-b v if Z?m -.!.'. '!""f" " -" fm-i i&m&4- 3 t -J rite gaxlg gvsteimx, o ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED BVBPwY MORNING. tMond&? Excepted), IK C. IRELAND : : PUKLISKER. Aitorian Building, Cass Sired. Terms of Subscription : fcerred by Carrier, per troek .25 Cents Sent by mail, four months . $sj 00 Seat by mail, cno year - 9 01) Frco of Postage to Subscribers. S Advcrtipomcnts inserted by the yoar at the rate of SI 50 per square per month. Transient adveviisins:, by the day or ivcok, fifty cents por square for each insertion. THE CITY. 'ThcTiwiTx Astokiax will he sait by wail at 75 cents a month, free of pnstxinc. Head--r who contemplate absenre from the city can haw Tiik AsromAN" follow them. Daily r Weukitv editions to any pol-ofncc with out additional expense Addresses may he cnanu-cdris ofUsn as desired. Leave orders at cfunlina rwm. BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENT. Valentines, all kinds. C. A. May's Service at the Baptist Church to day will he held at 11 o'clock a. m. Sun day School at 2 o'clock. Parties in want of good Cedar Shingles will do well to apply to n. C. romegys, Kalania, W. T. Newspapers, Periodicals, Station cy. Notions, Cigars, and Tobacco, at 1 hamburger's Variety Store. If you want anything in the 'line of Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Fruits, etc., rail at Fosters, on the Roadway. Kev.Prof.L. J.Powell will occupy the pulpit at the Congregational Church this evening. Subject: -'Education." Photographic Back-grounds, Park nnd Parlor .scenes, the cheapest and best Pictures in Oregon, at II. S. Shustcr's new Art Gallery, Astoria. Sabbath-school at the Presbyterian hall t onlay, at 12 o'clock. A cordial in titation is extended to all. The usual "Jiurch service is omitted to-day, on ac : ount-of the absence of the pastor. The calendars sent to this office by ' I limes, the Printer,'' for 1S7U, display taste and skill. Tney are complete m every particular. His pride in, and ap- jilication to his business is discernable man niswoiK. Don't kill any grouse now until July 1st. Mr. M. J. Kinney arrived m thie city on Friday. ;23?-Ice-cream Candy a la Paris, at 12 ii. "Monday, at Adler's. . In looking over The Astobian to-day do not omit to note the new ad vertisements. Prof. Powell will remain in the city several days. He ds a guest at the Turpin house. - -A large and beautiful stock of Valentines, wiij be opened at Adler's book store this week. The Oregon city flouring mills have purchased the steamer McCully, and will use her in connection with the mills. ZBackensto's Tonsoriai rooms present a handsome appearance since being refitted, and is the place for a good shave. The weather yesterdajr was, for the most of the day, splendid. Ba rometer indicates an unfavorable change. The engines on the steamer Onward have been sold to go into a new boat for local traffic between The Dalles and Cascades. Mr. King has taken charge as superintendent of the work on the canal at the Cascades. There is not a celestial employed on&he job. 5&-Cannerynien and business men in general will do well . to examine Adler's new stock of Ulanlc-books and Stationery which he bought an the East and offers at less than Portland prices. Raleigh Stott esq., of Portland, a prominent member of the bar, aruived "in the city last evening and has "taken rooms at the Occident during the term of the Circuit court. Purser Ed. Noyes arrived in the city yesterday -on leave of absence for -a brief time. Sis steamer is still ice 5jound at Celileo, where they have ice gorges piled up mountain high. The schooner Adelaide, Capt. Black, arrived night before last with a cargo of wood from Youngs river. A portion of this cargo is the wood previously referred to as having been .cut and prepared by a woman. -i Sliall we UuM a Scliool-Iiouse? We need one that i3 unquestionable, but do we need it so much that we can not get along without it? If we need any, we need a good one; one that will give more room that the four rooms now occupied. Less than this would not help us any. How much would it take to buiid such building as we need? Not less than twenty thousand dollars, we feel certain. Now how are we financially! The city is nearly twenty thousand dollars in debt, the corporation have a num ber of lawsuits on hand, which will be somewhat expensive. The school district, which is the city under an other organization, is somewhat in debt, a thousand or two dollars we believe. In addition, for the coming year it will be necessary to pay the interest on the preseift debt to raise money to carry on the ordinaiy expen ses of the city, and to raise funds sufficient to support a school. Our taxes arc now between lour and five per cent. Act as economically as we can they will inevitably be high er the coming year. lasurance on much of the property of the town is not less than four per cent. Lei is look at some of the conse quences of high taxation. Money will not be readily invested, and unless money is invested employment and business, with it will decrease, men will try more and more to escape tax ation by pleading indebtedness. The increase of taxes will make it hard to collect bills. It is not very easy now. But when every man has to raise a higher tax, to .prevent the cost of sheriff's sales, it will be still harder. If merchants cannot collect bills business will receive a check, lawsuits, foreclosures, garni shees, attachments, will be the order of the day, and none will be benefitted, except those who revel in public calamities. As taxes rise on real estate, rents will have to rise, to make some return to the owners of buildings. As rents rise and busi- ncss fails, and employments decrease, men will move away. When a mer chant goes his stock goes with him; there iB lees property to tax; when laborers go houses become vacant. Rent8t fall -but taxes still go on and with the addition of insurance con sume all the rents. Real estate will fall in value, and when it has sunk onehalf, the rate of taxation will be doubled. We shall be in the condition of a man that builds a fine house and has nothing to putinit. We will have a fine building but will not be able .to support a good school. Let us pause, let us go slow, let us say we will not build at present, that we will try first to get somewhat out of debt, to make the conditions such that money may be invested here, that capital may increase, that labor may find employment, and at last build such a school house as we all desire, and supply it -with every thing needed within, as well as without. Fifteen million feet of saw los O are .under attachment at different .log ging camps on Puget-sound. -- . It raised a hue and cry at Seattle, and other places, when it became known that the steamship City of Ches ter would not take .any freight for San Francisco from Puget-sound ports. g Rev Mr. Parker returned from Portland on Friday, and will officiate at Grace (Episcopal) church at the usual hours for service to-day. Bishop Morris will not officiate as previously announced, in consequence of duty billing him m another drection. Chief Engineer Trenchard has ordered from the factory, duplicate connections for the pump on Rescue Engine !NTo. 2. This may prove i;o be a very important matter to the city, in case that an accident was to occur to the engine. The duplioates will probably arrive at Astoria within three weeks from this time. The Salem Statesman is referred to its own files, of August 2ith, 1877, for proofs in support of The Astobian j comments upon that "Oasis in the de- j sert" of corruption and fraud (quoting ! from the smelling committee report), Prof. L. L. Powell. After you have hunted up the results of that meeting of tfhe Institute call upon us, if you please, Bro. Odell, foriurther facts. The City Council. Our reporter rushed into the of fice in breathless haste last evening and said there was going to be a d 1 of a row at the Council Chamber! We tried to stop him long enough to get an inkling of what was expected, but he shot out of the door and disap peared around the china house corner answering: " The Mayor 's going to take his seat, and the President 's a going to try and snatch, it; and the Chief s going to be there, armed with a posse! 0, it 'I be lively, yon bet!" As the young man has not returned we are left without particulars, but if any thing extraordinary occurred we will publish an extra this forenoon. P. S. Since the above was placed m type our reporter has returned. The Mayor -claimed his scat, but the Presi dent held it without any difficulty. The report of the examiner of city's accounts, etc., was referred, and a res olution adopted to prevent spooks from prying into books and papers in the office of the Auditor and Clerk. An'Orftloolt for Oysters. ASTOItIA, Jan. 23, 1S79. Editor Astoria : The general depression of the oys ter business of Shoalwater bay, caused by competition from other oyster pro ducing localities in the San Francisco market, has compelled those parties in Shoalwater bay who have formed com panies, and other persons engaged in the business, to look for some other manner of shipping their oysters, than by schooners in large quantities to be "bedded out" in San Francisco at considerable expense, to be finally placed in the market in poor condi tion. The principal competitors now are the Orympia oysters, not from any superiority of oyster, but from the fact of being able to place them in the market fresh from their natural beds at reduced rates. Since the 'comple tion of the Olympia and Tenino rail road, oysters have been delivered in San Francisco from Olympia in from four to "five days time. And in order to protect and dispose of the vast amount of oyster property lying valu less before them, the people of Shoal water bay "must secure some means of sending their o3Tsters to market at cheaper rates and with more dispatch, which Air. L. H. Rhodes, myself, and others think can be accomplished by a small and almost insignificant outlay, in comparison with the -benefits that will accrue to every inhabitant of Shoalwater bay, and t the nierchants of Astoria, and 'that is by the con struction of a wooden tram-way or horse caiiway, fromillwaco toiheliead of Shoalwater bay, a distance oT about five and a half miles. The following is an estimate of the cost of constructing six miles of road, and equiping the same: Cost of 403,000 ft lumber at $10 perlL.S4.000 00 Cost of 8.125 lbs spikes and nails at 4 cts per B - 325 00 Cost of labor - - 2,000 00 Cost of equipiug with three cars and horses euu w Total cost $7,125 00 And the following estimate -of the' earnings and expense of operating the road per year, if .near correct, -shows that io will be a good investment: 25000 sacks or boxes oysters for San Francisco, at 12'4 etsoach $3,125 00 2000 sks or bxs oysters for Portland, at 12' ' cts each.. - -... -250 00 GOO sks or bxs oysters, at 121$ cts 75 00 300 tons flour, feed, etc., to Shoal water bav. at S2 00 - COO 00 180 ions jjeh'l incise (estimated 15 ton per month), at $3 00 '540 00 2000 passengers, at 50 cts- 1,000 0J Total earnings ?5,590 00 Estimated running expense of road- 3.5S0 00 Net proDt per year. S2.000 00 There is hardly a doubt, if this road is built, but that oyster freights will be reduced between Ilwaco and Astoria one-half the present rates, as the increased amount of freight would justify a material redustion. I would suggest that a meeting of parties in terested in this enterprise be held in Oysterville early nn February, or as soon as .the proper notice can be given. J. H. D. Gray. State Circuit Court Rules. On Tuesday morning the Circriit Court for Clatsop county, Hon C. B. Bellinger Judge, will convene in this city. We shall at that time publish the State Circuit court rules, and the callender in full, for the benufit of -attorneys and litigants. There is another case st sickness reported from eating canned fish in London. We should like to have the Columbia river cannerymen investigate this matter. Unless cases of this char acter are investigated, our fishing in terests are liable -to suffer from what we consider unjust discrimination. It is a little strange that these cases occur so far away from home. .-ssfiood advertisers find that it. .pays'to keep a full stock. Board of Ielesates, A.F.I. Haix of Rkscue Engine Co. So. 2, ASTORIA. Jan. 24th, 1873. The James chair. board met at 8 o'clock p. jr., W. Welch, president, in the Present J. W. Welch, P. Wilhelm, L. V. Poole, J. W. Gearhart, I. M. Severn, and S. B. Smith, Absent A. W. Berry and J. H. D. Gray. Sir. L. D. Corffman, having been re elected delegate from Rescue Engine Co. No. 2, and his credentials and oath having been duly presented and filed, took his seat as a member of the board. The minutes of the fourth regular meeting were approved as read. Mr. Berry arrived and took his seat. Mr. Poole gave legal excuse for ab sence from last meeting. The report of the Chief Engineer, stating that he had not jTet been able to fill the vacancy of Second Assistant Engineer, and requesting further time, was read and placed on file. On motion, further time was granted the Chief Engineer in which to make his appointment. The report of the Finance commit tee, stating that they had procured from the city council the repeal of section 21 of ordinance Ko. 212, and the payment of the bill of $49 Go by warrant. on the city treasury for cleri cal aid, was Tead. On motion the report was received and filed. A motion that the matter of procur ing a monthly allowance of money from the city for department expenses be referred from the finance committee to the judicial committee, was lost. On motion the secretary was in structed to draw a warrant on the treasurer m favor of E. P. Curtis, for clerical services, $21 00. The Chief Engineer ibefcig present, called up the matter of the depart ment ball on the "22d of February next, and the committee was requested to proceed acccrding to instructions given last meeting. Mr. Coffman brought np the matter of certificates of Rescue Engine com pany No. 2, the names of some mem bers liavrng been spelled wrong, others omitted, etc. To which the secretary replied that he had received no communication from the secretary cif said company concerning errors in tilling out certificates. On motion the board adjourned. E. D. Curtis, Seei etary a. f. d. Fire Department Notice. Notice is hereby given 'that there will be a meeting of the Board of Fore men of the Astoria fire department, at the hall of Astoria Engine company No. 1, on Tuesday evening, Jan 28, 1879, at 7 o'clock. C. J. TitENCHAnn, Cbicf Engineer -A. E. X. rB"It is a fact long since established, says the Helena Herald, that the mer chant who liberally patronizes the ad vertising columns of the press, sells his wares cheaper than the one whose name is seldom or ever -seen. The reason is patent, for by thus advertising, his sales are trippled and a less proportionate profit makes him the greatest gainer. 2r-We desire it to be distinctly understood that those who send us ad vertisements from abroad, must send the cash with the advertisements, if they would have them appear. We have numbers of advertisements sent us from strangers saving, "Please insert and send bill." This wecaimotdo; the-cash must aceorap any thecojry and the order. 52fWhy are advertisers .fiblo to sell at the lowest prices ? Is it T.ot because tbey obtain the largest custom, by the most reasonable expenfiiture, and are really able to buy lowenfckan thdir neigh bors. Mauy people imagine that the ef fect of advertising is only to cuable a merchant to. sell. The re-active effect on bis power to buy well is often lost .steht or. .Sr-A contemporary nays: A news paper and a newspaper editor that peo ple don't talk about and sometimes abuse are rather poor concerns. The men and business that an editor some times feels it a duty to defend at a risk of making enemies of another class, are often the verv first to show ingratitude. The editor w'ho expects to receive much charity or gratitude will soon find out his mistake; but he should go ahead and say and do what he conscientiously thinks right without regard to frowns or smiles. Sir-The free lands of the west are being taken up and settled this year to a degree most gratifying, in the face of the over-crowded mechanical depart ments of metropolitan life. Several mil lions more acres of homesteads have been entered for settlement at the var ious land offices this year than In 187G and 1877, and still the western movement continues in force. A nd this is the only solution of the labor troubles. Let the unemploved come and become producers instead of consumers. SKThe time has long since passed when mechanical trades provided our sons with a living. Labor-saving ma chinery, patent tools and steam have robbed the trade of thefature it offered to our bovs in the davs of the indentured apprentice system. 4The idlers and do nothings of our metropolitan cities are composed iargaly of tradesmen and professional men, and merchandising is a failure, if the number of bankrupt merchants who had to succumb to the pressure of the times can be taken as a criterion. Whatthe country needs is pro ducers, and thc-wast fields of unculti vated'land offers an opportunity to place the rising generation in the way of mak iiws homes for themselves and better ijines.ifor posterity., AROUND THE CITY. Astoria Lodge No. 40, I. O. of G. T., will give an entertainment and so ciable at their hall on Fridav evening, January 31st inst. Full particulars will appear soon. Mr. G. Neimeyer, the prince ol merchant tailors in Oregon, arrived at Astoria yesterday, and will remain for a few days to take orders for suits ol clothing. As Mr. Neimever's work recommends Itself, it is nor necessarv for us to speak with respect to the quali ty. He may be seen at the Occident. ...Fresh oysters in uverv -style ai Schmeers. See advertisement. Tour complexion is sallow., and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from your druirgist a bottle of Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. The City Book Store stock is ele gantly stocked with a superb lot of goods purchased by CapL B. F. Stevens while in San Francisco. -Call and see these goods. Keep your blood pure and your health must be good, the great purifier is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All Asioria druggists have it now. Mr. A. H. Sale authorizes us to offer a reward of $10 00 for evidence which will lead to the arrest and con viction of the person or persons who took his boat '-Josephine" from the old mill landing on Youngs bay and left it on the tide land above 'Richardson's place. The act was committed on or about January 11th, or 12th, 1879. Peter Runeyls still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received 100,000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a larse stock 5 of first duality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. P. ,T. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. . . . Yood of all kinds, and a splendid lot of pitch wood, at Gray's wharf, for sale in lots to suit purchasers. Fresh fruits and vegetables ax Bailey's. , Getvour baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Mr. J. Stewart'stone -and marble cutter of Astoria wTll guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better iob for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should be sufficient recom mendffiion. Before you let your con tracts for work of this kind it would be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. ....New invoice of those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish any article in the millinery line. Trimmed hats selling at cost. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. Shipmasters 'wishing to secure seamen can have their wants supplied by calling at the 'Chicago house, Maiii street. Foreign Exports. Since fhe last report of clearances, fiom the Astoria 'custom house waa made for publication in The Astoiuax, the following vessels have cleared for European ports with cargoes and values as specified. Shipments from Portland are noted as they occur :' ' To Quecnstown, per Eurepa: Yaluw S18.717 00 -18,4(J4 OS- SC7.181 W Whoat from Astoria... 10.6PJ cWs. - Bortlona-27.8o(J - . Totals..- 38,472 To Qucenstown, per Alice B. Coeper: Whent from Astoria 39,034 ctla... $69,33S -&D To Queenhtown, per Wattteatcr: Wheat from Art nria... 2.012 ctla,.. 8 5,100 W 4 Portland- 25,785 " .-' 1.625 00 Totals J28fi)S To Liverpool, per Robert Leer: Elour from Astoria 5.231 Msk ' Portland.. 14.7G9 Total flour '20.000 Wheat from A storia ... fi,83T -ctls... " Portland- 9.057 - ... S6;725 h 312,555 Gfi 3i.H5 00 $43,000 00 11,960 QO. 16.900 CO S79,seo GO. Totals 16,592 To Queenstoicn, per Brodeek Bay: Wheat from Portland- 23,348 ctls... $44,380 00 To Liverpool, pcrShenier: F-lourf rom Astoria-... 8.618 hf 8ks "4 Portland - 21,3Utf $19,385 00. 59.1W) 00 Totals flour ?.2,Q22 $78,485 0o Wheat Tiom Portland. o103 10,800 00 Total - SS8.783 00 To Qneen8loicn,per Strathearn: Whe&t from Astoria... 5.807 ctl.. S10.2S4 CO, " Portland- 30,8 J2 .. 54,010 00 Totals -.3U.6J9 $d4,294 W To Qtieenstoum, per Nairnshire: Whoat from Astoria.. 4,0.,7 ctla .. $ 7.053 OC " - Portland- 28,081 ... 48,733 W. Total? 32,118 535,304 (re Dresn Cutting ad Tlitlns. Miss E. C. Benedict begs respectfully to Inform the ladies of Astoria and vi cinity that she mav be found at the resi dence, of Airs. T.'S. Jewett, 'corner of Astor and Cass streets?, opposite the Con gregational church, prepared to teach Mrs. E.IC. Kenker's system of dress cut ting and fitting, which is considered by iuaues to Tie the best system known, as by it flie skirt as well as the waist J& made perfectly .fitting. Lodging IIouse Persons Tequiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can be accommodated at reasonable rates at Mrs. Munson's Chenamus st, Astouia. JESSI is funny that when you as a. man to advertise he generally decline with the statement that nobody wilsii it. But if you advertise Some little ccir. of his in the news column gratia, ho ftlv' indignant over the certainty'thateves ne will see it. " Fisli Coinxuisfesioncrs Ttfoticc NOTICE IS HEREBY aiVEW THAT the -undersigned, havmg-been-dulY tip pointed denutv for Clatsop county, by f . Llenenweber. Fish Cftipralssioner, -undef Sit; laws of the State ol ijretfrtn, will be in readi ness from and after this date, to Issue li censes, at his offrce in st&lrs, comer of &. and Sqemocqfce streets. Astoria, Oregon. H. B. FERGlfSOK, Deputy Flah,Coiniaiasiouci5. January, 141S73.. af?- B- "-. M.' '&2k&& -xa-SiUgij JtS -mr2Zh