P J Jp Sails stoa&ra. ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Exoeptod), I. C. IRELAND : : PUBLISHER. At,toriati Building, Cass Sired. i arms of Subscription : borvcd by Carrier, pcrr.enk .25 Conts Sonlby mail, four months .5-S 00 Sunt by mail, en year 9 00 Froo of Postage t-o Subscribers. '55 Advortvoracnts inserted by tho yoar at the rato of SI 50 nor usiro per month. Trnnsient adverti--inR, by the day rr woek, fifty cones ior square for each insertion. THE CITY. l5&ThcT).u.' Atokiax will he sent by vmilai 15 cents a mopJU.frccofjwstagc. Jlead-nr-v vjhn amlfinitlfiir nbenccfrom the city can hare Tine Astoria? follow them. Dailv --r Wtsekta nlUionii to any poht-office with txit aiiditional expense. Addresses may be cnanycdwutfLni- d&sircd. Leave orders at titc counting room. TheOheron from this port has ar rivecLat Quccnstown. The hut for the mission at Sand Island is undergoing repairs. The Hera returned from Portland Yesterday. She is to load for Hono lulu. - If your hoot is inclined to run iver at the heel, call upon A, W. Cone for a remedy. . The wholesale trade of Mr. G. "W. Hume, at Astoria, is much better T.han he anticipated it weald be. Mr. Thomas Gurry, formerly of Tacoma, has fitted up a tailoring estab lishment in A. W. Cone's building on Water street. The nent has completed her cargo at Knappton and cleared for San Francisco. It consists of lumber, etc., to A. M. Simpson & Bro. The prfl and opium thief McCrary r?)t two years. After the sentence was passed upon him the Standard says he gave way like a craven cur, and wept like a child. Mr. Wm. S. Sibson of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gr. Megler, of Brook field, and Mr. MeL P. Callender of Knappton, were among the guests at the Occident last evening. The Oregon ian is -still sloshing in its own filthtness, while the Standard walks the course with the true inward ness of a man, .and comes out every inch a newspaper, daily. - -The basement of the custom-house is flooded so badly in consequence of choked street gutters, that it is almost impossible to get at the 'fuel used ip the collectors and postmasters offices. m Cannermen and business men in general will do well to examine Adler's new stock of 'Blanh-booJzs and Stationery which he bought m the .East and offers at less than Portland prices. Several of the 'participants in the recent masquerade have been photo graphed in costume at Shusters. This will .serve to longer perpetuate the -recollection of a very pleasant event at Astoria. Mrs. Eliza Sheppard's new book, something everybedoy wants to read, " Successful Folks," has arrived. As one of the most buccessful canvassers Mrs. Shcppard's name should appear dn it, but because she is so successful -is perhaps owing to the fact that she never oiFers any but the best works. Judge D. C. LewiB of the North ern Pacific railroad corapanys employ, i3 in this part ol the country looking after the interest of that corporation. Judge Lewis is a very clever and re liable gentleman, and wherever it is possible for him to do so, will amicably settle any differences that may exist between the company and the people. - " r Mr. Fairweather, ticket agent for the Oregon Steam Navigation Co. at Portland, and Capt. Richard Hoyt of the Bonita, while taking a survey of Astoria last evening, dropped into our banctum and we enjoyed the visit very much. Mr. F. has not seen Astoria before for nine years, the date of his arrival in Oregon from St. Paul, Min nesota. He "has no desire to return to Jiis former home on the banks of the Mississippi. THE ICE KING. The latest news from east of the mountains is furnished by the Standard of the 19th: Hell-gate is closing firmer daily blasting may be -necessary to remove the gorge. Thermometer on the 17th 18 at Walla Walla; 29 at Umatilla; 26 at The Dalles. The line is working above the hist named point; boats are running below The Dalles to Portland. Previous reports in relation to the . ., ii i.:..u great number ot cattle aim sneep wmwi have died and are aow daily perishing from starvation, was not exaggerated in the least. The utmost desolation spreads over the entire sections. A "Word to Patron., We arc "ever so much obliged" to those of our patrons who have so promptly responded to our calls for sums due this office on account. We are in the most urgent need of money and at no time, in the history of The Astoriax, have such favors been so gratifying. Te hope that each individual who may receive our polite request will duly appreciate the mo tives which prompted it, and their re sponses will be equally as gmtfying. Resolution or the Council. The following resolution was adopted by the Common Council of the city of Astoria Feb. 19th, 1879. Resolved, That the chief of police be required to notify all persons living in the vicinity of the family in which a death has recently occurred by dip therca to fumigate their premises and take all necessary and proper means to prevent the spread of that terrible scourge of children from spreading among us, and that the authorities and settons of all the churches be in formed that it would be unsafe and prejudicial to the health of the city to permit their churches to be used for purpose of holding burial services over any person who dies of diptheria, and warning all persons from running the serious risk which they otherwise would incur, by attending any funeral service held over the body of a person dying from that disease. By order of the Common Council. R. II. CbLRD-WELL, Astoria Feb. 19, 1879. Auditor and Clerk. The physician suggests the use of chloride of lime as a disinfetant. One quarter of a pound will be sufficient for each room spread on a plate. The plate can be set anywhere about the room. PoTicc Court Reports. H. B. PAKKEU JDDGK. J. Josephs, charged with vagrancy, discharged. John Edwards, charged with va grancy: fined $10 and costs, or ifive days. Sent up for want of spondulix. Fifteen years ago diptheria enter ed the family -or William Gerhis. of Berks county, Pennsylvania,- and carped off five children in two weeks. Since then sin more children have been born. Several weeks ago dipthV eria visited the family and again five children were carried off, the eldest, a boy of twelve, alone escaping. - . Last week Mr. H. Fisher, of Roseburg, received a small box through the postoffice, marked "C. O. D.," $25, the charges for transpor tation being $2 50 more. Fisher paid the bill entire, and found that a firm j.in New York had sent him a cigar box tilled with worthless -stone, and that he had been badly bilked. He was unable to recover his money. Chico is in a ferment. Some fiend has introduced there a game known as "All Jacke." The Record says its votaries are many, and its victims counted bv the score. Its immediate effects are a disposition to kick the table, over, and a desire to kill the peg engineer. If indulged in to any extent it produces partial paralysis of the brain, followed by general dementia. A commission of "lunatico inquirendo" is now sitting upon the case of a vounr man whose reason was dethroned in an insane attempt to keep track of the suit. His relative memory, disciplined by the defferential and integral cal culus, held out till the thirteenth card proved to be the seventh, and then vacated the throne. Hopeless imbe cility has succeeded, all efforts of Jiis friends proving .unavailing. Common Council Proceedings. The Common council of the city of Astoria met in regular session on the 19th, J. H. D. Gray President pre siding. Councilraen present Gray, Hahn, McCann, McGuire, Runey and Slave- iy. Officers present It. H. Cardweli, Auditor and Olerk; W. J. Barry, Chief of Police. PETITIONS From John Nuneburg-andF. Fisher, asking that the amount of $8 00, tax overpaid, be refunded, was granted, and a warrant was ordered drawn for the sum. From W. "G. Rosa and C. W. Laugh er asking that they be heard before the council upon a certain matter re lating to their official duties, was re ferred to the committee on health and police. From citizens along Water street, asking for widening of sidewalks, was refomed and notice ordered to be given. From Mr. Dillion, relative to water on the Catholic church lot, was read and referred to committee on public streets and public ways. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. From the committee on streets and pub lie ways, on the matter of investigat ing certain charges preferred against Superintendent R. F. Wickham, was read, and motion to adopt lost. leav ing the Superintendent suspended ? From the same committee on the bill of A. Donnelly for 4-4 00 was read, adopted, and warrant ordered inpay ment of the claim. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Three reports from the city attor ney, upon matters referred to him, were received and placed on file. ORDINANCES. An ordinance was passed providing against certain offenses, and. for pun ishment of the same. RESOLUTIONS. Several resolutions were offered and rejected or adopted. One of which, relating to fumigating premi ses, appears in .another .column. An other dispensing with the services of a day policeman, was adopted. COMMUNICATIONS From Chief .Engineer C. J. Tren ch ard relating to a .heater ibr No. 2 steamer, and the new hose purchased, together with bills for the same, were read and endorsed, and' the city at torney was instructed to draft an ordinance to meet the case. From City Treasurer David Ingalls, relative to his office bond, was read and placed on file. Warrant was ordered in favor of R. F. Wickham for -the sum of 40 .75. On motion the council adjourned. A Gea Yield. SPECIAL TO THE ASTORIANj Jewell, Clatsop Co., Oregon, Feb. 13 Nehalem valley is where we can raise our muck-a-muck. 1 sowed eighth-six pounds of winter wheat March 15th, harvested September 10th, yielded forty-eight buchels weight, per bushel; measurement seventy-one pounds. The seed was Oregon wliite chaft from grain sown in the month of February. Lewis. Sight U Priceless. A. M. Kline, manufacturing optician, from San Francisco has opened a branch store on Chenamus street, next door to Dement's drug store, for a short tin.e only, where he will suit all weak, near, far-sighted and cataract eyes with his improved Parabola Spectacles axd Eye Glasses, mounted in steel, shell, and gold frames. All persons wishintr to improve their sight should call at once and secure a pair of the celebrated Para bola glasses. CIoln? out gale. Mr. Maurace H. Black, who arecently came to Portland from the east for the purpose of establishing a Ladies' under wear manufactorv, has concluded to discontinue his business, and is now m the city, selling off the balance of his stock consisting of Ladies' underwear and einbroidenesnt low prices, Ladies call and be convinced. Chenamus street, next door to Dement's drug tore. The steamer Empire arrived at San Francisco on the 17th. The aged mother of Archie Brown, one of the Portland murderers -now under sentence of death, is on the way out hero from 'her eastern home. The Statesman say that the doomed young man indulges in tho hope that a mother's intercession will -spare his life. Such a circumstance is doubt ful and will only serve to intensify the anguish of the parent when she learnes that ho must suffer the jaenalty of his crime. AROUND THE CITY. Aliss.E. C. Benedict having com pleted the teaching of Mrs. Rinker's system of cutting and fitting ladies dresses, and having tot fits in Astoria, takes pleasure in referring to Mrs. T. S. Jewett, Mrs. S. T. AleKean, Mrs. Eric Johnson, and Miss Annie Jentis, thev each havincr learned thn nrh "XT i TtmiA- dict will remain in the city for a short tunc, and may be found at Mrs. S. T. -ucivean-s, wnere she will continue to give instructions as set forth in previous card. A new lot of full homwl hlnnV nnrl receipt books, specially for use in can neries, at the City Book store. " "Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Fresh oysters in even style at bclimeers'. Sec advertisement. A small house to let in a desirable locality for residence. Inquire at this office. Capt. J. G. Hustler wishes to cive everybody timely notice that if that school tax is not paid within a few days costs will certainly follow. Parties in want of good Cclar Shingles will do well to applv to H. C. Comegys, Kalama, W. T. Nick Squivalence has concluded that there is jio millions in shipping sailors, and he has given up that bus ness, and is attending closelv to keeping a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and see for yourself. Mr. ,f. Stewart. stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee sntis.- Xaction to all ordering work of him, and win (io a nettcr jod lor less money than siny outside workman. II is work in the cemetery here should bcjsuflicicnt recom meiidation. Before yoa let your con tracts for work of this kind it would be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish anv article in themillinerv line. Trimmed hats sellin-g at cost. Peter Runey is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received 100.000 lain. 2,000 bushels of sand, and a targe stock of first quality of briclc at his warehouse foot of Benton street. Your complexion is sallow, and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from your druggist a bottle of Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Keep your blood pure and your health must be good, the great purifier is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All Astoria druggists have it now. Fresh oj-stcrs in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. If you want anything in the line of Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc., call at Fosters, on the Roadway. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. .New invoice of those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. Icnjiortant o the. ladles of Astoria. Mrs. A. Ginder, next door to Tiie As torian office, takes pleasure in inform ing the ladies of Astoria and vicinity that she has just opened a well selected stock of Ladles underwear, and Chil dren's and Infants goods, to which she invites the attention of purchasers. Lodging House Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can be accommodated at reasonable rates at Mrs.Munson's Chenamus St.. Astoria. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. lEXTVEXNTAIi HOTEL. "Water street, near the 0. S. N. Co.'s TTharf, ASTOKIA. OREGON. HENKY KOTHE ...PROrRlfeTOR. THIS IS A NEW HOTEL BUILDING, newly furnished, is conveniently situa ted to business, and will be conducted sons make it a first class stopping place for the publiftgenerally, and will be -open from this day. pARKER 'HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, II. R. TARKER. - Rro)rietor. THIS HOTEL fe-the largest, mnet comfort able and best kept hotel in tho city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot aud'euld baths, barbershop, and a first-class saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the -house ; charges reasonable. SI 00 to 260 per dav, according to room occupied. Astoria. July 15. 187S. T URPIX HOUSE, D. L. TURPIN - rnoriuETOR MAIN STREET. Between Sqnemocqhe and Jefferson, ASTORIA, OUEOON. Board and lodging per week ?fl oo Board per day l 00 Single Meal - 2.", Tnc table will be supplied at all times with the best the market Affords. A. J. MEGI,KR. C. 9. WRIGH r. o-cciiyEnr 5ioi?Er MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astorna, Oregon. miTE PROPRIETORS ARE HA PIT TO I announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refuruLshcd. adding greatly to the comfort of its guestsvuid is now the beat hole! north of San Francisco. PALACE LODGING HOUSE. (Alisky & Hcgele's new building) Comer of Morrison and Third streets. PORTLAND, OPtEGON. C2?Fumished rooms in suits, or eingle, b the day. week or month. Miss II. MENEFEE. lessee XsrAIAA WAIJiA RESTAURANT, THEO. BROEMSER, - - Pi.orniEnon. T Fresh o voters, and .other deli- fip cjwIch of the season, sorved irijg. evevy style. SislgSa Opposite the Telegraph office, SquemcqhQ .street, Astoria, Oregon. iSTilEALS AT ALL H0URS-5B. "WHOLESALE TRADE. f. W. HXJ1VIE Corner of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WHOLESALE DEALER IN rooerib'S p- J ASD PROVISIONS KTG., ETC AGENT FOR THE Golflen City Ci8fflical forts. Fislierniens and Cannery Supplies, A !PJECIAiTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. MISCELLANEOUS. J STEWAKT, Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. & GKAV' Manufacturer of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, ETC. a0ars leathered, and leather lor sale. rEO. LOVETT, CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMTTLT ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Tost-office. Astoria. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BORCITERS - Proprietor. Asiorin, Oregon. No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thrashing your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. f3?Neatwork a; reasonable pnees. Give us a call. CITY BOOK STORE MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. CI5AS. STEVENS & SON Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, just laid in The Finest Selection 1 The Cheapest Prices 1 The Greatest Worth ! DECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSn POCKETS; CUTLERY, JEWELRY, CHARMS,, ETC., ETC.; LADIES' FAN C Y BOARD, ETC.; HOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PA1NTPENCILS, GUTTA PERCHA GOODS; EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK ' BOOKS, STATION ERY, ETC. csrAH goods sold at lowest cash price. ' CIIAS. STEVENS & SON. City Rook Store to Main street, two doer from the Pioneer Restaurant, opposite lb bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. (Jhahles Heilbork, MANUFACTURER Oy And Denlcran FURNITURE and BEODINfr ALSO IMPORTER OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, "WALL PAPER, SHADES, mc. ZSTAtt kinds nf repairing promptly at tended to, and furniture made to ojder. 5SrA full line -of picture mouldings and ti.imcs. brackets, winnow cornices, etc. 5SFFull stock and lowest prices, corner cf Sv;ucmnci:lia and Main street. Abtoria, SE&MIS0 GLASSES, All sizes and shapes from Plate or 26 ca. DOOES, WINDOWS, AND WINDOW LASS, Ssisli, Veigiits. Etc-. Advlress all orders CUFFORB C0GKB8, (Successor to Jaaon, Springer & Co.j POSTLAHD, OREGON - $zzi .. I J" vr-' '