CO ttSSSt.' ' j-"- ?& 3iXas slxrcxaix. ASTORIA - OREGON TIDE TABLE POR ASTOKIA. From tables of United States Coast Survey. Hicb Water. Low Water. Date. a. m. p. m. K. M. p. M. 21 .. 2 2) 1 4'J 8 18 25 2 53 - 2 2!)! 8 55 j .. 3 14 3 OSl 9 36. 27 3 40. ....... 3 571 10 18 8 fill I) 23 .0 44 10 11 10 41 2S 4 10 4 4J, 11 05i 21). 30. 31. 1. 4 43 5 441 11 52 11 1 5 29 0 42! 0 44 6 23 7 471 0 05 1 38 7 25 S 5GI 1 91 2 39 8 27 10 051 2 10". 3 45 PORT OP ASTORIA. CLEARANCES AND DEPARTURES. CLKAltED. nropa. Norbk, 1H6 tons, Theses. Queenstown. Jan 21 ?CatrnshJre. Br, sh. 9S5 tons. JTeren. Qnecnstown. Jan 21, Stratbearn. Br. sh, Anderson, Qneenstown Jau 22 HAILED. Idaho-. 6tr, 1077 tons. Alexander. S F. Jan 23 "Wastwater Br bk J335 ton Qoeenstown, Jan 22 Shenir, Br sh 1173 tons Black Queenstown, Jan 22 Robert Lees Br bk Queenstown, Jan 22 Storm King, Am. sb, Reed Callao via Burrard Inlet. Jan 21 Brodick Bay. Br eh, Queenstown, Jan 21 Webfoot.bkt.3R2 tons. Lewis, S. F. Jan 14 Orient, brig 312 tons. Williams, S. F. Jan 8 ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Rival, VH 250 tons. Adams. S. F. Jan 23 California, str. 674 tons. Thorn. Sitka Jan 21 Geo. W. Elder 1709 tons Bolles. S. F Jan- 20 Allegiance. Br. sh. fm Java, Jan 11. Isle of Enn. Br bk, 942 tons, Edwards, day fm Dannedir, Tec. 25. Alpha, sch. 28 tons. Roan, Tillamook, Dee 22 Lutterworth Br bk Dec 22 Sabrina, Br bk, Wilmington. Dee 13, Hannah Landles. Brbk, 1'270 tons Gregsr. Rio.Dec 4 City of York. Br sh 1193 tons Anld. AdeTaido Nov29 Oban Bay, Brsh. 1063 tons, Stona South America MeJfearsnrp 1303 tons Taylor. Hongkong. Nov 12 Cadzow Forest, Br bk Wfi tons, Pollock, Mel bourn, Nov 12 Reported Nov 15 Centennial, sh 1287 tons Beare, Hongkoog. Nov 10 Garibaldi, bk. 070 tons Forbes tjydney via Hono lulu. Nov. 3 Corrientes. Br. bk. 06 toos. Jones, Hongkong. Oct 24. Prince Amadeo Br sh IBM ton Linskill. Hongkong Oct 23 Cttitlock Br sb 1332 fons Phillips, Wellington Oc tober 22 Valley Forge, sb 128ft tons. Woodberry, Bombay, Oct 3. raribaldifb 1471 toosThatcher.Hongkong Sept.27 boa Waif Brig 275 tons Monson. Hooohtlu Sept Wildwood, sh. 1046 tons, Harrimaa, Hongkong. June 8 Ann(e M. Small, sb Packer, Hongkong, May 30 VESSELS UN THE WA V. Oregon rs225C tons CoDnor S F Jan 25 Great Bepnblio es. 3S00 tons. Carroll S F. Feb 1 Herxaon, sh New York, via Baiumore, Dee 6 Erie the Red. sh. 1588 tons. Small, Philadelphia. Krapir6, sh 1131 tons. Lockic, Philadelphia. Stato of California, P. U. S. S. Philadelphia, Feb 1 KltOM FOR.EION rOKTS. Abel. Gerbk 405 tons, Newcastle, May 23d, Via Soarabaya. Agnyt, Br bk Port Augusta. Mar 28 .Aleraarki, Gr bk V.jetric, Newcastle. E Aug 9 ria Acbees. bk. G93 tona, Bnuthwaite LJTor- pool, April tith. via Valparaiso, Antonio CarnoRlit Ital bk 637 tons Newcastle Aug 6 via Montevideo Belmore, Br bk, Valparaiso. April J(. for Astoria. Gleniffor. Br, sh. Liverpool. Jan. 17, via Honolulu Gob rode n Smith, Gr sh, Newcastle, May 29, via Batavia. Hennette. Gr blc. 917 tons Semstra Newcastle via Jio Janiero, May 10. JobasBes Ger sh 1445 tons Visaer Newcastle N S W Jaly 25 JLady Head Br bk London Aug 35 -ria Victoria Maibit, Ger sh. 1154 tonn, Newcastle, via Sourbaya, Jaly 27. -Ottolina, Ger sh 1473 tons, Nowcastle, May 10th. via Batavia. Olivo Branch Br bk 355 tons Wheatley Newcastle July & Pensbaw, Br Bk. 755 tons, Airey, Panama, May : 24. via Montevideo. Prinoe Rupert Br. bk. Maine, London July 21, via 1 Victoria. . Zwee Gezustcr, Gerbk, Newcastle. May 20th via Achean. . ....Mr.- Petur Wilhclm has permanently- fitted up a shipmaster's reading room in connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and homeward and outward bound snip ping lists are kept on file. Telegraph office in the same, building. SHIP CHANDLERY. TBMGHARD & UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. FIcvel deat;ers in s? PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, COAL, Builders and General Eard- vare, 3KT jsil X 31. S , d3C. cfco- AtheOXtlEsallisIied ji 3 Well Jcnoion Stand -OF- .7 ;EORSE FLAVEL fc- Chenamus Street Astoria. Oregon. S" IBSON, HAMILTON & JUGGINS. HP3 SMd Clailerv. WSSL J -J CnSja Ship Chandlers. ': Provision and General &$th V 'Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streots. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGO& COMMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. FOR TILLAHOOK. The Al, New Schooner HONORA, THOKNSEN blaster. Is now loading, and will have quick dis patch for Tillamook bay direct. Por freight or passage apply to E. S. LARSEN, Agent, ' Astoria, Oregon. Astoria, to Forts Stevensv Canby, II- waco, Oysterville and OLympia. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go. Until further notice the Tiwaco Steam Navigation (Jo's steamer iJJi-Zx. GENERAL, CANBY, WHITCOMB MASTER Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Tuesdays, and. Saturdays, At 9 A.M., Fridays at G I- A. 31.. and 1 Pi 3f. Tori Stevens, Fort Canby, and llivaco Jlondays for Forts Stevens and Canby. Connecting with L. A. Loomis'stages for Oys terville and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens- .. 50cts " " Canby and Ilvaco $1 00 tf3Por Tickets. Towage or Charter apply either at the office of the Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captain on board. By order of J. 11. D. GRAY, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. For Towage or Charter, FTIHE RELIABLE STEAil-TUG RIP VAX WIXKLE,, Ar HAimiS Master Is in iirst-class order and. until further no tice, is ready for business in theline of tow ingT carrying passengers, or jobbing, any where mi the nvers, from Astoria to Portland, the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply on board. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. mHE FINE SIDE-WHEEL X Steamer ONEATTA, A. C. FISHER , Master "Will leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily at 8 o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.) On Saturdays will make regular trips to Khiskanine and back. fferOccasional trips "will also be made to Cowlitz river. For further particulars see Capt. on board. ASTORIA AND KNAPPTON. o T)EGULAR PASSENGER Sloop ROSETTA, J. A. RICHARDSON ..Mastor Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILTf CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. 3"For freight or passage, at living rate apply on board, or at I. W. Caao's store. SHOALWATER BAY PACKET. "Oegular Passengkr sloop GREY EAGLE, JOHN BROWN, - - Master Will leave Oysterville on Monday morning lor SOUTH BEND AND WAY PORTS. tSTAlways readv for trips to North river, and other parts of Shoalwater bay. For freight or passacre call at Capt. Brown's resi dence, or at thePacific House, Oysterville. J G. FAIRFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Refer by permission to Rogers. Movers & Co,, Allen & Lou-is. Co; oitt & Mncleay, Portland, Oregon. THROWN & McCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, tJJD' Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Z On all btiMKPss entrusted to our care, satisfaction Guaranteed. COAL LAND FOR SALE. K Cf ACRES of iron and coal lands for JLJV sale, situated near Columbia city, uregon. J'nce J?yoi cash down For particulars inquire at 17-tf Tiik A! rlSTOUIAX Office. MAGNUS G. CROSBY. DEALElt IX Stoves, Tinware, and Housa Furnishing Coods. Eardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. FISHERIES. THE UNDERSIGNED GIVE CAREFUL attention to the Fisheries of the North em Pacific, and make to order every des cription of XET. SEtXE, TRAP, and POUNDS. Suitable to every species of fishery. Also : TWINE and LINES. Address : AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO. Boston. MAIL NOTICE. CEALED PROPOSALS for carrvinc the O United States mails between the Post office at Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, and the landing of the 0. S. S. Co., one time a week each wav, will be received by the Post master until January 27, lb79. No contract is required to be executed ; but persons bid ding must be honest and capable, not less than sixteen years old, and tbe accepted bid der will be expected to serve at the compen ration proposed until otherwise ordered by the Postmaster General ; he will also be re quired to take the oath prescribed by law. No more can be allowed than a fair and rea sonable compensation for the service, to be determined by the department. Postmasters and assistants cannot draw pav for such service. Thoh. j. Brady, Second Assis't Postmaster General. m. Chakce, P. M., Astoria, Oregon. I iii' COMMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. Oregon Steamship Company. Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES! Carrying United States Mails and Wells, JFargo Jb Co's Express. h The Oregon steamsnin Jr&&-,hc Company vill dispatch w Ml ineir new aim eiexuui. al Iron Steamship GEO. W. ELDER, BOLLES.. -..Commander. For the above port on Sunday, 6 a m., .Tax. 26, 1879, HATES OF PASSAGE Upper ScUooiu Main Saloon- - Steerage .. Freight at LOWEST BATES. .$15 00 .. 12 00 ..G00 The Company are now prepared to sell First, Second and Third class tickets from Portland to all the principal cities in the United States, Toronto and Montreal Canada. GEO. W. WEIDLElt. Agent. PAG1F1C COAST S.SC0, Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED RATES. Oirryinjf tbe U. S. Mails nml Wells, Parro & Co' Express. THE PACIFIC COAsT steamship Company will dispatch their fast and fa vorite low-pressure steam ship. IDAHO, E. ALEXANDER COMMAXDER For the above port on Wednesday, Jan. 22., 5 A. M. RATES : Cabin Passage S15 00 Steerage Passage . 8 00 THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. For Passage and Freights, apply to J. McCRAKEN Sc CO., Agents. Co, 62 and C4 North Front street. Oregon Steamship Company Portland to San Francisco. REDUCED BATES! Carrying: U. S. Mails and TVolIs. Fargro & Co'h Express, iSt Pany will disimtch their new anu eiegant ai iron steam ship 0P.E60N, F. CONNbR- . Commander. . For the above port on Friday, Jan". 17th, at 6 A. M. The company is now prepared to sell First, Second, and Third .class tickets from Port land to all the principal cities in the United Suites, Toronto and Montreal, Canada. For further particulars, for passage and freight apply at the Company's office, corner of F and Front streets, Portland. Oregon. Geo. W. WEIDLER. Agent, INDEPENDENT LINE! BETWEEN Portland and San Francisco. 1IIE SPLENDID LOW . pressure side wheel American steamship GREAT REPUBLIC, .1,882 Tons. JAKES CARROL, COMMANDER. Will leave Pacific wharf for San Francisco, Tuesday, Dec. 17th, at 6 A. M. Hates or Passage and Freights : Steerage S 2 00 Cabin 7 oo Bridal Rooms 10 Oo Freight at Lowest liates. The Steerage on this ship is superior to the Cabins on most of the other coast ships, and her Cabin accommodations are unequalled by any other ship on the Pacific Ocean. OVERLAND TICKETS from San Francis co to all points in United States and Canada. For Frcluht or Passage apply to the office at Pacific Dock, foot of Salmon street. N. 1$. ING ALLS Agent. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan aimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying: U. S. 3fails. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, CHAS. THORN Commander Will leave Flander's Wharf, foot of C street for tho,abovo ports. Thursday, January 30, 3S79. At 5 o'clock A. M. For Froight or Passage apply to Ed. C. HUGHES, Purser. G. H. BAIN & GO. BEING NOW PREPARED WITH greatly increased facility to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Boat Misr, Doors, IMows, BUNDS, TRANSOMS! And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which wttl be sold low for CASH. Steam Mill Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Gencviyc and Astor streets. yfax2fr(&- IF AT 3a Tsss kjskt We will sell Mens and Boys CLOTHING, and FUKNISHING- GOODS, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, STAPLE GOODS,, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPSv At greatly reduced rates in order to make room for our immense new spring stock. 3T Improve your chance and secure bargains at once -a SCHLUSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, Orpgon. "WE OFPEK OUE T ITTriri TJKTIL THE 1ST cash: rWE HAVE ADOPTED AN ENTIKE "WE WILL SELL ONLY FOR WE "WILL BE ABLE TO SELL GOODS AT A LOW BATE, AND GIVE THE PUBLIC THE ADVANTAGES THEREOF. Nb More Credit, None Need Apply, as this is Our Basis. PERSONS BUYING FOR CASH CAN DO BETTER "WITH US THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. MAIN STEEET, WANTED ! ALL THE PISHEEMEN, "WOKKINGMEN AND THELE PKIEND& Oa the Columbia river and tributaries, to save money, keep themselves dry and comfortable, and patronize home industry by ordering their SHIRTS, JUMPERS, AND OIL CLOTHINCU FROM THE ASTORIA SHIRT AND OIL CLOTHING MANUFACTORY, CORNER OLNEY AND SQUEMOQHE STREETS. TYhidi fs fully prepared to supply them ALL Tith anything in the line of workingmen'A. apparel. Nothing but first-efass material used and all work warranted. Our oil clothing will be found at all the principal stores and canneries in Astoria, and along the river. Bi sure to get a suit for the coming fishing season, beeause it is undoubtedly the best. OOIaTTMIOXja. loxuss-viTEXi.-sr, JOHN KAHN, - - - .scoxi.XjeL, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Lager and Bottled Beer. gTThe Columbia Brewery has every facility, and using none but the Lost materials and employing experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in filling all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. f ASTORIA BREWEBT" M. MEYER Proprietor. TTAVING EVERY FACILITY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A FIKST CLASS AR- tide, I am now prepared to furnish tho OF LAGER BEER, AT 30 CEXTS PER GAIXOX. r27FnmiHes andkoopers of public houses M. MEYER, Propristo-. Barbour's IRISH FL1X THREADS -AND- Salmon 'Set Twine, Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 119 Pine Street, an Francisco. HENRY DOYLE & Co., Mm.urers. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CunxASius Strket. Astoti Tho public arp invited to ciii nnd leave thoirordors. Splendid Lngor 5 cents a class. Freo Lunch evcrj' night. WM. BOClv & Co., Proprietors. Wilson & Fisher DEALERS IX LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL PEED GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will he exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. WJf l Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. THERE "WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 29, 1S79. THE sxxtit E2ITRE STOCK AT OF 3IAXCH POFw ozKrxj-sr. KEW PEINCIPLE. HEKEAPTER CASH, AND BY SO DOING ASTORIA. OREGON , - - - PROPRIETOR, oxuE3G-o:Bsr. public with tho finest quality, for cash. OF BOTTLED SEEK, AT $1 50 PEIi JOZES. promptly and regularly supplied. ASTORIA. OREGON. THE ASTORIA BREWERY RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Comer of OIncy and Water streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LA GER BEER 3 cts. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. rxt . . nsrThe patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager or Rottleii Beer in any quantity promptly filled. C-Tlie best lunch the season will aJTom furnished day and ms&xtFREK. S- 3- FRANEOCXXSr UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squcmocoha street, next door to Attorian building, Astoria, Oregon. BSFTA1I work done in a skillful manner on short notice and at reasonable prices. Undertakor'3 fumishio goods always ,on hand. : TTUGK STOOP. CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. RSTlIouses built to order, and satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop on Squemocqha street, next door to the Episcopal church. WILLIAM EDGAR. Corner Main and Chenamus Street', ASTORIA OREGON. DBALKR IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. STATIONERY I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of W&tche and Jewelry. Inxzlc ana Breecli leading: Shot Guns. "Revolvers, Aistojs. ror .uat:!H lltcV01 Via Ammunittea: WtII i 1 I - T - W?m?p ;m jj l Jr' 1