PJ & '&& StadBU ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Escorted), Astoria Building, du Street. Terms of Subscription : served by CarrMr, par wek .25 0ont5 &Ht. !y mail, four months - .SS 00 Scat ly mail, cne your. W Free of Pustago to b?cribcrs. rte Advertisements inserted by iitoyelr at 'the rato of $1 o'J por square per month. Transient advortWnsj, by the day urTTck, fifty cents nor square for oacli iBortion. THE CITY. XZ&Thc Daily Astokiax will Ik fi by tnt& tit 7." ccmiti a month, freenf joto0e. Rtimi ens joJm coniamitUUcahtencc from the city osw k&ae Tub Aktokiax Mlw lha. Daily ttr Wbickly ctiiiiimK Ukmn prt-c Mtith ottt a'ldilUmal cjrp'yec. IddrywcK man he - nanyxl often iw de&rod. Leave order iti 'the cmiHlitw rovm. They are building a small si earner t Centervilie to run on the Ofcehalhj river. Pilots Gilraau ar.d Ferchen have 'each arrived down with vessels an the. mil, sad lSUi. --See advertisement of lost cow. Any information left at this ofikc will "reach the advertiser. We learn from the Oiympia Ex periment that H. O. Siruve will change liis residence to either Seattle or Port land. - Chief Moses is still in irons at Yakima cityl The weather was cold (Doc. 2Gth), hut cattle in excellent condition. The steamship State of California lias a full cargo for this city. The fare from Philadeljjl&ia to Portland on her is $300. Our Weston correspondent says that lots of the poorest cattle aire dying from exposure, and the best ones losing rapidly. Navigation has not been resumed between The Dalles and Cascades. The Hay ward is making trips to the Cascades from Portland only. The Norwegian bark Europa which went up to Portland last No vember from Astoria, arrived down . yesterday partly laden for sea. Miss NeUhT Elavel, Miss S. Boelling of Astoria, and Miss Stewart, of Port Canby, were passengers to JSan Francisco yesterday by the steam ship Oregon. Colonel John M. Wileon, formerly in charge of this engineering district, - has been appointed to the department of the lakes, with headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio. The Shenir, Robert Lees, Brodeck Bay, and Wast water are at anchor at Fort Stevens, ready for sea to-day. The Storm King is also ready, but has not yet left the city. Plans are on foot to enter upon the wholesale business of smuggling goods j into Oregon as soon as the cutter is removed to Portland, -nd the customs collection district of Oregon, at Astoria " is abolished. The British bark Hannah Landles, which was taken to Portland in ballast on the 5th Of December last, arrived back to Astoria on Friday in ballast, and will load at Astoria with wheat for Europe. -- A steamer for Yaquina bay will ,be built by Capt. Lud jins at Newport, especially for the coasting trade of Yaquina, Alsea, Tillamook, and other small bays,-along the coast,mow almost without market. The "members of Rescue Engine -company No. 2 of this city are justly rproud'of their Silsb'' engine, which is i certainly the handsomest steam fire engine in Oregon. ?At a drill night before hist she threw three elegant streams. - The donkey connected withRescue .Engine company No. 2's steamer and children. Some forty or fifty undertook to feed on very small peb- bucks ran away on Christmas eve. It Able-stones at the trial night before seem they don't like the idea of .com dast, and its stomach was temporarily J ing north. These Indians are all wild, -disorganised, but it docs-uot take the and very few of them have ever been 4gine-out of -service. ' Within the precincts of .civilization. Railroad Iron Cominj?. A New York dispatch of December 20th, in speaking of freights and markets, conveys th2 following infor mation, which will be news to our readers: "Much excitement was created in the market to-duy when it became known tliat a lot of railroad iron and trimmings, upward of 3600 tons, for the Northern Pacific railroad, wonlftgo forward from Philadelphia direct to Astoria, instead of being parcelled up among the regular liner. This iron has been in the market for several days and much opposi tion has existed for it, and one agent, who seemed to think that he was positive of getting the freight, went so far as to order his ships to prepare to receive it. However, the freight was taken by Gregg & Co., of Philadelphia, who have chartered two vessels, Eric the Red, and the Em pire, to cany it forward. Tonnage is in fair supply, bt the lines are not ldly off add not anxious about the future; however, they do not fail to accept any vessel that is offered ?t reasonable terms. The latest ongrgcinents are those just mentioned and the M. P. Grace, 192S tons, and the St. David, 1396 tons, both at this port with general cargo. The two last vessels wore taken in niiticipa&on of getting the lot of rail road iron mentioned above. Friends of Rev. J. G. Purchetfc, formerly of the First Baptist church of Astoria, but at present principal of the Mcjlinnvillccollege, will bepleasod to learn that on the 5th his bettor half presented him with a daughter. Mi's. M. A. Mofiett, sister to the late Dr. C. J. Trenchard of this city, and Air. Charles Moffett, her son, are en route to this city on a visit to Mis. Trenchard and family, from Baltimore, Jiaving left Tev York on the 31st ult., via Panama. They expect to reach Astoria about the 31-fit inst. The iron and rolling stock for the first ten miles of the Yaquina bay narrow gauge railroad has been con tracted for and will be shipped from New York on or before the 20fcli of this month, around the Horn on a sailing vessel, and will arrive in San Francisco about the first, of May. Id will then come up by steamer. Extra exertions will be put forth to have the road finished to Philomath by the fourth of July, 3 879. Capt. Scott, of Salem, has re turned from a brief visit -to Iowa. With ice on the Missouri river fifteen to twenty inches thick, and the wind blowing cold enough to freeze the limbs oil' the oak grubs, and corn at thirteen cents per bushel, wheat fifty cents, and pork at two cents per pound, make Iowa and Nebraska good states for farmers to emigrate from, and in the eyes of Scott it is an unpardonable sin to be discontented in Oregon. It is the opinion of Col. Gillespie and others who have observed the movement of the bars at the mouth of the Columbia,vthat in a few years at -most the main channel will be between Sand island and what is known as the middle sands. The bar across this channel is gradually waahing out, and light-draft coasters now occasionally come in that way, thevater being thirteen feet at low tide. This channel is almost straight from the southeastern point of Sand island, and should the depth become great enough in it for steamers, the terror of the Columbia river bar will entirely disappear. A new military rpost has been J located in Kittitas valley, about 30 miles west of Priest Rapids. The location is said to be beautiful, with plenty of wood and water convenient. The Indians formerly belonging to the Malheur agency, and who were taken I Prisoners or war last summer and tore been kept at Camp Harney since, -are now on their way to Yakima innerva tion, having loft Camp Harney on the 1st. They are traveling 03 slow stages, in government wagons and on foot. They number about 7nn mm wnmon 1 ww .-.., ..... The Standard reports the British ship Lupota and the British bark Edith Loon as having arrived at European ports from Portland. The Standard is mistaken. The first was the Lupata and the latter the Edith Lorn. N either of them were from Portland; both loaded at Astoria, last summer and fall. a The Salem', Astoria, Springfield and Winnemucca narrow gauge rail road committee in Salem have started the ball to rolling. The Salem Flour ing Mill company headed the list with a subscription of Four Thousand Dollars. The people of Salem will not fail to do their part in making the proposed enterprise a success. Our citirens realize the importance of the work, and should now move in the matter thus so ausuiciously begun. We have refrained from -makin-any mention of the Kilkennv-cat fiht going on in Astoria it is painful to refer to it, in airy manner. There is not a town or city of note jn Oregon or Washington territory but shows positive signs of advancement. As toria alone appears to be hampered, and her progress stayed by load quar rels. While at every other city in this state and adjacent territory there seems to be unit' of action among the people, here at Astoria everybody is working at cross-purposes. It is not the cor rect way to build up a city. Let us have peace and harmony of action, eke give up the hope of legitimate ad vancement altogether. imcmcETm Rev. J. T. Wolfe will discourse at the Congregational church of this city. .January liKh. morning on "The New Birth. ami in the evening on The Myrtyr King." Services at Presbyterian hall Sun day morning and evening at the usual hours. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all. AROUND THE CITY. Your complexion is sallow, and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from your druggist a bottle of Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Keep your blood pure and your health must be good, the great purifier is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All Astoria druggists have it now. Mr. A. If. Sale authorizes us to offer a reward of $10 00 for evidence which will lead to the arrest and con viction of the person or persons who took his boat "Josephine" from the old mill landing on Yonngs bay and left it on the tide land above Richardson's place. The act was committed on or about January 11th, or 12th, 1879. The City Book Store stock is ele gantly stocked with a superb lot of goods purchased by Capt. B. F. Stevens while in San Francisco. Call and see these goods. ... .P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, hhoes, etc. Peter Runey Is still in the market with all kinds 01 nmldmx materials 111 his line, lias jllSt rei-Cived 100,000 lath, 2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at Ins warehouse foot of Benton street. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Scfcmecrs. See advertisement. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. Call and see stereoscopic view of Cascade canal, and -photographic copy of 1S7S chare of the Columbia river bar, at II. S. Shuster's art gallery. Photog raphy is truly a science. Get vour baskets filled for a little money at Baile3s. ... Wood of all kinds, and a splendid lot of pitch wood, at Gray's wharf, for sale in lots to suit purchasers. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better job for less money than anv-outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should besuflicientreeom mendation. Before you let your con tracts for work of this kind it would be weK to call upon Mr. Stewart New invoice of those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. ....Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish any article in the millinery line. Trimmed hats selling at cost. ....Fresh ovsters in every style and at all hours af (.lib Pioneer restaurant. ....Shipmasters wishing to secure ennnii.n r;in li?ic pr Wants SUl)T)llC(l by calling at the Chicago house, Main street. Lodging House Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can l)e accommodated at reasonable rites ,at Mrs.Munsons.Chenanius st, Astoria. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X,OST COW. JTRAYED AWAY FROM Astoria about red lim formation which will lead to her recovery will im nnfrt lor ov x. liiiiuuiun, jI3-2d2v Astoria. P3AGN5JS C CROSBY. DEALER IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing"Coods. Hardware,:Bras3 Goods Lead and Iron Pjpe, Pipe Fittings, Enaineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron) JiQpper, Brass,and.Zinc, one vuar since, a good muiving cow : t-oior. wfthuvhite spots; long aim simmer nc .inQivorc tn the name of l.osa. In- BUSINESS CARDS. TK. J. W. OLIVEI. H03IEOPATIIIST, TTavinc permanentlv located In Astoria, tenders his services to the citizens of this place. Office. For the present at his residence in Col. Taylor's house. Cedar street. O. F. BELT- A. MKACHEX. B2LIi & IIIEACmIB!?. Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California and ashmston Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Office Corner of SqnemowpV and Cass streets, up stairs, over E. S. Iirseu's store. J. w. none. c. w. fultox. KOBB & FTT.TOX. Attorneys-at-Law, Collecting and Weal Estate Agents. "Rooms Xo?. 1 and 2, Dr. Welch's new butld n, Squemoeqha street, Astoria. Tp D. WINTON, ATTORNEY AT'-LAW. Ofllce in City Hall Building. ASTORIA, OREGOX. TK. W. 1. J5A5S.ER. (Late Surgeon U. S. Army.) Oflifc Corner Chenannis and Main sts. over AVliite lloiie store. Browifs Imildint: Dn. I. M. SEVERN. Graduato Vnirerity f Pennsylvania. PlKYfiSCZAX AN!) SrSG'EH-S. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. OHicc Larscn's luitlilinir. Oilier Hour-!. s A. m. to 10 a.m. and 6 t y. to S i. m. At nijjht ran 1h found at Tur pin House. Astokia. Okkgox. T)R. F. CRANG, PHYSiCIAN AWD SURGEOiJ, ASTOHIA. 0I1EG0X. Office Room rso. 7 over C i. Parker's store. Opposite Dement's drug store. B. F. IEN"N fSON. lr. J. TAYLOR DENNISON & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AT "LAVS'. ASTOKIA. OUEOON. Or pipe Up stairs In Parker's building, corner Chenauius and Henton streots. OTTO RlTJi'EK. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. II S RF.MOVXI) TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGOX. J. STEWAsrr. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. ----- OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly aud to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. CASH 'STORE"! Have just received a new invoice of . GrocerieSj Queensware, Lamps and Fixtures, Which I offer at a bargain for cash Corner of main and Smiemoqlie sts.. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. PICKED UP. A skiff w as picked up on or about Januarv 11, lS7i, in Astoria nv the undersigned. The owner is requested to -.n iiViTvp nrntmriv. nv charm rind t:ike the same away. " S. SCHMEF.R. lw-d&w Opposite the bell tower, Astoria ptEOKGE ROSS a Billiard Room The only Rilimrd Room in the city Avhere no liquors are sold. "JVTEW TABLE JITST PUT UP. (IEORCE J-l has a cosv place and keeps on hand the test brand of Cigars. Also, soda, candy, nuts. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. 05-tf CJEO. ROSS, Proprietor. FItOJ-I A SUFFER.!:. Io not fail, if bad health you'r afraid of. Of knowing exactly what you'r biead is made of. Now allow me to tell you, for experience I've had I'm sure, Nothings worse for thr stomach than when you'r ye:ist powder's not pure. Oh, then he careful in future, you know what's at stake, Let me advise vou (for I knGW now) what brand to take. Xet your grocer give you no other kind for this is guaranteed. You xvaq Donnolly's Yeast .Powder and of good health pure and light bread youVe sure. Notice to All ConcerneS. Wen and Boys Must be As well as to have toys for Clrrlstmas. Christmas is Over ! hut I LOEB ss? tafltel! And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of A FULL pi fiTUIMP I' OR MEN LINE OF ULUiniHU AND ROYS. Geiits Fiirnisliiug Goeds: ALSO : La-rge Stock of "Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : IVatcheA, JcttcIpj, Marine and Oiesn 'ClajHCJ, ;; Besides a choice lot of TOBACCO AND CICAB, Wholesale and Retail. Call and see. .iLMNSI.,, -, -, -. STOPJAG. &rt AUCTION SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of th'egon. Real Estate Agent aiuVConvoyancer. Agent for the FTREMEX'S FUXD INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGENT and AUCTIONEER. Keats anil Accounts Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales day, SATl'SDAYS nt S 2.3r. N. B. Tarties having rent estate, turm tnr or any other goods to dispose of either at auetion'or private sale should notify me as soon as convenient before the day of sale. No storage charged on goods sold at Auc tion. E. C. EOLDEX. tl Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. Dancing Sa Academy. Tage's building next door to E. S. Larsen. Gkxts Class On Monday and Thursday evenings, at 7 :.'$!). Lapies Class On Monday and Thuisday afternoons, at 2 :."0. Roys Clas On Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 7 ::. Missus Class "Wednesday and Saturday at -I 1. m. "Wednesday evening for tho entire school. None admitted except s!r':rs. Saturdav evening SOIREE. Terms Tidies and gents class per Month $s 00 Boys and Misses class per P.Iouth 2 50 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. "TO'AZjTjA IYAIjIiA RESTAURANT, TIIEO. BROEMSER, - - PKorniETOit. Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies of the season, served in. every style. Opposite the Telegraph office, buuemouhe street, Astoria, Oregon. BSTMEALS AT ALL HOURS-fTa. ASTQPdA CANBY FACTORY AND OYSTER SALOON HAYING ENLARGED MY STORE T have now on hand the largest and bent assortment of plain and French candies iu town, also, all kinds of CAKES. CRACKERS AND BISCUITS. All of which I oner for sale at the lowest casb price, wholesale and retail at SCHTJIEER'S CONFECTIONERY.. Opposite the bell tower. Retail candy from 25 to 75 cents per pound. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwaterv bay 03'sters served in every style. muiii'ix house, D. L. TURPTN - Proprietor, MAIN STREET. ueiween oqnemoenne juui deuersoui Astoria, 'Oregon. . - " "" Board and lodging per week $6 50 Board per day..T. 1 Oo Single Meal 25 Tne table will be supplied at all times with the best the market affords. "BARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON. "K. B. PARKER. Proprietor. THIS HOTEL is the largest, most comfort able and best kept hotel iu the city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot and cold baths, b-irher shop, and a first-class saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the house ; charges; leasonable, ?1 00 to $200 per day. aceordinjrto room occupied. Astoria, July 15,iS78. rCGIDENT TOTEL, A.J. MEOLEIt, C.S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. Tho Proprietor are happy to announce thrt the above Hotel haw boon REPAINTED AND REFURNISHED Adding greatly to tho comfort of its KuerM AND ISxN0TV THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. M RS. S. N. &RRIGONI Has re-opened the Pioneer Restaurant or Main street, As'oria, FOR TTIk: "RECEPTION- OF BOARDERS, by the week, day or single meals. ear-Fresh oysters In every style at all hours P ALA CE 'LODGING HOUSE. (Alfeky & Hegele's new building) Corner of Morrison and Third streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, C55""Fiirnished rooms in suits, or sin&le, by the day, week or month. Miss H, MENEFEE, Lessee. Of Three Schooners for Sale. rSfNYO sehooners, with center boards. 12. JL tons c:i"h. and one without, center board, live ton, all fully equipped and In good or-'. tier, will be sold cheap txijreash. Apply to '-WATSON BROS.. u7-tf 'Astoria. Oregon. CPILES. "' The nnderijrned i? ppjar6d'-to fnrmsa a largo nufnbor of Siile.- and Spars ut;tLv' place on.?ljrtrt notice, 'at roaaonaTQlc rates, ' - AppIo . CU.UAPLE.S. GckuiibiSSff-j., &mi &&, 1