- ff CO , T- v tflttftflL Vol. Tin. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Atorapg, January 30, 1879. jSTo. 25. M Pftflg m TELEGRAPHIC. Eastern Dispatches. Boiled Down Tor TMe Asforiut. CHANGING THE .NAltiS OF HE CHESTER AND ELDEE. A DESTRUCTIVE PRAIRIE FIRE IN WINTER. SITTING BULL IS HUNGRY AND COLD AND "WANTS TO COME INTO THE FOLD AGAIN. AN OLD PATENT SUIT CON CLUDED. TOADYING TO A HEATHEN CHI NEE BECAUSE HE IS RICH, AND HAS GOT A WHITE WIFE AND A PIANO. THE CHINESE BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE. GOOD ADVICE TO DEMOCRATS- CHRISTIANCY GIVES WAY TO LET ZAQH CHANDLER IN. Washington, Jan. 28. The bill to change the names of the Geo. W. El der and City of Chester to Portland and Columbia, has passed the house of representatives. Deadwood, Dakota, Jan. 27. A destructive prairie lire yesterday swept over the valley twenty miles north of this place, burning 500 tons of hay, and leveling several ranches to the ground. A heavy gale of wind; pre vailed, doing much damage in unroof- ' ing houses, uprooting trees and blow ing down fences. Fort Lincoln, Jan. 27. Runners from Sitting Bull have arrived, bear ing a distinct proposition from the chief to return and surrender his guns and ponies. He says that his people are hungry and cold, and his spirit is broken. Boston, Jan. 28. The Woodbury planing machine patent case, in litiga tion for, over thirty years, was brought to a conclusion to-day, Judge Lowell deciding that the patent could not be sustained. The patent covered nearly all the planing machines in the United States, and was valued at from 30, 000,000 to 40,000,000. New York, Jan. 28. Chinese resi dents here are celebrating their new year. Tom Lee, their head man, agent for the six companies of San Francisco, gave a dinner to some American friends Sunday at his resi dence. He is wealthy and has an American wife and a piano. Washington, Jan 28. The house of representatives, by a vote of 155 against 72, has passed the bill to res trict Chinese immigration precisely as reported from the committee on edu cation and labor, and the bill now goes to the senate. The Washington Post, organ of de mocracy, urges the democratic party to abandon all other issues and plant itself squarely in favor of establishing the supremac'- of the United States on the seas. Senator Christiancy has reconsidered and has notified the president that he will accept, the Peru mission salary, $10,000 and resign as United States senator from Michigan. Chandler will doubtless succeed him. .KThere is a quiet courtesy and modest unobtrusiveness about a wise advertisement that create a certain res ponsive feeling of sympathy m the reader. We all like to be solicited, and it is natural to suppose that he who most politely, clearly and persistently solicits us, stands the better chance for our trade. The familiar advertisements of local papers often cover these points with reat tact and ingenuity. Pacific Coast Dispatches. 1 Belled Down for The AtorIan. HELL GATE STILL CLOSED-SOME IDEA OF THE GORGE. DOUBTFUL "WHEN THE UPPER COLUMBIA WILL OPEN. HALL HOLDING HIS OWN HONGKONG. IN HEAVY SUIT FOR SALVAGE. Dalles City, Jan. 28. Late re ports from Hell Gate, a few miles above Celilo, indicate greater quantity of ice at that place than before for many years. Early in the freeze up the .ice gorged there and as great masses of floating ice came down from above it continued to lodge so that now it is over twenty feet thick above the ordinary level of the water and probably as much below. This mass extends across the river and freezes harder every night. It is now thought that this ice gorge will not give for several weeks, unless warmer weather should prevail along the head waters of the river and raise the stream materially. The Columbia is also solidly blocked by a similar gorge at and below Long island, which lies a few miles this side of Umatilla. San Francisco. Jan. 28. A dis patch from Hongkong states that Hall, defaulting clerk of the London and San Francisco bank, who was arrested by the British authorities in that city, has been released from custody, as they could not hold him under the treaty between the United States and England. A large amount of money was found in Hall's possession but the dispatch does not say what was done with it. One of the tug-boat owners, who assisted to get the Old Ironsides off the rocks, has brought an action in the British admiralty court to recover 1,500 salvage from the United States government. Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Itagular meet mg every 1st and 3d Monday of oach month. J. Q. A. r,0 WLBY. Tresident. Temple .Lodge, -No. 7, a. F. A. M. Regular Communications first and& bird Saturdays in each month, at 7V o'clock, p. m., at tho Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in rood standing, aro invited to attond. By ordei of the "W. M. Beaver J,odere No. 35, L O. O. F. Meet every Thursday evening:. $&&. at 7 o'clock, in tho Odd Fcllow'?5gp?l Hall. cor. of Cass and Chenamus "NtvCv" Etreets, Astoria. Members of tho Order aro nvited to attend. By order. 2.t Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G. T. "Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening ttt7 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Cliena mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in goodstand nr, aro invited to attond. Degree meeting 1st Monday oach month. By order W. C.T. Common Council. Regular meetings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month, at 7 o'clock 3 Persons desiring to havo matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present tho samo to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday ovoninc prior to tho Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. B. H. CA RD WELL. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly meeting will bo held attho hall of tho Company, on tho socondTuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p.m. CS"Membors are oxpocted to attend prom ptly, if not the usual fines will bo imposed against them, unless legal excuse is offered. By order of the Company, A. VAN DUSEN, President. FA. Fisher, Secretary. It is a fact long since established, says the Helena Herald, that the mer chant who liberally patronizes the ad vertising columns of the press, sells his wares cheaper than the one whose name is seldom or ever seen. The reason is patent, lor by thus advertising, his sales r?ipHled,and a less proportionate profit makes him the greatest gainer. & Send your subscription for the Astoriax another year. Help us, that we may continue to help you. m. general MERCgopisE. i.w. d IMPORTER AND WHO? TAIL DEALEtf GENERAL Comer Clienamus and- ASTORIA OREGON. JUST OBENED A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF GOODS, IN EVERYDEPART- MENT OF TRADE SUITABLE TO THE WANTS OF hE PEO- , PLE ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD EaW FOR CikSJnL. f i. S27"Purchasers are requested to call and inspect my goods before purchasing else where, as I am confidcntfomy ability to please one and all. I. "W. cj&se, Corner Ohenamus rCass Streets, . -4 ASTORIA, OREGON. Notice to All Concerned. Men and Boys Must be rf eiS N fii fertflfc'eftftp o As well as to have toys for Christmas. f!liiifif.niflfi is (Ittai T V ,, JLKJ V1UUU JL.KJ T VJk BUT 1 1MB as SimM! And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stock, Consisting In part of A FULL O I QT U U 0 F011 reN LINE OF U LU I fl I ft U AND BOYS. Gents Furnishing Goeds: ALSO : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : YFatchcyj, Jewelry, Marine and Opera Glasses, etc.; Besides a choice lot of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, "Wholesale and Kelail. Call and see. 3ST LOKB MAIN ST., - - - ASTOHLY, OGN. CASH STORE! Have just received a new invoice of Groceries, Queensware, Lamps and Fixtures, Which I offer at a bargain for cash EZX.CfcTFR m FEED. Corner of main and Squeraoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - - OREGON. (IX THE AST0RIAX BUILDING) HAS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW goods, coubistingof MEN'S AND BOYS CALF AND KIT BOOTS Buckle and Gongress Gaiters, Women, Misses and Children's BXJXXOW BOOTS, Which will be sold at the very lowest prices. -jKf! IlSe EJ4.LK AND RE NIN MAMSE, Cass streets. jS, m andg BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BROKERJ'BANKER, -AXD- INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOBIA, - - - OKEGON. Exchange nought and sold on aU part of the United States and Europe. OFFICE nOURS-From 8 o'clock A. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAXAFORaiA. ORGANIZED IN 1863. Total Losses Paid Since Organization. $3,630,435 S. E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Orogcn. cooierciai, XTreox ASSURANCE COMPANY 03J1 Xj03sr:Do:Kr Capita! S 12,500,000. IMATT H. SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. lire ai lame tarance. AGGREGATE JDAPITAI. $40,000. XSIPERIAIi OF IiOXBOtf, XOETnERX OF IOM)OX, QJLTEEX OF IiIVERPOOTi. FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANIES. AGEXT. ASTOBIA, OREGON. Home Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. Houoiitox- , President Ciias. K. Stouv. Secretary HAMILTON' BOYD, f .,- rn fr-nnT Geo. L. Story, f Aents for 0reSn Office Northeast corner of Stark and First btreets, Portland, Oregon. Net Cash received for Firo Prem iums in 1877 335,511 04 Assets, Jan. 1, 1878 $578,005 85 ttabilit tosses vnpaid S3.G3S 37 Dividends 1.157 00 5,505 37 Surplus for Property Holders 572.470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six yearsSH4,51G 72 I. TV. CASK. Asent. Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AD LONDON AND GLOBE, NOETH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OP HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SS7,0 0O,$0O. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. GUXS, XOCKS, AXD STWTXG 3IACIEKES KEPATRED. KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS "REPAIRED, SAWS FILED, ETC.. BY F. TV. WASS, Main street, next "door to Geo. Ross'. MISCELLANEOUS. XTHE HOST EXTENSIVE n Only First-class Stock, W" S. LAESEFS C J Corner oCASS and VSX Bquemoqha Streets, AUOREGON-' VjPlNe-iv Invoices ?n HAVING- JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles AND Gents' FUEISM& GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc,. We respectfully havite the public to call and inspect the same. "We have also receved a large stock of fine. CIGARS a TOBACCO "Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very repectftdly, A. VAN DUSEN & Co., Cor Cass & Jefferson sts., - Astoria. Ogx If You Want to Select a Suit or. From the very best stock in the city cair a - At-TAirDUS15If-8r0oft YAW DUSEN & Co., Are Agents In Astoria for the SIXGER and: the- "WHITE SETOS MA0HTJ1&. Iarge stock constantly on hand. VAN DUSEN & CO., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a great viriety of goods fOT" both ladies and gentlemen. rpo WilOiT IT 3IAY CCXNUEKX. Notice Is hereby given that all person v are forbid tressp:is.sing upon, or In any wav occupying any portion or the land or beach surroundine TONGUE TOINT, or upon any part of the Henry Marlin land claim in Clat sop counry, Sjate of Oregon, without pemii slon from the undersigned ; and also rrom setting out fires upon said claim, whereby the standing timber may In anv wav be injuied, VAN DUSFJN & BROWN. Per A. VAJfDusEV- Astoria. Oct. 5. 1877 tf A. L. Bandoft & Co. SAX FRAXCISCO. M XlB A SPECIALTY OF DOING ALL, Kiuus nne printing, such as SALMON LABELS. . FRUIT LABELS, ETC;. And Engraving and Printing by IJHOGBAPHY. 721 MAKKET STEEET, HAX 3PKAXCISCO, CAIu 1832. 1H7K Hardwood Lumber OAK, ASH, HICKORY, WHITEWOOD LUMBER. Carriage -ap Material A SPECIALTY. Orders foi lumber for boat or ship worfc promptly attended to. Address all ordera E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., Cor. First and Main streets. Portland, OgnT GEORGE ROSS' .f? O Billiard Room The only Billiard Eoom in the city where no liquors are soiu. TVTETV TABLE .HIST PUT UP. GEOBGtf J-l has a cosy place and keeps on hand the best brand of Cigars. Also, soda, candy, nuts, etc, Opposite Altona Chop House. 95-tf GEO. BOSS, Proprietor. i jA