f l J g&s gal IVstouimX ASTOKlktfKEGON : 1. G. IREX.AXD. .Etotor. WEDXESDXY..-.-.1F'Kni:uAi:Y 19, 1879 A 'Stirring' Appeal. On the 10th ult. Senator Mitch ell made a stirring appeal in be half of Oregon; an appeal to Senators for co-operation in secur-Tin- needed aid to the commerce of the Pacific coast, from it -ve quete: Desirous, as I frankly confess I am, to merit the good opinion of :ny constituents by my labors in their behalf, 1 trust 1 shall, in the measure now under consideration, be able to convince the senate that the -end sought to be gained in this instance is onethat is neith er visionary, impracticable, nor in any sense void of merit; but rather one demanding in the name of the commerce of our country respect ful and earnest consideration, and -arly and prompt action. The bubject is one to be viewed in the more enlarged intelligence and comprehensive vision of general commercial advancement and na tional prosperity. The time was, within the memory of the present 'veneration of the Great West, ex tending from the Rocky mountains to thePacrKc and from the British dominions to Mexico, was compar atively a wilderness, and when the waters of thePaciiicocean bordering on these extended shores were un disturbed by the ships of commerce. The inquiring and enterprising spirit of the age, however, has wrought a change. Emigration uet its foot thitherward; territories were organized, states created, so ciety established, cities built, ag riculture, mechanic arts, mining, manufactures all have sprung into existence, and to-day the pa cific slope is in .point of wealth. natural resources, not to speak of its unquestionable prospective greatness, an empire in itself; the Pacific ocean, whose waters jk-'ibeat forever on the golden shores of the far west, are thronged by the ships of all nations and enliv ened by the bus' commerce of the world. Indeed, so rapid has been tiie transition state of the growth and prosperity of the Pacific coast that a mere statement of the real facts seems to strike eastern ears as the rehersal of an Arabian tale the mere product of imagination. Ilence the diiliculty in concentra ting the public mind and inducing public action in reference to these matters of such vital iinportancGy not only to the Pacific coast but to the country at large. I appreciate and frankly con cede this difficulty in attracting public attention to crying: wants of our commerce upon the Pacific coast is not the result of any disposition on the part of eas tern or southern statesmen to ig nore any section of the country, but rather the result of a not sur prising failure upon the part of those who have never visited the Pacific slope to note and compre hend the rapidity of the change by which the late frontiers of the west have been transformed into an empire of greatness, of com mercial wealth, and political, so cial, and moral power. It is in "vain that the six senators and . seven or eight representatives of the Pacific coast can raise their voices and bend their onergies in favor of national legislation in the interest of the commerce of the far west, unless indeed we can enrao-e tne-attention -and. secure the secure tne in fluence of our eastern and south- ern friends. To you, fellow sena tors, whose leng experience upon this floor makes your influence and power felt and recognized, not alone In the councils of the nation, but .throughout the land, I appeal, basing it as I do upon no slimsy fabric woven. by the imagination, but upon facts and statistics as ir refragable as truth itself. I ask in the name of the suffering com merce of the west and in the inter e?.ts of the real growth and pros perity of our nation, to extend a helping hand, that the blessings of national legislation in aid of na tional commerce and for its pro jection, may extend in equal meas ures to all states and sections, to .all rivers and harbors m our great irejpubiic. Whatever nat.onal aid is given to encourage our com merce, whether internal or exter nal, even in the remotest portions of our national heritage, is not lost, but returns in vitalizing influence and power to strengthen the heart and energize our whole national being. Mr. Mitchell supported his argu ment by facts and figures which it is not necessary that we should re produce to-day, as they are facts and figures with which our readers are very familiar, much of them having been compiled in this city, relating to the great fertility of our wheal producing valleys, etc. Mr. Mitchell centinues: The "ablest and most far-seeinp-statesman of a quarter of a century iigo had not the faintest conception of the immense natural resources, the wonderful capabilities, the vital elements, the internal and exter nal wealth, and commercial great ness and grandeur of the western shores of this continent. Daniel "Webster, in speaking of California in this chamber in 1650, (1 quote from a recent work), used this lan guage: 1 am sure that everybody has become satisfied that although California may have a very great-seaboard ami a large city or two. yA that the agricultural products of the whole surface now are not and never will be equal to one-half part of those of the .state of Illinois, no, j nor yet a fourth or perhaps a tenth part i Yet, notwithstanding this proph etic declaration from the lips of one of the ablest, most far-seeing, and eminent statesman this coun try has ever known, befere tw'enty four years had passed away Cali fornia produced more wheat per annum by 2,191,280 in value than the state of Illinois, and -more by 1,UG3,4S0 in value than any other state in the Union, while to-day its wheat crop exceeds in value that of the state of Illinois by more than 15,000,000; its barley crop is over four times that of Illinois; its wool crop double that of Illinois and greater than that of any other state in the Union except Ohio. But not only so; the Pacific states and territories in 1877 exported about 40 per cent, of the total ex ports of wheat from the United States to 'foreign lands, .perhaps not so much the past year owing to the drouth in California, and the day is not in the distant future when over one-half of all the.wheat exported from the United States will be crown in the State of Cali fornia and Oregon and territory of "Washington, while Oregon and Washington, -I confidently predict, will produce over half of this amount, of one-fourth of our total exports. Although the Pacific belt, from Behring strait to the thirty-third parallel of north lati tude and from the Rock' moun tains to the Pacific ocean, is the greatest gold and silver producing area m the world, producing an nually over eighty millions of these precious metals, yet this annual product of this extended -field, im mense and princely in value as it is, is to-day dwarfed into compara tive insignificance in commercial! value and national importance by its annual contributions to the commerce of the world in the shape of 'gram, lumber, timber, fruits, -wine, fish, wool and kindred products. frn speaking of this subject the Chicago Journal of Commerce, in a recent editorial, makes this truth ful statement: When Oregon and Washington came into actual posst ss'.on of our people, who ever dreamed that they would e-vor be come distinguished for the abimdar.ee of good qualities of their wheat fields V And yet ordinary men, attracted to the Pacific coast by the "reports from its mines, its fish, and its game, but were disappointed in their -expectations, re prieved their fortunes by sowing and reaping wheat and cultivating fruit. And now this Iimuense coast is the wonder of all lands, for it pours into the lap of commerce grain, -fruits, and fish beyond any other country known to man. Yes, Air. President, well may this influential .patron and advo cate of the nation's commerce speak of the Paciiic coast in refer ence to its strain, its fruits, its fish as 1 he ''wonder of all lands," and I of its contributions te the "lap of cennn ,rce :is being beyond any other country known to man. "Wei" may it be said, in the apt and scrptual quotations of Professor Hoi er Ellis Thompson, of the university uf Pennsylvania, in a recent article from his pen of our " commercial T r m. i 1 4- 4-U iraercial future, and that the at.nor,thPacific is a land where orcat thou shalt eat bread without 'scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing- in it: a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass." (Deut., vm, 9.) S-Mosfc people "take a look at the advertisements.' If thevread those of other people, why will they not see yours ? BOR5. in this city, Feb. 18th, to the wife of Columbus Brown, a son. 111 Astoria, Feb. 18, 1S79, of dip l.vi after 13 days illness, C.vuimk Sop. v. daughter of Win. and .hfolvno Oiscn, aijed 11 years, G months and 21 days. SaTFuneral will take place to-day, at 2 o'clock r. m at the house. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "WARRANT LOST. In this city, on or tf about the 4.4th of February, a City Warrant. No. sol, drawn in favor of Alert Ilook ami Ladder I'o. No. l. for the sum oT $2." 00. All persons are cautioned against purchasing the j-ainc as notice has been given and payment stopped. J. E. THOMAS. Asioria. Feb IS, 1870. (Ltw-iOd W. CAS IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IX A FULL ASSORT3IENT WHICH Yv ILL BE SOLD AT TitE LOWEST RATES FOR -OIAISI EC- Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON. A C(BIPLETE ASSORTMENT OF EresH 'Garden- Seeds, BOTH OREGON AND CALIFORNIA JUST DECEIVED. I. W. CASE, Corner Chenamus and Cass Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. TWINE AND EOPE. ooaiiBrry Cotton Salmon Twine 6 to 36 Thread. WOODBERRY GOTTON JJOFE, 1-4, 3-8, 5- 16, FOK SALE LOW BY T. & P. N. HAN1NTA, 308 & 310 lavi 8t San JFranclMCO. Barbour's IBM IMI THREADS AND Salmon Net Twine. Cotton SeiRS Twiee, Cork and Lead Lines. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 311 Market Street, San FrnnVi.Mco. HENRY DOYLE & Co., Mn:urCrs. GEORGE ROSS' C- Billiard Room. The onl' Billiard Room in the city wheio no liquors are soiu. -VTEW TABLE JUST PUT UP. GEORljfc ! J s a cosv place ima keeps on hand ti.e test brand .or Cigars Abo. . , m. nuts. etc. frnnoslte AHona'Chop House. Oo-tf GEO. ROSS, rropnelur. BUSJGSTESS CAEDS. 1$ F. PENXISOX. F. J. TAYLOS DENKISOS" & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AT IiAW. ASTORIA. OKEfiON". Office Up stairs in Farker's building, comer Chenamus and Benton streets. O. K. JSKMj. a- MEACJIEN-. I5ETL & 3IEACKEX, Attorneys at Law arid Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Astoria, Orcson. Office Corner of Squemooqho and streets, up stairs, over E. S. Larsens stoi Cass store j. w. Jjoni:. C. W. FULTON". 320B25 & FTOTOHf. Attorneys-at-Law. Collecting and Real tstate Agents. Rooms Nos. l and 2. Dr. Welch's new build 'ig, Squeniecqha street. Astoria. F. D. "WINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflke in City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. DK. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University f Pennsylvania. PIIYSICTAA" A3fn srRW)S. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. OlSicc Larsen's buildinsr. Oliicr Slour?.. R A. M. to 10 A.M. and fi p m. to S i'. 31. At night can be found at Tur- pin House. Astoria, Oiskgox. TVR. F. CJRANG, PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. OfHce Room m. 7 over'C. L. Tarker's store. Opposite Deinent's drug store. Du- J. AY. OLIVER, I103I KOPATIIIST, TTaVlne permanently located in Astoria, tenders bis services to the citizens of this place. Oi'WCK. For thenresentat his residence corner of Main and Jefferson streets. OTTO IMTFA'Eat. WATCHMAKER AD JEWELER. II S RKMOVEP TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTORIA. - OREGON. J. STEWA'KT. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. ----- OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. 11i:0. LOVETT, TAILOR, CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Post-office. Astoria. S. "' Manufacturer of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, ETC. x5"0ars leathered, ami leather for sale. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS - Proprietor. Aslorin. Ores:0n No ruhbinjc or scrubbing, and no tbnusbing your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. CSXeat work at reasonable prices. Give us a call. TTUGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. CS"Hou?os built to order, and satisfaction -Guaranteed. Shop on Squemoeqha street, next door to the Episcopal church. J. H. JD, GRAX Tiolesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, by the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storaere :md Wlmrfncrn on reason able terms. SEAMIKG GLASSES, All sizes and shapes from lIatc or 26 oz. DOORS, WINDOWS, AND WINDOW GLASS. Sash, Weights. Etc Address all orders CLIFFORD COGGINS, (Successor to Jason, Springer & Co.") PORTLAND, OREGON. PIBRE CIDER VINE6AR! 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in 25 Gallon Packages. For sale by ""Tllis !j thnlmcl .,.ni.4.. nr ,.:r, lnt I is made ; it is Warranted "pure "cMcr viliepar. put. up by an Oregon factor, and persons in V.ant OX a good artii;!n wlinlivjulr. nr nt:ilL n.i, lumvu in ciii on im ;..:,.."-- V. ""- ni"l.m. u .. -, E. & LAESENT j Cor, Squcmocqhe ana Cass streets, Astoria. ! AUCTION SALES. ? VC. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Ileal Estate Agent ami Conveyancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN7 and AUCTIONEER. Rents ami Accounts Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales dav. SATURDAY!? sit P. 3T. N. R. Parties having real estate. Inrni tnreorany other goods to diio?e of pi titer at auction or private sale should notify me soon as convenient befor" tle dav of sale. :y storage charged on sroods sob at Auc- "" r. C. IIOLhJN. 1,1 Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. WORSSU3SrT3 Dancing : Academv. u. Page's building next door to E.S. Larsen. C,KXTsCi.Ass-On Mondav and Thursday e enmgs. at 7 ::. Lawks Class On Mondav and Thursday afiemonns. at 2 :30. Roys Glass On Tuesday and Fridav evenings, at'7 :$0. Missks Class "Wednesday and Saturday at 1 i x s Wednesday evening for the entire school. one admitted except scholars. Saturday evening SOIREE. Terms Ladies and gents class Month per Roys -and M i!vTes ciass'per Mont ii."..".HTI "" i .. c: HOTELS AND REST ATTRACTS. Water street, near the O. S. N. Co.'s Wharf, AST0HIA. OREGON. HENRY ROTI1E Puorun-rroiu THIS IS A NEWIOTELIUTrLBINt;. newly furnilied. i conveniently situa ted to business, and will be conducted so as make it a first elass stopping place for tin- public generally, and will be open from thi dav. pARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, n. 15. TARKER. Jonrietor. TIIIS HOTEL is the larj:et. most comfort able and last kept hotel in the eitv. !? supplied with thebest of spring water, hot and cold baths, barbershop, and a llrst-chiss saioon wun nest oi mruoir. and cigars, and line billiard table. Tree coach to and from the house ; charges reasonahle. SI 00 to $259 per day. according to room occupied. Astoria, July 15. 1ST8. nnuitpix house, D. L. TUItriN - ruoritiKTOR MAIN STREET. Between Souemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria, Oregon. Board and lodging per week .?r no Board per day .: i oo Single Meal 25 Tne table will be supplied at all times with the best the market affords. A. J. MEGLER. C. S. WRIGHT. OCCIDENT HOTEL. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Asioria, Oregon. THE TROrRIETORS ARE HAPPY Tf announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the beXv hotel north of San Francisco. pALACE LODGING HOUSE. ( Alisky & II cycle's new building) Corner of Morrison and Third street, PORTLAND, OREGON, J3VFurnished rooms in suits, or single h the day, week or month. Miss II. MEXEFEE. Lcp.e. TyAIiliA WAIiTjA RESTAUEANT, TEPEO. BEOEMSEE, - - PKOPniEORx T Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies or me season, served in, every style. Opposite the Telepraph office, Squemoqlw street, Astoria, Oregon. OS-MEALS AT ALL HOURS-S. ASTORIA CANDY FACTORY AKT OYSTER SAIOOV. HAVING ENLARGED MY STORE I havenowon hand the largestand beat assortment of plain and French candies ia town, also, all kinds of CAKES, CRACKERS AND BISCUITS. All of which I ofTer for sale at the lowest cash price, wholesale and retail at SCHWEER'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite the bell tower. Retail candy from 25 to 73 cents per pound Fresh Eastern and Shoahvater bay oysters served in every siyie. QMITII MAYNES, CRYSTAL SALOON, On the Roadway, - - Astoria. Ojieoox. jSTh.e very best quality of wines, liquors and cigars at wholesale or retal. TH ASTORIA BREWERY RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PKOPKIETORS. " Corner of Olney and "Water streets. ASTORIA. OREGON. Best quality oL LAGER BKFJts cts. per glw, choice At incs. Liquors, and Cigars always Mn.l fiswThe patronage of the public is respect fyllv solicited. Orders for Imager or Boicled Beer in anv quantity promptly filled. f-The oeat lunch the setuon wiZl aSoL I ufaheil day sud nisUit J?JU-ZiU X "K-r