J ,PJvJrwlr Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January M, 187ft. No. 11. Yol. viii. ip I' !' I ' "" Telegraphic- News.. Dispatches Boiled. Iotvn lorlan. for The As- SALT- KIVEB INDIAN RESERVATION. SITTING BULL PROPOSES PEACE. CROOKED DISTILLERS AH-RESTED. HENEGADE CIIEYENNES BK COME GOOD INDIANS. Foreign News. Boiled Down for The Astorlnn.. COMMUNISTS TO BE PARDONED KILLING OFF DEBATE IN. THE REICHSSAG. THE POPES ENCYCLICAL LETTER. WHY THE AMEER WENT TO RUSSIA. Astronomical Events in 1879. of Interest Washington, Jan. 11. The presi dent lias issued an order setting apart lands on Salt river, Arizona, as a reservation for the Pimas and Marico pais. Yankton, Jan. 11. A special from the Cheyenne river aqency says that two runers from Sitting Bull's camp have just arrived. They say that they are willing to come in and sur render their horses and arms and sub mit to agency rules if they are guar anteed protection by the government and the traders. Washington, Jan. 11. Eight stills have been seized in Stanley county, North Carolina, and eight distillers arrested. One of the raiding party was shot. Seizures were also made at Bennettsville and "Waltata, South Carolina, but the property taken at the latter place was recaptured by a band of Georgians. Chicago, Jan. 11. The Times Port Ilobinson correspondent gives the fol lowing description of the scenes at tending the hunting of escaped Indi ans Thursday night; Having got lip with the guard, who were only fifty yards behind the retreating savages, the entire command poured volley after volloy into the renegades with terribly fatal results, killing over twenty and wounding as many more before the savages succeeded in gain ing the hills. The Times correspondent visited the place where the dead bodies were collected, awaiting burial at noon to day. The pile consisted of twenty bucks, eight squaws and two papooses. Their grinning vissages, as they lay there on the snow in death's cold em brace and nearly naked, presented a sight that beggars description. Paris, Jan. 11. The government proposes to pardon all the communists except 400 ringleaders, who were par ticipators in the massacres London. Jan. 11. A correspon dent at Berlin says of the proposed bill effecting the rekhstag, that it practically abolishes all guarantees of freedom of debate. "While the bill it is in the power of the majority to turn any offending member over to the courts. It makes it a penal of fence for the press to publish any speech which has been censured by the president of the diets Kome Jan, 11. The pope's ency?. clical letter occupies seven columns of the Osservatore Romano. The pope inveighs against socialism, commu nism, and nihilism, which militate no lorvger secretly, bui openly, against the civil state, rupturing the matri monial tie, ignoring the rights of property, claiming everything, now- over legally inherited or honestly- ac quired, and attempting even the lives of kings. St. Petersburg, Jan. 11. The ameer entered Russian territory, not in consequence of ' the suc cess of the British, but, to invoke, the mediation of Russia. The ameer will receive sympathetic popularity, but the idea of mediation, is. an. illii--sion, upon the clearing up of wThich will probably depend the continuation of his joume3T. JMercury, at the beginning o the yeaijj will be in the morning sky,, but owing to its great southern declination, will not be easily seen. It will be visible for a few evenings toward the end of March, somewhat to the north ofYenus and- lower down. It may also be seen iu the morning sky about the 9th of September, but cannot well be seea at any othpr of its periods of enlongation. Tonus, having passed its superior conjunction with the sun December 3,. ! 1878. will become visible in the even ing sky about the middle of January, and will be in conjunction with Ju piter on the 23d of that month,, being about one degree south of the latter at the time of setting on that evening. The beauty of the scene will be en hanced by the presence of the new moon, which will be in conjunction with both planets on that day. Pass ing Saturn March 2d, "Venus will re main in the evening sky until Septem ber 23d, the date of inferior conjunc tion with the sun, but will scarcely be seen throughout September, owing to the southern declination, but will be bright in the morning sky during the remainder of the year,. Mars will be visible only as. a morn ing stir for the first half of the year. It will be in conjunction with Jupiter on the 9th of June being within eighty seconds of a degree of that Xlanet.. As this conjunction will occur in the afternoon, the two bodies, which would appear to the naked eye Chamber of Qommerce of Astoria. Regular meeting every 1st and 3d Monday of each month. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. President. Tempjp iKXtge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communipations first and m-d Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock, p. m., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in pood standing, aro invited to attend. By ordei. of tho "W. M.5 A Beaver L,odre No. 35, 1. C.O. P. Meet every Thursday evening. ajfiKfc&- at 7 o'clock, in tho Odd Fellow's JfNS flail. cor. of Cass and Chcnamua Pt" Btrcets, Astoria. Members of the Order aro nvitcd to attend. By order. if. O. Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G-. T. Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening. at7 o'clock, at Good Templar's II all, Chena mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store Members of tho Order, in goodstand ng, aro invited to attend. Degreo meeting 1st Monday each month. By order IV. C. T. Common Council. Regular meetings first and third- Tuesday evenings of each month, at 7 o'clock K3 Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by tho Council, atany regular meeting mu:fc present the same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or beforo tho Friday evening prior to tho Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular meeting?. R. II. CARD WELL. Auditor and Clerk. MISCELLANEOUS. EXTENSIVE Corner oCASS Squemoqaa ASTORIA, r Invoices v THE MOST n A First-class Stock, fy$r CAN BE TOtrSD AT WE. S. LAKSEFS 0 v Corner oCASS and H0' Squemoqha Streets, iA ASTORIA, XV -YgPIS.ew Invoices X L V BY EVERY Astoria Engrine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly meeting will be held at tho hall of tho Company, on tho secondTuosday of each month, at 7 o'clock p.m. tf5Mcmbers aro expected; to attend prom ptly, if not tho usual fines will be imposed against thera, unless legal excuse ia offered. By order of tho Company, A. VAX DUSEN, President. F..A..Fishkr, Secrotary. SEW ST96KI NANKING AND INSURANCE.. Pacific Coast News. Koilcd Down for TIic Astorian. Boats were started to the Cascades yesterday. The mail had been car ried overland. The Wonder got a.11 the mails, express matter, and passengers off the Oregon on Saturday, and took them to Portland. -- The Indian hanging a.t Pendleton passed off peacefully, and so did two Indians, last Friday. One more will he hung next Friday. WELCOME EAIN FORNIA. IN CALI- TROY DYE CONVICTED. San Francisco, Jan. 11. Dispatch es covering the state from the extreme north and as far south as Santa Clara and Monterey counties, report a fine Tain with a heavy fall of snow on the coast range and Sierra Nevada, ex tending low down on tho foot hills, San Francisco, Jan. 11.- The trial of Troy Dye, ex-public administrator of Sacramento county, for tho murder of A. M. Tullis, was concluded early this evening. The jury, after being out twenty minutes, found a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree "The time has long since passed when mechanical trades provided our sons with a living. Labor-saving ma chinery, patent tools and steam have robbed the trade of the future it offered to our boys in the days of the indentured apprentice system. The idlers and do nothings of our metropolitan cities are composed largaly of tradesmen and professional men, and merchandising is a failure, if the number of bankrupt merchants who had to succumb to the p-? 'sure of the times can be taken as a criterion. What the country needs is pro duceis, and the waste fields of unculti vated land offers an opportunity to place the rising generation in the way of mak ing homes for themselves and better times for posterity. Don't be too certain about the river remaining open. It was colder herQ last night, and more ice formed, than any night yet this winter. Be sides, the river is full of floating ice, augmented bT a heavy snow storm be-- low Kalama, nearly all of yesterday. The Palouse Gazette man says he had often heard the "independent farmer" Bpoken of as the happiest in dividual in the land, but never realized how true it was until since he has commenced living on his farm, where he can see his chickens, eat his own bread and beef, and snit in his own stove, with all the independence of a Sultan. It must be magnificent. as one, will not be seen. Mars will arrive at opposition on the 12th of November, and though nob so. brilliant a3 in 1S77, will blaze brightly m the evening during the latter part of the year, approaching sufHcientlynearthcr earth to render its satellites visible a pamphlet on the motions of which may be obtained on application to the National Observatory. Jupiter will come to opposition on the 31st of August in the consteltion of Aquarius, being at its farthest point. east nearly in line with the western side of tho. Square of Pagasus, and about equidistant from mark "ab" of that constellation and FormalhautK Being in a region devoid of bright stars, the great splendor of this planet will attract unusual attention. Saturn, with the exception of the first month, willbe in Pisces throughout the year, coming to the opposition on the 5th of October, being about two hours east of Jupiter. During the month of March this planet will pass, into the northern hemisphere where it has not shown for about fifteen years, and will be near the equinoctial during the yvav. The rings of Saturn will not be very "open" this year, and cannot well be seen without a tele scope. - COy TESTED LAXD CLAIMS Tho following law of congress in reference to contested land claim, wo publish for tho in formation of our roaders in Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Pacific and Wakiakum ceunties: An act to provide for tho publication of no tices of contest under tho homestead pre-emption, and tree culture laws of the United States. ... , , , Bo it enacted by trio senaio ana nouso itcp- .:..., ,r.r tlm I'nitml jStnf m fit Atnpriin T TV CASE, ASTORIA v OREGON. BROKER AND BANKER. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN COIN OR cur rency subject to check at sight.. ns-Sight cheeks issued on Portland, availa ble in any part of Oregon and Washington, territory. S"Sight checks issued on; San Francisco,. avallal)lo In any part of- the State of Cali fornia. 03"SIght checks issued on New York citj available in any part of the. Eastern States. fiApproved bills discounted. Loans made. on available security. Collections made promptly. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND- Gents FUMSM& GOODS, Hats, QapSj Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc,, Etc. "We respectfully invite. the public to call and inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of ttne CIGARS A TOBACGO "Wlilcli we are offering at San Francisco, wholesale prices. Very repectfully AVAN DUSEN & Co.. Cor Cass & Jefferson sts.. Astoria. Ogx i?A contemporary says: A news paper and a newspaper editor that peo ple don't talk,al)out and sometimes abuse ar rithir noor ponppriiR. The men and business tnat an editor some times feels it a dntv to defend at a risk ofmaklng enemies of another class, are mm n "ie ver-v flrst to snow ingratitude, x lie editor who expects to receive much charity or gratitude will soon find out ins mistake; but be should go ahead and say and do what he conscientiously tlnnks right without regard to frowns or smiles. 67,000,000 CAPITAL LIVERPOOL AD LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH 15RITISII AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S7.OOO,O0O. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. If You Want to Seteet a Suit ofr From the very best stock in the city call a &. VAN DUSEN fcCos. ? VANBHSEN&GO,, HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF- Consisting of, a great variety ot goods ior both ladies and gentlemen VAN DUSEN & Co. Aie Agents in Astoria for the SINGER and the WHIT SEWING MACHINES. Large stock constantly on hand. Home Mutual Insurance Cb., OF CALIFORNIA, J. V. FIoroiiTOX.. ,.Preslden Chas. R. Stoky Secretarv Hamilton Dod. Gko. L. Stokv. j ' Agents for Oregon 55An advertisement in a newspa per is worth forty 110 cards and other foolish imitations. The paper is seen every day bv hundreds, while the book is noticed bv onlv a very few. ,22A. good pomt about advertising, in general, is that such announcements never offend. "We never dislike that which appeals to us for our good opin ion. lOrtll Vfr fi ennnic fr env in lit; I that our good opinion is valued. Ftoad. pro-cmption. treo-cunuro laws ot mo United. Slitfe. riiau after tho passage- of this act, bo priced in some newspaper printed n the county whew the land in contest lies ; and if no nowspaner bo printed in such counts', then in tho ncwMaper printed in tho county nearest such land. Approved .J uno wo. jZ3TA newspapsr is a window through which men look out upon the world. Wltliour a newspaper a man is shut up in a small room, and knows lit tle or nothing of what is happening out side of himself. In our day the news na'ier will keep a sensible man m sym pathy with the world's current history, it is an unfolding encyclopedia and hsnd book, forever issuing and never finished. Office Northeast comer-of Stark and First "streets, Portland, Oiieqok. Net Cash received for Fire Prenu iums In 1877....... w.. $335,511 04 Assets, Jan. 1,1S7S v..v... S578.065 S3 Liabilities: Losses vnnaid VS.1.(S 37 Dividend " l.fc7 00 5.5.05 37 Surplus for iTonerty Holders S572.470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six yearsSH4.51G 72 I. IV. OtSK, Agent, 3-26if Astoria. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. CIIAKCOAIi X CKARCOAIj FTPHE UNDERSIGNED. WELL KNOWN 1 to the Columbia rrvcr cannerymen. wishes to say that he is now prepared to deliver promptly, to order within 1! days, charcoals of the best quality in quantities from 500 to 2,000 bushels at the lowest living Kites, to anv point on the river between Rainier and Astoria. TETEIt JOHN. tj-17 Cathlamet. "W. T. mo whem: it 3Liy- concern. Notice is hereby given that all persona are forbid tresspassing upon, or in any wav occupying any portion of th land or beach surrounding TONGUE POINT, or upon any part o? the Henry Iarlin land claim iu Clat sop county. State of Oregon, without imtiuN siwi from the undersigned ; and also rrnm. setting out tires upon said claim, whereby the stauding timber may in anv wav be injured. VAN XUSX & BROWN. Per A. VakDuskn. Astoria. Oct. 5. 1877. tf So quack medicine advertisers of anv kind, nor quack doctors, need ap ply for space in the columns of Thk Astorian, as it will not be granted, to them. We do not vant money bad enough to tempt us to aid unscrupulous adventurers in fleecing the unfortunate man or woman who is broken down in health, and that, ioo very often by the use of nostrums which are puffed up by thc newsDaDers. Oregon Brass Works. D st. bet. Front & First - - Portland, Ogx. rffrRrass Castings of everv description made to order. Cocks and Valves of all kinds made and repahed. nsrSteam Whistles, Oil Globes, Hydraulic Fipes and Nozzles, and babbitt metal. xsr Particular attention paid to all kinds of Ship Work. Cash paid for old Brass, Copper, Le:M aud Zinc. D. M. M OORE. Supt. A. L. Bancroft & Co.r SAX FJSAXCISCO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DOING A 1-15 kinds line printing, such as SALMON LABELS. FRUIT LABELS, ETC. And. Engraving and Printing by XITOiRAIBfY. Anything to order will be received by W. B. Bancroft, room 10- Occident Hotel, or after he leaves by D. O.. Iceland, Astorian,. offlce. 7-tf 1852. 1H7K Hardwood lumber. OAK, ASK, HICKORY, WHITEWOOD LUMBER. Garriaffe t Wmp Material A SPECIALTY. Orders for lumber for boat or ship work promptly attended to. Address all orders E. I NORTHRUP & CO., Cor. First and Main streets, Portland, Ogn. NOTICE CAUTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CATT tlons everybody and gives notice thr.the iii nnf lio rn:nnnslhli fur nnv f1fht! con tracted by any other person than himself, for j or on his account, without his written order. after this date. Also that all moneys due the undersigned on current accounts must be settled and paid within ten daws, otherwise they will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection. H. B.FAK&EH. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 1, 1S7S. J-2v W. E- DEMENT, DEXJGGXST. ASTORIA OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night!- XH5 Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, ani cure for Fish, Wounds. S . ;daifa2&fc a-- - - n 'inii ifiiffjr Tfryjirtniftiir iariMf-- -a . rmj 5 "SP?