The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, January 29, 1879, Image 3

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gfrs axlu &sJtaefcm.
(Monday Excepted),
Astorian Building, Cass Street,
Tcnns of Subscription :
-fcerred by Carrier, per week .J25 Cents
'Sent by mail, four months .......$3 00
8ent hy mail, cno yearr.... .... 9 00
Free of Postace to Subscribers.
CfiB"Adver&sccientsm?ertod by the year at
the rite of Si 50-per square per month.
Transiont advertising, by the day or week,
Gfty cents per square for each insertion.
t3?Thc Daily ASTortax icill Ik sent by
mailailo cent amonth.frceof postage. Read
rr irfio contemplate absence from the cfj can
have The Astoriax folloto them, Dailv
vr Weekly edition to any prut-office tcith
vat -additional expense. Addresses may be
aiantjcd an of tun ax desired. Leave orders at
tttmtina room.
""ITuinhurger has just opened a lot
of new five cent cigars from Chicago.
Call and try litem.
A stunningly beautiful selection
of valentines were opened at the Cifcy
Book store yesterday. Call around and
see them.
One more opportunity will he
afforded our citizens tc hear the justly
celebrated professors. Mr. Worslcy hav
ing prevailcH on them at a large ex
pense to himself to remain in the city
until next Friday evening, when they
will play for his popular soiree, giving
'the choicest musical selections during
the intermission.
No vessel passed in or out of ihe
river yesterday.
Get shaved and have your boots
'blacked at Backensto's.
The barometer last night was
favorable to fair weather.
Capt. Flavel returned from his
-visit to Portland last evening.
A large and beautiful stock of
rakntines, will be opened at Adler's
Look utore this week.
Mr. C. F. Plympton of Westport,
paid us a very pleasant call last even
ing. Mr. C. B. Spear, of Clifton, is
also sojourning, in the city.
Mr. John .Fry, jr., of Grays
river, mourns the loss of his little two
.year old -daughter, whose death oc--cured
about three weeks ago.
Mr. Sidney Dell, one of the lead
ing members of the Portland bar, ar
rived in the city last evening, to join
the ranks of the profession at present
-making headquarters at the Occident.
. .
Cannerymen and business men
-in general will do well to examine
Adler's new stock of Blank-boolx and
Stationery which he bought in the
.East and offers at less than Portland
Bright and balmy was the
weather 3'esterday. It indicates that
-soon the "beautiful snow" will vanish
from the surrounding hill tops, and
spring be prepared for its mantle of
jgreen once more
. r
!Mr. J. C Speiuer, the popular
clerk of the Oregon Packing company,
at Clifton, called upon us last evening.
Mr. S. has been spending the winter
in Yamhill county, but expects coon
to report for duty on the Columbia
A private dispatch from Mr. Mul
key to Hon J. F. Caples, last eve
ning informs us that the Supreme
court has sustained tfce judgment of
the court below in the case of the
State v. Brown and Johnson, and
these two O'Shea murderers will be
Farmer W. H. Gray of Klaskani
farm surprised his friends by appear
ing in the city yesterday. Recently
he was very badly hurt by a logrolling
upon him. The log was hauled by a
team of cattle and the teamster did
not dare to stop the team, but pnlled
the log over Mr. Grays leg. Strange
to say not a bone "was broken.
At the Congregational church, on
Friday evening, Prof. L. J. Powell,
State Superintendent of Public In
struction, will deliver a lecture on
'educational topics, and the practical
workings of our school system, etc. He
will leave the city to-day for Clataop.
Prof. Powell is favorable to 'the matter
of holding a state institute at Astoria
Home-lime during .the coming aumraer.
Was t Crascy-
He took a seat in our largo arm
chair, rested his face in his hands, and
plaintively inquired for Doc. Hicks.
We pointed the way, wiien ne ecrue
the attitude of a disciple or anaKes
peare, thanked us for our kindness,
and belched forth after Hamlet in the
following style:
To hare it oat or not, that is the qnestioa.
Whether-tis better for the jaw to suffer
Thepanss and torments of an "hinc too.n
Or to take steel aBainsthost of troublei.
And, by extracting. endnhem? To pull, to tne
No more; and by a tuco say we end
The toothache, and a thousand natural tHa
The jaw is bir to-'tii consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To pull-to tiiR
To tuB. perchance to broak-ay.e. there 8 the rub.
For in that wrench what agonies ;";
When we have half dislosed the stubborn foe.
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That make an aching tooth of so lone a life ,
For who would bear the whips and stings of pains
The old wife's nostrums, dentist s contumely
The panes of hone deferred, kind sleep delayed,
While ho himself misht his quetusroake
For one poor dollar? Who would fardels bear.
To proan and sink beneath a load of pain.
But Uiat the dread of something lodged within,
Tne linen and twisted forceps from whoso fangs
No jaws at ease returns, puzzles the will.
Andmakesitrath.r bear the ills it has t
Tuan fly toothers it knows npt of.
Thusdcntists do make cowards of us a, (
And thus the native hue of resolution.
Is s.ckkd o'er with the pale castor fear; ,
And many a one whose courago seeks tho-ttcor
With this regard, her footsteps turn away,
Scared at the nameof dentist.
When he found out that Hicksdone
the job so nicely he cauie back and
wanted to pay for a pufD'for the artist.
He wasn't crazy; he only had the
tooth-ache a thing which he will know
here no more forever. So mote it be.
Ientcs the Soft Impeachment.
Purser Y. T. Stephens, of the upper
Columbia, returned to Oregon by the
last steamship, and he denies the soft
impeachment charging him with hav
ing committed matrimony during his
absence. It looked a little suspicious,
to say the least, Steve, to see your
name telegraphed up in the connec
tion in which it appeared in 3Ihe As
torian the morning following the de
parture of the steamship from San
Francisce: "W. T. Stephens and
wife." Of course nobody here could
but suppose that to be the fact. It is
well understood that wou are deserv
ing of all the blessings of this life, and
nothing would please your friends
better than 'to extend their hearty
congratulations. Time, the great re
vealer of all things, will eventually set
this matter at rest, and if you are de
ceiving U3 we have charity to believe
that your motives are prompted by a
sense of duty to yourself.
Good Templars Election.
At the regular meeting of -the "Win-
nifred lodge, No. 328, the following
persons were elected:
Lottie Spoar W.C.T.
Phebe F. Tuiapp W. "V. T.
Ernest L. Mitchell W. S.
John G. Rvckmen W. F.S.
Daniel G. Itoss W.L.
Mary A. Vv.n Duscn W. C.
W.T.Ross W.M.
Charles B. "Spear jr W. I. G.
A. Mitchell W. O. G.
J.W. Crow W.R.H.S.
Daniel Sutherland W.L. U.S.
Sarah J. Davison W.D.M
E.Vandermas W. A. S.
Grand Jurors.
The grand jury impanneled if or the
present term of the Circuit court con
sist of J. C. Trullinger, foreman, P.
Matteson, B. A. Seaborg, B. H.
Welch, A. J. Megler, J. H. DeForce
and Ira. A. Young. The jury return
ed one true bill of indictment yester
day. John Badollet and J. 0. Bo
zorth were sworn as bailiffs.
The city is -at present enlivened
by the presence of a large number of
citizens of the county whoBe faces are
seldom met with upon our streets.
They are mostly called hither in conse
quence of the sitting of the Circuit
court, in various capacities, as jurors,
witnesses, litigants, etc. We shall be
happy to receive the calls of friends cfc
The Astoria office.
We are informed from reliable
sources that there are yet thousands
of cases of salmon in the hands of
agents which -cannot be disposed of
at any price. This is certainly an
indication of another dull season in
the cannery line. We regret it; but,
regret it as much as one likes, the
stern readily appears that something
besides fish must be canned to make
this a profitable business in the future.
j?An advertisement in a newspr
per is worth .forty "directory" cards and
other foolish imitations, 'fiie paper is
seen everyday by hundreds, while tha
book is noticed by only a very few.
iS-We desire it to be distinctly
understood that who send us ad
vertisements from abroad, must send
the cash with the advertisements, if they
would have them appear. We have
numbers of advertisements sent us from
strangers saying, 'Please insert and
send bill." This we cannot do ; the cash
mustuccompaay thecypy.nd the order.
Cemrt jPrceelsrs.
Circuit Court Bellinger, J.
First Day, Jan. 27,1579.
A. C. Gibbs vs. 2fathanl9atrou3; law.
Bell and Gibbs for plaintiff.
Continued for -service.
State of Oregon, exrel, ton K. Wil
son, et ai,Ts. J.M. Shivelyjnjx; equity.
Caples,Dell anilBowlby for plaintiffs;
Strong for defendants.
Continued for the term.
William Buck, ct al vs. C. Richardson ;
appeal. Robb and JPalton for plaintiff;
Rea for defendant.
Dismissed at plaiutifis cost.
Ilwaco Steam Navigation company vs.
J. 'L. Stout et al ; .law. Strong and Bell
for plaintiff; 'Winton foi defendant
Dismisses, at plaintiffs cost.
Sam P. lloff vs. Columbia River Sal
mon company; appeal. Winton for
plaintiff-; Bowlby for defendant
Dismissed, each party to pay part
Alva Condit vs. J. P. Miller; flaw
Robb and Fulton for plaintiff.
Continued for service.
Thomas Patterson vs. R. S. Brown, et
al; for leave to issue execution. Dell
and Reed for plaintiff.
Continued for service.
J. M. Shively, et al vs. Cityx)f Astoria;
injunction. Dolph and Strong for plain
tiff; Robb and Fulton for -defendant
Motion to strike out, overruled.
Day after to-morrow to answer.
Gore vs. Rothtoss.
Demurrer sustained. Judgment fori
defendant for costs and disbursements.
Fleckenstein & Mayer vs. Shea & Tur
ner; law. Robb and Fulton for plain
tiffs; Eljiott for defendants.
Demurrer withdrawn. Judgment
for plaintiffs on pleadings.
M. C. Crosby, juror, was excused
for fcke term.
Bank Kee vs. Wong Tee; law. Win
ton for plaintiff.
Judgment by default.
Dr. Wing vs. Ah Yee; law. Robb and
Fulton for plaintiff.
Judgment by default.
State of Oregon vs. J. W. Vanaerberg;
indictment, arson. Caples forthe state ;
Elliott, Robb and Fulton for defendant
Dismissed by state, and defendant
discharged from 'recognizance.
State of Oregon vs. Hoc Yackerino and
Thos. Jackson ; held toanswer.
Defendants arranged, and given un
til to-morrow to plead. Rea appointed
to defend Jackson; Bell and Meachen
fer Yackerino.
Johnson vs. Oregon Steam Navigation
company; appeal.' Robb and Fulton for
plaintiff: Strong for defendant
Submitted to the jury. Verdict for
plaintiff in the sum of 113 00.
A new pope always selects the
name by which 'he is to be called.
The present pope, on -being asked
for his choice, asked the name of
the patron saint of 'the day. On
being told it was that of St. Leo,
he replied: "Then announce ine as
Leo xni."
What we LiiwE. To hear a man try
to borrow his neighbors paper. And the
neighbor have courage enough to reply :
"1 would as soon lone you my tooth
brush ;" to have a party imagine that
the can do as much business without ad-
"vertising as he can with it; to look at
the blank astonishment that settles
flown on that man's face when, after
trying a month, he finds that it cannot
be done ; to see a man refuse to take his
local paper and all the time sponge on his
neighbor for the use of his ; to hear a
man comulain when we ask him to sub
scribe for his home paper, that he takes
more papers now than he can read, and
then go around and borrow his neigh
bor's or loaf about him until hegets the
news from it: to see a man run down
his homepaper as not worth taking, and
every now and then beg the editor for a
favor in the editorial line; to see a man
refustrto advertise in a home paper,
and then try and get a share of trade
that the paper is instrumental in bring
ing to his uoor;to see a man who is able,
to pay for his local paper, always man
age to be around in time to read it at the
expense of a friend not worth the tenth
part o- what he himself is, it looks so
economical, thrifty, and progressive,
you know.
9tcGoods speak for themselves,"
hut it Ls only after."they are bought that
they can do so. An object in advertis
ing is to induce people to buy them and
test them. If goods speak for them
selves, a good advertisement may also
speak for the goods.
jJSWhy are advertisers able to sell
at the lowest prices? Isiti.ot because
they obtain 'the largest custom, by the
most reasonable expenditure, and are
really able to buy lower than their neigh
bors. Many people imagine that the ef
fect of advertising is only to enable a
merchant to sell. The re-activn effect
on his power to buy well is often lost
sight of.
jESA newspapar is a window
through which men look -out upon the
world. Without a newspaper a man is
shut up in a small room, and knows lit
tle or nothing of what is happening out
side of himself, fin oar day the news
book, forever issuing anu never finished.
9"Therc is a quiet courtesy and
modest imobtnisiveness about a wise
advertisement that crente a certain res
ponsive feeling of sympathy in the
reader. We ail like to be solicited, and
it is natural to suppose that he who
most politely, clearly and persistently
solicits ns, stands the better chance for
our trade. The familiar advertisements
of local papers often cover these points.
withgrcAttactundinficnuity, .
papersill iceep a sensmie man in sym.
pathywith the world's 'current history
Tfcisnn mifolflin'rencvclopediaantl hand
The Good Templars entertainment
and sociable has been postponed until
some time next week.
-Valentines, all lands, C. A. May's
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do -well o apply to H. C.
Comegys,Kalama, W.T.
-N ewspapers, Periodicals, Station
ery, Notions, Cigars, and Tobacco, at
Hamburger's Variety Store.
If you want anything in the line
of Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc.,,
call at Fosters, on the Roadway.
Photographic Back-grounds, Park
and Parlor scenes, the cheapest and best
Pictures in 'Oregon, at H. S. Shuster's
new ATt GaKery, Astoria.
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmeers'. See advertisement
Your complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is affected.
Obtain from your druggist a bottle of
PfnnderVOregon Blood Purifier.
-The City Book Store stock is-ele-gsntly
stocked with a superb lot of goods
purchased by Capt B. F. Stevens -while
m San Francisco. Call and see these
Keep your blood pure and vour
health must be good, the great purifier
Is PfunUer's Oregon Blood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
Peter Runey Is still in the market
w'ith all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
P. J. Goodman, on Maintreethas
just received the latest and -most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots.
shoes, etc.
Get vour baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Wood of all kinds, und a splendid
lot of pitch wood, at Gray's wharf, for
sale in lots to suit purchasers.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
3Ir, J. Stewart stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should besufficientrecom
mendation. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would he
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
;New invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Call at Mrs. Derby's wiien you
wish any article in thcmillinery line.
Trimmed hats selling at cost.
Fresh oysters In every style and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
Shipmasters wishing to secure
seamen can have "their wants supplied
by calling at the 'Chicago house, Main
Foreign Exports.
Since the "last report of clearances
fiom the Astoria custom house was
made for publication in The Astorian,
the following vessels have cleared for
European ports with cargoes and values
as specified. Shipments from Portland
are noted as they eccur:
To Quccnslotcn, per Hannah LandUt, tfan. SS,
Yrheatfrom Astoria... 44,213 ct!s. $75,214 CO
To Qutenstncn,pcr Lultcnoorth, Jan. 27th:
"Wheat from Astoria 930 ctl? l,6f-0 00
" " Portland- 35.770 4i,641 00
Total 26,700 $4S,331 00
To Liverpool, per Sabrina, Jan. 27th;
Flour from Portland... 9.421 obis... $43,500 00
Astoria SKI
4,080 0)
Total flour 10.2.77
Whoa t from Portland. ;703
S47.5S0 00
12,300 00
Total valuo . $50,830 00
To Qiteenttoxcn, per JZurepa:
Whcat'from Aftnria... 10.GW ctls... Sl717 00
" Portland- 27.850 M ... 48.444 00
Totals 38,472
$67,181 00
T Qutenstown, per Alict B. Coeper:
Wheat from Astoria 33,(&4 ctls..
To Queemtmcn, per Watticater:
Wheat from Aptotfa... 2.012 ctK.
- Portland- 2.5.783 " ..
$ 3,100 00
41.625 00
Totals 2S.6'.1S
To Liverpool, per Robert Lett:
Flour from Astoria... 5.231 hfpfcs
" Portland- 14.7159 "
43,725 09
$12.W 58
3i.445 90
Total flour 20.000
Wheat from Astoria... tf.Wi ctls.
Portland- 9.657 " .
$43,000 00
1 1.000 80
16.900 00
Total" -. 16.592
To Queenstoxcn, per Brcdeck Bay:
Wheat from Portland- 25,348 ctls... $41,330 CO
To Liverpool, perSheniir:
Flour from Astoria 8.616 hf sjb
" Portland - 24.306 "
$10,385 60
59,100 00
Totals flour. S2.922
Wheat from Portland- 6,103
$73,185 00
10,300 00
Total - :. $88,785 09
TojQtteenstovm, per Strathearn:
Whotfrtroin Aftoria... 5iS07 ctl-- $10,284 OS
" Portland- 30,6 J2 ' .. 54,010 00
Totals 36 . J9
To Queenstoicn, per Nairnshire:
Whoat from Astoria.. 4.017 ctls
- Portland- 2S.0SI -
Totals 32,118
5d4;2M 00
37T0&3 08
48V73S 00
Lodging House Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can lie
accommodated at reasonable rttea at
Mrg.Munsons Chenamus st., Astoria.
DPisli ComnixKi oners Notice.
the undersigned, having been duly ap
pointed deputv for Clatsop county, by C.
LienenwebiT. Fish Commissioner, under the
laws of the State of Oregon, win be in readi
ness from and after this date, to issue li
censes, at his office up stairs,-cmier of Cass
and Sqemocqhe streets. Astona. Oregon.
"Deputy Fwh Commissioner.
January, 14.J873.
Comer Main and Concomly streets.
vxre. Coal OIla.Tobsvccos, and Gents Fnr
nishlnCGoods. which will be sold at lowest
Notqry Public for the State tf Orego.
SeslXstate Ageat aCMvcycer.
ANCECOMPANY of San Francisco.
RcnSs and AccokhIr Collected, &&d r
ttarRS pronptly raade.
Regular sales day.
N. B. Parties having real estate, furni
ture or any other poods to dispose of either
at auction or private sale should notify ne as
soon as convenient before the ilav of sale.
No storage charged on goods sole nt Auc
tion. E. C. HOLT JX.
td Auctioneer.
Page's building next door to E.S. Larsen.
Gents Class On Monday and Tmirsdar
evenings, at 1 to.
Ladies Class On Monday and Thursday
afternoons, at 2 --50.
Boys Class On Tuesday and 'Friday
evenings, at 7 :30.
Misses Class "Wednesday and Saturday
at 4 p. 3i.
WeUnesday evening for the 'entire -school.
None admitted except scholars.
Saturday evening SOIREE.
Terms Ladies and -gents class tjct
Month . -.$5w
Boys and Misses class per Month - 2 Vi
H. B. PARKER, - Proprietor.
THIS HOTEL Is the largest, most eomfort
able and best kept hotel in the elty. Is
supplied with the best of spring -water, hot
and cold baths, barbershop. ana avflrst-clns
saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and
fine billiard table. Free coach to and from
the house ; charges-reasonable. SI 00 to 32 CO
per "day. according to room occupied.
Astoria, July 15, 78.
MEGLER 3: WRIGHT, Proprietor!.
Astoria, Oregon.
announce that the above hotel has been
repainted and refurnished, adding greatly ta
the comfort of Its guests and Is now the besi
hotel north Of San Francisco.
Has re-opened the Tioneer "Restaurant oc
Main street, Astoria,
by the week, day orsingle neate,-
arFresh oysters in every sty leatallhoujs,
( Aliaky frllegele's new building)
Comer of Morrison and Third streets,
JSTurnished rooms insults, or singiefhy
the day, week or month.
"Miss II. MENEFBE, Lessee.
THEO. BROEMSER, - - Protbietois.
Fresh oysters, and other deli
cacies or tne seabon, served in.
every style.
Opposite the Telegraph office. Suueniocibe
street, Astoria, Oregon.
Jul have now on hand the largest and beet
assortment of plain and French candies la
town, also, all kinds of
All of which I offer for sale at the lowest
cash price, wholesale and retail at
Opposite the bell tower.
Retail canfiyf rom 25 to 75 cents per pound.
"PrAwVi "Pictnmi nrwf QhnilwotorV?1
bay oysters served in every style.
D. L. TURPIN - PeoprietoBi
Between Squemocqhe and JefTcisoH.
Astoria, Oregon. it
Board and lodging per week w..$3
Board 'per day 1 Co
Single tfcal - 2S
Tne table will be supplied at all times "with
the best the market affords.
Three Schooners for Sale.
TWO schooners, with center boards, K
tons earn. -and one without center board!
five ton, all fnlly equipped and in good oP
der, will kesoldx&eap'ior cash.
Apply to -WATOON BROS.,
67Atf Aatoria. Oregon.
QPILE55. " '
The underfisned PT spared to fcrrnlA
a largo number of Sjnlea arid Spars at -thS
place on short notica, at rwonnble rates!
Apply to CJI3. CAPLES.
X9JuaibwL O