' ' omit Astoria, Oregon, Friday MorninJ, February 14 1879. Vol vin. No. 37. - - " . 1 " TELEGRAPHIO. Foreign Dispatches. Hoi led Down Tor The, Astorinn. FEARFUL PREDICTION REGARD ING THE PLAGUE. PRECAUTIONS GUARDING AGAINST ITS INTRODUCTION IN LONDON. VESSELS "WITH FOUL BILLS RE FUSED ADMISSION IN EGYP TIAN POUTS. SERIOUS RESULTS OF STRIKE IN LIVERPOOL. THE THE PLAGUE DECREASING IN ASTRAKHAN. London, Feb. 11. The privy coun cil has ordered a careful inspection of bills of health of crews and messen gers of vessels arriving from the Black soa. Rome, Feb. II. The president of the board of health speaking to-day in the chamber of deputies, predicted that if the plague penetrated Europe it would destroy a third of the popu lation. The government has ordered twenty days' quarantine again. Alexandria, Feb. 11. Yessels with foul bills of health were refused admission in Egyptian iorts. Liverpool, Feb. 12. Trade here is partially paralized on account of the strike. The strike among sailors has become so general that is difficult to obtain crews except at increased rates. It is stated that there are thirty grain laden ships at Queenstown, aud that owners do not know where to send them. Meanwhile the grain may be heating in the vessel holds and rend valueless. There are many reports of intimidation by dock laborers and others to prevent men from working until the dispute is settled. Strikers to-day refused old wages and one hour longer work daily. The proposition of shipowners for arbitra tion was also rejected. St. Petersburg, Feb. 12. The epi demic has entirely disappeared from Astrakhan. No cases for several days. A curious notion prevails in some quarters about war claims. A man who remains at home and attends to his business, and hap pens, in the course of the war, to lose a few steers or an old barn, asks the nation to compensate him for his loss. But the man who goes to the. front and loses his life is not compensated. It seems about time, therefore, to educate war claimants up to the idea that war demands of the people in whose behalf it is waged the great est sacrifices. One man loses a limb, another his life, another his health and a fourth a portion of his property. Without assuming that war claims in no case should be paid, it is safe to assume that a large per cent, should properly be charged to a profit and loss ac count, which, in time of war, every adult male keeps with the govern ments. Sacrifice for one's country may be of a different character, but there is little justice in com pensating a stay-at-home oitizen for a burnt barn while the poor fellow who loses life or limb in battle is beyond the reach of com pensation Lodging House Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can be accommodated at reasonable rates at Mrs.Munson's Chenamus st, Astoria. .New invoice ol those Medallion Kangcs at Magnus C. Crosby's. Polar Expedition Heard From. The Golos announces that authentic intelligence has been received from the governor of e:istern Siberia that Professor Nordenskjold's steamer Yega is icebound forty miles from East Cape. The authorities of Jakutsks have been instructed to issue a general summons to the natives to assist the expedition. A special relief expedi tion of raindeer and dog sledges has been organized, but it is feared this assistance will be too late. A Russian man-of- war on the Pacific station will shortly proceed to Bullrings strait to endeavor to extricate the Yega, or bring off the crew. S&-An advertisement in a newspa per is worth forlv "directory' cards and oilier foolish imitation. The imper is seen every day by hundreds, while the book is noticecl b only a very few. MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture for Sale. 4 T AX EARLY DATE THE FURNITURE 1. of the late Ocoi-ge Duncan of tins city will be old at auction This furniture is nearly as Reed as new, ami consists of Palor, Dining-Room, AXD- Bed-Room Sets. t3For particulars, until further notice, address J. W. Duncan, care of It. I). Hume & Co.. 221 Front street, San Francisco. MONEY TO LOAN. In small sums, on approved security. Apply at dtf THIS OFFICE. LA CNDRY FOR SALE Inquire at the Astoria Steam Lnundrv. J.T. BOUCHERS. Proprietor, Astoria, Oregon. HOVSE TO LET. A nice residence, new, containing six rooms, will be ready for a tenant any time on .short notice. or particulars inquire at V.tf T 55tf THIS OFFICE. 5flTII HAYXES, CRYSTAL SALOON, On the Roadway, - - Astoria, Oregon. J3?""The very best quality of allies, liquors and cigars at wholesale or rctal. GE EORGE ROSS' :? Billiard Room. Y r? The only Milliard Room in the city wheie no liquors aie sold. NEW TABLE Jl'ST ITT Vl REOKUjb. has a cosy place and keeps on hand toe Lest brand of Cigars. Also, soda, canuy, nuts, etc Opposite Altnna Chop House. 93-tf E0. KOSS. 1'roprie o Barbour's IRISH FLJX THREADS AND Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines. BARBOUR BROTHERS, Sll 3Iarkct Street, San Francisco. HENRY DOYLE & Co., ranneera. TWINE AND ROPE. S 6 to 36 Thread. WOODBERRY COTTON ROPE,' 1-4, 3-3, 5- 1 6, FOR SALE LOW BY T. & P. N. HANNA, 308 & S10 Davis HU San Francisco. FISHERIES. THE UNDERSIGNED GIVE CAREFUL attention to the Fisheries of the North ern Pacific, and make to order every des cription of J XET SEIXE, TRAP, and POT7XDS. Suitable to every species of fisherv. Alse: TWINE and LINES. Address : AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO. Boston. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. i. w. Use IMPORTER AND WLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALERKX &EERAL IErIaIISE, A PULL ASSORmrENT VI WHICH xv ILL BE SOBD AT THE LOWEST RATESfcFOR O Comer Chcnamus an ASTORIA - - OREGON. .- A COIPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Fresh Garden!' Seeds, BOTH OREGON AND CALIFORNIA JUST RECEIfED. Corner Chenamus. , aradMCamtt Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Notice to All Concerned. Men and Boys Must be As well as to have toys for Christmas. Christmas is Over ! BUT I LOEB ss Sirreiereil! And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of a full ni nTUIUP FoR me LINE OF U LU I II I ft U AND HOYS. aiso : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : Watches, Jewelry Slnrlnc and Opera Glasses, etc.; Besides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Wholesale and He tail. Call and see. MAIN ST., - - - ASTORIA, OGN. CASH STORE! Have just received a new invoice of Groceries, Queensware, Lamps and Fixtures, Which I offer at a bargain for cash FX.OX3TR. m FEED. Corner of main and Squenioqhe sts., ASTORIA, - - OREGON. I ssf I -A. SMSEC djlCass streets faHB, iJSKa (IX THE ASTORJA- BUILDING) HAS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW goods, consisting of MEN'S AND BOVS CALF AND KIP BOOTS Buckle and Congress, Gaiters, Women, Misses and Children's STJFTOXST BOOTS, Which will he sold at the Tery low est prices. BANKING AND INSURANCE. S675000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SG7,000,000. A. VAN DUSEX. Agent. coamisRciAi. rano: ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital SI 2,500,000. MATT IL SIBSOX, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF C.iXlFOllIOTA. ORGANIZED IN IS GO. Total Losses Paid Slurp Organization. $3,330,-335 OS. E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BROKER, BANKER, A'D INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, OREGON. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of tlieT?nitedStates and Europe- OFFICE HOURS-From 8 o'clock A. m. until 4 oViociv i .m. Fire and Marine Insurance. AGGREGATE CAPITAL $40,000, IMPERIAL. OF IOXDOX. iOXIOX OP JLOXDOX, XOIlTIIEItX OF LOXDO.V, QUEEX OF MVERPOOIu FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANIES. AGEXT. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. Home Mutual Insurance Co, OP CALIFORNIA, J. F. Houghtox- .President Chas. R. Stokv Secretary Hamilton Boyd. m k,, fnr nrpnn Geo. L. Story, j AsenfcS for 0reSn Office Northeast corner of Stark and First streets, Portland, Oregon. Net C:ish received for Fire Prem iums in 1S77 S335.511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1878 -. 578,065 So Liabilities Losses vnpaid S3.G3S 37 Dividends " , 1.957 00 i'.S' 37 Surplus for Propertv Holders Sf72.47u 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six years$114.516 72 X. TV. CASE. Agent. Astoria, Oregon. GITXS, LOCKS, ASD 8EWIXG XACHIXES KEPAIKED. KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED, SAWS FILED, ETC.. BY F. IV. WASS, Main street, nest door to Geo. Ross. ailSCELLANEOUS. Freparii for Spf Trade. E.. S. LAESEN IS PAINTING AND PREPARING ' FOtt A LIVELY SPRING TRADE, And lins en route LARGE INVOICES OF Groceries, Crockery, Etc. Do not purchase your supplies until vou have called upon E. S. LAESEN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Astoria. m T06KI HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND- Gents' FUffiSHIE GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. "We respectfully invite the public to call and inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of fine CICARS TOBACCO "Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very repectfully, A. VAN DUSEN & Co., Cor Cass & Jefferson sts., - Astoria. Oox VAN DUSEN & Co., Are Agents in Astoria for the SINGER ana the WHITE SEWING MACHINES, fy Large stook constantly on hand. VAN DUSEN & CO., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a great variety of goods ioc both ladies and gentlemen. rpo W1103I IT aiAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that all person" are forbid tresspassing upon, or In any way occupying any portion of tlie land or beach surrounding TONGUE TOINT, or upon any part of the Henry Mnvllu land claim In Clat sop conmy. State of Oregon, without nerniN sinn from the undersigned ; and also rroni setting out fires upon said claim, whereby the standing timber mav in an v wav be injured. VAN"DrSEN & BROWN. Per A. VanDusen. Astoria. Oct. 5. 1877. tf If You Want to Select a Suit or OIjOT'IBIXIKrG- From the very best stock in the city call at A.VANDUSEN&Co.'s. SOMETHING- N JQi W CHESTNUTS, NEAV ORLEANS MO LASSES AND SYRUF CRYSTAL DRIP SYR UP, PICKLED HERRINGS, BOILED CIDER, CALIFORNIA FIGS, AND DRIED GRAPES WHICH ARE BET TER THAN ANY RAISINS IN THK MARKET, AT GEARHARTS THE ASTORIA BREWERY DEPOT. RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPIUETOPiS. Corner of Olney and "Water streets ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LA GER DEER 5 cts. per glas3 Choice "Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand, KSThe patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager or Bottled Beer in any quantity promptly filled. JThe best lunch the season will afford furnished day and nicht FREE. PAY THE PRINTER PROM?TLY lor your.'Papor. It ib beat for all. . 1 JP" k