tke corporate
limits of the city, shall on conviction
thereof before the Police court, be
fined not less than five nor more than
iifry dollars ; provied, that all circum-stan-ces
of necessity mav be pleaded as a
defense to the offence, described in this
section, and provided further, that the
committee on Health and Police, upon
the national holidays and other davs of
public celebration, may permit iny ap
propriate display or use of fire-ams
named in this section.
Sec. 3. That any person or persons
who shall be guilty of disturbing the
Eeace and quiet of the city of Astoria
y fighting.quarreling or by being enga
ged in any riot or riotous assemblage,
shall on conviction thereof before tht
police judge be fined not Jess ihan ve.
nor more man one Hundred dollars, or
by imprisonment in the city jail not
exceeding twenty days, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
Sec. 4. That any person or persons
who shall .resist any peace offceer, or
who shall refuse to assist him in the
discharge of his duty, or who shall bv
any means whatever aid or assist any J
person in eustoay upon cnarge ot a vio
lation of a city ordinance in his endevor
to escape from such custody whether
such escape be effected or not shall on
coiiviction thereof before the uolice
court be fined not less than five nor more 1
than one hundred dollars, or by impris
onment in the city jail not less than two
nor more than twenty days, or both at
the discretion of the court.
Sec. 5. Any person or persons who
shall throw or deposit in any street, side
walk or foot-path of ihe city any broken
whatever, whereby the feet of any
person, or the feet of cattle, horses, or
any other beasts of burthen may be
injured, shall on conviction thereot be
fore the police judge be fined not less
than live nor more than twenty dollars.
Sec, G. Any person or persons who
shall be found drunk in any public
place within the corporate limits of the
city, or any person or persons who shall
disturb the peace or quiet of -any of the
inhabitants of the city by yelling, whoop
ing, or singing in a boisterous or rude
manner shall upon conviction thereof
before the police judge be fined not less
than -two nor more than twenty-five
Sec. 7, Any person or persons who
shall draw any kind of fire arms, or any
dirk, dagger, knife or other deadly
weapon upon the person of another, or
who shall strike at the person of another
with slung-shot, knuckles or any other
dangerous weapon,, within1 the .corporate
limits of the city, shall tin ccnviction
thereof before the police ju'dge be fined
not less than, 'fiver nor more than one
hundred dollars or by imprisonment for
not more than twenty days, or both.
Sec. 8. Any person or pessons who
shall suffer or permit to got or who shall
lead, drive or ride any norse, mule, or
other beast of burthen upon any side
walk within the corporateJimits of the
city to the danger of any person, shall
on conviction thereof before the police
judge be fined not less than two nor
more than twenty dollars.
Sec. U. That any person or persons
who shall carry any Jire asms, knife,
dirk, knuckles, slung-shot or any other
dangerous weapon in a concealed man
ner about their or his person, within the
corporate limits ot the city, without a
permit, which permit shall be issued by
tlie auditor and clerk oitne city upon
the recommendation, in writing, of the
chief of police, and .upon the presenta
tion of the treasurer's receipt, that the
applicant therefore, has paid into the
city treasurer the sum of five dollars for
a yearly permit, or Hie sum of one dol
lar for a permit extending over the
period of one month, shall upon convic
tion thereof before the police court, be
lined not less than two nor mace than
twenty-five dollars, or by a term of im
prisonment not exceeding twenty days,
provided that this section shall .not ap
ply to the officers of the law.
Sec. 10. That any person or. persons
who shall set up, open or keeji, or who
shall cause to be set up, opened or kept
any house, rdom or place as a resort for
the purpose of smoking qpiumv or who
shall sell opium for the purpose of being
smoked on the .premises, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fiued in a sum not exceeding one hun
dred dollars, or imprisonment in the city
jail not exceeding twenty .days.
Sec. 11.' That any person or persons
who shall bargain for or buy any opium,
in any bouse, room, or place, in the
city ot Astoria, to be smoked on the
premises, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor, and upon convictionlhereof be
fore the Police judge, shall be fined not
exceeding twenty-five duUurs, -or im
prisonment in the city jailiiot exceeding
ten days.
Skc. 12. mat any person or persons,
occiiDvincr anv room, house, store or
store or
placein the city of Astoria where opi
um is smoked oy tlie occupant inereoi,
who shall suffer, or nermit asy minor to
loiter or remain iu or about such room,
house, store or place, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fined not less than five, nor more than
twenty dollars; provided, that the pro
visions of this section shall not apply to
Chinese minors.
Sec. 13. That any person or persons
who shall moke ophinw inc ojj-.-sliall
be found in anv house or place kebt
as a resbrt for Ibe purpose of smok
ing opium, without any lawful busi
ness, said house or plice";iiotj being
occupied by them as a residence, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,'
and upon conviction thereot before the
Police court shall be punished by a fixe,
not exceeding twicuty dollars, or Impris
onment not exceeding ten days.
Sec. 14. That any person who shall
falselv assume to be a chief of police,
, cajtain of ;pblice, policeman, pi; oihpj-
officer of the city, and shall take upon
himself to act as such, or who shall wear
the adopted uniform of the police force,
unless he is a duly commissioned officer,
such person upon conviction thereof be
fore the Police court shall be subject to
a penalty of not less than five nor more
than one hundred dollars for each of
fense. Sec. 15. That any person or persons
who shall sell, give, or deliver, or who
shall cause to be sold, given or delivered
to any person committed for any cause
whatever to the jail of the citv, anv spir
ituous, vinous or malt liquors, or who
shall have in his possession in the pre
cincts of said jail any spirituous, vinous
or malt liquors, with the intent to convey
or deliver the same to anv person con
fined in said jail, shall be guilfcv of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before tiie Police judge, shall be
fined not less than ten nor more than one
hundred dollars.
Sec.HL No mpniber of the police
force of the city of Astoria shall, under
any pretense whatever, give, sell or de
liver, or suffer, or permit to be given,
sold or delivered to anv person commit
ted to, or confined in the city jail, any
spirituous, visions or malt liquors, un
less a pin sician shall certify in writing,
that the health of such person requires
it. in which case any member of said
force on duty maybe allowed to give the
prescribed quantity -and no mow; and if
any member of said force shall give, sell,
or deliver, or who shall knowingly suf
fer or permit to be given, sold or de
livered, any vinous, malt or spirituous
liquors contrary to the provisions of this
ordinance, he shall bo deemed snilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof before the Police judge, shall be
fined not less than ten nor more than
one hundred dollars.
Sec. 17. Ordinances No. 103, 249, 2T)8
and 308, ami all other orinances and,
parts of ordinances in conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take
effect from and after its -approval by
the Mayor.
Passed the council, Feb. 18, 1879.
Attest : R. II. eARDWKLL.
Auditor ami Clerk.
Approved, Feb. 20, 1879.
J. II. D. GRAY. Acting Mayor.
Dr. Oliver has located his office up
stairs in same building with Shusters
daguerrean room. Dr. Oliver claisus a
reeord of over twelve years successful
practice in Washincton City and South
ern California, -and may be justly con
sidered as entitled to the confidence of
those of our citizens favorable to the
homeopathic practice of medicine.
Miss. E. C. Benedict having com
pleted the teaching of Mrs. linker's
system of cutting and fitting ladies
dresses, and having test fits in Astoria,
takes pleasure in referring to Mrs. T.
S. .lewett, Mrs. S. T. McKean, Mrs. Eric
Johnson, and Miss Annie Jentis, they
each having learned the art. Miss Bene
dict will remain in the city for a short
timc and may be found at Mrs. S. T.
MeKean's, where she wall -continue to
give instructions as set forth in previous
A new let of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, attheUrty Book store.
Get vour isaskeis filled for a little
money -at Bailey'6.
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmeers' See advertisement
A small house to let in a desirable
locality for residence. Inquire at tins
. . . .Capt. J. G. Hustler wishes to give
everybody timely notice that if that
school tax is not paid within a few days
costs will certainly follow.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to II. C.
Comegys, Kalania, W. T.
'Nick Squivalence .lias concluded
that there is no vraillions is Shipping
saitors, and he has given up ifliat busi
ness, and is attnnfiing closely to keeping
a hotel. Call at the Chicago Iloiibc anil
seefor yourself.
-Mc..f. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
mendation. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart
Call at Mrs. Derby's when yon
wish anv article in the millinery line.
Trimmed hats selling at cost.
Peter Runey Is still In the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, anda, large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Fresh oysters ia every -style -and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
If you want anything in the line
of Cigars, Tobaeeo. Notions, JFruits, etc.,
call at Fosters, on the Roadway.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received tle latest and most fash
ionable style bf -gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
Fresk fruits and .vegetables at
.New invoice of those Medallion
Ilanges-at Magnus C. Crosby's.
HIght In PricelcHH.
A. M. Kline, manufacturing optician,
from San Francisco has opened a braneh
store on Chenamus street, next door to
i Deraont's drug store, for a short time
only, tvnere ne wai snirau weaic. near,
far-slglitod and cataract eyeR with Ins
improved Parabola Spectacles and Eye
Glasses, mountwl In tet!L. shell, ad
gold frames. All "persons -wishing to
improve their sight should call at "onee
ana secure a pafr of the eolebrated Para
bola glasses
v CIojiIhs omi fide-
Mr. Maurice ll.Blaelc Who reoentJy
came to Portland from the east for the
imrnese of establishing a Ladies u'ndor-
wear 'manufactory, lias concluded to
thu-clty, selling off the balance of lfis
stock consisting of Ladies' underwear
and embroideries at low prices, Ladies
call ind'Tie convinefL -Chenamus street,
next door to Dement' drug store.
Lodging House Person requiring
frlxhed or uirf tu-nished rooma aii Jbie-
reeomnioaatQa t reasonaDie rjites; sat
Mrs. Miinsunia Chenamus wL, AfiUwii iu '
Corner of Water and Olney Streeti,
(lien City Chemical fork
Fishermen's and
Cannery Supplies,
a 8. wiucur.
MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprtetor.
Astoria, Oregon.
announce that the auove hotel has town
repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to
the comfort of Its guests and is now the Dtt
hotel north of San Francisco.
( AlLsky & Hegele's new bunding
Corner of Morrison -and Third stxifcla,
J3fFurnlshed rooms In suits, or single, b
the day, week or month.
Miss II. MENEFEE, Lessee.
TVater street, near the -O. S. N. Co.fc "Wharf.
newly furnished, I conveniently situa
ted to business, and will he conducted so as
.make It a first. cIsisk stopping placet-tor ibe
public generally, and will be open from th
H. R. PARKER. - - Proprietor.
THIS HOTEL is the largest, most eomJen -ahle
and best kept hotel in the city. Isj
supplied if ith the tmnt of spring water, hns
and cold baths, barber shop, and a first-claw
saloon with best of Ikuiorcxmd cigars, and
fine biniarA table. Free coach to and rhm
the house ; charges reasonable, H 00 to $2 Z
per day, acconcHng.fco peom ooeupted.
E. L. TTJRPIN - PnorniKToa
Between fiquemocqhe and Jefferson.
AfeToniA, Oregon.
Board and lodging per week.
Board per dav
Single Meal .".. ,
..W ;
1 w
C 2
Tne table will be supplied at all times tiltfe
the the market affords. v
Fresh oystera. and other deil-
cifies oi tim season, servea
every style.
Opposite Cho Telegraph fllce, Squemctib
street. Astoria, Oregon.
Stone and Marble Cutter,
AH khidkOf building work, and, monnniwi-
tal work
amftnded to-pTompuy ana to onitr.
Manufacturer of
jB'Oars leathered, and lpather for Wfcp,,,.
"Beiiton street, oppe&te PGfet.ppfep, AJprVx
r ' i
Attoria Steara. laundry.
J. X .BORCIIETtS ...Proprietor-
Jtfttorin, Oregon.
Xo Tln or'scnitiblnfrjftirt-no thrnsntott
yourcMjBfts too pieces, luttons 8eved-0E
anl cHHRfc-mcnded. l
y EKP-Wftork at reasonable dhcm .