) i 3 Jic tTi1tj st0rxmx, ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Monday Excepted I, Astoria n Jlttihliiuj, Ctts Street. Terms of Subscription : herved by Carrie-, per woe!: 25 Cents Borit by :nail. iiiir month" SH 00 Sttct hy mail, c no yeav - . 9 00 ?rco of I'oetnzo to jubJribors. KC"dverUCBJcntrinortod by the year at the rate irf 51 "W ior qu:iro per month. Transient ndverti-ins, by tho day or wcok. fifty com-, jior piare for each insertion. THE CITY. l37Thc Daily AroniAr will he ?cnt ln -mad at Tfnv id a month, free of postage. Road- rra who ctmlcmnWcaltocncr from the riVj can have Tub Astokia' folVm' them. Dait.v W Ki.iv ia" edition's ttr'anipnut-offlccioith- otti additional rcnsc Addresses may he cnantjid n often as aAsircd. Leave order at llie countma room. The Viola from this port, arrived at Liverpool on,he oth. Be in time to secure y;ir masks. They have arrived at Adler's. The barkentine Webfoot ana the brig Orient each arrived at Knappton yesterday. - t The sale at JIolHen's on Saturday opened by the disposal of a number of umbrellas at nomii . 1 rates. Those extra valentines have ar . rived at Adler'-c Thev are of all sorts, and will be disposed of to order. Mr. B. Van Dusen, of this city, joined the Geo. W. Elder at this port yesterday, and proceeded inland on business. The steamship Great Republic is advertised in the San Francisco pa pers to sail for Astoria and Portland on the 20th. Purser Hughes of the Elder lias our thanks for a good file of -late pa pers. Charles; may your shadow never "row less. The cargo of the Hera turned out in sjileudid condition. She lias 400 tons on board for Astoria, and about 2100 tons for Portland. Mr. J. T. Borchers, of the Astoria "laundrv was the purchaser of lot 5, block 49, at 'the auction sale at E. Uolden's on Saturday. C. Tho Hera yesterday landed a large 1xiler and several splendid fishing boats at the new cannery of Mr. Wm. Hume, foot of Olney street. Mr. Willis, whose absence from the city for a long time past has been observed, returned by the Elder yes terday, lookuig hale and hearty. Wel come back. Cannerymen and business men n general will 'do well to examine Adler's now stock of Blank-books and Stationery which he bought in ihe 'East and "offers at less than Portland prices. The Oregon Steam Navigation company have recently purchased the lot and building originally occupied by 0. H. Page& Co., umd the Western union "telegraph company, ocihe road-! way. The Washington Capital of Janu ary 19th says "Donkey Masquerade" in the name of a sly social entcrtain mant in Oregon. Don you aro mis taken. The donkeys belong to -Washington's social status. Mr. Geo. W. Huinc who has be come largely interested at Astoria of late years, is again in our midst, and his host of friends greet him cordially. He is about to embark in other enter prises here, and we wish him all pos sible success. The schooner Alpha, under her mew ownership is -going through a pro cess of much improvement at the wharf of Peter Rnney. Bulwarks are placed on her, the rudder straightened -up, etc. She will be employed in the coasting trade. Talking about tall treesbig saw iogs, etc., -a, friend tells us of a spruce tree chopwd down in this vicinity last Areek, -the limbs from which made 28 oords of wood, which sold in Astoria at. $3 50 per cord. Nearly 100 for 'the limbs alone; what .moit Vii4- Tnnm ha ?heat-Gf-the'Willamette. There 13 a law against selling stale oysters in Oregon. The Dovenby from this port, ar rived at Glasgow on the 22d ult. Capt. Spurgeon, of Fort Canby, was registered at the Occident yester day. The Occident was the liveliest last evening that we have eeen it since the opening of winter. For Fresh Roll Butter, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Oranges and Lemons go to J. V. Gearharts. We are tflad to hear that a regu lation 'is coming into force which .provides that when people travel wiih a whole hardware store lttfi. trunk they must pay freight. Mrs. Dr. Lou "Patterson, one of the finest test mediums on the Pacific const, loEt a piece rtf jewelry in Olym pic She advertised it. This is one of the best proofs of the efficacy of advertising that can be adduced. How drrcs it happen that the mail for Forts Stevens and Canby always goes up thcTiver before it goes to the posts? Will Mr. Citsick make a note of that. We do not wish to seem the least bit obtrusive, but these things arc matters of interest to this public A few days ago our attention was attracted to a beautiful boquet of flow ers from Brookfield, in the hands of Dr. Baker. We thought what a glorious advertisement that would be of this region, were it to be placed on exhi bition in Now York or Philadelphia. Lieut. -DeLong, U. S. N., in com mand of Bennett's steam yacht, Jean nettc, has been ordered to Washing ton. The object of his journey is sup posed to be in connection with the re lief movement in aid of Professor Ntirdenskjoid's vessel, now supposed to be in peril in the Polar seas. Mr. W. T. Bodley, secretary of the Lucky (or unlucky Queen gold and silver mining company, infor ms us that at the la3t meeting, held in Roseburg last month, the mine was leased for one year. Two new direc tors were elected. Officers are the same as last year. We now look for stock in this mine to become valuable. What heels some women (coming to Oregon on the Elder, for instance, yesterday), do wear. It is the most silly and absurd notion that a boot heel must resemble a funnel to be pretty. One of those dames got her delicate foot caught in the cracks ol Squemoqhe street roadway yesterday, and she returned to .the steamer minus part of her sole. In company with Capt. J. G. Hustler we crept through the keyhole and got inside of Liberty-hall yesterday to ee what was going on. We found out this much: vThat after Stockton and Pike get through there, all the old tobacco epit, loose rafters and other repulsive things will be gone forever, und Liberty-hall interior will look as nice ae New Market theatre. Mr. Whitelaw has a new idea in regard to the hulls of the steamers Constitution and Colorado, now behv broken up by him in San Francisco. He intends to cut their ends off square, and make floating docks of them. It is calculated that each will take up vessels of 1000 tons. They are to be ready by next August. As toria would be a good point for one of them. The Rockland (Maine) Opinion of a recent Hate thus refers to an event which transpired in that city at the father of our fellow towns-man, Mr. E. R. Hawes : " The sociable at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hawes', on Tues day, was a perfect rush ; the old man sion was completely filled. All en joyed ihemselves. The disposition to keep late hours wa3 in the ascenden cy. Sorrylo see it ; bad example." After enduring a severe -mental ordeal over the question, an -eastern leader of fashion "isas t last decided that whituHrid gloves may be consistently worn, even in deep mourning, at an evening. party. .The value of thi3 information to the world cannot bo reckoned in dollars ar.daisooF the firm of Barbour Brothers, cents, nd will doubtless pass into his-! -tf vv R.rhnnr'. thread are so t crop.tothejtorjoneof tho greatest achieve-1 well known to the Columbia river fish i. It beats .the ments of tho century in wfiioh ' ormon that thev will likelyvW&e an J live. The legend of Iiurliae. It is a source of considerable satisfac tion to us to know that we have critical and even classical readers. On Sunday we published a brief paragraph invit ing information respecting Lurline. in view of the fact that it was so'much esteemed in this portion of the conti nent at present, that poets vwere nam ing pieces Lurline; artists were dres-, singthe "Lurline" m 'character a't mas querades; and one of our capitalists had christened one of the -finest stea mers afloat in these northern waters Lurline. Our-corrcspondent requests that we surpress his name from the public, 'but promises to send us a few more gems for The Astorian this $'ear, -making it the leading family paper of Oregon. Following is THE LEGEND OF LUItLIXE. Der noble Bitter Hugo Von Scliwilleusanfenstein, llotle oud in it slipeer und helmet, Und he cooms to der punks of Rhein. Und oop dor rose a mermaid, ; Vot don'd got nodings on ; Und she says, Oh Bitter llujio, Vere you goes mit yourzelf alone? Den he says. 'I rides in de creenwood, Mit heline und mit slipeer, Till I cooms to ein Gasthaus Und den 1 trinks zom peer." Und don oudshpoke dot maiden Vot don d got nodings on. 41 dondd'nk mooch of beeples Dot goes mit demselfs alone;" You'd pett?r eoom Kown in tier vasser, Vere deie's lots of dings to see, t gifs you a shblendid dinner Oof you dravcls along mit rae; Derc is drunks all full mit money, In ships dot sunk here of old ; Und ou helbs yourzelfs, py erayshess, To-shhmnerin crowns of gold; Yoost dink of Hem spoons und vatches Yoost look at desc diamond rings; Coom down und (ill your hockets, Und I kiss you like eferydings; Vot you vants raitschnaps und lager? Coom down into der blue Rhein Dere ish pintles der Kaiser Sharlemane Vonce filled mit golden wine., Dot fotched him ; he slitood sbellbound, She pulled his coat-tails down; She-drew him under der vasser, Dot maided mid nodings on. Prize to Le Awarded. For the benefit of all thoee who in tend masking at the coming masquerade-ball, we aro authorized to ay that there will be a. splendid prize of fered by the manager for the best sustained character, lady or gentle man. The committee will be chosen fr6m the audience and the prize awarded just before unmasking, at 11:30 p. -h. Additional Passenger JAut, Following is the remainder of the list of passengers by the Elder, which wo were prevented from getting by interruption to the line on Saturday. In this case the cElder beat -the tele graph: A Nelson, N Foal. Q P Locko. II Jl KedQeld, Mrs Roberts 3 oh, J Whiteng, II Seigere, H Frost, II Miller, FSDemont, E D Haven, Dr J 11 Ueiily. J M, Meyer, F S Martha, JCMorrien, Mrs M Ford. L Estes, M Uditarefi, F Dremble. Mrs Wilson, P U McKee, H Smith, C Oranur, rf k. child, C Mooro, W J Coburn, H Scott. GF Johnson, 0 P GoBboir, P II Tindoll, John Milne, J W Mulligan & family, Mrs II Wooks fcfon. Important.fca the Ladles of Astoria. Mrs. A. Gin'der, next door to Tnc As toria officer-takes pleasure in inform ing the ladies of Astoria and vicinity that she has just opened a well selected stock of Ladles underwear, and Chil dren's and Infants goods, to which she invites the attention of purchasers. vLeut. Everett, of Fort -Stevens, enlivened our sanctum with'his pres n3 for an hour yesterday. From him we gleaned some interesting facts relative to the 'treatment of Indians, affairs in Alaska, etc., which it will be our pleasure to present to the public. . The steamer St. Paul, now in San Francisco, is being literally torn to pieces, for the purpose of altering and improving her. Martin Bulger has the management of tho job, and to gether with like labor on the Alexan der and Victoria (late Bolivar) he has his time pretty well occupied. m Referring to an article in another column from the Belfast XIrelana) News, it should be stated that Mr. JohnD. Barbour is the senior member of' the arm ot William BftfoonrSons, "miJon r,-r mills Tjlsbuni. Ireland, interest in rs&ding ich items. AROUND THE CITY. Valentines, all kinds, C. A.May's Freh oysters in every style and at all hours at'the. Pioneer restaurant. Fresh California roll butter, or anges, lemons, and limes at the grocery store 'of J. Strauss. Shipmasters wishing to secure seamen can have their wants supplied by calling at the Chicago house, Main street. J.Strauss received a large lot of the best quality of keiosene (Evening Light), by the Hera lat evening. Call around and'feave your orders. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Fresh ovsters in every style at Schmeers'. See advertisement. Parties in want of good C'dar Shingles will do well to applvtoH. C. Comcgys, Kalama, W. T. ; -Peter Runey Is .till In the market with all kinds of 'building materials in his line, nas just received 100,000 lath, 2,000 bushels of snnd. and a large stock of fifet nnnlity of brick at'his warehouse foot of Benton street. Mr... Stewart. stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and win do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should besufficientrecom inendation. Before you let your con tracts for work of.ihis kind it woriid be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. Capt.71. G. Hustler wishes to give everybody timely notice that if that school tax is not paid within alow days costs will certainly follow. Trenchard & Upshur have at Iheir store samples ot cedar net floats made byTixlev, at Westport, and which will be 'furnished in quantities to suit at 3 00. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish any article in the millinery line. Trimmed hats selling at cost. A small house to let in a desirable locality for residence. Inquire at this office. A stunningly beautiful selection of valentines were opened at the City Book store last week. Call around and see them. If you want anything in the line of Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc., call at Fosters, on fl? Roadway. ""P. ,T. Goodman, on Main street. has just'Teceived the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, .shoes, etc. Wood of all kinds, ami a splendid lot of pitch wood, at Gray's wharf, for sale'in lots to suit purchasers. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. -New invoice of those Medallion Ranges at Magnus CCrosby's. Foreign Exports. Since the last report of clearances from the Astoria custom house 'was made for publication in The Astoihan, the following vessels have cleared for European ports with cargoes and values as specified. Shipments from Portland are noted as they eccur: To Liverpool, per Oban Bay, Feb. 3d. "Values. Flour from Astoria 1.778 bbl $ 8,'J2t 00 A'i.oat "7,7Wctls lSQOOO Total Astoria 2211 00 FlotnMrom Portland 9,032 bbR.. Wheat " " - 0.000 ctls ... 4 1,930 00 10.500 00 Total value S77.M1 00 To QueensUncn, per Caitlock, Jan. 31. Wheat fro Afltoria... n.M2 ctls... $W.SI0 c " Portland-28.899 "... '&! 00 Totals 38.5 51 ctls 357,774 00 To Qiuenstoien, per Hannah Lamdlcs, Jan. S3. Wheat from Astoria... 44,243 ctls... $73,214 00 To Queenstmen, per Iiittcncorth, Jan. filth: Wheat from AFtoria 90ctls $ 1.6(,0 00 ' Portland- 27370 " 4bm 00 Total.. 26,700 S4S.331 00 To Liverpool, per Sabrina, Jan. 37th; Fhrarfroro Portland... 9.421 bbls... $43,500 00 Astoria 813 " 4.as0 01 Total flour 10.37 Whoat from Portland- 704 S47,riS0 0 12,'W 00 Total valuo - $o0,SS0 00 To Queenttotcn. per Jiurepa: Whoat from Astoria... 10.011 ctls... $187 00 ' Portland- 27.fc " ... 4S.4-H 00 Totals 38,472 SS7.181 00 Tfl Queenxtoirn, per 'Alice Ii. Coeper: Whoat from Astoria 39.ti34-ctl9... S698 80 To lueenstoxen, per Waxtteater: Whoat from 'A rtnria... 20r2ctl SWO,1) Portland- 25.785 41,2t 00 Totals 28,iys To Liverpool, per Robert Lee: Flour from Astoria... S.231 hf Jks ' Tortland- 14.759 " 84U.725 00 $12.pwi!i 00 31.4 JS 00 Total floor. 20.000 Wheat from Astoria... ,Wr ctl... " Portland, 9,657 ' ... ll;W0 00 10.900 00 Total' .Jlb502 S79.8S0 00 To Qiuenstoien, per Brodcek Bay:, Wheat from Portland- 25.3JS ctbj... $,350 00 To Liverpool, per Sherr,ter: Flour from Astoria -8.016 hf "ka - " Portland - 2t;W " SIV85 00 FjO.100 00 Total flonr. 32.PS3 Wheat from Portland- 0,103 Total - 57S.4V 00 10,300 -00 SbS,785 &J To Qiieenslovm, per Strathearn: Whot from Aftori t... 5.8T7 clip " - Portland-3-),8 a .. Totals - - 38.6 59 To Queenstown, per Nairnshire: Whnat fflom Astoria.. 4.0 7 ctl " Portland- 28,881 - -. S10.2S4 00 51,010 00 'M,Ztt 00 $7 031 00 48,738 00 Total 32 IIS $i5.K0-i 00 TJaat evening closed at Astoria wiih another one of those beautiful gnow storms, -and if 'the gronnH were in'ood condition, ccndrteara3 and cut ters in style, our citizens ccrrid jen- jy .a gd old fashioned down-east sleigh ride, as it is, the only allusion to slaying will come from the sty of the well-fed perker: "The beautiful snow' has come' he said, "and slay ing will sorb here." MISCELLANEOUS . gTEVEXS & JOPIIX, ASTOKIA, OREGON. Trucking, Draying, ana General Team Work Done to order, and satisfaction -guaranteed. XKS-Wrood for sale, and Qelivered to order. ,Q T. KEII, CALEDONIA "SALOON, Comer of "Front and A streets. PORTLAND - - - - OREG43N tfH-Late butcher in the Central Market. "11IAS. A. 3IAY, DEALER IX Foreigi and Iomcsiic Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys. Finest brands of CIGARS AND "TOBACCO. Clienamus stieet, - Astoria. -fntLMAZtt TUKXER. BOOT BLACK, OCCrDENT SHAVING SALOON, Astorta, Oregon. Astoria Liquor Store, AUO. DANIELSON, Proprietor. "Water st. Roadway, - Astoria, Oregon. Importer and dealer In WTOES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND TJOMESTJC CIGAIS. Sole agent for tire celebrated 'STONEWALL WHISKEY. Branch of MARX & JORGENSEN, Portland. Washington "Market, Malv Street, Astoria Oregon, BERGMAN & BETiJlY "PESPECTKULLY CALL THE ATTEN I tion of the public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH ANrTcUPiD MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rater, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppb nc ships. D. K. Warrrx. C. A. McGoiRu Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cnsa street, ASTORIA. OREGON. WARREN & McGTJTRE, Proprietor (Successors to Hobgun cfc Warren. Whalesaio nd Rtail Dealer? in all kinds u Rregfi and Cured Meat! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. 'VEGETABLES, ETC. us-Butter, Eggfl, Cheese, etc. conrtafltbj on hand. sar Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. T IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That honsekeepprs can do better bv deali&x with J.Tt;wIRT.t)n"Ma!n street, as heyceepsttoe best, of BRUITS, CANUTES. NUTS, LIQUORS AND CI0ABS, S3IOKED SALMON. BOLOGNE SAUSAGE, And also from Clatsop every other day FBESH BUTTEB, EGGS, CHEESE, CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, And everything that la needed In the cook ing line at the lowest living prices. Call and examine before purcimrfM else where. J. K.TFljRT. CITY BOOK STOKE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. CR&S. STJEVJ3SS & SON Invite the attention of pnrchaaerelo their stock, juatflaidnn Tire Finest Selection 1 IThe Cheapest Prices 1 The Greatest Worth. I KECETTION DOCKETS; LADIES' DIATUIKS.AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BBU8H POCKETS: CUTLERY, .IEWEIJBY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.; LADIES FANCY UOABD. ETC; OLD PENS AND PENCILS; PAINT PENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS; EXCEIIOR DIARIES, tiLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. S"A11 goods sditfc at lowest ish prices. CI IAS. STLVENS & SON. City Book. Store to Mainstreet, two doors from the Tioneer Restaurant, opposite Ihe bakery of Mra. C. Binder. Ohailles Heilborn, MANUFACTURER OP And Dealorin FUJTNITUREandBEDDINjS. ALSO IMPORTEIt OF CA-RPETS. OIL CLOTHS, TfALL. PAPJEESHADES, jctc. o irAll kintis of repairing promptly at tended to. and furattaramaiie to order. TA full line of pictnTo -mouldings and Haines, brackets, window cornices, etc. I-Full stock .nd lowest prices, comer of Squeinocc'lia and Mn street. AMtoria. A RARE CHftNCL I WILL SELL ANY OR ALL OP THE following described property, viz ; 19 Acres, Sec 22, T. 8, S. f M t f ouifec8t qMarter. Also, In Olneys Astoria CLots 1, 3, 3, aad 4, la Rlect 7t CU 3, 4, , aad ft, in 8Ick lMf Karl kalf rxifrck t,-i li , , DAVID EIGAXL3. astonA,Ojejoc Bee KV48W. sfes