PJ . i -. - V- .1-2- :r 1$& ItftxZxj lteto -&&0?ORIA. OREGON: '!. C.1ltTlirAri Editor. FRIDAY-.-.-.- .TAX UAliY 24, 1879 'Al-i-lHiscontinental Canal. SoUietime during the last session ol the senate Senator G rover in troduced a bill providing for pre liminary surveys of a canal be tween the headwaters of the Co lumbia and Missouri rivers. "We have not heard anything from it since, but the project is one that should not be neglected. It has lately been ascertained that the Missouri river is navigable one hundred miles above the falls, to within twelve miles of "Helena, in Montana territory, and steamers will be running there this year. On this siSe of the mountains it is reported that the Clearwater river Thas been found navigable for sev enty five miles above Xewiston. .li this is true a short canal of two hundred or two hundred and fifty miles in length would unite the two largest rivers of the United "States and solve for us the vexed problem of cheap transcontinental transportation. Old Probabilities. According to the telegraphic an- "nounceipents made 'some days ago, the first weather indications which, by order of the department, have been extended to the Pacific coast, have "been received here. The observations were-taken at Washington City at midnight, and are to the following effect: "Indications for Pacific coast clear or fair weather, except light rain in the extreme northern portion of '.Oregon." FACTS AND SCRAPS. A'school teacher is like a razor strop he uses himself up in sharp- cning other people's blades. It is only the fool who is rash '-'enough to think himself a wise man; the really wise knows he is a fool. The attempt to make a lie seem like the truth is very like trying to make a horse-shoe lit a gosliirs foot. One may be sucli a devotee in the worship of himself that he has no time to find out whether there be a God or no. A preacher may get soaking wet .on his wa3r to church and yet be vexceedingly dry the moment he mounts the pulpit. There are some men who nre so very shrewd that they would rather cheat themselves than not make a good bargain. If we were onlv a crrave-diinrer. .here are some people of our ac quaintance for whom we could work with great pleasure. You will sooner succeed in the ' difficult task of swallowing -our-.self than in escaping the conse quences of a dishonest act. No one is so greatly to be feared :as the man who is willing to tell you all he knows, because the .chances are that he will tell 3011 a great deal more. Some men lay the flattering unc tion to their souls that they are very charitable, because they even' .morning clothe the naked and feed xhe hungry, which, being properly translated, means that they dress -themselves and go down to break fast. While everything is goin" smoothly with us and good luck insists on -having her own way in spite of our blunders, we rjut the .comma in the right place when we quote the passage There's a divinity that shapes our ends. Jtough hew them how we will. 13ut when everything goes wrono- .and ill luck intrudes-itself in spite of our best endeavors, we still .quote the passage, but with the .comma in another place There's a divinity that shapes our ends Rough, hew them as we will. A good point about advertising, jn general, is that such announcements "never offend. We never dislike that .which appeals to us for our good opin ion, for the very act seems to sav to us ftaf; our good opinion is vab'v- " 2$SW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPJECIAIi XOTXCE. ALL PERSONS KNOWING themselves indebted to me will please settle their accounts, as all accounts unpaid by February ut will be placed in altornevs hands to en force collection. "We mean it. B. 1IAMBUKGER. Astoria. Jan. 20, 1S73. ZIIAIIi NOTICE. SEALED rKOPOSALS for earning the United States mails between the Post oflicc at Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon, and the landing of the 0. S. S. Co., one time a week each wav, will be received by the Post master until January 27, 1S79, No contract is required to be executed ; but persons bid ding must be honest and capable, not less than sixteen years old. and the accepted bid der will be expected to serve at the comnen ration proposed until otlienvi.se ordered by the Postmaster General ; he will also be re quired to take the oath prescrioed lv law. No more can be allowed than a fair anil rea sonable compensation for the service, to be determined by the department. Postmasters and assistants cannot draw pav tor such service. Tno. J. ftiiADY, Second Assis't Postmaster General. Wm. Chance. 1. M., Astoria, Oregon. Fish Commissioners Xotice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT JL1 the undersigned, hai ing been dulv ap pointed deputy for Clatsop county, by C. Lienenwebcr. Fish Commissioner, under the laws of the State of Oregon, will le in readi ness from and after this date, to issue li censes, at his office up stairs, corner of Cass and Sqcmocqhc streets. Astoria. Oregon. II. H. I'EltGUSOX, Deputy Fish Commissioner. January, 11, 1S79. ' JUST RECEIVED. BOTLED CIDER; PLUM PUDDING, IX CANS; CODFISH BALLS, IN CANS; PORK AND BEANS, IN CANS; EASTERN CRANBERRIES; ZANTE CURRANTS; FRESH CITRON; ORANGES AND LIMES, the finest ever bought in the market; CRYSTAL DRIPS, GALLON CANS: NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. PICKLED HERRING IN IvEGS. JUMBLES, ETC., ETC. MUSCATED RAISINS, 2-ib PACK AGES, VERY FINE; PIGS FEET, 1-11. AND 2-lb TINS; CHICKENS AND TURKEYS, -IN TINS; EASTERN AND OREGON HAMS, best quality. Also, a fino assortment of BREAKFAST BACON AND OTHER MEATS, AT CITY BOOK STORE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. CIIAS. STEVENS tfc SGStf Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, just laid in The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth! RECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' BIAEIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSH POCKETS: CUTLERY, JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.; LADIES' FANCY BOARD, ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PAINT PENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS; EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. U2TA11 goods sold at lowest cash prices. CIIAS. STEVENS & SON. City Uook Store to Main street, two doors from the Pioneer Jtcstnuraut. opposite Uic hakeryof Mrs. C. Minder. "D ATIIS, BATnS, Hot, Cold, bhower, sfeaATHsjj Steam and SULPHUR Baths Occident Hotel Slaving Saloon. NlEDERAUBU & UlILEXlIAItT, Proprietors. ?5ySpceial attention given to ladies' and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. (Jhaeles HeilborNj MANUFACTURER OF And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING. also impoktku of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, SHADES, etc. o CaP"" All kinds of repairing promptly nt lended to. ami furniture made to order. A full line of picture mouldings and linine. brackets, window cornices, etc. SSFiill stock and lowest prices, corner of Siiiienioeha and Main street. Astoria. Hew System of Wagon Brakes. TrulSinger's Patent Brake. no shoes to aveaij out times No Brake Bar used. Will hold a Wagon Anywhere from Baching or going Forward. rpilis NEW MM ARE now Mm introduced L bv the inventor, J. C.Trul linger, is a com liMKilioii of friction gear applied to the hub of a wagon. It is sinipV :nd light, vet has more strength and durabilitv than aiiv other Xaffou brake now in use. It is so attached to ihe wagon that it is out of the wav of the gearing, yet always reliable and at hand wIkoi required. Am tnamter or meehainc ewiso.nr once its utility and effective force to bold a load on a down trade, or to nrevent wises from backing wh-n required. The IJrake is made entire1. v of iron, po vonden pans being neeessarv. as no bnke bar is ued ; hence it docs not mrrvmuA and is not affected bv wet ;md muddv or icv roads. ,, e invite critical examination, as we be lieve its ments can be demonstrated to nirv party who uses or understands a wacon brake. HAAVLEY. 10D & Co.. Arents for Oregon and Wasliinzton. Thee brakes are now beimr nut upon wagons hi Portland. Oregon eil v. Albanv. and other places, as rapidly as orders can be filled. I "i;-T.1 -""' nun general use. ' JzLcJ' irt,csi w"tinp Brakes nut on their snnth, Portland, Oregon. -G or Shop, rountv. or State rielits an imly to J.VTliUttIx6EltXtoiiS5a enfigk-3 SUSLTTOSS CAKDS. Tll. J. -W. OLIVER, II03IEOPATKIST, Having permanently located in Astoria, tenders ids services to the citizens of this place. Office. For the present at his residonce in Col. Taylor's house. Cedar street. O. F. BELL. A. 3IEACHEN". KEILi & SIEACIHGX, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and n ashington Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Office Corner of Squemocqhe and Cass streets, up stairs, over JL. S. Lnrsen's store. J. w. roiib. c. vr. fulton. 1SOUB & FlUTOX attorney s-ai-Law, Collecting and Real Estate Agents. Hooms Nos. 1 and 2, Dr. "Welch's new build ng, Squemocqha street. Astoria. Tp D. WJNTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. D H. IV. I. BAKER. (Late Surgeon U. S. Army.) Office Conrer Chennmus and Main-sts.. over White House store, Drown's building D R. I. 31. SEVERN, Graduate Tniversity f Pennsylvania PIETSICIAX AND SUKGEOX. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. OHIce. Lnrsen's building. Oilicc Koiir. 8 a. ai. to 10 A. 31. and fi 1 m. to S p. m. At night can be found at Tur pin House. Astouia, Okrgox. D R. E. CRANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Office Room ro. 7 over C. L. Tarker's store, Opposite Denient's drug store. II. F. DKKXISOX. F. J. TAYI.OK DENNISON" & TAYLOR, ATTOS.VEYS AT LAW. ASTOKIA, OllF.GOX. Office Up stairs in Tarker's building, comer ChenamiLS and Denton streets. OTTO XftTF3H2R. WATCHaLVKER AND JEIiER. 11 s urorovED TO Main street, Tarker's building. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. J STEWART. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA, ----- OREGON. All kinds of buildmg'ork. and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. FltOJI A SUFFERER. Bo not fail, if bad health you'r afraid of, Of knowing exactly what you'r bread is mane of. 3fow allow me to tell you, for experience I've had I'm sure. Nothings worse for the. stomach than when you'r yeast powder's not pure. Oh", 'then lie careful in future, you know what's at stake, Iet me advise you (for I know now) what brand to take. Jdet your grocer give you 110 other kind for tills is guaranteed. Yov use Donnolly's Yeast Towdcr and of good health pure and light brrad you're sure. Washington Marked Malv Street, Astoria Oregon, JETiG3IA2f G J3EB21Y EESPECTFULLT CALL THE ATTEN t:on of tho public to the fact that the abovo M arket will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH ANcTcURED MEATS ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppiy ntr shins. D. K. Warrex. C. A. IcGuirk Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cassstreeta. ASTORIA. Oil EG OX. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietor" (Successors to Hobsvn Jb Warrm. Wbolcsalo andllotail Dealers in all kinds u Fresh and Cured Gfleats! A full lineofFnmilv Groceries, CANNED 'PRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. itdrDuttcr, Eggs, Cheese, otc. constantly on hand. iasr Ships supplied at the lowest rates. IT IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That housekeepers can do better bv dealing with J. K. WIIIT, on Main street, as he keeps the best of FllUITS, CANDIES, NUTS. LIQUOllS AND CIGAES, SIOED SALMOM, J30L0GNE SAESAGE, JEKKED ELK IEAT, And also from Clatsop every other day EEESH BUTTER, EJGS, cnEESE, CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, And cvervthing that is needed in the cook imiline at the lowest living prices. Call and examine before purchasing else where. .Y. Iv. YZRT. W. E- DEBfiENT, g BEUGGIST. g ASTOKIA, - - - - OXtEGOr,, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines. PAINTS, OIIAND GLASS. PrcscriptionsVrlled with care Dcy or Night. r3" Manufacturer of Fishermen's belief. A sure preventative of Chapped Iturids, and cure for Pish Wounds. Astoria Stsam Laundry. J. T. EOliCITEUS Proprietor. A&torin. Oregon. No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thrashing vour clothes too pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. ... JS-Neat work at reasonable prices. Give us u-oali. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. :. W. CASE HUPORTEK AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. 4l &EEG0N. ASTOEIA JUST OPENED A EULL AND COMPLETE LINE OP GOODS, IN EVERY DEPART MENT OE TRADE SUITABLE TO THE "WANTS OF TDE PEO PLE ALL OE AVHICtt WILL BE S0D irurchascrs are renuested to call and inspect my poods before purchasing else where, as I am confident of my ability to pleaseone and all. I. "W. CASE, Corner Chenamus and Cass Streets, ASTORLV, OREGON. Notice to All Concerned. r1en and Boys Must be As well as to have toys for Christmas. Christinas is Over ! BUT 1. LOSB - And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of A ESS of CLOTHING FSSffSm. Gents Furnishing Goods; ALSO : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : YTatchcs, Jewelry, 3!arinc and Opera tilasso, etc.; besides a choice lot of TOBACCOAKD CIGARS, "Wholesale and Retail. Call and see. MAIN ST., - - - ASTOUIA, OCX. JUST RECEIVED BY . "W, PA3tB;ER AT T11K I. X. L. STORE! Corner Main and Concomly streets. jTJROCERIES .FLOUR. FEED. WOODEN J ware. Coal Oils. Tobaccos, and Gents Fur nishniK Goods, which will be sold at lowest !!Sf m. S Vi"1 (lehvercd promptly in anv charje Xm)CV Ahtol flxc of narTlie public are respectfully invited to cad. orsend in their orders. ,,.c CASH SORE! Have just received a new invoice of Groceries, Ousensyare, Lamps and Fixtures,. Which I offer at a bargain for cash Corner of mam and Squemoqhc sts.f ASTORSA, - - 0"RSG0?30 (IX TirE ASTORIAX KGlLl.IXG) AS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OP vpw troods, cousiaHne of Ui MEN'S AND R0'S CALE AND KIP BOOTS Buckle and Congress Gaiters, Women, Misses and Children's Fhich wiU be sold at the very lowestjrlces. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE a:, w. cse, BROKER, BANKER, AXD INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOEIA, - . . OREGON. Exchange bought and sold on all parts 'OE the United States and Europe. ?n!P? -HOS-From 3 o'clock a. nr. until 4 o clock p. yi. nimin !C e. AGGREGATE CAPITAL. $40,000. T3IPERXAX, OF X,0XIOX. XOSTIIEISX OF IiOXDOX". IUEEX OF LIVERiPOOL. FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANIES. AGEST. ASTORIA, - - - - OKEGON. Em Itial Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. IIougiitox .President Ciias. K. Story. Secre'tarv HAinLTOX Boyd, 1 . f rf'. Geo. L. Story, j Agents.for Oregon Office Northeast corner of Stark and First streets, Portland, Oregon. Xet Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1877 $333,511 04 .Assets, .Ian. 1,1873 $378,065 S5 Liabilities Losses vnp;Ud S.1.G3S 37 Dividends " l.nr.7 00 5n.l H7 Surplus for Property Holdei-s S.7T2.470 47 Losses paid In Oregon in six years$ll!3lG 7J I. W. C'lK. Anent. Astoria, Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AKD LONDON A!ND GLODE, NOETH BRITISH AND MET CAN TILE OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S7,000,00I. A.V'AX DUSEX. Agent. A RARE CHANGE. T WILL SELL ANY OK ALL OF TIIK X following described property, viz .- IfiO Acres, Sec. 23, T. 8, A, on:. 9 ivcst, .soullicasl qimrJcr. Also, in Olneys Astoria tots I, 2, .;, and 4, in Klock 7J); Lots 3, 4. ."i, anil , in V.lacli K50: 3.ots 2 anil -f, in Clock 12C; anil Lot S, In Block I.W: Xorth hair or KlecI: S. 2 1-2 acres. DAVJD INGALLS. Astoria. Oregon. Dec. 10, 1875?. S5-0m PH. KEl) IT. A skin" w:is picked up on or about .Ltntuirv 11, 1871), in Astoria by th undersigned. ThV owner is rccpiested t call, prove property, pay charges audtako the same away. , , s. fctiiJlhhi. iw-d&w Opposite the bell tower, Astoria. .G" -1EORGE K0SS' '?. Dil1!o Rnnw "ZFw "TPT V The onlv Milliard Kooni in tlic city where no liquors arc sold. TOTEW TABLE JUST PUT XTP. GEOliOE A has a cosv place and keeps on hand the. 1 est brand of Cismrs. Also. soda, candy. nus etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. 35-tf GEO. KOSS, Proprietor. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIJU1ALL, Drayiflg & Tracking. 'fe -3.'i w -fjn&ttr xZtZ&Sr ASTOPJA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squeniucque St., hetween Cass and Main, Contracts fur urayinj? made and satisfaction gaarantoed. Orders left at the Occident Ho tel or received by mail promptly filled. JEWETT-&.KIMBALX. '&; "ts