cu mm Vol. viii. Astoria,, Oregon, Sunday Moaning,. January 12',. 1879. No. 10. ii It Telegraphic News. Special Dispatches to The Dally Asioriaji RAILROAD SMASH UP- IN AR KANSAS. BAGGAGE RASTER KILLED AND EXPRESSMAN FATALLY INJURED. CARDIFF STEAMSHIP IN A STORM. HEAVY SNOW STORM IN; SOUTHERN OHIO. THE WORST STORM EXPERT ENCED IN TWENTY YEARS. RAILROAD TRAINS DELAYED BY SNOW DRIFTS. SNOW SIXTEEN INCHES DEEP-- DRIFTS OF FIVE FEET DEPTH LOSS OF STOCK ANTICIPATED. THE SUCKER STATE ASSEMBLY. THE SUCKER GOVERNOR OjN RESUMPTION. GIVE USA REST. Little Rock, Jan. 10. A passen ger train on the Iron Mountain railyo&d was ditched ji ear Kensftt last ni"hfc. Crawford, baggage, inaster, was killed and expressman Brown is supposed to be mortally injured. New York, Jan. 10. The steamer Rhiamendela, which arrived to-day from Cardiff, reports heavy gales during the entire passage. On the 7th of December her port bulworks and stanchions were carried away, hatches and saloon skylight stove, and everything movable on deck, in cluding the binnacles, were washed overboard. The ship was thrown on her beam ends, and the cargo shifted. It was GO hours before the ship was righted and cargo secured. Cincinnati, Jan. 10. Heavy snow storm visited southern Ohio yesterday extending far south into Kentucky and on to Richmond, delaying trains on all roads in that region. There are some instances of stopping them entirely. At Blaiysville the snowT is sixteen inches deep, and drifting to the depth of five feet. It is the heav iest storm known for twenty years. Farmers are apprehensive of losing much of their stock. SpiuNcriELD, III., Jan. 10. The legislature met at noon to-day and the governors message was deliverer1. It designates the resumption of specie payment ''as one of the grandest "achievineuts in the financial history "of the nation, and as an evidence "of the -wise policy and enormous "resources of the country."1 aEH'Goods speak for themselves," hut it is onlv alivr they are bought that they can do m. An object in advertis ing is to induce people to buy them and test them. Jf goods .stx'ak for them selves, a good advertisement may alsi so speak for the goods. S"Do hogs pay?" asks an agricul tural correspondent. We know of some that don't. They subscribe for a paper, rend it for a few years for nothing, and then send it back to the publisher with the P. M.s inscription, "refused." Such hojrs as that pay nothing to anybody, if they can help it jS&To discriminate between what is news and what is advertising in an item is often a difficult task for a pub lisher. Newspapers, to be on the safe side, must sharge when the item brings inoney to others. Such is but justice, and in compliance with the laws of bus iness, and without this discrimination a liuwspaper wjl fail, financially. Foreign Ifews. Special Dispatches toj&c Daily Astoria SNOW STORMS, GALES AN0 HURRICANES IN SCOT LAND AND IR?r LANP. ICE IN THE THAMES RIVER. NAVIGATION SUSPENDED BE TWEEN CHELSEA AND WOOLWICH. 5ARGES FROZEN IN. FAILURE OF AN OXFORD BANKER. THE ROUMANIAN COMMISSION. RUSSIA WANTS THE CONSTITU TION PROMULGATED EX-PRESENT GRANT- ON1 THE WING. THE ENEMY OPPOSING ROBOTS. GEN. THE; STATE AND CHURCH CON FLICT, THE NEGOTIATIONS WIT1J 3HE VATi;CIANT. SIJTTHN'G SOME MATTERS IN CONSTANTINOPLE. MURDERER HANGED QUEBEC. IN London, Jan. 10. Dispatches from Scotland report one of the greatest snow storms ever known, accompanied by severe gales. Telegrams from, Crookhaven, states that fearful storms prevailed over Ireland. Since yester day afternoon it as increased to a hurricane. Many vessels in the harbor, have dragged anchor. Ice is floating down the Thames in great quantities, and steamboat traffic between Chelsea, and Woolwich is entirely suspended.. Many barges along the river are fro zeti in. J. D. Fairman a prominent banker of Bishop street, Oxford, has failed. Liabilities 100,000 to 150,000.. Vienna, Jan. 10. The Porte has asked that eastern Roumanian com mission be prolonged several months. It is stated that Prussia is not averse to this, but is still decided that sjie will continue her administration over the province until its constitution has been promulgated. The enemy opposing Gen. Roberts in the light of Tuesda numbered G,000. Behlin, Jan. 10. In the lower house of the assembly to-day debate opened on the second reading of estimates for public worship. Hcrr Windihorst spoke at length on the conflict between church and state. IJe considered that negotiations with the Vatican had failed. Constantinople, Jan. 10. Matters relating to the cession of Podgoritza have been satisfactorily arranged, but according to a Eogusa dispatch, Albanian Rotables have declared their intention to oppose the cession by force. The minister of finance has threatened to resign unless the council of ministers immediately take measures for the relief of financial difficulties. Quebec, Jan. 10. HEchacl Farrell was hanged here to-day for the mur der of Prances Conway in August last. J&3"A. good adveitis,er- partioularl3r puts his show-windows into the newspaper. The Ice Gorge., Special Dispatch to The Dally Astorian. THE STEAMER DAYTON MAKES: A TRIP TO ST. HELENS AND BACK FROM PORTLAND. CAPT. HIRAM BROWN ARRIVED. AT VANCOUVER ON THE 10TH. STEAMSHOP OREGON IN: THE ICE AT WILLOW BAR. THE ICE PILED UP TWELVE FEET IN THICKSS. PROSPECT OF BREAKING UPy Portland, Jan. 11.. Cap t. Kellogg weirfc to St. Helens yesterday with the steamer Dayton and returned last evening. He reports the river en tirely free from ice from this city to St. Helens. There was no ice in the slough, and none in the Columbia, so far as he could see, up and down. The Dayton brought up the mails. Yesterday Pilofc Brown arrived at "Vancouver from, the steamship Oregon, which now lies, at Willows bar. Capk Brown reports the river, completely gorged with ice at Willo.w, bar. The Oregon is surrounded by ice, which has been piled up until nyearly twelve feet in thickness; however, i,t is thought tha,t the steamship will not be detained, very much longer, as the increased temperature ad warm rain will soon cause the ice to give way. Pacific Coast News Special Dispatches oThc Dally Astorian THE NEVADA SENATE MEMO RIALIZE CONGRESS. CESTKAL PACIFIC RAILROAD RUMOR. HOTEL KEEPER SHQT BY A DRUNKEN FELLOW. Virginia Oity, Jan., 10. The sen ate to-day adopted a joint resolution asking the Nevada congressional dele gation to use all honorable means to secure the passage of house bill 2,423, reported to the house of representatives from the committee on education and labor, and such other measures as will tend to check or prevent further im portation of Chinese coolies to the Pa cific coast. San "Francisco, .Ian. 10. An al lcge(J California rumor, which the New York Times gives currenc', to the effect that titles to the Central Pa cific railroad and its branches are now in the hands of Flood & O'Brien, hav ing been transferred m settlement of borrowed money, is pronounced false by a gentlemen who speaks for Mr. Flood. Saxta Rosa, Jan. 10. Jack Epper son shot and killed Henry Thomas, of the Veranda hotel in Geysorv;lle last night. Epperson, had been drinking and was quite boisterous, and was flourishing a Winchester rille m the hotel, when he was finally put out of the house by Mr. Thomas. "While they were standing on the porch, Epperson raised his weapon and fired, the ball striking Thomas in the abdomen, caus ing death jilmost instantly. Epperson undertook to escape but was pursued. During pursuit he iired four shots at the constable, who finally returned the fire, breaking Epperson's leg, and succeeded in arresting him. He is now in the county hospital. Thomas was a well kuown and highly respected citizen. Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Regular meeting every '1st and 3d Monday of each month. Jk Q. A. BO WLB Y, President. Tempi Jjoage, .No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first and& bird Saturdays in each month, at o'qlpck, p. m., at tho Hall in Astoria Members of tho Order, in good standing, aro invited to attend. Br ordei of tha "W. M.5 Beaver J.odfire No. 35, 1. O. O. F. Meet every Thursday evening. at o'ciccK. in tho uaaj?eiiQw,FS&ijff Hall. cor. of Cass, and Chpnaxuus s,&w&' streets, Astoria. Members of the Ordes; ar,q. nvited to attend By order, JN. w Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Regular Moeting every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chona- mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parkorfs. Store Mombers of tho Order, in ppd stand,- ng, aro invitcdjto qtend Degree meeting 1st, Monday eaph month. By order- W. C. T. Common Council. Regular meetings first ani thjrd Tuesday evenings of each monh. at 7 o'clock C3 Persons desiring tq havo makers acted upon by tho Council, at nay regular moeting must present tho same to. tho Auditor and: Clerk oi or boforo tho Friday evening prior to tho Tuesday on whjph tho Councilholds its regular meetings. R, II.. CARD Y ELL. Auditor ancLCler!?. Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly meeting wiJLbo hold at tho hall, of tho Company, on ti.o sccondTuosday of each month, at 7 o'qlpsk p.m. "Members aro oxpocted to attend, prom, ptly, if not tho usual Gno3 wLT be imposed against them, unless legal, oxcuso is, offered. By opder of tho Company, A. VAN DUSEN, President. F. A.Fisjikr. Secrotaip(. BAvIQKG AND, INSURANCE.. T CASE,. ASTORIA, OREGON. BROKER AND BANKER. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN COIN OR ciuv rency subject to check at sight. B3"Sight checks issuecion Portlaml, av,aila ble in any part of Oregon and "Wushlngto'n territory. JTB-Sight checks issued on San Francisco, available in any part of the State of Cali fornia. iKTSight clu?cks issued- on New York city, available in any part of-the Eastern States. " c3Approved bills discounted. Loans made, on available security. Collections luaie. promptly. 67,000,000 GAPiTAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD. CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SO7.O00.O00. A. VAX DCSKX. Auent. lie Mutual Iran Co., QF CALIFORNIA, J. 1". Houghton.. rresiden. Chas. Ii. Storv Secretary Hamilton JJoyd, ( Gko. L. Stoky. j ' Agents for Oregon Ofi-'ICK Northeast corner of Stark and Fint streets, Poutland, Oukgon. Net Cish received for Tire Prem- imiK in 1S77 ssr.5.511 ot Assets. Jan. 1, 187S - $o78,0C3 &5 Liabilities Losses -.npaid S-i.rctR 7 Pividends ljx&I 00 njffi .f7 Surplus for Pronp.ny Holder? Sf72.l70 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six years..?lll.riiR 7H I, IV. C ISE. Awnt, 3-2fltf Astoria. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. "VTOTK E. Notice is hereby given that the 1 nsirtiiprsliiii lii'ntnfnriivistiiir liotwcnii Kie Clr.uiir, Kie T.mi. !angToeand Lim Sam. under the firm name and style of (Juang1. iiic tyti.. Ktuiiiiiurwt:i. Mfina. i.s tins (i;i dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by Lung Wing Co., who v. Ill pay all debts e: the late firm. ir n: Wing Co., Lung Wing Co., Vvsn La:'. Duck Fong. Astoria. Ore-ion, Jan. 1. 1ST!1. j5-2'v THE rXnEKSUlNEI). WELL KNOWN to the Columbia liver canuervmen, wishes to say that he is now prepared to deliver promptly, to order within 1 i days, charcoals of the best ;uaHiv in quantities' from .:H) to 2),0'!0 bushels at the lowest living rotes, to anv jmint on the river between Kaiuierand Astoria. PETER JOHN. tj-17 Cathlamet. W. T. Oregon Brass Works. D st. bet. Front & First - - ronir-ANn, Og tf-Prass Castings of every description made to order. Cocks and valves of all kinds made and repaired. HSrStcam Whistles. Oil C.lohcs. Hydraulic Pipes and Nozzles, and babbitt metal. oaTarticu'ar attention imirt to all kinds of Shin Work." Csish naid for old Brass, Copper, Leuil and Zinc. D. AI. MOOliE, Supt. J MISCELA2EOTrS. I0ST EXTENSIVE First-class Stock, CXS BE FOUND AT . S, LAKSEN 'S j Gorneof CASS and Squemoqha Streets, ASTORIA, Jo,REGON. g Xejr Invoices' Wi i w r )HTi womi HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock , consisting of a. splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles AND m lUfflSHM G00BS, Hats, Gaps, Boots an4 Shoes, Queenvyare, Jewelry, Etc., Etc IVe respectfully invite the public to call ami inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of fine, CIGARS v TOBACGO "vhich we are offering at Saa Francisco wholesale prices. Very repectfully A. VA DUSEN & Qo.f Cor Cass &, Jefferson sts.. - Astoria. Og If You Want to Select a Suit o G.JLsUBLXlSr From the very best stock In the atyTcaUFo? r- A.VAN-DUSEN&Co.'s. VAN DHSEN & CO., have a sPLijiNmp stok; op Consisting of a great variety of goods fiorw both ladies and gentlemen. VAN DUSEN & Co., Are Agents in Astoria for the SINGER and. the WHITE SEWWG MACHINES,. Larjc stopk constantly on hand. rpo WHOM XT JLAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that all persona are forbid tresspassing upon, ot in any way occupying :uiv portion yx the land or'beach surrounding TOX(iU POINT, or upon anv part of the JlemyMarlin land claim in Clat sop county. State of Oregon, without permis sion iom the undersigned ; and also irnm setting out fires upon said claim, whereby tlieC standing timber may in anv wav be injiued. VAN DUStfX & IHIOAVX. PerA.VANDusKN. Astoria. Oct. 5. 1S77. tf A, L. Bancroft & Co.,, SAX FHAXCISCO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DOING ATJ. kinds fine printing, such as SALMON LABELS. FRUIT LABELS, ETC.. And Engraving and Printing by LITIIOCRAFIIY. Anvthing to order will be received by SV. H. Pancroft, room 10 Occident Hotel, or after he leaves by 1). C. Ireland, Astorian. offlce. 70-tf Hardwood Lumber. fl A if ARM HlfWfiRY UHij riUUj IilUlVUllIj a- WHITEWOOD LUMBER, CarrittSS 55 f apn Material A SPECIALTY. Orders for lumber for boat or ship work promptly attended to. Address all orders E. I KORTHRUP a GO., Cor. l'iret and Main streets, Portland. Ogu. W. E- DEMENT. sG f DRUGGIST, g ASTOIIIA. - OJSEGOX. Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. KS" Manufacturer of Fishermen's Kelief. A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, and euro for Fish Wounds. " ' r.-- - ..... . u & j?C-"-- m -.. t JTv a JiM i r- v "" . ' JMHfc' H - I r - flM V