W &STORIA. OREGON: ft.'c. IBELAlfB ---.Erfitor. SUNDAY JAXUAKY 12, 1879 Pursing Deliberative Bodies. The point has been raised that a deliberative assembly cannot ex pel any of its members for offenses 'committed before election. The 'point is not well taken. Ever' 'deliberative assembly is a judge of the qualifications arid fitness of its 'own members. The more recent case in. point, and a very striking one, too, is that of a recent mem ber of the Ohio legislature. "We 'do not recall his name. But at the last session of that body it was rumored that one df the members had been convicted of felony, and been imprisoned therefor in an other state. A committee was "raised to inquire into the matteV. The facts were well established. The offense had not been coiiimit ted in Ohio, nor had it been com mitted since the member had been elected to the legislature. But that body expelled the member on the sole ground that he was a scandulous and unfit person to be xt member. The legislature exer cised the right to judge of the Qualifications of its own members. 4. Some years ago the federal sen ate excelled Jesse D. Bright for the offense of writing treasonable letters, or such as would be dan gerous to the" welfare of the coun try. The letters, if we remember rightty, were not written during the session of congress. 35ut the senate took cognizance of the fact that the act committed, was xl crime,-although the degree of moral turpitude might have been less than in some other notable in stances. If a murderer or a horse thief were erected a member of a deliberative body it would be per fectly competent for that body to sjiv that he could not remain a member; and it would make little difference whether his constituents did or did not know that he was a horse-thief or a murderer whCn the1 elected him. The British parliament has on many occasions refused to allow 'members tb'take their seats, on the sole ground that they were unfit for membership by reason of acts ' committed before the election. Parliament became the sole judge of the fitness of its members, and it was never maintained that it went beyond the powers which a delib erative assembly might lawfully and safely exercise. The French assem bly recently expelled a member for cheating at cards. A cofttinit tee of the lower house of congress is now inquiring into the acts of one of its members (Adding com mitted, if at all, outside of congress, though possibly within the term of which he was elected. The re port will probably be adverse to the member, and he will, in that evenc, lose his scat. In the case of O'Donnell, in the Constitutional convention, the ' Ohio precedent is exactly in point, I bub not more so than a number of cases in Hhe British parliament. . O'Donnell was elected a member of the convention. It is not at all likely that a majority of (hose who voted for him knew what kind of a man he was. But whether thev did or not, ' the convention is the "sole .judge of the qualifications of iiis .members. . It may at all times purge its own body of all scanda lous persons, and in doing so it does not make any uew precedent, but simply conforms to tiie usages of deliberative bodies- &r -at - least iwo-hundred years. The Ice Gorges It will be seen by reference 'to the dispatches this mofifing that the rivers are probably clear of ice, 'by way of Columbia slough, betweeli this city and Portland, '"and the Oregon Steam Navigation company will probably dis patch, a boat from both ends of the route to-morrow. Capt. Brown, it will be noticed, has reached Yahcouver, probably for the purpose of availing himself of the ad vantages of communication by tele graph, and he reports that the steam ship Oregon is surrounded by ice at Willow bar. "Willow bar is above St. Helens, the point reached by -Capt. Kellogg with the steamer Da3'ton. If the temperature of :the weather has continued to increase, the 'chances are favorable to the steamship reaching Portland either to-dliybr to-morrow, and the ice blockade for the winter of 1S7S-9 may virtually be considered removed, on the lower Columbia. County Finances. ?bll6wing is a list of the expenses of fclatsop county, as per bills rendered to ihe commissioners in session last week, for four months ended Decem ber 31st, 1878: Clerk S7S7 10 Treasurer sc 00 Judge lfifi M Commissioners 1." SO Sheriff : SO Coroner expenses . . .-. :1 70 .J. P. court, Tnrley 1'iTi 20 Parker 4170 " " Johnson si 40 Bridges ;l:j ik Circuit court 11 :w Paupers 202 25 Board, prisoners 1SJI -18 Repairs 20 7.1 Insane 1(1 .".0 Printing, fuel, stationery 57 :o Road supervisors . . 74 Supt. schools, to date Total, four months . . i00 00 $2.:j7S 31 A bill for the relief of Mr. Ben Holl'aday was taken up, and considered, in the senate on the 10th inst. Senator Mitchell addressed the senate on the 7th upon the subject of a lfarbor of refuge for the Pacific coast. A bill for the relief of Hon. A. B. Meacharh, was reported upon favorably'iii the house of repre sentatives on the 20th. JPSWe desire it to he distinctly understood that those who send us ad vertisements from abroad, must send the cash v.ith the advertisements, if they would liavc them appear. We have numbers of advertisements sent us from strangers saving, ''Please insert and send li 1 1."" This we cannot de: the cash must accomp any thecopy and the order. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RESTAURANT-, TIIEO. BKOEMSEli, - - l'ltoVniETOR. Fresh oysters, and other deli- caeu's of me season, scned in every style. Opposite the Tt-ic-jaiMi office, Stiueuioiilie street , Astoria, Ort;on. ncarMKAl AT ALL IIOrilStPB. FOR TILLA3E00E. Hie A 1, New Schooner TIHVm? ftvafi'ja TllOItXSEN Master. 26&Se2 "Will leave Astoria for Tillamook direct on or about Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1S79. For freight or passage apply to E.S.LARSEN, Aent. Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA CANDY FACTORY AND Y S T 12 K S A li O X'. HAVrNG KNLARGHn MY STORE I haeiovou hand lli(k largest ami best assortinent of plain and French candies in town, aUci. all kinds of CAKES, CKACiiERS AND BISCUITS, All of whieh I offer for sale at the lowest wish 1 rice, wholesale and retail at ' SCH PEER'S CO?FEC7!0?JERY. Opposite the bell tower. Retail candy from 25 to 75 cents per pound. iTCSll KjlSteni Hint Slm:)vafpr& I ?- bay oysters served in every style. 55 HOl-SKTO LIT. A nice residence, new. eonijUning six rooms, will be readv for a ti nant any tune on short notice. For particulars inquire at " THIS OFFICE. I IXKcrroiIS NOTICE. The Count v court Li oi i iatop coitutv. OrejiiMi, Having ap lMMiitPfl the uiiflrrslmHMl cxfcutorof the last will and ustaineiit of F. FeiTell, ileccasMMl. all iieiMins having claims :tg:tmst said estate are rcpifstMl to presmr ;hesame with the proper voucheis at inv office in Astoria, with in six months from this date. tIEOKGEFLAYEL. January C. 1S7J. 3-wsc I:xecutor. Sp ILES. ihe undersigned is p'spared to furni?h a lare niuubor of rfpilas and Spurs at this place on short notieo,at riasonablo rates. Apply to c. U. OA VL KS. Columbia City. " $? I. W. CASE, MERCHANDISE. OOBS OHEAPEM FULL STOCK DF GftiERAl MERCHANDISE, ALSO-- Christmas and New Year GOOOS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. AND A Splendid Assortment of KID GLOVES. Line of Cti t t )' ETC., ETC., ETC. I. W. CASE lias now to offer to the people of Astoria and vicinity the finest display 6f t USEFUL AMD -FANGY GOODS FOR THE HOIil'DAYS, AXD Every l)lhe'r Day in the Year Yet shown to the Citizens of Clatsop County. JUST RECEIVED. A splendid assortinent of l,auterjungs In dia Steel and Electric axi 1V01IY HANDLED PLATED KWSVES AND rORKS. These are the finest goods mauufactured. We Befy tompetition. ii?"A io.l Cedar Shinples on hand, for sale in lots to suit purchasers. I. W. CASE, C6rner Chenamus and Cass Streets, -ASTOIUA, OREGON. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DKAI.KK IN Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Cooc.'s. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead. Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. COAL LAKD FOR SALE. -6 ff ACKES of iron and coal lands for XOu sale, situated near Columbia city, Oregon. Price S900 tsisli down. For particulars inquire at . 17-tf -The astoki ax office. BUSINESS CA5RDS. o F. BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and CommisoncYof Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Atnrin. rejron. Office Corner of Snuemocqhe and Cass 'ctrnntc itr. efnire nvnr K. S. XarSdl'S Store. ovi.ww, ! .ji....vj, ..... j. iv. iioiiu. cw.fultox. robb & ftoto:, Attorney s-at-Laiu, Collecting and Real ''Estate Agents. Eooms Xos. 1 and 2, Dr. "Welch's new buiM g, Sqiicmocnhn street. Astoria. T D. YflNTON, ATTORNEY -'AT -LAW. Office in City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. D It. IV. J. KATvEH. (Late Surgeon U. S. ArmyJ) Office Corner Chenamus and Main sts.. ;er "White House store, Hrtiwn s miliums TR. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University f Pennsylvania. PHYSICIAN A&"I tftoRGEOs. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. Ollice. Larson's lmildin?. Oilier Hour. S A. M. to 10 A. M". anil 6 P r. to S i m. At night ean be found at Tur pi n House. Astoiua. Oirer.oy. TvE. F. CHANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Oflice Room io. 7 over C. L. Parker's store. Opposite Denienfs drug store. K. F. DKXXISOX. F. J. TAYLOlt DENNISON & TAYLOR, ATTORXEYS AT I. AW. ASTOKIA. OUEOOX. Offick tTp stairs in Tarker's mllding, corner Chenamus and Kenton streets. OTTO IUF3TfUS. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. 31 VS KESIOVED TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTOKIA, - - - - OKEG0N.- T STEWART. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA, ----- OREGON. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly and to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. U. J. W. OLIVER, KoriiKOPATirrs'p, Having permanently loeafed in Astoria, tenders his services to the citizens of this place. OFFiri?. For the present at his residence in Col. Taylor's houseCedar street. Notice to All Concerned. f&en and Boys Must be As well as to have toys for Christmas. Christmas is Over ! r.UT IT TflFD . CI L. HAS SOT And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of LINE OF CLOTHING ANDIJOYS. Gents Furnishing Goeds: ALSO : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : "VFtticaevt, .Jcwclrs', .Marine and Opera i lasses, etc.: IUiles a choice lot of TOBACCO AMD CIGARS, "Wholesale and Retail. Call and see. 1ST, LQEB, MAIN ST., - - - ASTORIA, OGN. (Jhaeles JBeilborn, gr rAXTFACTUPvEPv OP fi And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING- AUSO I.MPORTEK OK CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. "WALL PAPER, SHADES, ktc. C-All -kinds of repairing promptly at tended to. ami tiiriuture made to order S3?-A full line of picture nu)ulding"s and tiaih.s. brackets, window contices etc Car-Full stock ami lowest prices! J'orher of bqucmoccha and ilam street. Astoria. CITY BOOK "STORE, MAIN ST., ASTOKIA. CflAS. STB3VJEXS & SOX Invite the attention of iurch:WeK t ficir stock, just laid in 1 he Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth' RECEPTION' POCKETS LADIES' Dr ARIES ASf D PURSES COMBINED: mb COall AND BRr-RH POCKETS. CUErTC.:fc,WEi:KYj CHAjblS. LADIES-'fAXCY HOARD ETP . . OLD PENS AND PEKCIlS- "' PAINT PENCILS, GUTTA PERCH V K7IKJUk), EXCELSIOR DIARIES, RLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC ISTA11 goods sold at lowest cash nriccs CIIAS. STEVENS & SON City Book Store to Main street two ,innN from the Pioneer Jiestaurant. QDuSritS ? p hakery'6: Airs. C. Binder uPI)0felte txie MISCELLANEOUS. Washington Harket, Malv Xtrect, Astoria Oregon, BEJiGMAN & KERRY TESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN- XX tion of tho public 'to tbo fad that tbo aoovo Market XiM alvrays be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OK wWFStffcftBP ?JRED MEATS ! which vn behold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppiv Hff ships. D. K. Warrkx. C. A. McGuirk Astoria Market ! Corircr of ChenamGsaiid CasssteetK. ASTORIA. 0 KEG ON. WARREN & McGUlRE, Proprietor- '(Successors to Ilobsnn A Warmr Wholesale and Retail Dealors in all Jctnas o Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. JK5 Butter, EiZS. Choose M xonil f on hand. 3T Ships supplied at thelowcst-ratea. IT IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That hoiisekeepers can do better bv dealing with J. lv. WI R r. on Main street, as he keeps the best of FRUITS, CADrKS, SUTS. LIQtJOvS AND CIGARS, SMOKED SALMOM, BOLOGNE SAUSxVGE, JERKED ELK MEAT, And also from Clatsop every other day FRESH BtJTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, . And Everything that is needed in the coolc mghne at the lowest living prices. Call and examine before purchasing else where, j. i. wmT. Arncit & Ferchen, fJllIE KEST .- .i.CS feSv S5T BLACKSMITH J 'M Machine Shop ' '.FllS All kinds df ti EIl5rin, 7anricry and Stenmbont "Work promptly attiMidcd to. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, OregCa. Ilorsoshoeing V an a 'nt3 of Blacksmith jkTlf ms done to or der. Satisfact wj in fevarantoea ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. S. MERRILL d- CO., Blacksmiths and machinists. Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND Noar Expros Offico, ASTOIUA, - OREGON. All work in our lino, heavy or lirfht, done with neatness and dispatch. Horseshoeing, Wag- &? nY STif! Farm sb,5?'S TVO'RK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECURKP THE SERVICES Or IIr. S. A. Gainos of Ky.. an 'experienced Farrierof 2-" j'ears in tbo business. -snd well known to Astoria horsemen, we are prepared W dosheolnj: in a manner to euro lameness or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our care. rtiTAll work warranted and at reasonable rates. AGI11L "WaNTKD.-To do genend house work In a small family. Address : V. O. BOX 7.',. I-tf Astoria. Oregon Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. I30KCUEKS ., I'voprietor Astoria. Oregon. Noruhhingorscrubbinjr.and no thrashing your clothes too pieces. Uuttons sewed on and clothes mended. J2Xeat work at reasonable prices. Give as a call. T. S. JEWETT. 1$. S. KIM CALL. D raying & Tracking. CJk SS ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squemucqiiu St., between Cass and Main, Contracts fur jTuylnj; made and satisfaction giMptncecd. Orders left at the (eeident :lo tel or received by mail promptly fdled. 0 J K W ETT .t K LM B A LL. O- 3Tm SMITEC, (IX THE ASTOKIAN UL'ILblNC) HAS JUST -RECEIVED A LOT OF NOT goods, consisting of MEN'S AND BOYS CALF A3SD KIF BOOTS Buckle and Congress Gaiters, Women, Misses and Children's BIITTOK BOOTS, WhicliAvill he sold at the very lowest pricrs. j."h. d.grat, Wliolc.-ale and retail dealer in. OYSTEES, by Hi SACK, Kay, Gats, Straw, Wood, Etc. Rener-al storage and Wharfage on-icasou-able terms. v &' Kik s