The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, January 30, 1879, Image 3

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glxje ailg Qstzxinn.
fMonday Excepted),
Astorian Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
fcerved by Carrier, nor week 25 Cents
Sent by mail, four months $3 00
Sent by mail, cne year .... 9 00
Free of Postace to Subscribers,
sr Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of Si 50 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day -or week,
fifty conts por square for oach insertion.
t2T"T7ie Daily Astoiiiax will he sent by
nail at 75 cents ainonth.frcoof postage. Read
ers wlvo contemplate absence from Uic citu can
have The Astoria follow them. Daily
er Weekly editions to any post-office witti
est additional expense. Sddresses may be
cnanaed as often as desired. Leave orders at
tte countina room.
Read the ao of kick's Restaurant
epening. "The Italian Band will be
A Public Party will be given at
the O'Brien House on Saturday evening.
See advertisement
"Mrs. "Eliza Shepherd, agent for
"Stanley's book on Africa, has arrived in
the city, and we comment! 'her to kind
receptions. This hook is well worth the
price asked for it, and no library will he
complete without it We have previous
ly referred to it, and simply allude to it
now, as ten minutes perusal of the pros
pectus and advance sheet in the hands
of the agent is enough to satisfy any
erson as to ttie value ana correctness of
he work.
Dr. Aug. C. Kinney is in Port
land on business.
The Costa Rican ship Herman
has arrived at Port TownsonS. from
The barkentine Wdbfodt arrived
r.t San Francisco on the 27th, from
The bark Garibaldi is loaded and
Teady for sea. Her cargo consists of
lumber and spars for Australia.
You can get shaved by the month,
week, day, or hour, atSBackensto's."
Boot-blackJBlways on "hand.
The last'lot oT postage stamps re
ceived at Astoria are very badly
mucllaged. They wont tick equal to
a tinkers-dam.
Mrs. Sadie Wright, formerly of
this city, -was marrieU-at the St. Char
les in .Albany New Years eve, to Mr.
M. C. Cunningham.
Humes new caiinery at Astoria
will be made serviceable, as it is strong
Jy built, as a grain depot after the
fishing season is over next fall.
Cannen'men and business men
in general will do well to examine
"culler's new stack 'of Blanlt-bool;s and
Stationery which he bought in the
East and offers ttt less than Portland
, V
When a stranger calls upon you
and represents himself to be the agent
of any newspaper, be certain that his
credentials are good before you pay
him any money. A word to the wise
ought'to be sufficient
Wells, Fargo & Co., and other
commercial banks of San Francisco
have combined to oppose the state
bank commissioners "inspection'
which is only another name for smel
ling around to see what can be .found
out concerning the private affairs of
The revenue law requires a cigar
dealer to totally destroy the revenue
stamp on the cigar box -when it is
emptied of its contents, and a heavy
penalty is imposed for willful neglect
.to do so. It is also the duty of a reve
nue officer to destroy any empty box
on which the stamp has not been de
stroyed. -
Judge Davidson has. rduirned
from Westportj where he has been
engaged on the construction of a new
residence for Capt. John West. The
house was finished, furnished and
occupied so quick after the beginning
of it, that it was some surprise to us.
It is 2G by 3G feet in size, two stories
high, -with a wing 22 by 2i feet, and
wood shed and wash house 13 by 30.
The main building is hard finished,
grained and varnished throughout,
-'xndnpresents a veryihandsome appearance.
T ifce Tax Payers of the City f
On the 28th inst. papers were filed
in the Circuit court in this coimty, in
the case of the state of Oregcffi'cc rcl,
W. W. Parker, Mayor, vs. -John H.
D. Gray, for intruding into and
usurping the office c mayor of the
city of Astoria. This action has grown
out of the late proceedings of the
common council against the mayor.
- As tlie present Status of the gov
ernmei of the city is unsettled in the
minds of the people, and attorneys
differ -as to he legality of all proceed
ings of the council under the present
condition of affairs, a decision at this
term of court on the right of the coun
cil to depose and remove the mayor is
demanded by many citizens and tax
payers of Astoria.
If the council or Capt. J. H. D. 'Gray
refuse to go into court at this term
and have this question determined at
once, all good citizens, and -particularly
the tax payers of this city, should in
quire into the reason of their refusing,
while at the same time they are hold
ing special meetings and involving the
reputation of the city, and endanger
ing its material interests. A very
proper question to ask is: Who is to
pay all the expenses if these matters
continue? Citizen.
Mow to Hemit Money Orders.
Most of our readers will doubtlessj
smile at the above caption, as rf it
were hardly possible among our nu
merous readers to find one who would
need to be told what to do -with a
money order. A case lately came
under our own observation, however,
in which a party had kept a money
order in his pocket for several months,
under the impression that it was a
receipt from the postmaster for his
money, and that the postmaster would
see that the money was forwarded.
Such an incident on 'being nrepeatedj
led to comparison with the experience
of others, and 'we heard of a case
where a man was found holding sev
eral money orders in the same way for
remittances, which die supposed he
had properly made, and for which he
was being, as he supposed, most un
warrantably dunned. As most of our
readers already know, the money
order purchased is made out and given
to the purchaser, whose duty it is to
remit it himself. We .presume the
idea of its being a receipt tfor him to
hold, origiuated through .confounding
money orders with registered letters.
Hobort !l3urdette, snow bound in
Utica, telegraphed as follows to Her
kimer, where he was to have lectured:
The Burlington man came outof the west
In a swallow-tail coat and cut-away vest,
But he said, 'I conjecture
There 's .snow chance for a lecture ;"
So his overworked chin had a rest.
The "statesman" from Yamhill,
(Wm. Galloway), writes to inform Mr.
James Walton, of Salem, that he "will
gladly correct" any reflections made
upon him in the smelling committee
report. Gov. Thayer intimates, in his
reply to Capt. Apperson of Oregon
city, that the investigation was .con
ducted on the grand jury system.
The bottom will entirely fall out of
the whole contemptible proceedings
! long before the nrime mover in it rpfq
to the United States senate.
No -matter what may come, some
one is continually growling about hard
times, but, 'from what can be gleaned
from the journals of the state, they
are even fair at this writing. There
'has been a quickening of trade .for
a month m nearly all branches of bus
iness, and -consequently, s. need for
more hands. Railroad repair and
construction Is necessitating the em
ployment oT extra men, and the far
mers will -soon be in need of much
help. Comparatively speaking, the
-tinus -never have been hard in Oregon.
To Whom it aray Concern.
FiX?? P01?01 wis,,es t0 contract with
JS afiret ciass,or a medium priced
i: " Y louvn iiii ifi fin T.miiiior inr
nf .ii An, ?i,Ie t0 Sive perfect satisfaction
at all times. a T.7inTT r a Pm,r
5SA newKnnno,. ;0 .:,i
lYSSSLawspapw a man is
t in infh- smj11 ?oom ad knows lit
tle or nothing of what is happening out
miJwiViT511- In 0,lr rtthe news
KKJ Z LH?CDa sible man in sym:
Vm J?n n ISm ve worl(l's current history.
It IS an UnroldMlfrnnr,.i....,i: i , i
I book,forever Jssuing andnever finished"
.,i..V t imcl lm" y calling at the Oc- scribe for his home paper, that he takes
? fi! i grantee to fill their orders ' more papers new than he can read, and
JIaI-t1 stylc for tMc money paid, .then go around and borrow his ncijih-
aiiaaS 1 am aTr:iffinnl i.;,,,,. l..,i ' !...,, lrl,nH.lm nnHI infrnf tlm
Illinois Correspondence.
shkiekages in real estate,
and dull sales.
Wyoming, III., Jan. 15. Here I
am in the great hog and corn country,
and such grunting and squeeling, it is
fearful. The pigs squeel with the cold
winter weather, mercury standing
most of the time -at 12 Mow zero,
and part of the time at 26 below since
my arrival, with about eighteen inches
of snow, .and to-day it is snowing aFli
most fearful rate. The snow com
menced 1a fall about midnight last
night, and at this time, 12 o'clock if.,
some the railroads are reported
People are complaining at the prices
of .produce; corn 23 cents per bushel,
hogs at $2 50 per hundred pounds,
and taxes fully one dollar per acre.
Surely the prospects are not flattering.
Farming lands which were reafly sale
five years ago at $G0 per acre wllnot
bring $40 now, and will have to go still
lower. The appearance is that the
railroad companies are the only parties
that are making money. I am -sure
that the people of the Mississippi -valley
have to perform at least one third
more labor to obtain a livelihood than
the peqple of the Pacific coast. I
would say, by way of advice to those
who are "dissatisfied with their homes
in Oregon and Washington territery:
"Cling to them," at least do not re
turn to this rigid climate, the Missis-
Mnpp vanley. .Hoping this may tmd
tvou enjoying health and happiness,
I am yours, etc., T. B.
The Good.SMpT. HI. Seed.
Messrs. Greggtlfc Co. advertise that
the good ship T. M. Reed would "fal
low the Tabor on the ToeriJh at Phila
delphia for Astoria. The "OFLeed has
been Inst, and the New York Herald
furnishes us with the following partic
ulars: The American ship Thomas M.
Reed, Capt. Small, from 'San Fran
cisco for Liverpool, went ashore in the
breakers m Freshwater bay, mear Lin
nyhead, January 12th. The sea was
running very high at the time,
and although the rocket apparatus was
soon on the spot, great difficulty was
experienced in getting a line on board.
The crew were in a very dangerous
position, but by means of the line
twenty of the men were saved. Three
men had unfortunately been washed
overboard and drowned. Lloyds'
ragent proceeded to the scene of the
wreck, and is saving all the cargo that
comes ashore. This consists mainly
of boxes of canned meat and fish.
The sands for more than a mile are
strewn with parts of the cargo and
broken spars. The amount of salvage
will be large. The ship has already
become a total wreck. A yauht in
the service of Trinity house has been
sent for. and was 'hourly expected at
the time our dispatch left Milford.
The Thomas M. Reed left San Fran
cisco. September 25th, and made the
woyago m safety to within about one
'hundred miles of her port. She was
built at Bath, Maine, in 1S77, where
she was owned. She registered 1507
What we Likk. To hear a man try
to borrow his neighbors paper. And the
neighbor have courage enough to reply :
UI would as soon lone you my tooth
brush; to have a party imagine that
he can do as much business without ad
vertising as he can with it; to look at
the blank astonishment that settles
down on that man's face when, after
trving a month, he finds it cannot
be done ; to see a man refuse to take his
local paper and nil thetime sponge on his
neighbor for the use of his-: to hear a
man complain when we ask him to stiu-
mews from it; to see a man run uown
his home paper as not wormianing. aim
every now and then beg the editor for a
favor in the editorial line; to see a -man
refusrto advertise in a home paper,
and then try and get a share of -tmde
that the paper is instrumental "Jn bf hill
ing to his door; to see a man who 13 able
to pay for'his local paiier, always man
age to bo around in time to read it at the
expense of a friend not worth the tenth
part of what he himself is, it looks so
economical, thrifty,, and progressive.
,you knevw.. ' "
1ILJ1 r. III HfiLI dLLIUllU UIMft ww ..' ji w ..-
Cort FreceediMga.
CrBcurr Court Bellinger, J.
Secoxd Day, Jan. 29, 1879.
A. Nicolai et al vs. B. Hamburger;
writ of review. Bell for plaintiff ; Robb
and Fulton for defendant
Writ dismissed.
M. E. Tracy, et al vs. Luke Tavlor,
etal;cquity. Dolph for plaintiff; Sobb
and Fulton for defendant
Continued by agreement for term.
Dinkelspiel & Co. vs. J. Olsen; law.
Dolph of plaintiff.
Default and judgment furnished.
Jacob Kamm vs. M. M. Shively, super super
vieor: injunction. Dolph for plaintiff;
Stortfor defendant
Perpetual injunction against t5ie -supervisor.
G. W. Hume vs. A. Clcmtfre-; foreclos
ure of lien. Bowlby for plaintiff.
Judgment for foreclosure of lien.
State of Oregon vs. Joe Yackerino and
Thos. Jackson ; helfl to answer.
Plea of not guihy -on Indictment of
Frances E. Warren v. E. Dl Curtis ;
law. Bell and Meachen for plarntiff;
Robb and Fulton for defendant
Motion for continuance allowed.
State of Oregon vs. Henry Carroll;
held to answer.
Defendant arraigned on indictment
for assault with a deadly weapon.
Timo for pleading waived, enters a
plea of not guilty.
P.J.Martin vs. W. II. Twilight: law.
Robb and Fulton for plaintiff; Elliott
for defendant.
Motion to strike out part of com
plaint allowed.
Wm. Blackmore and Gust Smith
were admitted to citizenship.
John Ewry,et al vs.W. II. Twilight;
law. "Bell and Meachen for plainiff;
Robb and Fulton and Page for defend
ant. Demurrer to complaint sustained,
leave given to file amended complaint
to morrow.
J. M. Shively and wife vs.G.W. Hume,
etal; injunction. Strong for -plaintiff;
Hare and Bowlby for defendant
Motion to strike out part of com
plaint sustained.
Johnson vs. Oregon Steam "Navigation
company; appeal. Robb and Fulton lor
plaintiff: Strong for defendant
Motion for new trial overruled.
Charlotte Dodge vs. Chas. R.Dodge;
divorce. Smith, Robb and Fulton for
Suit for divorce, m trial.
Acontemporary says: A news
paper and a newspaper editor that peo
ple don't talk about and sometimes
abuse are rather poor concerns. The
men and business that an editor some
times feels it a duty to defend at a risk
of making enemics'of -another class, are
often the very first to show "ingratitude.
The editor who expects to Teceive much
'charitv or jn-atitude will soon find out
his mistake; but lie should go ahead
and say and do what he conscientiously
thinks right without regard to frowns or
HOUSE TO LET. A nice" residence, new,
containing sec rooms, wfllbe ready "for
a tenant any time on short notice.
For particulars inquire at
55tf Tins OFFICE.
Tho undersiffned is prepared to furnish
a lnrgo number of .Spiles and Spurs at this
placo on short notico. at na?onnble rates.
Apply to O. G. CA F L ES.
Columbia Citr.
"1 (C ACHES of iron and coal lands for
JLOu sale, situated near Columbia city,
Oregon. Trice $900 cash down.
For particulars inquire at
17-tf Thk Astojuax Office.
Three Schooners for Sale.
TWO schooners, with center 'boards, 12
tons each, and one without center board,
five ton?, all Iully equipped and in good or
der, 'will bcaold'Cbeap inrcash.
67-tl Ahtoria, Oregon.
"Indebted to mc will nleaM settle their
account, :is all accounts unpaid by Februarv
lt will be placed in attorneys hands to en
force collection. "We mean it.
Astoria. Jan. 20. 1S79.
Fiwh CouimisHioners Notice.
Xi the undersigned, having been duly ap
pointed deputy for Clatsop eountv. bv C.
Lienenweber. Fish Commissioner, under the
laws of the State of Oregon, will be hi readi
ness from and after this date, to issue li
censes, at his office up stairs, comer of Cass
and Sqemocqhe streets". Astoria. Oregon.
Deputy Fish Commissioner.
January, 14, 187.0.
Corner 3i:iu and Concomly streets.
:OT ware. Coal Oils. Tobaccos, anil Gents'Fur
itishing Goods, which will be-sokl at lowest
Draying & Trucking.
Squomocqiie st., hetween Cas3 and Main,
Contracts fur .uruylnjrrando and fattsfnetion
guttrunteod. Order? left at tho Occident ilo
.tol or recqircd by mail promptly filled
A stunningly beautiful selection
of valentines -vere opened at the City
Book store yesterday. Call around and
see them.
0e more opportunity will be
afforded our citizens to hear the justly
celebrated professors. Mr. Worsley hav
ing prevailed otn them at a large ex
pense to himself to remain in the city
until next Friday evening, when they
will play for his popular soiree, giving
the choicest musical selections during
the intermission.
Talentines, all kinds, C. A. May'
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to B.C.
Comegys, Kalama, W. T.
Newspapers, Periodicals, Station
ery, Notioss, Cigars, and Tobacco, at
Hamburgers Variety Store.
If you want anything in the line'
of Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc.,
call at Fosters, on the Roadway.
Photographic Back-grounds, Park
and Parlor scenes, the cheapest and best
Pictures in Oregon, at H. S- Shusefg
new Art Gallery, Astoria.
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmeers. See advertisement
Your complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is affected.
Obtaln'from your druggist a "bottle of
Pf trader's Oregon Blood Purifier.
The City Book Store stock is ele-
rrnntfl v.cfrf'L-ni,l Tiritli o ennorh lf r-F rrnnJlu
r.....j """"nvAii. '"!""Ji , wu. (,ww
mrcnasea oy ;apr. n. v . oievens wmw
n San Francises. Call and see thes
Keep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is Pfunder's -Oregon Blood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists nave it now.
Peter Rnney 5s still in the market
with all kinds of biwidowg materials in
his line. Has just reeewed 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a targe stock
of first quality of brick at his 'warehouse
foot of Benton street.
P. J. Goodman, on Matn street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boot,
shoes, etc.
Get your baskets filled for a littlo
money at Bailey's.
Wood of all kinds, and a splendid
lot of pitch wood, at Gray's wharf, for
sale in lots to suit purchasers.
Fresli fruits and vegetables at
Mt.J. -8tewBrt;,Btone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering'work of him, and
will do a better nob iarJess money than
any outside workman. His work in th
cemetery here showldfoe-sufficientrecom
mendation. Before you 3flt -your .-contracts
for work of this "kind -would 1j
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
New invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at ilagnus C. Crosby's.
Call at Mrs. Derby's when you
wish any article in the millinery line
Trimmed hats selling at cost
Fretfh oysters in every style and.
at all hours-at the Pioneer restaurant.
Shipmasters wishing to secure
seamen cm have fchelr wants supplied
by ealliug at the 'Chicago Qiouse, Mais.
se 'Goods spea"k for themselves,'
but it is ortlyafterTfhey are uouprht that
they can do so. 1st d&jeet In adverti$
"injr is to induce -people To imv them and
test them. If troods snnlc for thm-
-selves, a good advertisement may alts?
speoKaor lue gooas.
S?Agood advertiser particularly
puts his show-wmdows into the news
PaPen Foreign Exports-
Since the last report oX flearance-..
fiom the Astoria custom 'house was
made for publication in Tub Astoriax,
the following vessels liave cleared for
European ports witheargoesnnd value
as specified. Shipments from Portland
aretiioted as iheyeeeur:
To Queenttcmn,'par,IIamuihLandles, Jan.SSL.
TCneaffrom Astoria... 44,243 ctls... $75,214 00
To Queengtaicn, per Luttcneorth, Jan. 27th:
Wheat from Astoria iWOctla... S l.BflO 00
" Portland- 25.770 " 4,G4l 00
Total 26,700 $48,331
To Liverpool, per Sabrina, Jan. 27th;
Flour from Portland... 9,421 bbls... 43.500 TO
Astoria-... 81U " ... 4,080 01
Total flour 10.237
"Wheat from Portland- 703
S47.5S0 no
12,300 m
Total value , . $G0,8s0 M
To Quccnstoicn, per Jturcrpa:
Wheat from Astoria... lO.GlKctls... 818.717 00
' Portland- 27.8TW ... 48.4(1-1 Gd
Total?,, 38,472 $67,181-00.
To Queenstotcn, per Alice B. Coeper:
Wheat from Astoria 39,(13-1 ctls... $G9,358'8a,
To Queenstovn, per Wastwater:
Wheat from AWoria... 2.912 ctls... 9 fi.lOO W
Portland.. 2T,,785
41,625 Oo.
Totals 28.W8 SW.723 Oo't
To Liverpool, pcrltobcrt Lee:
Plour from Astoria... 5.231 bf ?ks $12.S5 0Ti
rortland- 14.7JSU "
3.445 W
Total flour. 20.C0O
Wheat from Astoria... ,83. ctl..
" Portland- 9.(l'7 " ..
S4R.00U 00
11.900 OO
10.000 ft)
Total' 16,592 $79,860 Cf
To Queeivttoien, per Brodick Bay:
Wheat from Portland- 25,348 elk... $44,330 OC
To Liverpool, per Shem'er:
Flour from Astoria-... S.Utfl hf s!m $19,285 t
" Portland- 2l.30ti 59.100 0o.
T-otals flour 32,W2 S78.4S5 0o
Wheat from Portland- 0;l03 100)
Total...... $SS;783 0j
To Queenntoicn, per Sirathearn:
Whoht from -Astoria... 5:807 01 SJ0.2P1 0j
" Portland- 80,-8 52 . 1t,010 0o
Totals -3.6d9
To Qitecnxtown, per Nairnshire:
Vt'hat from Aptoria.. 4.0-7-etls .
! ' Portland- 28,081 " -
TAtols,...t 32118
? 7 on on
4S.73S W.
8. J.804 00
Lodging 'Houts-T-'Pe,$pna requiring
furnished or nnf urn iKhPfl rnn-rrxa mm ii;
accommodated at reonahle srates ;rji
liCrs.MuiiSQnXJiejiamus stM Astoria.