The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, January 24, 1879, Image 3

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mxz gaiTxj Qsitextem.
(Monday Excepted),
Astoriari Buildiiig, Cass Struct.
I arms of Subscription :
"fsorved by Carnor, per week .25 Cont5
"Sent by mail, tour months 58 00
Sent by mail, cno year 1) 00
Free of Postaso to if ubrcribors.
C3" Advertisements inserted by the year at
ntho rate of S1.7J por square per month.
Transient adcrti.:ns, by the day or week,
Gfty cents per square for each insertion.
J3?"J7ic Daily Astoriax will he kcjU. hy
mad atln coils a numUt. free of postage. Read
er who nmicmtHatc absence from the cUf can
have Tine Astokiax folbuo them, Daiia"
r Wickkly editions to amy post-vjjicc with
otd additional crjw;. Addrcsae may he
ctianyed as often a desired. Leave ardors at
'&ic- countlim room.
There will be n service in Grace
(Episcopal) church tliis (Friday) even
ins:. Gapt. Geo. Flavcl, and Hon. A.
"Van Dusen left the city yesterday, on
4 trip to Portland.
Mr. C. S. Woodvorth, of this
-office, returned from his visit to the
'-capital city last evening.
Capt. Strang brought the Cait
Lock from Portland -yesterday. She
.is drawing 17. 0, and will load one
ioot deeper for sea.
We are pleased to hear that Mr.
CFrank Warren and company are pre
paring for enlarged operations in the
loggery at Kuappa this season.
The British ship Nairnshire
cleared for Europe yesterday. She
carries 1,005 tons of wheat, on 19
feet draft of water. In bushels she
has 53,529 which are valued at $55,-
That old bump-feeler Wells, comes
"to us in the shape of a cheap almanac.
as regularly as the turn of winter,
-begging a doad-head advertisement.
We give it cheerfully, every time; he
-as such a persistent "old-bum."
The body of Thomas Owens, a
'friendless old man who was drowned
the night before Thaksgiving, was
found in the bay yesterday by
Mr. Fruit. Deceased vas last em
ployed about the O'Brien hotel.
Rev. Mr. Parker, being indis
posed, is absent from the city for a
few days. Services will be held on
Sunday next, morning and evening,
at Grace church, and in the afternoon
at the chapel of Holy Innocents. The
Bishop of the diocese will officiate.
Mr. Worsley having secured the
services of Professors Gregorio Dean
gelis and Racco Brongate for his soiree
this evening, those who attend will
be treated to some of the best music
ever heard in our citj. Operatic se
lections will be rendered br the profes
sors during the intermissions. Let
everybody attend.
Croup can be cured in one minute,
says the Chronicle, and tho remedy is
aimply alum and sugar. The way to
accomplish the deed is to take a knife
or grater and shave off in small par
ticles about a teappoanful -of alum:
then mix it with twice its quantity of
sugar, to make it palatable, and ad
minister it as quickly as possible.
Almost instantaneous relief will follow.
Dr. Dornberg, father of Mrs.
Heilborn of this city, closed his eyes
in death at Mankato, Minnesota, in
the 78th year of his age. He expired
on New Years eve. For half a cen
tury Dr. Dornberg attended the sick,
vuud long after he retired from practice
jpcople continued their calls for him.
He was highly respected, and had the
almost unanimous confidence of his
fellow citizens wherever he was known.
Mr. O. D. Young, of the John
Days country called at The Astoria
office yesterday and left substantial
token of hi3 appreciation of our efforts
in behalf of every legitimate interest
in Oregon. Mr. Young h;i3 cleared
about 20 acres for the plow since
going into the John Days settlement,
iind in eight days delivered 99,497
. feet of logs at his camp for the booms.
The logs are purchased by Mr. Geo.
V. Hume, of Astoria.
Common Council Proceedings.
Council Cuamijer. t
Astoria. Jan. 22, 1S79.1
Council met pursuant to adjournment j
tit 7 p. m. President Gray presiding. i
Present Gray, AlcGuire, JNowlan,
McCann. llahn and Shively.
The attorneys for the council here
rested their .side of the case.
Witness's for the defence, R. F. Wick
ham, John McCann andW. W. Parker
Following are the charges and speci
fications in full:
To the honorable common council of
the city of Astoria, Clatsop county Ore
gon. Citv of Astoria In the matter of
charges and specifications 'against W.
W. Parker, mayor of said city above
We the undersigned hereby prefer
the following charges and specifications
against W. V. Parker, present mayor
of said city.
Charges first That the said W. W.
Parker, mavor of said city of Astoria as
aforesaid, does wilfully and purposely
disregard and violate the ordinances of
said city.
SMri!ieation first That he, the said
W. V. Parker, mayor aforesaid did, on
or about the 18th day of January 1S71).
at divers times being mayor, drive
spiles below ordinary low water mark
within' the eorjwu-ate limits of said city,
for the purHe of erecting a wharf and
building thereon, without first obtaining
permission by ordinance or otherwise to
do, contrary to the express piovisionof
ordinance "No. (57 of said city, he, the
said Parker, being at the said time weil
aware of the existence and provisions
of said ordinaii'-c and being under arrest
lor violating the same.
Specification second That the said
XV. W.Parker seeking to avoid mid de
feat the provisions of said ordinance
No. (57. fraudulently obtained a preten
ded permit, and wrongfully and fraud
ulently changed the date of the said per
mit Charge two That he, the said W, W.
Parker. has. while acting mayor afore
said, been guiltj of disorderly and im
proper conduct" at the meeting of the
co.niiion council of said city.
Specification first That said W. W.
Purker well knowing certain ordinances
relating to the construction of the road
way connecting said city of Asioria
with the upjKT town to be illegal
and void, wilfully neglected to
veto the same, or instruct said com
mon council of his opinion,.to the great
injury of the rights and interest of said
city. "
Specification second That said W. W.
Parker, being mayor as aforesaid, and
knowing that said city was interested,
and a party to a suit of vast importance
to the said city. and relating' to the
collection of road lax in the city limits;
and while the same was pending in the
supreme court of the state; and being
well aware that all the members of said
common council having been in ofiice
but a short time, were unacquainted
with the condition of said suit, wrong
fully and fraudulently seeking to de
prive the said city of Astoria of her just
rights, neglected to instruct said com
mon council of the pending of said suit
as aforesaid, and instructed the then
acting city attorney of said city, namely,
Win. L. MeEwan. esq., to make no ap
pearance in behalf of said city in said
supreme court, in the above-mentioned
suit, and to let it go against the citv by
Charge third That said W.W.Parker,
while being mayor as aforesaid, has
been, and habitually is. guilty of con
duct unbecoming a mayor and a gentle
man. Specification first That said Parker
has from time to time been guilty of wil
ful and corrupt falsehoods concerning
the administration of the affairs of said
city, thereby bringing disgrace upon,
and detracting from the dignity of said
office of mayor
Specification second That said Park
er lias corruptly made use of his said
position as mayor to secure the annoint-
j ment of his relatives to ofiSe.
Charge fourth That said Parker has
been guilty of defrauding said eirv.
Specification first That said Parker,
being mavor as aforesaid, lisiviii?? con-
l traded with his brother, 11. B. Parker,
ior cimsiruciion or certain street mi
provememenls adjacent to the property
of said V. W.Paiker on the roadway
heretofore mentioned, fraudulently pro
cured the issuance of, and signed war
rants upon the city treasurer of said city
of Astoria for twenty cents per foo't
more than his said contract price was
with his said brother II. B. Parker;
wherefore, we pray that said XV. Y.
Parker, mayor as aforesaid, be impeach
ed and removed from his said office of
mayor of the said city of Astoria, state
of Oreiron. Ctatsmi r-mnf i h 1;f. ibiv
of January, a. d. 1871J.
.t. f. now mix,
John ILihs.
Moved that the charges as referred
be adopted as a whole.
lotion byMcGuire was withdrawn.
The president then instructed the coun
cil to vote, separately upon each charge
by the ayes and nays.
Charge first Ayes Gray, llahn, 3Ie
Guire, Xowlen and Shively. Nays
Charge two Ayes Gray, Ifohn, 31c
Guire, Nowien and Shively. Nays 31 c
Cann. Charge third Ayes TIahn, McGuire,
Nowlenand Shively. Nays Gray and
Charge fourth Aves-Grav, llahn, Mc
Guire, Nowlen and Shivclv. Navs
Whereas, the Mavor of Astoria, W.
- Parker, has been found guilty of all
of the charge as preferred by J. 1. Now
len and John nnliii-it'tt.rxsilvftfl tlfittlin
I mayors office is hereby declared vacant.
Ays-Gray, McGuire, Jlahu, Nowlen
.uju cuiiviuy. oNays iictann.
Moved that when the council do now
adjourn we do adjourn to meet on Sanir
dny evening, the 25th, at7 o'clock.
Moved that the council-do now ad
journ. Carried.
5"A newspaper is a window
through which men look out upon the
world. Without a newspaper a man is
shut up in a small room, and knows lit
tle or nothing of what is happening out
side of himself. In our day the news
paper will keep a sensible man in svjsi
pathy with the world's current history.
It is an unfolding encyclopedia and hsnd-
Ujook, Jforever-issuLng and neveriinished.
Foreign Exports.
Since the last report of clearances
from the Astoria custom house was
made for publication in The Astori vn
the following vessels have cleared for
European worts with cargoes and values
as specified. Shipments from Portland
are noted as they eccur:
To Qtuenstown, per Alice B. Coeper:
Wheat from Astoria 39,034 ctls... $9,338 80
To Qucenstown, per WasUcater:
Whoat from Astoria... 2.912 ctls... $ rJO0 00
Portland- 25,785 " ... 4I25 03
Totals 2S.8U3 $415,725 00
To Liverpool, per Jiobert 'Lee;
Flour from A stori:u.. a.23llifsks Sl2,Svv3 00
Portland- H.7C9
35.4 15 W
Total flour. .. 20.000
Wheat from Astoria... G,& ctls.
" Portland- 9.G.J7 ...
S4S.00O 00
11.9(H) 00
1C.900 GO
Totals. lC,f92 $79,860 00
To Quccnslown, per Brodeck Bay:
Wheat from Portland- 25.34S ctls... $41,350 00.
To Liverpool, perShenier:
Flourfrom Astoria-... 8.610 hfsks $19.385 00
Portland - 2!,JWo
59,100 00
Totals flour. 32,922
WhtKit from Portland- 0,103
To Qucens-lewn, per Strathcarn:
Whoat from Astoria... S.SD7 etJs
' Portland- 8,8J2 .
$7S:S5 00
10,300 09
... SSS,785 00
$1021 00
51,010 00
Totals - SG.U59
To QneenMown, per Xairmnirc:
Whoat from Astoria.. 4,087 ctls.
" Portland- -2S.0SL .,
Totals 32.US
$64,234 00
$ 7.061 00
4S,7rS 00
S55.S04 00
Circuit Court Uoeket.
Janu:;rj' Term 1S79.
State of Oregon vs. A. F. Jessup.
Stilt e of Oregon vs. Isaac Bergman
and A. W. Perry. Caples for the state ;
Stott for defendants.
State of Oregon vs. J. W. Ynnderberg.
Elliott, llobb and Fulton for defendant.
State of Oregon vs. JoeMackeriuo and
Thos. Jackson.
State of Oregon vs. Henry Carroll.
James Taylor vs. W. W. Parker, et al.
P. J. Martin vs. W. II. Twilight.
A. C. Gibbs vs. Nathan Watson.
C. L. Parker vs. Moses Rogers.
B. -Hamburger vs. Peter and Bridget
State of Oregon, ex rel, Ann P. Wil
son, et al, vs. .y.M. Shively and wife.
C. Richardson vs. E. B. Mcrffitt, et al.
William Bock, at ?.l vs. C. Richardson.
M. E. Tracy, et al vs. Luke Taylor,
Johnson vs. Oregon Steam Navigation
llwaco Steam Navigationcompany vs.
J. L. Stout.
C. II. Page & Co. vs. Peter an'd Bridget
Jacob Kamm vs. M. M. Shively, super
visor roaa- district No. 1.
J. M. Shively, et al vs. City of Astoria.
A. Nicolai and T. Dailey vs. B. Ham
burger. W. I). ncre et al, trustees of M. E.
church vs. W. H. Twilight, sheriff; in
junction. J. M. Shively and wife vs. G."JY. Hume,
et al; injunction.
Denkeispiel & Co. vs. J. Olsen : law.
Sam P. i loft9 vs. Columbia liiver Sal
mon company; appeal.
Alva Condit vs. J. P. Miller; law.
G. W. Hume vs. A. Cloutrie; foreclos
ure mechanics lien.
Bonk Kee vs. Wong Yee ; law.
Ah Ten et al vs. Vong Yee: law.
Dr. Ying vs. Ah Gee ; law.
Flcekenstein & Mayer vs. Shea & Tur
ner: law.
William Johnson and Jacob Thomp
son vs. William Ralston, et al; law.
James Anderson vs. Job Ross, et rex;
Charlotte Dodge vs. Chas. R.Dodge;
Margaret Ryan vs. Thomas Ryan ; di
vorce. Thomas Patterson vs. R. S. Brown, et
Francis E. Warren vs. E. D. Curtis :
John Ewry,ct al vs. W. H. Twilight;
Iiist of 7nrors
Drawn January i:tth. 1K70. by R.R.
Spedden, county clerk, and W. 11. Twi
light, sheriff, for the January term of
the Circuit court of the slate of Oregon,,
Clatsop ceunty:
N. F. Mudge, E. S. Merrill.
John Bryce. Chas. II.' Parker,
1 1 . Carnahan, W. E. Dement,
G. W. Parker, J. A. Devlin.
M. C. Crosby, Job Ross.
Peter Mattsbn, J. C. Trnllimier.
Dan. II. Welch, 35. A . Seaborg,
W. B. Adair. James Taylor.
J. II. DFcoroe, Rudolph Barth,
Josiah West, R. F. Caiificld.
John llahn, Philip Condit.
S. E. Insalls. C. S. Paruer. '
Henry Bralier. G. F. Parker,
Nicholas Clinton, A. J. Megler.
E. X. Larsen, Ira A. Young,
A. W. Berry.
James Yick, of Rochester, New
York, the celebrated ilower cullurist
of the United States, has sent to us,
and to 7,999 others this year, c hand
some book, elegantly illustrate!, filled
to the covers with interesting matter,
etc., and we're going to reciprocate
by wishing Yick many years of pros
perity, and recommending all-of our
readers to inclose ten cents -to him
for one or two of his superb catalogues.
This work, although costing bnt five
cente, is handsome enough for a gift
book, or a place on the parlor table.
Address .IxV.nes'Yick, Rochester, New
It is a fact long since established,
savs the Helena Herald, that the mer-elin-nf
wim Hhi.ri!lv mrrouizes the ad
vertising columns of the press, sells his
wares cheaper than the one whose name
is seldom or ever seen. The reason is
patent, for by thus advertising, his sales
are tripplcd and a less proportionate
profit makes him the greatest gainer.
Tho folIoTCing law of congress in reference to
An act to provide for tho nublicntion of no
tices of contest under the homestead pre-emption,
and tree culture laws of tho United
Beit enacted by tho senato and house Rep
resentatives of tho United States ot America
in congress assembled: That the rotices ot
contest now provided by law under the home
stead, pre-emption, tree-culturo laws of the
united States, shall after the passage of this
act, bo printed in some newspapor printed in
the county where the land in contest lies ;
and if no newspaper be printed in such county,
then in the newspaper printed in the county
nearest such land.
Approved J uno 4, 1S7S.
Dress Cutting and Filling.
Miss E. C. Benedict bees respectfully
to inrornrthe ladies of Astoriaand vi
cinity that -she mav be found at the resi
dence of Mrs. T. S. Jewett. corner of
Astor and Cass streets, opposite the Con
gregational church, prepared to teach
Mrs. E. K. Renkcr s system of dress cut
ting and fitting, which is considered bv
judges to be the best system known, as
by it the skirt ns well" as the waist is
made perfectly fitting.
Astoria Lodge No. 40. I. O. ofG.
T will give an entertainment and so
ciable at their hall on Friday evening,
Jaiiuarysist inst. Full particulars will
appear soon.
Mr. G. Ncimeyer, the prince of
merchant tailors 'in Oregon, arrived at
Astoria yesterday, and will remain for
a few days to take orders for suits of
clothing. As Mr. Neimeyer's work
recommends itself, it is not -necessary
for us to speak with respect to the quali
ty, lie may be seen at the Occident.
...Fresh oysters in every -style at
Schmcers'. See advertisement.
Tour complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is .affected.
Obtain from your druggist a "bottle, of
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
....The City Book Store stock is ele
gantly stocked with a superb lot of goods
purchased -by Capt. B. F. Stevens while
m San Francisco. Call and see these
Keep your blood pure and 3onr
health must be good, the great purifier
is Pfunder "s Oregon Blood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
Mr. A. II. Sale authorizes us to
offer a reward of 10 00 for evidence
which will lead to the arrest and con
viction of the person or persons who
took his boat '1osephine'' from the old
mill landing on Youngs bay and left it
on the tide laud above Richardson's
place. The net was committed on or
about January 11th, or 12th, 1S79.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
Call and see stereoscopic view of
Cascade canal, and photographic copy
of 1878 chart of the.-Colimibia river bar.
at II. S. Shuster's art gallery. Photog
raphy is truly a science.
Peter Runey Is-still in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, nnda large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street,
Wood of-all kinds, and a splendid
lot of pilch wood, at Gray's wharf, for
sale in lots to suit purchasers.
...Fresh fruits and vegetables -at
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
....Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. 1 lis work in the
cemetery here should Insufficient rceom
meiidation. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
New invoice ot those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Call at Mrs. Derby's when you
wish any article in the millinery line.
Trimmed hats selling at cost.
Fresh oysters in every style and
at all hours at" the Pioneer restaurant.
Shipmasters wishing to secure
seamen can have their wants supplied
by calling at the Chicago house. Main
Lodging IIoit;e Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can he
accommodated at reasonable rites at
Mrs. Munson's Chenamus st., Astoria.
J5Why are -advertisers able to sell
at the lowest prices'.1 Is it i.ot because
they obtain the largest custom, by the
most reasonable expenditure, and are
really able to buy lower than their neigh
bors. Many people imagine Unit the ef
fect of advertising is only to enable a
merchant to seiV The re-active effect
on his power to buy well is often lost
sight of.
Sf-A contemporary says: A news
paper and a newspaper editor that peo
ple don't talk about and sometimes
abuse are rather poor concerns. The
men and business that an editor some
times feels it a duty to-defend at a risk
of making enemies of another class, are
often the very first to show ingratitude.
The editor who expects to receive much
olmritv or crratitude will soon find out
I his mistake: but lie should go ahead
and sav and do what he conscientiously
thinksVight without regard to frowns or
smiles. .
5r-The time has long since passed
when mechanical trades provided our
suns with n livinir. Labor-saving ma
chinery, patent tools and 6t?.m have
robbed tlie trade-oft he future it offered
i to our bovs imthe days of the indentured
apprentice system. Tne irilvrs -and do
nothing of our metropolitan cities are
composed largaly of tradesmen anil
professional men, and merchandising is
-a failure, if the -number of bankrupt
merchants who iiad to succumb to the
pressure of the times can be taken as a
criterion. What the country needs is pro
ducers, and the waste fields of unculti
vated land offers an opportunity to place
the rising generation in the way of mak
ing homes for themselves and better
times-for posterity.
Notary 'Public for the State of Oregon.
Kcal Estate Ajrcnt nnd Conveyancer.
AXCE-COMPAXY of San Francisco.
Eents ami Acconnts CoIIeeied. aiul .re
turns promptly mad?.
Regular sales day,
SATUBDATS at 2 P. '.
N. R Tartics having real estate, lurnf
ture or any other goods to dispose of either
at auction or private sale should notify me as
soon as convenient before the day of sale.
No storage charged on goods sol' at Auc
tion. t C. HOLTX.
td Auctioneer.
-' m
Dancing , Academy.
Page's building next door to E.S. Larsen.
Gkxts Class On Monday and Thursday
evenings, at 7 :S0.
Ladies Class On Monday and Thursdttv
afternoons, at 2 :30.
:Roys Class On Tuesday and Fridav
evening, at 7 :3o.
Misses Class "Wednesday and Saturday
at 4 p. m.
"Wednesday evening for the entire school.
None admitted except scholars.
Saturday evening SOIREE.
Terms Ladies and gents class per
Month $r, t?o
"Boys and Misses elass per Month 2 oo
MEGLER & "WRIGHT, Proprietors.
Astoria, Oregon.
announce that the aliove hotel has been
repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to
the comfort of its guests and is now the best
hotel north of San Francisco.
lias re-opened the Pioneer Restaurant on
Mam street, Astoria,
JL by the week, davpr single meals.
RSTFresh oysters in every style at all hours.
(Alisky & Ilegele's new building)
Corner of Morrison and Third streets,
ES"Furnished rooms in suits, or single, tiy
the day, Meek or month.
Miss II. MENEFEE, 'Lessee. ' ti
THEO. BROEMSER, - - Pp.oi-Kircrou.
Fresh oysters, and other deli
cacies oi wie season, serveu m,
every style.
Opposite the Telegraph office, btjuejttoqho
street, Astoria, Oregon.
have now on hand the largest and best
:ussortme:t of plain and French candies iu
town, also, all kinds of
All of which I offer for sale at the lowest
cash price, wholesale and retail at
Opposite the bell tower.
Retail candy from 25 to "75 cents per pound.
Prrwli "PVcfin nil fNlin-ilwritorvv
hay oysters served In every style.
rjlUJtPIX" 5SOI7&E,
L. L. TURPI.N - Proprietor.
Between Squernocqhe and Jefferson,
AsTOitiA, Oregon.
Board nnd lodging per week..- $8 50
Board er day l eo
Single Meal . '
Tne table will be supplied at all times with
the best the market affords.
U. B. R-iRKER, ----- Proprietor,
THIS HOTEL is the largest, most comfort
able and best Kept hotel in the city. Is
supplied with the best of spring water, hot
and cold baths, barbershop, and a first-class
saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and
line billiard table. Free coach to and from
the house ; chr.rges reasonable, 51 00 to 250
per dav. according to room occupied.
Astoria. July l j. 1878.
Three Schooners for Sale.
i nnWO sohooners, with center boards. 12
jl tons eacn.-anu one without center board,
five ton?, all fullv equipped and in good or
der, will be sold cheap for cash.
Apply to WATSON BROS.,
07-tf Astoria, Oregon.
Tho undersigned is prepared to furnl
a large number of Spiles' and Spars at tw
Lvi i oy
: yiu'je vu aaurtuuucu, ui nusunuuiu raiea,
I Appte -C. G. CAPLES.
1 Columbia C.
4T-- - ;
In- tA" i