00 ?p giiai st0i3x. BAY STEAMERS, ETC. STEAMSHIP LINES. MiD OLEARANeB SAL: OREGON TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA. Trom tables of United Suites Const Survey. High Water. Low Water. Date. a. m. p. M. . M. P. It. Ji G 01) 7 491 J,- .- 7 19 9 111 16 . 8 28 -I!) 27! 17 . 9 4 11 2SI J8 -10 33 - . .1 i' 0 16 11 2-)j 20 0 53 0 Ml 21 - 1 21 0 ol 11 1 47 1 311 y3 2 09 2 07 1 27 1 00 2 43 2 in .. 3 . 3 50 5 04 4 42 6 01 5 47 li 40 (i 4' 7 2-1 7 27 7 53 8 Oi 8 19 8 40 8 41 PORT OF ASTORIA. CLKARASCKS ASD DKPA&TURES. CLEANED. Citv of York, Br sb, 1133 ton. Auld. Liverpool, Fflb 14. SAILED. Cadrow Forest, Brbk lllfi tons, Pollock, Qneens- town, Feb 17, Jeo. W. Elder 17U9 tons Bo-lles. S. F Feb 17 M ancthon. bkt.293 tons Manson S F Feb 15 Oban Bay, Brsh. lOfiS tons. Storm Liverpool, Feb 4 Rival, bk 2.911 tons. Adams. S. F. Feb 4 Lutterworth Br bk Queenstown. Feb 3 Sabrina, Br bk, Liverpool. Feb 3. Hannah Landles, Brbk, 1270 tons. Gregg. Queens town Feb 3. Ciitlock. Br eh, 1332 tons. Phillips, Queenstown, Feb 3 Garibaldi, bk, 070 tons Forbes. Sydney Jan. 30. ARRI VALS FJtOM SKA. Idaho, atr, 1077 tons. Alexander. S F. Teb 13 California, sir. 67-5 tons. Thorn. Sitka Jan 16 Webfoot. bkt. 3(52 tons. Lewis, S. F. Feb 10 Orient, brie 312 tons. Williams, S. F. Feb 10 Hera, scb SH tons Miller. S F Feb. S. Allegiance. Br. eh. fm Java, Jan 11. Isle of Enn. Br bk. .112 tons, Edwards. 65 days fm Dunnedin. Dec. . McNcarship 130S tonsTajlor. lionskons. Nov 12 Centennial, sh 1267 tons Bearea, Hongkong. Nov HI IJorrientes. Br. bk. W3 tons, Jones, Hongkong. Oct 24. Prinoe Ainadeo Br sh 1(531 ton Linskill. Hongkong Oct 23 Valley Forge. h 1256 tons. Woodbcrry. Bombay. Oct 3. Garibaldi sh 1431 tonsThatcher.HongkongSept.27 Sea Waif Brig 273 tons Monson. Honolulu Sept Wildwood, sh. 1046 tons, Harriman, Hongkong. June 8 Annie M. Small, sh Packer, Hongkong, May 20 VESSELS UaS THE WA Y. Oregon 66 2250 tons Connor S F Feb 20 Groat Republic as. 3S0O tons. Carroll S F, Fob 20 Honora.Ech. 75tons.Thornsen, Tillamook, llermon, sh New York, via Baltimore, Dec fi Eric the Red, sh. 1S88 tons. Smalt. Philadelphia, Empire, eh 1131 tons. Lockic. Philadelphia. State of California. PUSS Philadelphia, Feb 20 Tabor, ship, Philadelphia. FROM POIIBIOX PORTS. Abel. Gerbk 405 tons, Newcastle, May 23d, Via Sourabaya. Agnes, Br bk Port Augusta. May 23 Alcmaria. Gr bk Victric, Newcastle. E., Aug 9 via Acbeen. Antonio Camoplit Ital bk C37tons Newcastle Aug 6 via Montevideo City of Agra, Brsh, Young, Melbourne. Nov 1 Gleneiler. Br. sh. Liverpool. Jan. 17, via Honolulu Gebroden Smith, Gr sh, Newcastle, May 29, via Batavia. Hertfordshire, Liverpool Nov. 13, ria Victoria. IUawarra, Fr bk, Poole, Sydney. Aug 13. iron Queen, Br sh. Smith, Liverpool Dec 8, via Victoria. Maria Lucia, Freneh. Newcastle Nov. 19, via Val paraiso. Olive Branch Br bk 355 tons Whcatley Newcastle July 20 Pensbaw, Br Bk. 755 tons, Airey, at Valparaiso. Oct 31. Soawfell, Evans. Liverpool. Aug 15 via Victoria. Mr. Peter Wilhelm has perma nently fitted up a shipmaster's readin.tr room in connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipnin.tr papers and homeward and outward bound MiijH ping; lists are kept on file. Telegraph office in the same building. SHIP CHANDLERY. TRflWRD & UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flauel DEAX.ERS IN PROVISIONS, IRON, STESL, COIL, Builders5 and General Hard ware, 1ST I Xj S , :E.A.i:Kra?s, oils At the Old Established. 'Well known Stand -OF- GEORGE FLAVEL Chenamus Ctreet, Astoria, Oregon. s IDSON, HAMILTON & HIGG1NS. Ship Chandlers.. Provision and General Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON JUST RECEIVED BY ca.- AT THK I. X. L. STORE! -).-ner Main and Concomly streets, n ku2KTRS. FLOUR. FEED. WOODEN -;JT ware. Coal Oils. Tolwwjs. and Gents Fur nishing Goods, wliich will be sold at lowest ates. ASTORIA. Ship Mail erx jj Hx Astoria to Forts Sterens, Canby, Il waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co. fTrTs I11 further notice the Ilwao bnJtsa Steam Navigation Go's a team or GENERAL CANBY. WHITCOMB -..MASTER Will leave Astoria on .Mondays, Tuesdays and SntHrclays, At 9 A.M.. Friilays at G 1-4 A. M., nncl 1 F. M. Fori Stevens, Fort 1'nvby, ami Ilwaco Connecting with L. A. Loomis's tsscs for Oys tervifio and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens. 50ets " " Canby and Ilwaco Si oo rsrFor Ticket". Towage or Charter apply either at the office of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent, For Towage or Charter. T HE RELIABLE STEAM-TUG RIP VAN WINKLE,, AL. HARRIS - Master Is in first-class order and. until further no tice, is readv for business in the-Ifne of tow ing, earning passengers, or jobbing, any where on the rivers, from Astoria to Portland, the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply on board. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. milE FIXE SIDE-WHEEL X Steamer ONEATTA, A. C. FISHER Master Will leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily at 8 o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.) On Saturdays will make regular trips to Klaskanine and hack. ivsrOccasional trips will also be made to Cowlitz river. For further particulars see Capt. on board. ASTORIA AND KNAPPTON. o TJEGULAR PASSENGER Sloop ROSETTA, J. A. RICHARDSON- Master Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILY CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. tfSTFor freight or passage, at living rates apply on bonrd. or at I. W. Case's Fto re. B ROWN & McCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, Portland and Astoria, Oregon. $SQ& all business entrusted to our care, satisfaction guaranteed. j g. fairfowl & sosr, STEVEDORES AMD RIGGERS Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Refer bv permission to Roger. Meyers & Co,, Allen fc Levis.CoroitttMacleay, Portland, Oregon. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DEALHll IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Coppc, Brass, and Zinc Fish CoinniiN.sioners Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, having been duly noiniea oenutv lor (. latson county, d Lienenwebcr. Fish Commissioner, under the laws of the State of Oregon, will be in readi ness from and after this date, to issue li censes, at his office up stairs, corner of Cass and Sqemocqhe streets, Astoria, Oregon. Persons sending in applications for licenses will please send No. of boat and the name of the fisherman or captain of the boat. H. B. FERGUSON. Deputy Fish Commissioner. January, 14, 1879. W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST. ASTORIA, -.- - OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night B Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, and euro for Fish Wound. T. R. JEWBTT. B. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking. t&4 ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squuiuucnutt st., between Cass and Mnin, Contracts for raying made and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at the Occident Ho tel or received by mail promptly filled JEWETT & KIMBALL. "DATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and SULPHUR Baths- Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. KlEDERAUEtt & UhLEKHART, Proprietors. 53?SpccIal attention given to ladies' and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. lU." v i . --7 - re3ATHsgf Oregon Steamship Company. Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES! Carrying United Slates .TInils and lVells, Farge ct Co' Express. Tlie Oregon Steamship Pntnn'mv will flisliatnll 3. their new and elegant Al Iron STEAMSHIP GEO. W. ELDER, 1709 Tons. BOLLES -..Commander. For the above port on Sunday, 6 a m., Feb. 1G, 1S79, The Companv are now prepared to sell First, Second and Third class tickets from Portland to all the principal cities in the United States, Toronto and Montreal Canada. For further particulars for passage and freight annlv at the company's office, comer of F and Front streets. Portland. Oregon. . GEO. W. WEIDLER. Agent. PACIFIC COAST S, S. CO. Portland to Sas Francisco. REDUCED RATES. Carrying: the U. S. Mails nncl Wells, JFnrjjo & Co's Express. THE PACIFIC COAST steamship Company will dispatch their fast and fa vorite low-pressure STEAMSHIP IDAHO, 1077 Tons. E. ALEXANDER COMMANDER For the above port on Sunday, A. M., Feb. 9th, 1S79. RATES : Cabin Passage Steerage Passage ... .$15 on .... 8 00 THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the Tinted States and Canada. For Passage and Freights, apply to J. McCRAKEX & CO.. Agents. CO, 02 and C4 North Front street. Oregon Steamship Company Portland to San Prancisco. REDUCED RATES! Carrying U. S. flails and Wells. Fargjo & Co's Express, 5 The Oregon Steamship Com- !UII l 111 U13WiU4.il lllCtl 11UW and elegant At Iron STEAMSHIP OREGON, . . 225 Tors. F. CONNOR Commander For the above port on Sunday,' Feb. 2d, at G A. M. The company Is now prepared to sell First, Second, and Third class tickets from Port land to all the principal cities in the United States, Toronto and Montreal, Canada. For further particulars, for passage and freight apply at the Company's ofilce, corner of F and Front streets, Portland. Oregon. Geo. W. WEIDLER. Agent. INDEPENDENT LINE! BETWEEN Portland and San Francisco. THE SPLENDID LOW pressure side wheel ' American steamship GREAT REPUBLIC, 3,883 Tons. JAMES CARROL, - - - COMMANDER. Will leave Pacific wharf for SanFiiaxcisco, Saturday, March 1st, A. M. Kates er Pxvsagc and Freights : Steerage S 2 00 Cabin 7 oo Bridal Rooms - 10 00 Freight at Lowest Rates. The Steerage on this ship is superior to the Cahins on most of the other roast ships, and her Cabin accommodations are unequalled by any other ship on the Pacific Ocean. OVERLAND TICKETS from San Francis co to all points in United States and Canada, For Freight or Passage apply to the office at Pacific Dock, foot of Salmon street. N.R.INGALLS Agent. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan aimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. CarryiHS U. S. Mails. frw THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, CHAS. THORN Commandor Will leave Flander's Wharf, foot of C street for tho above Dorts. Thursday, February 28, 3879. At 5 o'clock A. M. For Froight or Parage apply to Ed. C. HUGHES. Parser. G. H. BAIN & GD. BEING NOW PREPARED WITH greatly increased facility to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat Miff, BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will be sold low for CASH. Steam Mill Kear Weston Hotel, Cor. Gcnevivc and Astor streets. lJ.h Mum rTtlr&im AT WHllffl watt xsK jezs:- We will sell Mens and Boys CLOTHING, and FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, BOOlS, MSOES. HATS, CAPS, At greatly reduced rates in order to make room for our immense new spring stock. jear Improve your chance and secure bargains at once ! -n SCHLTJSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, Orson. WANTED ! ALL THE FISHERMEN, -VYORKINGMEN AND THEIR FRIENDS On the Columbia river and tributaries, to save moaev, keep tlnwlves dry and comfortable, and patronize home industry by orderhi" tlieir SHIRTS, JUMPERS, FROM ASTORIA SHIRT AND OIL CORNER OLNEY AND JOHN HAHN, ASTORIA, Which is fully prepared to supply them ALL with nnythimr in the line of workinnnen apnarel. Nothing W ilrst-class material used and all uork uarnuited Our oil cYothiu will be found at all the pnncipal stores and canneries in AMoria.and along the river J& sure to get a Miit for the coming fishing season, because it is undoubtedly the litst. Manufacturer of and Deafer in Lager and Bottled Beer. ESTThe Columbia Brewery has every facility, and using none but the Jbesti materials and employing experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in filling all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ASTORIA BREWERY." M. MEYER ------- Proprietor. XFAVING EVERY FACILITY FOR THE ticlo, I am now prepared to furnish the OF LAGER BEER, AT 30 CENTS PER GALIOX. ?237Families and keepers of public houses M. MEYER, Propristo-. b. s wttJBkmj&i,m UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squomooiha street, next door to Aitorian ouilding, Astoria, Oregon. R5TAU;tTork done in a skillful manner on short notice and at reasonable price3. Undertaker's furnishin" goods always 'on hand. Wilson & Fiskee DEALERS IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL PEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Wliich will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. WILLIAm EDGAB. Corner Main and Chenamus Stroets, ASTORIA OREGON. DKALKK IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc. A line stock of Watches and .Teivelry. TCiszzlc and Breech Trading; Shot Guivs, Revolvers, Pistols, Parlor Stifles, and Ammunition. THERE VTILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL OS TEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 19, 1879. THE BOOTHl six;ty DAYS AND OIL CLOTHING,, THE CLOTHING MANUFACTORY, SQUEMOQHE STREETS. PROPRIETOR, OH.E3G-03ST. MANUFACTURE OF A FIHST CLASS AK- public with the finest quality, for cash. OP BOTTLED BEER, AT $1 50 fER DOZEN, promptly and regularly supplied. ASTORIA. OREGON. Arndt & Ferchen. milE BEST BLACKSMITH AND Machine Shop In the city. All kinds of Engine, Canaerj- and Stenxafeest Work promptly attended to. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Humo's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. Hcweshooing ff tfSs Md aW k5ni of Blacksmith jSJW iag done to or der. Satisfact jpxJKl ion varanlec ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. Cant-ROGEItS' OLD STAND Near Exprew Office, ASTORIA. - OREGON. All work in our line, heavy orlhrht.donetvitk neatness and dispatch. Horseshoeing, Wag on and Farm WORK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky., an oyporwareii Farrier of 25 years in the business, and well knovn to Astoria horsemen, we a re propared to dohoelnewauiannortecurelameneia or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our care. ifcfi"All work warranted and at reasonable rates. ERMAN1A BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chknamus Street. AstuJlti Tho public are invited to ell and lenro their orders. Splendid Lnger 5 aent3 a glai Free Lunch every nlpht. WM. BOCK & .Proprietors. fT W- 3u -. .- - -