BJ r Sgfts gniltj vstcrximx, ASTORIA OREGON I ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Monday Excepted), "D. . IRELA.VD : : PITXSLVSZISR. Adoruin JjivbiiiKj, Ga&s Street. Terms of Subscription : fcorvotl by Cnrner, per woefc ,2i Coots Sonr by mail, four months . S3 Xl "Sunt by mail, enc year 1) 00 Froo of PorUKse to Subscribers. R5J Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate f SI t jpr juJtTe per month. Transient achertHns, by tho day or week, Gftv cents par iu:iro for earh insertion. THE CITY. tSP-TfocDviiA" Atokta" mi'H be sent by mail at 7."c,m a mnnih. free of postage. Kenrt iv who ronienwMe aJtscncr from the ciiu ran have Tin: Armi n follow them. Daiia r V.'BttiriA' vWfrn ttnwy )ol-ojfkcr iciih oxit additional expense. Adurct&es man he cianged axoftsv as tmsir&l. Lcarc orders at Vc couMixti room. A missionary for Sand 3 stand is cxpactod to arrive ct Astoria this evenni''. Tlio abandoned hull of the of Dublin is fast sinking out of in the sand. City siirht If you want to see a nice article of New Orleans sugar and molasses, J. Vrr. Gearhart has it. The Roseburg daily Plaindenlcr is on our table and it is a neat, spicy little paper success to it. The Yiola is ashore at -Dunkirk, coast of Ireland, not Westport as pre viously stated, and will be a total loss. There was not a single arrival of any kind from sea, at San Francisco on the 12th. Such things often occur ut Astoria. We learn, from the physicians at tending the cases of diptheria at Ivlr. "Olsen's tha-c there i3 but small likeli hood of its spreading. After a lingering absence from home the manly form of Capt. A: W. Berry is again greeted upon the busi ness thoroferes of Astoria. In conseqneece of sickness the proposed concert was postponed last night, unti.i?next Tuesday, on a dis patch to Mr. Peter Wilhelm from Prof. Trauner. Uannerymen and business men in general "will do well to examine Adler's new stock of Blanlc-boofo and Stationery which he bought ;in the East and offers at less than Portland prices. Snow is twenty inches deep at Tho Dalles; the telegraph lines above there are down; the .Cascade portage is free but the boats are not running. hi another column will be found fur ther particulars. . The steamship Idaho arrived at Astoria yesterday morning 2i days from San Francisco, bringing 600 tons of cargo. .She arrived down on Friday, and left again on Saturday evening, after putting out 4.00 tons, and tak ing in GOO tons, all in one day. The steamer Empire sailed from Victoria, British Columbia, for San Francisco on the-oth instant, and ha3 'not yet arrived, says the Bulletin-of the 14th. The Empire .grounded -en a rock m the&ulf of Georgia on her way from Nanaimo, and after getting off had to put into Victoria for tem porary repairs. Owing to the heavy southeast gales which have prevailed anxiety is felt concerning her -safety. The bark John W. Seaver has sailed froinSan .Francisco for Tahiti, with several ship carpenters and iron workers who will be employed in re constructing the British ship Ada Tredale. The latter took fire in mid no.p.xn. it will "be remembered, on October 13, 1877, while going from .Androssan to San Francisco. She had on beard at the time of the disaster ooal valued at 1,G00, and tlie ship vas worth 10,000. She was found off the Society islands after having drifted about in the ocean for some months, towed into Papette by a French transport, condemned, and sold to James Crawford & Co., who will reconstruct her. When recon structed she will again sail under tho British flag. While drifting about the burning wreck was sighted by averal vessels sailing in the south " -Paeiijc ocean to and nm tfcia port. Tlifc Terrible Snow. BAD NEWS FROM THE UPPER COLUMBIA. ONE MAN LOST IN AN AVALAN CHE OP SNOW NEAR TI1E DALLES. ANOTHER MAN FROZEN TO DEATH. ATsD STJ.LL ANOTHER MAIMED FOR LIFE. Details of the unprecedented snow storm oast of the Cascade range of mountains begin t arrive. From the Standard of yesterday we learn that a j man, name not reported, was lost in an avalanche on Tuesday morning near The Dalles, as lie passed from Keates saw mill to the head of the Hume up a gulch, for the purpose of letting the water on. Scarcely had he reached half way to the gates whn a low rumbling noise as of distant thunder was heard, and the very ground almost felt to quake. The poor man must have re alized his fate in an instant, as deep jsnov.s Irom man sides or the ravine I came tearing and crushing dow n the sides like a mighty deluge carrying everything bcfoicir. With a mutter ed prayer he sav earth closed from sight, and for one second felt the crush of ten thousand tons of snow, when his spirit passed aroiy. All ef forts to secure the body have been in vain, as it is almost :is impossible to reach ?him by digging as the coral beds rtf the ocean. It must remain where it is until the warm sunshine of spring, which this poor creature will never again feel, comes to meL away his winding sheet and give its victim into the hands of those who will ac cord it christian burial. Another party of five men, Thos Parker, James Johnson, Welch, Car son, and a man name unknown, were overtaken by the storm above The Dalles and took shelter in a where they remained over night. barn The next morning, as the snow was very deep, Parker, Johnson and Welch concluded to return to The Dalles. xVfter taking a few bites for breakfast they started on the fatal jonrney. They had gone not more than a mile and a half when Parker gave out. His companions then concluded to re turn with him to the barn. The cold was terrible. They worked with him for a longtime, but found that all must perish if -they did not leave him. The trial to iliem must have been great, yet they let him sink down in the snow, where he sank into his death sleep, and turned their faees on the back track. When the men reached the barn they were almost insensible from the cold. They were taken to a farm house, where it was ascertained that both of Welch's .feet were badly frozen. The farmer quickly mounted 'his horse and went to the rescue, at the same time intenfiing to go to The Dalles for a phytiaian. When he reached the body, life had flown, so he .took the corpse in front of him and carried it to the city where, subse quently, -an inquest as held and the remains given decent burial. The farmer could not get a physician, so he hurried back to -the sufferer at his home. He found Welch in great pain, and beyond the shadow of a doubt both feet will have to be amputated, leaving him in nearly as bad a condi tion as if he had shared the fate of poor Parker. Tho Fat Boys Stylo. Port Toicmsend Airpur. The Orcgonian lias nothing to offer in extenuation of our plain statement of facts concerning its course toward Senator Mitchell, and the cause thereof; so it just repeats that oft-quoted, lying assertion that the Argus is the organ of the Cus toms officials. In other words, it adopts the you'er another policv toward everything that it cannot answer with argument. The Standard says.: "We learn that the law governing salmon, etc.. it is in every way constitutional and will stand the strictest scrutiny in courts. A question was raised as to its constitutionality, but after a care ful examination of tho beU legal au thority it has been decided that it will stand the test." j5H?If a person orders his paper dis continued , he must first pay all arrear ages, or the publisher may continue to send it until it 13 made, and collect the vrliole amount, whether the paper- J3 taken Irom the office or not. Specimen Clipper Ships. The steamship Yanderbilt, con structed for the man whose name she formerly bore, was presented, as is well known, by Mr. Yanderbilt to the goverment during the civil war, and did some service, but was found to be too expensive as a naval vessel. After the war she was sold by the govern ment to the Howe brothers, of San Fran cisco, who had her altered into a sailing ship, which they christened the Three Brothers. This majestic speci men of marine architecture is one of the largest merchant vessels afloat. She has a capacity of 2,972 tons, and a length of 331 feet. The first trip of the Three Brothers was made from San Francisco to Havre in 110 days; thence she returned to New York, and made the vyage from that port to San Francisco in 132 days. Her specialty is to carry grain, in which vocation she has had . remarkable success. The Three Brothers has a rival in the David Crockett, and both these shins are now the subject of much comment in New York for the regularity witfh which they make their .trips. The latter is the fjistest sailerl She has made twenty-four round voyages to San Francisco and has never cost the underwriters one dollar. The shortest of her outward passages being 103 d?3 s, and the longest, 130 days. The shortest homeward passage was made in 94 days, and the longest in 115 days. The hist trip took 100 days, which is considered good time at this season. Her best sailing has been 3GL miles in 24 hours, and GOO miles in 4S hours. The latest performance by the Three Brothers and David Crockett was the departure of the former from San Francisco, October 11th, and of the latter eleven days afterwards she arriving in New York "harbor three hours ahead of the Three Brothers. It was this feat which bring3 the two ships into prominent notice, and has caused them to be much talked and written about. The Tribune says that the Three Brothers is an object of great curiosity iu New York, and when in that port has thousands of visitors. I.ETTER PROM CANADA- Special to the Astorian. Absrcorn, Quebec, Feb. 1. I had. come to the conclusion that The As-torian- had passed in its checks, but yesterday three numbers came rush ing into the post office in one mail sack the greeting was cordial. News from home, you know, is good for the soul, or any other man. flPhree feet of snow here yet, and sleighing is superb. A young man and his wife invited me to go to a -silver wedding party with them. I accepted. The sleigh was small, onhp one Beat, and three of us was somewhat crowded. The basket of provisons was put in my charge. along fine until the sleigh ran into a hole and out went the basket and me into it, head fore most. I escaped uninjured, but the pies were sadly demoralized. Frank says he never saw a basket so full as that one was. If I hadn't .went out in such a huary I would have pulled his wife out too. It beats me that people will live in auch a country as this. Thermometer froze up half the time; no money, and nothing in the shape of business. One dealer in merchandise in Astoria will sell more goods than ten do here, but the people are enterprising and gay. Sleigh rides and euchre parties all the go. I shall start for .home on or about (Feb. 10th, a cousin and bis wifego with mo intending to make Ore gon their future home. A great many people talk of going, but very few have the nerve to start. Dak. Important fa the Lndlcn of An tor Is. M rs. A. Ginder. next door to The As torian office, takes pleasure in inform ing the ladies ol Astoria and vicinity thatslie has justopeneft a-weli selertetl stock of Ladles underwear, and Chil dren and Infants which ihe invites th? attention of purdhasers. Lodging nouBE Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms rcm be accommodated at reasonable rites at Mrs. Munson's Cheuamus t. Astoria. ST"A newsnaper is a window through which men look out upon the world. Without a newspaper a man is shut up in a small room, and knows lit ! tie or nothing of what is happening out ! side of himself. In our day the news paper wiit keep a sensible man in sym paihy with the world's current history. It is an unfolding oncyulopedia and hAntt IxxjX forever Issuing and never finished. LETTER PROM HONOLULU. SPECIAL TO TI1K ASTORIAX. Honolulu, Jan. 7. Thinking you might like to hear from the yacht Falkinburg, I have taken the liberty of writing a line or two. Wp arrived here on the morning of the 4th inst., after a passage of 17 days from As toria. The smoothest and moet pleas ant voyage I ever made in my life. The ocean from the Columbia river to the harbor of Honolulu was nearly as smooth as a mill pond. A nice breeze and a fair wind the whole passage. We set onr'royal when the tug left us off the bar, and did not take it in again till we were in sight of Diamond head. My daughter enjoyed the voy age very mucli, as also Mr. E. C. Lord, of Portland. We all arrived here in good order, in good health and spirits; pleased with ourselves, pleased with our voyage, pleased with our gontlemanly Captain, and the :yacht" that brought us safely over the sea. The weather here is delightful I can say no more. I can give but a very faint "idea on paper of the beau ties of these islands; they must be seen to be properly appreciated. 1 shall remain here a month or two, or until we gtt tired, and will probably return via San Francisco. In the mean time you may hear from me again. Till then, adios. d. b. f. The Oregon Central railroad com pany have recently contracted for another lot of steel rails at the Phila delphia rolling mills, making, with the amount secured by former contract, 4,200 tons, which is ample enough to track the road from St. Joe to the present terminus at Corvallis a dis tance of fifty miles. Two thousand two .hundred tons ihave already been .rolled, and the first ship's cargo is nearly completed, and will soon be on the way to this city. Others will fol low in quick succession. The com pany has also contracted in the east tor three locomotives, three passenger coaches and two baggage cars, and for axles and wheels necessary in the construction of eighty box cars, which, with rolling stock and motive power ralready on the road, will put it in trim 'for the work of removing the next -season s gram crop. Uontract3 nave also been made for 183,000 ties for the proposed extension. The locating party is still in the field, and have al ready definitely located its 'line to a point some miles south of Aunty. The company is now acquiring a right of way, and as soon as this matter is settled will commence grading. AROUND THE OtTY. Miss.E. C. Benedict liaving com pleted the teaching of Mre. llhfkers system of 'cutting and fitfmg ladies dresses, and having lest fits in Astoria, kikes pleasure in referring to Mis. T. S. Jewett, Mrs. S. T. MeKean, Mrs. Eric Johnson, and Miss Annie Jentis, fliey eadii having learned the art. M iss Bene dict will remain in the city for a short time, and may be found at Mrs. S. T. McKoan's, where she will continue to give instructions as set forth in previous card. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt hooks, specially for use in can-neries,-nt-the'OifyIBook store. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailej-'s. "Fresh ovstera in every style at ! Schmeerr.'. See advertisement. - A small house to let in a desirable locality for residence. Inquire at this office. Capt. J. G. Hustler wishes to give everybody timely notice that if that school tax is not paid within a few days costs will curtainlyifellow. Parties in want of good "Oflar Shingles will do we'll to apply 20 Jl. C. Comegys, Kalama, W.T. Nick Squivalenee has concluded that there is no millions in shipping sailors, and he has given up that bus ness, and is attending elosely to keeping a hotel. Call at the Chicago House and see for yourself. Mr. J. Stewart stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better job for less money than an v outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should besufficientrecom nieiidation. Jietore you let your con tracts for work of this kind it would he well fri call upon Mr. Stewart. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you -wish anv article in the millinery line. "(Trimmed hats selling at cost. Teter Rtmpy la still 4n the market ovithmil'kinds of "building materials in his line. Has just received 100,000 lath. 2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brh'k-at his warehouse foot of Benton street. If yon want anvthing'in the line of Cigars, Tobacco. Nations, Fruits, die, call at Fosters, on theTtoadway. 1 - P. J. Goodman, on Main street.bas inst received the latst and most faah , lr.nable style of gent and ladles boots, ' fhoes, etc. 1 -Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bai!eyrs. 1 3cw invoice of. those Medallion ?kangci a Kanus C. Crosby's. 'IVHSCELLANEOUS . j, S TJBVJBXS &. JOPMST. Trucking, Draying, and Genera Team Work Done to order, and satisfaction guaranteed csrWood lor sale, and delivered to order. i T. JtEI"J. CALEDOXIA SALOOK. Comer of Front and A streets. rORTLAND - - OREGON tfiTLate "butcher in the Central Market. rIAS. A. 3IAY. "DKAI.ER IN Foreign anil Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toyb. Fmet brands of CIGARS AXD TOBACCO. Chenamus street, - Astoria. "TOTIiiXAM TUHXEH. T.OOT BLACK, OCCLDKNT SITAYING SAXOOX. Astoria, Oregon. Astoria Liquor Store, A1TG. DANIELSOX, Proprietor. Water st. Roadway, - Astoria, Oregox. Importer and dealer in WINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGaT,B. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY. Branch of MARX & .TORGENSEN, Tortland. Washington TSarket, jlah Street Astoria Oregon, 71 Ell GM AX 0 BISTiKY TEs5l,S(TFULLY CALL THE ATTF.N j tion of tho public to tho fact that th above Market will always bo supplied with a FCLL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! Which will behold at "lowest rates, wholesale ano" rct.'iil. Special attention given to suppij nc shin?. D, K. Warren. C. A. McGimrk Astoria Market ! Corner of -Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA. OKEGON. WARREN & McGUIRB, Proprlotor (Successors to Hobson J: IFarrsn. "Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in alttclntts.o Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. tfff" Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantir ton hand. i3 Ships supplied at thelowest rates. IT IS & POSITIVE TRUTH That housekeepers can do better nv deallng- with J. K. "WIRT, on Main street, as he keeps the best of FRUITS, CA7STDTES, NUTS, LTQUQRS AND CIGAE&, SMOKED SALMON", 'COLOGNE SAUSAGE, JERKED ELK MEAT. And also from Clatsop every other day FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, CIIEEeii,. CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, And evervthinj: that Is needed In the cook ing line at the lowest livinpnces. Call and examine before purchasing ete where. J. K. WllTT. CITY BOOK STOKE". MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. CHAS. STEVENS & SOIS Invite the attention of purchasers to tbebr stock, just laid In The Finest Selection'! The Cheapest Prices 1 The Greatest Worth i RECEPTION' POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSH POCKETS: CUTLERY, JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.: LADIES' FANCY BOARD. ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS: PAINTiPENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS; EXCELRIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. SA11 goods sold at lowest casli prices. CIIAS. STEVENS & SON. CItv Book Store to Main street, two doo'K, from the Honeer Restaurant, opposite ft ft. bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. Ceaeles Heilbok, MANUFACTURER OP And Dealer in FURNITHREand BEDDING. ALSO aaiPORTKB OF CARPETS, OIL iCLOfEHS, WALL PAPER, SHMESt etc. g""All kinds of repairing promptly at tended to. and furniture made to order. 52?a full line of picture mouldings awl iiaiucH. brackets. window romices, etc. ?."Full stock and lowest prices, comer of S:uemneaba and Main street. Aatoria. A BARE CHAHCJT T WTIJ, SELL ANY OR ALL OF TEE. X following described property, va j IfiO Acre, Sec 2,T. 8, X, ef JE. SreV southeast quarter. Also, In Olneyfl Astoria X,ot 1, 2, 3, aod 4, in fcJock 79$ Lotn It, 4, &, and 6, in Uo& lt 5tt 2 aad 4, ia Block I2e? aad jta &. in Slocfc 3S2; " SorUi kaif of Slock &, 3 1-3 acreo. , w D KVID IHQAIXS. Astoria, Ortgco.Uec 0 137, -SWfcu J .SonEOt.. rs&& K