o jf Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, January 25, 1879. Vol. YIII. No. 21. Telegraphic News. SPlspntchcs Boiled Down for The As toriun. MYSTERY OF TnE SEAS "WAS IT PIRACY, OR "WHAT. DEAD AND ALIVE, ATSTD DEAD IN EARNEST. THE CHEYENNE CAMPAIGN CLOSED. FRAUDS IN THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. THE ABOLISHMENT OF THE OF FICE ADVISED. PRINTING TO BE LET TO THE LOWEST BIDDER. STORM BREWING DOWN THE COAST. THE BUCKET-SHOP MAN HELD TO ANSWER. THE LAND HAUL IN WASH INGTON. EDEN OFFERS A SUBSTITUTE FOR REGAN'S AMENDMENT. New York, Jan. 23. Capt. Adams at Cork reports sighting, about 50 miles west of Fastnett, a ship on fire and a steamer well manned in the neighborhood. On going to the assist ance of the vessel, he was warned by the steamer to keep on his course, or he would burn too, and not to report what he had seen, else he had better look out for himself, on his next voy age. Fobt Robinson, Jan. 22, The Cheyenne Indian campaign has closed. On Monday Col. Evans found the ren egades. Capt. Wessels started on their trail with four companies of cav alry. The work of capturing them either dead or alive began in dead earnest. Nine were captured, twenty three killed, and seventeen unaccount ed for. It is supposed that some died of their wounds, and others escaped. Washington, Jan. 28. Represen tative Finlay has submitted to the committee on public expenditures his report with reference to the investiga tion of the government printing office. After charging general extravagance, the report recommends the abolish ment of the printing office, and that the printing be let out to the lowest bidder. San Francisco, Jan. 23. A steady rain has been falling since early last evening; wind fresh from the south, and every indication of a prolonged storm. Steadman, of bucket-shop notoriety, was held to answer to day on charges of embezzlement. Bail 11,000. Washington, Jan. 23. The house went into committee of the whole on the bill to apply the proceeds of the sale of public lands to the education at the people. Townsend, New York, .said that it passed all human patience to stand by and see a calm, adroit, an oily proposition to rob loyal states out of their interest in public lands. They were to be thimble-rigged put of their interest. lie was not ready for that. The time fixed for general de bate having expired, the house pro ceeded to consider the bill by sections of amendment." Reagan moved to amend the proviso in the first section, which provides that it shall not limit or abridge the power of congress over the public domain or interfere with granting lands, by adding the words "or grants in aid of public improvements." Eden offered as a substitute for Reagan's amend ment, an -amendment providing that all public lands which have been giantecLby congress to aid in the construction of railroad and telegraph lines which have not been earned, and wMh liavA lansed by failure to com plete such railroads and telegraph i nnes within the time nuuusu, ai hereby declared forfeited to the united States. The committee rose without acting on the amendment. Will Have an Icc-liause. The local reporter on the Weston Leader "gushes" over the announce ment that Weston is to have an ice house. We quete: Dlow borean blasts! Hang icy stalactites, besport in your frigorific splendor, irradiate fantastic gleams of light resplendent, and fling your fitful shadows to frozen stalagmites below. Curl, hoary frost, around the silent points of comfort, entwine your white arms in cold embrace around man kind. Fall, laughingly, gleefully, ye trembling snow-flakes, and cosily creep to the bosom of our primeval mother, while: "That beauteous maiden With white fire laden, Whom mortals call the moon. beams her soft light upon you, to illu minate your gleaming surface with a spangled zone of gems. Enjoy your brief season of chilling victory, and may your sullen joj'S freeze on the tablets of your memory, for boreas; 'Thine azure sister of the spring shall blow Her clarion ocr the dreaming earth, and fill With living hues and odors, plain and hill."' And then Old Sol, the sultry tyrant of the panting south will: "With a slowing. Howry birth Heat and refresh the turning earth.'' and the heart of man be filled with rapturous love. Theirshalt be heard the sharp twang of Cupid's bow, as his nry snatts are aimeu at nearts in "maiden meditation, fancy free." But be it love, be it hard-fisted toil, anxious thought or but idle yielding to the relaxing heat of midsummer, in all will cooling relief be sought. "My kingdom for an ice-house!" Talis manic though,! And Weston's cup of joy fill therewith, for an ice-house is being erected. OREGON EXPORTS. REWIEW ofSHIPMKXTS FOREIGX AXJ) DOMESTIC, fur TEX YEARS. The export of Oroijon, says the Cen tennial ciicularof 1870, average 378 00 to every man in tho ttate. It is more than that now, annually. Oregon wheat, wool Flour, Salmon, Fniit, and vegetables, command from 5 to 10 per cent, higher price than thoe from any other country with a population of40,000 men her exuort oqual one -t'vonth of the total export of mtj umiiii riuie. i ruiy, hucn a, swiie is not a poor state to live in. In the preparation of the following sta- u-ucai uiuio we nave spareu ncuncrpnm nor labor. Wc have nought and procured information from every source, and have at last what we believe to be a reliable hhowing of all the Wheat and Flour ex ports of Oregon by annual reason, since August 1S(S. Siati-tieal information of this kind can only be obtained correctly at a point where all vessels going out of the Columbia river mav be spoken, after they are fully loaded. Correct and relia ble information of tlii- sort wo expect to give, more luiiy it poibic in luture than m the pa-t, thus making The Astorian the reliable jmpcr of the Shipping Statis tics of Oregon. Thie tables will be fol lowed by other, detailing the general commercial features of each fcuccceding harvest 3enr: Tables showing the total Exports to all ports including San Francisco, of Wheat and Flour, from tho Columbia river, Oregon, from August 1, 1S6S: From Awprt, 1, ISkS, to July 31, 18U1. '1'0 Cental ,- , Flour. ,r i Wheat. Xaiue-l bbK Value- Br. Columbia. 7,77 ii.iS5 22,172 i7.51S (rc.it Hntrtin- lS.lS": 2S.447 201 7W) Australia. s,,;i.j i2,t2l! 1,185 G.472 Sandwich AJ . . i :,- i W San l?raneioo. 1M ."iOWl 82',tS1 37l!l4 Total .:MW,n(M0J,7.j 107.671 48S,0i7 From AuKut 1. IS 59, to July 31, IS70.' To- Cental Wheat Value. Flour. bbK Value. Br. Columbia. 5,14l r,,:ijii 14.25 ""3,424 7-i7 164,71 70.10S 3,",10 S04,OP5 (ircntBritam- 11,SS!J t mna j 211 Sandwich I.LJ pn San Francisco 51,si2 TotaK. iJS7,4SJ 2JfTi 1? ,76?J 101,2011 lS2.ft3S fioS,22S From Augnt 1, 1S70, to July 31, 1S71 To- Cent'b -tlvta iSE Flour. Value. Br. Columbia Great Britain China Sandwich Isl Rio. Brazil... 81 i.as: 11.55W 70,4 201,0s)! 807,75:5 ,8 4,0o7 2,121 35,';32 24,78) 11.410 27,000 ..I .ri.4i SanFrnncisco 3t5,271 72,r,l2I184,U78 903,7irj Total. "3S TIIO 471,9;il l3,82il,07.,5. "ul""' 014 From August 1, 1871, to July 31, 1S72. To- Centl wheat Value. Flour. bbK Value. Br. Columbia (.92 Europe 248,10S 1.377 525,521 18,050! 10H,700 4.4S2 828,330 enma Sandwich lsl San Francisco 10.07S 815 13S.055 2o2,HR 5W,103 I Total 501,373 l,097,00ij 107,'J0S!1,028351 From August 1, 1S72, to July 31,1873. To Cent'h' Wheat Vale'bbT' Value. Br. Columbia Europe China Sandwich Isl SanFrancisco 1,8 a 60U,8io 2"7 9ou8Jl S8,7l76 I 20,t82 yo,U13 iooJs ;,4a5 4S2,840 25.W1 1,352 9J,5S3 55,4i Total JG64,:i7Jil 030,878 1145,2.13! GSi5.21G From August 1, 1S73, to July 31, 1S74. To- Centals Wheat. Value Flour, bbls. Value. Europe 1,033.444 2,0 5,888 72l(70i) J,8U 210 84.1500 132,75)8 10,705 2,113 507500 Gl,005 04,2-0 12,7S San h ran 3G0.S5' B.Columbiu Sandwich Is Total 4.TOS 105 1.3U4.310 2,7SS,620!230,211 121S.4I3 September 1-t, 1S7G, the board of Pilot Commissioner:?, for the Columbia and the Wallamet river, submitted a biennial re port to the legislative assembly, from which the following statistics are compiled for the period of two years to that date: From August 1, 1874 to Sopt. 1, 1S75. Exported by tho Tons Value. Fleet Aug. 31, '74 17,626 S 490.61S 61 " September 1S74 .15,094 610.667 66 " October 1S74 11.873 2SS.710 47 " November 1S7421,S70 626,430 70 Total First Quarter... 69,763 2,016,427 44 Fleet Dec 1S74 5,9S7 " .Tan. 1875 15,238 " Feb. 1S75 3,163 161,860 36 46S,SSS 70 84,94S 95 Total 2d Quarter 24.3SS Fleet, March 1S75 9,66S " Anril 1875 7.696 " May 1S75 S.804 S715.69S 01 272,261 22 142,251 60 256,239 43 Total 3d Quarter 26,16S 670,752 25 Fleet, June 1S75 7.S3S 224.506 00 11 July 1875 4,330 220,560 73 " AugUitlS75 15,644 544,217 S3 Totals last Quarter.....27,S12 9S9,2S4 56 From Sept. 1, 1S75 to Sept. 1, 1S76. Exported bv tho Tons Value. Fleet, Sept. 1875 17,773 621,860 SS 14 Oct. 1S75 17.505 665,518 75 " Nov. 1875 14.824 661.594 54 Totals First Quarter...50.102 1,948,974 17 Fleet, Dec. 1S75 14.702 656,840 14 Jan. 1876 21,570 966,493 32 Feb. 1S76 15,406 603,856 65 Totals 2d Quarter... ..51,678 2,227,1S0 10, Totals 3d Qiiarter .40,001 1,61S,551 73 Fleet, June 1S76 S,259 631,422 84 " July 1876 9.23S 693.550 85 11 Aug. 1876 3,552 333.63S 32 Totals last Quarter.....21,049 1,65S,612 01 Fleet, March 1876 19,065 729,295 06 ' April 1S76 13,610 622,774 40 " MaylS76 7,316 266,482 27 CI OCI CI ca CO CI o JE.' CCC1 o "Sf nz-x to -rco oo -T - r-Z i -r" o -i ci : , i- oo is r? i cs - us t: s z z " COI-CCCO : ' i C1CCSG ; : rcit-f-T : j . . : : " .-nets . i co "?i - O Ol Z2 I.O -Xi zi - -n- a: o : S52 11-cc-hco t-tsO a-?i- c yj ci ci lCo5CI l- ? -7-1 XT' o ,C CO S-2 -2 sc?co? sc: S3 3 Prom the biennial report submitted by the board September lt, 1S7S, the follow ing compilation of figures is made for the past two years, From Sopt. 1, 1S7J to Sopt. 1, 1S7S. Jan ' Feb 31 arch. April -Mny ... ... Aug o-,51G!Sj 4i,22lS4 1,00:J,541 82 3o4,7.V O'l 272,131 00 3o8,380 74 n'iB.m 00 351,40100 aV!.12t5 00 71H,1: UO (28,257 CO 740,480 74 3M,100 00 820,1 85 1,422,515 75 Total .. 19.214.099 55 S-"Goods speak for themRelves but it is only after they are bought that they can do so. An object in advertis ing is to induce people to buy them and 4-Unm If crnnrlc STlOalC lOr tllCni- selves,a good advertisement may also 0- c? MONTH. I 1S7i. I 1S7S. I TOTAL. SetJS00,40fl 14 j onp0.4M14 - ' ' (571 423 1,8S0,5S4 10 2,,70 4o Oct fll 882 74 2,liXi,7o'J -5 3, 113,12 40 N0V..I 1,187 31SW l0S,:J0l 01 2,lJ,70y7S Dec....) tilO,SS00 7SU.!i7 3ll l,S91t0S3 31 lb77. 1S7S. 1. xj. a-w o i 1 fit: live rui 021015 74 oV5,wl .".S '1 731,221 47 703,77o 1,4--:S,0C0 4 speaK lor uie oou&. BUSINESS CARDS. Ty:. j. w. oliveu, IIOHtEOPATIIIST. Having permanently located In Astoria, tenders his services to the citizens of this place. Office. For the present at his residence in Col. Taylor's house. Cedar street. O. F. UELL. A. 3IKACHE BEI.1j & rEACHEX, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and M ashington Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Office Corner of Squemocqhe and Cass streets, up stairs, over E. S. Larseu's store. J. "W. ROI5B. C. W. FULTON. nouB fc mmrroar. Attorney s-at-Law, Collecting and Real Estate Agents. Rooms Nos. 1 and 2, Dr. "Welch's new build ng, Squemocqha street. Astoria. Tp D. WINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce in City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. D" W. I. BAKER. (Late Surgeon if. S. Army.) Office Corner Chenamus and Main sts., over "White House store, Brown's building D R. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University f Pennsylvania. PHYSICIAN AJTD SURGEON. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. O fll ce. Larson's building. Oflirc Hours. S a. m. to 10 A.x. and 6r M. to 8 i. ii. At night can be found at Tur pin House. Astokia, Qkrgon. TVR. F. CRANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Ofllco Room rso. 7 over C. L. Talker's store, Opposite Dement's drug store. II. F. DKNNISON. Y. J. TAYLOR DENNISON & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. Office Itp stairs in Parker's building, comer Chenamus and Benton streets. OTTO DUEVEK, WATCHMAICER ANDuJEWELER. XltVO JkdJlUtAU J.VJ Main street, Parker's building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. J. STEWART, Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. ----- OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS Proprietor. Astorin, Oregon. No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thrashing your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. 27"-Ncat work at reasonable prices. Give ils a call. - Arndt & Ferchen. nnii e b e s t BLACKSMITH AND Machine Shop m the city. -XV All kinds of " -s Enjjlne, Cannery and Htenmlioat Work prompt Iv attended to. GEOllGE MACLEAN", B IA CK SMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Ilorseshoeing of Blacksmith dcr. Satisfact and all kinds in? done to Or ion j,raranteed ALL SniP AND ENGINE AVOEK A SPECIALTY. E. S. MERRILL CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. Cant.ROGEIlS' OLD STAND Near Exjress Office. ASTOUIA. - OKKGON. All work in our lino, heavv or lijrht, done with neatness and dispatch. on ana r ariii T'ORK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ey.. an experienced Farrier of 25 year? in tho business, and well knovn to Astoria horemon.wonroprcpared to it in horses entrusted to our care. trAU work warranted and at reasonable rates. J. H. D. Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTJEBS, by tlie SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason - .- irflflt--TiT. :&3Mrl$igiy MISCELLANEOUS. TUC moot rVTI-itOIWP m& inc muoi ca I uncivil OX J0nty Rrst'Closs Stock, yAVS. cxs BE FOUND AT Q Corner of 0ASS and " YX Squemoqha Streets, XX ASTORIA, j P r Af OREGON., rM A New Invoices! x O A o BY EYEItY j STEAMER.1 0? ' ,-0 Tt. V l. v V V WW 2 . ? ? 3vrf W o ttv 4tfC ra p t v T -W A 4 xhp v AVXNG JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND (M fUMISMG GOODS, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc We respectfully invite the public to call and inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of flue . CIGARS a TOBACCO "Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very repectfully. A. VAN DUSEN & Co., Cor Cass & Jefferson sts., - Astokia. Ocn If You Want to Select a Suit of From tke very best stock In the city call a , A-VANDUSENfeGo.'s. VAN DUSEN & Co,, Are Agents m Astoria for the SINGER ana the "WHITE setog machines; Large stock constantly on hand. VAN DUSEN & CO., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a great variety of goods for both ladies and gentlemen. rpo WllO-r IT LAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that all persons are forbid tresspassing upon, or in any wav 011. or 111 any wa v the land or "beach occupying any portion of the land or beacii surrounding TONGUE POINT, or upon any narto the Henry Marlin land claim in Clat sop county. State of Oregon, without permN sion from the undersigned ; and also rrmn settimr out fires upon said claim, whereby th standing timber mav in anv way be inimed, VAN DUSSN & BltOWN. Per A. VanDushx. Astoria. Oct. 5. 1S77. tf A. L. Bancroft & Co., SAX FKAXCISCO, STTAKE A SIT.CIALTY OF DOING ALU JL kinds fine printing, such in SALMON LABELS. FRUIT LABELS, ETC, And Engraving and Printing by r,I T5IO G1S AFITC. Anything to order will be received by W, B. Bancroft, room 10 Occident Hotel, or after he leaves by D. C. Ireland, Astnrhui. ottice. 7Mf 185JT. 1S78. Hardwood Lumber. OAK, ASfl, HICKORY, - WHiTEWOOD LUMBER. f ap Material A SPECIALTY. Orders foi lumber for boat or ship work promptly attended to. Address all orders E. J. KGRTKRUP & CO., Cor. First and Main streets. Portland, Ogn. Oregon Brass Works, D st. bet. Front & First - - Portland, Oox. flSTBrass Castings of every dascription made to order. Cocks and Valves of aH kinds made and repaired. RsrStenm Wliistles, Oil Globes, Hydraulic Pines and Nozzles, and babbitt metal. Ef&-Particular attention paid to all kinds of Ship Work. Cash paid for old Brass, Coppe , Le?d and Zinc. D. M. MOOEE, Sup. . ,f; 5