P) mxz &iffi Xsxxmx. 'ASTORIA OREGON ISSITED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Escontod), TJ. C. IRELAND t : rUBMSMER. Adurian Building, Cat Sh'eet. I arms of Subscription : ervodTjy Carrier, per week 35 Gents Sent by mail, four month? - .....SS 00 SLnt by until, cno year - U OU free of Postage to Suliscribors. 5I" A dFortisemcnts inserted bvthoyoar at tfcc rale f $1 50 per square per month. Tnmsiont advorti?insr, by the day or wook, fty oonts ner square for encli inwwtioa. THE CITY. SST-Tfce Daily astokiak uU Ite tent by intil at", rente a month, tree of portage. Hoad ijTn ivtoo ctmtcmpiatcal.'-um from Utc cU can havc'Tnn AstokiAs fulbw them. Daily srr Wkkkly editions lutwtfiXMst-ofiecioiUi-vt additional cxpawe. Addrceta may 1m "cfuH)ed fw often a.s derived. Leave ordcra at the otuniiiip room. The Barracunta arrived at Liror jHol on the l0tli. Throe inches of snow fell in Porfc lnnd on Friday Lust. The Herbert Black arrived at Honolulu on the 27th. of November. The""i5ark Edward Garnet isailed from Honolulu for San Francisco on ihe uth ult. The weather at Astoria was of the usuni winter mildness yesterdnjr, and the ever avelcomcTain has 'taken the 2laceof the beautiful snow and not a irowl vis to be heard in all thi fair ty. Private dispatches yesterday in- iwci us that the weather has inodora- ' td considerably in Portland. It was snowing there, and all lon$ the line, from Kalama up to 11 a. m. Steamship passengers wl aro leather-bound at Astoria and have taken up their abode at the Occident nre unstinted in their praise of this popular hotel, which is really the best kept house north of San Ernn oisco. Messrs J. G. Mcglcr & Go's., ;stoamer "Edith nra'&e the"trip-to-Bropk Afield and return'-succcssfully yesterday. Mr. Metier was thus released from kis isolation, arid is in the city enjoy- 'Ing the news. The Edith went Tip as i far as Bay View. I --- The steamship Oregon remained sit her berth at the Oregon Steam Nav- igation company's dock in this city all day yesterday. Commodore Con nor thinks lie will make a success of Itis next effort to reach Portland. We sincerely hope that he may not be disappointed. A man&y the name of Haywood, a passenger on the Oregon, was taken into custodj yesterday ljy Chief Barry on a warrant by telegraph from San Francisco, charged with robbery. Haj' wood's story is to the effect that it is . a trumped-up charge, for the purpose "! of separating him from his wife and! children, who are here with Mm. He J has been leading a somewhat crooked life, keeping a saloon in a stTle beneath ..his tato, and had Wme estmeged from his family, but witi. a detennina- firm to rln hpffpr rarae to )IWmn in t,on to do outer, .ime to Uiegon. lo resume the status of a man, duly to be confronted with new trouble. "Week of Prayer. T , Tlie members and friends of the v -f Congregational, Methodist, Baptist ;md Presbyterian chnrches will observe , . . . the week of prayer by aperies of union meetings to-be held as fallews: Thursday Jan. 9th, at tlie Baptist church. Subject, "Prayer for nations; rulers and -joople; for peace and religion; liberty on the earth." . Friday Jan. 10th, at the hall of the 1 u l)!l.v for his local paper, alwavs man resbyterian church. Subject, the I a; U) lx )iro" ime to read it at the Wici.. J,' nA HMifieofafrjeiMliiotworth .the tenth Pr lress; publishers: editors, and authors; the cause bf tempei-ance and j their social reforme. Saturday Jan. 134h. at the Congre gational church. Subject, 4tlio:ne - said foreign missions and the conver sations of the world."" The services on Sabbath Jan. -5th mid Jan. 12th 2th, will be conducted by . is niil npnir'itolv es as usual, separately. the church A cordial invitation is extended to all. "Ogive thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; -make knownhis deads among-the people." Printing "by Steam. In conscqnence of the freeze-up, navigation closed before ive received the belting, and one piece df ma chinery necessary to -start the steam engine in The Astgkia office, but thanhs to the timely assistaince render ed us by Mr. John Fox, chief engineer on the bar tugs, end Mr. G. AV. Hay mow!, of G. W. Hume's works, the engine is now in full and complete running order, aiul printiivj by steam was thoroughly inaugurated yesterday, ;Uid the engine is pronounced a per- -feet-success, xne seconci trial vii ue -made to-day. Disreputable Susiness. Kentucky is one of the few states in tin union which legalizes lotter ies. But Kentuck3r cloes worse than this. She appoints her own state officers to conduct, the lotter ies, and appropriates her share of the proceeds towards the building up of a stale library. There have been live of these lottery drawings in Kentucky, from which the gross sum of SG,25G,000 was realized. Of this amount there was awarded to the holders of prize tickets, 3,1 -12.000. The librarv was riven 4M.')i)f 32, and the remainder, $-,GS:U03 6S, stuck to the fingers of the lottery managers. Thus, it will lo seen., the library fared worst of all. This sum of"S24,30G 32, so comparatively small, is but a jwor recompense to Kentucky for Icndiu'r Ikt name to such a disrep utable business. FatiovBoSmct's Gold Mountain. "We are glad "says the Black-bills Times, that that famous mountain of gold, the existence of which is said to have been known to Father DeSmet, has been found, even if it is in the mind of the editor of the Bismarck Tribune. It lias been discovered till the same, and we are glad of it. Wit ness the following item from the last issue of that paper: Father DtSmet's famous mountain of gKl seems to have been discovered at last. At any rate quartz has been found in the llockville district which yields 2 50 to the pound 5,000 to the ton, and there are immense quan tities of it in sight, and there is a story afloat that a "solid body of gold has been found weighing several tons. This mythical mountain of gold has allured many a credulous tenderfoot td roam the hills and gulches' in quest of it, but now they can quit their weary pilgrimages, cry Eureka, and take a rest. A new poet is coming to the front at the cast: He threatens to rival the Sweet Singer of Michigan: Here is a specimen chunk cut from his latest idyl: She leaned upon the fence. And then she hove a sv. And for V:s footsteps down .She waited patiently. the lain And presently lie came to view, And the' she yelled a yell A hcveiily howl of joy she howled. And her bosom swelled a swell. The fine, bracing weather of the paat week ought not to be called cold. 'Pl. : ..i. ze . r lt. , " " u,iJ UiUjl' " ou "" Wllal ,d WOBthcr is' What vi: Liki:. To hear a man in to burrow his neighbors paper. And the ....;.,i,i,.... i ' -i. i .i. j "33 ";Zh7m. ymf'my ttll brush : tohae a party imagine that .- "" l ",,ll "uine.s.N wuiiuut au- vertisiiijj Jts he can with it: to look at I m- -au do as much husiness without atl- the blank :isimi;liniont. Hint, selfle-; down on thai man's face when, after Lti!iSH liinutl:. he luif k 1li.it it rinnnr be daue T ........ . . , -. uisee a nan reiu.eioiaKe ins rand allthetimespongeonhis mil Z ilT-J " ,USe f ,l!f :i l- 1Car iSl "f wi!ar wliwi we k Jnm to sul- lMMbofor "Jhoniepaper, that he takes j more pajK-rs now than he can read, and i J "4"cJ;!:fro,r,n(,i ami borrow his liei.uli- wn s i. loaf about liim until begets the J news from it; to see a man run down his home paper as not worth taking, and every mm and then" ue the editor for a favor in the editorial line: to see a man renist-io a(hertise in a home paper, ?i " ViUM1 iv- aml "l't a share of tnuIc that the naner is indi:iiineiil:il in brinir- I nig to his doer: to see a man who is able i III l!l" fr. l.t.I . 1 . part of what he himself is. it looks so econonm-ai, thriftv. and progressive, you know. ili nj,. 'doing a good enough business without advertising." Xo doubt you are doing well enough for vour pres ent needs, but-do von l'org?t the panics, iu e.ciung elections, the times of war or Ptilenep. or any of those many I caust? wind ereate'dull terms of busi liess ? TJ niiafnfi fnr nnH Tll(SP lntKf- lwonlfMilnfPfl fnr unt discounted if you would bridge, them over. One must make more than he needs, to make -a fortune, and advertis ing is apomirful auxiliary -in -monev- - tvii. t u . Dr. Mary "Walker comes to the front with the latest "true ver sion" of the Charley Ross story. She says that when he disappeared She hastened to his parents, and gave them mot only condolence,, but also money, and her personal efforts to fathom the mystery. She stumbled across a'bit of informa tion which led1 her "to bcHieve that all was not rirht, and she finally discovered fnat Charley's father had put the little boy out to board' with a famijy who weredn the cori spiracy. She says she did not ex pose the fraud, because It took lior many months to find out where the boy was kept. She claims that Ross has made a large sum of money out of the sympathies of the public, and that he has offered to pay her handsomely if she would keep her knowledge to herself. The boy would have been discov ered long ago, and, indeed, arrange ments were once made to have the child found in St. Albans, Ver mont, but it was known that she would expose the farce, and so lie lias been kept secluded. She says that within three weeks slie has seen and spoken with the child, and that she is acquainted with his entire history since "the sup posed abduction. She will publish a book in two or three weeks con taining the complete story of what she calls the greatest hoax -ever perpetrated upon the American people. A good many people have given considerable credence to Dr, Marys story, while "others think it is a shrewd device for raising the wind in a forthcoming -literary effort. A passenger on the Oregon, name unknown, to our informant, left the steamer yesterday in quest of fresh milk for one of his children", and is still missing. His wife is very anxious about him. He was dressed in a gray suit, about 5 feet 11 inches of stature, thin face and lijdit whiskers. AROUND THE CITY. Call and see stereoscopic view of Cascade canal, and photographic copy of 1878 chare of the Columbia river bar, atH. S. Sinister s art gallery. Photog raphy is truly a science. Fresh fruits and vegetables a Bailey's. Get vour baskets filled for a little money at BailejTls. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeera . See advertisement. Xew invoice ot those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant. Shipmasters wishing to secure seamen can have their wants supplied by -catting at the Chicago house, Main street. Wood of all kinds, and a splendid lot of piUdi wood, at Cray's vharf, for sale in lots lo suit purchasers. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash Honnblc st vie of gent and ladies boots. hocs, etc. Lodging Hotse Persons requiring furnished or unfurnished rooms can be accommodated at reasonable rdes -.it Mrs.Munson"s Chcnamus st., Astoria. Peter Iluney Is still in the mar-ket with all kinds of 'building materials in his line, lias just received IGCOOtMath, 2,00u bushels of sand, and a large tock of tirst duality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. Mr. .1. Stewart, stone and marble ruitor of Astoria will guarantee satis- . lxeTlOU 10 an orueinm "ih.m xiim. iiuu xs do a better job for les monev than faction to an oruerinuvorK 01 mm. ami I i. rmfciil.i-wnririnjM. His wnrk in the ; - cemeterv here should besulncientrecoin i.i..n.lii;nn llffore vor. lei vonr eon- IHV IIUHH'MM .- - " - " , m. - rtracts for worK or inis kuiu u wouui ne J well to call upon 3ir. Stewart I -The latest and handsomest st vie - , of ewctrA'-, ana nicKi.ncKs or rare ana i - unique design, .' cf Mrs. 3L H. S ,, ,r TJ Mrs. 31. ii. at uie jiee-nive store Steers. Mrs. M. H. Steers lias her new tocknow open for inspection by pur chasers. Dolls of all sizes, and all colors, at prices beyond competition, "4 hey Tire so cheap. Alse: Wall-pock ets, slipper cases, wan-sneives, elul dron's rocking clisrs, picture 'frames, x:tc, cheaper than ever. Great care has been taken by the ipurchaser of the stock just opened at ihe Bee hive, to suit the tastes of the people, isew music, new books, etc., -etc., in fact, you should go and see khe nice things in order to-know what Mrs. Steers h:is for you, and how cheao they may bo-bought. Hr. Peter "Wrlhel melius perma nent! v fitted up a shipmaster's reading Toom in connection witn sue ueni saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and home-ward and outwntd bound ship ping lists are kept cm -file. Telegraph office mtosanw building.. I. TV. CASE, MERCHANDISE. 8MB 8 CHEAPER A FULL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ALSO- - Christmas and New Year Gi-OOOS IN ENDLESS TAPJETr. AND A Splendid Assortment of KID GLOVES. Fill Line of Gents Hals aiiil MisMfli Mel Cillery IUUUft m, let Sets, .1 ETC., ETC., ETC. I. W. 'CASE Has now to offer to the people of Astoria and vicinity the finest display of USEFUL AND FAHCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AND- E very ; Other Bay In the Year Tet shown to the Citizens of Clatsop County. JUST RECEIVED. A splendid assortment of I.auterjung's In dia Steel and Klecmc -r-yu IVORY ILVNDLEI) PLATKP KKIVES A!TO FORKS. PThese are the finest goods mauufactured. We Defy Competition. "A 7o.l Cedar Shingles; on hand, for sale in lots to suit purchasers. I. -"W. CASE, JCorner Chenamus and Cass Streets. ASTOBIA. OllEGOX. NIAGKUS C. CROSBY- Stoves, Tinware, and Kouss Furnishing Ccocis. Hardware, Brass Goods, .Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, .Iron, Copper Brass, and Zinc. CGAL LAG-FORSAt.E. ; t-t s ACHES of iron and ?oal ladtts for iXOU s:ile. situated near Columbia -city, Oregon. Trice 9M) c:ish down. For particulars inquire at . 17-tt Tins ASTa:a.v- office. M AUCTION SALES. ip C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State -of Vregoii. Real Estate Ajxent nnd'Conveyancer. Agent for the FIRECEX'STUNT) INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGENT and AUCTIONEER. Rents and Accounts -Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales day, SAT UK WAYS nt S P. Ttt- X.'Ti. Parties having real estate, iurm ture or any other goods to dispose of either at auction'or private sale should notify me as soon as convenient before the day of tale. No storage charged on goods sold at Auc tion. L CHOLDEX. td Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. Dancing .& Academy. Page's building ni'Xt door to E. S. Larsen. Gents Clas On Monday and Thursday evenings. -at -7 :!). Laoiks Class On Monday and Thursday afternoons, at 2 :30. r.ovs Class On Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 7 :30. Missks Class Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p. m. Wednesday evening for the entire school. None admitted except scholars. Saturday evenins SOIREE. Terms Ladies and gents class per Month if, oo Roys and Misses class per Month 2 oe iMT.l- HOTELS AND TvESTAURANTS. TURPI JT 5IOVSE. B. L. TURPIN - - - Profrietok, MAIN STREET. Retween Sfiuemocqhe ad Jefferson, Astoria, Orkgo Roard and lodginir ier week... Roard per day I Single Meal . 36 5 i m nr Tne table will be supplied at all times with the beat the market atTorus. pAKKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, II. T. PARKEK, ----- Proprietor. THIS IIOTKf, is the largest, most comfort able and best Kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot and cold baths, barber shop, and a tirst-class saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and fine billiard table. Free coach to and from the house ; charges reasonable, SI GO to 52 50 per day. according to room occupied. Astoria, Tuly 13T ISIS. Qeci DENT HOTEL, A. J. JIEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. The Proprietor? aro'hsippy to announce tiia the above Hotel has been REPAINTED AiSrD REFURNISHED Adding greatly to tho comfort of its jjuesttf asp I-STCOW THE BESTQ'CELNOK'PJJ OE SAN FRAPf(5(?fr MES-s- N. ARRIGONI ' II:is re-opened the Tioneer "Restaurant on iMam street, Astoria, "K10R Tlin; RKCEPTfON OF HOARDERS, JL by the week, uay or single meals. nsrFresh oysters in every style at all hours. pALACE LODGING HOUSE. ( Altsky & Ilegele's new building; Conier Of Morrison and Tliird streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. S3rFurnishcil rooms in suite, or single; bj the day, week or month. Miss II. MENEFEE. Lessee. Puget Sound Clams, AND Puget Sound Oysters, 'The BEST. rrtOR SALT? IN LOT? TO SUIT AT THE L? Walla TYalla Restaurant. esrCall and give these fish a fair trial. Thbo. RROEMSER. Prop. JOST REGE5VED. BOILED CIDER; PLILM PUDDING, IN CANS; CODFISH BALLS, IN CANS: PORK AND BEANS, IN CxVNS; EASTERN CRANBERRIES; ZANTE CURRANTS; -FRESH CITRON; ORANGES AND LIMES, the finest ever bought in tho market; CRYSTAL DRIPS. GALLON CANS NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. PICKLED HERRING IN KEGS. JUMBLES, ETC., ETC. MUSCATED RAISINS. 2-Ib PACK-. AGES, VERY FINE; PIGS FEET, 1-lb AND 2-ib TINS; CHICKEN6 AN1 TURKEYS, IN; TINS; EASTERN AND OREGON HAMS. be?t quality. Alo, a fine a?ortmentof BREAKFAST BACON -AND OTHEIfr MEATS. AT J. V. GEAKHAIIT'. iVftTICE CAUTI03. riMIE 1'NDERSHiNED HEREBY CAXV 1 tions everybody and cives notice that lie v. ill not be responsible for any debts con tracted by any other person than himself, for or on Irfs account, without his written order, after this riase Also thal:.llpioncj3 due the undersigned on current accounts must "be settled aiuVpald within ten days, otherwise they will be pu in the hands of an attorney for collection, n. 15. PARKER. . . Astorja, Oregon.-Jan. l, lSll H5?P mr V- r