C3) ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Mond.iy Excoptedl, I. C. XREE.A3TD : t PITBMSIEER. Asturixin Building, Cass Street. itihns of Subscriptien: hrvcl by 0?rner, pir "crook 3-" Cent.' vjnt'by mail, four raeaths ? 0(i Sent, by mail, cne yoar...... v... 9 0" Free -of Postage to Subscribers. asr Advertisements msertod by the year ai lh rato of 51 3J per square per month. Transient advertising, by the-day Sr week. Ttfty cones per square for each insertion. THE CITY. sfTjc Daily A.stouia will he rent Itji ma il at 7.ri cent a'Vnon'h.frce ttftostage. Hind er ichn canlcmifiatc absence frnm the eiiji ran ho'c Thk Astoj:ia" follow them. Daily Wkkkly alUioTi tn amj past-office with Hif atMitUmnl expense. Addresses man he cnoAijvd as often as desired. Leave orders at fs ctmntiny rmrnu BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENT. PrcachuiR in the Congregational church to-morrow morning and evening by file pastor. Rev. .1. T. Wolfe. Sub ject inornimr. "The Kingdom of God.' livening, "The Unpardonable Sin." At Presbyterian hall to-morrow morning and evening, the usual services will be conducted by ihe pastor, Rev. E. "N. Gondii. Snhbalh school at the elose or the morning service. All are wel come. . Get your express matter ffor the steamer to-morrow readv to-day. For Fiiish Roll Butter, Cabbage, Kauliilower, Oranges and Legions go to J. V. Gearharts. Dr. Aug. G. Kinney was appoin ted health officer of the city by the common council yesterday. Mr. Win. G. Ross intends to move to Knappa. His residence on Cass "street will be occupied bjT Mr. M. J. Kinney. . Mr. H. T Dennis, was in the -city yesterday. He informs us that a now logging camp is about to be open ed on John Day river. Plans and specifications have "been for warded to Washington for approvals for a new dock and ware house at Fort Stevens. Our Nasby wants us to advertise for a lost postmaster. His name is "Wm. John3on,Yesper, Clatsop county. No such postoffice can be found in the -decalogue. The Daily Astorian particular ly delights in referring to "our cham ber of commerce." Vzily Experiment. Beg 3our pardon Brother; it is not .-t chamber of commerce you have; is it ? Cannerymen and business men in general will do well to examine Adlers new stock of Blanlc-book and Stationery which he bought m the East and oilers at less than Portlani. prices. m At a special meeting of the com luon council, held yesterday' afternoon, Mr. Peter Runey was unanimously elected as a member from the second ward to till the vacancy occasioned by 4ho resignation of Sir. Nowlen. The Merchants' club of Boston is contemplating a trip to San Francisco and points of interest on the Pacific coast, this spring. The club is im posed of gentlemen representing nearly --ill the different business interests of fthat city and Massachusetts, and -wrduld doubtless be cordially received by the business men of Oregon. Mr. Geo. A. Steel, United States postal agent for Oregon, re' in the city. He appears to be attending closely to 3iis business, notwithstanding the vhacks of the Oregonian. Scott don't like Mr. Steel youknow, because Mr. Steel is an honest man. If he was a kunk; and took delight in destroying Senator Mitchell's documents, etc., Scott would say: "Bully boy!" but he don't, you sec. . - B. F. Dowcll, of "Jacksonville, has been ordered to pay the sum of $18 ..per week for the support of W. C. .Griswold, against whom the United States obtained a veraict of 37,000. Mr. Griswold' is within the jail limits Tit Portland, and we believe that it is Dowell followed Griswold to the "bit- . - - st-er end," and now Griswold dines and 'insstDovrellVexpense. t... -i. :-, .. nant-r b.,i Lmm i -neir parents about such matters be- iifL nnno-p.alina- heart. nmlll to snoDorta'fendant after iforo they accept anybody in fun or that beats desponding to her -3 A ij.--.-j : i-u: otherwise. If idino.v in'f crrrtwino- elm -will nsver want to . n'menc was oumiiieu. 111 luio ouuc, j - o- ww ... A "Blaze of Gca&ty. Metropolitan hall was a-blazc with the exhibition of youth and beauty at the masquradc last evening. No party was ever given in Astoria which pass ed off more handsomely, or more suc cessfully. As we are unable to give the list of persons entire who appeared in costume, t? e defer particulars until to-morrow. Shallow Traiinaciidn. It seems strange fhat the San Fran disco Journal of Commerce should only know of Coos bay in making tip its annual review. Here is all it has to say of the Oregon part of it3 stery: And here we depart a little from the even tenor our way to give a few statistics of Coos bay. One of the most important points on "the Oregon coast. And we do this simply and solely because the citizens of that place have been enterprising enough to complete and furnish them to us. The total value of exports since and including 1877 and eiidit months of 1S78 has been S3, 192,101,75. of which 62,942,4 GS,75 has been the value of Dumber. Forty vessels !.,... ynnr, bttilr if an .irrerate ton- "'-' "y,. ."n i i ;, f fti.J nagc of K),3o0, including one ot the finest vessels ailoat,t he Western Shore, 2,000 tons. During the period above specified the arrivals and departures have been 2,3SS, of a tonnage of 565, 550 tons. Jn the immediate vicinity of Coos bay there are 100,000 acres of timber land. Within ten miles of the bay there are 75,000 acres of coal laud, containing 450 million tons of coal, while the total ore in that district is not less than 250,000 acres. There is 21 feet of water at the bar. We sec it stated that a petition is in circulation in Koseburg, to pre vent the hanging of the two Chinamen recently convicted and sentenced in Portland. What in thunder Rosebirrg has to do with Chinese hanging m Portland, somewhat puzzles the Al bany Democrat. Mr. H. C. Hoyt, of the San Fran cisco Merchants' exchange, lias pre pared his annual statement of the amount of tonnage built on the Paci fic coast, by which it appears that in 1878 the total number of vessels built was thirty-eight, principally small steamers and schooners, with a total registered tonnage of 5569tons. There is a large number of disso lute, idle, unscrupulous vagabonds from the sand lots of San Francisco, members of Kearney's cohorts, at the presenttime hangiug around Portland. The Beeeays they are hale, hearty, muscular young felknrs, but too infer nally lazy to work for an honest -existence. They prefer to sleep under wharves and old sheds and barns, at night, and live on bar-room lunches j by day. Considering the great interests manifested by the people iu everything that pertains to the O'Shea-Joseph tragedy, the Bee publishes the names of those who signed the petition to Governor Thayer for the commutation of sentence of the murderors, Brown and Johnson. The list numbers about GOO names, among which some good ones are included. The great majority however, are unknown to the bona fid, citizens, and are men who have come but recently to Portland and have but little influence Or standing. It is right the public should Ircovr and recognise those who- arc so 'desirous to protect the lives aud property of the communitv. It 'has been decided by the Supe- j nor court of Chicago that a marriage secured under threat of violence is "void. The case was tlmfc of :i votmtr girl who "accepted a proposal in fun," vho, unlike most girls, Tcally didn't want to get married, and tried to ex plain the case to the young man. He became angry threatened to shoot her if she refused, while she, lieing still less inclined to be killed than mar ried, finally submitted. After a great many false representations to the clergymen-the ceremony was per formed about . year ago. It is a gocd thing that there are courts to protect idiotic young women in cases like this, but it weuld be a much better thin" if fl, ,.,.,, . ,, ,. if the young women would consult ,, . ... j amonS omen in this country then Ut iri- , "w wwwwcs are most outrageously liaise. . t FACTS AND SCRAPS. The only people who really en joy bad health are the doctors. A bird fancier calls his canaries "riches," because they have wino- . "When does the rain become too familiar with a lady? When it begins to patter on her back. TSavid Purkey, of Morriston, Pa., aged twenty-five bus married his stepgrandmother, aged sixty. "Pekin," the name given to vel vets, silks and woolens having al ternate dull and lustrous stripes, is all the rage at Paris. Two men still keep a steady guard day and night over the grave of Jftrighaia Young in a small building erected near it. The Liborian ship Azor has re turned to Charleston, and is taking on board another detachment of negroes for -Monrovia and the inte rior. E. B. Ward, of Detroit, died worth SI 0.000,OOQ. His will was contested, and now there is scared a poor lawyer in the state of Michigan. iLuinond. About says that an J election to the once famous French Edmond About that academy is no longer coveted by any writer or author of eminence in France. "Our enormous consumption of timber" is a theme which all young men, who chew tooth-picks on hotel verandas, are requested to consider. A wealthy gentleman of -Pitts-buro-h -discovered in a beprcrar a few days since a man who was his part ner in 1SG5. lie has provided for him well. -It takes U7 laps of Mr. Tal- mag's pulpit to make a mile, yet, on so inconvenient a track, he has made a very creditable record as a pedestrian. We hear of a country school mistress who encourages scholars in running matches. She teaches the young idea, in other words, how to scoot. Said a philosepher: 4I dun't like a man who is intimate on short acquaintance, because he is almost rsure to be 'short on -intimate ac quaintance." , "Why. Willie," said his mother; pat dinner, "you can't possibly eat another plate of pudding, can you?" "Oh, yes, I can, ma; one more plate will just fill the Bill." Castor oil is becoming an im portant product in British India. Last year there wers 67,000 acres devoted to it in Madras. It has been cultivated with success in Iowa. A piece of br-ush thrown into an oyster bed near New London. Conn., eighteen months ago, was recently taken out with about thirty bushels of bivalves clinging to it. A United States patent for eighty acres of land to Letton Smith, dated October 1, 1833, and signed by Andrew Jackson, Prcs ident, was filed for record at Shel by recently. The entire sale of public .lands, government, railroad and State during the last year was 11,202,240 acres. This is a larsfe excess over .the sales for 1S72, the year preced ing the panic. Diptheria, according to the ex periments of Professor Klebe, of Prague, can be very successfully treated with benzoate of soda. N o inconvenience is felt from doses of five srammes. Tln most --strin-jent tramp bill K yet has been introduced in the Connecticut senate. It punishes tramping -with a.ycar in state prison or ten lashes and six months in the work-house, Thomas Jefferson's grave will not imrcli longer be left in its pres ent uncared-for condition. The construction of the monument provided for by congress will be begun in the spring. Prince Bismarck is reported to be earn estly, intent upon tho pas- sao-e of the law he is now prepar- ino, to inspect all .correspondence passing between his empire and foreign countries. .., ., 11 r.r.,.r. "MV. . ." - - . P-irtino-ton. "has been .married L uujlft wjix, " "wnnrpi :l wuaiuiu. atvya iixi. and one ovirri "r enter the maritime state again 1 . A Tii -ur, )rr ,.- 1 lroquis county, xn., w tosian srelhi, all small bore, --within a radius of twenty miles. No one of them exceeds seventy-five feet in depth, and they yield a total daily supply of 53,500,000 gallons. A temperance society up in Meriden dignifies itself by the appellation "Mount Ararat Lodge" probably because that noted mound -was the driest spot on earth when Noah anchored there. Mrs. Shoddy's views are interest ing to those who are thinkingabout keeping a carriage. She says she has thought it all over, and come to the conclusion that brooches are almost too large; thatthese'ere coupons are too shut up, but that a nice, stylish pony phantom seems to be just the thing. AROUND THE CITY. A new lot of full boundiuank, and receipt hooks, specially for use in can neries, at the City Book store. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeors'. See advertisement. -A small housv to let in a desirable locality for residence. Inquire at this olliee. A stunningly beautiful selection of valentines 'were opened at the City Book store last week. Call around anil see them. Cant. J. G. Hustler wishes to give everybody 'timely notice that if that school tax "is not "paid within a few days costs will certainly follow. Trenc.hard & Upshur have at their store samples of cedar net floats made by Pixlev, at Westport, and which will be furnislwd in quantities to suit at S3 00. Valentines, all kinds. C. A.May's Fresh oysters in every style -and at all hours at tin- Pioneer restaurant. Fresh California roll butter, or anges, lemons, and limes at the grocery store of .1. Strauss. ""Shipmasters wishing to secure seamen can have their wants supplied by calling at the Chicago house., Alain street. J.Strauss received a large lot of the best quality of kerosene (Evening Light), by'the Hera lat evening. Call aroiuurand leave your orders Parties in want of good Cedar Shingles will do well to apply to II. C. Comegys, Kalama. W. T. Peter Runey Is still in the market with all kinds of 'building materials in his line. Has just received 100,000 lath, 2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his'warehouse foot of Buiiton street. Mr. J. Stewart, stone ;and marble cuttor of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will 'do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should besuflicientreconi niendation. Before you let your con tracts for work of this kind it would be. well to eall upon Mr. Stewart. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish anv article in the millinery line. Trimme'&hats selling at cost. If von want nnvthins in the line of Cigars,'Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc, call at Posters, on the Roadway. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has iustTeceived the latest and most "fash ionable style of gent and ladies boat.:, j Mioes, etc. Wood of all kimK and a splendid lot of pitch wood, at Gray's wharlVIor sale in lots to suit purchasers. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. New invoice of those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. Clatsop Cliurch Service, In connection with the service at the Clatsop Presbyterian chunth on Sabbath. Feb. 2.'d. the'sacrament Of the Lord's snipper will be celebrated. On Saturday afternoon, Feb. 22d, at 2 o'clock, there will be held the usual preparatory ser vices, at which time, application for membership should be mafte. E. X. Oo.vniT. Pastor in Charge. Important to the. Ladies of Astoria. Mrs. A. Ginder, next door to The As tokian office, takes pleasure in in form inn tiie ladies of Astoria and vicinity that she has just opened a well selected stock of Ladles underwear, and Chil dren's and Infants goods, to which she invites the attention of purchasers. The steamer 'General Canby will leave Gray's wharf promptly at 8 o'clock this morning, with passengers for oyster ville, via Ilwaco. -A.s many citizens of Astoria as can dfs-so, ahou.d attend the railway meeting in Oyster- ville to-day. A tieket ofliee on the Oregon Steam Narigation ctwajairy's dock in this city was opened tyesterday, with Mr. G. H.'AVooster behind the coun ter. We think it-would be impossible to find a more gentlemanly gentleman fop that position. Accounts of the snow storm tell us that it fell three feet deep at Vic toria. It was 20 inches deep at The Dalles last Tuesday, and the -etonn extended as far east as Canyon -city, blockading the roads. At Golden- : , , nt ir. 1 aaie snow was 00 incues ueep. nxuen , t ,.,,. . f ofnnlr will h irwh 7n rnnsoni!Hiirf nf .... x . this storm, wmcri is a -regular cow l-;iw . ' LondNO DOTJ8E Persons requiring f urmshedor iinturuisneu rooms can be accommodated at reasonable rates at Mrs-Munscrfs Chenamus atAatoria. MISCELLANEOUS ; DTEYEXS & JOPIilX, ASTORIA, OREGON. Trucking, Draying, ana General Team Work Done to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. K5"Wood for sale, and delivered to order., ri T. KEII CALEDONIA "SALOON, Comer of Front and A streets. PORTLAND - - - - OREGON cLnte butrher in the Central Market. rffiAS. A. IAT, UKATEn. IX "Forcijjn ami Tomosic Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys. Finest, brands of CIGAES AND TOBACCO. Chenamus street, - Astoria. XITILIilAI TUltXEIl. BOOT BLACK, OCCIDENT SHAVING SALOON. Astorta. Oregon. Astoria Liquor Store, AUG. DANTELSON, Troprletor. Water st. Roadway, - Astoria, Orrgo:x. I Importer and dealer in WIES, UQUGRS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIOaIIS. Sole agent for the celebrated 'STONEWALL "WHISKEY. Branch of MARX & JORGENSEN, Portland. Washington Harket, Jlalv Wrest, Astoria Oregon, BEliGMSiy A BE1ZRY TESPSCTFULLY PALL THE ATTEN t:on of tho miotic to tho fact that the ilinvo Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowct rates, wholesale jrnd retail. Special attention given to aupiiij mr ships. 1). K. U'arkkn. C. A. McGuikk Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamnsaud Gassstreet. ASTORIA. OKEOON. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietor (Sxtceexsors to TIob.-on fc Warrrr.. Wbole.riio and Retail Dealers in all Kluo? u Fresh and Cured Wleats! A full line of Family Grocei'ies, CANNED lRUn VEGETABLES, ETC. tE flutter, Eskf, Choese, etc. cunstAutiy on hand. CS5" Ships supplied at the lowest rates. IT IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That housekeepers can do better bv dealing with J. K. TVniT. on Main street, as he keeps the best of FPvUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, XTQUORS AND CIGAP.S, SMOKED -SALMON. BOLQGNE SAUSAGE, JERKED ELK MEAT. And also from Clatsop every other day FRESn BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, 'CLAMS, DUCKS, Cli'IGKENS, And evcrvthinir that, is needed in the ceok- j ins linear the lowest living prices. Call and examine "oefore purchasinc else I where. J. K. WIRT. CITY BOOK STORK MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. CI2AS. STEVJEISS fc SON Invite the attention of purchasers to Jnefr stock, Jnst laid m The Finest Selection 1 The Cheapest PricesJ The Greatest Worth.! RECEPTION7 POCKETS; LADIES' Df ABIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BIirSIE POCKETS; CUTLERY. JEWELRY, CHARick ETC ETC LADTESVFANCY BOARD.'ETCL; UOLD PENS AND PENCILS: PA1NTPENCILS, GUTTA PERCIIA GOODS: EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. jSAH goods sold at lowesticaeh pricee. chas. stkvi:ns & son. City P.ook Store to Main street, two doc from the Vionccr Restaurant, opposite fho bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. (Jhaeles Heileorn, MAUFACTUREa-Oi' And Denier in FURNITUREandBEDDING. ALSO I2IPOP-TER OV CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, TVALL PAPER, SHADES, kto. C5?A'l kinds of repairing promptly at tended to. and furniture made to order. rjr?"A full llrf Hi Tili'tiir Tirtii'!rHnir-.iT'-H liaiPCK. brackets, window oornlw, etc. &" ull stock and lowest prices, corner of fcSnuemocalia and Main street. Astoria, A RARE GHAWCL tT WILL SELL ANY OR ALL OF SHE: JL following described property, iriz ; ICO Acre, gee 22, T. S,3. of. 9-weirtv. mmlhcajrt quarter. Also, in Olneys Astoria LoU 3, 2, '3, rod 4, to Blok" 7ft let 3, 3. r, and 6, 1h Stock tt; T.OU S and 4. la BIelicl2f mAIcl- -4m Black X33; 1 jfertfe kslf f Sleek a.-a 1.9 o DAVID iNQALLa storb,'Oroo,ldc-io,i7. mmmn SZ