J SEa m gto giXjj gtoimx, ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted', R. C. IRELAND : : It'B LISIIER. J dorian Building Caus Street. Torms of Subscription : Mrrnrt bv Carrier, nor trook .25 Cents "Sent by mail, four months.. S3 00 a 00 "Stint ly mail, cno year. free of Postage to Subscribers. trsr A di'crttsomQr.ts insert! by tlioyear at "ftho rate of Si 50 per square ier month. Transient advertising, by the day or ivook, fifty cents per square for each i:aertion. THE CITY. Z3Tlic Daily astokian viU he sent by ' uutil at T." cents a month, free of iostagc. Read ? 7rw contemplate absence frm the citv can hai-'' The AzTOiixxs'folloH' them. Datlv w Wbkkly editions toanntff-t-ocewitlv-ottt additional expense. AtUlrcsacs man he cnanutd as often as desired. Leare orders at ' t?i countiim room. The Astoria "brass band now prac tice daily. Pilot Grockeris off cnty, and is "confined to his house with sickness. The rains descended somewhere in the vicinity of barrels-full to the minute last night, about G o'clock r. m. yes terday. - About six hundred thousand tons of coal have been -shaped to San Francisco during the past year. How much will be shipped from Astoria ten years front 'no? Capt. J. 11. D. Gray, agent of the Jlwaco Steam Navigation com pany at Astoria, leaves the city this morning on a business trip to Oyster rille, the head office of the company. A large number of military gen tlemen were in the city yesterday, from the Forts. We acknowledge pleasant calls from Capt. Swedenborge, iM.ijor Throckmorton, and Lieut. Everett. Sir. Duncan of upper Astoria has kindly -volunteered to deliver the Dai ly Astorian to the upper Astoria post office during the interruption to mail transportation in consequence of " the ice gorge -above -Kalama and below Portland. Itev. J. T. Wolfe will preach in the Congregational church of this c4i3T January 12th, morning and evening. Morning subject, " Co-partnership with God." Evening subject. "Were the former days better than these days." Mr. "Worsley will give another of those delightful soirees at his hall on this (Saturday) evening. For three or four hours splended enjoyment, wc have never seen them equaled. Ben being full of fun himself knowsVlunv to make the time pass pleasently for nil. A special meeting of the cit council was convened yesterday to take into consideration, and investi- j boats of all kinds, worth nearly $10,-g-tfte, certain charges and specifications j 000 were employed, using nearly $50, n account of alleged idiosyncrasies of 000 worth of nets, and giving employ- members of the city government. Wc shall be able to present a report of the investigation in a short time. -The Wallamet river is clear of ice at Portland, but our dispatches inform us that no boat will be dispatched fori --vsiuna, ior some; uiiya tu uoiue, in J ' r r J-. 4 : consequence 01 Lae iuu j"5 Jlt L" I mouth of the Wallamet, wi'crc it is so mioi m-v f.liot- if ic flimicrlit. it, v.m!1 fjiko 1, , . , -, ,. , two or three davs to clear rlselt -vrhen it doe-; breik loose it goes orcak loose. Capt. J. J. Gilbert's coast survey !?arty has disbanded. 1 he assistant coast surveyors, ot wnicn uapt. UU- bfirt is a member, from all over the L i.j a. o.: c ... tr ..... ftmiv s.t irn urn Kr'ori 1.11 ihi-'mi. hi .31 ti it rn cisco this winter, at which time tit is 1 avnno fiA wvL- fnr nrvf c..oert,J season will be rdinned and laid out each oneT win oe piannea anu iaia out, eacn one receiving his respective lield of open tions. -Uapt. James Strang nas a brother -r- . , i visitinsr him at Astoria from Siontana. . . 31s came in a passenger by the Ore gon, and both expected to proceed up the river by the steamship, but vei-e left behind as the steamer went ofi so any mimW of slcGpinfT rooms in the quietly that none knew the time ofj.cWy Dy mcans of electpic wirus and 3ier departure until aftoi- she had left j one man can alarm the whole cit', and tfse city. It is about as pleasant to I inform each sleeper of the exact locali reniain at -Astoria, however,, is at j ty at which a burglary is 'being- coni- -sllvalama. Installation of Officers. The elective and appointed officers of Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. O. 0. F., were installed by Deputy Grand Mas ter I. W. Case, assisted "by Messrs. J. a. Megler, J. Q. A. Bowlby, J. H. D. Gray, -and A. J. Mcgler, as ap pointed officers of the Grand lodge, at Odd Fellows hall in this city on Thursday night as follews: Jas. W. Welch N. G,; A. M. Twombly V. G. ; E. D. Curtis R. S. ; C. H. Bain T.; D. C. Ireland -and W. H. Barker N. G. Ss.; J. W. Babbage and E. M. Hall V. G. Ss,; John Fox W. ; W. H. Twilight C. : C. Gilbert and "Win. Bock Gs. Louis Wilson holds over as P. S. Besides the usual business of the annual meeting, degrees were confer red at the meetingvpon several candi dates aggregating fourteen degrees in all. which prolonged the session until the snuvll Hnrs of morning. Mr. I. W. Cas who has filled various offices in the lodge for seven consecutive years, begged for an Odd Fellow's rest for the ensuing term, which was reluctantly granted to him. He has been one of the main stays of the fra- i ternity here, and there is not a mem ber from the oldest to the yoimgesc, but looks to him for counsel. The lodnj starts out under favorable aus pices in the present year, and we hope to live long to record its future success. Another Disaster Irobally. The British snip Allegiance came in yesterday in a gale of wind, -bar breaking badly and anchored in a pre carious place," without a iilot. Three bar tugs and the United States reve nue cutter Thomas Corwin, which was tying in linkers bay, went to her as sistance. Just how such an accident could occur it is impossible for us to divine. If the master had ever been here before he certainlyehould know f that he was getting into a bad place, and 'if he had never been here before should not have attempted to come in without a pilot. We are without any particulars. Jelayei 3Iiiil.s. Why the interruption of navigation below Portland, and above Ivalama, should interfere with carrying the niailsto points along the river where uui;ii; cut; izu iiituiiutiuiit 10 cv uucs- tion which we are trying to get through our wool. Would "die Brit ish mail be delayed between Phila delphia or New York and Liverpool, if the Suez canal was closed by ice? T I. f.f l,aA lilt AVWIt-lrtM r. 111AP In other words -what right has the i postmaster at San Francisco to send mails overland to New York, while the Columbia river is closed near St. Helens? Correspondence upon this subject is solicited. Frazor River Salmon. Capt. Pittendrich, fishery overseer, h;is furnished the following statistics with reference k the various fisheries on Eraser river, for the season just b: ought to a close. He says that 225 ment to close upon 2,500 men. As a , rslt wc have 5,000 and odd barrels of salted, and over 5,000,000 lbs of ., canned fish, and also 1,500 gallons of s herring oil, valued at 50 cents a gallon. The increM0ll development of important resource of the province 1 : ftT,...j e- 4.1 . .f - cannon tail to be gratifjing. I Week of Prayer. . j The members and friends of the i -. . . 11sregtional, Methodist, liaptist 1 , tie w'oek of nraver bv .a series of j union meetings to be held as follews: Saturday Jan. 11th. at the Comrre- national chmvb s:.iU;... it. ...... ..iwt f..r..;., - iJ xl' ' iwivi auui-'ii 111 vu itic mki tmii nniiviii'. stXlom of the world." The services on Subbath'Jan. 5th J. fJTllI .XT) IVfl, -n.ill 1 ,...-l..iW 1.. t . . .V i i T ' llL ua u.i.u. uj Liie chnrchi n nn.il c.,.vfK- I -v. luiliuj UVI141.U1J. A cordinl ,nvUtwm ;c irinA f -1L ''Ogive thank, unto the Lord; 1 J1 I II TUMI Ills --.. .w ... ..... I. I.......... I.. r !.T -, ' ilti,11K ""l "u "ia 'fliViViVIO among the people." -. man by the name of Nathan ! has :erfeotcd a bunrlar alarm in Louis- jlICj wWch be connected Avith Jjnitted. Shipping Intelligence. We are indebted to the secretary of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce, for various items, correcting our list of vessels on the way, etc The Bothwell Castle has arrived at Victoria, and probably ere this has departed to Australia on the outward voyage, -and will no t come h ere. That name;s dropped from our list. As "nothing definite can be ascer- 'tained concerning the Carranjah, that name is also dropped out. The Ethel has arrived, and is proba bly loading at Victoria, though the press of that city are about as indiffer ent to ship news as the press of Port land. The delay of the Johannes is proba bly explained 03 saying that she is coming via Java. And the Olive Branch comes ria Penang and Singapore. The "Santiago sailed for Victoria, thence to Santa Crnz -with coal, and has -cmce gone to San Francisco. The Herman, en route from Callao, is a Costa Rican ship. She comes to load with lumber. There may be other vessels on the way to this port which do not appear in the list. We have famished such in formation in this particular as we have been able to obtain. Standing Committees. Following is a list of the standing committees of the common council for the ensuing year: Ways and Means. Gray, McGuirc, Shively. Health and Police. McGuirc, McCann, Halm. Streets ami Public Ways. Halm, McCann, Gray. Fire and Water. Nowlen, McCann, Halm. Public Property. McCann, Shively, 3IcGuirc. Bides and Jtrgidations. Shively, Gray, Nowlen. Wharves and Wat&' Frontage. McGnire, Halm, Gray. Mr. Thomas Crellin, brother of Mr. John CreTlin, long known un der the firm name oi T. & J. Crellin, Oysterville, yesterday arrived at As toria, en route to his home in Califor nia. Pacific county will miss Messrs. Crellin when they have finally given uj all active business pursuits m that section of Washington territory. Knights of Pythias in Astoria are moving in the matter of supplying themselves with full suits appropiate to their rank. Wherever this order has appeared in public processions it receives high compliments. The mem- bership of Astor Lodge No. G includes many men who would add gallantly to the line, in a turn out upon any public occasion, in the uniform of Sir Knishts. AROUND THE CITY. Call at Mrs. Derby's when you wish any article in the millinery line. Trimmed hats selling at cost. You can get fresh oysters in every 'style at the Walla Walla restaurant. Call and see stereoscopic view-of Casi-aiU canal, and photographic copy sf 1878 chart of the Columbia river bar. nt II. S. Shuster's art gallery. Photog raphy is truly a science. ...Fresh fruits and vegetables a Dailev'n. .Uetvour uasKcis mica xur u mur . 1 t-l 1-11-J C .. t.4ll I Moneynt Bailey's. Fresh ovsters m every style at jSchmeers See advertisement. .Mew invoice of those IMedallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's KJC.I Fre-h oysters m every stylo and " hat all hours aUhe Pioneer restaurant. . , . . j Shipmasters wishing to secure seamen can have -their wants supplied by calling at the "Chicago house, Main kjtreet. ... Wood of all kinds, and a splendid lt of pitch wood, at (.ray. Stnle in lots lo suit imrchaser: at (Iray s wharf, for s. J , , ,r . , f . j p j Goodman, on Main street, nas iiit ive.eivfd the attt and most lasli lonable style of gent ana lames oootii. Miocs. etc irnkliVil or lUiiurnWiwl looms m be Lodging llorK Persons requiring ittciriiiiiiui(1teil :.t Teas-enable rites at tfr . Miins(ins fHicnam us sU" Astoria. 1 -' ..- ---- Peter Kunev Is still in the market Kv.Vb nil kinds of 'building materials in K II . 111! !-his line. Has just reeeived. 100,000 lath. " ' -. ". V , , 1 .! .,.1. injuw bushels ot sanci, iir.uu v.oe mui-k L.r r.,...f ,n.i!h- of hr ek at his warehouse I'l llliUlIIUI.J v.. - I'foot of JJentoii treet. i-;.;. J 1 SrS! . - 1 - v..n - . ------- . .- - ,. . .utti , faction to all ordering woriv or mm. anu ; will do a better job for less money than any outMile workman, ins wonc m me cemetery heresliouh be sufficient l-ecom nicndntion. Hert you let your- con tracts for work of this kind it would be well to call upon Mr Stewart. Mr Peter Wilhelm has perma nentlv fitted up a shipmaster's reading TOonTin connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and homeward and outward bound sliip ?mr iif nre kent on file. .Telegraph iomce ui.tne same uunuiuj,. '"' V.; . ...XIAX-nr, V- Sr I. W. CASE, MERCHANDISE. BQDB i-V-MELt A- FULL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ALSO- - Christmas and .New Year GrOCXS IN -ENDLESS VARIETY. -AND A Splendid Assortment ol Kip GLOVES. Ml Line oi t Met Cutlery Toilet Sets, .ETC., ETC., ETC. ' "O- ff, Has now to offer to the people of Astoria and vicinity the finest display of USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS FOR .THE HOLIDAYS AND- f Every Other 'Day "in the 'Year Yet shown to the Citizens Clatsop County. of JUST RECEIVED. A splendid assortment of I jiutcrjmig's-India Steel and Electric -AXI IVORY HANDLED PLATED KNIVES AND FORKS- riiese are the Quest goods manufactured. We Defy Competition, TA No. 1 Cedar Shingles on hand, for sale in Iota to suit purchasers. I. "W. CASE, rCorner Chenamus and Cass Streets, ASTOKLA. OREGON. afiAcraus c. cro'Sby. peau:u IS lStves' Tiwa'e- a"d House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Joods. ILead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings; Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. COAL LAND FOR SALE. (C ACRES of iron and coal lands for JLUly sale, situated near Columbia city, Oregon. Price jSOOO cash down. Por particulars inquire at I7tt, The asxobias- othee. i AUCTION" SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State ofVregon,- Real EMatCvlgent and Conveyancer. Agent for the JBTREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGENT and AUCTIONEER. Rents and Accounts iCoIIcctcd, ndre turns promptly xuadc Regular sales day, SATURDAYS nt IVItt. N. P. Parties having real estate, lurni ture or any other goods to dispose of cither at auction or private sale should notify me as soon as convenient before the day of sale. No storage charged on goods sold" at Auc tion. t C. HOLDEN. td Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. Dancing , Icademy. Page's building next door to E.S. Larsen. Ghnts Class On Monday and Thursday evenings, at'7 :tfO. Ladiks Class On Monday and Thursday afternoons, at 2 :X0. Roys Class On Tuesday and Fridav evenings, at 7 :30. Missus Class "Wednesdav and Saturday at 1 p. 3i. Wednesday evening for the entire school. None-admitted except scholars. Saturday evennig- SOIREE. Thrms Ladies and gents Class per Month $r 00 Boys and Misses class per Month 2 50 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. TUIIVO IIOITSE. TURPIN - - - PliOrRIETQR. D. L MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria. Oregon. Board and lodcinc per week ?G so Board per dav....T. loo Single Meal . . 25 Tnc- tahle will he supplied at all times with the bcstthe market dtroids pARICER HOUSE, ASTOBTA, OREGON, n. B. PAKKER, - Proprietor. TIT1S HOTEL is the largest. mo$f comfort able and het kept hotel in the citj. Is supplied with the bet of spring water, hot and culd baths, barbershop, and afirst-cln&i saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and line billiard table. Free coach to and horn the hoiue ; eh::rges resisonable, SI W) to $2.59 perbav. according to looin'tfccupica. Astoria, July 15. -1878. QCC1DENT HOTEL, A. J. MEGLEK, C S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. -Astoria, Oreron. The Pronriotor? are happy to announce the, the above llotol has been REPAINTED AND TvEFURNISHBD Adding1 Greatly to tho conifort of its-Rueaia AND ' IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NOKTTO OF SAN FRANCISCO. M ES. S. K. AEEIGOKI f Has re-opened .the Pioneer Restaurant on 'iMain street, Astoria, T7iOR THE RECEPTION OF BOARDERS, JL by the week, day or single- meals. rtaFresh oysters in every style at all hours. PALACE LODGING HOUSE. ( Alisky & Hegelc's new building) Corner of Morrison and Third streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, t3?Furnishcd rooms in suits, or single; ir3' tiie day, week or month. Miss 31. MENP.FEE. Lessee. Puget Sound Clams, AND Puget Sound Oysters, The BEST TjOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT J.T THE X1 Walla Walla Restaurant. tssC:ultiiid give thei-e fish a-fairtnnl. Tirro. liltOEISER. Prop. JUST REGEIVE0. FOILED C11)EK; PLUM. PUDDLNG, IN CANS; CODFISH 15ALLS, IN CANS; POKK AND BEANS, IN CANS; EASTEHN CRANBEPJILES; ZANTE CUllBANT; FRESH C1TKON; OKANGES AND LIMES, tho finest over bought in the mnrfcot; CRYSTAL DRIPS, GALLON CANS, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. PICKLED HERRING IN IvEGS. JUMBLES, ETC., ETC. MUSCATED RAISINS. 2-fi. TACK-, AGES, VERY FINE; PIGS FEET, 1-lb AND 2-lh TINS; CHICKENS AND TUPvKEYS, If; TINS; EASTERN AND OREGON HAMS, tioft quality. A No, a finu Hrtrtraontof BREAKFAST BACON A'Kll OTHER; MEATS. AT rpilK I DEPtSIOoSED ITEREP.Y CAL J. turns c eryhody and sive& notice tluit he will not he lvsMonsible for any debts con tracted by any other nerun thaii himself, fur tvr on his account, without his written order, after this date Abo that all moneys due the undersigned on current account. must be .settled and paid J within ten davs. otherwise they will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection. H. B. PARKER. Astoria, Oregon, Jan..i,lS78, JL2K' -X I V V