to M fe H&its sijcrcfcro AS'fftfciA. OREGON: ft. C IJ1XS..-. Editor. T&tfftSftA Y, February 13. 1879 Federal Appropriations. We are informed by telegraphic dispatches, that in the river and harbor bill, now before the house, only fifty thousand dollars has been stated as the amount needed for the continuance of work at the Cascades. VYe sincerely hope that this is a mistake. The amount recommended by the Chief of En gineers was five hundred thousand dollars, which is little enough. Forty thousand dollars appears in the bill for the lower Columbia. That is a mistake sure! If forty thousand dollars were needed for the lower Columbia above the bar, then certainly forty million is xieoded for the locks, and the im provement of the upper Columbia and Snake rivers. "We shall await wore reliable news; but God pity the people of the Columbia river basin, if that dispatch is true. The New Pension Law. The new pension bill slipped through congress so quietly that many diligent newspaper readers do not understand precisely what changes it proposes tefeffect. The present or old law, provides that ail the pensions granted for death, wounds or diseases, in the service since March 1, 1SG1, shall begin at the date of the death or discharge from, the service, provided the ap plication for pension should be filed within five years after the right to such pension accrued. The new law removes the five . oars limitation clause. The new hill, as the Call states it, opens the way to person entitled to a pen sion who failed to file his applica tion within five rears from dis charge, or, in case of the death of the person to whom the pension Tvas due, such delay on the part of his heirs, to the same pension, and for the same period of time as if the application had been made in accordance with the law. The .present law limits in case of delay in making application, the pension granted to begin at the date of filing the last evidence necessary to establish it. The now bill allows arrearages for the period between the date of filing the last necessary evidences and tiio death or discharge of the person on account of whose service the pension was granted. The very large number of pensions which have "been recently granted, beginning dtthe time of last filing of evidences, "will now, if this bill become a law, -draw arrearages for all the inter miediate time. The back pensions may range from one to seventeen years, according to the date of Sling application. The estimates in regard to the amount that will be taken out of the treasury on this account vary from $30,000,000 to $100,000,000. It would seem that the pension office ought to have data to aiford basis for a close estimate of the amount required for pensions already granted. There are, it is supposed, many "thousands legally entitled to pen sions who have not yet made ap plications and filed the nccessary e videnccs. In Portland on Monday night a snow storm "prostrated" the telegraph lines. ISiey were previously "prosti tuted" to the Oregonian. V m . ?GrOod advertisers find that .it i jiays to. keep a full stock. Plague and Qnaran time How far the plague in Russia is to be apprehended as a destructive influence,-and what are the proba bilities that it will advance west ward, are points upon which it would be scarcely possible to form an intelligent judgment without a fuller statement of the facts than has yet been sent across the At lantic. Russian journals deny the existence in Russia of the plague proper; and, as there is no doubt that the word has been used very often to describe malignant epi demics of typhus fever, it is very possible that it is so used again in the present. It is, however, far more likely that the disease devas tating the valley of the Volca is the true plague, and that the de nials are made in that spirit of ig norance or indifference in which, in the early days of last summer, it was strenuously denied that the epidemic in the lower Mississippi valley was yellow fever. So far as the facts are known they answer to what might be looked for in a history of the transmission of the plague. Soldiers returning from a country in which the plague is endemic, brought the disease with them, and it was developed in the warm weather in the autumn months in the low, marshy, mias matic districts at or near the mouth of the Volga. Already Germany is ready to mobilize an army for defense against this insiduous enemy; but we must not imagine that we shall be made safe by the arrest of the landward march of the pest, especially since Menno nites from the Sea of Azov, and other districts of southern Russia, have shown a disposition to travel this way. Propose Negro Territory. Senator Windom's proposition, looking to assisting the colored population of the south to migrate to new homes in the west, is favor able received by representative colered men. A delegation from six southern states, calling on the senator last week, including Sena tor Bruce and representatives Cain, Smalls and Rainey, told him the southern people are not satisfied with their conditien: that thev would be willing to move; and that clubs have already begun to agi tate the question. The delegation thought that 100,000 able-bodied colored men could be induced to leave their homes if they could have even moderate assurance fhat they could improve their condi tion. Windom assured the dele gation that he was thoroughly in earnest and had no political pur pose to accomplish by his resolu tion. The Tribune says : Senator Windom's project seems to be -growing. A delegation of colored men, including Senator Bruce, assures Windom that 100, 000 able-bodied blacks would seek such a refuge. Such men are the sinews of the south, and their with drawal could not fail to be a seri ous matter for that section. The amendment to the feder al constitution offered by Mr. Ed munds is entirely correct in its professed object ; but he cannot expect that it will ever be ratified by the states, or even that it will be submitted to them for ratifica tion bv this congress. The fail ure of any ten states to ratify an amendment insures its defeat, and the legislatures of at least ten of the southern states will take no notice of this proposed amend ment, even if it should pass both houses of congress by the requisite two-thirds majority. But there are, nevertheless, good reasons for hoping that Southern claims for war damages will never be recofr nized by congress. The vigorous opposition to such claims recently expressed in the house by Mr. Pot ter of New York, and by Mr. Bragg, of Wisconsin, will be strong ly indorsed by the northern demo crats, and this, combined with the republican opposition, is a pretty effectual security. The country looks with dislike upon perpetual attempts to tinker the constitution for guarding against dangers which are pretty certain to be warded off by ordinary legislative action. A Dublin corre'spondent of the New York Herald relates that while General Grant and party were in that city, they were sus pected of being American Fenian emissaries, and their footsteps dogged from place to place by a detective, who expected to discover them in the commission of some act offensive to the English au thorities. He ascertained this fact from the detective himself, who, having seen the correspondent with General Grant, questioned him closely concerning the distin guished ex-President's movements. Such a suspicion is amusing, in view of the proceedings which took place in the town council of Cork. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fishermen's Meeting. PURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION passed at a meeting of Columbia river Usher men, held in this city on Monday evening Fast, a meeting will be hehl in Astoria on BX0NDAY, MARCH 4th, AT LIBERTY HALL, To make arrangements to oppose the license law passed at the hist legislature, and all fishermen on the river are cordially invited to be present. By order of the meeting. J. G. ROBESON, B. A. SEABORG. Committee. Astoria, Oregon, Feb. 12, 1879. d&wtd PICKED UP.-A fishing-boat sail, which the owner can have on proof of property, and payment of charges, by applying at the Star Billiard Saloon, on Main street. 2-12t "Wm. B. ROSS. Furniture for Sale. AT AN EARLY DATE TnE FURNITURE of the late George Duncan of this city will be sold at auction. This furniture is nearly as good as new, and consists of Palor, Dining-Room, -AND Bed-Room Sets. C27For particulars, until further notice, address J. W. Duncan, care, of R. D. Hume & Co., 221 Front street, San Francisco. MONEY TO LOAN. In small sums, on approved security. Applvat dtf TrUS OFFICE. L AUNDRY FOR SALE. Inquire at the Astoria steam-Jiunurv. J.T. BORCI1ERS, Proprietor, Astoria.'Oregon. HOUSE TO LET. A nice residence, new. containing six rooms, will be ready for a tbiiaut any time on short notice. For particulars inquire at 55tf THIS OFFICE. OPILES. The undcrsisned is prepared to furnish a largo number of Spiles dnd Spurs at this place'on short. notice, at reasonable rates, Apply to, a G. CAl'LES. Columbia City. TWINE AND ROPE. fooitay Cotton Salmon Twine 6 to 36 Thread. WOODBERRY COTTON ROPE, 1-4, 3-8, 5-16, FOR SALE LOW BY T. & P. N. BANNA, 308 & 310 Iavls tst San Francisco. QM1TII MAY3TES, CRYSTAL "SiVLOON, On the Roadway, - - Astoria, Oregon. ES-The very best quality of wines, liquors kand cigars at wholesale or retal. GEORGE BOSS' a Billiard Room The only Billiard Boom in the city whine no liquors are sold. -fcTEW TABLE JUST TUT UP. GEOKUJi JL has a cosv place and keeps on hand tne Lest brand o'f Cigars. Also, soda, canuy. nuts, etc Opposite AJtona Chop House. O.-5-tf GEO. BOSS, Propriu nnnmim ) EQT'AL TO THE BEST, AND rnlallilu fChcap as t&e cheapest, at Ta: Astobiax OrwcE. .f BUSINESS CABDS. B. F. DEXIS02". F. J. TAYLOR DENNISON" & TAYLOR, ATTOltXEYS AT IAW. ASTORIA, OREGOX. Office Up stairs in Farker's building, corner Chenamns and Benton streets. O. F. BELL. A. MEACHEX. & ZtlEACHEX, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and "Washington Territory- Astoria, Oregon. Office Corner of Snuemocqhe and Cass streets, up stairs, over E. S. Larsen's store. j. vr. Konn. c. w. fultox. kobb & mrroar. Attorney s-at-Law, Collecting and Real Estate Agents. Rooms Nos. 1 and 2. Dr. "Welch's pew build ng, Squemoeqha street. Astoria. F. D. WJNTON, ATTORNEY AT LAY. Office in City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. Dn. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University f Pennsylvania. PIIYSK'IAX A'D SUROEOM. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. (lire Larsen's building. Oilier Hours. R A. M. to 10 A.M. and C P m. to S i m. At night can be foimdat Tnr pin House. Astoria. Oregon. TR. F. CRAKG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Office Boom no. 7 over C. L. Parker's store. Opposite Demcnt's drug store. Du- J. V. OLIVE It, IIOMEOPATIIIST. Having permanently located in Astoria, tendoTs his services to the citizens, of tin? plaro. Office. For the nrescnt at nis residence corner of Main and Jefferson streets. OTTO IUFIVER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. HAS REMOVED TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTOBIA, - - - - OREGON. J. STEWAUT, Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. OREGON". All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. pEO. T.OVETT, CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Post-office, Astoria, gGKAY, Manufacturer of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, ETC. fi"Oarsleathered,and leather for sale.' Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. EORCIIERS Proprietor. Astoria, Oregon. No rubbing or scrubbing, and no thrashing your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. CS'"Neat work at reasonable prices. Give us a call. TTTJGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA. OREGON. K3-IJou.-03 built to order, and satisfaction puarantced. Shop on Squemoeqha streot, next door to the Episcopal church. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. VYSTJEBS, by the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Ordinance No. 311. rnn?DJlNAC? Pfflo for Special mrpf0rt,,mcity,,n tho matter of the last will of Cyrus Olney, deceased. 'inii1!!? .1 verted that Cyrus Olncv. 9J?-fAE,?rra oased. left a will under S.ll,t..clain04d. Clty has larG Pecuni- E?n?nf.tS:?n;l,t 13 ported on tho other ?waHa,,d uPn?ed will is invalid and S;?D f - a1c,crued, to the city thereunder. v? lnV,? havo moro certain ad vice about tho matter. yow Uit city of Astoria does ordain asfollaic?: i . - ; hlvcly aro hereby constituted hniPn ? id- InP"rerd-and directed on be- ShitHPk n"i WnlVn contract with E. D. inn i S' Uo-v-aWaw, to investigate he Kftv nin,SMr reVtivo to tho w" of tbe eLoFthoSn.eC?dt0-tU0ri8t? and inter fn -!, H?aC'ty-,?f A t0.r,.a thereunder, and to ?e7itattr-fte,? OD,rnion thereon, at an ex hfSo 1 ifeiclty thHroor of not exceedirg two nn? lfn-?.. a d furt,,eJ to retain him in SHiminrViin nat "jayarfeo eonc-rain the fio fifr n S?,C-ty under Faid will ata further dcciSon on nCtinp, nn action oruit to final (JeciMon on appeal not exceeding ($r,0 one JeiSonllfonn?' d0llar3' eortofn. and roch rLayon.iblc contingent feo as may be agreed htfiiTVaroJIvif ord'ance shall take effect and mayor? Und aUor itd aPPval by the Passed tho Council. Jan. 29 1S79 Attest: it. II. c A RDWEIL. Approved. Jan. 30. 1870. AUdUX and Clerk' J- II. D. UR AT; Acting Mayor. AUCTION SALES. TP C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Real Estate Ascot and Conveyancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGENT and AUCTIONEER. Rents anil Acconnt.s Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales dav. SATURDAYS at 2 P. M. tiiS.,oiirtf,iCS ,iav,n r(at estate. lurni ;Vo r any other jroods to dispose of either at auction or private sale should notify me soon as convenient before the dav of sa!f. o storage charged on goods sole' at Ane-tlon,- r. C. II0L1N. q Am'tioneor. AMrSEMENTS. Dancing H Academy. Fage's buildinjrnext door to E.S. Larscn. ev?KS50'0nMon,aya,,d TnurelR-T aflernoons0;;?0" Md' d Thins enin.C;,rrV;0n TllCSday and Frid:' aArpS5S CLAS5Wcdnesday and Saturday "Vednpslny evening for the entire school, ne admitted rcopt scholars. Saturday evening SOIREE. TER-MP-Ladies and gents class per Month l r, M Roys and Misses class per Month!"!!!"! & HOTELSJAXDKESTAURAOTs7 pARKER HOUSE " ASTORIA. OREGON, n. R. PARKER. Proprietor. THIS nOTEL is the largest, most comfort able an,l best kept hotel hi the city. I supiiliecl with the best of sprimr water, hot and cold baths, barbershop, and 'a first-class saloon with best of linuorr.and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free conch to and from tne house ; charges reasonable. SI 00 to $25 per day. according to room occupied. Astoria. July 15, 187S. munriN house. D. L.TURPIN - Proprietor MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria, Oregox. Roard and lodging per week .$6 Board per day ....7. Single Meal !!!7"!V1 The table will be supplied at all times with the best the market affords. A. J. MEGLER. C. S. WXSIGH X. OCCIBEJST KOTEI.. MEGLER & "V7RIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly t the comfort of its guests and isnow-the-besfc. hotel north of San Francisco. pALACE LODGING HOUSE. ( AlLsky & Ilegele's new building) Corner of Morrison and Third streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. SSjFiirnished rooms in suits, or single, b the day. week or month. Miss n. MENEFEE, Lessee. XyAIiliA 1YATjA RESTAURANT, THEO. BROEMSER, - - PROriiiETOK. Fresh oysters, and other deli- & cacies of "the season, served in r3?&a&. every style. BlpSsSRig Opposite the Telegraph office, Squemoqho street, Astoria, Oregon. KS-MEALS AT ALL HOURS-SB. ASTORIA CANDY FACTORY AND OYSTER 8AIOOX. HAVING ENLARGED MY STORE T have now on hand the largest and best assortment of plain and French candies n town, also, all kinds of CAKES, CRACKERS AND BISCUITS. All of which I offer for sale at the lowest cash price, wholesale and retail at SCHWIEER'S CONFECTIONERY. Opposite the bell tower. Retail candy from 25 to 75 cents per pound. Fresh Eastern and SlioalwaterL I & bay oysters served in every style. gsf SEAMING GLASSES, All sizes and shapes from Plate or 20 o-x DOORS, WINDOWS, AND WINDOW GLASS. Sash, Weights. Etc. Address all orders CLIFFORD C0GG1HS, (Successor to Jason, Springer & Co.) PORTLAND, OREGON. FK03I A SlIFFEIiEK. Do not fail, if bad health you'r afraid of. of knowing exactly what you'r bread is maue of. Now allow me to tell you, for experience I'yo had I'm sure. Nothings worei for the stomach than when You'r veast powder's not pure. Oh, then b'e careful in future, you know what's at stake. I,et me advise you (for I know now) what brand to take. Jet your grocer give you no other kind for this is guaranteed. You use Donnolly's Yeast Powder and o good health pure andlljjht bread you're. suic. " - "